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QuIX Gopher: repo

 *  I wish there was some rhyme or reason to my selection and arrangement
 *  of file repositories, which run the gamut from old CP/M collections,
 *  through DOS, to antique Linux distributions. Many things are lost to
 *  time and may only be available here.
 *  86Box-Windows-64-b6130zip
 *  9-software-gopher-gn-2.24.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  9-software-gopher-gophermail.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  ASIC50.ZIPzip
 *  ActivePerl-
 *  CD-ROM-2.0.tar.bz2octet-stream
 *  Cruzer_Family_98SEzip
 *  Intel-1.5.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  Intel-1.7.4(2).tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  Intel-1.7.4.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  Intel-1.7.5.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  Intel-2.0.4.tar.bz2octet-stream
 *  JustLearnMorseCodex-msi
 *  PAF5EnglishSetupx-msdos-program
 *  Python-2.1.3.tgzoctet-stream
 *  REST2514.EXEx-msdos-program
 *  Sigil-0.3.4-Linux-Setupoctet-stream
 *  Sigil-0.8.0-Linux-x86vnd.debian.binary-package
 *  Stylistic1200gopher-menu
 *  ToolVGldx-msdos-program
 *  WalnutCPMgopher-menu
 *  brianscompgopher-menu
 *  campinggopher-menu
 *  I camp out at lot at state parks because most have showers and are
 *  incredibly cheap. Information on many parks in northeast New Mexico.
 *  creamgopher-menu
 *  dc957x-msdos-program
 *  debian-31r3-i386-netinst(2)x-iso9660-image
 *  dosgopher-menu
 *  garbogopher-menu
 *  gn-2.14-src-11.00.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  hp100lxgopher-menu
 *  linuxbbsgopher-menu
 *  mozilla-win32-1.7.6-installerx-msdos-program
 *  mpkill.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  mulinuxgopher-menu
 *  mulinux-14r0.tgzoctet-stream
 *  oberon0.dskplain
 *  odin72-b5-1444.imgplain
 *  palmgopher-menu
 *  pcbluegopher-menu
 *  pci_filerecoveryx-msdos-program
 *  pkz204gx-msdos-program
 *  radioplain
 *  roms-4.2.1zip
 *  sbbsgopher-menu
 *  simtelgopher-menu
 *  This is a old mirror of the SIMTEL20 site, but perhaps more recent.
 *  slackware-3.9gopher-menu
 *  syncterm-linux-old.gzoctet-stream
 *  televx25x-msdos-program
 *  thinkTank2Pczip
 *  tightvnc-2.8.85-gpl-setup-64bitx-msi
 *  tpg1c917x-msdos-program
 *  tvp20x-msdos-program
 *  wboot98sex-msdos-program
 *  zaphodquicktime
 *  ziongopher-menu
 *  This is the source material for much of what appears in CGateZion@Tucumcari,
 *  especially the relegious texts. If you have a decent grounding in the texts
 *  here, you are probably more educated on exaltation than the vast majority.
 *  zx80circuit_A3pdf

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