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QuIX Gopher: repo

 *  I wish there was some rhyme or reason to my selection and arrangement
 *  of file repositories, which run the gamut from old CP/M collections,
 *  through DOS, to antique Linux distributions. Many things are lost to
 *  time and may only be available here.
 *  9-software-gopher-gn-2.24.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  9-software-gopher-gophermail.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  A Conglomeration of DOS Files for Various Purposesgopher-menu
 *  A DOS "Cream of the Crop" CD Compliationgopher-menu
 *  Linux BBS Software from the Days of Modeminggopher-menu
 *  MuLinux - Floppy-based Linux 2.0.x distributiongopher-menu
 *  Python-2.1.3.tgzoctet-stream
 *  Sigil-0.3.4-Linux-Setupoctet-stream
 *  Sigil-0.8.0-Linux-x86vnd.debian.binary-package
 *  Slackware Distribution, version 3.9gopher-menu
 *  Some of My Camping Spotsgopher-menu
 *  I camp out at lot at state parks because most have showers and are
 *  incredibly cheap. Information on many parks in northeast New Mexico.
 *  The Original PC Blue DOS Software Collectiongopher-menu
 *  Various Drivers and Software for Win95 Fujitsu Stylistic 1200 tabletgopher-menu
 *  brianscompgopher-menu
 *  gn-2.14-src-11.00.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  hp100lxgopher-menu
 *  mpkill.tar.gzoctet-stream
 *  palmdemozip
 *  radioplain
 *  syncterm-linux-old.gzoctet-stream

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