Master List for Night Flight BBS 17-Nov-1992 File Area : All Other IBM Files CROSSWRD.ZIP 24k 25-Dec-89 Crossword Editor CWC403.ZIP 163k 14-Oct-92 Crossword Maker CWF12.ZIP 1065k 14-Oct-92 Crossword Find USRBUL10.ZIP 60k 08-Oct-89 User Bulletin Maker WORDMENU.ZIP 72k 10-Jul-92 word perfect pull down menu`s XWORD.ZIP 165k 17-Nov-91 Crossword Puzzle Editor Files : 42 Kilobytes : 7077K In All Other IBM Files File Area : IBM Utilities Files : 63 Kilobytes : 5154K In IBM Utilities File Area : IBM Communications Files : 5 Kilobytes : 1073K In IBM Communications File Area : IBM Games Files : 48 Kilobytes : 8556K In IBM Games File Area : XXX Text Files Files : 57 Kilobytes : 924K In XXX Text Files File Area : IBM BBS Files BWAVE210.ZIP 318k 10-Nov-92 Off line mail reader Files : 43 Kilobytes : 4552K In IBM BBS Files File Area : Commodore 128 All Files 10FKEYS 2k 12-Apr-92 >1< Redefining F keys, help, and run/stop 128ART.LBR 13k 01-Jul-92 >1< 40 and 80column weird graphic patterns. 128BBSDE.LNX 84k 07-Jun-92 >3< 128 BBS source 128FCOPY 4k 01-Apr-92 >3< file copier for the 128 only! 128PD1.LNX 155k 27-Oct-92 Some 128 programs 128PD3.LNX 59k 29-Oct-92 Some 128 programs, 40 & 80 column, 1571COPY 3k 12-Apr-92 >2< Backup 1571 disks 40/80 column. 1812OVER 26k 01-Apr-92 >1< 1812 overture from BACH. 128 only 64TO128 6k 07-Aug-92 >3< Boots from 64 to 128 mode! BOOTMANA.LNX 12k 01-Apr-92 New file. Not yet commented. BURST-71 1k 04-May-92 >2< 128/80 coulmn 1571 SYS4864 to start. CALC-40 2k 01-Apr-92 128/40 column calculator CALC-80 3k 01-Apr-92 128/80 column calculator CAVERN 17k 01-Apr-92 >1< 128/80 column adventure game. DISASSEM.LNX 33k 04-May-92 >2< 128/80 column disk/memory disassembler DISKDOC2.128 23k 01-Aug-92 >2< Disk doctor 2 for 128/40 column. DISKUT40.LBR 126k 09-Aug-92 >2< 40 column utilities for C128 DOODVIEW 1k 12-Apr-92 >1< Allows viewing of doodle picture 40 col. DSKDOCV2.SFX 32k 09-Aug-92 >2< Disk doctor, C128 DSKUTL80.SFX 32k 09-Aug-92 >3< 80 column disk utilities for C128 DTS128.LNX 42k 01-Aug-92 >2< Disk Tracking Service for 128/80 ESC-128 6k 01-Apr-92 >2< Learn the escape codes for 128 only! FLICKMAC.V5 6k 14-Jun-92 View MAC files in 80 col. Save as KOALA! FONTS.LBR 12k 01-Jul-92 >1< 5 new fonts for the 128. Look great. GEOVIEW1 6k 14-Jun-92 View geopaint files in 80 cols. HAPPBDAY 0k 09-Aug-92 >3< The power of the 128. Happy B'day on 10 KEYPAD 1k 01-Apr-92 >1> 128 numeric keypad and upper cursor keys LIBRARY 5k 29-Jun-92 >3< dissolve or create library files LOGO128.LBR 39k 01-Jul-92 >2< Logo v4.0 programming language. 40column LYNX128 33k 01-Apr-92 >2< 128 lynx for 40/80 column MINI-DOS.LBR 14k 29-Jun-92 Easy to use dos system for the 128. REBUIL.71 9k 04-May-92 >1< Helps fix a scrambled 1571 disk.128 only S-SWEEP.LNX 10k 14-Jun-92 >2< Another IBM-CPM-64/128 transfer utility. SUPDISK2 13k 01-Aug-92 >3< Super disk II for 128/80 column. TEXTEDV1.4 23k 14-Jun-92 Text file editor. TILETRAD 3k 01-Apr-92 tiletrader for the 128 40 column XLINK.LNX 24k 14-Jun-92 >2< 64/128 to IBM to CPM file transfer util. Files : 48 Kilobytes : 