In the neoliberal society the fight for social justice tend to be hijacked with nefarious goals.
Desperation of poor is used as a ram in the dirty fight between factions of neoliberal elite
When Neoliberal Dems manage to replace discussion about alternative to neoliberalism and taming financial oligarchy with the
oppression of blacks, Wall Street bankers uncork an expensive champagne. This is much better deal then demands for jobs, restoration
of the New Deal Social protection and the role of unions, progressive taxation and taming investment banks, hedge finds,
private equity sharks and other parasites. Substituting those issue with racism and LGBT issues make financial oligarchy much
Creting by financial oligarchy an obscurantist movement is nothing new. "The historian believes that "for 15 years, from 1919 to 1933, the Anglo-Saxon elite actively interfered in German politics,
with the intention of creating an obscurantist movement, which could later be used as a pawn in a great geopolitical intrigue… It was
not England and America that created Hitlerism, but they created the conditions in which this phenomenon could survive prosper."
Humans and some primates have a built in sense of justice, which is important factor determining their behaviour. It also
tend to put some constrains on brutal exploitation of men by men, although historically those limits tend to change with some
setbacks like happened when the USA switched from the New Deal capitalism to neoliberalism.
Also spontaneous protests against social injustice tend to be quickly hijacked and used for nefarious purposes by powerful
external for the country forces. Which inject money into the protests, coordinated actions for the destabilization of government via
NGO, and provide favorable press coverage via controlled MSM.
The thing about color revolutions is that they follow a script. Find a legitimate grievance
and piggyback onto it. Ask the police and the military to join the protests. If they don't,
escalate into riots to provoke a forceful response to create martyrs. Optics are key;
everything useful to the cause has to be captured on camera, and anything inconvenient
memory-holed. Media are the most important ally. The endgame is not reform, or fairness, or
justice, but regime change – physical removal of the "tyrannical dictator violating
human rights" from office.
But there is no the USA embassy in the USA so theoretically the USA should be immune to this dirty tricks. Not so fast.
Recent events, starting from Russiagate, prove that the key ideas and strategies of color revolution regime change operations are
fully applicable to the USA. All you need is two warring factions of elite, which one having preferred access to the capabilities of
intelligence agencies and the State Department.
For example, the riots which started as spontaneous protest against killing of George Floyd quickly acquired some recognizable elements of color
The American Conservative
The killing of unarmed black men by police — one is too many — is a serious problem, and only
one among many facing America’s poorest and most downtrodden demographic. But its extent is overstated, inflated by symbolic politics and
exacerbated by the manifold other problems of our declining society. According to the Washington Post’s own statistics, there has
actually been a 75% drop in such incidents over the past half decade, from 38 in 2015 to 9 in 2019. Meanwhile, in a climate of
disorder no doubt exacerbated by the riots, 84 people were shot and 23 killed in Chicago’s
majority-black neighborhoods over Memorial Day weekend alone.
So far connections between Antifa and Democratic Party financiers that financed RussiaGate and UkraineGate stayed in the shadow.
Still we know
announced that it is committing $500,000 to a bail fund for those arrested at the violent protests and riots
happening across the US.
The younger Donald urged Barr to "just do it!!!" in a tweet on Wednesday, referring to rumors that the attorney general
is poised to expose links between the "violent radical elements" that Barr denounced in an earlier statement and the politicians
and elites believed to be backing them.
Barr blamed the violence that has overshadowed "peaceful and legitimate protests" over the police killing of George Floyd
last week on "groups of outside radicals and agitators" exploiting the unrest to "pursue their own separate, violent,
and extremist agenda" in a
statement released on Sunday.
Peaceful protests degenerating into riots and arson, followed by violence, clashes with police and political demands for regime
change: today’s America, or what happened in Ukraine, North Africa and Serbia – or both?
How Americans view the events of the past week greatly depends on their political persuasion, media preferences and to large extent
even ethnic identity. This is hardly the first death of an African-American man at the hands of police, nor the first time a peaceful
protest turned violent and resulted in a city on fire. It is, however, the first Black Lives Matter protest that spread all over
– and quickly gained an openly political, partisan dimension.
That ought to be baffling. The four officers involved in George Floyd’s death were fired almost immediately, rather than suspended
with pay pending investigation. One of them was charged with murder just days later. Conservatives and liberals alike agreed that
Floyd was murdered and that the men responsible should face justice. Yet the riots started, and spread, anyway.
The brief moment of unity in outrage could have resulted in healing the racial fault lines in the US. Instead, the already polarized
political climate became divided more sharply than ever, with Republicans criticizing President Donald Trump for not cracking down
on the riots fast and hard enough, while Democrats denounced him for responding at all, claiming that there were no riots really
and Trump was just “declaring war on the American people.”
“This was a made for television moment,” CNN's Don Lemon said after tear gas was fired at protesters as
President Trump addressed the nation from the Rose Garden. “Open your eyes, America. Open your eyes. We are teetering on a dictatorship.
This is chaos.”
Could the clues to why this is happening lie beyond America’s borders? In December 2010, a Tunisian street vendor set himself
on fire and died after tax police confiscated his unlicensed stall. Within days, there were demonstrations. Within a month, the country’s
president of 23 years was overthrown and exiled. Similar rebellions broke out in Libya, Egypt, Syria… It was dubbed the “Arab
... ... ...
Interestingly, the Hong Kong protests were embraced by the progressive firebrands such as Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
and her 'Squad,' calling for something similar at home, against Trump.
“Marginalized” communities have “no choice but to riot,” Ocasio-Cortez
said on a radio program in July 2019, adding that she meant “communities of poverty” in the US, as well as around the
world. That was long before Covid-19 killed more than 100,000 Americans and lockdowns imposed to stop it cost 40 million Americans
their jobs. Long before George Floyd.
It’s hardly surprising that Trump is now getting blamed for Floyd, even though Minneapolis and Minnesota are both run by Democrats.
He was also blamed for the coronavirus, by the very Democrat governors that insisted on harsh lockdowns, and congressional Democrats
who held aid hostage. The people doing the blaming insisted for years that ‘Russiagate’ was real, too. Now they blame Trump for responding
to the riots – sorry, “peaceful protests” – by sending in the military. Hence the shock when rioters in Atlanta went after
the CNN headquarters.
Meanwhile, as cities across America burn, it’s a fundraising windfall for Democrats – says the New York Times, of all outlets.
NEW: As Protesters Flood Streets, A Surge of Money Flows to Democrats, Bail Funds and Progressive CharitiesSunday
was the *single biggest day* on ActBlue in all of 2020 — topping Super Tuesday, debate nights, Biden's revival in S.C.
— Shane Goldmacher (@ShaneGoldmacher)
June 1, 2020
... ... ...
“A color revolution can’t happen in America, because there’s no US embassy there,” went the grim joke in Serbia after
disappointment with the astroturf revolt of October 5, 2000 set in. Well, guess that settles it, then. Any similarities between the
current situation in the US and dozens of other countries over the past 20 years must be purely coincidental and not at all relevant
or significant in any way.
In other words the fight for social justice tend to be hijecked with nefarious goals. Some authors also suggest that riots of May-June 2020 are stage-managed by the oligarchy in order to make whites and blacks hate
each other more. Preventing blacks and whites from finding common cause. Like the common cause of cops killing innocents, actually even
more whites than blacks.
Everybody stays divided and conquered big-time.
Listen. It doesn’t matter if you are racist or anti-racist. It doesn’t matter if you’re white or black. All that matters is that
you keep fighting with each other. That’s all our owners want. Just keep fighting with each other. Words, ideologies, statistics,
whatever, do not matter. As long as you’re squabbling.
Well, it looks like the Resistance’s long-anticipated
“Second Civil War” has finally begun … more or less exactly on cue. Rioting has broken out across the nation. People are
looting and burning stores and attacking each other in the streets. Robocops are beating, tear-gassing, and shooting people
with non-lethal projectiles. State National Guards have been deployed, curfews imposed, “emergencies” declared. Secret Servicemen
are fighting back angry hordes attempting to storm the White House. Trump is tweeting from an “underground
bunker.” Opportunist social media pundits on both sides of the political spectrum are whipping people up into white-eyed
frenzies. Americans are at each other’s throats, divided by identity politics, consumed by rage, hatred, and fear.
Things couldn’t be going better for the Resistance if
they had scripted it themselves.
Actually, they did kind of script it themselves. Not
the murder of poor George Floyd, of course. Racist police have been murdering Black people for as long as there have been
racist police. No, the Resistance didn’t manufacture racism. They just spent the majority of the last four years creating
and promoting an official narrative which casts most Americans as “white supremacists” who literally elected Hitler president,
and who want to turn the country into a racist dictatorship.
According to this official narrative, which has been
relentlessly disseminated by the corporate media, the neoliberal intelligentsia, the culture industry, and countless hysterical,
Trump-hating loonies, the Russians put Donald Trump in office with those DNC emails they never hacked and some division-sowing
Facebook ads that supposedly hypnotized Black Americans into refusing to come out and vote for Clinton. Putin purportedly
ordered this personally, as part of his plot to “destroy democracy.” The plan was always for President Hitler to embolden
his white-supremacist followers into launching the “RaHoWa,” or the “Boogaloo,” after which Trump would declare martial
law, dissolve the legislature, and pronounce himself Führer. Then they would start rounding up and murdering the Jews, and
the Blacks, and Mexicans, and other minorities, according to this twisted liberal fantasy.
I’ve been covering the roll-out and dissemination of
this official narrative since 2016, and have
documented much of it in my essays, so I won’t reiterate all that here. Let’s just say, I’m not exaggerating, much.
After four years of more or less constant conditioning, millions of Americans believe this fairy tale, despite the fact
that there is absolutely zero evidence whatsoever to support it. Which is not exactly a mystery or anything. It would be
rather surprising if they didn’t believe it. We’re talking about the most formidable official propaganda machine in the
history of official propaganda machines.
And now the propaganda is paying off. The protesting
and rioting that typically follows the murder of an unarmed Black person by the cops has mushroomed into “an
international uprising” cheered on by the corporate media, corporations, and the liberal establishment, who don’t normally
tend to support such uprisings, but they’ve all had a sudden change of heart, or spiritual or political awakening, and are
down for some serious property damage, and looting, and preventative self-defense, if that’s what it takes to bring about
justice, and to restore America to the peaceful, prosperous, non-white-supremacist paradise it was until the Russians put
Donald Trump in office.
In any event, the Resistance media have now dropped
their breathless coverage of the non-existent Corona-Holocaust to breathlessly cover the “revolution.” The American police,
who just last week were national heroes for risking their lives to beat up, arrest, and generally intimidate mask-less “lockdown
violators” are now the fascist foot soldiers of the Trumpian Reich. The Nike corporation
produced a commercial urging people to smash the windows of their Nike stores and steal their sneakers. Liberal journalists
took to Twitter, calling on rioters to “burn
that shit down!” … until the rioters reached their gated community and started burning down their local Starbucks. Hollywood
celebrities are masking up and going full-black bloc, and
doing legal support. Chelsea Clinton is teaching children about
David and the Racist Goliath. John Cusack’s bicycle was
attacked by the pigs. I haven’t checked on Rob Reiner yet, but I assume he is assembling Molotov cocktails in the basement
of a Resistance safe house somewhere in Hollywood Hills.
Look, I’m not saying the neoliberal Resistance orchestrated
or staged these riots, or “denying the agency” of the folks in the streets. Whatever else is happening out there, a lot
of very angry Black people are taking their frustration out on the cops, and on anyone and anything else that represents
racism and injustice to them.
This happens in America from time to time. America is
still a racist society. Most African-Americans are descended from slaves. Legal racial discrimination was not abolished
until the 1960s, which isn’t that long ago in historical terms. I was born in the segregated American South, with the segregated
schools, and all the rest of it. I don’t remember it — I was born in 1961 — but I do remember the years right after it.
The South didn’t magically change overnight in July of 1964. Nor did the North’s variety of racism, which, yes, is subtler,
but no less racist.
So I have no illusions about racism in America. But
I’m not really talking about racism in America. I’m talking about how racism in America has been cynically instrumentalized,
not by the Russians, but by the so-called Resistance, in order to delegitimize Trump and, more importantly, everyone who
voted for him, as a bunch of white supremacists and racists.
Fomenting racial division has been the Resistance’s
strategy from the beginning. A quote attributed to Joseph Goebbels, “accuse the other side of that which you are guilty,”
is particularly apropos in this case. From the moment Trump won the Republican nomination, the corporate media and the rest
of the Resistance have been telling us the man is literally Hitler, and that his plan is to foment racial hatred among his
“white supremacist base,” and eventually stage some “Reichstag” event, declare martial law and pronounce himself dictator.
They’ve been telling us this story over and over, on television, in the liberal press, on social media, in books, movies,
and everywhere else they could possibly tell it.
So, before you go out and join the “uprising,” take
a look at the headlines today, turn on CNN or MSNBC, and think about that for just a minute. I don’t mean to spoil the party,
but they’ve preparing you for this for the last four years.
Not you Black folks. I’m not talking to you. I wouldn’t
presume to tell you what to do. I’m talking to white folks like myself, who are cheering on the rioting and looting, and
are coming out to “help” you with it, but who will be back home in their gated communities when the ashes have cooled, and
the corporate media are gone, and the cops return to “police” your neighborhoods.
OK, and this is where I have to restate (for the benefit
of my partisan readers) that I’m not a fan of Donald Trump, and that I think he’s a narcissistic ass clown, and a glorified
con man, and … blah blah blah, because so many people have been so polarized by insane propaganda and mass hysteria that
they can’t even read or think anymore, and so just scan whatever articles they encounter to see whose “side” the author
is on and then mindlessly celebrate or excoriate it.
If you’re doing that, let me help you out … whichever
side you’re on, I’m not on it.
I realize that’s extremely difficult for a lot of folks
to comprehend these days, which is part of the point I’ve been trying to make. I’ll try again, as plainly as I can.
America is still a racist country, but America is no
more racist today than it was when Barack Obama was president. A lot of American police are brutal, but no more brutal than
when Obama was president. America didn’t radically change the day Donald Trump was sworn into office. All that has changed
is the official narrative. And it will change back as soon as Trump is gone and the ruling classes have no further use for
And that will be the end of the
War on Populism, and we will switch back to the War on Terror, or maybe the
Brave New Pathologized Normal … or whatever Orwellian official narrative the folks at GloboCap have in store for us.
C. J. Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright,
novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing,
Inc. His dystopian novel,
Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his
Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content,
Inc. He can be reached at
Forget all the news-noise in recent days about thuggery, police brutality, frankly ridiculous
white middle-class virtue signalling, and chucking statues in harbours. While the violence and
looting was probably driven by opportunism and boredom, the underlying grievances are about
fundamental human emotions. The real issues are much bigger. Perceptions of rising inequality are
rising – in terms of opportunities, rights and of income. Inequality has been magnified over the
last 12 years – as a consequence of the last market crash - and societies are likely to become even
more unequal as this recession plays out.
This growing sense of injustice and unfairness will hit across economies. As the virus bites
harder in less developed economies, the pressure and unrest is likely to escalate. As the global
economy deteriorates, unemployment rises and inequalities widen, the pressure on governments will
mount. Economies in crisis and rising unrest are going to prove a fertile ground for political
agitation and populism.
The authorities should be increasingly nervous. Persuading electorates that
stable markets are indicative of stable economies won’t hold up for long if the picture becomes
bleaker. I suspect the veil is falling – the increasingly obvious inconsistencies that underly
markets and the economy could break down.. deepening the swiftly developing sense of injustice and
inequality we’ve seen in the recent demonstrations.
The unrest is rising at a very vulnerable time in the virus cycle, and will further
deepen political dislocation. The narrative has changed from unity and “governments
know best”, to a new blame game phase. It doesn’t help build confidence when a discredited
epidemiologist is given face time by the government-hating BBC to declare 20,000 UK deaths could
have been avoided if we’d locked down a week earlier.
Around the globe, governments are struggling to address the critical fiscal challenges thrown up
by the virus. As the coming recession mounts, the pressure will increase. Here’s how its likely to
play out:
We know global supply chains are stretched and difficult to repair. Every shuttered factory
and furloughed job has potential downstream consequences – much like the proverbial butterfly’s
wing flap in Surrey causes a typhoon in Hong Kong. It’s a very connected global economy – and
will take time to adapt and settle.
Corporates are planning defensively, cutting costs and jobs. If 5% of jobs are cut, that’s a
massive global economic demand shock. Factories are being shut because of slumping demand – not
the virus.
For all the government largesse, state bailouts and furlough schemes – they can’t last
forever. I understand there was a massive rush y’day to get UK workers registered on the
furlough scheme before the 1st phase of the scheme closed yesterday.
The virus remains a threat – while there has not been a second Tsunami of cases, waves are
occurring in places like Texas, Arizona, Florida and across Europe. Lest we forget – if you
catch the virus and get it bad, you could be looking at long-term recovery after weeks of
Meanwhile, we have stock markets at or close to record levels, and record PE ratios ahead of
massive drops that will be released through the Q2 earning seasons. We are seeing a massive debt
binge by sovereigns, corporates and individuals who seem to think ultra-low rates means debt
doesn’t matter – it still has to be repaid.. (Unless… where is that teach-yourself MMT Book of
Its already happening. We’re seeing recently reopened factories being closed again – sometimes
due to a lack of parts from broken supply chains, but in the case of Caterpillar yesterday on a
lack of demand for its products. Around the world, companies are looking to shed costs and surplus
employees as they scale back businesses to weather the recession.
All the above point to an increasing number of fracture lines and points of tension emerging in
the global economy. But it’s not money or markets that actually matter. Economies comprise
individuals interreacting between themselves. As the economy cracks – unskilled workers suffer
most, and unrest will rise.
Job cuts are hitting hardest across the least skilled classes. Its shop, factory-floor and
serving staff that are joining the job lines. Knowledge based workers are having a much easier –
even satisfying - crisis in lockdown.
Through the last 10-years of debt-fuelled corporate stock buybacks we’ve seen massive income
shifts towards the rich. Shocking corporate bonuses, and the failure of trickle-down, offends many
– not just on the left. Unskilled workers are priced out of good neighbourhoods. Social
deprivation, drugs, crime – all hit hardest on the less privileged parts of society. Educational
opportunities are limited.
And how do politicians react? Badly. Our current leadership crop are dominated by dither and
bluster. Stories are allowed to take root and spread like pernicious weeds.
For instance, when a prominent politician claims BAME health-workers have been sacrificed to
Coronavirus, and were bullied into treating patients with insufficient PPE, she is playing to an
audience where the story has resonance.
It’s true – nearly every single doctor in the UK who has died from coronavirus has been of Black
or Asian ancestry. But have you ever tried to bully a doctor? You won’t get far. Its also true BAME
staff are massively overrepresented on the NHS, and they will have run a greater risk of exposure.
They’ve clearly suffered more – but I’m pretty damn sure no one ever planned for it to be that
way. (I am frankly furious a politician would demean the NHS BAME doctors, nurses, cleaners and
other staff who’ve died as result of the coronavirus by calling their deaths racism – they were
skilled and highly regarded heroes doing jobs they chose to do. Government will find out why the
virus has hit BAME citizens so hard – and will address it.)
The riots demonstrate that tensions are high and rising. As the recession bites, there
is a risk of further division and populism creating political instability and populism. While the
riots are largely a US issue thus far, I’m actually even more worried about the political risks
elsewhere; in South America, North Africa, Asia and even Europe.
"... He defines "wokeism" as a creed that has arisen in America in response to the "moral vacuum" created by the ebbing from public life of faith, patriotism and "the identity we derived from hard work." He argues that notions like "diversity," "equity," "inclusion" and "sustainability" have come to take their place. ..."
"... "Our collective moral insecurities," Mr. Ramaswamy says, "have left us vulnerable" to the blandishments and propaganda of the new political and corporate elites, who are now locked in a cynical "arranged marriage, where each partner has contempt for the other." Each side is getting out of the "trade" something it "could not have gotten alone." ..."
"... Wokeness entered its union with capitalism in the years following the 2008 financial panic and recession. Mr. Ramaswamy believes that conditions were perfect for the match. "We were -- and are -- in the midst of the biggest intergenerational wealth transfer in history," he says. Barack Obama had just been elected the first black president. By the end of the crisis, Americans "were actually pretty jaded with respect to capitalism. Corporations were the bad guys. The old left wanted to take money from corporations and give it to poor people." ..."
"... The birth of wokeism was a godsend to corporations, Mr. Ramaswamy says. It helped defang the left. "Wokeism lent a lifeline to the people who were in charge of the big banks. They thought, 'This stuff is easy!' " They applauded diversity and inclusion, appointed token female and minority directors, and "mused about the racially disparate impact of climate change." So, in Mr. Ramaswamy's narrative, "a bunch of big banks got together with a bunch of millennials, birthed woke capitalism, and then put Occupy Wall Street up for adoption." Now, in Mr. Ramaswamy's tart verdict, "big business makes money by critiquing itself." ..."
