The main feature of modern enterprise IT is Mind-Boggling Complexity. Often it reaches completely
ridiculous levels, that reminds me the USSR over-centralized economy where most productivity was
lost to friction created by excessive centralization and related overcomplexity. That means that
system administrators make a perfect case study of "drowning in the information ocean". For
example memory about complex software system, such as operating systems exists mainly in two forms:
people ("oldtimers") and documentation. People remember how things work, best of them have knowledge
about particular software system (often undocumented) that can only be acquired in many years working
with multiple version of the software system. Sometimes they record this information somewhere,
but mostly they don't. When they leave information is lost. In this happens for important software used
in the corporation this is called corporate amnesia. So sometimes corporation hire experts to
explain to them how their software works (and pay is actually very good ;-). This is something like
reverse industrial espionage, or, may be, "software archeology". See for example my
notes of Frontpage, the program for which
I have 20 years daily usage experience. I still learn new things about it almost weekly about
it and even started to use it as poor man knoledge management system (Frontpage
as a poor man personal knowledge management system)
The same is true about Perl, Python, Linux, and many other complex software programs and operating
For a modern software specialist or system administrator the problem is similar. Complexity of modern
IT makes just orienting in this maze of badly structured and often unintelligible information almost
impossible for humans undertaking. For example one typical problem with system administrators is that
you encounter some problems, you study this problem, at last you solve it, Then when you again face
the same problem year and half later you already forgot everything about it and need to rediscover everything
In a way Unix system administration became a classic case of occupation in which even the most intelligent
people can't do well without supporting tools. Its complexity is definitely above human abilities. Even
the most bright humans. That's probably one reason why job hunters now want only candidates 100%
compatible with the job description. Just an intelligent person will still need several months
to get used to the new environment and tools even if he/she is an excellent specialist in Unix.
Each corporate environment is now idiosyncratic with its own unique set of tools and approaches to common
problems. That's a very stupid approach, like many other things in modern IT, but we have what
we have.
Another problem is that when clueless IT brass brings system after system into enterprise environment
without any concern of unintended consequences
(Boomerang effect or
blowback in CIA terms). They are
mostly are driven by fashion and the desire to get higher annual bonus. I touched this theme a little
bit in my old article (written before Oracle bought Sun)
Solaris vs Linux in context of multiple flavors
of Unix existing in modern datacenter. Each new flavor means new headache independently of its
advantages in other areas (such as price/performance ratio, which is tremendously higher for Intel based
servers than RISK). So while Linux servers are definitely a "good thing" and have the best price/performance
ration, adding them to datacenter with already present Solaris, HP-UX and AIX just ten years ago was
not such a good idea for existing system administrators. They needed to learn new, different flavor
of Unix and support it on daily basis. This enormity of additional information creates severe case of
information overload. Now all those wars are at the past and linux on Intel is a dominant enterprise
OS, but linux itself split into multiple flavors so the same war is now replayed on a different, lower
level. For example on the level of RHEL vs SLES (and to lesser extent Debian vs Ubuntu). Add to
this typical for Linux camp civil war between laptop-oriented and server-oriented developers (with the
recent defeat of server oriented developers -- introduction of
systemd in RHEL 7 and SLES
12) and the situation looks painfully similar to "Unix wars" between Solaris, Linux, AIX and HP-UX.
Add to those technical challenges dysfunctional nature of social environment in modern datacenter
(see Surviving a Bad
Performance Review) with a heavy doze of sociopaths in management ranks (especially
and you now understand a little bit more about the real nature and challenges of the work of a Unix
sysadmin ;-)
Now it is virtually impossible for any individual system administrator to know "all" Linux
or "all" Solaris. To say nothing about another dozen of complex subsystems that are added on top of
it (Apache, Oracle or other database, Open View/Tivoli/Nagios, BMC, Data Protector, you name it).
That's why crutches in the form of personal knowledge database now became a much for any Unix sysadmin
who respect himself and his own mental health. Having a personal knowledge database also helps to integrate
knowledge of other people found of Internet and to relate it to your own environment and goals. It’s
no longer sufficient for sysadmin to use regular paper lab journal. You need more advanced information
technologies to weave all necessary knowledge into an understandable tapestry. More recently,
the law of unintended consequences has come to be used as an idiomatic warning that any excessively
complex system tends to create unanticipated and often undesirable outcomes.
Now we need web-based content management and research tools that help to maintain accumulated knowledge,
retrieve it on request and integrate their raw, primary data such as emails and Teraterm or putty logs.
Actually there are four important and overlapping aspects of system administration that are
often overlooked:
Overcomplexity of the current sysadmin environment and Byzantine maze of subsystems, tools
and configuration files. Complexity is such, that even just in the case of a single "pure"
operating system (let's say RHEL 6.5) it is beyond human capabilities to understand and remember
all the details of the configuration.
Overcomplexity of Linux and other Unix flavors and this great necessity for a tool for systematizing
your own knowledge about this OS. Moreover typically sysadmins need to deal with several
flavor of operating system and various, often obscure and idiosyncratic application packages.
Detrimental effect of complexity and related uncertainty on users and thus great necessity
for keeping users and colleagues informed. And it is preferable do it as side effect of
accumulating and creating your knowledgebase, not as completely separate activity.
A great need for something better then lab journal for recording your own activities and
providing history and cross reference for important actions you perform. With the capability
to classify entries into categories and the ability to search them. As rare operations that
you performed are quickly forgotten ability to search using tags or just using GNU find is of paramount
"Folly is a more dangerous enemy to the good than evil. One can protest against
evil; it can be unmasked and, if need be, prevented by force. Evil always carries the seeds of
its own destruction, as it makes people, at the least, uncomfortable. Against folly we have no
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
A folly is usually defined as
Lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight: an act of folly.
An act or instance of foolishness: regretted the follies of his youth.
A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome.
The list of blunders that sysadmin often commits
is long and probably deserved its own study. They are also aptly called SNAFU. And the only self-defense
is acquiring the required knowledge. Here is where you own personal wiki can help.
Traditionally wiki is considered to be oriented of some audience. But this is not really necessary.
Wiki can serve as an engine for organizing your own knowledge. More useful and flexible then blog or
traditional lab journal or helpdesk system. With the power of modern desktops Wiki can be
installed in a virtual machine and used as a daily tool. Or it can be maintained on some cloud based
As Wikipedia had shown wiki-format allows systematizing vast amount of knowledge in relatively assessable
form. Generally hyperlinked text is a very good tool for systematizing knowledge and the first implementations
of hypertext were designed specifically for that purpose. Tags provide good structuring of knowledge
into categories. It remains a very good tool even now than there are multiple alternative. And
what is interesting that raw HTML is more useful (and probably more powerful) that all those "all dancing,
all singing" complex frameworks.
Modern operating systems are an extremely complex maze of complex subsystems and obscure features
remembering which is simply impossible. And if you learn some feature and do not use for several months,
you knowledge disappears. In a year you usually remember very little, and most important details are
gone forever. If in a year you face the same problem again, you need to rediscover all the intricate
details of your former solution again. At this point some of your best sources might be gone or
buried under ton of spam links in Google and other search engines (it's funny, but Bing sometimes is
more useful then Google in Linux information searches)
That means that you always are in situation of the elephant and the blind. Some tools are not used
often and all information about them is forgotten from one use to another. So, when necessary,
you need to relearn them, then, because you do not use them, you forget all the information again.
Another typical problem is that sometimes you get a nice source of information, the location of which
you no longer remember or a tip that no longer is available on the Web. And search engine does
not help (Google is actually not very good as for finding relevant technical information and top links
often are junk; paradoxically Bind or Yandex sometimes are better). So important part of your
knowledge is simply gone.
Sometimes you get a nice source of information, the location of which you no longer remember
or a tip that no longer is available on the Web. And search engine does not help (Google
is actually not very good as for finding relevant technical information and top links often are
junk; paradoxically Bind or Yandex something are better). So important part of your knowledge
is simply gone.
Yet another typical problem is that you saved important part of your protocol of work, say, with
Teraterm, but now you can't find it using find or
grep. Linking such files to the your wiki helps immensely
here. I was suffering from this problem for a long time until I learn the discipline of linking all
such file into relevant web pages.
System administrators often spend hours trying to figure out some poorly documented task. The qulity
of documentation from most vendors is dismal, if not worse. For example,
it is not trivial to
set HP ILO IP address on boot if the server, such as DL360 G7 came from other datacenter that uses
different network. If you do not document this procedure and make it "findable" in your electronic connection
of notes the next time you will step on the same rake. And again need to spend several hours figuring
the details. especially if this happened two years after you company switched to other vendor,
for example Dell or CISCO UCS,
Yet another problem is that corporate mail engine is usually brain dead (I am thinking about Lotus
Notes here) but you can convert it into Web format and use some free Web mail engine or even Thunderbird
as an important part of your knowledge base. A lot of useful information travels via corporate email
and you need to find some way to reference and integrate most important mails into your personal knowledge
database without excessive extra efforts. I would like to warn you that forwarding corporate mail
to external server is against company policy and you can face consequences if you try to make browsing
of your mail easier on your smartphone and forward all or selected Webmail provider such as gmail, Yahoo
mail or hotmail. Only corporate approved applications should be used.
The fact that there is too much information that a typical sysadmin nned to keep in his/her head
greatly xceeed the capacity of such a head is undisputable. For a typical sysadmin that create situations
which despite the fact that the problem he faces now was already resolved in the past in several
months it necessarily will be treated as new -- as all knowledge about details of the resolution
are lost. Often even if you know that notes exist they are impossible to find. The chances became
more slim as time interval grows. For example, if a typical when a similar situation happened a year
ago or two years in most case you forgot important, often crusial details, even if finding them out
cost you a lot of time and nerves. In such case you typically need to relearn and rediscover the solution
to the problem and often step on the same rake, if the problem is tricky and documentation is incomplete
or incorrect (which if often the case in all, but the most trivial cases; look like vendors want to
keep you on a short leash, dependent of their tech support). That's a very frustrating situation.
Vendor web sites and technical knowledge bases sometimes help, but good, informative for the particular
situation materials are often very difficult to find. Sometimes they are buried somewhere were
even vendor web site search engine can't find them. Sometimes they changed the title and or location
in such a way that you can't find them using search engine using the title or keywords and need
a quote from a document. Sometimes the link that you saved does not work anymore. This is a very
typical situation for IBM, HP and Oracle. All three really like to move the material around, making
your old links obsolete. Sometimes it looks like a strange, sadistic game they intentionally play with
the users of their products, inflicting sufferings to test their loyalty ;-)
In any case, the situation when you can't find on vendor site the most valuable document even if
you know that it exist, is pretty common. And search for it often requires a lot of time, sometimes
hours, that are essentially lost. If you under pressure that increases the drama. If you have
both the recorded link (which is now invalid) and a summary and a couple of quotes, your task
is much simper and you can find document in several minutes if not seconds. And if you saved some personal
notes from previous incident, may be you do not need the document at all.
