=>EXTRA HZXMORPAT HZX@WS40OZ81FOR:WS40OZ81ZZ0  vEXTRA.HEX[WS40 and date support update]% 1̂F c1`8"A81`FCXm#FX >8^2AHfP(ć4# X>F2(Ԉ5!H)b"B$dQ܆Dc ~1 iiFxw'!\jV)teFH:eBP"(. 69 hHldby# FXɤhi "#q1 Ң g9;vMORPAT.HEX[WS40 and date support update]% 1̂F c1`4A41`FCXm#FX >8V/D$3(IbCp @i#HRjDƣhZ12(nC"Kad1c@j~4"FqY'rʧcAFTx(CjcZaHe!4ͧ!a$a iqPh<@7 This is an overlay file for a FULLY installed WS 4.0 that allows it to carry the creation date of the source file to the saved modified file. Requires Z80DOS as the BDOS. This fixes a problem with the original that some files were not being stamped correctly. See the source header for more info. vWS40OZ81.Z80[WS40 and date support update]% I4;r`O-" "LSq@N7 & ^O PC(D!Z6 űdd/.2U8 'I bdH1 F9a6 ƓdO*yP@s:M %s3e9\CIc"{0ގ o,e4q0+ b1FaR+ECAe#yd$ӱ$ƙ!\0)awN q؈ {55{96Jz #6Np"@꿷`& ڇ&Hr "3 1`91p61Rʏà+& ÛSn:A0@8$2ð&␠ r4cC84m+N/O33 =L9t8GP t' () p:ʐ$"p"s>#-b`(K!`2#5K#4`*()VO] 0 bNWL+44č#0 zLb:͇Q}:$<[m621j@:Ҁ`ss+.ԴC @<ˊ/,IB A PL #,A,#"2hR$:P//Ap!Zu`}TZ;LmŽ<2~R:+מnsIDra-0ʵ}\JdS7o[;N6ԫР) !B_ /&1s2@@9pNL?ch򿍃0SEdfYR&"x'tФ*ֽ> Ǯ6(#(#g׹Nea֮CHm2D5ޚ嘱 ᡩyC}>~JhIG 4"@nHaGSư^!ܾ\ddc: 94֩Cwj D=fqy`)(7Āi@Љ2<- 6 /s 1SwZh bJi /fkP"x # v@EޙRYH gmTKbK.gXdjvtʶ ފ< K`@b2C@lhgR &pb y1j o݋_:BEA& wA8R4Ԁ&?tsaftW@y@y P QGl xѠ1LCOQseFyK*i'4v?  nvsι+3ѓoASf3oێg8#f'yU5ٺQM+.ZvfjX 5zX @u޽)bĹR}x5؜aٚbɉ#hfhl, \TI/u_DA~ mXKW̓=j#>Cs롌3 N谫 .˄T6؛R6ĂV@\qҽ A w<&D fd'V fu_;aoSi~f>y Yc MÓM}xUGn%oW]>?.a(ꠛ06_+KR޾}D& @ %h