"... Davos is "the Woke Vatican," Mr. Ramaswamy says; Al Gore and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock , are "its archbishops." CEOs "further down the chain" -- he mentions James Quincey of Coca-Cola , Ed Bastian of Delta , Marc Benioff of Salesforce , John Donahoe of Nike and Alan Jope of Unilever -- are its "cardinals." ..."
"... He describes this sort of corporate imposition -- "a market force supplanting open political debate to settle the essence of political questions" -- as one of the "defining challenges" America faces today. "If democracy means anything," he adds, "it means living in a one-person-one-vote system, not a one-dollar-one-vote system." Voters' voices "are unadjusted by the number of dollars we wield in the marketplace." Open debate in the public square is "our uniquely American mechanism" of settling political questions. He likens the woke-corporate silencing of debate as akin to the "old-world European model, where a small group of elites gets in a room and decides what's good for everyone else." ..."
"... The wokeism-capitalism embrace, Mr. Ramaswamy says, was replicated in Silicon Valley. Over the past few years, "Big Tech effectively agreed to censor -- or 'moderate' -- content that the woke movement didn't like. But they didn't do it for free." In return, the left "agreed to look the other way when it comes to leaving Silicon Valley's monopoly power intact." This arrangement is "working out masterfully" for both sides. ..."
"... Coca-Cola follows the same playbook, he says: "It's easier for them to issue statements about voting laws in Georgia, or to train their employees on how to 'be less white,' than it is to publicly reckon with its role in fueling a nationwide epidemic of diabetes and obesity -- including in the black communities they profess to care about so much." (In a statement, Coca-Cola apologized for the "be less white" admonition and said that while it was "accessible through our company training platform," it "was not a part of our training curriculum.") ..."
"... Nike finds it much easier to write checks to Black Lives Matter and condemn America's history of slavery, Mr. Ramaswamy says, even as it relies on "slave labor" today to sell "$250 sneakers to black kids in the inner city who can't afford to buy books for school." All the while, Black Lives Matter "neuters the police in a way that sacrifices even more black lives." (Nike has said in a statement that its code of conduct prohibits any use of forced labor and "we have been engaging with multi-stakeholder working groups to assess collective solutions that will help preserve the integrity of our global supply chains.") ..."
"... Mr. Varadarajan, a Journal contributor, is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and at New York University Law School's Classical Liberal Institute. ..."
"... Seems to me in a nutshell he is saying that these woke corporations are all hypocrites. No surprise there hypocrisy is a defining characteristic of the woke left and you need to assume that characteristic yourself to be able to work within their bounds. ..."
"... Wokeists argue that theirs is not a religion because it doesn't center on a transcendent being. I see Wokeism as a religion that gathers multiple Secularist sects into a big tent. These sects include Environmentalism, Genderism, Anti-Racism, and more. ..."
"... One thing all religions share in common is the elevation of questionable premises to unassailable truths which they defend with religious zeal. Some questionable premises elevated to unassailable truths by Wokeism are that humans are making the Earth uninhabitable, gender is an individual choice, and race is the most important human characteristic. There are more. ..."
A self-made multimillionaire who founded a biotech company at 28, Vivek Ramaswamy is every
inch the precocious overachiever. He tells me he attended law school while he was in sixth
grade. He's joking, in his own earnest manner. His father, an aircraft engineer at General
Electric, had decided to get a law degree at night school. Vivek sat in on the classes with
him, so he could keep his dad company on the long car rides to campus and back -- a very Indian
filial act.
"I was probably the only person my age who'd heard of Antonin Scalia, " Mr. Ramaswamy, 35,
says in a Zoom call from his home in West Chester, Ohio. His father, a political liberal, would
often rage on the way home from class about "some Scalia opinion." Mr. Ramaswamy reckons that
this was when he began to form his own political ideas. A libertarian in high school, he
switched to being conservative at Harvard in "an act of rebellion" against the politics he
found there. That conservatism drove him to step down in January as CEO at Roivant Sciences --
the drug-development company that made him rich -- and write "Woke, Inc," a book that takes a
scathing look at "corporate America's social-justice scam." (It will be published in
Mr. Ramaswamy recently watched the movie "Spotlight," which tells the story of how reporters
at the Boston Globe exposed misconduct (specifically, sexual abuse) by Catholic priests in the
early 2000s. "My goal in 'Woke, Inc.' is to do the same thing with respect to the Church of
Wokeism." He defines "wokeism" as a creed that has arisen in America in response to the "moral
vacuum" created by the ebbing from public life of faith, patriotism and "the identity we
derived from hard work." He argues that notions like "diversity," "equity," "inclusion" and
"sustainability" have come to take their place.
"Our collective moral insecurities," Mr. Ramaswamy says, "have left us vulnerable" to the
blandishments and propaganda of the new political and corporate elites, who are now locked in a
cynical "arranged marriage, where each partner has contempt for the other." Each side is
getting out of the "trade" something it "could not have gotten alone."
Wokeness entered its union with capitalism in the years following the 2008 financial panic
and recession. Mr. Ramaswamy believes that conditions were perfect for the match. "We were --
and are -- in the midst of the biggest intergenerational wealth transfer in history," he says.
Barack Obama had just been elected the first black president. By the end of the crisis,
Americans "were actually pretty jaded with respect to capitalism. Corporations were the bad
guys. The old left wanted to take money from corporations and give it to poor people."
The birth of wokeism was a godsend to corporations, Mr. Ramaswamy says. It helped defang the
left. "Wokeism lent a lifeline to the people who were in charge of the big banks. They thought,
'This stuff is easy!' " They applauded diversity and inclusion, appointed token female and
minority directors, and "mused about the racially disparate impact of climate change." So, in
Mr. Ramaswamy's narrative, "a bunch of big banks got together with a bunch of millennials,
birthed woke capitalism, and then put Occupy Wall Street up for adoption." Now, in Mr.
Ramaswamy's tart verdict, "big business makes money by critiquing itself."
Mr. Ramaswamy regards Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO of the World Economic Forum in Davos,
Switzerland, as the "patron saint of wokeism" for his relentless propagation of "stakeholder
capitalism" -- the view that the unspoken bargain in the grant to corporations of limited
liability is that they "must do social good on the side."
Davos is "the Woke Vatican," Mr. Ramaswamy says; Al Gore and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock , are "its
archbishops." CEOs "further down the chain" -- he mentions James Quincey of Coca-Cola , Ed Bastian of Delta , Marc Benioff of
Salesforce , John
Donahoe of Nike and
Alan Jope of Unilever
-- are its "cardinals."
Mr. Ramaswamy says that "unlike the investigative 'Spotlight' team at the Boston Globe, I'm
a whistleblower, not a journalist. But the church analogy holds strong." He paraphrases a line
in the movie: "It takes a village to raise a child, then it takes a village to abuse one. In
the case of my book, the child I'm concerned about is American democracy."
In league with the woke left, corporate America "uses force" as a substitute for open
deliberation and debate, Mr. Ramaswamy says. "There's the sustainability accounting standards
board of BlackRock, which effectively demands that in order to win an investment from
BlackRock, the largest asset-manager in the world, you must abide by the standards of that
Was the board put in place by the owners of the trillions of dollars of capital that Mr.
Fink manages? Of course not, Mr. Ramaswamy says. "And yet he's actually using his seat of
corporate power to sidestep debate about questions like environmentalism or diversity on
The irrepressible Mr. Ramaswamy presses on with another example. Goldman Sachs , he says with obvious relish,
"is a very Davos-fitting example." At the 2020 World Economic Forum, Goldman Sachs CEO David
Solomon "issued an edict from the mountaintops of Davos." Mr. Solomon announced his company
would refuse to take a company public if its board wasn't sufficiently diverse. "So Goldman
gets to define what counts as 'diverse,' " Mr. Ramaswamy says. "No doubt, they're referring to
skin-deep, genetically inherited attributes."
He describes this sort of corporate imposition -- "a market force supplanting open political
debate to settle the essence of political questions" -- as one of the "defining challenges"
America faces today. "If democracy means anything," he adds, "it means living in a
one-person-one-vote system, not a one-dollar-one-vote system." Voters' voices "are unadjusted
by the number of dollars we wield in the marketplace." Open debate in the public square is "our
uniquely American mechanism" of settling political questions. He likens the woke-corporate
silencing of debate as akin to the "old-world European model, where a small group of elites
gets in a room and decides what's good for everyone else."
The wokeism-capitalism embrace, Mr. Ramaswamy says, was replicated in Silicon Valley. Over
the past few years, "Big Tech effectively agreed to censor -- or 'moderate' -- content that the
woke movement didn't like. But they didn't do it for free." In return, the left "agreed to look
the other way when it comes to leaving Silicon Valley's monopoly power intact." This
arrangement is "working out masterfully" for both sides.
The rest of corporate America appears to be following suit. "There's a Big Pharma version,
too," Mr. Ramaswamy says. "Big Pharma had an epiphany in dealing with the left." It couldn't
beat them, so it joined them. "Rather than win the debate on drug pricing, they decided to just
change the subject instead. Who needs to win a debate if you can just avoid having it?" So we
see "big-time pharma CEOs musing about topics like racial justice and environmentalism, and
writing multibillion-dollar checks to fight climate change, while taking price hikes that
they'd previously paused when the public was angry about drug pricing."
Coca-Cola follows the same playbook, he says: "It's easier for them to issue statements
about voting laws in Georgia, or to train their employees on how to 'be less white,' than it is
to publicly reckon with its role in fueling a nationwide epidemic of diabetes and obesity --
including in the black communities they profess to care about so much." (In a statement,
Coca-Cola apologized
for the "be less white" admonition and said that while it was "accessible through our company
training platform," it "was not a part of our training curriculum.")
Nike finds it much easier to write checks to Black Lives Matter and condemn America's
history of slavery, Mr. Ramaswamy says, even as it relies on "slave labor" today to sell "$250
sneakers to black kids in the inner city who can't afford to buy books for school." All the
while, Black Lives Matter "neuters the police in a way that sacrifices even more black lives."
(Nike has said in a statement that its code of conduct prohibits any use of forced labor and
"we have been engaging with multi-stakeholder working groups to assess collective solutions
that will help preserve the integrity of our global supply chains.")
... ... ...
Mr. Varadarajan, a Journal contributor, is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute
and at New York University Law School's Classical Liberal Institute.
Rod Drake 53 minutes ago
Seems to me in a nutshell he is saying that these woke corporations are all hypocrites. No
surprise there hypocrisy is a defining characteristic of the woke left and you need to assume
that characteristic yourself to be able to work within their bounds.
In addition, I have been
saying for some time discrimination based on political belief desperately needs to be
included as a prohibited basis. Where are the Republicans, while the greatest civil rights
violation of our time is going on right under their noses?
Terry Overbey 1 hour ago
I love reading stories about people who are willing to take on the woke political class. For
most people, even if they strongly disagree, their only option is to bite their tongue and go
along. People aren't stupid. If you buck the system, you don't get promoted, you don't get
good grades, you don't get into elite schools, you don't get the government job.
Thank you Mr Ramaswany.
James Ransom 1 hour ago
Well. If nothing else, he just sold me a book. I think we should say that "Wokeism" tries to
"Act Like" a religion, not that it is one. Because of this fakery, we do not need to give it
"freedom" in the sense that we have "Freedom of Religion."
These misguided Americans perhaps need to be exposed to a real religion. Christianity and
Buddhism would be good choices; I don't know about Hinduism, but my point is that "Wokeism"
is more like a mental disorder. We should feel sorry for its victims, offer them treatment,
but not let them run anything.
marc goodman 1 hour ago
Wokeists argue that theirs is not a religion because it doesn't center on a transcendent
being. I see Wokeism as a religion that gathers multiple Secularist sects into a big tent.
These sects include Environmentalism, Genderism, Anti-Racism, and more.
One thing all religions share in common is the elevation of questionable premises to
unassailable truths which they defend with religious zeal. Some questionable premises
elevated to unassailable truths by Wokeism are that humans are making the Earth
uninhabitable, gender is an individual choice, and race is the most important human
characteristic. There are more.
Humans need to believe in something greater than themselves. We fulfill this need with
religion, and historically, the "greater something" has been a transcendent being. Wokeism
fulfills this need for its adherents but without a transcendent being. Ultimately, Wokeism
will fail as a religion because it can't nourish the soul like the belief in a transcendent
being does.
Grodney Ross 2 hours ago (Edited)
Judgement will be passed in November of 2022. I don't see this as a Democrat vs Republican
issue. I think it's a matter of who is paying attention vs. those who are not. We live in a
society where, generally, the most strident voices are on the left, along with the most
judgmental voices. When the "wokeless" engage in a manner that conflicts with views of the
woke, they are attacked, be you from the left or the right, so you keep your mouth shut and go
about your day.
I believe that this coming election will give voice to those who are fatigued and fed up
with the progressive lefts venom and vitriol. If not, we will survive, but without a meaningful
first amendment,14th amendment, or 2nd amendment.
Barbara Helton 2 hours ago (Edited)
Being woke, when practiced by the wealthy and influential, can be extremely similar to
Wokism is an attempt on financial elite to distract and divide and distruct people from the
crisi of neoliberalism in the USA. This is a pretty dirty game.
There are lots of reasons why wokeism spread like wildfire once America lost its collective
mind during the pandemic, quarantine, self-induced recession, and rioting of 2020.
Wokeism was never really about racism, sexism, or other -isms. Instead, for some, it
illustrated a psychological pathology of projection: fobbing one's own concrete prejudices onto
others in order to alleviate or mask them.
So should we laugh or cry that Black Lives Matter's self-described Marxist co-founder turns
out to be a corporate grifter?
Patrisse Cullors has accumulated several upscale homes and is under investigation by the IRS
for allegations of the misuse of funds from one of her foundations.
Is it the case that the more Cullors professes Marxist ideology and damns toxic whiteness,
so all the more she feels at home living in a $1.4 million Topanga Canyon home, in an almost
exclusively ritzy white neighborhood?
Consider outspoken liberal icon Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). He's one of the
Senate's most woke. Yet Whitehouse turns out to be a mostly unapologetic member of a de facto
all-white prestigious "beach club" of elites in Newport, Rhode Island. Is Whitehouse committed
in the abstract to rooting out white privilege so he can concretely relax amid it with fellow
Barack and Michelle Obama occasionally venture out of either their multimillion-dollar
Washington, D.C. mansion or their Martha's Vineyard estate to lecture the country on its
systemic racism. They express worry over the dangers that apparently white people pose to the
very safety of their own daughters.
Does such sermonizing square the circle that the Obamas have no desire to return to their
Chicago home""a city where nearly 700 African-American males were murdered in 2020, the vast
majority by other black men? So far, Chicago in 2021 is on a trajectory to suffer over 30
percent more murder victims than last year.
Joe Biden about every two weeks lectures America on its racism. And he unleashed the
bureaucracies of the federal government to root out mythical white supremacist
Does Medieval penance explain Biden's fixation on systemic racism? After all, when he
condemns anonymous white racists, does his outrage mitigate his son Hunter's habitual use of
the N-word and anti-Asian riffs?
No Washington politico has compiled a longer record of racialist put downs than Joe Biden.
So apparently, the more Biden hunts for a white racist under every bed, the less necessary it
becomes to look in the mirror or at least to beg his son Hunter to knock off his racist
The second catalyst of wokeism is the distraction it provides from scary problems that
threaten the very existence of American civilization. While the country consumes itself in
demanding more than 12 percent representation of black actors in television commercials, it is
nearing $30 trillion in national debt. Eventually, the astounding red ink will require
recessionary belt-tightening, more inflationary money printing, or both.
The woke Biden Administration cannot stop 2 million immigrants this year from crossing
illegally and with exemption into the United States. Almost all are in need of free American
health care, housing, food, and legal subsidies. Violent crime is spiking at an astonishing
rate. Yet few dare say why that is""or how to stop it.
America also cannot face the likely truth that Chinese researchers engineered a
gain-of-function virus""with oversight from the Communist Chinese military, and subsidies from
Drs. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak.
So instead of offering real solutions to these crises, we war with each other whether the
deceased children's book author Dr. Seuss or the plastic toy Mr. Potato Head was racist or
otherwise exclusionary.
When our elites are clueless about national debt, inflation, illegal immigration, crime,
soaring gas prices, and a global pandemic, they reassure themselves that at least they can
cancel out Father JunÃpero Serra or knock down another statue of Robert E. Lee.
Finally, the hysterias of wokism are being channeled for profit""if they do not already
reflect the reality of many of our most woke being the richest among us.
One reason why Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle, and LeBron James hype charges of white racism
is that their oppression reminds America that one can become rich as Croesus yet remain
sympathetic victims.
For next-generation grifters, like Ibram Xolani Kendi (a.k.a. Ibram Henry Rogers) and Robin
DiAngelo, to claim that America was, is, and always will be racist, means more than just
speaking gigs and book sales.
The solutions for the pseudo-crises they invent are mass reeducation of self-confessional
whites""with lucrative consulting fees for both, and tens of thousands of others.
America is systematically being conned by those who disguise their hypocrisy, who manipulate
the guilt-ridden, who have no interest in solving America's most dangerous problems, and who
get or stay richer by hyping an America in need of massive rebooting - and with it their own
careerist remedies.
It seems that the wokesters who claim that they are "anti-racists" still can't tolerate the
memory of a man who defeated history's most murderous racist. The Thursday defacing of a statue
in Canada is the latest effort to cancel Hitler's implacable foe.
A Downtown statue of Sir Winston Churchill has been vandalized after someone dumped red paint
all across the replica of the former British prime minister...
Churchill, who served as prime minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955, is
seen as a national hero for his leadership during the Second World War but held many views
that would be deemed racist.
Perhaps the 20th century's greatest adversary of communist and fascist dictatorships,
Churchill has of course been found wanting by today's dictators of political fashion. This
week's vandalism follows several such instances over the last year involving a U.K. statue of
Churchill in London's Parliament Square. In Canada, Mr. Labine reports:
Elisebeth Checkel, the president of the Sir Winston Churchill Society of Edmonton, said this
is the first instance of the statue being vandalized that she's heard of and was disappointed
to see it happen.
She said Churchill has a complicated legacy and believes it is important to look at him in a
balanced way.
"If we look at any historical figure, we will find the same thing," Checkel said. "If we look
at almost any person from the 1880s, we would find their views were if not repugnant to us
nowadays, we would find they were disagreeable for sure. If you look at Churchill's later
actions and life as he grew, as we all hope to do, his views did change. The balance should
be celebrated because without Churchill we would not even have the right to protest in this
Licia Corbella
writes in the Calgary Herald that this week's vandalism of the statue is "another act of
woke totalitarianism." She adds:
Mark Milke, president of the Sir Winston Churchill Society of Calgary, says it's chilling to
contemplate what the world would be like now had Churchill not been there.
"Imagine if Churchill hadn't been there and the United Kingdom either did a peace treaty with
Hitler or fell during an invasion," said Milke...
"Nazi Germany would have controlled much of Europe... with the Soviet Union controlling the
other half and Imperial Japan raping Asia. Canada and the U.S. would have been pretty much
alone in the world..."
"Churchill is not a Civil War general from the South fighting to protect slavery. He's not
Joseph Stalin or Chairman Mao or Adolf Hitler," continued Milke.
No he's not. In fact Churchill was a stalwart opponent of the ideologies promoted by all
three of the 20th century's most infamous mass murderers. "For the historically illiterate who
like to throw paint on statues," Ms. Corbella notes the bloody legacy of Churchill's enemies
and adds:
What never seems to get mentioned is these statues are works of art. This destruction is not
unlike the Taliban destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan in 2001. These woke folk are
As for Churchill, Ms. Corbella asks: "If we allow his legacy to be torn down, whose, pray
tell, can stand?"
Fortunately Ms. Corbella is not standing alone. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney tweets :
People should continue to debate Churchill's complex legacy & record, but vandalizing
public property like this is shameful.
No member of the greatest generation can meet the standards of contemporary wokeness. But we
should still honour those who secured our peace and freedom.
Canadian Parliament member Pierre Poilievre adds :
Don't schools teach history anymore?
Now the woke warriors attack the statue of Winston Churchill--the greatest anti-fascist of
all time. He beat Hitler and Mussolini for crying out loud.
Do these vandals wish he had lost?
Coincidentally it was on this day 81 years ago when Churchill addressed the British House of
Commons after the German army had overrun France. Said
I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival
of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of
our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be
turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If
we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward
into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United
States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new
Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British
Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their
finest hour."
If wokesterism could last for a thousand years, would it ever result in a great
"Stop indoctrinating our children. Stop teaching our children to hate the police. Stop
teaching our children that if they don't agree with the LGBT community that they're homophobic.