Typical way of systematizing such knowledge via help desk ticket system suffers from several shortcomings.
First of all, all known to me corporate helpdesk systems are junk. It is difficult to work with them
and that kills any desire to use them for systemizing knowledge. And secondly bureaucratic perversions
that are typical in large enterprise helpdesk system implementation make it passionate object of hate.
Looks like there is always a person in a large corporation, who have completely perverted ideas on how
to use helpdesk and position where it can enforce his ideas on the users under the disguise of "improvements".
This in this case equivalent to creation of additional red tape. This situation is so typical, that
it does not make any sense to write about it. I suspect that it reflects sole law under which large
corporations operate similar to Parkinson Law,
or Peter Principle. This is a natural feeling
when you are forced to do something unnecessary or even stupid day after day. Another typical example
here are so called "automatically generated tickets".
That means that creation of your own personal knowledge base is of paramount importance. You can
start with write-up of solved tickets and gradually expand and hyperlink it on a simple web site.
Simplicity at the very beginning is of paramount importance as if you overshoot, you soon abandon
your project. I strongly recommend free version of Frontage with no wiki web engine you a starting point.
In this case you do not even need apache or other server on your desktop.
You need to understand that ease of editing and scheduling fair amount of time for recording and
reviewing your activities and experience and much more important factor then selection of wiki engine.
Often you can do it early in the morning or late at night, when there are fewer distraction and you
can concentrate on the task at hand. But you should do it each and every day,
That means that this simple format will be adequate for at least a the first couple of years, in
not a decade. But as the amount of pages in your knowledgebase grows you eventually might need
versioning, ability to tag content and search database using both tags and search phrases, maintain
the list of most recent entries, the list of most often assessed entries and other helpers.
That is especially important if you need to support two of more flavors of Unix, for example Solaris
and RHEL. In this case you typically forget almost everything from one encounter with the problem
to another on less used OS; your records are that only way to stay sane in this environment.
I have had a pretty painful experience of supporting Linux and Solaris simultaneously at one point
of my career. At the beginning I hated Linux and as I learned more about Linux and forgot most
what I learned about Solaris my feelings reversed ;-). Actually attachment to the best known OS in sysadmins
has very strong emotional component (love-hate). And I now understand perfectly well those Linux sysadmin
that passionately hate Solaris as well as those Solaris sysadmins who passionately hate Linux. Two systems
of this level of complexity are just too much for a single human being and hate is just a manifestation
of frustration with experience of a lesser known OS in complex enterprise environment. See
Solaris vs. Linux for details.
And if you understand that Linux in enterprise environment has split personality (RHEL and SLES)
very soon you will hate your job as in no way sysadmin can be comfortable supporting three complex OS.
Even two close OS such as RHEL and SLES are a huge challenge. Unless you find a constructive way to
deal this this superhuman level of complexity. And I think creating your own knowledge base is the only
constructive way to lessen this tremendous level of frustration with excessively complex environment
in which Unix sysadmins needs to survive. And not only solve challenging problems, but solve then quickly.
...If you do figure out why something broke, not just what happened, it's a good idea to keep
some kind of record that you or someone else can find if the same thing happens months or years from
now. As much as I'd like to learn from the problems I have run into over the years, I have too
many times found myself facing a problem and saying "I've seen this before ..." and yet not remembered
the cause or what I had done to resolve the problem. Keeping good notes and putting them in a
reliable place can save you hours of time somewhere down the line.
... ... ...
In general, Unix admins don't like to document the things that they do, but some things really
warrant the time and effort. I have built some complicated tools and enough of them that, without
some good notes, I would have to retrace my steps just to remember how one of these processes works.
...In fact, I sometimes have to stop and ask myself "wait a minute; how does this one work?" Some
of the best documentation that I have prepared for myself outlines the processes and where each piece
is run, displays data samples at each stage in the process and includes details of how and when each
process runs.
The key here is to have all you information as plain vanilla html of other "easy" text format.
In this case you can use generaic tools for serach. Such seach can be done on multiple level
The first level is multilevel indexing of document (by title, by date of creation, by author,
etc). Thos indexes are relatively easy to create automatically from a set of HTML documents.
The second level is generic search tools.
Search of a set HTML file using grep is actually amazingly powerful if you know how to use
Perl regular expressions (latest version of GNU grep support Perl regular expressions).
Total commander has good search capabilities so if you use OFM managers for other purposes
it is natural to use it as a search tool too.
There are also more specialised tools.
they can be custom -- for example you won scripts written in Perl
They can be generic. In this case they generally fall under the category "Desktop search tools"
but thier useflness is not given.
Three types of serach
What is called unstructured file actually contains a lot of strcuture. Bused of this struture we can
distinguish three typical types of infrmation about a given file:
file and folder names. You can encode some meradata into the file name, for example data of creation.
Folder can reflect major category to which this item belongs.
metadata, such as date of creation, initial
source if any (citation), HTML tags title, keywords, authors. Links that are used in the document.
They generally can be easily extacted from set of HTML documents using custom scripts.
Tools that can serach for a phrase in the body of the document. Generally regular expression
engines can do that but here we mean additional capability. For example you can specify that order
of words is not relevant but still words should be consecutive. .
There is a special tag in html that allows encoding keywords'. The <meta> element within head tag can
be used to specify page description, keywords, author, and other metadata (HTML
head Elements)
<meta name="description" content="Free Web tutorials on HTML and CSS">
Define the
character set used:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
Define the author of a page:
<meta name="author" content="Hege Refsnes">
This meta tags are pretty useful is you put you information in relatively small HTML files. Otherwise
they are less important. In a way they resemble the header of good old email format.
One well-supported Wiki engine that definitely is suitable for personal database is
MediaWiki engine.
But the key problem with it that it use special wikiwiki markup which I passionately
hate. I do not consider it improvement over plain vanilla html. On the contrary I consider it less flexible
and more obtuse. Still loading your information into this format is not a wasted effort, but a
very important learning activity. At the minimum you will learn enough details to contribute something
to Wikipedia. But again I am ambivalent about this path as I hate Wikiwiki markup language.
Typically wiki use simplified, very primitive markup language with the implicit (and wrong) assumption
that HTML is too difficult. Although this is a peripheral issue a lot of coding efforts are sunk
into reinventing the bicycle. At some point the wikiwiki markup language becomes a problem
rather then solution, as outside very simple cases it is neither simple not transparent. That's actually
a real problem with Wikipedia which had outgrown its humble beginnings and have has have wikiwiki as
a legacy that created problems rather then being a solution to the problems. Wikipedia might be considered
as a case where wikiwiki gradually became worse then HTML as substantial financial resources
of Wikipedia foundation definitely allow it to improve and extend any high quality HTML open source
editor (for example Netscape HTML editor). There is plug-in that translates MediaWiki wikiwiki
format into XHTML (Perl-XHTML-MediaWiki
Some wikis have HTML metatag, so they can accept raw html. Wiki which have those capabilities are
preferable to those which do not. Some have capability to export the page in pure HTML. This is another
useful extension that has a real value.
At some point the wikiwiki markup language becomes a problem rather then solution,
so wiki that accept html are preferable to those which do not (it is possible to convert to wiki
formatting language from HTML with some loss of formatting). That's actually a real problem
with Wikipedia.
While usage of the database can help in implementation of such things as tags, generally it is more
important to be able to process files using regular Unix tools without the necessity of extracting content
from the database and then putting it back. Files-based wikis are scalable up to let's say 100K pages
as such wikis are not used as intensively as Wikipedia.
Database (and not necessary relational one), if any, should contain only metadata (we should
learn something from NSA, should not we ;-)
Categories (or tags) are used in blogs (and recently in some Web mail engines, like Gmail)
to create a non-relational database of posts. Each post can belong to several categories. In terms of
flat files we can think about categories as softlinks from the "base" directory were post is stores
to several other directories. This way a post can be present in multiple "generated" pages.
One of the most common (and the most devastating in its consequences) problem of large companies
(and any large bureaucracies) is that left hand does not know what right hand is doing. this is true
as for actions sysadmin and users as well as actions of different sysadmin on the same server (who can
be on different continents, serving different shifts, for example German team and the US team).
If you use Frontpage the solution is trivial: you publish "public" section of your website and keep
"private" section on your harddrive.
A similar approach is possible with wiki.
The problem of "non informed" users is the most acute and often lead to user actions which are easily
preventable if they have just a little bit more information. Most users like to know when there is a
new functionality available, or when the resources are down or not available. Such content be maintained
corroboratively, and added/corrected by users not only by you and other sysadmins. This helps if not
in eliminating, but at least lessening the "Kremlin tower syndrome" of over-centralized, outdated and
insufficient Intranet content for users, typical for corporate Web sites.
E-mail communication has a deficiency that after email is read it is forgotten and or deleted.
Also sometimes it is not read at all. While web-based email client is useful and some standalone client
like Thunderbird are quite powerful, systematization of information is difficult using e-mail.
It can and should be used and I find email to be a better tool of informing myself and users about changes
then helpdesk engines, but eventually converting them to Wiki pages is a better way to systematize knowledge.
That does not mean that you should disclose too all the information to users. Some pages should be
private and oriented only on sysadmins.
What is important is that such wiki should be developed collaboratively with the users. Just giving
users the ability to participate lessen the frustration with the environment.
Not only such "information portal" makes other administrators and users happier because they
are better informed and not just "lurking in a dark". It also prevents unnecessary helpdesk tickets,
which makes your life as a sysadmin easier as well.
That means that efforts in creating such local information portal can pay off rather quickly.
There is a growing trend to combine wiki technology with blogging capability to provide better collaboration
and communication solutions. SocialText
and Wetpaint are two example in this direction.
In addition, several of the existing content managing systems are beginning to add wiki and blog functions
to their product roadmap.
Pure wiki functionality is not enough and you need at least two additional functions:
Capabilities of content management system (tracking changes, authors, etc). For example
Wikipedia (based on MediaWiki) has most features typical for the content management system.
And you can use it as a wiki engine for your internal "information portal".
Cross referencing system based on tags. Tags which correspond to categories gives the
ability to combine posts into multiple pages with useful information for the topic. This feature
is well developed in most blogs. It does not exist in Media Wiki but you can imitate it using search.
Capability of blogs in order to have the discussion about changes Combination of
wiki and blog technology also help to solve the problem of topics: many user notes belong to multiple
topics. Wiki alone has no capability to automatically combine posts based on the topic.
An important first step are discussion areas present in MediaWiki. They can and probably
should be structured as blogs.
Extensions to a standard wiki that provide the record of changes for each page. Again
MediaWiki probably provide 80% of needed functionality.
the wiki supports subscribe by e-mail to changes of any page.
