wADDQ ZEX]DOMULT ZEX gnMENU VMNQ COMQM80 ZEX!QRUN ZEX$QSPECIALCOM'QTYPE ZEX/ QUEUE DQC8S@QVIEW ZEXUO@ ;; ZEX command file for adding a filename to a queue of filenames ;; in the SH.VAR file. 'QH' is a variable that points to the ;; head item in the queue, 'QT' points to the last item. The last ;; item always points to the new item. REGister 1 is used as a ;; flag to indicate whether anything is already in the queue or not. ;; A value of 0 in REG 1 indicates that the queue is empty. ;; -RDN SH IF 1;SHVAR QH $1;GO QT $1;REG S1 1;ELSE;SHVAR %QT $1;GO QT $1;FI SHEXIT ;; end of ZEX command file;; ZEX command file to process files in a queue on disk. The 'process' ;; to perform is passed to this file as the first parameter. As only ;; the names and not the extents of files are stored in the queue, ;; the second parameter passed is presumed to be an extent. As many ;; as three more parameters may be passed also; they will be unchanged. ;; Note that the presumed extent is 'stuck' directly onto the filename ;; and therefore the second parameter MUST be an appropriate extent. ;; The name and extent cannot be concatenated directly in this ZEX ;; file; to do so would require passing SH a token like '%QP$2', which ;; it would fail to recognize as a legitimate variable name. Instead ;; the concatenation is done by the alias QSPECIAL. Another slightly ;; more elegant way to do it, not requiring an additional file, would ;; be to do SETFILE 1 %QP right after the label FIRST and then ;; concatenate the references to FILE 1 and parameter number two ;; right here in the ZEX file. The problem is that I haven't found any ;; way to refer to these system files from within ZEX files; The Manual ;; is still in limbo -- perhaps it will have an answer when it appears. ;; -RDN SH SHVAR QP %QH;GO CLTAIL $2 $3 $4 $5 GOTO FIRST ;=LOOP SHVAR SWITCH SHVAR QP %%%QP %SWITCH ;=FIRST QSPECIAL $1 %QP $2 $3 $4 $5;IF %QP=%QT;GOTO END;ELSE;XIF;GOTO LOOP;FI ;=END XIF SHEXIT ;; end of ZEX command file# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use arrow keys to move pointer FILE QUEUE MANAGER Q Add file to queue R Run all files in queue V View queue T Type " " " " E Empty queue A Assemble " " " " S Specially process queued files X Exit # QZEX ADDQ $PN VZEX QVIEW EERA 0:SH.VAR;REG S1 RZEX QRUN TZEX QTYPE AZEX QM80 SZEX DOMULT "Enter process: " "Enter filetype/command line tail: " XREG S1 ;ERA 0:SH.VAR;SHCTRL P ## Z3ENV* Z3 ALIASREG S1;ERA 0:SH.VAR;VMENUºF ALIAS -- Create Alias Commands Syntax: ALIAS <-- Define New Command or ALIAS dir:cmndname <-- Redefine Old Command͎ +~=G6 Nw !@F Alias File  F Not Found!@ \E ~I$3####~*DUFʑNʥ0( (.G#!͞~ʏʃ~# iʏu~!ڏ#ÃͲ>.Ͳ#~1#ɯGx ~ #͇xA#͇y 0 0Gy0x##!~&#>$##ʏ#~ ʏ#9Ï~|hG|hxm!:>{Ovfl"ʐG~ʒ#…*^#V~;ʮʮ>;ʺ~#®6Ð*s#r~#=RE*^#V*$~#fo|**R"w~#o Y s F KKO   y  yG>GO> se O*.  OG~#ʫ;ʟ+~#ʫ;¯ëO !#y  a{_*}$.. ;; ZEX command file to assemble (with M80) a list of files kept in ;; a queue in the SH.VAR file. -RDN ;; SH SHVAR QP %QH GOTO FIRST ;=LOOP SHVAR SWITCH SHVAR QP %%%QP %SWITCH ;=FIRST M80 =%QP;IF %QP=%QT;GOTO END;ELSE;XIF;GOTO LOOP;FI ;=END XIF SHEXIT ;; end of ZEX command file;; ZEX command file to run a list of files kept in a queue in the ;; SH.VAR file. -RDN ;; SH SHVAR QP %QH GOTO FIRST ;=LOOP SHVAR SWITCH SHVAR QP %%%QP %SWITCH ;=FIRST %QP;IF %QP=%QT;GOTO END;ELSE;XIF;GOTO LOOP;FI ;=END XIF SHEXIT ;; end of ZEX command file Z3ENV* Z3 ALIAS$1 $2$3 $4 $5 $6 k/ºF ALIAS -- Create Alias Commands Syntax: ALIAS <-- Define New Command or ALIAS dir:cmndname <-- Redefine Old Command͎ +~=G6 Nw !