You have no idea each child's life," she said, adding "You don't know what their family
lifestyle consists of, you don't know the makeup of their life."
Ibrahim shut down school board members' objections several times - in between calling out
two teachers for posting their political beliefs online. When board members told her she wasn't
allowed to reference people by name, Ibrahim claimed those teachers called "for the death of a
former president," and that students who don't support Black Lives Matter should be "canceled
"Why are we not allowed to say names? Why am I not allowed when they purposefully expose
themselves on social media, talking about calling for the death of a former president, or
saying that any child who doesn't believe in Black Lives Matter should be canceled out. Is this
what my tax dollars are paying for?" she asked.
"You're emotionally abusing our children and mentally abusing them," Ibrahim continued
RDinSC 1 hour ago
Never vote for anyone at any level of political office who does not openly and sincerely
oppose CRT and any and all woke indoctrination.
RedDog1 1 hour ago
I'm a super anti-racist. I'm especially against woke neo-racism.
BLOTTO 52 minutes ago (Edited)
Wait until she finds out that Drag Queen Roxy is reading 'The Hips on the DQ go swish
swish swish' to the kids at the local library.
Pooper Popper 1 hour ago
She Rocks!!!!!
high5mail 36 minutes ago
When I listen to this woman and look around me at all the fools who buy into the
"system" as it is, too scared to do what she is doing, it saddens me at the apathy and
cowardice of the general public which will sell their souls for protection on a non deadly
virus and take an unproved vaccine to virtue signal.
She is a modern day Joan of Arc. I would stand beside her in an instant. How many others
would do that or demand the same things she is demanding? Most are too busy trying to
figure out what gender they think they should be or trying on racist social agendas in the
"woke" category.
"... The Black Liberation Movement has made millionaires out of their grifter leaders and enabled the left to remain in power in every city in which rioting occurred. Their local opposition has been cleansed or cowed into submission. The movement continues its success as seen by its adoption by corporations seeking to reduce the power and influence of middle class Americans and by politicians seeking to entrence their power electorally. ..."
The continuing hypocrisy of Black Lives Matter was displayed vividly over the past
weekend– BLM
declared solidarity with Hamas but said nothing about a slew of murders and shootings
targeting black
communities .
There were at least 11 mass shootings in the country over the weekend that combined left
at least 17 people dead and 35 more wounded, according to CNN reporting and an analysis of
data from Gun Violence Archive (GVA),
local media and police reports.
I found it curious that none of the reporting made any mention about the race of the victims
or the perpetrators. Left me wondering so I did some digging. It appears that the majority of
these mass shootings involved black Americans as perpetrators or victims.
At least 55 people were shot across Chicago over the weekend, 12 of them fatally,
including a 15-year-old boy who
was shot in the head on the front porch of a home in Lawndale, and three double
These shootings took place in predominantly black neighborhoods.
Of course. Much political and social capital has been squandered in recent years, all in
an attempt to adumbrate the singular reality that the deeply engrained social pathologies
in the "black community" have more to do with their failure to thrive than white systemic
racism does. We, meaning white America, cannot help them with this no matter how much self
abnegation we indulge in. Black America needs to adopt standards of belief and behavior
that are socially, culturally, and economically functional and they need to teach their
children those values. I have seen this happen with a certain fragment of that demographic,
but it needs to happen more widely. This may be offensive to some readers, but there is
truth in it.
Do blacks themselves need to be uniquely empowered (and protected) to speak up against
black on black violence? What has prevented the peace-seeking black community members from
taking charge of their own neighborhoods.
What Reign of Terror are they living under that those of us outside these communities do
not understand.
Latino gangs terrorize latino communities as well. The violent tyranny of the few
against the decent lives of the many is very, very wrong and should not exist in our
country. But it is a daily reality in our rapidly devolving inner city neighborhoods.
These minority neighborhoods can't have it both ways:
They can't object to successful methods like stop and frisk and then complain
about crime. "Snitches get stiches" is another "cute" saying encouraging crime.
After a time trying to help people who won't help themselves and are often openly
hostile, the cops grow cynical and less proactive; can you blame them?
Because it's "racist" to criticize any form of minority behavior, there can not be an
honest discussion about solutions to this problem and the beat goes on.
People (including the self-hating, phony "guilty" white liberals, BTW) who can live in
segregated neighborhoods continue to live in segregated neighborhoods.
I used to live in CT – very liberal blue state – totally segregated; BLM
signs on the "right" lawns.
Yes here in Mpls the same blue haired tattooed
Nose ring wokes make up a large majority of
The BLM protests. The obligatory signs festoon
Whole neighborhoods. Do they march or picket
The areas where the majority of the shootings occur
And whose victims are all black? Ha! Too dangerous.
The near North side aka Nomi has had continuous
Gunfire for near 1200 days. Now they have running
Gun battles with "Ak" type fully automatic weapons.
It's become a tragedy writ large. Not a virtue
Signal to be seen.
Yes, it's hard to believe that so many are taken in by the rhetoric of Black Lives
Matter when there's evidence on a near-daily basis of black-on-black violence and murder.
It's truly a crime that so-called leaders don't decry it and demand a call to action for it
to stop, a crime that there's so little public discourse about underclass blacks basically
exterminating each other with impunity. It's a taboo subject, and can't be broached without
accusations of racism. We only hear righteous outrage when a member of the black underclass
is killed by a cop.
Why does the charge of "racism" cause so many to immediately recoil and retreat? It is
just a word, yet it has risen to weaponized effectiveness.
What does this word trigger in so many people who will immediately back down and
retreat. Pretty powerful tool -until more don't blink and don't stand down at its mere
Always felt there was an implied threat of "black violence' that accompanied every one
of Obama's political moves. We need to cleanse that threat out of our own psyches or else
this nation will be held hostage by a mere word.
Isn't this an interesting bit of Democrat deja vu, including charges of rigged
voting machines in 2008 the GOP would use to prevent Obama from winning and thereby
triggering a Second Civil War -- "the streets will run with blood .if Obama loses
Thanks to two great political pundits – Erica Jong and Jane Fonda. They did
capture the zeitgeist of the times however, and continue to do so. The threat of black
violence, if you don't do what we went.
Fast forward to 2020 – and the world yet again feared "the streets would run
with blood", but this if Trump won re-election and Democrat Biden did not win.
But this time it bloody well appears it was the Democrats who rigged the voting
processes. Yet again it appears it is the Democrats accusing the GOP of what they were
already doing themselves.
The Black Liberation Movement has made millionaires out of their grifter leaders and
enabled the left to remain in power in every city in which rioting occurred. Their local
opposition has been cleansed or cowed into submission. The movement continues its success
as seen by its adoption by corporations seeking to reduce the power and influence of middle
class Americans and by politicians seeking to entrence their power electorally.
Some people who were black were shot by others who were black? Quit saying that, you,
you, what's the word: racist!; as none of that has been proved in court. Did any of these
'leaders' care about all those shootings in the Sanctuary City of Chicago when President
Hope and Change was in charge? (2016)
Total shootings 4379 Shot and wounded 3664 Shot and killed: 715
Assailant race by percentage
Whoa: you're saying the left behaves hypocritically and is willing to take losses in
order to get what they want?
Such insight!
Ethnic hypocrisy is the ancient problem here, but this focus on contemporary black
antics obscures the issue and is simply another avoidance strategy.
The recent missile duel in the eastern Mediterranean has shown that white conservatives
are more willing to stand up for the safety of non- or dual-citizens overseas than they are
for safety of their own white constituents, whom they refuse even to name.
There is nothing wrong with Obama with his financial success to buy in predominantly
white Martha's Vineyard. The question that blacks should ask however is are those leaders
who use racism and race to gain political power doing much to alleviate the social and
economic issues they face?
There are many successful blacks in all walks of life. Why aren't they celebrated and
used as role models instead of someone like George Floyd?
When you first went on the "BLM website" you immediately were linked to ActBlue
– a fund-raising arm of the Democrat party. There was no independent or "private"
donation link for BLM. Calling BLM "private" in this case would be a stretch for me
after that initial experience with BLM.
So the bigger question is, why is the State Dept etc pushing an arm of the Democrat
Party fund-raising machine within government operations? Did BLM formally dissociate
completely with ActBlue?
Because the State Dept., like the rest of the Democrat party, has accelerated
faster and faster to the left.
They've been selling out America for decades and now, like the rest of the Democrat
party, the last mask has dropped.
Having grown up in Chicago and still living nearby I would say "predominantly black"
neighborhoods is a media fiction, part of the narrative to displace the blame onto others
than black. I assure you these are black neighborhoods, once white now ruined for
generations. I have sympathy for blacks, so much so that I suggest we organize to supply as
much ammo as possible to help them rid the hood of evil doers. Mostly 9mm, drop off crates
in front of playgrounds and street corners so they can be easily found.
Larry's point that BLM doesn't care about Black lives is graphically shown and described
by this Officer Tatum podcast (it's short) of local newscasts, not shown by national news,
of Black children murdered by Blacks.
Florida's Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said Friday that he opposes teaching critical race theory
in the state's public schools, calling the ideas pushed by its advocates as "based on false
history" and "teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other."
DeSantis made the remarks at a Friday press
conference in Pensacola, where he announced the
signing of a bill temporarily establishing several statewide tax-free periods on items like
storm supplies and back-to-school products.
"It's offensive to the taxpayer that they would be asked to fund critical race theory,
that they would be asked to fund teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other,"
DeSantis said.
Floridа Gov. Ron DeSantis is seen during a meeting at the governor's office in
Tallahassee, Fla., on April 1, 2021. (The Epoch Times)
In a
recent interview on NTD's "Focus Talk," Yiatin Chu, an Asian mother of two and co-chair of
the New York chapter of the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR), described
critical race theory as pushing the idea that disparate outcomes, such as academic competency
scores, can be reduced to a single variable""race.
Advocates of the theory, which she said is increasingly being taught at pre-college levels,
push the socialist notion of equality of outcome, and blame differences in outcomes on
entrenched privilege while dividing people into "oppressors" and their victims, the
Republicans across the nation are trying to prevent the teaching of critical race theory in
Recently, South Dakota's Republican Gov. Kristi Noem took aim at both the "1619 Project" and
critical race theory and, like DeSantis, voiced opposition to their incorporation in school
"The 1619 Project relies upon the concept of Critical Race Theory to further divide
students based on the color of their skin," Noem wrote in a series of tweets
"This is inappropriate and un-American. It has no place in South Dakota, and it certainly
has no place in South Dakota classrooms."
In this screenshot from the RNC's livestream of the 2020 Republican National Convention,
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem addresses the virtual convention on Aug. 26, 2020. (Courtesy of
the Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Committee via Getty Images)
The "1619 Project," inaugurated with a special issue of The New York Times Magazine,
attempts to cast the Atlantic slave trade as the dominant factor in the founding of America
instead of ideals such as individual liberty and natural rights. The initiative has been widely
panned by historians and political scientists, with some critics calling it a bid to rewrite
U.S. history through a left-wing lens.
Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the 1619 Project, responded to the GOP criticism
of the project during an interview with MSNBC on May 3, saying the 1619 curriculum being
allowed in schools is a matter of free speech.
"This isn't a project about trying to teach children that our country is evil, but it is a
project trying to teach children the truth about what our country was based upon, and it's
only in really confronting that truth""slavery was foundational to the United States, we,
after the slavery, experienced 100 years of legalized discrimination against black
Americans," said Hannah-Jones.
"Mitch McConnell and others like him want for our children to get a propagandistic,
nationalistic understanding of history that is not about facts, but it is about how they
would want to pretend that our country is."
Proponents of critical race theory
have argued that it's needed to demonstrate what they say is "pervasive systemic racism"
and facilitate rooting it out.
Critics draw parallels between critical race theory and Marxism, arguing that the concept
advocates for the destruction of institutions, such as the Western justice system, free-market
economy, and orthodox religions, while demanding that they be replaced with institutions
compliant with the critical race theory ideology.
"... If you find it useful that some counties are leaving Oregon and joining Idaho, or the conflict between the left and the right, democrats vs republicans, or whites vs blacks, or whites vs muslims, or vs lations is meaningful, you are simply doing the bidding of the masters, who thrive on pitting communites against each other, and are responsible for destroying the whole country. The easiest and the most fruitful way to bring about a real, benficial change to America would require bringing the American people, regardless of their color or creed together, to easily get rid of their overbearing masters. Regardless of what you claim to be, the fact that you embrace and advance the destructive strategy of pitting the American people agianst one another, and also spew so much hatred of Muslims, exposes your real agenda! ..."
"... The United States doesn't have "rulers" in as much as it has "owners". Consider ..."
One of the most promising movements, " Greater Idaho ," just won a huge
victory. Five counties
voted to leave Oregon and join Idaho. More counties in eastern Oregon may
join . Idaho Governor Brad Little admits creating a new state may be difficult but
says , "They're
looking at Idaho fondly because of our regulatory atmosphere, our values. That doesn't surprise
me one bit."
This should be just the beginning. Frederick County in western Virginia could join West
Virginia. West Virginia State Senator Charles Trump
supports the idea. It could also be a compromise to the DC statehood question. Northern
Virginia is a cancerous outgrowth of federal employees. Booting it
out of real Virginia and tying it to a DC state would mean greater self-government for both
... ... ...
Existing institutions can be the basis for reform and revolution. From the Parliament that
challenged the king in the English Civil War, the Continental Congress that made the American
Revolution, and the state legislatures that voted for secession, we see a clear pattern in the
way we Anglos operate. We are legalistic, even when it comes to revolution. We don't have the
French tradition of mass protests to topple governments. Our revolutions are according to
Robert's Rules of Order. Even the January 6 protesters who marched into the Capitol did so
because they thought they were saving democracy.
I can understand the frustrations and rage of certain folks.
If you're a worker on an oil rig, a truck driver, a policeman, or some such jobs, there's
bound to be moments when you're angry as hell. So, even though such people say crazy things
once a while, I can understand where they're coming from. They need to blow off steam.
But the professor class? These lowlife parasites sit on their asses and talk shi*. They
produce nothing and make a living by spreading nonsense. And yet, they act like they are
soooooooooo angry with the way of the world. If they really care about the world, why hide in
their academic enclaves?
Academia needs a cultural revolution, a real kind, not the bogus "˜woke' kind made up
of teachers' pets.
Hopefully we can reform into a nice looking North American Federation once this mess hits
a bloody climax of some sort or another. Greater Idaho sounds wildly fun. I still wish we
formed the States Cascadia and Arcadia, personally.
The empire WILL become weaker if it promotes incompetents to positions of high
responsibility and authority and enlists women into the armed forces. An empire cannot
sustain itself with sub standard soldiers, administrators, leaders and law makers. This woke
crap will destroy itself. Historians in the future will look back and say "what the hell were
they thinking?".
If the IQ of officer candidates drops below 110 (it's 120 on average currently for the
Marine Corps and has been declining for 40 years) then the positions will be left vacant.
Dumb people can't do the job.
Since Cromwell and even more so the overthrow of James 2 by the invader Dutch William 3
the Amsterdam Jew banker puppet Britain has been nothing more than a Jewish banking
If you find it useful that some counties are leaving Oregon and joining Idaho, or the
conflict between the left and the right, democrats vs republicans, or whites vs blacks, or
whites vs muslims, or vs lations is meaningful, you are simply doing the bidding of the
masters, who thrive on pitting communites against each other, and are responsible for
destroying the whole country. The easiest and the most fruitful way to bring about a real,
benficial change to America would require bringing the American people, regardless of their
color or creed together, to easily get rid of their overbearing masters. Regardless of what
you claim to be, the fact that you embrace and advance the destructive strategy of pitting
the American people agianst one another, and also spew so much hatred of Muslims, exposes
your real agenda!
Dear Mr. Hood, anything undertaken to change a nation's political organization will always
lead to violence. If there is one thing history shows, it is precisely that. If you are
trying to change Idaho's state borders, that qualifies as a drastic change in the US
political organization, if only because if successful, it would set an example that would
find many, many followers, as you are implying yourself.
What the US promotes and condones abroad (secession of Panama from Colombia in 1903,
occupation of Cyprus by Turkey in 1980, occupation of the Western Sahara by Morocco in 1976,
secession of Kosovo, creation of Southern Sudan, etc., etc.) it does not want to see at home.
Of course you are also aware that in the 1860s, Secession has been met with brutal
In this respect, it comes as a relief lo learn that the Deep State is busy trying to turn
the US Army and the CIA into open psychiatry wards.
Very interesting that video ad on the girl "raised by two moms." Poor thing: knowing only
two dykes (her father must certainly be Hans Brinker), all her life she has been yearning to
meet real men. Apparently, she did not find them in college, where the boys are being
terrorized by feminists and forced to become faggots. Thus only the army remains as a place
where one might still find a few real men, the kind that one sees so finely portrayed in the
Russian army ad.
(Come to think of it, that US army ad may also be an attempt at subversion of prevailing
America is in danger, not because of some external threat, but because our rulers
are the Republic's greatest enemies.
The United States doesn't have "rulers" in as much as it has "owners". Consider
it private property to put things in proper perspective "" then! Stake your claim. Forget the
law(they own that too) and the idea of a republic "" owners don't like to share. The banking,
tax code, and debt have got you by the balls, and they'll always keep you thumbed under.
Rep. Maxine Waters of California, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, joined
demonstrations this weekend in Minnesota. She told supporters that if the Chauvin trial
verdict goes the wrong way, "we've got to not only stay in the street but we've got to fight
for justice."
You may recall a president got pilloried a while ago for urging his supporters to "fight"
for their desired outcome. It was noted then that the term is a well-worn rhetorical phrase
that doesn't necessarily amount to a literal incitement to violence. But there can't be much
doubt about the import of what Ms. Waters said. She made her remarks in Brooklyn Center, a few
miles from the barricaded Minneapolis courthouse where the Chauvin trial is taking place and
the site of the killing last weekend of a black man by a police officer. The place has been
aflame for the past week in an orgy of rioting.
The Handler standard, or the Maxine maxim "the idea that we don't really need a trial to
know whether someone is guilty of a heinous crime" has always had its adherents. There have
surely been miscarriages of justice "acquittals of guilty people and convictions of innocent
ones" throughout history. The jury system is never perfect.
But what's frighteningly new about our current climate is that the rejection of apparently
unwelcome trial outcomes is now part of the dominant progressive critique of our longstanding
political and civic order. If U.S. institutions are the product of white-supremacist
exploitation "as is essentially the consensus of the people who run the government, most
corporations, and leading cultural institutions" then the judicial system itself is inherently
and systemically unjust. If the principle of equality before the law is to be supplanted by the
objective of "equity" in outcome, then only outcomes that serve the higher objective of
collective racial justice can be considered legitimate.
So trials that produce the "wrong" verdict are not just miscarriages of justice. They are an
indictment of the entire system.
The ascendancy of this new progressive radicalism adds a frightening element to the unease
the nation feels this week as the jury deliberates in Minneapolis. By all accounts the trial of
Mr. Chauvin has been rigorous, methodical and fair. The prosecution seemed to make a strong
case that Mr. Floyd died at least in part as a result of the officer's actions. The defense may
have sowed some doubts about whether Mr. Chavin's intent rose to the level of culpability
required of the most serious charges.
But under our new rules, the jury's verdict will be tolerated only if it goes the "right"
This rejection of the legitimacy of the judicial process is rooted in the same neo-Marxist
ideology""a race- and identity-based interpretation of structuralism""that holds sway over the
minds of much of our ruling class.
To the old Marxists, the capitalists were the exploiters. In "The ABC of Communism,"
published in 1920, Bolshevik leaders Nikolai Bukharin and Yevgeni Preobrazhensky used language
that sounds strikingly familiar today. They denounced the courts as instruments of "bourgeois
justice," which was "carried on under the guidance of laws passed in the interests of the
exploiting class," and recommended instead the establishment of "proletarian courts."
In one of the more savage ironies of history, some two decades later the authors themselves
were tried by such courts under Josef Stalin and sentenced to death.
Yet even Stalin thought some kind of judicial proceeding was necessary. Our modern
revolutionaries would dispense even with show trials.
Eli Hauser SUBSCRIBER 2 weeks ago (Edited)
Red Queen Rules. Sentence. Verdict. Accusation. Admission of Guilt.
Mark Robbins SUBSCRIBER 2 weeks ago
Liberals have no need for trials with an assumption of innocence. At all times, they KNOW
what is right.
Chris Madison SUBSCRIBER 2 weeks ago
We are living through a "throw the baby out with the bath" moment. Extremists are labeling
anything which doesn't go their way as "systemically racist." If there is no jurisprudence
and due process, no system of laws addressing a variety of crimes, but only the cry for
"justice now" without defining what justice looks like according to law, then anarchy has
taken the place of justice. Ms. Handler is entitled to her opinion. I am glad she is not in a
position of leadership. Congresswoman Maxine Waters likes to make statements which "stir the
pot," potentially raising the "rage level" across our nation. She should know better, but
doesn't. Our nation is on the cusp of a moment when we must intentionally decide who we are
legally, morally, and Constitutionally. Emotions are insufficient for this moment.