I appear to have gotten this to work with
B2 and
MoinMoin. But I had
to hack MoinMoin quite
a bit to get the mail in a reasonable format whereby I'd actually want it blogged.
I now also have a hack to B2
that automatically inserts links to wiki pages (with wiki names) that exist, but only if not in between
angle brackets - I don't want to have links inside of links as nested anchors haven't been allowed
for a long time in HTML land.
The balance of author control/democracy in wikis is slated toward democracy and thus has some negative
side effects like vandalism and "lowest common denominator" problem.
The "lowest common denominator" problem is related to observable deterioration of initial high quality
that some pages used to have, but which later were destroyed by enthusiastic but clueless followers
with strong opinions. This problem of deterioration of pages quality with time is clearly visible is
Wikipedia, but might be negligent in small wiki with limited audience. It is much less of a problem
with internal informational portals.
In Wikipedia those two effects in certain cases it led to such a serious deterioration of quality
of certain technical pages that it sometimes called "GreyPedia" or "DummyPedia". It is unclear how to
solve it, as less competent members of the community often have strong opinions and can type really
fast ;-)
This problem is even more acute in "political" pages. Here Wikipedia "democratic" approach does not
work at all. In certain case Wikipedia now is forced to limit registered users which can edit the most
controversial pages. Also it is unclear how "three letter agencies" influence the content of such pages.
That's why Wikipedia sometimes is called Ciapedia.
Despite this significant (and very difficult to solve) problem , wikis so far this proved to be a
workable solution where abuse does not derail most projects.
Perl is the most Unix sysadmin friendly language so wiki engines written in it are far superior to
any alternative unless you program in Python or PHP. It is always better to have an engine
in which you can make small code changes that to be just a user.
In this sense Wikipedia engine written in PHP sucks. It sucks despite providing the best combination
of capabilities among free Wiki engines.
If you know Python then there is an option of using several high quality Python based wiki engines.
I like Trac.
There are several open-source wikis with the revision control built-in available,
such as MediaWiki and MoinMoin, but TWiki has its own
set of enthusiasts and strong following. This is a GPL product. The current version is 6.0.0.
One tremendous advantage is that it store pages as plain files (under version control) and does not
use database.
It is available in the form of virtual machine too. The Web site claims that
It is a Structured
Wiki, typically used to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge
base, or any other groupware tool, on an intranet, extranet or the Internet.
... ... ...
Here is a non- comprehensive list of how TWiki is being used:
To replace a static intranet. Content is maintained by the employees, thus eliminating
the "one webmaster syndrome" of outdated and insufficient intranet content.
To track issues (i.e. bugs) and features. TWiki itself is managed this way; more on that in
the Codev web.
As a document management tool.
To collaborate on common goals, such as the
Javapedia online
encyclopedia for Java developers on, or the
Biowiki for computational biology projects of
UC Berkeley.
As a company internal message board, i.e. for job listings.
Some of TWiki's benefits are:
A notion of webs that allows the wiki administrator to segregate areas of collaboration into
their own areas, each with its own set of authorization rules and topics.
A modular plug-in and skin system that allows you to customize easily.
A well-established base of users and developers.
Revision control based on RCS or custom Perl-based version management system.
It is Perl-based and mod_perl or FastCGI can be used.
Authentication is handled outside the wiki by mechanisms such as Apache htpasswd.
Installing TWiki is relatively easy, but still needs work. I hope, as the beta progresses, we will
see improvements in ease of installation and upgrading along with clearer documentation.
First, you must create the directory where you want to install TWiki, say /var/www/wiki.
Next, untar the TWiki distribution in that directory. Then you must make sure that the user with rights
to run CGI scripts (usually apache or www-data), owns all of the files and is able to write to all files:
Now copy bin/LocalLib.cfg.txt to bin/LocalLib.cfg, and edit it. You need to edit the $twikiLibPath
variable to point to the absolute path of your TWiki lib directory, /var/www/wiki/lib in our case. You
also must create lib/LocalSite.cfg to reflect your specific site information. Here is a sample of what
might go into LocalSite.cfg:
# This is LocalSite.cfg. It contains all the setups for your local # TWiki site. $cfg{DefaultUrlHost} = ""; $cfg{ScriptUrlPath} = "/wiki/bin"; $cfg{PubUrlPath} = "/wiki/pub"; $cfg{DataDir} = "/var/www/wiki/data"; $cfg{PubDir} = "/var/www/wiki/pub"; $cfg{TemplateDir} = "/var/www/wiki/templates"; $TWiki::cfg{LocalesDir} = '/var/www/wiki/locale';
Here is a sample section for your Apache configuration file that allows this wiki to run:
ScriptAlias /wiki/bin/ "/var/www/wiki/bin/" Alias /wiki "/var/www/localhost/wiki" <Directory "/var/www/wiki/bin"> Options +ExecCGI -Indexes SetHandler cgi-script AllowOverride All Allow from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/pub"> Options FollowSymLinks +Includes AllowOverride None Allow from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/data"> deny from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/lib"> deny from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/templates"> deny from all </Directory>
TWiki comes with a configure script that you run to set up TWiki. This script is used not only on
initial install but also when you want to enable plugins later. At this point, you are ready to configure
TWiki, so point your browser to your TWiki configure script,
You might be particularly interested in the Security section, but we will visit this shortly. Until
you have registered your first user, you should leave all settings as they are. If the configure script
gives any warnings or errors, you should fix those first and re-run the script. Once you click Next,
you are prompted to enter a password. This password is used whenever the configure script is run in
the future to help ensure no improper access.
Once you have completed the configuration successfully, it is time to enter the wiki. Point your
browser to, and you are presented with the Main web. In
the middle of the page is a link for registration. Register yourself as a user. Be sure to provide a
valid e-mail address as the software uses it to validate your account. Once you have verified your user
account, you need to add yourself to the TWikiAdminGroup. Return to the Main web and click on the Groups
link at the left, and then choose the TWikiAdminGroup. Edit this page, and change the GROUP variable
to include your new user name:
The three blank spaces at the beginning of each of those lines are critical.
These two lines add your user to the TWikiAdminGroup and allow only members of the TWikiAdminGroup
to modify the group. We are now ready to enable authentication for our wiki, so go back to
Several options provided under the Security section are useful. You should make sure the options {UseClientSessions}
and {Sessions}{UseIPMatching} are enabled. Also set the {LoginManager} option to TWiki::Client::TemplateLogin
and {PasswordManager} to TWiki::Users::HtPasswdUser. If your server supports it, you should set {HtPasswd}{Encoding}
to sha1. Save your changes and return to the wiki. If you are not logged in automatically, there is
a link at the top left of the page that allows you to do so.
Now that you have authentication working, you may want to tighten down your wiki so that unauthorized
people do not turn your documentation repository into an illicit data repository. TWiki has a pretty
sophisticated authorization system that is tiered from the site-wide preferences all the way down to
a specific topic. Before locking down the Main web, a few more tasks need to be done. Once only certain
users can change the Main web, registering new users will fail. That is because part of the user registration
process involves creating a topic for that user under the Main web. Dakar has a user, TWikiRegistrationAgent,
that is used to do this. From the Main web, use the Jump box at the top left to jump to the WebPreferences
topic. Edit the topic to include the following four lines and save your changes:
This allows only members of the TWikiAdminGroup to make changes or rename the Main web or update
the Main web's preferences. It also allows the TWikiRegistrationAgent user to create new users' home
topics when new users register. I have included a patch that you must apply to lib/TWiki/UI/
as well. The patch follows, but you can also download the patch from the LJ FTP site (see the
on-line Resources):
Otherwise, new users' home directories will fail to be created and new user registration will fail.
Once you have verified that the Main web is locked down, you should do the same for the TWiki and Sandbox
When you are done configuring TWiki, you should secure the files' permissions:
As I mentioned before, TWiki has a plugin system that you can use. Many plugins are available from the
TWiki Web site. Be sure the plugins you choose have been updated for Dakar before you use them.
Like TWiki it is written in in Perl 5 (5.8.8 or higher required). It contains powerful WYSIWYG editor
which can be used instead of wikiwiki language. Works with RCS version 5.7 or higher.
Has some interesting features like macros.
Creating a Table of Contents %TOC%
automatically creates a table of contents based on the headings present in the topic. To exclude ...
Use <verbatim> to enclose code excerpts, filenames, and other unformatted
unformatted text!
and more of it!
DoxWiki makes it easy for
you to get a wiki up and running quickly. When installed on your computer, DoxWiki weighs in at just
over 200KB.
The heart of DoxWiki is a a simple Web server that's written in Perl. To get going,
all you have to do is start the Web server at the command line; it doesn't seem to like being launched
from a desktop shortcut. Then, open the wiki's main page in your browser by typing http://localhost:8080
in the address bar.
Instead of saving content to a database, DoxWiki saves the individual files that make up the
wiki on your hard drive. The files are small, so it would take quite a lot of them to put a dent
in your drive's capacity.
Creating wiki pages is simple. On the main page (called the Wiki Root), you type a name for the new
page in one of the fields, and then click the Go button. From there, you add content.
Unfortunately DoxWiki uses Wiki markup language
DoxWiki also has a couple of useful features: HTML export filter and a search engine.
You can save individual pages as HTML, which you can later post to
the Web, print, or send via email.
DoxWiki's search engine is rudimentary, but it gets the job done, which is useful when your wiki
grows to encompass a large number of pages.
One aspect of DoxWiki that I don't like is the default look of the pages. They're not ugly, but they're
bland. You can add a custom logo to your wiki pages
ikiwiki is a free, open source wiki application,
designed by Joey Hess. It is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or
ikiwiki is written in Perl, although external plugins can be implemented in any language.
One advantage of ikiwiki is that stores its pages in a standard version control system such as
Git, Subversion or others.
ikiwiki acts as wikiformat compiler and supports several lightweight markup languages, including
Markdown, Creole, reStructuredText and Textile.
It also has Perl POD translator so it can use Perl POD format. (perl-Pod-IkiWiki
In the simplest case, it can function as an off-line static web site generator, but it can use CGI
to function as a normal web-interfaced wiki as well.[3] Login via OpenID is supported.
ikiwiki can be used for maintaining a blog, and includes common blogging functionality such as comments
and RSS feeds. The installer includes an option to set up a simple blog at install time.[4]
ikiwiki is included in various Linux distributions, including Debian and Ubuntu.[3]
Use as a (possibly-distributed) bug tracker[edit]
Although wikis and bug tracking systems are conventionally viewed as distinct types of software,
Ikiwiki can also be used as a (possibly-distributed) bug tracking system; however, "Ikiwiki has little
structured data except for page filenames and tags," so its query functionality is not as advanced or
as user-friendly as some other, centralised bug trackers such as Bugzilla.[5]
See also[edit]
Portal icon Free software portal
##Website Meta Language
##Gitit: Another wiki which uses a version control system to store pages
UseModWiki is the original Wiki engine for wikipedia, written in Perl. Wikipedia used this engine
for a while (From January 15, 2001 until early 2002)., before re-implementing it in PHP. Their current
engine is PHP-based. .
