To: Jay Sage, Bridger Mitchell, et al-- (Uploaded to addressees' respective Z-Nodes November 9-10 1988) Miscellaneous minor hangups, fixes, questions, etc., encountered in installing an elaborate Z3PLUS system on a Morrow MD-5: Note: this installation uses LARGE version of Z3PLUS as its default system. Most of the following matters are probably problems with supporting utilit- ies, not with Z3PLUS itself... Will pass comments to more appropriate people if you can identify who ought to get what. I'll check back to the two nodes later in the month. This is probably overwritten, but I seem to be incapable of suppressing all my opinions. I'll beg for your forbearance and send this off as is; I've taken too long to pull these comments together and don't want more delays. Besides, Sage at least is guilty of the same sin; indeed, his tendency to digress is one of the things that makes his stuff in TCJ interesting and fun to read. Mitchell could be similar but I haven't read enough to be sure. 1. EDITNDR: VERY fussy. Has tendency to hang system. Achieved best results by saving after each added name. Once one learns not to give up but keep on trying, larger NDR can be defined without too much difficulty. 2. SALIAS: similar problem to EDITNDR: fussy! Hangs, especially with rapid use of editing commands. Like EDITNDR, not used very often (only for the STARTZ3P file and the ST.COM files in some directories) so not much of a problem. Haven't tried the old MKALIAS routine on the MD-5, but I'd bet that it would not exhibit the same problems... Problems (1) and (2) are so alike in their effects that it makes me won- der if the source files for both programs might have called on the same (presumably flawed) subroutine from SYSLIB or a similar source... Don't have source code, so can't check this guess. 3. System hangs up on exit of command to format floppy disk; fixed with an alias, as follows: format [echo ;pause;]fmt b d;r The key to avoiding hangup is "r" reset command after FORMAT in multiple command line. The text message isn't essential, mine just tells user to place disk to be formatted in Drive B. "Pause" is public domain "pause" (similar to SAK=Strike Any Key) command. "FMT" is renamed Morrow FORMAT command (HD version). Solution also helps add a little extra security to FORMAT... I don't have the foggiest idea why this works but it does... 4. VLU 1.0 will sometimes not load; system reports BDOS error finding file "????????.LBR." Haven't figured out why. Happens only once in a while; doesn't seem to happen at all under conventional menu-driven operations. Problem goes away after rebooting system. VLU also gives incorrect space remaining on disk... Other VLU problems mentioned in the comments in the VLU101.LBR file also apply, like extracting empty files when a disk has filled up. Novosiekski's original LU also did that; turned out to be a useful feature, sort of, for a kludge routine I used to use to catalog files in libraries (I extracted them to a full disk to get a quick dir- ectory of names for the update routines). This is not to say that the bug shouldn't be fixed! The buggy VLU is still a nice program, and for the moment--unless I run into more problems--I plan to leave it in place as an adjunct to ZFILER and ZMANG, at least until Version 2 comes along. 5. ZMANG21C has same problem with remaining space report as VLU. Also: The list of built-in commands stored in the form of a HELP screen within ZMANG itself incorrectly reverses the alternate commands to go to the next/previous screens. The real commands are the logical ones: "+" to go to the next screen, "-" to go to the last screen. Both actual functions are okay, it's the listing that's wrong. I did a kludge fix on my copy of ZMANG by changing the command explanations, but it would be better to fix the actual command locations in the list, so they follow a sensible order. Looking at the configuration notes provides some clues here, but I haven't taken the time to follow up on that yet. The command to Jump to any file has been lost. Instead, the list of in- ternal commands gives ^B as the jump command, same as go to the bottom of the screen. No other control character yields the jump prompt. One could easily provide a substitute menu command to jump to any file, by resetting the appropriate system file, I guess, but this still leaves the program with an error in its innards. Also: the prompt to "rename R/O files anyway?" garbles the filename. All in all, this begins to sound like some of the comments in the VLU101.LBR and again I wonder: could these problems relate to some source macro li- brary used to assemble both programs? 