Christopher Jones SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
This essay would have tremendous weight if there was not a video of the murder. Absent that
it is stupefyingly ignorant. "The prosecution seemed to make a strong case that Mr. Floyd
died at least in part as a result of the officer's actions." Really, sir? A video literally
showing the officer kneeling on Mr. Floyd's neck until he passed out and later died. Are you
suggesting that he would have died on his own had the officer not done this?
You are attempting to seem reasonable with your pleas for due process, but you just come
across as obtuse. A video of a man murdering another man and your like, no I don't believe
it. There has to be another explanation.
Tad Story SUBSCRIBER 2 weeks ago
So your saying Mr. Floyd's use of a Highly addictive and equally deadly narcotic on top of
already severe heart condition to which your camera did not display played no role as to the
outcome? Considering the use of Fentanyl is 900 times more deadly than crack-cocaine I feel
it needed to be discussed and weighed, to which it was but the mob had their torches ready
and that carried as much or even more weight, Maxine made sure of that..
beryl silver SUBSCRIBER 2 weeks ago (Edited)
The article failed to mention the words protesters need "to get more confrontational" Maxine
Waters used.
Michael Lapolla SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
It has been obvious to us that the state of Minnesota offered Derek Chauvin as a sacrifice on
the altar of expediency. Witness the immediate and joyous victory laps by the state AG. It
just took a while and a show trial. It is obvious that the jury had no stomach for another
outcome. This is what you vote for - this is what you get.
And we have a Capitol police person murdering an unarmed trespasser, but our DOJ sees and
hears no evil and utters not a word.
What a national embarrassment. Go back to sleep Minnesota.
He wasn't on his neck. Even the prosecution witness admitted, that when looked at from other
angles, that the cop was on his shoulder blade.
Tim Taylor SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
Something to think about in the current culture of policing:
Most dangerous jobs in U.S. 1. Logging 2. Aircraft pilots/flight engineers 3. Derrick
operators 4. Roofers 5. Garbage collectors 6. Iron workers. 7. Delivery drivers 8. Farmers.
9. Firefighting supervisors 10. Power linemen 11. Agricultural workers 12. Crossing guards
13. Crane operators 14. Construction helpers. 15. Landscaping supervisors 16. Highway
maintenance workers. 17. Cement masons 18. Small engine mechanics. 19. Supervisors of
mechanics 20. Heavy equipment mechanics. 21. Grounds maintenance workers 22. Police
What Maxine does not seem to understand is that demonizing the police works against gun
control efforts.
The more that the citizenry believes the police cannot be trusted to protect them, the
more citizens will seek to protect themselves, including purchasing and carrying
Kenneth Gimbel SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
Whew. I guess Minneapolis won't be torched tonight. Or, maybe, just a little bit to satisfy
the mob.
Verne Thibodeaux SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago (Edited)
There are a lot of "undocumented shoppers" who are very disappointed today.
Michael Havey SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
As I've been saying since the first day of the trial, only the dumbest, most gullible, least
informed Americans believed that Derek Chauvin was innocent.
DK Brand SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago (Edited)
All that without due process being applied? See, you are the problem when the vast majority
of people who saw the video were horrified and felt the officer was guilty of his death. But
we have a system of laws and due process protects everyone, even the seemingly obviously
guilty. There are people who are caught red handed every day who receive the same due
process. So stop crowing about your imaginary opponents and accept that our system has worked
as designed.
William Coburn SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago (Edited)
He did not need to be found innocent, just not guilty.
Nidge M SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago (Edited)
Talk about dark comedy ........
IF Chauvin is convicted the seemingly not very legally au fait Maxine Waters just handed
his team perfect grounds to appeal against any conviction.
The whole situation is peturbing at a frightening number of levels 'though.
What will US cities do if 10%, 20% even 70% their Cops quit?
What will they do even if they don't quit but 'work to the letter of the rules' and slow all
action to a crawl?
Its not too unthinkable given the record of violence the very large man Chauvin was
kneeling on in the course of the arrest.
And add to that the somewhat inept but from the video plausible Police woman now
incacerated for shooting instead of tasering another career criminal .......... Which from
this distance appears to be a based on political rather than legal considerations.
Would you be a cop?
Meanwhile politicians from both main US parties appear to be giving their blessing to
those who wish to userp the rule of law .......... That's viable is it?
Nidge M SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago (Edited)
No, Floyd was not resisting arrest actively & constantly for 9 minutes.
Floyd was a very large male with a record of extream violence, drug abuse and
Its hardly novel for an aprehended person to fake placidity, then when their restrainers
relax to explode into extream violence.
I am not asserting what Chauvin did was right or wrong ........ But I do think its a
reaction which anyone who has had to deal with violent offenders would regard as a pretty
understandable reaction.
I also wonder might those who are so ready to jump on the bandwagon, grandstanding &
howling in condemnation precipitate something far beyond their expectations.
I wonder too what would happen if the majority of those so quick to condemn were handed
responsibility for doing the policing job people like Chauvin have to do.
How would you do it?
Lori Crossley SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
I don't think anyone wants policing like Chauvin did it. It led to the death of a man. There
were a lot of potential outcomes to this arrest. I would not blame any officer for being
overly cautious based on Floyd's arrest record - and yes, it does count.
But Chauvin was not alone in making this arrest. He had assistance which was not utilized.
Do people fake injury to get away from police officers? I am sure they do.
But there were 9 long minutes when that was not happening. There are thousands of police
officers who leave their homes each day to walk into potentially violent situations. And they
do their job and go home at night (with little thanks) and did not make the same choice
Chauvin did. His trial was fair and the verdict is in. The process worked for Chauvin - not
so much for Floyd.
Mark Allen SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
I grew up on the block where the police station is located, in an apartment often captured in
the footage of the rioting. And while it did make the local papers, the national news has
failed to report that the folks living in those apartments cannot sleep (due to the rioters)
and have to put wet towels over their windows to keep out the teargas (due to the police).
And the irony in this is that the overwhelming majority of those apartment dwellers are
working-poor, persons of color.
Let that sink in.
Scott Mote SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
For the regressives and BLMers, those apartment dwellers are just collateral damage. Maybe
BLM will move them into a BLM mansion.
John Smith SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
Great insights Mr. Baker.
Strange how video evidence clearly convicts the subject in the minds of leftists. They
appear to be able to assign motive and punishment based on their emotional appraisal. We have
a sitting California Congresswoman stating this on video tape.
Well, we are not to believe every video tape. Remember Jussie Smollett? They did the same
to the unnamed racists, who assaulted Mr. Smollett - according to his version of events. All
muscular non black males were guilty, until individually cleared. The usual leftists in
politics, media, and entertainment joined Jussie.
Unfortunately, Jussie's version of events was false. He hired two black men to "assault"
him, then put together his soap opera version of the script. Since both stories could not be
true, no one went to jail. This is what politicians with law degrees have contributed to our
Yes, he still faces felony charges. But it is more than two years hence. Speedy trial?
Paul Stroud SUBSCRIBER 3 weeks ago
For all of most of our lives we've been able to rely on a civil society that recognized its'
faults, if even after a period of time, and took hard steps to correct them. This is now at
risk as acceptable "civil disobedience" becomes "violent disobedience". We can no longer look
at other parts of the world that are continually wrenched apart by violent, factional
conflict and destruction and think, "oh, at least it can't happen here". It is happening
here, and it is escalating. I hope I am wrong, but I fear for our children and grandchildren.
"... My life story is very similar to yours -- blue collar upbringing, worked graveyard shift in factories during college, made it all the way to Wall Street --- and I completely agree with you. The Democratic Party might have been the party of the working-class families many years ago, but it's absolutely not that now. ..."
"... The most interesting aspect of party realignment in almost every country is the movement of the Anglo-Saxon elites to the parties of leftist authoritarianism, whether in the UK, US, or Canada. Since elites have always had “fluid” political values, one can only assume that they see tyranny as our destiny. ..."
I am a retired attorney but was reared in a blue collar home. I have not lost the values I
learned where my father returned home from work six days a week as a railroad brakeman.
Thanks to my pre-law curriculum I am well read in history and literature. My undergrad major
was history and my minor literature.
Having acquired a love for reading in college I have read both all my life but it has not
changed me from the son my father reared. I worked construction and general labor jobs to
help pay for college and law school and am very aware of how hard those jobs are and I have a
healthy respect for the men and women who provide us with the essential goods and services we
all need.
I therefore have no use for attitude of most on the left and some on the right who have no
respect for average working people and small business.
It seems many in Britain have the same outlook. My Dad was very proud I became a lawyer
but I am just as proud of the job he performed to give me that chance.
SUBSCRIBER 5 hours ago
I therefore have no use for attitude of most on the left and some on the right who have no
respect for average working people and small business. It seems many in Britain have the same
My life story is very similar to yours -- blue collar upbringing, worked graveyard
shift in factories during college, made it all the way to Wall Street --- and I completely
agree with you. The Democratic Party might have been the party of the working-class families
many years ago, but it's absolutely not that now.
SUBSCRIBER 4 hours ago
Most democrat leaders are career politicians like Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer. They
never had a real job and paid any taxes. They love raising taxes for big government and dole
out. Can’t wait for midterm election and take back the congress. R
SUBSCRIBER 14 hours ago
The most interesting aspect of party realignment in almost every country is the
movement of the Anglo-Saxon elites to the parties of leftist authoritarianism, whether in the
UK, US, or Canada. Since elites have always had “fluid” political values,
one can only assume that they see tyranny as our destiny.
"Inside BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors' million-dollar real-estate buying binge.
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors has gone on a real-estate buying binge in
recent years, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone, according to
property records.":
This one-to-one replay of Red Guards - Wikipedia but with quite
different sponsors ;-) "Hóng Wèibīng was a mass student-led paramilitary social movement mobilized and guided by Chairman Mao
Zedong in 1966 through 1967, during the first phase of the Chinese Cultural Revolution
Notable quotes:
"... there is an on-going effort to create fads/movements in which the public becomes caught-up and distracts the from reality. ..."
"... The more binary and controversial the better. Red/Blue. I used to be a big fan of sports but have the opinion it is a pointless waste of time and my life is better for that realization. ..."
"... Characteristics of the Woke: They always attack, especially with insults, like "paranoia nonsense". They never address the actual point made, instead they reinterpret the point to make it appear pure evil. Which allows them to attribute the worst possible motivations on the person they are attacking. Naturally they invent things the other person hadn't even mentioned, like climate change. ..."
"... Again the whole woke 'identity' culture that cancels dissent and promotes 'minorities' in positions of power is simply woke fascism. Just as military recruitment is about turning violent video games real for young men, so too is CIA recruitment about inviting the 'woke' for murder and mayhem in the name 'freedom' without which the woke could not wake. ..."
I think that there is an on-going effort to create fads/movements in which the public
becomes caught-up and distracts the from reality.
The more binary and controversial the
better. Red/Blue. I used to be a big fan of sports but have the opinion it is a pointless
waste of time and my life is better for that realization.
Additionally/tangentially, I feel there is a habit in the English language in particular
to create new words to describe things these words are not well define and generate a lot of
discussion and heat about things that nobody knows what they are actually talking about and
end up arguing the meaning of the words.
People who don't know the new words must try to catch
up or be left out of the discussion. I don't direct this at your discussion. I just wonder how
we might see things if we were constrained to a limited vocabulary - as I am as a programmer
of sorts.
Characteristics of the Woke: They always attack, especially with insults, like "paranoia
nonsense". They never address the actual point made, instead they reinterpret the point to
make it appear pure evil. Which allows them to attribute the worst possible motivations on
the person they are attacking. Naturally they invent things the other person hadn't even
mentioned, like climate change.
Again the whole woke 'identity' culture that cancels dissent and promotes 'minorities' in
positions of power is simply woke fascism. Just as military recruitment is about turning
violent video games real for young men, so too is CIA recruitment about inviting the 'woke'
for murder and mayhem in the name 'freedom' without which the woke could not wake.
I will believe that any of this is worth a shit when Snowden wades in with his
opinion...until then its just another distraction
The CIA is why we can't have "wokeism" about the right issue like global private/public
finance.....where is Occupy 2.0?
The current wokeism is like the pet rocks of old days.....would want folks to focus that
woke on the inherited class structure of the private property West, would we?
"...they are terrorists. They hate me. They hate my uniform. They don't care if I die
We have been
discussing the termination of public employees and others for their postings on social
media or public displays. The latest case is out of New Jersey where former Hopewell Township
police officer Sara Erwin was fired recent over a June 2020 posting on Facebook in which she
referred to Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters as "terrorists."
There remains an uncertain line of what political or social views are tolerated and what are
barred on social media. Indeed, Sgt.
Mandy Gray was suspended and demoted for simply liking the June 2020 post.
Gray was the first female officer hired in Hopewell Township and became the first female
sergeant in 2019, according to
Erwin insists that she posted the statement after she and her colleagues were faced with
violent protests and family members who were traumatized by images on television of officers
being attacked. Erwin reportedly wrote i:
" Last night as I left for work I had my two kids crying for me not to go to work. I don't
think I've ever felt the way I did last night. And then I watched people I know and others I
care about going into harms way. I love my police family like my own. So when you share posts
and things on Facebook I'd really appreciate if you'd THINK before doing so. I've seen so
many black lives matter [sic] hashtags in these posts. Just to let you know -- they are
terrorists. They hate me. They hate my uniform. They don't care if I die. "
Township Mayor Julie Blake and the town's council made the decision to fire her in an
unanimous vote to accept the recommendations of a hearing officer.
As will come as little surprise to many on this blog, my default is in favor of free
My concern is the lack of a consistent rule. For example, would the town have fired Erwin if
she said the same thing about another group like the Proud Boys or the NRA?
I can understand the objection to the posting. BLM is a group committed to fighting police
abuse and regularly engages in protests. For an officer to express such bias against BLM can
exacerbate tensions in such protests. However, officers also have a right to be able to express
themselves . The balance of those interests should, at a minimum, have favored a reprimand
rather than a termination for Erwin. If not, the town should establish a clear standard as to
what public employees are allowed to express on political and social issues. This includes
whether certain groups can be criticized but not others.
The action taken by Hopewell Township raises more questions than answers on where this line
is drawn in terms of free speech.
Billy the Poet 1 hour ago
I can understand the objection to the posting. BLM is a group committed to fighting police
abuse and regularly engages in protests. For an officer to express such bias against BLM can
exacerbate tensions in such protests. However, officers also have a right to be able to
express themselves. The balance of those interests should, at a minimum, have favored a
reprimand rather than a termination for Erwin. If not, the town should establish a clear
standard as to what public employees are allowed to express on political and social issues.
This includes whether certain groups can be criticized but not others.
Turley reminds us that rules must be followed consistently if they are to have validity
but I think the larger point is that there are no rules anymore. The former rule book is now
used exclusively as a bludgeon by entitled parties.
West of the Mississippi is where most cops kill Whites. The US does have a problem with
militarized police. They go to Israel to learn how to treat all of us like Palestinians.
Thats a fact jack.
Jurist_Naturalist_UA1 41 minutes ago
Yep, I knew we were in trouble when every cop shack started getting armored vehicles. In
washington state it's almost a sport for cops pulling over everyone who just left a bar.
Militarized to the hilt, jackin' around honest folks just trying to make it day to day. I've
never needed a cop, atleast not the version we have today. I need their pensions even
moose21 5 hours ago
The idiot is the person believing that sh$t
Check your premise
Maher did know and was just playing and fooling the idiots and fools.
That does not make him an idiot. It makes him despicable , smart and evil
Omni Consumer Product 4 hours ago
Any professional comedian or pundit today doesn't write his own material.
Whether it's Colbert, Kimmel, Cuomo, Maher, et. al; they have an army of staff writers to
do that
Of course, the producer sets the overall tone - or "agenda" - and then the writers have to
come up with stuff to fit the narrative
dbtunr 11 hours ago
If you watched him the past 20 years, it's not new. He just hated Trump....for good
reason. His ideas were always "Politically Incorrect"
Southern_Boy 11 hours ago
I've never watched him and have no plans to do so in the future.
He and his program are a total waste of time.
consistentliving PREMIUM 10 hours ago
and people accuse the South of being close minded.
watch Fox sure, but you have to know the other side of the argument my parents taught
Maher is better than 99.99% of liberals and has some good ideas just as Trump did
Champie 10 hours ago
Not watching Bill Maher does NOT make someone a Fox viewer.
consistentliving PREMIUM 9 hours ago
point taken.
ohm 2 hours ago
The more you watch TV, the more stupid you become.
DonkeyKickin 9 hours ago remove link
Even when Maher has a broken clock moment he is still irritating. If he is better than
most liberals, they are in deep trouble.
Propaganda is a business, there are few distinctions.
dbtunr 10 hours ago (Edited)
I look forward to watching his program. I don't agree with many of his opinions, but you
can always learn something from one of his guests if you watch. You may not agree with what
that they say, but you can get a perspective on something to see WHY the other side thinks
that way. it's called "learning". I know this is a radical idea to the narrow minded ZH
crowd, but you should try it once in a while.
A federal politician travels to the scene of a controversial trial to threaten a riot if the
jury doesn’t deliver the “correct†verdict.
Rule of law is such an antiquated idea.
In front of God and country (and journalists with cameras) Rep. Maxine Waters â€"
from behind a face mask/face shield combo for COVID safety, of course â€"
“We’re looking for a guilty
verdict… If nothing does not happen [sic], then we know that we have got
to… stay in the streets…I hope we get a verdict that
says guilty, guilty… And if we don’t, we cannot go
When asked what she thinks protesters should do, Waters explicitly told them to
“get more activeâ€:
"We’ve got to stay on the street. We get more active,
we’ve got to get more confrontational . We’ve got to make
sure that they know that we mean business.â€
The subtext, of course, is that previous protests were not confrontational or
“active†enough. What exactly would a “more
active†Minneapolis riot round #2 look like?
Maxine Waters, incidentally, theoretically represents LA â€" quite a long drive
from Minneapolis or, for that matter, Washington, D.C. Waters most likely flew in on a
chartered jet, though, and left the driving to the proletariat.
The judge in the case, Peter Cahill,
replied to Chauvin’s lawyers’ motion that he declare
a mistrial due to Maxine Waters’ threatening rhetoric on the streets of
“I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially
in a manner that’s disrespectful to the rule of law and to the judicial
branch and our function… I’m aware the Congresswoman
Waters was talking specifically about this trial… if (representatives) want
to give their opinions, they should do so in a manner that is consistent with their oath to the
Constitution to respect the co-equal branch of government… Their failure to
do so, I think, is abhorrent .â€
This is practical proof that the trustees of the fictitious democracy fantasy we are all
forced to accept don’t believe in the legal process or rule of law
â€" as if Americans required more evidence of their Congressional
representatives’ failings, over and over and over.
Outside of rule of law, the federal government and the corporations that functionally own it
treat the American citizenry to a host of abuses:
Warrant-free mass surveillance
Endless foreign wars with no legal declaration of war
‘In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a
speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State.â€
Imagine, for a moment, the mental process of a juror in the Floyd case, a resident of
Minneapolis â€" the same city in which Maxine Waters threatened mass violence if the
jury you belong to fails to render a “guilty†verdict. Perhaps
you live in one of the same neighborhoods that was essentially leveled in the riots of June
Maybe, for some masochistic reason, you enjoyed shopping at your local Target before
“protesters†pillaged it and you couldn’t
buy waffle batter and Korean electronics or whatever.
Or, maybe you really liked the guys at the local AutoZone who helped you out with sourcing
car parts â€" the ones who don’t have a job anymore because they
don’t have a building to work in
after protestors torched it .
Yes, you have been instructed not to view news surrounding the trial as all jurors are. But
now, after coming home from a long day at court, Waters’ tirade is all over
your social media as you scroll through your newsfeed.
How could it not be? A sitting member of Congress not only sanctioned but encouraged riots
in the same case that you, again, are charged with rendering an impartial verdict in.
Even if you wanted to ignore Waters’ threats to remain in good faith as a
juror and try your best to deliver justice, you couldn’t. Humans, however
Stoic, are not robots.
What are you going to do? Is impartiality possible in such circumstances when
it’s your own city, maybe even your own neighborhood, on the chopping block
at the whim of a faceless, nameless mob?
Or are you going to bow to the pressure and give the mob the verdict it wants â€"
and hope and pray that’s enough to satisfy them and prevent more lootings
and burnings (though that’s certainly no guarantee).
If Waters believed in rule of law, a basic Constitutional function of the government, why
would she not let the process finish?
In the weeks leading up to her calls for riots on the streets in the event of an acquittal,
every legal analyst worth his or her salt predicted a guilty verdict on all counts.