1622K In Commodore 128 All Files File Area : C64 Games BACKGAMM 3k 30-Apr-92 >1< BackGammon Game BLACKJAC 25k 12-Mar-92 >03< Cart games CASTEL.ARC 105k 13-Apr-92 New file. Not yet commented. CHOPPER1 3k 13-Mar-92 New file. Not yet commented. CRAZYPOP.PER 5k 16-Feb-92 Not tested CRYLON92 17k 03-Mar-92 >4< A game..cracked by Acrise! DEVASTBL 17k 03-Mar-92 >3< A boxing game! DRAUGHTS 7k 16-Feb-92 >2< [00] Good game of checkers ESPSYNTH 10k 16-Feb-92 >3< [00] Synthesizer player and sound demos FORT-COO.KIE 9k 16-Feb-92 Not tested GUIDE1.ARC 152k 14-Apr-92 >3< Information-Docs. about every GAMES HANDBALL 3k 03-May-92 >1< Breakout type game. J-POKER 10k 03-May-92 >3< 5 card poker game. JAILBREA.K 3k 16-Feb-92 [00] Not tested JUMBO 5k 12-May-92 >06< Can you land safely and save your passen LOSTPYRA.MID 1k 16-Feb-92 [00] Not tested M-PLAYER 4k 16-Feb-92 [00] Play music on the keyboard MAJJONG.ARK 6k 28-Apr-92 >4< Run Mag's version MAPQUIZ 3k 16-Feb-92 [00] Quiz on the map of Britain MASH 7k 16-Feb-92 >2< [00] Helicopter game MAZE 12k 12-May-92 >04< 3D Maze game MUS-MACH 6k 16-Feb-92 [00] Music machine NERM 5k 16-Feb-92 [00] Not tested PIANOKEY 1k 16-Feb-92 [00] Basic Piano keyboard QUEST3 9k 03-May-92 >4< Text adventure. RUBXCUB 7k 31-May-92 >2< [00] Description Missing S-LIGHT 8k 13-Mar-92 >4< Use the searchlight to find and destroy SPIKE 4k 11-Mar-92 fill the area sys 32768 to start STIX 8k 10-Mar-92 >2< Interesting game played with a joystick TETRON 19k 03-Mar-92 >6< tetron/big! som game i havent played XERONS 10k 03-May-92 >2< Galaga type game. YAHTZEE 12k 16-Feb-92 [00] Card game Files : 32 Kilobytes : 512K In C64 Games File Area : All C64 Other Files 1!COMA6 42k 02-Sep-92 >3< Coma Light 6( a demo) from Oxyron 1!JESTA 8k 09-Sep-92 >1< Jesta/Battery's latest Spread disk 1!OBSERV 16k 02-Sep-92 >3< The Scene Observer from Oxyron 1!VANDAL 4k 02-Sep-92 >2< Vandalism News #06 2!COMA6 42k 02-Sep-92 >3< A demo with some average stuff in it 2!JESTA 42k 09-Sep-92 >1< and his last... 2!OBSERV 25k 02-Sep-92 >3< A nice mag from dis group 2!VANDAL 43k 02-Sep-92 >2< ZIP File #02 3!COMA6 39k 02-Sep-92 >3< All 4 files will fit on the 1 side 3!JESTA 39k 09-Sep-92 >1< All 4 files will fit on 1 side 3!OBSERV 32k 02-Sep-92 >3< yeh,all 4 files will for on 1 side 3!VANDAL 40k 02-Sep-92 >2< ZIP File #03 4!COMA6 18k 02-Sep-92 >3< Last file for COMA LIGHT VI/Oxyron 4!JESTA 24k 09-Sep-92 >1< Last file for Jesta's spread disk 4!OBSERV 24k 02-Sep-92 >3< Last file of The Scene Observer #3 4!VANDAL 18k 02-Sep-92 >2< ZIP File #04 DIGI.LNX 72k 07-Oct-92 >00< Digital Madness demo. Good stuff. FLIGHT.BBS 7k 15-Nov-92 A Quicky Night Flight Demo by Max Mix... GRAFPAK.ARC 47k 10-Jul-87 >1< Not tested INDEXER.MAG 3k 30-Nov-88 Not tested INST1.LNX 146k 09-Sep-92 >1< 64 program instructions LIZARD 19k 13-Mar-92 >1< I don't know what is about LIZCUJO.DEM 9k 15-Feb-92 Graphic and sound demo LOTTO41.ARK 39k 24-Sep-92 1541 lottocheck for the 64 LOTTO71.ARK 38k 24-Sep-92 1571 lottocheck for the 64 MADED2 8k 03-Mar-92 >1< mad eddie 2.... MADEDDIE 8k 03-Mar-92 Not tested