6. EASE appears to interfere with the Morrow KEY function key assignment utility, slowing it down so that stored key assignments come out only one character at a time. Fooling with KEY's "SWITCH _FST" functions does not help. Cured, sort of, by using single-character aliases for any key assignments needed, then hitting function keys twice (required second character is the carriage return). Trying SmartKey with SKEYPAT did not cure this problem (must admit I did not try real hard, though; I've been using the Morrow program exclusively because it works fine with ZCPR3). EASE is such a good program that I happily accept these few drawbacks... I had become so used to the shareware CED command editor for DOS systems that I could not stomach using IBM-standard machines without it; carried around a floppy disk with CED and other essential DOS add-ons, so when I was asked to fix somebody's problem I would not have to work with crappy tools. The problem with EASE is that it now makes me impatient with CED. I bought PCED from Cove for my office system but never got around to ac- tually installing it--I was just paying my shareware dues--so now I sup- pose I'll have to finally look at it to see if it can search its history file. See how Z systems have a way of complicating your life? Haven't even tried VCED; the documentation gave me the impression that a command has to be issued to use the editor, which seems silly. 7. DU Version 8.9 works fine with the MD-5's hard disk, CP/M-3, and Z3PLUS. (My copy of this program turned up inside a Version 8.7 library file.) One exception: "M" command for producing file allocation map results in a hung system (NB: I have NOT implemented time/date stamping on the sys- tem; directories seem to be standard Morrow-style format). Still, better to have some disk editor capability than none... Christensen's stuff is going to be around forever. This helps make up for the loss of DU3... 8. Is there a way to use an alias, SUBMIT file, CP/M-3 GET file, or other facility to carry out this sequence without other user actions: exit to CPM3/run a program/reload Z3PLUS... Also: is there a way to tell Z3PLUS >>not<< to run the usual STARTZ3P sequence, so that it doesn't run a set of boot-time screens whenever one returns from a temporary exit to CPM3? I have memory hog programs, in particular an enhanced version of the oft maligned PEARL relational DBMS, and for these I would like access to the full 62K TPA that I can get with CP/M-3.0... 9. (Late addition) Occasional "ovfl" report on longer (typically 100+ chars but less than 150 chars) command lines. Assume due to other stuff (Z2- type shell commands, expanded aliases, whatever) in MCL buffer... Effects of this can be hard to judge, since the overflow condition does not show up until the part of the command to be expanded is processed. For self-evident reasons, the overflows tend to occur early in executing lengthy lines (while there's still lots of stuff waiting to be called in the buffer); my impression is that the tail of the line gets truncated, but since the problem is rare and I haven't deliberately tried to get it to occur, I can't say for sure... Is this a problem? Well, that depends on how we define "problem"; in this case, I believe we have an example of how new ZCPR features lead to new and possibly unexpected kinds of complications. First, users without a lot of previous exposure to Z systems--you should be hearing from such folks, since in effect you are introducing ZCPR to the CP/M-3 community--may need to be warned that having a 250-character MCL buffer doesn't automatically mean that the system will always accept up to 250 characters from the console, especially when the command line includes things like aliases that can significantly expand the contents of the buffer. Ain't no free lunches, not even with Z3PLUS. In my judgement this glitch is a more serious drawback for experienced users than for neophytes. New users can simply be warned to keep their command lines down to an 80-character line or so, until they've gotten fully conversant with the system, just to play it safe--they're probably gonna do that anyway, since good understanding of the command mode is needed to come up with long lines in the first place. But for the more experienced users, the weakness becomes more serious because it leads to uncertainty about just how hard one can press the system's limits, and therefore to a tendency to play it safe, and that's not a very satisfac- tory solution... Of course if you've memorized the exact length of all your aliases and can instantly intuit what expansion will do, including possibilities of aliases calling still other aliases, then this is not a problem. Sure. Uh, huh. Maybe one solution is a patch to flush the line when an overflow condi- is detected. At least that way you could use the system freely, knowing that at least you will not get into trouble because some subsequent com- mand in the line has been truncated, leading to unexpected results. But that wouldn't save the user if the truncation affected the current com- mand (I suppose that ain't very likely, but read on). There is a more generalized version of this dilemma in that it isn't easy to halt a line of commands once they've been initiated. I wonder how many other Z sys- tem users have suddenly realized, as I have a couple of times, that they were better off punching a reset button, rebooting the system, than they would be to allow a possibly disasterous line of multiple commands to run on to completion. To deal with that one, I suppose some sort of RSX would be needed to monitor