So, why would you disrupt the process days before the guilty verdict demanded by the mob,
tainting the jury pool potentially and, as a result, nullifying the entire court proceedings
and mandating a retrial?
“Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may
result in this whole trial being overturned.â€
Of course she gave cause for appeal, by any rational standard or analysis. A sitting member
of Congress traveling to the scene of active protests to fan the flames of rage and threaten
riots on camera that almost literally everyone â€" including the jurors in the case
â€" have seen.
This is not a mere case of Congressional misconduct â€" those happen every day.
This is the instantiation of mob rule as a substitute for law. Justice is now dispensed at the
whim of popular opinion, which is not gauged by any scientific means like polling but rather
through raw expression of power on the streets.
Where this ends is anyone’s guess, but it’s not likely
to be anywhere decent. Some more multinational corporations that worship at the altar of
neoliberalism might get their Minneapolis stores torched along with rule of law, at least, and
no one will mourn the loss.
Ben Bartee is a Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. Contact him via
his portfolio or on
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This is the single biggest way to ensure we can't be silenced for speaking out against
censorship, and the elite/ cabal's plans for a "Great Reset"-- their New World Order meant to
render you impoverished and powerless.
This stupid woman is doing nothing but foment increased racial tension and disgust for
black culture. Black leadership of the likes of Sharpton, Jackson and this evil brain dead
congresswoman is disgraceful and self serving. Their idiotic messages are never about
self-reliance, living by acceptable moral standards, abiding by the law, valuing education,
valuing family, treating others with respect, etc.........but rather always hate filled,
victimhood mentality, and that someone else is responsible for keeping you down. Why on earth
are these self serving pieces of shyte leaders not seen for who they are (race baiting,
hustlers with no real agenda for improving race relations) by their black constituents?
Bioweapon 6 hours ago remove link
Why isn't she arrested for inciting violence? You know it's all aimed at White people and
their businesses and homes of which the remain the vast majority across the state.
left blank 8 hours ago (Edited)
maxine waters refuses to live in Compton neighborhood she represents.
just like the others' in a long list of California politicians who take orders from the
annual bohemian grove meeting of corporations , who then use taxpayer funded govt agencies to
impose their list of 25 rules - to overthrow and topple the usa
In China’s Cultural Revolution, Mao and his extreme leftists sought to
grab power and keep their opposition and public in a state of confusion by extremist
political sloganeering, creating constant chaos, and attacking tradition and rule of law.
They do it without fear of retribution because they cover themselves in sanctimony and
Waters isn’t very smart, but she knows what she’s
doing here.
optimator 6 hours ago (Edited)
a dedicated ruthless 10% of the population that means business is usually enough to grab
control of the government. Russia 1918, American Revolution, etc.
Yet after Floyd was cuffed and placed prone on the street, as he himself had requested, and
the officers had called for an ambulance owing to his obvious medical distress, the arrest went
haywire and Chauvin exposed himself to Manslaughter 2, at least, for no plausible or
justifiable reason.
That's because Floyd had been unarmed throughout the incident, was hand-cuffed and incapable
of flight or harming others and was surrounded by four armed officers. Accordingly, he was no
threat to them, nor anyone else, and he therefore presented no policing reason for the extended
knee-hold on the back of his neck -- especially after the surrounding crowd had warned the
police that Floyd was in self-evident dire distress.
So as we see it, Chauvin's conviction on second degree manslaughter does indeed comport with
the Minnesota statute, which reads as follows: the person's culpable negligence whereby the person creates an unreasonable risk ,
and consciously takes chances of causing death or great bodily harm to another;
But here's also where the Woke/Progressive Left narrative goes even more haywire. Floyd's
death was due to an arrest which shouldn't have happened and bad police behavior that has
nothing to do with race .
As to the former point, what should have been on trial in this case was not "systemic
racism", but the Nanny State for grotesquely excessive use of force to enforce a petty
counterfeiting complaint that should not be police business in the first place. It's the job of
retail store owners to handle petty counterfeiters or people who unknowingly pass bad
greenbacks and to absorb the cost of self-protection just like they do in the case of refusing
charges on bad credit cards.
So there is zero reason why George Floyd should ever have been arrested.
As to bad police behavior, you do not have to look too hard to see that it's essentially
color-blind and that being non-black is no guarantee against the same unjust fate.
During the same five-year period in which 104 black lives were lost, a total of 127 unarmed
white lives were wasted by the police, as well. That included 32 white killings in 2015
followed by 22, 31, 23 and 19 in 2016 through 2019, respectively.
Overall, 302 unarmed citizens were killed by the police during those five years, with the
balance accounted for by 71 deaths among Hispanic and other victims. That is, the real issue is
illegal and excessive police violence, not racial victimization.
Indeed, the fact that 34% of these police killings involved black citizens compared to their
13% share of the population is not primarily a sign of racism among police forces, although it
is continuously construed to be.
It's actually evidence that the Nanny State, and especially the misbegotten War on Drugs, is
designed to unnecessarily ensnare a distinct demographic -- young, poor, often unemployed urban
citizens -- in confrontations with the cops, too many of which become fatal.
Alas, young black males are disproportionately represented among this particular
inharms'-way demographic, and that's the reason they are "disproportionately" represented in
the 302 cases cited above.
Stated differently, the Nanny State results in too many black victims of plain old
injustice, even if that is not necessarily the intent of the crusaders and zealots who have
launched the state into anti-liberty wars on drugs, vice and victimless iniquities and
That is to say, statism in the sphere of law and order is every bit as dysfunctional as it
is in the realm of economics, yet neither conservatives nor progressives recognize it.
Conservatives want way too much law and police empowerment in the service of cultural norms
that are none of the state's damn business in the first place; and progressives confuse the
often brutal and unjust over-reach of law enforcement agencies as a manifestation of racism,
when it is actually just policing expectorations in behalf of inappropriate missions such as
the enforcement of drug laws.
Indeed, the main trouble in America today is not overt racism or even simmering racial
animosity. The real evil is the relentless aggrandizement of state power in the form of the
Nanny State -- a conflation of too many laws, crimes, cops, arrests and thereby opportunities
for frictions between the state and its citizenry and for abuse by the gendarmes vested with
legal use of violence.
In a word, some citizens sometimes can't breathe their last breath because in far too many
instances liberty can't breathe in today's unhinged Nanny State, either.
Among the most recent notorious cases, of course, are George Floyd's fatal arrest for
allegedly passing a counterfeit $20 bill; Eric Garner (NYC 2014), subdual for selling untaxed
cigarettes; Rayshard Brooks for falling asleep drunk in his car at a subsequently incinerated
Wendy's in Atlanta; and Breonna Taylor of Louisville for being awake in her own apartment at
1:30 AM when police barged in with guns blaring in a drug enforcement raid.
These are anecdotal cases, of course, but the big picture statistics tell the same story. In
the most recent year of complete data (2018), there were 9.3 million arrests in the US
excluding traffic enforcement charges of DUI. Yet among this massive number of arrests, those
involving serious crimes against persons and property accounted for just 521,000 or 5.6%. These
Negligent murder and manslaughter: 11,970;
Rape: 25,205;
Armed robbery: 88,128;
Aggravated assault: 395,800;
That's it. That's the contribution to core public safety delivered by the 850,000 sworn law
enforcement officers in the USA -- about 0.6 arrests per year for serious crimes per law
enforcement officer.
As for what they were doing the rest of the time and the other 8,777,000 arrests that
occurred in 2018, we can say this: They clearly provided more occasion for conflict between
citizens and the gendarmes and for policing actions to go haywire, as in the George Floyd case,
than any additional increments of public safety.
After all, the single largest category of arrests in 2018 was for drug abuse violations,
which totaled 1,654,282.
In fact, while total arrests for all crimes in 2018 were no higher than they were in 1977
despite a 100 million/50% growth in the US population, and had actually dropped from a peak of
nearly 13 million in 2006, the opposite trend was extant in the case of the nation's
misbegotten War on Drugs arrests.
As shown by the chart below, drug arrests in 2018 were nearly at peak levels and were up by
more than 171% since 1977 -- the vast majority of which are made for drug possession generally,
and marijuana possession most often.
War on Drugs Arrests, 1980-2016
Not surprisingly, the next largest arrest category after drugs is one called "other
assaults" for which 1,063,535 arrests were made in 2018. Yet the FBI's own definitions raise
considerable doubts as to why these are even a proper matter for law enforcement by the
Other assaults (simple) - Assaults and attempted assaults where no weapon was used or no
serious or aggravated injury resulted to the victim. Stalking, intimidation, coercion, and
hazing are included.
Then, of course, we have all the victimless and vice crimes, including the following number
of arrests:
Prostitution and commercialized vice: 31,147;
Sex offenses excluding rape and prostitution: 46,937;
Gambling: 3,323;
Liquor law offenses: 173,152;
Curfew and loitering law violations: 22,031;
Vagrancy: 23,546;
Public drunkenness: 328,772;
Disorderly conduct: 329,152;
Forgery and counterfeiting: 50,072;
Weapons carrying and possession: 168,403;
All other offenses: 3,231,700.
The latter huge number tells you all you need to know. The UCR lists 27 enumerated
categories of crime including all of those itemized above–plus the usual suspects like
fraud and embezzlement for which there were about 135,000 arrests in 2018. Yet when the whole
lists is exhausted, 32% of arrests occurred for crimes that are so minor even the FBI is
embarrassed to enumerate them!
So, yes, we do think there are way, way too many crimes and cops, and that decriminalizing
and de-funding law enforcement are the only route to reducing police violence.
But by the same token, the unwarranted and often mendacious racializing of police
malfeasance, which the George Floyd case has brought to a fever pitch, will only insure
retrogression. That is, it will unleash a blind rallying to the defense of law enforcement by
conservative Republicans, blue collar whites and the Foxified Right, thereby insuring a
continuing failure to attack and drastically curtail the Nanny State regime, which is the real
source of policing injustice.
Of course, don't expect Nancy Pelosi or Sleepy Joe to be any more enlightened on the matter
than Sean Hannity. These doddering old fools are now enthrall to the wokedom of the
progressive-Left; and, as Maxine Water's blatant performance as agent provocateur in
Minneapolis the night before the verdict makes clear, these people want the problem to fester
and metastasize, not be alleviated.
Indeed, it is probably not too far fetched to say that Congresswoman Waters' call for a
guilty verdict or else a new round of violent uprisings amounted to an insurance policy. Three
guilty verdicts could not trigger the latter, but a judicial appeal resulting in a mistrial
order surely would.
In other words, the Democratic Party has fallen into the grip of vicious leftist zealots and
power-hungry authoritarians. And the events of the last two days suggest that two dangerously
wrong-headed and ugly narratives -- -race-baiting and climate hysteria -- now stand at the
center of the Dem agenda because the party's two supreme leaders are too weak and too senile to
resist the mob.
So we'd say to the feverish punters of Wall Street, yes, embrace the putative Economic Boom
impending and buy the Greatest Financial Bubble in history, if you must.
But, really, if the events which culminated in Tuesday's triumph of mob justice do not scare
the living bejesus out of you, then, well, you probably deserve to suffer the thundering
financial gotterdammerung which is surely coming your way. 60,006 194 NEVER MISS THE NEWS
Events of the last few days have made one thing crystal clear: The Democratic Party (and
therefore the nation) is being led by two doddering old fools who should be domiciled in a rest
home, not the Oval Office and the Speaker's Chamber.
How that baleful reality coexists with Wall Street's expectation of an awesome economic
future and stock prices which never stop rising to the sky is one of the great enigmas of our
times. Or maybe it's just because $10 trillion of fiscal and monetary "stimulus" in the past
year can turn the proverbial sow's ear into a silk purse. For a time.
By now, of course, we expect idiocy from Sleepy Joe, especially on the economic front.
Accordingly, at his virtual global summit he will be reading-out from the White House
teleprompter the demented agenda of the Climate Change Howlers. Therein he will promise to cut
greenhouse gases by 50% by the end of this decade, which calamity we can also promise would cut
America's debt-entombed economy to its knees.
That comes after Tuesday's White House contretemps when he first prayed for a guilty verdict
in the Chauvin trial even as the jury was sitting in its deliberations, and then, afterwards,
made the risible claim that this tragedy was the spawn of systemic racism.
In fact, Nanny State over-reach was the underlying cause of George Floyd's arrest and unjust
death -- just as it is the source of most of America's unfortunate violence between police and
unarmed citizens, back, white and otherwise.
In both cases, of course, we find Sleepy Joe fronting for the hideous core agenda -- race
baiting and climate hysteria -- of a Democratic Party which has lost its way and has been taken
over by a camarilla of woke zealots.
Indeed, if there were any doubt about the latter, Nancy Pelosi's truly venal deification of
George Floyd should remove it once and for all.
Yes, the man was a victim, but he was also a drug-addicted criminal lout and grifter, who
deserves no place of honor anywhere; and who's estranged family deserves sympathy and support,
but not a $27 million gift of blood money from a woke city council that takes Minneapolis one
step closer to its demise every time it meets.
"And thank God, the jury validated what we saw, what we saw," Pelosi said in front of the
U.S. Capitol Building as she delivered remarks with the Congressional Black Caucus. "So,
again, thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice. For being there to call
out to your mom. How heart-breaking was that? To call out to your mom, 'I can't breathe.' But
because of you – and because of thousands, millions of people around the world who came
out for justice – your name will always be synonymous with justice."
For crying out loud. George Floyd didn't sacrifice himself in the cause of justice. He got
hopped up on a lethal dose of fentanyl and then foolishly resisted arrest when the original
officers on the scene attempted to place him in the backseat of a squad car.
That is to say, the entire narrative culminating in Nancy Pelosi's hideous idolization of
George Floyd has been blatantly wrong from the get go. This case is not about racial justice at
all, to say nothing of striking a blow against so called "white privilege".
For want of doubt, we need to repeat the facts. That's because they show that episodes like
the George Floyd case do not fit the stereotypes of either the BLM and its race-card playing
progressive/Dem allies or, for that matter, the Foxified Right's knee-jerk defense of the
nation's over-empowered, over-budgeted, over-militarized police.
Needless to say, the George Floyd case was not an aberration. During the recent past there
were 38 such police killings of unarmed black citizens in 2015, and then 19, 21, 17 and 9
during 2016 through 2019, respectively. That's 104 black lives lost to the ultimate abuse of
police powers.
Of course, the number should be zero police killings of unarmed citizens. There is no
conceivable excuse for heavily armed cops -- -usually working in pairs or groups -- to cause
the death of lone, unarmed civilians, regardless of race or anything else.
And in this case that was especially so, and not withstanding several mitigating
For instance, the Minneapolis police officers originally attempted to put George Floyd
safely in the back seat of a squad car after his arrest for the petty crime of attempting to
pass a counterfeit $20 bill, but he resisted them intensely for up to five minutes. That's
plain as day in the other videos -- those from the cops' body-cams.
The trial evidence from these body-cams also showed that during this struggle around the
squad car Floyd said he couldn't breath six times owing to a severe medical reaction to the
fatal level of fentanyl in his blood and the methamphetamines that he had ingested shortly
before the incident. These reactions were surely compounded by the man's "severe" and
"multifocal" arteriosclerotic heart disease and clinical history of hypertension, which the
Minneapolis medical examiner said was the underlying cause of his death.
Yet after Floyd was cuffed and placed prone on the street, as he himself had requested, and
the officers had called for an ambulance owing to his obvious medical distress, the arrest went
haywire and Chauvin exposed himself to Manslaughter 2, at least, for no plausible or
justifiable reason.
That's because Floyd had been unarmed throughout the incident, was hand-cuffed and incapable
of flight or harming others and was surrounded by four armed officers. Accordingly, he was no
threat to them, nor anyone else, and he therefore presented no policing reason for the extended
knee-hold on the back of his neck -- especially after the surrounding crowd had warned the
police that Floyd was in self-evident dire distress.
So as we see it, Chauvin's conviction on second degree manslaughter does indeed comport with
the Minnesota statute, which reads as follows: the person's culpable negligence whereby the person creates an unreasonable risk ,
and consciously takes chances of causing death or great bodily harm to another;
But here's also where the Woke/Progressive Left narrative goes even more haywire. Floyd's
death was due to an arrest which shouldn't have happened and bad police behavior that has
nothing to do with race .
As to the former point, what should have been on trial in this case was not "systemic
racism", but the Nanny State for grotesquely excessive use of force to enforce a petty
counterfeiting complaint that should not be police business in the first place. It's the job of
retail store owners to handle petty counterfeiters or people who unknowingly pass bad
greenbacks and to absorb the cost of self-protection just like they do in the case of refusing
charges on bad credit cards.
So there is zero reason why George Floyd should ever have been arrested.
As to bad police behavior, you do not have to look too hard to see that it's essentially
color-blind and that being non-black is no guarantee against the same unjust fate.
During the same five-year period in which 104 black lives were lost, a total of 127 unarmed
white lives were wasted by the police, as well. That included 32 white killings in 2015
followed by 22, 31, 23 and 19 in 2016 through 2019, respectively.
Overall, 302 unarmed citizens were killed by the police during those five years, with the
balance accounted for by 71 deaths among Hispanic and other victims. That is, the real issue is
illegal and excessive police violence, not racial victimization.
Indeed, the fact that 34% of these police killings involved black citizens compared to their
13% share of the population is not primarily a sign of racism among police forces, although it
is continuously construed to be.
It's actually evidence that the Nanny State, and especially the misbegotten War on Drugs, is
designed to unnecessarily ensnare a distinct demographic -- young, poor, often unemployed urban
citizens -- in confrontations with the cops, too many of which become fatal.
Alas, young black males are disproportionately represented among this particular
inharms'-way demographic, and that's the reason they are "disproportionately" represented in
the 302 cases cited above.
Stated differently, the Nanny State results in too many black victims of plain old
injustice, even if that is not necessarily the intent of the crusaders and zealots who have
launched the state into anti-liberty wars on drugs, vice and victimless iniquities and
That is to say, statism in the sphere of law and order is every bit as dysfunctional as it
is in the realm of economics, yet neither conservatives nor progressives recognize it.
Conservatives want way too much law and police empowerment in the service of cultural norms
that are none of the state's damn business in the first place; and progressives confuse the
often brutal and unjust over-reach of law enforcement agencies as a manifestation of racism,
when it is actually just policing expectorations in behalf of inappropriate missions such as
the enforcement of drug laws.
Indeed, the main trouble in America today is not overt racism or even simmering racial
animosity. The real evil is the relentless aggrandizement of state power in the form of the
Nanny State -- a conflation of too many laws, crimes, cops, arrests and thereby opportunities
for frictions between the state and its citizenry and for abuse by the gendarmes vested with
legal use of violence.
In a word, some citizens sometimes can't breathe their last breath because in far too many
instances liberty can't breathe in today's unhinged Nanny State, either.
Among the most recent notorious cases, of course, are George Floyd's fatal arrest for
allegedly passing a counterfeit $20 bill; Eric Garner (NYC 2014), subdual for selling untaxed
cigarettes; Rayshard Brooks for falling asleep drunk in his car at a subsequently incinerated
Wendy's in Atlanta; and Breonna Taylor of Louisville for being awake in her own apartment at
1:30 AM when police barged in with guns blaring in a drug enforcement raid.
These are anecdotal cases, of course, but the big picture statistics tell the same story. In
the most recent year of complete data (2018), there were 9.3 million arrests in the US
excluding traffic enforcement charges of DUI. Yet among this massive number of arrests, those
involving serious crimes against persons and property accounted for just 521,000 or 5.6%. These
Negligent murder and manslaughter: 11,970;
Rape: 25,205;
Armed robbery: 88,128;
Aggravated assault: 395,800;
That's it. That's the contribution to core public safety delivered by the 850,000 sworn law
enforcement officers in the USA -- about 0.6 arrests per year for serious crimes per law
enforcement officer.
As for what they were doing the rest of the time and the other 8,777,000 arrests that
occurred in 2018, we can say this: They clearly provided more occasion for conflict between
citizens and the gendarmes and for policing actions to go haywire, as in the George Floyd case,
than any additional increments of public safety.
After all, the single largest category of arrests in 2018 was for drug abuse violations,
which totaled 1,654,282.
In fact, while total arrests for all crimes in 2018 were no higher than they were in 1977
despite a 100 million/50% growth in the US population, and had actually dropped from a peak of
nearly 13 million in 2006, the opposite trend was extant in the case of the nation's
misbegotten War on Drugs arrests.
As shown by the chart below, drug arrests in 2018 were nearly at peak levels and were up by
more than 171% since 1977 -- the vast majority of which are made for drug possession generally,
and marijuana possession most often.
War on Drugs Arrests, 1980-2016
Not surprisingly, the next largest arrest category after drugs is one called "other
assaults" for which 1,063,535 arrests were made in 2018. Yet the FBI's own definitions raise
considerable doubts as to why these are even a proper matter for law enforcement by the
Other assaults (simple) - Assaults and attempted assaults where no weapon was used or no
serious or aggravated injury resulted to the victim. Stalking, intimidation, coercion, and
hazing are included.