UseModWiki is very simple to set up and upgrade. It has a rich syntax, and allows for arbitrary characters
in page names. It also supports using some HTML tags instead of the WikiWiki markup. It has
other nice features, including search, a list of recent changes, and page history.
For simple Perl-written Wikis, UseModWiki is a good choice. Codebase is not that complex and you
can implement your own changes.
The Kwiki motto is a "A Quickie
Wiki that's not Tricky." this is an abandonware without a website. is semi-dead. Download page
works. Index of -downloads Installing
it is pretty straightforward for a site you admin: just install the Perl package (from
CPAN or elsewhere), and then type kwiki-install
in a CGI-served directory to create an instance.
Installing Kwiki on a server you are not an admin of is more complicated but doable.
I found the
markup not powerful. Some things are impossible with it, such as hyperlinking an arbitrary piece
of text to an email address (mail fooish).
I also could not find how to link a Wiki page with a text link different from the Wiki page name (like
this link to LinkedWikiWikiPage). There is also no support for attachments, no support for HTML
markup as an alternative to the Wiki markup, etc. It is disappointing.
Kwiki can use either RCS or Subversion for version control. Those who wish to use Subversion
check out the corrected Kwiki version as the CPAN Kwiki does not work with the up-to-date Subversion.)
Kwiki is easily customizable and has
several Kwiki enhancements available.
Generally, however, Kwiki is less powerful than TWiki.
WebKNotes was an attempt to create a personal knowledge base. It's an old project that lasted probably
till 2002. Now it is open source abandonware. Here is the history:
This whole thing started because I wanted to store information in directories
as plain text and have something that made it accessible via WWW.
At first I made a simple Makefile, that looked at the extension and printed out
an HTML fragment based on the extension. ""
Then I wrote a shell script, "" that ran the makefile on every
file in the dir and wrapped and HTML title and header on it, the outputting
html went in '.index.html'.
Then recursivly called dir2html and put .index.html in ever
This was slow to use make, so I abandanded it and just wrote dir2html.csh,
that did a 'foreach' and switch.
Faster, but csh is slow too.
So next, it was
Next I turned the thing into a CGI script and generated HTML on the fly,
for a directory passed to it.
At some point, I renamed it to 'notes2html' since was it really was a way
of accessing my notes about things, and not dirs in general.
When I put the thing on my web page, I realized that I needed a better
way to control writes and to have the write suid, since CGI scripts run as
WWW, or nobody. 'doncreate' then later 'faccess'. 'faccess' was a C program
that restrited types of writes to directories, based on a faccess.conf file.
I used it to write logs, counters, as well as notes. 'faccess' was made to
be an suid Exec. This was now a very secure system, and I owned all the files
that came in.
Once the notes database had a few things in it, it was impossible to find
things in it (at least for an outsider). A search mechanism was needed badly.
At first, I wrote some ugly script that used 'find' and 'grep'.
This was slow. I needed something that did them both. I didnt want to write
C code either, because that is something to recompile.
I found a search utility written in perl, for searching HTML trees.
Much hacking later, it work for notes2html.
Now I had this cool searchable knowledge database system and needed a name.
Knowledge Notes - KNOTES.
later I converted all of notes2html to perl ..
Also, I added more perl scripts to subscribe/unscribe via email.
Got rid of use of faccess, as I was running through cgiwrap.
Then I cleaned it all up, modularized it a little, made all sysstem
dependent defines in one file.
Then I finally put documentation with the thing.
1998, rewrote search script, made all the scripts work as setuid scripts.
Update 1999, January 13:
License is the Artistic License.
Renamed To WebKNotes, so as not to be confused with KDE's Knotes.
In essence Wiki is a poor man content management system and most wikies can be used like content
management system. It is especially effective in creating user-oriented documentation and informing
users about status of the systems. See
Comparison of content management systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wiki engines that are written in Perl and that use Unix file system for storing content and allow
usage of Html are preferable.
Despite the fact that it written in PHP, the current Wikipedia engine (MediaWiki) is good enough
for the purpose discussed and can be recommended despite that fact that it does not meed two of three
mentioned above criteria. As an added bonus you (and your users) learn the ropes which gives you possibility
to contribute to Wikipedia, which despite all junk it contains and the problems of vandalism and the
lowest common denominator is a useful, open tool, that we all should support.
TWiki and DoxWiki are two maintained Perl implementations.
Both are big, complex software projects.
Most small modifiable by "regular folks" Perl Wiki projects are abandonware and you can re-use them
only if you are ready to spend time learning the codebase and adapting it to your need. Throwing out
wikiwiki markup and switching to HTML is the first recommended step.
It got a lot of hits (mostly from HackerNews ), and
privately quite a few people reached out to me to ask for advice on embedding similar. It even got name-checked in a
Google SRE book
Since then, I've learned a few more things about trying to get operational teams to follow best practice by writing and maintaining
runbooks, so this is partly an update of that.
All these experiences have led me to help initiate a
Runbooks project to try and collect and publish similar efforts and reduce wasted effort across the industry.
We've set up a public
project to expose our private runbooks to the world.
We're looking for contributions. Do you have any runbooks lying around that could benefit from being honed by many eyes? The GitHub
repo is here if you want to get involved, or contact
me on Twitter .
Back to the lessons learned.
Things I Learned Since
Things I Learned The Logic is Inarguable, the Practice is Hard
I already talked about this in the
previous post , but every subsequent attempt I made to get a practice of writing runbooks going was hard going. No-one ever argues
with the logic of efficiency and saved time, but when it comes to putting the barn up, pretty much everyone is too busy with something
else to help.
In summary, you can't tell people
anything . You have to show them, get them to experience it, or incentivise them to work on it.
Some combination of these four things is required:
Line-management/influence/control to encourage/force the right behaviours
A critical mass of material to demonstrate value
Resources allocated to sustain the effort
A process for maintaining the material and ensuring it remains relevant
With a prevailing wind, you can get away with less in one area, but these are the critical factors that seem to need to be in
place to actually get results.
A Powerful External Force Is Often Needed
Looking at the history of these kind of efforts
, it seems that people need to be forced – against their own natures – into following these best practices that invest current
effort for future operational benefit.
Boeing and checklists ("planes are falling from the sky – no matter how good the pilots!")
Construction and standard project plans ("falling building are unacceptable, we need a set of build patterns to follow and
standards to enforce")
Medicine and 'pre-flight checklists' ("we're getting sued every time a surgeon makes a mistake, how can we reduce these?")
In the case of my previous post, it was frustration for me at being on-call that led me to spend months writing up runbooks. The
main motivation that kept me going was that it would be (as a minimal positive outcome) for my own benefit . This intrinsic
motivation got the ball rolling, and the effort was then sustained and developed by the other three more process-oriented factors.
There's a commonly-seen pattern here:
you need some kind of spontaneous intrinsic motivation to get something going and snowball, and then
a bureaucratic machine behind it to sustain it
If you crack how to do that reliably, then you're going to be pretty good at building businesses.
It Doesn't Always Help
That wasn't the only experience I had trying to spread what I thought was good practice. In other contexts, I learned, the application
of these methods was unhelpful.
In my next job, I worked on a new and centralised fast-changing system in a large org, and tried to write helpful docs to avoid
repeating solving the same issues over and over. Aside from the authority and 'critical mass' problems outlined above, I hit a further
one: the system was changing too fast for the learnings to be that useful. Bugs were being fixed quickly (putting my docs out of
date similarly quickly) and new functionality was being added, leading to substantial wasted effort and reduced benefit.
Discussing this with a friend, I was pointed at a framework that already existed called
Cynefin that had already thought about classifying
these differences of context, and what was an appropriate response to them. Through that lens, my mistake had been to try and impose
what might be best practice in a 'Complicated'/'Clear' context to a context that was 'Chaotic'/'Complex'. 'Chaotic' situations are
too novel or under-explored to be susceptible to standard processes. Fast action and equally fast evaluation of system response is
required to build up practical experience and prepare the way for later stabilisation.
'Why Don't You Just Automate It?'
I get this a lot. It's an argument that gets my goat, for several reasons.
Runbooks are a useful first step to an automated solution
If a runbook is mature and covers its ground well, it serves as an almost perfect design document for any subsequent automation
solution. So it's in itself a useful precursor to automation for any non-trivial problem.
Automation is difficult and expensive
It is never free. It requires maintenance. There are always corner cases that you may not have considered. It's much easier to
write: 'go upstairs' than build a robot that climbs stairs
Automation tends to be context-specific
If you have a wide-ranging set of contexts for your problem space, then a runbook provides the flexibility to applied in any of
these contexts when paired with a human mind. For example: your shell script solution will need to reliably cater for all these contexts
to be useful; not every org can use your Ansible recipe; not every network can access the internet.
All my thoughts on this subject so far have been predicated on writing proprietary runbooks that are consumed and maintained within
an organisation.
What I never considered was gaining the critical mass needed by open sourcing runbooks, and asking others to donate theirs so
we can all benefit from each others' experiences.
So we at Container
Solutions have decided to open source the
we have built up that are generally applicable to the community. They are growing all the time, and we will continue to add to
Call for Runbooks
We can't do this alone, so are asking for your help!
If you have any runbooks that you can donate to the cause lying around in your wikis, please send them in
If you want to write a new runbook, let us know
If you want to request a runbook on a particular subject, suggest it
Documentation is very important. I started a new SysAdmin gig a couple of months ago and the
people here did a good job of documentation. A lot is documented about the systems themselves
and what sort of maintenance contracts we have and that sort of thing. All this is good
But: What is not documented is the relationships and dependencies between the various
sites at this company (at least on the Unix side of the house). They are spread out all over
the place: Canada, India, Texas, Louisiana, D.C.
The problem comes in because the administration for DNS and Sendmail was done without documentation.
Then, the time came
to upgrade DNS . Management got wind of this problem and decided that this was a problem of
some urgency. Nevermind that their main DNS and mailserver was running an un-patched copy of
Solaris with the RPC portmapper open to the world -- this problem needed to be fixed
now .
The first time through, I discovered that they were depending on internal MX records in DNS
to do mail routing. Uh wrong ! So, I prepared to take out the
internal MX records. However, this meant that I had to change the sendmail configuration. Since
they were running an old, unpatched copy of that, I decided to upgrade sendmail as well. I set
up a mailertable and tried to get all the internal MX records into it. In the process, I
discovered some relatively unknown machines running SMTP. You'd think they'd want to get rid of
them if no one knew about them, eh? But no, the political climate (and some special people)
guaranteed that they would stay.