keyboard output, watching for a "Hey, stop!" order. I don't like this approach much, it seems out of place in ZCPR. Might be nice to have some sort of facility built into EASE that accepts command lines, expands aliases, and then invokes the error handler if an overflow condition is it stands, the error handler is NOT invoked (I suppose it would be if the truncation resulted in a nonsense command, but so far that doesn't seem to have happened; instead the line just stopped early). If such an "improved" version of EASE slowed things down a lot, though, I'm not sure that I'd use it... There's going to be a tradeoff between secure operations and responsiveness. Seems to me that the more one begins to use elaborate aliases--which are certainly encouraged by Z3PLUS and ARUNZ--then the less workable is the traditional rule of thumb that a 250-character MCL buffer is big enough for almost all anticipated situations. To the contrary, I wouldn't be surprised to see some users start to go to 512 bytes... Probably a good sign that one is about to hit the limits is when you decide you need an alias to facilitate editing the ALIAS.CMD file (yeah, I have one). I can imagine an ultimate case in which I add a single-character alias to the .CMD file that leads to all kinds of expansions in a 1,024 byte MCL buf- fer, enter the single character and get an immediate "overflow" message. There is this urge to have the bullet proof system... All the Z systems I have done are set up to be workable as demo installations that can be explored by completely unschooled users, while also being attractive and interesting to people with lots of computer smarts. The MD-5 is intended to be capable of providing an unattended computing demonstration system for public use in settings like local libraries/schools/museums, so the desire for better bullet proofing ain't just a matter of aesthetics... This dilemma applies to any system using aliases and especially to those using ARUNZ, n'est-ce pas? By the way, I was a little irritated by the roundabout way Z3PLUS (and ARUNZ) documents the DEFAULT alias... 'Tain't fair to play games with users to the extent of expecting all of them to learn about this by tak- ing a look at the notes on LX. Suppose somebody wants to default to some other command? Nowhere, so far as I can tell, are folks told that their DEFAULT alias better be the last one in the file. If they put it at the start, the problem is self-evident, but why not just state the rules? The coy hint in the Z3PLUS documentation is enough to tell people that somewhere there will be info on chaining to another ECP, but I wasn't happy taking up a couple of hours to check this out... Also by the way, you oughta run the public domain INDEX routine on the Z3PLUS docs. 10. Some plain vanilla RSX's seem to fail under Z3PLUS (I haven't tested all of these without Z3PLUS so this is not a firm conclusion but rather it's a matter of possible early warnings or needs for advice)... For example HP+ (HP reverse polish calculator as an RSX), DP (RSX for deferred print management), etc. I ain't no expert on CP/M-3; my current sense is that RSX's probably present some similar or at least analogous problems as do DOS TSR's... Z3PLUS users may need more guidance/intelligence on these matters... I get some funny behavior even from the standard CP/M-3 sys- tem utility PUT--it appears to insist on using full syntax: if the sup- posedly optional words are left out in a request to redirect the console output to a file, the command quits working after the first line and a half of output... Without other guidance I assume that if I want to use any of these facilities what I should try next is to check out where they are trying to load... I get some location reports that seem just a tad out of whack; makes me suspect system leaves Z3LDR RSX in place, be- low the start of the Z3PLUS CCP itself. More technical documentation on Z3PLUS may be in order here, or maybe a piece by Mitchell in TCJ... For all I know maybe these RSX's (including the original DRI PUT) are buggy. 11. Related to the above, another minor hindrance is that EASE seems to in- tercept stuff I would rather have it pass along untouched, like the HP+ program's Control-^ command (to invoke it as a pop-up) and the Control-P function to toggle printer output (or have I just missed some other EASE function? I'm editing this on a DOS system at my office, can't check the full list of EASE commands here. Arrrgh)... Re comments in (10), above, I did try HP+ without EASE to see if that was my only problem, but that didn't help... Judging by the comments in EASE14.LBR (I think that's the version), you can change EASE's input commands but not its outputs; may- be the program needs to include room for two or three user-definable output commands. I seem to vaguely recollect that the EASE14 documenta- tion mentioned a command to simply pass along a character but that I had not noticed such a command in the (actually installed) version of EASE I got with Z3PLUS. Maybe I better look again... Don't-feel-like-wasting-your-time-but-on-the-other-hand-why-withhold-on- compliments section: Z3PLUS is super. The problems are trivial. I have been setting up ZCPR installations on Morrow computers for myself and some friends since 1983 and this one is clearly the best yet... I will probably want to pick up NZ and ZSDOS for the floppy systems when (if I ever) get done with this conversion, which has turned into a monster project (2,500K of software, 1,000K of games, 600K of HELP, catalog of around 2,000 files in program archives, etc., etc.)