KENMORE REAL TIME CLOCKS Are you looking for a real-time clock for your Z80 computer? The Kenmore Clock is about the easiest and most versatile RTC available. Installation is quick and easy. Begin by setting the port for your computer. Then simply unplug your Z80 microprocessor, plug the clock board in its socket and plug the Z80 into the clock. (Note: a few computers require an extender cable due to tight cabinets). The supplied software is used to set or read the clock. The Kenmore is an intelligent clock keeping accurate track of days, months and years as well as the time. This is a perfect addition to your system and works well with ZD/ZSDOS, and Z80DOS. Socrates Z-Node 32 supplies these clock cards for $79.95 assembled and tested with 90 day warranty, or $59.95 as a kit. These prices include UPS shipping anywhere in the United States. Please note: no warranty on kits. Additional information can be obtained from Socrates Z-Node 32. Call us at (201) 754-9067, 3/12/2400 bps, or voice at (201) 753-3735, 6 pm to 9 pm, EST. Send check or money order to: Chris McEwen, Sysop Socrates Z-Node 32 P.O. Box 12 S. Plainfield, NJ 07080 Allow 2 to 4 weeks for shipping. Checks subject to 10 day hold.