Then, of course, we have all the victimless and vice crimes, including the following number
of arrests:
Prostitution and commercialized vice: 31,147;
Sex offenses excluding rape and prostitution: 46,937;
Gambling: 3,323;
Liquor law offenses: 173,152;
Curfew and loitering law violations: 22,031;
Vagrancy: 23,546;
Public drunkenness: 328,772;
Disorderly conduct: 329,152;
Forgery and counterfeiting: 50,072;
Weapons carrying and possession: 168,403;
All other offenses: 3,231,700.
The latter huge number tells you all you need to know. The UCR lists 27 enumerated
categories of crime including all of those itemized above–plus the usual suspects like
fraud and embezzlement for which there were about 135,000 arrests in 2018. Yet when the whole
lists is exhausted, 32% of arrests occurred for crimes that are so minor even the FBI is
embarrassed to enumerate them!
So, yes, we do think there are way, way too many crimes and cops, and that decriminalizing
and de-funding law enforcement are the only route to reducing police violence.
But by the same token, the unwarranted and often mendacious racializing of police
malfeasance, which the George Floyd case has brought to a fever pitch, will only insure
retrogression. That is, it will unleash a blind rallying to the defense of law enforcement by
conservative Republicans, blue collar whites and the Foxified Right, thereby insuring a
continuing failure to attack and drastically curtail the Nanny State regime, which is the real
source of policing injustice.
Of course, don't expect Nancy Pelosi or Sleepy Joe to be any more enlightened on the matter
than Sean Hannity. These doddering old fools are now enthrall to the wokedom of the
progressive-Left; and, as Maxine Water's blatant performance as agent provocateur in
Minneapolis the night before the verdict makes clear, these people want the problem to fester
and metastasize, not be alleviated.
Indeed, it is probably not too far fetched to say that Congresswoman Waters' call for a
guilty verdict or else a new round of violent uprisings amounted to an insurance policy. Three
guilty verdicts could not trigger the latter, but a judicial appeal resulting in a mistrial
order surely would.
In other words, the Democratic Party has fallen into the grip of vicious leftist zealots and
power-hungry authoritarians. And the events of the last two days suggest that two dangerously
wrong-headed and ugly narratives -- -race-baiting and climate hysteria -- now stand at the
center of the Dem agenda because the party's two supreme leaders are too weak and too senile to
resist the mob.
So we'd say to the feverish punters of Wall Street, yes, embrace the putative Economic Boom
impending and buy the Greatest Financial Bubble in history, if you must.
But, really, if the events which culminated in Tuesday's triumph of mob justice do not scare
the living bejesus out of you, then, well, you probably deserve to suffer the thundering
financial gotterdammerung which is surely coming your way. 60,006 194 NEVER MISS THE NEWS
As's Spencer Brown details , Chauvin's lawyers pointed out that jurors were
not sequestered during the case and therefore may not be free from outside influence in the
form of news updates they may have inadvertently or purposefully seen along with ongoing
violence in the community surrounding the Chauvin trial and approaching verdict.
Among their concerns, Chauvin's defense team pointed to Waters and her appearance with
demonstrators in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, over the weekend.
Even though the judge denied the defense's motion for mistrial, he highlighted the damage
her rhetoric may have done, saying "Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal
that may result in this whole trial being overturned."
"... The guy with the badge didn't kill Floyd, he committed suicide by ingesting an overdose of Fentanyl. The Autopsy showed he had a level of 11ng/ml and 3 ng/ml is a Lethal Level. I don't see how the Medical Examiner didn't rule cause of death was Fentanyl. ..."
Didn't the life of the 7 year old Chicago girl shot in the head while in line at a McDonalds
by a gang member "matter"?
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 14 minutes ago
Unfortunately not
If she had been shot by a Caucasian cop than it would matter
Yes I am sure - is shot or Caucasian the offending word of the day
Exploitation value is all that "matters" to these people.
Chloe Kelley SUBSCRIBER 10 minutes ago
Will that gang member go to jail? Will hundreds of people try to justify the murder as just.
Was the little girl somewhere she shouldn't have been? Was she breaking the law? Was it past
These are questions no one asks when a little girl gets shot. Its obvious that murder is
wrong. Her killer is caught and tried and goes to jail.
When I cop kills someone in cold blood in front of your eyes, you are still willing to and
actually search for reasons other than the obvious. It isn't the murder but the reaction to
it that people protest.
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 5 minutes ago (Edited)
so its less new worthy and therefore better for a gang member to shoot a little girl than for
a felon to die while resisting arrest
Interesting way to view things
Andrew T SUBSCRIBER 16 minutes ago (Edited)
Get ready for more Democrat riots. Remember Maxine Waters' "get more confrontational" call to
Jerome Ogden SUBSCRIBER 17 minutes ago
The daily threats and attacks on Chauvin defenders must be having a deep psychological impact
on the unsequestered jury.
A guilty verdict for even the least serious charge of manslaughter will surely trigger an
appeal of the decision not to allow a change of venue. And I believe it will have a good
chance of success. Here's why:
Jack Ruby's conviction by a Dallas jury in 1964 for killing Oswald was overturned on
appeal because Ruby's motion for a change of venue was denied. The appeals court judges
recognized that holding the trial in Dallas denied Ruby an impartial jury, because jurors
residing in that city would feel a unique duty to remove the stain that the Kennedy and
Oswald assassinations had left on their city. (google)
Jurors residing in Minneapolis are human. They cannot be impartial under constant mob
I'm betting the appeals court will grant Chauvin a new trial if found guity.
Anything less would mean our judicial system itself is bowing to mob rule.
"Beyond a reasonable doubt," is the legal bench mark, and it hasn't been met no matter how
frustrated you are about the restraint technique used the police in this instance. Mr.
Floyd's drug use was a contributing factor to his death whether Maxine Waters thinks so or
A. James Tagg SUBSCRIBER 22 minutes ago
Watching politicians gas light minorities is so funny to watch, just wait to see the results
of the power vacuum created by the lack of a police presence in these communities. The
result..... one of the worst crime waves that is just gonna SHRED they're community for
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 16 minutes ago
crime in Minneapolis has been on the rise all year. At one point I remember an article in
which the MInneapolis police chief asked for assistance from other law enforcement agencies
because of all the retirements and lack of funding did not have enough cops to handle the
crime ridden city
Jerome Abernathy SUBSCRIBER 29 minutes ago
At the point Floyd lost consciousness, Chauvin's partner checked Floyd and said he couldn't
find a pulse, yet Chauvin stayed on his neck for over 3 minutes more. He knew Floyd was
unconscious, he knew he had no pulse, yet he stayed on his neck. He didn't administer aid, he
continued grind his neck into his neck. None of the other evidence matters for 2nd degree
Violet Liskey SUBSCRIBER 25 minutes ago
Sufficient in my mind for a second degree manslaughter conviction.
Mac Moore SUBSCRIBER 23 minutes ago
Abernathy writes, "At the point Floyd lost consciousness, Chauvin's partner checked Floyd and
said he couldn't find a pulse, yet Chauvin stayed on his neck for over 3 minutes more."
So, what? Are you looking for evidence to support your hate? How is that helpful? They
jury has all of the facts. The Prosecutors and Defense delivered excellent arguments and
supported them with facts. It seems all of your evidence is of only one perspective. The Jury
has both. I will await their decision, not yours.
Rick Krieger SUBSCRIBER 23 minutes ago
And the Floyd family will skip town with $27 million from the citizens of Minnesota.
Bruce Rado SUBSCRIBER 11 minutes ago
Thank Chauvin for that. The city settled because the bar for a civil award is only "the
preponderance of evidence," and anyone with two functioning eyes could see that Floyd's death
was "wrongful," and that Chauvin's actions were the proximate cause of Floyd's death.
Ellyn Oys SUBSCRIBER 2 minutes ago (Edited)
That is the fascinating part. I awaiting news as to how they spend it. Will they start with a
row of pink Cadillacs?
People who don't make a habit of getting high, committing crimes, then resisting arrest have
nothing to worry about.
John Bartlett SUBSCRIBER 9 minutes ago
Especially after ingesting a lethal dose of Fentanyl, Floyd's blood showed 11 ng/ml and
3ng/ml is considered a lethal level.
Interesting final arguments by the prosecution which just wrapped up.
Next up, the Defense, then rebuttal by the State before the case concludes and jury begins
its deliberations.
The prosecution highlighted the pain suffered by Floyd under Chauvin's knee. Floyd
complained that he couldn't breath and about the pain in his stomach and neck.
According to the Mayo Clinic website, symptoms relating to an "enlarged heart," often
include shortness of breath and may also include chest pain, discomfort in other areas of the
upper body (one or both arms, neck, back, stomach and severe shortness of breath which may
indicate a heart attack), and fainting.
It is inexplicable, however, why Chauvin did not take his knee off Floyd when he had no
pulse. . .
National Guard in DC are playing video games on their phones.
As Minneapolis is largely unprotected, sacrificed for a political agenda.
Violet Liskey SUBSCRIBER 45 minutes ago
Bad closing prosecutor argument is going to justify a stronger reaction if the decision does
not go in the direction of the mob - we needed Steve to do a better job for all concerned
ted williams SUBSCRIBER 41 minutes ago
Which mob? The Jan 6 mob?? I'm confused
Kevin Burke SUBSCRIBER 37 minutes ago
The summer of love mob.
Richard Acuti SUBSCRIBER 52 minutes ago
The verdict and the sentence are irrelevant.
More rioting and violence will occur no matter the output of the trial.
This is a tragic tale of a lousy human being being killed by another lousy human being
with a badge. Neither of these guys are any good.
John Bartlett SUBSCRIBER 45 minutes ago
The guy with the badge didn't kill Floyd, he committed suicide by ingesting an overdose
of Fentanyl. The Autopsy showed he had a level of 11ng/ml and 3 ng/ml is a Lethal Level. I
don't see how the Medical Examiner didn't rule cause of death was Fentanyl.
John Bartlett SUBSCRIBER 9 minutes ago
The Medical Examiner is at fault for not listing Fentanyl as the cause of death, Floyd's
Autopsy showed he had 11 ng/ml and 3 is considered Lethal. An overdose of Fentanyl causes the
persons respiration to slow and even stop and that's what happened to Floyd.
Jerome Abernathy SUBSCRIBER 28 minutes ago
"This is a tragic tale of a lousy human being being killed by another lousy human being with
a badge."
Floyd was addicted to opioids like millions of other Americans. That didn't make him a
lousy human. But, I do question what type of person would accuse him of such.
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 26 minutes ago
he was also a felon who was in the process of committing a crime -
does that qualify as a lousy human?
Maria Thompson SUBSCRIBER 20 minutes ago
... Conviction for first degree home-invasion robbery where he pointed a gun at a pregnant
woman's abdomen
the Media doesn't mention it much
Looting And burning Footlocker basketball shoe stores will make everything better.
paul grunder SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Maxine Waters was despicable in what she did by encouraging rioters. Then I also think Chris
Cuomo of CNN should be fired for basically saying, unless white children are shot there will
be no justice Why would anyone encourage the deaths of any children? We have a sicko nation.
p's wife
Albert Griffith SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
The prosecution's closing argument is way too long. He's playing to the cameras.
He wants a CNN show when this is all over.
mitch wilkerson SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
how much pressure was the knee on his back? That's the 64 dollar question. I see not enough
to kill him but merely to restrain as he was high
Violet Liskey SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
I don't think there is any way to know - only the best guess of experts who may nor may not
be influenced by other factors
Keith Dowling SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
I wonder, did the defense point out that G. Floyd said he couldn't breath before he was put
on the ground? That seems to be proof that the restraining hold had nothing to do with his
breathing issues.
The other factor is, what impact did the crowd have on delaying the paramedics in
accessing and treating Mr. Floyd? They said they did a "load and scoot" due to the unruly
Mac Moore SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Dowling writes, "I wonder, did the defense point out that G. Floyd said he couldn't breath
before he was put on the ground?"
Yes. The Defense has been excellent. Both desks, Defense / Prosecutors, presented their
positions very well. The Jury has a good balance of facts and arguments to work with. I don't
know how they will find, but my guess is that at least one or more jurors will not be able to
conclude murder / manslaughter by the police.
A 7 year girl in Chicagoland was shot in the head yesterday by a gang member and killed.
She was not fighting with police or under the influence of fentanyl.
Was in line at a McDonalds.
No media coverage.
I read about it on Fox News. Didn't see it mentioned on CNN however.
karen graham SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
It's on CNN.
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
so where are the "peaceful protests"
Thomas Fowler SUBSCRIBER 46 minutes ago
There won't be any because if a black is killed by another black, there's no political gain
to be had. This just proves that black lives don't matter unless a white (or maybe Asian) is
Gregory Weinman SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Based on the evidence I would acquit murder charges. Murder requires an intent the
prosecution has not proven. Involuntary manslaughter in Minnesota is called manslaughter in
the second degree. That seems the appropriate charge. Based on Officer Chauvin's negligence
in the death of Mr Floyd I would convict.
Representative Waters was filmed inciting riot if the jury acquits on murder. She did this in
Brooklyn Center MN, a city already in flames If Minneapolis erupts in riot will she face
sanction or dismissal? I wouldn't bet on it.
Jerome Feldman SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago (Edited)
Is anything going to be done to protect the anonymity of the is done in mob
Not that anything can be done in this day and age. It is likely that the identity of each
juror is already public knowledge.
(Mrs. JF)
M Ruri SUBSCRIBER 47 minutes ago
That is a major issue as to an appeal of the verdict I believe.... because many selected
jurors did say they were worried about their safety in being selected.
John Harris SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Q: Why were those "9 minutes" necessary?
A: Because he had been successful in forcibly resisting arrest (involving the entire police
force available) during the earlier 20 minutes ... just BEFORE!
...... Summary: It's that SIMPLE!
Violet Liskey SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago (Edited)
I think Floyd passed out at 20:24-5 and was not resisting for the last 3 mins of the 9 mins.
And that is the best prosecutors case for at least second degree manslaughter.
Violet Liskey SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
So far prosecutor's closing argument has been disappointing - playing the jury -- by
misleading claims 9:24, 9:24, 9: 24 or superhumans do not exist in real life or (I know, not
the defense, what Chauvin knows) he knew, he knew, he knew, mock, mock, mock -- guess Steve
figures the jury has the intelligence of 8 year-olds and he is willing to yank their strings
.. although not saying he is wrong
Joseph Areeda SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
I can't help but think the reaction of the mob will hang over jury deliberations.
Imagine the press reaction if Trump had used language similar to Maxine Water's on Jan
We've got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more
confrontational. We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business.
I pray Mr. Chauvin gets a fair verdict than depends on his actions and the law
not on expected mob reactions, but I don't see how that's possible.
Girish Kotwal SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Will police officer Derek Chauvin get proper justice from a jury that is being ferociously
intimidated to give a guilty verdict by an organized mob and filthy politicians like Maxine
Watters? It will be the responsibility of the judge and the justice department to assure that
the intimidation should have no influence on the verdict and the jury will be protected from
any repercussions of their verdict no matter what it is. Jury protection measures should be
in place until the mob calms down. I don't think that some of the organizations that were
rioting which are the poodles of the Dems are going to be rioting no matter what the decision
is because after the summer riots they got what they wanted which is the installation of
Biden in the white house. So now they have their puppy in the white house and he is doing
exactly what they want him to do.
The Dems have sowed the seeds of race wars and mass shootings that they cannot blame
Trump. Crime is a crime and deserves to be punished.
karen graham SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago (Edited)
Do you know who the jurors are? This is obviously a high profile case, but who do you think
is intimidating them?
And how did you get Trump into this?
Perhaps the mob gathering outside the courthouse?
Randall Digby SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
and a US Representative from the state of California that the moderators will not allow to be
Alan Pronesti SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago (Edited)
A couple of years ago I watched a documentary on PBS on African American voters, and it said
that if Black participation rates in elections drops just a tiny % (don't remember the
number) Democrats would get killed in elections. If it wasn't for that we wouldn't know who
George Floyd is.
Once that changes the Democrats, Media, and Liberals will throw African Americans under
the bus.
This is not about race it's all about elections for Democrats.
Michael Dulaney SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
No. It was if the death of Floyd was caused only by the action of the police officer or if
there were other factors that, had they not existed, would not have resulted in death.
Floyd's body was full of drugs.
We will see if, in the United States today, Justice is Blind or Justice is now Mob
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
Let the
"peaceful protests" begin
They already have. Somebody left a severed head of a porcine animal in the driveway of a
defense witness last night.
Scott Manson CPA JD SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
did it have an apple in its mouth?
Michael Dulaney SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Our democratic cousins.
Jason Miller SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
Chauvin was already convicted in the media before stepping into court. The majority of the
public also convicted him before knowing all of the facts. So I hope the jury is doing their
job, not judging him from a biased media perspective that has plagued our nation for years.
Either way, there will be riots, whether he's found guilty or not guilty.
Michael Dulaney SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Retail outlets need to board up before "shopping" begins when the verdict is read.
Michael Schmitt SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago (Edited)
Chicago stores (in all neighborhoods) started boarding up last week. Who wants to go shopping
in person any more? Between rioting, carjackings, personal attacks, homeless on every corner,
it's dangerous and not pleasant. Online shopping will take over. Retail, real estate and
insurance industries need to step up and call out this destruction.
I would hope that everyone would be willing to accept the verdict of the jury, no
matter what the outcome.
This is foundational for our justice system and indeed for our country. People who have
not you been in the courtroom to hear all the testimony, to see all the evidence should
accept the Judgment of the jury. You don't have to be happy with it but you should accept it.
Outside agitators, such as Representative Maxine Waters, should be held in contempt.
Michael Dulaney SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Maxine Waters is calling for protests against the government. Don't know about Minneapolis,
but in Washington DC she called this an "insurrection".
Maybe she should be tried for treason.
Rachel Glyn SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
I'm not sure whether anybody can be unbiased enough to judge to what extent Chauvin, as
opposed to George Floyd's drug use and heart condition, caused Mr Floyd's death. Radical
supporters of BLM are convinced that Chauvin murdered Floyd and it was racially motivated.
Some on the Right discount any involvement from Chauvin and blame it all on Mr Floyd. Even if
I were on the jury to hear all the scientific evidence, I might not feel qualified to
I also am unsure whether any jurors can really make an unbiased decision. Even in a worst
case scenario, if Chauvin is racist and evil and deliberately cause Mr Floyd's death, the
jury should decide based on evidence and not mob threats. I'd like to know if the jurors have
heard outside news and if they fear for their own safety.
karen graham SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
Jurors are instructed not to listen to outside news. Juries tend to take their
responsibilities very seriously.
AM Losee SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
I think a lot of people are convinced this was murder. People were screaming at Chauvin to
get his knee off his neck. How much more blatant can it get?
Because you and other right wingers hate Floyd, you are making excuses for a bad cop, a
really bad cop, who already had 17 marks against his record, some for excessive
The guy should have been thrown off the force.
Mac Moore SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
Losee writes, "I think a lot of people are convinced this was murder."
That is the sad truth. When your lens is blinded by hate, one has difficulty seeing it any
other way.
Michael Dulaney SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
The broad generalization you make against "right wingers"...."hating Floyd" shows that racism
is indeed alive and well in your neck of the woods.
Bruce Anderson SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
AM - how do you know who hates Floyd?
you are a mind reader with a crystal ball?
what a dum statement.
no one heard of Floyd before and now they hate him ?
Charles McGill SUBSCRIBER 1 hour ago
yes AM and leftists are mind readers and not only that but are righteous, always correct, and
think all sheep should stand quietly and get fleeced.
Joseph Rosenberger SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
What a sad mess.
Mac Moore SUBSCRIBER 2 hours ago
The flame throwers, Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, James, BLM, and, their enablers in the MSM ....
have poisoned the waters of rational thought in America. They have far too many citizens
viewing this event through a racist lens that they created for political malfeasance to gain
power. It is sick.
Floyd was there as a culminations of hundreds, if not thousands, of bad choices of his own
making. The police were there as a request. If Floyd had chosen to comply with the police,
the outcome would have been completely different. How the police acted to gain submission is
in question, but it is political theatrics to call it murder.
For an acquittal, the defense must similarly convince all 12 jurors that the prosecution
failed to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. But it takes only one juror to "hang" the
jury. That means that if 11 jurors want to vote to convict on at least one of the charges
against Chauvin, but one juror doesn't believe the government has met its burden of proof,
there won't be a verdict. Instead, there will be a mistrial, and although the government can
retry the case down the road, a hung jury involves delay and the risk that as the evidence
ages, the prosecution's case may become weaker.
