<LAP COMLAP DZCnY .Z3ENVLAP.COM Source Copyright (c) Bob Andersson 1987Sorry, the program needs a Z80. $TPA TOO SMALL Program not installed.  Destination file exists! Overwrite (Y/N) ? No Disk Space. PROGRAM ABORTING. Load Aand Path - Done.  LAP --- LDR And PATH. VERSION 1.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Usage:- 1/ LAP or 2/ LAP DIR:FILENAME:TYP /C LAP helps to automate the system segment and path load usually done as part of the cold-boot start-up alias and saves space in that alias script. 1/ Reload the system segments and path from an internal image. 2/ Capture the system segments and path from the computer memory and write a new version of LAP.COM to disk using the specified filename. This is the way to install LAP on your system. LAP --- LDR And PATH. VERSION 1.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Author: Bob Andersson. Date: November 1987. HL^#V#W~7(# z0 0R :  > %_( 7? G:Gx*S=(*U=( *O=(*Q~(h#\ ~#_͉͕99! ngy8;;C(K(bɈId*@qx(:N:MG:LG!+|  > >  # O #y~#\ #2G0( ###0(7>2G"H~(2L~%2 ~2M##~2N#"OCC"QC"SC"UZ3ENV!E~_4_!N#F#~  ##N+~+ng!( = MDgx|(( {Cɯ=KW  //C sC1C2K!~l!]> l2K:J(! N0* N'* N*Ry[: :Kʽ!]G0'!m0'*H 2Eͮͮͮͮͮͮ!J6 2F:i_ !h]T6\<(:\(˯Y(T¯ \\<(/\<(!7R0\\\:F_ *H 2Eͮ ͮ ͮ ͮ ͮ ͮ > vLAP.DOC0I0P0I# d @\C'D )Xr9M\02y JIA(#) 0 Bәt2DSi:LXe2l0̴EXwF9m9 B*  " 4FZu8LF\ $1%)0&<2AeH2Tn1lұ8U*a1*z.y7˯cHi80D0vuIܾu",rHM͔˵|0ߥ'>}Sy42s[$ SE0E`a P NY* ~åp! B LEaLQPIyWQՕmRluwpF71SF فcEDG?BedvݩLĽSP(wLcO&meV-T EaFeGaq(i2Rv`t]וpqaUMUM( A}مgmcf8J CY͂FI@Ev We05:afW֥V>Ф!LɴUar{tmY2IiCXeIfA`X[kJF$;qe4pMƁkr8tgYU Jj)g]:vvP1gg$ME x 8n]LDZIt)e5O{2;\Fjb)qjX+ʟlͪ]3 вݜ fjfE$Sfc(nF^0ON{$NALA@Shs^JTaX!;M-=*QIEJdSI5;.5$ Wn;&VcKT _-DrhҌi_h'AA eM;^30XJg.MrQKá. ͌/BOW1F"j4S/YKw DNLyBGd쫪@$ĬۻLzyz #jMp5XR~I d Z $ 9kI8☐tVJt'"&@̍Qjv"r0fe=;DS(#EK@ u*2[ cH'Ux EsDYH9ƥ)R I4xʌSoMCCCJD@ x)itFPhc K gBԃy,%P0Sl/^ӉVG O $@1D(  !m-aC@s)A=%!~b /D4 N"I%簧R ˠd/(]q3ݬICr(\I%z攩3L'@–_2:^ʰa;Dp c!J<5jcJm'FZȴ'%yJp (`0^/zq,jA*