I was able to clean up DNS a bit as a result of this upgrade. I had to; the new bind was far
more sensitive about configuration problems than the older bind.
After extensive testing, I put the changes in place. It took longer than expected -- things
always do -- but it got done.
Oops! There was no checklist of things to make sure that everything was done right
(and this was a rush project, so there was no time to create one), so 6000 users lost their
mail for about 12 hours.
Of course, a bigger deal was made of it than was necessary. It was a big deal, but really,
no one believed the specter of lost sales of a nuclear power plant because email was down.
Finally, though, all the problems were fixed. What were the lessons I learned?
Document everything. For your sake and the sake of the person who comes after you.
Especially document dependencies. People shouldn't be able to claim grief if you had no way
of knowing about it. If it isn't documented, it doesn't exist.
Make sure you have management's support. You'll need these guys saying I gave him the
go ahead if something goes wrong.
Try to get as much information about the changes as you can. Test the information you
have. Test it again.
Get someone else to review what you are doing if you can. You might miss something.
In T119403#1826003 , @brion wrote: What sort of outcomes are
you looking for in such a meeting? Are you looking to meet with engineers about technical
issues, or managers to ask about formally committing WMF resources?
There are a number of large users -- NASA, NATO, Pfizer, oil companies, Medical providers
and medical researchers, various government agencies as well as the numerous "less serious"
game-based wikis. The list goes on.
Even if the content isn't released in the public domain (e.g. it is kept "in house"), it
trains people to use the MediaWiki software and allows them to share there knowledge where it
is appreciated, even when that knowledge isn't notable enough for a project with
Wikipedia's aspirations.
The problem, as I see it, is one of direction and vision. Should WMF developers continue to
only be concerned with those who have knowledge to share that the Wikipedia communities allow,
or should their efforts enable people to share less note-worthy knowledge that -- while it
doesn't meet the bar set for Wikipedia -- is still part of the sum of all human knowledge that
it is WMF's vision to ensure everyone has access to.
It's true, some organisations will set up wikis that are not publicly accessible. Even the
WMF has some non-public wikis. The Wiki, though, is an amazing tool for publishing knowledge
and people have seen the potential (through Wikipedia) of this idea of providing a knowledge
sharing tool where " anyone can edit ."
Without engaging those people who use MediaWiki outside of the WMF, the WMF is missing out
on a huge amount of feedback on the software and interesting uses for it that the Foundation
hasn't thought of.
There's a virtuous cycle that the
Foundation is missing out on.
The following GoogleSearch hit count result
list may give insight into the popularity and spread of the various
Although the raw search result numbers may not be an absolute measure of popularity, they can
be used to rank relative popularity. The list is cut off at around 50 entries and some frivoulous
entries (InternetExplorer,
WikiWord, ...) were removed (maybe I've cut out
some real WikiEngines as well).
Also see TopTenWikiEngines for a short
list of the bestWikiEngines based
on more subjective opinions.
Another survey done for the WikiCreole workshop
at WikiSym August 14, 2006: comparison, Google yields 12,700,000 for "wiki" and 359,000 for "wikiwiki". Unknown how many
of those are purely use of the Hawaiian word.
Salonify is a Perl script which displays images that you have organized in a directory hierarchy.
The Web user can choose ormation and collaborating on projects. They also make excellent personal
information managers. With a personal wiki, all of your to-do lists, notes, and appointments are
at your fingertips in form that's easy to use and maintain.
The problem with most wikis, such as MediaWiki
(the engine that powers Wikipedia) is that
they take a lot of effort to set up and maintain. You have to deal with not only the wiki software
itself but also the Web server and database that underlie the wiki. All of that is overkill for anyone
who wants a wiki for strictly personal use.
But there are several applications available to someone who wants to get a wiki working quickly
as a desktop tool. They don't require much, if any, configuration.
DoxWiki makes it easy for you to
get a wiki up and running quickly. When installed on your computer, DoxWiki weighs in at just over
The heart of DoxWiki is a a simple Web server that's written in Perl. To get going,
all you have to do is start the Web server at the command line; it doesn't seem to like being launched
from a desktop shortcut. Then, open the wiki's main page in your browser by typing http://localhost:8080
in the address bar.
Instead of saving content to a database, DoxWiki saves the individual files that make up the
wiki on your hard drive. The files are small, so it would take quite a lot of them to put a
dent in your drive's capacity.
Creating wiki pages is simple. On the main page (called the Wiki Root), you type a name for the
new page in one of the fields, and then click the Go button. From there, you add content.
Wikis use a markup language based on common keyboard symbols that format text, links (both to
other wiki pages and Web sites), and elements on a page. If you don't know wiki markup, DoxWiki doesn't
leave you hanging. It comes with a lengthy guide to the markup and how to use it.
DoxWiki also has a couple of other useful features: a nifty export filter and a search engine.
You can save individual pages as HTML, which you can later post
to the Web, print, or send via email. In fact, I wrote the first draft of this article in DoxWiki,
exported it to HTML, and completed the final draft in a text editor.
DoxWiki's search engine is rudimentary, but it gets the job done, which is useful when your
wiki grows to encompass a large number of pages.
One aspect of DoxWiki that I don't like is the default look of the pages. They're not ugly, but
they're bland. While you can add a custom logo to your wiki pages (mine's a
frog), I couldn't figure
out how to modify the look and feel of the wiki pages.
Going small and simple
If you need a portable and easy-to-use wiki, then you can't get any simpler than
Wiki on a Stick and
TiddlyWiki. Both Wiki on a Stick and TiddlyWiki
are designed to be used on your desktop or to be carried on a USB thumb drive. They're simply HTML
files that use CSS and JavaScript to provide formatting and the ability to add pages to your wiki.
Well, you're not exactly adding pages as you would in a traditional wiki. Instead, the new content
is just appended to the HTML file, and hidden until you click the link to jump to the content.
According to its developer, Wiki on a Stick "can be used as a personal notepad, calendar, repository
for software documentation, and many other things." The beauty of Wiki on a Stick is that it is simple.
The interface is uncluttered, almost bland. It consists of a heading, a navigation menu, an area
for text, and a set of icons. You can easily create and edit pages by clicking one of the icons.
When a new version of Wiki on a Stick comes out, you can quickly import the contents of your current
wiki to the new version.
Adding and editing content is a breeze. Wiki on a Stick supports a variant of the standard wiki
markup -- for example, you enter a + instead of a * to create a bullet. Whenever you edit content,
a list of the supported markup appears at the bottom of the page. If you've never used a wiki before,
then it might take a bit of time to adapt. If not, then you shouldn't have any trouble learning the
formatting codes.
You can edit a Wiki on a Stick with Firefox, Mozilla, and Internet Explorer. While you can browse
a Wiki on a Stick with Opera, you won't be able to edit it. Using Konqueror is out of the question,
unfortunately. You can also edit the CSS from within the wiki to change its look and feel. If you
plan to put the wiki on the Web as a static page, you can configure it so that the edit icon is hidden.
TiddlyWiki is flashier than Wiki on a
Stick. It follows the same principles as that application, but does so with a little more pizazz.
For example, when you click a link to jump to some wiki content, an in-your-face JavaScript transition
brings that content to the top of the page. You can turn that animation off if it bugs you. TiddlyWiki
also has a simple built-in search engine that does the job.
TiddlyWiki divides content into two types: Tiddlers and Journals. Tiddlers are general wiki entries
-- ideas, notes, to-do lists, or whatever else you want them to be. Journals, on the other hand,
are notes that are specific to a day. While I was experimenting with TiddlyWiki, I used Journals
to track specific tasks that I needed to do on a particular day, and used one as a personal diary.
You can configure several options in TiddlyWiki. You can set it up to do automatic saves and to
create backups. You can also enable regular expression and case-sensitive searches, as well as generate
an RSS feed. The latter is useful if you plan to post your TiddlyWiki on the Web. Unlike Wiki on
a Stick, though, you can't change the look and feel of TiddlyWiki from the interface. You either
have to edit the TiddlyWiki code, or create some sort of custom theme. The TiddlyWiki Web site leads
you through that process.
TiddlyWiki has spawned a number of
variants. These include
GTD TiddlyWiki (aimed at those
who follow the Getting Things Done
method of personal productivity) and
QwikWeb (which is meant
to be deployed on a Web site). So, if TiddlyWiki doesn't quite suit your needs, you might be able
to find a variant that does.
Unlike Wiki on a Stick, you can view a TiddlyWiki with just about any desktop Web browser, and
on the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet. You can
edit the content of a TiddlyWiki on a wider range of browser than that supported by Wiki on a Stick:
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Camino among them. On top of that, you can extend TiddlyWiki
with several plugins. See the TiddlyWiki Web site for more information.
Wikis are great tools for capturing and sharing personal information. For personal use, you don't
need to worry about maintaining a Web server or database. You can start using these personal wikis
almost immediately, without getting your hands dirty configuring and maintaining the supporting software.
They re-invented the bicycle and did it badly. Compare with
a report on
Auctionbytes. eBay Blogs will enable sellers to more efficiently market their products. eBay Wikis
meanwhile collect fact-based articles written and maintained by eBay Community members. Both tools will
be launched at the eBay Live conference in Las Vegas June 13 - 15.
Working off the Auctionbytes story, I dug a little deeper and found more details including a tag/search
platform. The eBay Blog
help pages here and
the wiki information pages
here. In addition, as you can see from the screenshot below and the links on
the help pages,
Skype integration is coming soon too.
the wiki supports subscribe by e-mail to changes of any page.
I appear to have gotten this to work with
B2 and
MoinMoin. But I had
to hack MoinMoin quite
a bit to get the mail in a reasonable format whereby I'd actually want it blogged.
I now also have a hack to B2
that automatically inserts links to wiki pages (with wiki names) that exist, but only if not in between
angle brackets - I don't want to have links inside of links as nested anchors haven't been allowed
for a long time in HTML land.
Wiki Wednesdays
SocialText picked up and implemented the idea of
Wiki Wednesdays.
On the first Wednesday of each month there is usually a meeting held in a few locations in the USA
and Canada, and one or two locations in Europe. People interested in the wiki technology and
approach get together to share their experiences and ideas, or make contacts to get help from the
experts. You can find out
about the latest and recent events here.
This tutorial on TWiki and WordPress shows how wikis and blogs can be
useful for system administration and documentation. System administration can be like
sailing a ship. You must keep your engines running smoothly, keep your crew and the harbors notified
and up to date and also maintain your Captain's log. You
must keep your eye on the horizon for what is coming next. Two technologies have emerged over the
past few years that could help keep you on course, wikis and blogs.