@F Alias File  F Not Found!@ \E ~I$3####~*DUFʑNʥ0( (.G#!͞~ʏʃ~# iʏu~!ڏ#ÃͲ>.Ͳ#~1#ɯGx ~ #͇xA#͇y 0 0Gy0x##!~&#>$##ʏ#~ ʏ#9Ï~|hG|hxm!:>{Ovfl"ʐG~ʒ#…*^#V~;ʮʮ>;ʺ~#®6Ð*s#r~#=RE*^#V*$~#fo|**R"w~#o Y s F KKO   y  yG>GO> se O*.  OG~#ʫ;ʟ+~#ʫ;¯ëO !#y  a{_*}$.. ;; ZEX command file to type textfiles in a queue on disk. Note that ;; since only the names and not the extents of the files are kept in ;; the queue, it is necessary to test for a file with every extent that ;; may reasonably be expected. All of these tests are packed into a ;; single command line for two reasons: a) so that SH need not be re- ;; loaded repeatedly, and b) so that ZEX's echoing of the command lines ;; will not drive much of the last page typed off the screen before the ;; SAK prompt appears. ;; If you have selected a filename with an extent not represented below, ;; the file will not be typed. Conversely, files other than the one ;; selected may be typed if they have the same name and any one of ;; the extents below. -RDN ;; SH SHVAR QP %QH GOTO FIRST ;=LOOP SHVAR SWITCH SHVAR QP %%%QP %SWITCH ;=FIRST IF EX %QP.DOC;TYPE %QP.DOC;ELSE;IF EX %QP.MAC;TYPE %QP.MAC;ELSE;IF EX %QP.ZEX;TYPE %QP.ZEX;FI;FI;FI;SAK ANY KEY CONTINUES ^" IF %QP=%QT;GOTO END;ELSE;XIF;GOTO LOOP;FI ;=END XIF SHEXIT ;; end of ZEX command filev~,QUEUE.DOCO  !"#$%&'o()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNlo[^oOwwoo;ֵۯ"Z55L1ڶ l{jQxk/ɪ0J'B"0#ZFXBEx5σdP%,1W<a>KXJhՐQ烆U]ۛ♻?vB  9Of5O`+][$OGhJDKHiOh(j$j}\q'WC R%dA-,jmWL1ڶ k!H1$[EX|/x~k]95a i^3I>K'^oGخ" 5۶W20y<5"|RmjBK¤JIA2Q"uT\I r~Jųadc?N؜nEj%jґT Qѽ#II565656ݗ56o˹klN<\Vחs؜nw`?3-~% I搢IҮ9nolG6#]}" y:EV[:p%y rV9|[]_]cs{~tcq活~ifgZ$s{=KA!E]C&LV%dA,"EͶʓbdYBj` O-B\GHҕ?I{/޳ZJז,Q޴E`)5D >yK aeka#hBTO)7,nI%3VJc&(3YFaoZX{ 9'YG~p%(J t;XjW Zy2},Z$ ! g`YfFf[LxB@HI@m9U@`qa {Z?$߲hFIhXfE2y!0a@-k/Eൗ^pe-ҵ^z9Eyd²T"9yxtE׺^l`C*'[`ʟݗ! M%cHC&V,Y [laO/=*Zk//0Y' (08Jd ,Ae(Bغ>4:Ky ЧArԐ(-ҵ^zt8 nj'²TLV%QExr"-!1`_)JD Qs?kϰ携GAE~> !PT<3{Y-Igʬ)Z׺?h<ŮuHY R|SArP!LjZ(hصɪ|KG\d]sU(騅9]GApm& lpv4ۏݷ!ui\la[R%OFZBf,vcmԉY $&(+- v,56f!d!g-TIEG]q ̞f9klNsHɕW,Ext 6M%)UM ZF!Q`k؜&ɒJҸG fssHg-B (XmZ%,1}H:H޲D-)T•TIEhx}a*L%d!E%!JHCaE؜v t2> a%FKG+WCA-a*<`560  h^{$Wfö X"."ïxtS`*M ?nvE ." 6M%{۰뮱9%W ;lÀMj$` ϔO9m{oC*#k[p%D*D= klNg0ErP:[aq2$ᵷE0JRd56"YVܽ{{=ۏݷx_a=EH]`*klNP•?ܽona*` ^. eVu؜$G;ZdMT',GɄ,~@,I4dI>/gi-|5OxB0JѼFklNCLQ2!Kh,La\I)O]cs"QW&-A9:^.3ym|s{`={}H:cx9i²d_Q⊮ukl릪Ԯ$vk<}²T)cXFBe+p%LV%Q"eVfIұ *?ґiA\Ha6vM\,>!vυ@[ƥ(Ie`Rj-aY/قJ]Z"JHE2C@gAKP 6.eh{[=dUb״D ӁiAPCTRKh&Q$x+n*1v23"9y &AKHൗ^Eְ>J²T}`:²d_]% +ظT% ` uT f*6Ht$(XB00T'X[U&!OɳEa!K$Z׺56%DMj56߯t56|jxr ~[闿Wo߻ you' expect. Definitions are:;; ZEX command file to display the filenames in the SH.VAR queue. ;; Two techniques are shown here. -RDN ;; SHDEFINE|L^?QY ;; ;; The following ZEX code should produce a display of the filenames ;; in the queue -- and nothing else -- on the screen. It does not, ;; however, because ZEX's 'Toggle Print Suppress' command ('^.') ;; does not work, at least with my version of ZEX (3.1). If the ;; '^.' commands are removed, it will work, but the filenames will ;; be all but lost in the 'noise' of command lines that ZEX displays. ;; ;;ECHO ^Z;^. SH ;; Control-Z clears the screen on my Kaypro ;;SHVAR QP %QH;GOTO FIRST ;;;=LOOP ;;SHVAR SWITCH SHVAR QP %%%QP ;;%SWITCH ;;;=FIRST ;;ECHO %QP ^. ; ^. IF %QP=%QT;GOTO END;ELSE;XIF;GOTO LOOP;FI ;;;=END ;;XIF ;;SHEXIT ;; end of ZEX command file