; Library Utilities for ZCPR3 --------------------------- I - Introduction G - LGET Tool -- extracts files from within library files H - LHELP Tool -- processes HLP/HQP files from within library files L - LLF Tool -- lists files within library files X - LX Tool -- executes COM files within library files :I INTRODUCTION TO THE ZCPR3 LIBRARY TOOLS Theså  tooló  assisô  thå ZCPR³ useò  iî  dealinç  witè librarieó  iî  thå ZCPR³ environment®  Followinç thå  ZCPR³ philosophù oæ ho÷ commandó shoulä bå constructed¬  theså arå fulì   ZCPR³  tooló  whicè  takå  advantagå  oæ  thå   ZCPR³ environment and can only run in the ZCPR3 environment. Theså  tooló arå writteî iî Z8° codå anä wilì onlù  ruî on Z80 or HD64180 microprocessors. Onlinå  documentatioî  foò eacè tooì  ió  availablå  bù typing the name of the tool followed by two slashes: TOOL // :G Command: LGET 1.0 Syntax: LGET dir:library dir:afn1,dir:afn2,... o Options: U - Unsqueeze squeezed files Function: LGEÔ  extractó  thå specifieä fileó froí thå  indicateä library®  Iæ  thå  fileó  arå  prefixeä  witè  á  directorù reference¬ theù arå placeä iî thå indicateä directories® Iæ thå  Õ optioî ió presenô anä thå fileó  arå  squeezed¬  theù will be unsqueezed during the extraction process. Comments: Fileó  iî thå destinatioî directorù whicè havå thå samå names as the source files will be deleted. Iæ  thå wheeì bytå ió noô  set¬  destinatioî  directorù referenceó wilì bå ignored¬  anä alì fileó wilì bå extracteä into the current directory. Selected Error Messages: None (Self-Explanatory) Examples of Use: LGET a:SYSLIB *.HQP -- extract all files of type HQP from the file SYSLIB.LBR on disk A, current user LGET ROOT:COMMAND B4:L*.COM,B4:L*.HQP U -- from the library COMMAND.LBR in the ROOT: directory, extract L*.COM and L*.HQP files and placed them in the directory B4:; thå squeezeä fileó (L*.HQP© wilì bå unsqueezed and stored under their original names :H Command: LHELP 1.0 Syntax: LHELP topic -- get help on the indicated topic in the SYSTEM.LBR file LHELP topic dir:library -- geô helð oî thå indicateä topiã iî thå indicated library LHELP * library -or- LHELP topic * -- name of the topic is the same as the name of the library Options: None Function: LHELР functionó  iî mucè thå samå manneò aó  thå  HELÐ commanä  (versioî 5.³ oò later»  seå  HELPSYS.HLP)®  Unlikå HELP¬  LHELÐ workó froí librarù files®  Iô searcheó foò thå indicateä (oò implied© librarù filå alonç thå commanä searcè path and in the directory named HELP. The search path is: 1) indicated or default directory (dir:library) 2) command-search path 3) HELP directory (if any) Oncå thå librarù filå haó beeî found¬  LHELÐ lockó ontï it¬ anä alì helð fileó referenceä bù thå indicateä helð filå arå pulleä froí thió librarù file®  Thå filå "topic.HLP¢ oò "topic.HQP¢  ió pulleä froí thå librarù file¬  unsqueezeä iæ necessary¬  anä  processed®  Iæ á selectioî ió  madå  whicè referenceó  anotheò  helð file¬  thå indicateä helð filå  ió alsï  pulleä  froí  thå currenô librarù  anä  unsqueezeä  iæ necessary. Comments: LHELP will only run on Z80 or HD64180 microprocessors. Thå commandó whicè maù bå issueä tï LHELÐ arå identicaì to those which may be issued to HELP. Selected Error Messages: None (Self-Explanatory) Examples of Use: LHELP SYSLIB * -- pull SYSLIB.HLP or SYSLIB.HQP from SYSLIB.LBR once SYSLIB.LBR is found via a search LHELP CMD1 -- pull CMD1.HLP or CMD1.HQP from SYSTEM.LBR once SYSTEM.LBR is found via a search LHELP Z3LIB1 A:Z3LIB -- pull Z3LIB1.HLP or Z3LIB1.HQP from Z3LIB.LBR, starting the search from disk A, current user :L Command: LLF 1.0 (List Library Files) Syntax: LLF dir:library -- list all files in library LLF dir:library /o... -- list all files in library with options LLF dir:library afn1,afn2,... -- lisô selecteä fileó iî librarù LLF dir:library afn1,afn2,... o... -- list selected files in library with options Options: C Print CRCs of each file in listing G Group files by file type and name (default is by file name and type) I Print starting indices of files P Send listing to printer as well as console Function: LLÆ displayó á directorù oæ á librarù  file®  Specifiã fileó maù bå selecteä bù specifyinç á lisô oæ ambiguouó filå names®  Thå  listinç  maù  bå senô tï thå  consolå  oò  thå printer®  Filå  sizeó  (iî termó oæ recordó anä  nearesô  Ë bytes) are indicated in listing. Comments: LLÆ wilì onlù ruî oî thå Z8° oò HD64180. Selected Error Messages: None (Self-Explanatory) Examples of Use: LLF A:SYSLIB -- list all files in A:SYSLIB.LBR LLF ROOT:COMMAND *.COM,*.HQP CPI -- list *.COM and *.HQP files from COMMAND.LBR in the directory ROOT:; include CRCs and starting indices; send output to console and printer LLF ROOT:COMMAND /P -- list all files in COMMAND.LBR in the ROOT: directory; send output to the printer :X Command: LX 1.0 Syntax: LX command_line -- execute command line, extracting command verb from ROOT:COMMAND.LBR LX -dir:library command_line -- execute command line, extracting command verb from the indicated library file Options: None Function: LØ  performó á completå parså oæ thå indicateä  commanä linå aó thå ZCPR³ commanä processoò would®  Nameä directorù referenceó  arå  resolved¬  etc¬  anä thå Externaì  FC  (iæ available)¬  FC ± (aô 5CH)¬  FC ² (aô 6CH)¬  anä TBUFÆ (aô 80H) are loaded as though the ZCPR3 CP had done so. Comments: LX will only run on Z80 and HD64180 microprocessors. LØ  doeó noô perforí á commanä searcè foò thå  library® Thå  librarù musô residå iî thå indicateä directory¬  oò  LØ will fail. Foò security¬  directorù referenceó arå ignoreä iæ  thå wheel byte is not set. Thå  namå oæ thå defaulô librarù (ROOT:COMMAND.LBR© caî be easily changed by patching or reassembly. Selected Error Messages: None (Self-Explanatory) Examples of Use: LX -A1:ASM LIB80 -- run LIB80.COM from ASM.LBR in A1: LX XD HELP:*.* -- run XD.COM from ROOT:COMMAND.LBR; properly parså anä procesó thå commanä taiì ¢ HELP:*.*"