Maintaining Good Documentation
I find that one of the most difficult aspects of system administration
is keeping documentation accurate and up to date. Documenting how you fixed a pesky problem today
will help you remember how to fix it months later when it occurs again. If you ever have worked with
others, you realize how critical good documentation is. Even if you are the only system administrator,
you still will reap the benefits of good documentation, even more so if another sysadmin is ever
brought on board.
Some goals of a good documentation system should be:
Make it easy for you and your coworkers to find relevant information.
Make it easy for new employees to come up to speed quickly.
Make it easy to create, edit and retire documentation.
Keep revisions of changes and who made them.
Limit who sees or edits the documentation with an authentication system.
Unfortunately, keeping your documentation up to date can be a full-time job in itself. Documenting,
though not a very glamorous task, certainly will pay off in the long run.
Why a Wiki?
This is where a wiki comes in. From Wikipedia: "a wiki is a type of Web site
that allows users to add and edit content and is especially suited for constructive collaborative
What this means is a wiki allows you to keep and edit your documentation in a central location.
You can access and edit that documentation regardless of the platform you are using. All you need
is a Web browser. Some wikis have the ability to keep track of each revision of a changed document,
so you can revert to a previous version if some errant changes are made to a document. The only obstacle
a new user must overcome is learning the particular markup language of your wiki, and sometimes even
this is not completely necessary.
One of a wiki's features is also one of its drawbacks. Wikis are pretty free flowing, and although
this allows you to concentrate on getting the documentation written quickly, it can make organization
of your wiki rapidly spiral out of control. Thought needs to be put into how the wiki is organized,
so that topics do not get stranded or lost. I have found that making the front page a table of contents
of all the topics is very handy. However you decide to organize your wiki, make sure it is well understood
by everyone else. In fact, a good first document might be the policy describing the organization
of the wiki!
There are several open-source wikis available, such as MediaWiki and MoinMoin, each
with its own philosophy on markup and layout, but here we concentrate on TWiki. Some of TWiki's benefits
A notion of webs that allows the wiki administrator to segregate areas of collaboration into
their own areas, each with its own set of authorization rules and topics.
A modular plugin and skin system that allows you to customize easily.
A well-established base of users and developers.
Revision control based on RCS.
It is Perl-based and mod_perl or FastCGI can be used.
Authentication is handled outside the wiki by mechanisms such as Apache htpasswd.
The most current stable release at this time is Cairo, or TWiki20040904. It was released, as the
name suggests, on September 4, 2004, and it has been proven to be very stable. However, it does lack
some of the features of the current beta release, Dakar, that I find to be very useful. The Dakar
release we use here is TWikiRelease2005x12x17x7873beta.
Installing TWiki is relatively easy, but still needs work. I hope, as the beta progresses, we
will see improvements in ease of installation and upgrading along with clearer documentation.
First, you must create the directory where you want to install TWiki, say /var/www/wiki. Next,
untar the TWiki distribution in that directory. Then you must make sure that the user with rights
to run CGI scripts (usually apache or www-data), owns all of the files and is able to write to all
Now copy bin/LocalLib.cfg.txt to bin/LocalLib.cfg, and edit it. You need to edit the $twikiLibPath
variable to point to the absolute path of your TWiki lib directory, /var/www/wiki/lib in our case.
You also must create lib/LocalSite.cfg to reflect your specific site information. Here is a sample
of what might go into LocalSite.cfg:
# This is LocalSite.cfg. It contains all the setups for your local # TWiki site. $cfg{DefaultUrlHost} = ""; $cfg{ScriptUrlPath} = "/wiki/bin"; $cfg{PubUrlPath} = "/wiki/pub"; $cfg{DataDir} = "/var/www/wiki/data"; $cfg{PubDir} = "/var/www/wiki/pub"; $cfg{TemplateDir} = "/var/www/wiki/templates"; $TWiki::cfg{LocalesDir} = '/var/www/wiki/locale';
Here is a sample section for your Apache configuration file that allows this wiki to run:
ScriptAlias /wiki/bin/ "/var/www/wiki/bin/" Alias /wiki "/var/www/localhost/wiki" <Directory "/var/www/wiki/bin"> Options +ExecCGI -Indexes SetHandler cgi-script AllowOverride All Allow from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/pub"> Options FollowSymLinks +Includes AllowOverride None Allow from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/data"> deny from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/lib"> deny from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/templates"> deny from all </Directory>
TWiki comes with a configure script that you run to set up TWiki. This script is used not only
on initial install but also when you want to enable plugins later. At this point, you are ready to
configure TWiki, so point your browser to your TWiki configure script,
You might be particularly interested in the Security section, but we will visit this shortly. Until
you have registered your first user, you should leave all settings as they are. If the configure
script gives any warnings or errors, you should fix those first and re-run the script. Once you click
Next, you are prompted to enter a password. This password is used whenever the configure script is
run in the future to help ensure no improper access.
Once you have completed the configuration successfully, it is time to enter the wiki. Point your
browser to, and you are presented with the Main web.
In the middle of the page is a link for registration. Register yourself as a user. Be sure to provide
a valid e-mail address as the software uses it to validate your account. Once you have verified your
user account, you need to add yourself to the TWikiAdminGroup. Return to the Main web and click on
the Groups link at the left, and then choose the TWikiAdminGroup. Edit this page, and change the
GROUP variable to include your new user name:
The three blank spaces at the beginning of each of those lines are critical.
These two lines add your user to the TWikiAdminGroup and allow only members of the TWikiAdminGroup
to modify the group. We are now ready to enable authentication for our wiki, so go back to
Several options provided under the Security section are useful. You should make sure the options
{UseClientSessions} and {Sessions}{UseIPMatching} are enabled. Also set the {LoginManager} option
to TWiki::Client::TemplateLogin and {PasswordManager} to TWiki::Users::HtPasswdUser. If your server
supports it, you should set {HtPasswd}{Encoding} to sha1. Save your changes and return to the wiki.
If you are not logged in automatically, there is a link at the top left of the page that allows you
to do so.
Now that you have authentication working, you may want to tighten down your wiki so that unauthorized
people do not turn your documentation repository into an illicit data repository. TWiki has a pretty
sophisticated authorization system that is tiered from the site-wide preferences all the way down
to a specific topic. Before locking down the Main web, a few more tasks need to be done. Once only
certain users can change the Main web, registering new users will fail. That is because part of the
user registration process involves creating a topic for that user under the Main web. Dakar has a
user, TWikiRegistrationAgent, that is used to do this. From the Main web, use the Jump box at the
top left to jump to the WebPreferences topic. Edit the topic to include the following four lines
and save your changes:
This allows only members of the TWikiAdminGroup to make changes or rename the Main web or update
the Main web's preferences. It also allows the TWikiRegistrationAgent user to create new users' home
topics when new users register. I have included a patch that you must apply to lib/TWiki/UI/
as well. The patch follows, but you can also download the patch from the LJ FTP site (see
the on-line Resources):
Otherwise, new users' home directories will fail to be created and new user registration will
fail. Once you have verified that the Main web is locked down, you should do the same for the TWiki
and Sandbox webs.
When you are done configuring TWiki, you should secure the files' permissions:
As I mentioned before, TWiki has a plugin system that you can use. Many plugins are available from
the TWiki Web site. Be sure the plugins you choose have been updated for Dakar before you use them.
Imagine how useful it would be to have an online knowledge base that can easily be updated created
by key people within your organization. That's the promise of a wiki -- a Web application that "allows
users to easily add, remove, or otherwise edit all content, very quickly and easily," as Wikipedia,
perhaps the best-known wiki, puts it. Why not bring the benefits of a wiki to your organization?
If you're sold on the concept, the first thing you need to do is to pick the software that you're
going to use for your wiki. If you want hunt around to find out what's out there, a good place to
start is Wikipedia's wiki software
wiki. If you say, "I'll use whatever Wikipedia is using," that'll be
MediaWiki installation is easy -- either follow the
instructions on MediaWiki's
site or read "The
open source wiki behind Wikipedia." Install MediaWiki on a server that can be seen by everyone
in your organization. You'll then be able to access it from a Web browser by typing in something
like http://servername/wiki.
With a brand new wiki there's absolutely no security or control built into it. Anyone that can
access the Web page will be able to add pages, comments, and discussions. We're going to stop that.
First add a new user account -- you'll need to be able to log on once you've disabled anonymous access.
Next, find the LocalSettings.php file in your wiki directory. Add the following lines:
In this example, all I'm doing is connecting to a database and counting the number of records
in a table. Obviously you'd have to use your own database and user details.
MediaWiki is based on PHP, and so as well as being able to use any PHP functionality within a
page, you can actually build your own extensions to MediaWiki. If you're interested in doing that,
have a look at MediaWiki's documentation on
wiki markup.
While you're setting parameters, look at your php.ini file. In php.ini, the line session.gc_maxlifetime
sets the length of time (in seconds) that a PHP session is allowed to exist, like this:
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
This means that if you're editing the wiki then you must click on the "Save page" button at least
once every 24 minutes or risk losing your work. You can increase the time to a value that will suit
you better -- say to one hour, or 3600 seconds.
At this point you may be saying, "There's nothing here that I can't do with a text editor, an
ordinary Web server, and giving group access to the Web files." True -- so let's see where the wiki
comes into its own. Try editing the Main page, save the changes, and then click on the History tab.
You'll see that MediaWiki tracks who made all changes and when. You can compare the differences between
different versions. In one fell swoop you've got yourself a document management system as well as
a potential in-house knowledge base.
"Aha!" I hear you say, "if this is just operating in a browser then how can I do spell check or
word counts? What about formating?" If you use Firefox as your browser, you can add
Firefox extensions
to implement those functions. If you're using Firefox 1.5.x, install
Spellbound dev and restart Firefox. When you then try editing one of your wiki pages, you'll
find that misspelled words are underlined in red. Right-clicking in any editing areas (text boxes,
for example) will allow you to display the spell check front end. Once there then it's just like
spell checking in any other application.
It's just as easy to get a word count going, this time use's
Word Count. Again, don't forget to restart Firefox after installing the extension. However, the
word count doesn't work within the text editing areas. to get around that problem, click MediaWiki's
"Show Preview" button tp see your work displayed as a normal Web page. Now you can then select any
area of the text, right-click on it, and you'll see that "Word Count" function is available. Click
on it to see the number of words in a message box.
Finally you can install a WYSYWIG HTML editor called
Xinha Here! Both the spell
check and word count extensions also work in the Xinha window.
With MediaWiki set up, you're ready to create your knowledge base; I can't help you there, it's
all up to you. MediaWiki and the Firefox extensions have enhanced the way that I do my day-to-day
work, and I'm sure that they can revolutionize the flow of information and knowledge around your
Zim A desktop wiki and outliner. Author:
Jaap Karssenberg
Perl LicenseVersion:0.15
This tutorial on TWiki and WordPress shows how wikis and blogs can be useful for system administration
and documentation. System administration can be like sailing a ship. You must keep your engines
running smoothly, keep your crew and the harbors notified and up to date and
also maintain your Captain's log. You must keep your eye on
the horizon for what is coming next. Two technologies have emerged over the past few years that could
help keep you on course, wikis and blogs.