MAGNEZ 10k 13-Mar-92 >1< Another util. MAILLIST.ARC 7k 08-Aug-87 Not tested MAKEMENU.ARC 3k 18-Jul-87 Not tested MARQUEE.PRG 4k 02-Dec-88 Not tested MISERY.LNX 157k 12-Jun-92 >2< a cool mega demo by the CURE MUSIC 5k 27-Apr-92 >2< Music player/TDU MUSICMA 13k 31-May-92 >2< [00] Description Missing MUSICPLA 9k 03-Mar-92 A music player NEWDEMO.LNX 132k 01-May-92 >3< [00] Description Missing NONAME.LNX 78k 28-Jul-92 >4< NO-NAME #01/TIME. A new and original mag NTERM9-1.ARK 120k 27-Sep-92 >2< Novaterm9.1 PADUAWRI 33k 03-Mar-92 Not tested PAINTBOX.LNX 5k 02-Dec-88 >1< Not tested PHONLIST.ARC 3k 08-Aug-87 Keep a list of phone numbers POPCORN.ARK 48k 05-Apr-92 >3< the new demo by HYPE australia POWERWIN.DEM 7k 15-Feb-92 >3< Windows on the 64 PRINTPS.ARC 3k 03-Aug-87 Not tested PSYCHO.LNX 152k 23-May-92 >1< psychotic/brutal the demo entered in the RADDEMO.ARK 37k 15-Feb-92 A lot of small graphic and sound demos REALTHIN.DEM 13k 15-Feb-92 Coke can demo RINGWARS.DEM 7k 15-Feb-92 Not tested SATURN.DEM 16k 15-Feb-92 >1< Graphic and sound demo SEPULT.LNX 156k 16-Jun-92 >1< a demo suppied by phoenix SOUNDWRI.TER 16k 15-Jul-92 >2< A music composer! SPACE.DEM 9k 15-Feb-92 Graphic and sound demo SPLIT.IMG 1k 08-Aug-87 Not tested SSTOBAS.ARC 6k 18-Jul-87 Not tested SSTOBSC.PRG 6k 23-Aug-87 Not tested STATIC03 34k 03-Mar-92 >1< Magazine type graphics and text STKTRACK.ARC 3k 12-Dec-88 Not tested STRANGER.TX 2k 27-Apr-92 >1< Lyrics to Strangers/Hijack TAIPAN.DEM 19k 15-Feb-92 Graphic and sound demo TAURUS.DEM 3k 15-Feb-92 Graphic and sound demo TERMINAT 8k 03-Mar-92 Graphic and sound demo TFORMAT.PRG 2k 18-Jul-87 Not tested THE-TALI 8k 13-Apr-92 >3< the talisman bbs demo!! coded by Max Mix TRIAD.DEM 3k 15-Feb-92 >1< Graphic and sound demo TUBBELLS 29k 11-Mar-92 Music and graphic demo, pretty good. TURBTAPE.PRG 2k 27-Jul-89 Load tape games faster TYPRACT.ARC 4k 12-Dec-88 Not tested UCBBS.LNX 56k 08-Jul-92 >2< UCBBS V1.1. An old but cool 64 BBS VANDALIS 18k 05-May-92 >2< Just a lil intro for Vandilism News #5 VIDEOS.ARC 20k 18-Jul-87 Not tested VIO4.LNX 158k 01-Jun-92 >3< VIOLATION #4/The Cure (ex-TDU). Best mag WEAREDEA 9k 01-Apr-92 >3< We are Dead/bz....sad day! WEIRD12.DEM 2k 15-Feb-92 Graphic and sound demo WETPAINT.ARC 4k 08-Aug-87 Not tested WINDCHIL.PRG 1k 11-Oct-88 Computes the wind chill factor WINNERFA 8k 06-Jun-92 >2< winner/fairlight a single demo WORDWORK.ARC 6k 08-Aug-87 Not tested YOURC64 14k 10-Mar-92 Graphic and sound demo. Files : 82 Kilobytes : 2678K In All C64 Other Files File Area : C64 Utilities 15.SEC 3k 19-Jul-92 >06< This file will allow you to copy a disk 41-81CPY 6k 15-Jul-92 >2< Copy between 1541 and 1581 41-ALIGN 2k 12-Jul-92 >2< Align 1541 disk drive 6480COL.UTI 3k 15-Feb-92 80 Column program for the c64. 64FKEYS.UTI 7k 15-Feb-92 New file. Not yet commented. 