OMG. I just watched 2 strong young black men have a conversation
without screaming RACISM. All they talked about was our freedoms and
our rights. I love watching Lawrence, he is a breath of fresh air in
the media. We need more people like these 2 men to keep the
conversation going about protecting everyone's rights.
It's sad that money was used to help people not for her to buy four
houses I don't understand I work in Brooklyn a lot of people would
need those donations. Sad 🥺
In the United States, the use of force by police accounts for 0.05% of male deaths, and
0.003% of female deaths, and a low overall share.
The ratio correlates with age and race and is unequal across racial groups.
Police use of force is responsible for 1.6% of all deaths involving black men between the
ages of 20 and 24 years. At the same age range, police are responsible for 1.2% of American
Indian/Alaska Native male deaths, 0.5% of Asian/Pacific Islander male deaths, 1.2% of Latino
male deaths, and 0.5% of white male deaths.
18 replies on "Risk of Being Killed by Police
Varies by Your Ethnicity"
I read this article with high hopes. Sadly, my hopes were dashed by an intellectually
dishonest use of statistics.
The article opens by claiming blacks have about 2.5 times the risk of dying at the hands of
the police over their lifetimes as whites. It then quantifies this lifetime risk of dying from
police violence for blacks as 1 in 1000. It provides no context for understanding these
Heart disease 1 in 6
Cancer 1 in 7
All preventable causes of death 1 in 24
Chronic lower respiratory disease 1 in 27
Suicide 1 in 88
Opioid overdose 1 in 92
Falls 1 in 106
Motor-vehicle crash 1 in 107
Gun assault 1 in 289
Pedestrian incident 1 in 543
Motorcyclist 1 in 899
Drowning 1 in 1,128
Apparently a black's lifetime risk of dying at the hands of the police is close to anyone's
risk from drowning, and about a tenth as great as dying in a motor vehicle crash. Very few
people obsess over those risks -- why the media frenzy about dying at the hands of the
By far the most significant finding from the author's analysis is that far more men die at
the hands of the police than do women across all races. ("A women's lifetime risk of being
killed by police is about 20 times lower than men's risk.") The difference between male and
female outcomes is an order of magnitude greater than the largest difference in outcomes among
men of different races, or among women of different races.
It is intellectually dishonest to focus attention on racial disparities when obvious sexual
disparities dominate the statistics.
It also seems odd to discuss racial disparities in women's overall lifetime risk of dying
from police violence, when a black woman's risk is only about 1 in 20,000 in the first place.
For perspective, the National Safety Council reported that 1 in 2,535 people will die of
choking on food, and 1 in 8,248 will die from sunstroke. It seems that a back woman's chance of
dying at the hands of the police is much lower than the media suggests.
Unfortunately the author chose to show death rates per 100,000 from police encounters
without providing a contextual comparison with other causes of death. How do these death rates
compare to well-known public health problems like heart diseases, cancer, or opiate overdose
deaths for example?
The author's reported death rate from police violence of 3 per 100,000 among 20-year-old
blacks is lower than the overall rate of death from suicide, homicide, cancer, and heart
disease at the same age. Are the 3.5 deaths per 100,000 among 30-year-old blacks more
As before, the death rate for everyone from suicide, homicide, cancer, and heart disease
greatly exceeds the death rate for blacks from police violence. Note that neither heart disease
nor cancer is usually considered a major public health threat to 20-30 year-olds of any
ethnicity. Note too that death rates from suicide at ages 20 and 30 surpass death rates from
heart disease and cancer, and are six times higher than the author's stated rate of death from
police violence. A rational concern about premature death should probably focus on suicide and
assaults rather than police violence.
The author's conclusion that "Various races and ages face a higher risk of death or injury
when confronted by police intervention" is simply not supported by the data presented. That
conclusion would require an analysis of death rates per 100,000 encounters with police, rather
than death rates per 100,000 people.
Sadly, the author left out any estimate of how many police encounters occur over a lifetime
within each segment studied, and how many of those encounters do NOT end in death. This
information is crucial for calculating how frequently an encounter with police officers ends in
death. If, for example, one group has ten times as many lifetime encounters with the police, it
would be reasonable to expect ten times as many deaths in that group. This may well be the
situation with men versus women. If the high encounter group had more or less than ten times as
many deaths, that would be cause for investigation into possible discrimination.
Obviously if certain ethnic groups have more encounters with the police than others, that
difference should be a matter for concern and further investigation. It might be a consequence
of some form of racial inequality. However, it helps no one to simply assume that differences
in death rates per 100,000 are evidence of racial injustice.
If racial discrimination in policing exists, it seems likely to show up in the frequency or
number of lifetime encounters with the police. But even knowing numbers of encounters is not
enough to evaluate possible discrimination because the nature of a police encounter influences
how much force is likely to be used by the police. For example, someone robbing a gas station
or store with a gun seems far more likely to face police violence than a shoplifter. Someone
drunk or high on drugs seems more likely to face police violence than a sober person. It seems
reasonable to ask whether factors that increase risk during police encounters occur more
frequently in certain ethnic groups, and if so why.
The author's observation about the lower rates of death among Asians and Pacific Islanders
is important and warrants serious study. Do people of this ethnicity have fewer encounters with
the police? If so, why? Are the encounters of a different kind than black encounters with the
police? Do Asians behave differently than blacks when encountering the police? What actual
factors lead to the seemingly different results across ethnicities?
Answering these questions with "structural racism" or a something similar provides no
actionable way to help improve results for any ethnicity. Calling police violence a health
problem also does nothing to improve outcomes.
The author seems to have assumed from the beginning that policing is the problem. As a
result he completely ignored at least two important questions:
1. Why do most encounters with the police across all ethnicities NOT end in death?
2. Are there behaviors in these many non-deadly encounters that can be taught to people and
police to reduce the chance of police violence?
It seems worth reflecting on these questions and seeking answers to them.
As a final note, it took me less than five minutes to find data to put this author's
statistics in context. I can only wonder why the author did not take the time to do the
The Great Commission to Uplift the American Negro is a long-running national project that
goes back at least to the 1850s. It's recurred in cycles that always eventually founder,
creating at best a "talented tenth"-type elite and leaving the great mass of the black
underclass where they are or worse.
It can only continue to the extent that it does because of willful ahistoriocity on the
part of its adherents, at least with respect to past cycles.
As our esteemed host has pointed out time and again, liberals are forbidden to know of any
history relevant to blacks prior to the 21st century other than slavery, Jim Crow, redlining,
and Emmett Till.
Why crime rises and falls is a devilishly complicated question.
In journalism, always a blaring alarm that a thumb-sucking pile of BS is about to follow.
In fact, insert anything you want in front of "is a complicated question." But crime in
particular is not complicated to explain. It's just unpleasant and embarrassing to face up
The George Floyd incident is illustrative. Police were not being brutal or confrontational
when they approached Floyd. Floyd escalated the situation by refusing to comply with simple
instructions. This is at the root of almost all police/public confrontations.
Police are required to investigate a violation of the law. If you hinder that
investigation, physically resist or flee things go south. They can't just let you go if they
believe you did something illegal. Had Floyd cooperated he would have likely ended up with a
misdemeanor charge of passing a counterfeit bill,booked at the jail and bonded out in a
couple of hours.
Underclass negroes simply refuse to take the easy way out believing they can talk ( lie )
their way out of a situation of their own making or, failing that, flee and everybody will
just forget about it.
"... It turns out that Floyd had a long criminal record, including an armed robbery in which held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman. In short, George Floyd was a real piece of shit. ..."
"... I don't think it is likely Chauvin will get any justice. Presumably the upgraded murder charge works in his favor as he's more likely to get off, but considering the media attention, the state of thinking in America, and the corruption of the justice system, it seems likely that he's going to get railroaded. ..."
"... Actually, he might not have been lying. Covid19 patients are known to have difficulty breathing. Add to that Fentanyl, which also causes sudden death. I wonder if the autopsy included a review for blood clots around his heart, which is not an uncommon cause of death for Covid19 patients. ..."
"... The author of this piece is every bit as much a cry baby as BLM pricks painting up the streets. ..."
"... Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison said that he did not want to release the videos because it might hurt his attempt to prosecute the officers. Get that, he's not interested in justice but to get the pre-determined result: WHITE MAN guilty of racist murder. ..."
"... Agreed that George Floyd got justice, but please remember that it's not the role of police to hand out justice. Agreed that he was not killed by the police, but just what does the author mean by saying that Floyd got what he deserved, ..."
"... Fentanyl is a respiratory suppressor in itself. Some of its analogues are particularly so. Floyd had multiple fentalogues in his system I believe there were also some variety of benzodiazapines as well. These combined are more than lethal at surprisingly low doses for a normal adult male. That doesn't even start to consider all the meth, and metabolites of it, coursing thru his veins. Metabolites will have an effect in this mix, in terms of toxicity. ..."
"... Of course it's a lie. The Mockingbird Media has been lying for decades running about damned near everything. Why is anyone surprised? It's like the old joke in the USSR about Pravda (Truth) and Isvestia (News): There's no truth in the news and no news in the truth . ..."
"... Yes this is very true. Breanna Taylor of Louisville was an actual case of such reckless abuse of power (no knock warrant where the cops killed an innocent black woman). Haven't seen the usual suspects complaining very much about that one. Yes there have been a few scattered BLM riots – but only after the tragic ascension of St. George the Breathless. She didn't get tens of millions via Go-Fund-Me and a state funeral with a gold-plated casket like St. George. Guess St. George serves a higher purpose than Breanna – apparently a mere paramedic rather than the Kang of Wokeundumb Kangz. ..."
"... Honestly, to most Europeans, neither George Floyd nor the cop who knelt on his neck can inspire sympathy. Both are loathsome. Most of us don't like American police methods, they're brutal and dishonourable for a country that pretends to be free, and most of us don't like criminals who are fake victims of racism either because most of the racism we see is against us and our civilisation nowadays. ..."
The cries for justice over the deaths of Trayvon Martin and
Michael Brown were
hoaxes. Both men were criminals who died because they were dumb enough to assault men with
guns. The same is true of Ahmaud Arbery
There are more than forty million black people in America. Can't Black Lives Matter find at
least one actual victim of racism?
Now, with the leak of the police body-camera footage of the arrest of George Floyd, we have
confirmation of what sensible people suspected all along: George Floyd was not a victim of
police brutality or injustice.
The story we had been sold was that, for no good reason, Floyd was thrown to the ground by a
brutal cop, Derek Chauvin, who then put his knee on Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes while
Floyd pled that he could not breathe, choking him to death.
Based on this story, Derek Chauvin was fired and indicted for murder, and the three other
cops who assisted him were fired and indicted for aiding and abetting murder.
Also based on this story, America has been convulsed by more than two months of race riots,
which have killed dozens, injured countless others, and destroyed billions of dollars in
property and countless livelihoods.
There were many facts that did not fit this story, however.
George Floyd's autopsy revealed that he wasn't suffocated. Instead, he died of heart
failure. He was suffering from heart disease and COVID-19. He also had the opioid fentanyl in
his system as well as methamphetamine. The medical examiner said these drugs contributed to
this death. (He also had traces of cannabis.)
Beyond that, Floyd was apprehended before he could drive off, clearly intoxicated, after
trying to pass a counterfeit bill. Should the police have allowed him to just drive away?
Obviously not. They had to do something to get Floyd out of his car and away from the public so
he could not endanger himself or others.
The person who called the police reported that Floyd was acting strangely, which in all
likelihood meant that he was intoxicated or mentally ill, thus not to be trifled with.
It turns out that Floyd had a long criminal record, including an armed robbery in which
held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman. In short, George Floyd was a real piece of
Moreover, putting a knee on an uncooperative suspect's neck is an approved police control
technique, so how could Chauvin be indicted for murder?
Finally, there was never any evidence that race played any role in Floyd's death. He
was not arrested because he was black, but because he committed a crime. He was not forcibly
restrained because he was black, but because he was uncooperative. Two of the four officers
were non-white. The claim that race had anything to do with Floyd's death at all was simply
a baseless assertion amplified and endlessly repeated by the media and BLM
But now we know that it was all a fraud. What does the police body camera footage
First of all, it reveals that George Floyd was dishonest, uncooperative, and acted deranged
and scary.
Floyd claimed that he had just lost his mother (he hadn't). He claimed to be too
claustrophobic to get in the police car, which was a lie because he was not too claustrophobic
to sit in his own car. He claimed twice that he was not on drugs, falsely. He refused
repeatedly to allow the police to cuff him. He refused repeatedly to get in the police car. He
claimed multiple times that he could not breathe before he ended up on the ground with
Chauvin's knee on his neck. Obviously he was lying before that, so it made sense for Chauvin to
disbelieve him when Floyd was on the ground. And, in any case, remember that the medical
examiner said Floyd did not die of asphyxiation.
Second, the video reveals that the police dealt with Floyd with a level of patience and
professionalism that I certainly could not have mustered. One cannot say that Chauvin lost his
patience or lashed out at Floyd.
Ask yourself, dear reader, would you have been able to maintain your cool in the same
situation? I know I would have snapped. I was thinking "Couldn't we just arm police with
tranquilizer darts to bring these beasts down?" This video gives me nothing but respect for the
police who have to deal day in and day out with deranged criminals like George Floyd.
Was George Floyd a victim of injustice? No, he died because (1) he committed a crime, (2)
refused to comply with the police, and (3) was so high on drugs that he was not up to the
rigors of being forcibly arrested. If he hadn't done any of those things, he -- and a lot of
other people -- would still be alive today. George Floyd's death was entirely his fault.
It wasn't murder. It was the predictable result of Floyd's own bad character and bad choices.
It was his just desserts.
George Floyd got justice.
Now we have to secure justice for Derek Chauvin and his fellow officers, as well as for the
millions of Americans whose lives have been turned upside down by this massive hoax perpetrated
by the government of Minneapolis, the State of Minnesota, Black Lives Matter, the mainstream
media, and the far Left -- aided and abetted by the craven eunuchs of the mainstream Right.
If I were Donald Trump, I would invoke the Insurrection Act, then spend the next few weeks
arresting the leaders of BLM and antifa, as well as their collaborators in state and municipal
governments, for the crimes they have already committed. Once the Leftist beast is decapitated,
I would pardon Derek Chauvin and his fellow officers. Then I'd grab some popcorn.
"But we could never do that! Blacks would burn the country down!"
If that is your initial reaction, I want you to reflect on it. Derek Chauvin, his fellow
officers, and the whole planet have been victimized by a blatant hoax. If we can't do the right
thing and call a stop to it, then aren't we admitting that we have to choose between having
justice and having black people in America ? Well I choose justice. Which is reason number
one-hundred-million-and-one why I believe that blacks and whites in America need to go our
separate ways. We need
a racial divorce .
"I was thinking 'Couldn't we just arm police with tranquilizer darts to bring these
beasts down?'"
That would've killed him flat out, what with a lethal/near-lethal dose of fentanyl in him
already. It seems they'd decided to let EMS deal with him, which was absolutely the correct
decision. Strap the maniac down on a gurney.
I can't find any fault with this assessment. After watching the eight minutes of Floyd
lying about claustrophobia and struggling against the attempt to simply get him safely into
the police vehicle, it makes me sick that I bought into part of the narrative being sold at
the time.
There's not much doubt left that a combination of drug abuse and poor health killed the
man. Chauvin and the others should be released with a clean record.
Which is not to say that no policing reforms are needed. Too many innocent people are
killed by cops. Floyd just wasn't one of them.
I don't think it is likely Chauvin will get any justice. Presumably the upgraded
murder charge works in his favor as he's more likely to get off, but considering the media
attention, the state of thinking in America, and the corruption of the justice system, it
seems likely that he's going to get railroaded.
If he does that will be the saddest part of this whole affair – a cop just doing his
job to police the community gets (presumably life, at least his life ruined) because he was
sent to deal with a deranged, intoxicated negro.
This video shows a silverback coming to the realization that he is going to jail, yet
again, and acting like a typical low I.Q. Negro. He was a career criminal P.O.S. that got
just what he deserved. It's a travesty of justice to charge the cops with anything.
It ought to be a wake up call for any cop that the powers that be need you collectively
but will throw you individually under the bus if it's politically expedient.
He claimed multiple times that he could not breathe before he ended up on the ground
with Chauvin's knee on his neck. Obviously he was lying before that, so it made sense for
Chauvin to disbelieve him when Floyd was on the ground.
Actually, he might not have been lying. Covid19 patients are known to have difficulty
breathing. Add to that Fentanyl, which also causes sudden death. I wonder if the autopsy
included a review for blood clots around his heart, which is not an uncommon cause of death
for Covid19 patients.
I agree with you Greg, yet ANOTHER hoax. Whew. Like you said, they can't even find ONE
legit victim of oppression. I blame Keith Ellison, but most of all I blame the jewish media
for inciting the whole bullshit scam. With the covid scam, two big scams going at once, the
creepy jews have our citizens on their fucking knees.
I've had it. I'm at the not gonna take any more stage, and I suspect that many people feel
the same way I do.
This is what you get when jews run your country incessant lies and hoaxes and gaslighting
and nonsense and chaos and crime and murder.
And one day, for no reason, the entire German populace decided, "Gee ..I don't think I
like the jews anymore ."
Unfortunately the police are proving impossible to love. They bow down to the people who
hate them and want to strip them of their jobs (if not their lives), but then arrest people
who defend themselves against a violent mob. In big cities they have no qualms against
assaulting people for not wearing a mask, nor to enforcing illegal "red flag" laws. They are
the definition of anti heroes:
Violent and oppressive toward peaceful and productive whites, but meek and subservient toward
violent and destructive blacks and communists.
I'm aware that there are exceptions, such as a few rural sheriffs refusing to enforce this
crap. But they're getting tarred by association, simply because you can never tell whether
your district will be run by a patriot or a petty tyrant.
If I were Donald Trump, I would invoke the Insurrection Act, spend the next few weeks
arresting the leaders of BLM and antifa, as well as their collaborators in state and
municipal governments, for the crimes they have already committed. Once the Leftist beast
is decapitated, I would pardon Derek Chauvin and his fellow officers.
This is brilliant. If Trump did this, he would win big -- if they don't alter the results.
If Trump did this, he would become a historical icon akin to Daniel Boone or George
If Trump did this, and ground the Government's boot on the throat of every race agitator,
including celebrities like Winfrey and Cannon, as well as NBA/NFL ingrates, he would forever
change the hustle of blacks to game the system. He would alter America on a cellular level,
and exponentially for the best.
Alas,Trump will never do this. He cares too much (perhaps in a prurient manner) what his
daughter Ivanka thinks and her cunning conniving husband, Jared.
Note: Ron Unz has MAXIMUM backbone to run this fabulous, truth telling piece.
So the marchers are completely correct. There will be no justice. There will be no peace.
They will make sure of both no matter what. At least they tell us of their plan. Veteran
coppers smell what's up. Many have gone fetal. Others are retiring earlier than expected. All
are disgusted by the bullshit they see with this case
George Floyd was dishonest, uncooperative, and acted deranged and scary
Stop the presses! Acting scary is too much! Especially if it's a scary nigger! Kill the
scary nigger! Aaaaahhhhhh!!
The world has become soft, and everyone is just one big victim of every action and
inaction. The author of this piece is every bit as much a cry baby as BLM pricks painting
up the streets. Take your "I suck blue dick" cause on down the road – you're bound
to find followers.
We have to thank the leaker of the body cams video. Minnesota Attorney General Keith
Ellison said that he did not want to release the videos because it might hurt his attempt to
prosecute the officers. Get that, he's not interested in justice but to get the
pre-determined result: WHITE MAN guilty of racist murder.
Ellison was humiliated when he lost the election to the chair of the Democratic National
Committee to Tom Perez because of his affiliation to the Nation of Islam. As a consolation
prize Perez made him Deputy Chair, a meaningless title for a worthless person. I am sure that
if he can deliver a murder conviction of a white police officer the black caucus will demand
a cabinet post for this house muslim.
Yes! Yes! Yes! But you do not understand. The largest crime was not committed by Floyd.
The largest crime was committed by totally criminal media. Particularly CNN.
Agreed that George Floyd got justice, but please remember that it's not the role of
police to hand out justice. Agreed that he was not killed by the police, but just what does
the author mean by saying that Floyd got what he deserved, "his just desserts"? Was
death the form of justice he deserved? Could there have been another path made available to
"salvage" him and turn him into a benefit rather than a detriment to society?
What forces, internal and external, acted on Floyd from the time of his birth to his death
to make him become what he was, behave as he did? Can we build a society in which someone
like Floyd never exists and never needs to be put out of his and our misery?
In Floyd's life and death should we see racism or societal failure? In the reaction to his
death what should we see?
The video will of course be used by BLM and other leftists to enhance their whiny shit.
They'll say that trying to stuff him into the back of the cop car after he told them he was
claustrophobic was cruel, and just exacerbated the situation. They'll also say the cops
should have just let him sit on the ground till the amberlamps arrived.