... I had done applications and installations for a couple of MD-11 systems, but until the release of Z3PLUS, I wasn't personally interested in the hard disk Morrows because they couldn't use ZCPR (true, EZCPR will work, but that's a poor substitute for the real thing; Lopushinski's CCP+ ser- ies probably works fine for RCP/M uses, but it doesn't provide the other ZCPR features I value in personal work stations). CP/M-3 is such a pain in the butt, with its brackets all over the place and verbose syntax... About all that could be done with it was to write dozens of little batch files to give users some shortcuts and a limited menu-driven interface. Z3PLUS transforms the hard disk Morrows as much as the earlier Z systems transformed the floppy machines; it makes them desirable. Right now, a used MD-5 can be had dirt cheap (mine cost just $300, complete with the very fine MD-70 terminal and a large bundle of software). This kind of change is the essence of what the Z systems have meant to many of us: a way to turn inexpensive CP/M systems into state-of-the-art computing in- stallations. That kind of combination of low cost and high power is a definition of good value... My congratulations and respect to both of you and to Joe Wright. I will do what I can to spread the word. If other purchasers of Z3PLUS in the D.C. region need no-cost (and no promises) help, I'll be willing to try to provide it. October 25-November 9, 1988 Dick Ellis 21 10th Ave Brunswick MD 21716 Home phone: 301/834-7976 Office: 202/546-2237 (Director, Engineering Manpower Commission, American Association of Engineering Societies, Washington, D.C.) Postscripts-- 1. To Jay Sage: your comments in latest TCJ on Z2/Z3 shells read with interest. I agree with your position. I can see some people wondering if they oughta convert back to Z2 VFILER... Actually I suspect the problem may not be terribly serious unless one has WS4 and uses it your way as a primary shell (that is, making a lot of use of the "R" command. Will WS4 let you Run a Program while editing a file, without going back to a no-file menu? If so that makes WS4 more tempting than I had realized) ...I suspect my habits are more common for most users; they reverse your practice (as I understand it, anyway). I use the filer utilities or ZMANG as a primary shell and run editors like NewWord from them, and I like the way Z3PLUS lets users stack up these shells (EASE/MENU/ZMANG, for example) so that as each is popped the system goes back to its earlier state without a hitch. Probably people are going to find that both Z2 and Z3 versions of some shells make sense, depending on the application or system state... A cute solution would be to set up a single shell to be loaded either way, either with a command line parameter or with a get/poke/go sequence. I have been saying for some time that RCPM sysops were too hasty in dumping ZCPR2 in favor of ZCPR3. There are some situations where the Version 2 system has a lot to be said for it, especially since it's possible to have it without relocating the system image at all (at least on a Morrow, a one-line (78 char) MCL buffer can be slipped into the Zero Page of memory; sophisticated users have to watch out for the fact that they can conflict with the space reserved for DDT and related jumps to high memory, but that's the only gotcha with this approach). Most of the original Version 3 features can be emulated with utility programs on such a system. NZ-COM probably finally lays this to rest as far as full-scale systems are concerned, but your column seems to imply that some ZCPR2 utilities might be resurrected, in effect (actually, I suppose newer programs would be reconfigured)... 2. To Bridger Mitchell: I assume that there have to be serious hardware- related reasons why access to Bank 0 on a 128K CP/M system is as limited as it seems to be... Surprisingly little intelligence seems to be around on this, all I find are some tips from Hattwell-Batten (spelling? --the sysop at the Tesseract RCPM in New South Wales, Australia) plus some utilities to inspect Bank 0 memory from folks like Kim Levitt and Jim Lopushinski... Lopushinski's Meadowlark RCPM seems to have disappeared from listings, by the way, as has the CP/M 3.0 collection point at Syracuse, N.Y.; I have a limited older collection of CP/M 3.0 utilities and other support files from those sources, but am having trouble locating a current source for anything newer... Can't help suspecting that I've got lots of unused RAM in Bank 0... Do you know of any sources (RCPMs or others) on these kinds of issues? Know of utilities to make added uses of Bank 0 (a ramdisk, for example)? Gonna do BGPLUS?