Maintaining Good Documentation
I find that one of the most difficult aspects of system administration is keeping documentation
accurate and up to date. Documenting how you fixed a pesky problem today will help you remember how
to fix it months later when it occurs again. If you ever have worked with others, you realize how
critical good documentation is. Even if you are the only system administrator, you still will reap
the benefits of good documentation, even more so if another sysadmin is ever brought on board.
Some goals of a good documentation system should be:
Make it easy for you and your coworkers to find relevant information.
Make it easy for new employees to come up to speed quickly.
Make it easy to create, edit and retire documentation.
Keep revisions of changes and who made them.
Limit who sees or edits the documentation with an authentication system.
Unfortunately, keeping your documentation up to date can be a full-time job in itself. Documenting,
though not a very glamorous task, certainly will pay off in the long run.
Why a Wiki?
This is where a wiki comes in. From Wikipedia: "a wiki is a type of Web site that allows users
to add and edit content and is especially suited for constructive collaborative authoring."
What this means is a wiki allows you to keep and edit your documentation in a central location.
You can access and edit that documentation regardless of the platform you are using. All you need
is a Web browser. Some wikis have the ability to keep track of each revision of a changed document,
so you can revert to a previous version if some errant changes are made to a document. The only obstacle
a new user must overcome is learning the particular markup language of your wiki, and sometimes even
this is not completely necessary.
One of a wiki's features is also one of its drawbacks. Wikis are pretty free flowing, and although
this allows you to concentrate on getting the documentation written quickly, it can make organization
of your wiki rapidly spiral out of control. Thought needs to be put into how the wiki is organized,
so that topics do not get stranded or lost. I have found that making the front page a table of contents
of all the topics is very handy. However you decide to organize your wiki, make sure it is well understood
by everyone else. In fact, a good first document might be the policy describing the organization
of the wiki!
There are several open-source wikis available, such as MediaWiki [see Reuven M. Lerner's article
on page 62 for more information on MediaWiki] and MoinMoin, each with its own philosophy on markup
and layout, but here we concentrate on TWiki. Some of TWiki's benefits are:
A notion of webs that allows the wiki administrator to segregate areas of collaboration into
their own areas, each with its own set of authorization rules and topics.
A modular plugin and skin system that allows you to customize easily.
A well-established base of users and developers.
Revision control based on RCS.
It is Perl-based and mod_perl or FastCGI can be used.
Authentication is handled outside the wiki by mechanisms such as Apache htpasswd.
The most current stable release at this time is Cairo, or TWiki20040904. It was released, as the
name suggests, on September 4, 2004, and it has been proven to be very stable. However, it does lack
some of the features of the current beta release, Dakar, that I find to be very useful. The Dakar
release we use here is TWikiRelease2005x12x17x7873beta.
Installing TWiki is relatively easy, but still needs work. I hope, as the beta progresses, we
will see improvements in ease of installation and upgrading along with clearer documentation.
First, you must create the directory where you want to install TWiki, say /var/www/wiki. Next,
untar the TWiki distribution in that directory. Then you must make sure that the user with rights
to run CGI scripts (usually apache or www-data), owns all of the files and is able to write to all
Now copy bin/LocalLib.cfg.txt to bin/LocalLib.cfg, and edit it. You need to edit the $twikiLibPath
variable to point to the absolute path of your TWiki lib directory, /var/www/wiki/lib in our case.
You also must create lib/LocalSite.cfg to reflect your specific site information. Here is a sample
of what might go into LocalSite.cfg:
# This is LocalSite.cfg. It contains all the setups for your local # TWiki site. $cfg{DefaultUrlHost} = ""; $cfg{ScriptUrlPath} = "/wiki/bin"; $cfg{PubUrlPath} = "/wiki/pub"; $cfg{DataDir} = "/var/www/wiki/data"; $cfg{PubDir} = "/var/www/wiki/pub"; $cfg{TemplateDir} = "/var/www/wiki/templates"; $TWiki::cfg{LocalesDir} = '/var/www/wiki/locale';
Here is a sample section for your Apache configuration file that allows this wiki to run:
ScriptAlias /wiki/bin/ "/var/www/wiki/bin/" Alias /wiki "/var/www/localhost/wiki" <Directory "/var/www/wiki/bin"> Options +ExecCGI -Indexes SetHandler cgi-script AllowOverride All Allow from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/pub"> Options FollowSymLinks +Includes AllowOverride None Allow from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/data"> deny from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/lib"> deny from all </Directory> <Directory "/var/www/wiki/templates"> deny from all </Directory>
TWiki comes with a configure script that you run to set up TWiki. This script is used not only
on initial install but also when you want to enable plugins later. At this point, you are ready to
configure TWiki, so point your browser to your TWiki configure script,
You might be particularly interested in the Security section, but we will visit this shortly. Until
you have registered your first user, you should leave all settings as they are. If the configure
script gives any warnings or errors, you should fix those first and re-run the script. Once you click
Next, you are prompted to enter a password. This password is used whenever the configure script is
run in the future to help ensure no improper access.
Once you have completed the configuration successfully, it is time to enter the wiki. Point your
browser to, and you are presented with the Main web. In the
middle of the page is a link for registration. Register yourself as a user. Be sure to provide a
valid e-mail address as the software uses it to validate your account. Once you have verified your
user account, you need to add yourself to the TWikiAdminGroup. Return to the Main web and click on
the Groups link at the left, and then choose the TWikiAdminGroup. Edit this page, and change the
GROUP variable to include your new user name:
The three blank spaces at the beginning of each of those lines are critical.
These two lines add your user to the TWikiAdminGroup and allow only members of the TWikiAdminGroup
to modify the group. We are now ready to enable authentication for our wiki, so go back to
Several options provided under the Security section are useful. You should make sure the options
{UseClientSessions} and {Sessions}{UseIPMatching} are enabled. Also set the {LoginManager} option
to TWiki::Client::TemplateLogin and {PasswordManager} to TWiki::Users::HtPasswdUser. If your server
supports it, you should set {HtPasswd}{Encoding} to sha1. Save your changes and return to the wiki.
If you are not logged in automatically, there is a link at the top left of the page that allows you
to do so.
Now that you have authentication working, you may want to tighten down your wiki so that unauthorized
people do not turn your documentation repository into an illicit data repository. TWiki has a pretty
sophisticated authorization system that is tiered from the site-wide preferences all the way down
to a specific topic. Before locking down the Main web, a few more tasks need to be done. Once only
certain users can change the Main web, registering new users will fail. That is because part of the
user registration process involves creating a topic for that user under the Main web. Dakar has a
user, TWikiRegistrationAgent, that is used to do this. From the Main web, use the Jump box at the
top left to jump to the WebPreferences topic. Edit the topic to include the following four lines
and save your changes:
This allows only members of the TWikiAdminGroup to make changes or rename the Main web or update
the Main web's preferences. It also allows the TWikiRegistrationAgent user to create new users' home
topics when new users register. I have included a patch that you must apply to lib/TWiki/UI/
as well. The patch follows, but you can also download the patch from the LJ FTP site (see
the on-line Resources):
Otherwise, new users' home directories will fail to be created and new user registration will
fail. Once you have verified that the Main web is locked down, you should do the same for the TWiki
and Sandbox webs.
When you are done configuring TWiki, you should secure the files' permissions:
# find /var/www/wiki/ -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} ';' # find /var/www/wiki/ -type f -exec chmod 0400 {} ';' # find /var/www/wiki/pub/ -type f -exec chmod 0600 {} ';' # find /var/www/wiki/data/ -type f -exec chmod 0600 {} ';' # find /var/www/wiki/lib/LocalSite.cfg -exec chmod 0600 {} ';' # find /var/www/wiki/bin/ -type f -exec chmod 0700 {} ';' # chown -R apache /var/www/wiki/* As I mentioned before, TWiki has a plugin system that you can use. Many
plugins are available from the TWiki Web site. Be
sure the plugins you choose have been updated for
Dakar before you use them.
Keeping Your Users in the Know
One important aspect of system administration that is sometimes overlooked is keeping users informed.
Most users like to know when there is new functionality available or when resources are down or not
available. Not only does it make users happier to be kept informed, but it also can make your life
easier as well. The last thing you want to do when the central file server is down is reply to users'
questions about why they cannot get to their files. If you have trained your users to look at a central
location for status of the infrastructure first, all you have to do after notification of a problem
is post to this central place that there is a problem. Mailing lists also are good for this, but
what if the mail server is down? Some people, for instance your boss or VP of the company, might
like to know what the status is of things as they happen. These updates might not be suitable to
send out to everyone daily via e-mail. You could create yet another mailing list for these notifications,
but you also might consider a blog.
If you are not familiar with a blog, let us refer back to Wikipedia: "a blog is a Web site in
which journal entries are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order."
The notion of a blog has been around for centuries in the form of diaries, but blogs recently
have had an explosion on the Internet. Many times a blog is started as someone's personal journal
or as a way to report news, but blogs can be extremely useful for the sysadmin.
Blogs can help a sysadmin give users an up-to-the-minute status of what they are doing and what
the state of the infrastructure is. If you faithfully update your blog, you easily can look back
on what you have accomplished so you can make your case for that raise you have been hoping for.
It also will help you keep track of what your coworkers are doing. And, with many blog software packages
providing RSS feeds, users can subscribe to the blog and be notified when there are new posts.
... ... ...
Wrapping Up
I hope that after this whirlwind tour of wikis and blogs you have come to see how they can be
beneficial to help your shop run a smoother ship and provide your users with all the information
they might want. Just as there are many different sails to keep your ship sailing, there are many
different wiki and blog software packages out there. The right package for you is the one that keeps
your users happy and you productive.
Ti Leggett ([email protected]) is a full-time
system administrator. When he's not working, he might be found playing his Gibson B-25 or doing some
home improvements or wood working.
ReciPants is a Web-based recipe manager that supports Postgres, MySQL,
and Oracle databases. It features searching, categories, exporting, scaling, emailing recipes, password
reminders, secure user cookies, internationalization, and fully customizable templated output.
Kwiki motto is a "A Quickie Wiki
that's not Tricky." Installing it is pretty straightforward for a site you admin: just install the
Perl package (from CPAN or elsewhere),
and then type kwiki-install in a
CGI-served directory to create an instance.
Installing Kwiki on a server you are not an admin of is more complicated but doable.
I found the
Kwiki markup not powerful. Some things are impossible with it, such as hyperlinking an arbitrary
piece of text to an email address (mail fooish).
I also could not find how to link a Wiki page with a text link different from the Wiki page name
this link to LinkedWikiWikiPage). There is also no support for attachments, HTML markup as an
alternative to the Wiki markup, etc. It is disappointing.