64TESTER.UTI 7k 15-Feb-92 >1< [00] Tests the 64 Roms ADDRFIND.UTI 0k 15-Feb-92 >01< New file. Not yet commented. ARKIVER 21k 30-Apr-92 New file. Not yet commented. ARKV2-0 21k 14-Nov-92 Arkive Version 2.0 Make and Desolve BYTERAP.ER 6k 07-May-92 >1< file compressor CCGMS-V1 29k 21-Apr-92 >2< new Communication prg. CCGMSV14 29k 12-Apr-92 >3< Last version of"CCGMS-v14"- very good CHARSETM 18k 22-Feb-92 Charset make/bz is a cool 4x4(i think) CHECKDIS.UTI 0k 15-Feb-92 >01< [00] Not tested CODESMON 22k 03-Mar-92 >4< Not tested CRUEL.V2P 11k 07-May-92 >1< program compression program D-SEARCH.UTI 3k 15-Feb-92 [00] Not tested D-TURNER.UTI 0k 15-Feb-92 >01< [00] Runs the drive motor for disk cleaners DATEL.FAS 4k 19-Jul-92 >1< Very Fast Disk Copier Approx 15sec DCMR.ARK 72k 20-Mar-92 >1< 64 cataloger, best there is. DD&FC.LNX 102k 01-Apr-92 >1< Make it you on music DIR-PLUS.UTI 5k 15-Feb-92 [00] Organizes the 64 directory DISKHEAD.UTI 1k 15-Feb-92 [00] Not tested DISKNAME.UTI 1k 15-Feb-92 [00] Not tested DIVTUTOR.UTI 4k 15-Feb-92 [00] Not tested DOCSMAKE.UTI 1k 15-Feb-92 >2< [00] Make docs for a program DR-ALIGN.UTI 1k 15-Feb-92 [00] Drive alignment test DRIVEHEA 1k 28-Jul-92 >1< Another drie align program.. FEWCCGMS.ARK 119k 01-Apr-92 >3< Commprest few CCGMS.prg-including V.1; FKEY.BAS 13k 12-Mar-92 >1< Good util.stuff FLICONVE 1k 22-Feb-92 fliconverter/brz allows u to convert H-TERM 20k 12-Apr-92 >2< New communication prg. D/L and try HIRESMIX 7k 24-Feb-92 >1< Not tested ILL-MAST.UTI 3k 15-Feb-92 [00] Not tested LAZURUS.UTI 0k 15-Feb-92 >1< Not tested LINKER.PIC 1k 07-May-92 >1< links pictures to your programs LOADADDR.UTI 1k 15-Feb-92 [00] Finds the load address on the disk LOGOVIEW 15k 22-Feb-92 >1< logoviewer v1.0 allows u to view ya LOTALUCK.UTI 0k 15-Feb-92 >1< [00] Picks random Lotto numbers LYNX-11 29k 05-May-92 >2< Next -Lynx v11 LYNXV15 33k 05-May-92 >2< Another LYNX-15 MAGICDIR 4k 11-Mar-92 Change the directory around to suit. MEMTRANS.UTI 1k 15-Feb-92 [00] Not tested NOVA93.ARK 156k 06-Nov-92 Novaterm 9.3 C64 Ansi Coms Program (Very Good) OMEGA-Q 26k 29-Jun-92 >3< undo files. ARK, LBR etc OMEGAQ2 31k 10-Sep-92 >3< Omega q 2 for undoing Lib, Ark's etc PARALLEL.CPY 5k 19-Jul-92 >3< Burst Nibble for a Parallel interface.. RAMDRV.BIN 2k 02-Nov-92 Make RAMdrive under BASIC ROM! Comments PLEASE RELCOPY.UTI 6k 15-Feb-92 [00] Relative file copier SEQFILE.RDR 7k 30-Apr-92 >2< Sequential file reader and Printer SYSFIND.UTI 0k 15-Feb-92 >1< Finds the sys starting address from disk T&SEDIT.UTI 2k 15-Feb-92 Edits tracks and sectors of a 1541 disk TEXTEDIT 7k 22-Feb-92 >2< texteditor /tnc is a text editor with ULT-LYNX 25k 05-May-92 >2< Utilitie-lynx UNSCRATC.UTI 1k 15-Feb-92 >1< Unscratch an erased file from disk UUXFER 2k 02-Nov-92 UUdecoding for C64, program file. See .DOC! XTCPACK 4k 23-May-92 >2< XTC-PACKER V2.3! Packer from Rockstar ZIPPERV5 7k 09-May-92 >5< [00] Description Missing Files : 58 Kilobytes : 934K In C64 Utilities File Area : All CPM Files COPY.COM 4k 29-Jun-92 >2< Top copy program for CP/M L4.COM 3k 29-Jun-92 New file. Not yet commented. SIMCPM.ARC 152k 17-Jun-92 >2< CP/M Simulator for the Amiga. this looks like a must have UNZIP.COM 2k 29-Jun-92 New file. Not yet commented. UNZIP.DOC 0k 29-Jun-92 >4< unzip for CP/M - documentation Files : 5 Kilobytes : 163K In All CPM Files