FPSI Patch for Windows 95 for the Stylistic 1200 and Point 510 (W95FPSI.DRV) Release Notes Fujitsu Personal Systems, Inc. 20 April 1998 The FPSI Patch for Windows 95 is a file called W95FPSI.DRV. W95FPSI.DRV is a Windows device driver that corrects some of the shortcomings of Windows 95 with Pen Services 2.0. Details concerning the features of W95FPSI.DRV can be found below. Please note that there is also an FPSI Patch for Windows 95 for the Stylistic 1000, and it is also called W95FPSI.DRV. Because the patches are platform-specific, the version of W95FPSI.DRV for the Stylistic 1200 and Point 510 cannot be used on the Stylistic 1000, and vice versa. The date for the Stylistic 1000 version of W95FPSI.DRV is January 1997. If in doubt as to which version of W95FPSI.DRV you have, you can download the correct version from the FPSI Customer Support BBS. INSTALLTION INSTRUCTIONS The FPSI Patch for Windows 95 should already be installed in your system. In most cases, all you need to do is copy the file W95FPSI.DRV to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory, replacing the W95FPSI.DRV that is already there. In some cases, you will also need to modify your SYSTEM.INI file. You will need to add "W95FPSI.DRV" at the end of the "device=" line in the [boot] section of SYSTEM.INI, so that SYSTEM.INI looks like: [boot] . . . drivers= W95FPSI.DRV . . . CONFIGURATION In general, it should not be necessary to configure the FPSI Patch for Windows 95. The default values are optimal for use with the Stylistic 1200 and the Point 510. The features of W95FPSI.DRV are controlled by entries in the [StylisticWinOptions] section of SYSTEM.INI. If a particular entry is missing, then the default value is used. The following entries are valid: HotpadEnabled = [0|1] Default = 1 1: (default) Re-enable hotpads after a resume 0: Do not re-enable hotpads after a resume If Power Management is set to Maximum Performance and the pen is kept on one of the hotpads during the resume process, the hotpads will stop functioning. W95FPSI.DRV fixes this problem if this features is enabled. PenAware = [0|1] Default = 1 1: (default) Enable pen support for all applications 0: Do not enable pen support Before enabling pen support for an application, Pen Services checks the application's flags in the Task Database (TDB) to determine if the application is pen aware. Visual BASIC applications do not have the pen compatibility flag set in their TDB, so Pen Services does not display the "Lens Tool" (sometimes called the "A Button") in 16-bit Visual BASIC applications. If the "PenAware" feature is enabled, W95FPSI.DRV hooks the IsPenAware() function call in Pen Services and forces this function to always return "TRUE" so than Pen Services believes that all applications are pen aware, and will therefore provide the Lens Tool for all applications. MonitorPenTool = [0|1] Default = 1 1: (default) Prevent keyboard dialog popup if pen tool has been disabled 0: Don't prevent keyboard dialog popup. Allow GPF to occur. It is possible to disable "Lens Tool (sometimes called the "A Button" or the "Writing Tool") in the Handwriter Settings applet of the Control Panel, by un-checking the checkbox entitled "Enable pop-up letter guides (Writing Tool)" in the "General" tab. When the Lens Tool is disabled, it should still be possible to bring up the Lens Tool Keyboard by making a "checkmark" gesture on the screen. However, due to a bug in Pen Services, making a "checkmark" gesture on the screen when the Lens Tool is disabled will cause a General Protection Fault (GPF). If the "MonitorPenTool" option is enabled, W95FPSI.DRV prevents this GPF from occurring, and instead displays an error message that states "Please enable the 'pop-up letter guides' option from the Control Panel before invoking the Screen Keyboard dialog." CorrectTarget = [0|1] Default = 1 1: (default) Ensure that recognized characters are sent to the correct Edit control 0: Let Pen Services decide where recognized characters are sent Pen Services has a function called TargetPoints() that decides where Edit control characters generated by handwriting recognition should be placed. However, if Edit controls are closely stacked together, or if there are more than 64 Edit controls in a single window, TargetPoints() can become confused, sending the characters to the wrong Edit control. If the "CorrectTarget" option is enabled, W95FPSI.DRV pre-processes the data sent to TargetPoints(), ensuring that characters are sent to the correct Edit control. ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE If you require additional assistance in installing or configuring the FPSI Patch for Windows 95, please contact your assigned FPSI Systems Engineer, or call FSPI Technical Support at 408-764-9388.