Kwiki can use either RCS or Subversion for version control. (Those
who wish to use Subversion should
check out the corrected Kwiki version as the CPAN Kwiki does not work with the up-to-date Subversion.)
Kwiki is easily customizable and has
several Kwiki enhancements available. Generally, however, they are less powerful than TWiki's.
All in all, Kwiki is easy to install and customize, but its formatting
rules are lacking.
... ... ...
is a Wiki engine written in Perl. Anecdotally, Wikipedia used this first before re-implementing their
current engine. Other sites also use UseModWiki.
UseModWiki is very simple to set up and upgrade. It has a rich syntax,
and allows for arbitrary characters in page names. It also supports using some HTML tags instead
of the WikiWiki markup. It has other nice features, including search, a list of recent changes, and
page history.
For simple Wikis, UseModWiki is a very good choice. I recommend choosing
between it and PmWiki based on the feature list of both Wikis.
PodWiki is a wiki which supports multiple
markup languages, primarily Perl POD.
Socialtext is an
enterprise wiki and
weblog partially derived from open source
Kwiki. It is available as a hosted service, a hardware
appliance and now as open source from
TWiki is a structured wiki, typically used to
run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware
tool. Also available as a VMware appliance.
n4u wiki-like thing inspired
by BashWiki. It generates static
html files so that the visitor directly read *.html files instead of running CGI.
OddMuseWiki -- based on
UseModWiki, also Perl-based, easy
to install, easy to use, different well-balanced features, well documented
SowjetPlus -- Inspired by
wiki as well as Indesign and Quarkxpress, GPL
SpinnerWiki -- Descendent
of DolphinWikiWeb with some
additional features and a few features removed. GPL.
StrikiWiki -- A wiki with
templates, based on original wiki code base
TinyWiki -- Hackable, small,
good feature set. From 36 lines, CVS backend, Free.
TthWiki-- based on
UseModWiki, additional support
for LaTeX enhanced wiki pages
TwiciWiki -- A small, simple
wiki written mostly for the hell of it
TwikiClone (TWiki) -- Perl-based,
mature and full featured system, including revision control via RCS, targeting the corporate intranet
world -- now with plugins, I18N, ... (V, (RCS), N, I, H, F, R, P(?), A, DB=none)
UseModWiki -- Perl-based,
easy to install, easy to use, well-balanced features
WalaWiki -- Includes an "add
text" box at the bottom of every page. Very clean code and very easy to install (less than 2 min).
Wifty -- written in Jifty, which in turn is written in Perl. . Artistic License or GPL.
QuikWiki QuikWiki is a
Perl CGI Wiki that supports normal Wiki functions like browsing, creating, and editing Web pages.
Additionally, QuikWiki supports inline image display, text markup, RCS revisions, and page templates.
pvWikiSystem The Wiki
system is a quick way of creating websites. It tries to make the concept of the document root and
hyperlinks obsolete. In practice, often a wiki page has a lot of HTML embedded, but it was originally
envisioned to make plaintext into prettified HTML with automatic hyperlinking.
CmicWiki Based on UseMod
wiki, CmicWiki has a lot of features and several fixed skins. Features include signatures, date,
clickable images, numbered titles, page write protection, upload module, and a full French interface
and documentation. Planned are useful JavaScripit editing features.
is a Web-based knowledge/notes database written in Perl using a plain dir/file (text, HTML, Wiki)
hierarchy as a database for notes and subtopics. Features include uploading, searching, user authentication,
editing of existing notes, various views, CSS themes, and mod_perl support.
ewok A full-featured
Web content management system.
OpenGuides OpenGuides
is a wiki-like package for maintaining a collaborative city guide. It is written in Perl and runs
as a CGI program, and uses either the MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite database. It offers features over
a "normal" wiki such as metadata management and a "find nearby things" function. The look and feel
is highly customizable thanks to use of the Template Toolkit.
About: deplate is a tool for converting documents written in an unobtrusive, wiki-like
markup to LaTeX, DocBook, HTML, or "HTML slides". It supports embedded LaTeX code, footnotes, citations,
bibliographies, automatic generation of an index, etc. In contrast to many wiki engines, it is made
for "offline" use as a document preparation tool. In this respect it is similar to tools like aft
or txt2tags. It aims to be modular and easily extensible. It is the accompanying converter for the
Vim viki plugin.
Changes: Two bugs that prevented it from running on an OS with case-sensitive file names
or with the Win32 exe have been fixed. There are minor amendments.
The Faq-O-Matic is a CGI-based system that automates the process of maintaining a FAQ (or Frequently
Asked Questions list). It allows visitors to your FAQ to take part in keeping it up-to-date. A permission
system also makes it useful as a help-desk application, bug-tracking database, or documentation system.
Jon wrote an article about the FAQ-O-Matic that appeared in the USENIX ;login: newsletter:
This documentation itself is, naturally, maintained with Faq-O-Matic. Hence the weird title. If
you see anything that can use updating, please do fix it! If you just want to play around, check
out the
The Users' Guide
tells new users what a FAQ-O-Matic is, how to read it, and how to contribute to it.
The Administrators'
Guide tells FAQ administrators how to download, install and maintain a FAQ-O-Matic. If you want
to start your own FAQ-O-Matic, look here.
The Playground
is a place where anyone can experiment with the FAQ-O-Matic by creating their own answers.
Jon Howell is a graduate student working with David Kotz at Dartmouth College. His research
is on single-system-image operating environments that span administrative domains. He also enjoys
robotics, web glue, and kernel tweaking.
What is the best way to maintain a Frequently Asked Questions list? Traditional FAQs are maintained
by hand and often become outdated as the maintainer loses interest in the task. Mailing list archives
can be helpful, but are often too disorganized. When I found myself answering the same FAQs about
Linux for PowerPC and MkLinux last year, I faced this very problem. I am far too lazy to commit to
maintaining a FAQ, but the mailing list archives were not significantly reducing the load of redundant
Solution Design
The FAQ-O-Matic is a Web-editable FAQ designed to offer a middle ground. Because the general public
can edit it, it is less likely to become neglected and stale like a manually maintained FAQ. Because
changes are submitted where the FAQ is read, one can be rather lazy and still contribute to the FAQ.
No one person has the responsibility of maintaining the entire document.
Because a FAQ-O-Matic is topically and hierarchically organized, browsing solutions is easier
than it is in mailing list archives. Queries on mailing list archives can return matches for old,
outdated information and miss newer answers. The topical organization of a FAQ-O-Matic helps avoid
this problem as well.
A search function makes FAQ-O-Matic as accessible as a mailing list archive. Another function
lists recently changed items, so users can check back for changes if they did not find a satisfying
answer the first time they looked. There is a command to show entire categories in one HTML file,
to facilitate printing or export of the FAQ.
How It Works in Practice
I launched the first FAQ-O-Matic by seeding it with about 60 or 70 answers gleaned from recent
list postings. Although this opposed my laziness philosophy, I knew that I would not be responsible
for keeping the answers up to date. Then I began advertising it by answering questions with URLs
to the FAQ-O-Matic.
One problem with the initial implementation was that answers were identified by their location
in the topic hierarchy. So if you sent out a URL to a FAQ-O-Matic answer and the database was subsequently
reorganized, that URL would go sour.
I initially thought allowing people to submit questions without answers would help define the
structure of the FAQ by reserving spaces for answers when they became available. Instead, people
who were too lazy to search would post poorly considered questions in inappropriate categories.
The submission page asked users to leave an email address with their comment, but people often
forgot or inserted text between previous text and its attribution. Furthermore, although the server
uses RCS to protect against wholesale vandalism, there was no way to trace subtle, intentional corruption
of the database.
The FAQ-O-Matic allowed the entry of HTML tags, so users could supply links and formatting information
for their answers. However, other than links, HTML was rarely used to good effect. Instead, it often
made for inconsistent appearance as people appended to existing answers and as HTML tags fought with
the formatting generated by the CGI script. Furthermore, code segments pasted into the FAQ-O-Matic
would mysteriously lose < and & symbols.
Finally, I found that I had to put in a certain amount of effort moving answers around to keep
them organized as new answers showed up. This was compounded by the difficulty of performing this
sort of administration on the first implementation of FAQ-O-Matic.
Version 2
Over the summer, I rewrote the FAQ-O-Matic to address these problems. First, each answer is now
assigned a permanent ID number. This solves the sour URL problem and also provides a facility for
"see also" links inside the FAQ.
I posted a policy disallowing questions without answers, which trivially solved the second problem.
The new version has an authentication scheme that verifies email addresses by sending a secret
validation code to the given address. Thus each submission is attributed to a real email address,
and intentional corruption, once noticed, can be traced and rolled back.
FAQ-O-Matic 2 no longer allows HTML tags; they are displayed as entities (<). This prevents
code from becoming corrupted and enforces a uniform (if bland) appearance. Links are supported heuristically
by detecting things that look like links (http://...) and generating HTML links on the fly. Internal
links are supported with a special URL that begins "faqomatic:"
Version 2 also has support for reorganizing answers and categories from the Web interface. This
facility might allow a Web user to moderate a section of the FAQ and care for its organization. Moderators
can request that they receive mail whenever any answer in their area is changed, minimizing the effort
associated with the moderation task.
The 1998 LinuxPPC CD was announced in January, prompting an estimated 4,500 people to visit the
FAQ-O-Matic on <> in one day. Because every request required service by a Perl CGI,
the memory pressure overloaded the server, and the FAQ-O-Matic had to be throttled. In response to
that event, version 2.6 adds a server-side HTML cache, so that people who are only reading the FAQ
receive HTML directly from the Web server, without the cost of invoking the CGI.
Other Uses
Because FAQ-O-Matic has an authentication scheme, it made sense to give it flexible authorization
as well. The FAQ can be configured to be very open, not even requiring mail-back email secrets, to
encourage the shy, lazy, or anonymous contributor at the expense of accuracy of attributions.
Alternatively, it can be set to allow only assigned moderators to modify the FAQ. In this arrangement,
it is suitable for use as a help desk database: only help desk operators can modify the database,
but it is available for all to read.
The Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic has been available for 15 months. In that time, about 75,000
different people (IP addresses) have seen it, and it has received 1,500 submissions. On average,
visitors access it about ten times. A few dozen people claim to be running their own FAQ-O-Matics,
some for internal projects, others for Internet-accessible sites.
The FAQ-O-Matic has turned out to be a successful system for documenting the Linux on PowerPC
projects. It is more organized than a mailing list archive, but avoids going stale as traditional
FAQs often do. It allows a division of labor in maintaining both answers and the overall organization
of the FAQ. And it has access control features that make it suitable for other applications. To try
it out, visit the FAQ-O-Matic at <>.
The Last but not LeastTechnology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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