NEWSWEEP ADVISORY - - - - ALL VERSIONS --------------------------------------- There is a serious and potentially destructive problem with NewSweep by Dave Rand when using ZRDOS, ZSDOS, NovaDOS or any other DOS which does not reconstruct the allocation vector for permanent media with each disk system reset. This problem occurs when using the Rename option to reassign a file to another user area. Although the directory entry for the file will be correct, the allocation vector for the disk bearing the file will indicate that all blocks of the "renamed" file are unassigned and any subsequent assignment of blocks to files may well reallocate portions of the renamed file, destroying some or all of the data therein. IF USING ZSDOS, ZRDOS, NOVADOS OR ANY OTHER DOS HAVING A "QUICK" RELOG FOR PERMANENT MEDIA, NEVER USE THE NEWSWEEP (R)ENAME OPTION TO ASSIGN A FILE TO ANOTHER USER AREA ON THE DISK ON WHICH IT RESIDES. Lindsay Haisley