They'll bitch about the cop pulling his gun on an "unarmed black man," and "they wouldn't
do that to a White guy." Then they'll say something really intelligent like "trying to pass a
fake 20 doesn't deserve the death sentence."
It would have been so simple to pop Floyd in the head while he was sitting in the car,
like they do in Brazil or Mexico. Or what fellow negroes do to each other every weekend. At
least then he would have died once, and the cops certainly would have been justifiably
crucified. But this case will go on and on, and we will have to endure from multiple angles
his dying. And of course the kangaroo court theatrics that will go with it all. Add to that
the scapegoats,( sacrificial pigs).
@AnonymousFentanyl is a respiratory suppressor in itself. Some of its analogues are particularly
so. Floyd had multiple fentalogues in his system I believe there were also some variety of
benzodiazapines as well. These combined are more than lethal at surprisingly low doses for a
normal adult male. That doesn't even start to consider all the meth, and metabolites of it,
coursing thru his veins. Metabolites will have an effect in this mix, in terms of
IMHO dude was a goner, they just showed up too early. And all hell has broken loose over
another opioid overdose not much different than hundreds of others that week but for a video
that looks bad to the unknowing
Weimar Amerika has a problem, it is called the Jewish run media that spreads lies and
causes harm to the nation. We the people have the right and moral duty to remove all Jews
from the press, the tv, from newspapers, etc.
The damage done by the George Floyd hoax is nothing compared to this stupid Covid
insanity, they are actually shutting down schools over nothing. Governments are being run by
insane lunatics, there are no adults in the room making any rational decisions.
This comment gets 5 stars
This is what you get when jews run your country incessant lies and hoaxes and
gaslighting and nonsense and chaos and crime and murder.
And one day, for no reason, the entire German populace decided, "Gee ..I don't think I
like the jews anymore ."
The trial of Chauvin will be interesting. If they do the right thing and acquit him we
might be in for some stormy times. However, sending an innocent man to prison to appease all
the extremists out there isn't something we should be forced to swallow. Buckle up your seat
belts, round two coming up.
It won't matter. This entire issue is based on complete nonsense and fantasy. All of
modern woke identity politics is intentionally fantastic and mystifying and completely
divorced from reality. As many have pointed out, the entire notion of objective truth is
considered simply a form of white supremacy (this is an actual quote from a woman with a PhD
discussing racism in math: "the idea of 2+2 equaling 4 is cultural and because of western
imperialism and colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing"). Just as the news
will not say a suspect is black or show his face, any discussion AT ALL of actual crimes
committed by "POC" have become verboten on the woke left, and they control the narrative. If
issues were presented and discussed openly and honestly, none of this would have ever
happened anyway. So this video will simply be memory holed or, better yet, edited to somehow
portray Floyd as a victim, just as people still think of Michael Brown as a victim and all
the rest. It just won't matter.
That kind of job cannot be done by a president : there was never such thing as a honest US
president. A honest US president is a president who resigns to avoid his country the shame of
impeachment. Such a job can only be done by a Lucky Luke or so who identifies with the
president and whom the president has no choice but to support.
Of course it's a lie. The Mockingbird Media has been lying for decades running about
damned near everything. Why is anyone surprised? It's like the old joke in the USSR about
Pravda (Truth) and Isvestia (News): There's no truth in the news and no news in the truth
The Pulitzer Prize committee has never rescinded Walter Duranty's prize for his lies from
the 1930s about the great abundance of milk, honey and happiness in the Ukrainian SSR under
the tender care of Stalin's good boy (((Lazar Kaganovich))). Oh what's that? Never heard of
those 8-10 million being starved to death under the machine guns of those nice (((NKVD
men)))? Just another damned conspiracy theory ! (Mentioning this will get you jail
time in the "free country" once known as France – for minimizing the holycost!)
This truthful article is about the big lie regarding the ascension of St. George the
Breathless but that lie is far from the only one told. Along with the holy man's long
criminal record there's the lie about those 4 White cops when only Chauvin was
actually White. One was Black, one was Asian and a third was of mixed ancestry. Almost as big
a lie as the whopper printed about the notorious white soopremaciss involved in the
tragic ascension of St. Trayvon of Skittles and Arizona Iced Watermelon Juice – a
Peruvian octaroon named George Zimmerman. The Germans had the perfect term for our lovely
comrades at the Ministry of Truth: Lügenpresse
Which is not to say that no policing reforms are needed. Too many innocent people are
killed by cops. Floyd just wasn't one of them.
Yes this is very true. Breanna Taylor of Louisville was an actual case of such
reckless abuse of power (no knock warrant where the cops killed an innocent black woman).
Haven't seen the usual suspects complaining very much about that one. Yes there have been a
few scattered BLM riots – but only after the tragic ascension of St. George the
Breathless. She didn't get tens of millions via Go-Fund-Me and a state funeral with a
gold-plated casket like St. George. Guess St. George serves a higher purpose than Breanna
– apparently a mere paramedic rather than the Kang of Wokeundumb Kangz.
If he hadn't been pulled over, he probably still be alive today. I guess blaming the
nigger is a satisfying way for white Americans to cope with the obvious, ongoing decline of
their civilization.
Everyone I know flashes their high beams to warn other drivers of speed traps. The same
hypocrites in this thread massaging cop balls are certainly greateful for it. They only love
the cops when their abusing blacks or their political opponents, not when they're burning
down Waco.
Hmmm well, I'm not seeing the same idiots that came here before to embarrass themselves
with comments insisting that the cop murdered Floyd. Hang your heads in shame, wherever you
You stupid cunt ..Floyd ingested a huge amount of fentanyl AND meth AND cannabis.
The cops were insanely patient with that crazy negro, and then the jew media LIED about
the incident for months creating an entirely false narrative that resulted in horrible loss
of life and property.
It's not "crying" to speak the truth about what happened and to lament the fact that we
were hoaxed yet again.
They DIDN'T kill the crazy buckwheat; he killed himself.
EXCLUSIVE: Police bodycam footage shows moment-by-moment arrest of George Floyd for
the first time – from terror on his face when officer points gun at his head, sobbing
before he's shoved into squad car and begging to breathe as his life drains away .
Worth a look. I think Gould must moonlight on violin.
@Tusk of thinking
in America, and the corruption of the justice system, it seems likely that he's going to get
He will most likely get railroaded by a jury that is afraid of another riot.
The prosecution won't be able to argue that he died by asphyxiation. They will have to
argue that he might have OD'd but the knee on the neck was a factor. Well that's manslaughter
at the most.
They'll probably give him 6-10 and let him out early. I think he should just be fired.
I really don't know why anyone would take a police position under a left-wing mayor.
If I were Donald Trump, I would invoke the Insurrection Act, spend the next few weeks
The media conglomerates, as others have said, and the education conglomerates.
Scrap higher education and go back to the tech schools we had before. It's too late to
save the old system; PC infestation and weird sex rot have ossified them all. When the
country even pretends to be civilized again, we can give it another shot.
All of the media and most of the Antifa's paleface contingent are graduates of our
overweening Institutions of Higher Indoctrination. Defund them all.
@Avianthro d the
meth and fentanyl up his rectum. That's the fastest way to get any drug, legal or not into
the vascular system.
After his last prison term in Texas, he moved to Minneapolis for drug dealing and
counterfeit money passing.
People like you, endlessly posturing and weeping about dangerous thugs like Floyd are more
responsible for " societal failure" than the useless, dangerous thugs you want to cuddle and
care for as if they were babies abandoned in a snowstorm.
Get a rescue dog or cat to lavish your love and care on, instead of defending the likes of
Liberals blacks and Jews claim 2 of the officers got into the back seat with him and beat
him up. Yeah right, 3 men, including the giant Floyd in the back seat.
Remember White Justine Dimond also of Minneapolis. An affirmative action black officer
shot her dead as soon as he saw her, the woman who called the police about a possible
disturbance. Took more than a year to even charge and arrest him.
Lets get this straight. The police did not go over to Floyd and ask him a few questions
about his transaction in the store and then tell him he had to come with them or be arrested
for passing fake money. They just went up to his car GUNS IN HAND, and started demanding he
showed his hands. The people from the store had already been over to the car and talked to
him before this happened, they did not seem to think he was dangerous.
He refused repeatedly to allow the police to cuff him.
The police did not tell him what it was about.They swore at him and pointed a gun at him
and then started pulling him out the car, It was several minutes after he was pulled out and
handcuffed they tell him that this was an arrest on a charge about the counterfeit bill.
He refused repeatedly to get in the police car
Yes he did that.
He claimed multiple times that he could not breathe
Yes he was trying a variation on the old I'm having a heart attack ploy. Maybe the COVID
19 epidemic and the froth at the corners of his mouth ought to have made Chavin think twice
about what he was going to do.
He claimed multiple times that he could not breathe before he ended up on the ground
with Chauvin's knee on his neck. Obviously he was lying before that, so it made sense for
Chauvin to disbelieve him when Floyd was on the ground.
Excuse me? Floyd had three cops on top of him and three knees on his back when he was
prone on the pavement. Chauvin was scoffing that "It takes a lot of oxygen to talk" and told
Floyd to stop yelling about how he could not breath.
One cannot say that Chauvin lost his patience or lashed out at Floyd.
I can and am going to, because in my opinion the most likely thing is Chavin decided to
give Floyd good reason to complain about his breathing and that is why Floyd and his hapless
stooges put him down and knelt on him. They only got off 9 minutes later when they were
told he was not breathing . What was Chauvin trying to achieve, and how long did he plan
on keeping Floyd like that?
Moreover, putting a knee on an uncooperative suspect's neck is an approved police
control technique
The use of knees technique is authorised to a purpose that is not what Chavin was using
the technique for. Chavin got his and his two colleagues' knees on Floyd and kept them there
for 9 minutes 30 seconds while resting his hands on top of his own legs.
how could Chauvin be indicted for murder?
He is charged with felony murder meaning the prosecution merely have to show that he used
the "approved police control technique" in a way that crossed the line into assault. It is
not necessary to show intent for anything but the felony for a felony murder conviction,
George Floyd's death was entirely his fault. It wasn't murder. It was the predictable
result of Floyd's own bad character and bad choices.
One could say the same of many murder victims.
It was his just desserts
He messed with the wrong guy in Chauvin. But Chauvin also messed with the wrong guy. If
Chauvin had done his job properly none of this would have happened.
"In Floyd's life and death should we see racism or societal failure?"
We should see neither, for neither had any demonstrable bearing on his life or death. As
the sage is reported to have said to the seeker: "Some have good fates; some bad. Yours was a
bad one."
The author did not actually suggest that tranquilizing Floyd with darts was the best way
to deal with him. He merely stated the thought would go through his head if he had to deal
with individuals like Floyd, as he would not be able to muster the saintly patience and
forbearance of Derek Chauvin and the other officers.
It's another one of those cases where the narrative is important, not the actual story. In
a real world, with a real press with intelligent reporters, we would have discussed how
horrible the death was. How it was an accidental event but was hard to avoid. They wouldn't
use his death to inflame passions, race bait, try to forement racial hatred, strife, and race
war. Floyd's death wouldn't be an event used by the Beast to get Orange man, because
ultimately, everything the media has done the last 4 years has been one version or another of
"Orange Man Bad". We might be talking about real issues like asset forfeiture or police
immunity from crimes. How police unions weld too much political power and abuse their sacred
position of trust in society. In other words, in a real world, we wouldn't have a
manipulative propaganda organ to make Orwell's head spin like a top. We'd have intelligent
and thoughtful readers that really take a part in debate and help steer the course of
No that would be asking too much I suppose. Eat your gruel, prol.
I agree with that statement but it seems that sometimes the Universe blindly hands out
justice to people. Floyd seem to be one of those. When you consider the toxicology report and
the type and amount of drugs in his system it seems likely that if he had never had any
interaction with the police at all he would have still died that day. By his own hand. But of
course not one black in a million can see it because blacks are not a people that let logic
and truth stand in the way of them venting their constant rage against the White man.
@Biff nd BLM are
producing far worse consequences than merely a deceptive message or a wrong-headed
The BLM circus is not only excusing, but giving credence to, and animating violent,
low-life negro culture which often kills innocents, ruins lives, destroys businesses, debases
entire neighborhoods, and undermines the rule of law. This is worrisome trend.
The spiraling costs associated with the unintended death of one stupid criminal is already
in the billions. And BLM is still on the warpath. It's time to vigorously resist this mob,
not appease them.
People will believe what people want to believe. Curiosity killed the cat, I did a search
to find out what George Floyd's autopsy said.
After all, the whole BLM thing spread over the ocean and came to Europe for no reason
whatsoever. Americans have a shtick to export every piece of shit they crap. Some time ago
they produced some useful stuff, now they manufacture gay prides, surrogate child bearing,
gay marriage, "humanitarian" military interventions, and their latest product, "anti-racism".
Coming from a country that has abolished segregation only half a century ago, it's rich.
Honestly, to most Europeans, neither George Floyd nor the cop who knelt on his neck
can inspire sympathy. Both are loathsome. Most of us don't like American police methods,
they're brutal and dishonourable for a country that pretends to be free, and most of us don't
like criminals who are fake victims of racism either because most of the racism we see is
against us and our civilisation nowadays.
Though George Floyd's autopsy did say that "he died of heart failure" and that he "was
suffering from heart disease", it didn't say that he suffered of COVID-19, it said the
opposite, that he was tested positive to the coronavirus causing it two months before but
that he remained asymptomatic and likely was still so at the time of his death.
To top it, George Floyd's autopsy didn't reveal "that he wasn't suffocated", it said that
there were "no injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures", in other words
that there were no signs of trauma associated with forcible asphyxiation which doesn't mean
that his heart failure wasn't eventually caused by lack of oxygen, even if drugs in his
organism contributed to it.
As I see it, this video proves nothing either way and will only enhance each side's views
because each side will pick from it just what suits it.
Why can't the racist boot-licking authoritarians here just admit that they love seeing a
black man humiliated and murdered? Step up, you crybaby cunts, embrace your depravity. You
don't care about justice or the rule of law or anything else. The cops easily got the cuffs
on him and easily got him in the car but we can hear the author trembling behind his keyboard
at the big scary black man. The worldview of you idiots guarantees that the US will
periodically burn.
Could there have been another path made available to "salvage" him and turn him into a
benefit rather than a detriment to society?
No, career criminals have no interest in reforming or becoming productive members of
All they care about is getting that easy gimmi dat from the welfare center while getting a
llit of extra cash on the side by selling drugs and robbing other people.
@aandrews after
the police leaders denied that Chauvin was acting to procedure, posted the department police
training manual and noted Chauvin was a trainer and the other officers his trainees that day.
This was all from the police department website! Brilliant.
The media ignored this, of course. Even UNZ missed it.
The Libertarian Institute also pointed out no one is investigating his Floyd's real
murderer, namely whoever sold him the defective drugs. What was being covered up?
Since then, we have world riots to shut down the police department. Why are the
Libertarian fans the only ones noting this looks like a massive cover-up, perhaps the
far-left again getting in bed with far-right and now Islamic organized crime across
No country for white men,first there were those Indian savages, attacking peaceful
settlers, then there were Africans, refusing to take a place, assigned to them by God,then
came Chinese, pretending, they were invited to build Transatlantic railroad,then came
Latinos,claiming that this is their country,since they came first!And there were also those
Russian commies, pretending, they are as white as they could be!
@Biff Race has
been merely one part of a wider Elite effort (ie Nixon's "Southern Strategy" was a new
Indeed, the US is itself entering a new phase: massive unemployment, massive drops in
productivity, mass evictions, mass poverty, massive (dangerous) belligerence towards
international competitors, mass business failure .and so on. And again, only one group seems
to be profiting from this nightmare.
Articles like this one, plus the lunatic & vicious shenanigans of BLM etc are merely
speeding the country towards a precipice beyond which no one knows the depth of the eventual
You've got at least 45% of the voting population who will never see things your way, and
all the organs of media working overtime to influence as many of those on the fence as
possible to buy into the narrative despite any narrative collapse.
As much as it would be justified in a sane world, Trump using the Insurrection Act and
rounding up the leaders of yet another coup in America would play into the narrative and
would lead to a landslide defeat. Unfortunately for Trump, acquiescing isn't doing anything
to make a case for his re-election, but at least it isn't fanning the flames to burn him out
of office for being a dictator. The mayors and governors of these hell holes are all on the
D-team, and the D-team knows the best way to beat Trump is to make him look like a monster
(buffoon just hasn't been working), and so they keep whipping up those flames the best ways
they can.
The rounding up of people should have started with the Russiagate coup conspirators in
2017, but Orange Man was no doubt told by his handlers that that would look like political
revenge and that he should just let it go. That is where everything went off the rails. 2020
would not have gone to hell if 2017 had been handled correctly, forcefully, and
You're reading too much into this. I think it's futile to keep finding reasons why
diversity doesn't work and to try new solutions. It all ends up just being welfare programs
for blacks. Separation is the only sensible solution.
Yet another piece of trash being trotted out of UR, that is increasingly assuming the face
of White supremacy. Yet UR's merciless – and justifiable – criticism of Zionist
Israel as an apartheid, racist entity seems to fly in the face of this blatant diatribe
against minorities in general and Blacks in particular. The purist White "analyses" being
touted here speak of a reality that has never existed in this country and never will. Live
with that.
Mantooso eyes of the masses of conservatives who went along with the story because of the
bad optics in the first video. It will allow them to second guess their judgement and for a
new opinion.
You can almost never change closed minds of the zealot liberal left, nothing will do that,
and this should not be the goal. This is more of a confirmation that thinking people are on
the right path and that their detest of the never ending pandering is right on point.
So it is still good that it came out. The cops are vindicated as well as the disbelievers
in the sensationalist coverage.
Having wasted two generations since the Civil Rights Acts were passed and the negro was
invited to fully participate in American life, the negro today senses time and money have run
out. Worse still, while he bitched and moaned about 'racism' he now realizes he has been
replaced by hispanics for low skill labor. With neither the education or talent necessary for
high paying jobs he, no doubt, realizes he has become superfluous to the American economy.
The covid virus has shut down the only lucrative gigs his race had- professional sports and
entertainment. His only option is to take up the inane slogan of BLM even as he realizes they
Note to Tarantino. "Django 2020, Buying Cigarettes in Crackertown". Script half compete.
Artistic license required for completion. Studies show wide acceptance with young white
female demographic.
Cigarette smoking involves sucking in nasty smelling smoke into your lungs, which from my
naive way of thinking, sure as heck is not going to do anything except add to whatever
breathing problems he had due to the Fentanyl he had in his system.
Unless, of course, he was buying those cigarettes for the other guy who was in the SUV
with him.
I am still wondering where he got that counterfeit $20 dollar bill in the first place.
Last time I mentioned this, my comment disappeared down the memory hole – for the first
time ever on this website. Why might that be, I wonder?
Racial divorce is not the issue. The white Leftist are white. They are freaks and
monsters. Their race does not alter that a teeny bit.
Along those lines you must face the fact that the Negro was made Numinous by Yankee WASP
Elites. The very crowd that idiots like the VDARE bunch would have you serve and emulate
created the Negro Problem in order to use the Negro as weapons and tools to wage culture war
against the non-WASP whites the WASP Elites hate most.
Jussie Smollet and Bubba Wallace were hoaxers painting themselves as victims of hate
crimes. But fake hate crimes are real hate crimes against whites. Both men's careers should
be canceled, and they should end up in jail for their crimes.
That is correct but that is not what will happen.
Now, with the leak of the police body-camera footage of the arrest of George Floyd, we
have confirmation of what sensible people suspected all along: George Floyd was not a
victim of police brutality or injustice.
Exactly. Now where is that asshole, Mercer's retraction?
No sympathy for the cops. They have been using excessive force on ALL kinds of people for
decades. They haven't done a thing to "protect and serve" any of the victims of these
Doesn't matter that the democrat mayors told them to stand down. They know what the right
thing to do is. They could have gone to their unions and bitched that they weren't allowed to
do their jobs, their precinct houses were being attacked etc. Could have went to the media
They did nothing to apply any pressure on these mayors or police chiefs.
They want to cruise around the suburbs, go after soft targets and collect their fat pensions
nothing more!
Cops are well known to take a routine traffic stop and poke and prod at the driver to
escalate a situation until it becomes a physical altercation, and the cops then have an
excuse to arrest and charge the driver with assault.
They like to taze grandmother's in Texas
Karma's a bitch as they say
"Papers please" has been going on in the U.S. for a long time, cops pulling people over just
to ask "where you going, where'd you come from?"
Cops are petty tyrants, the kind of guys who got their jock straps Ben Gay'd, in high school
or their heads swirly'd in the toilet, and now that they have a little power, their going to
exert it maximally using anything as pretense to exert it.
That said, the dirt bag Floyd got justice, Antifa and BLM need to be put down by the
If you can use the military to force whites to have to put up with black degenerates in their
schools, you can use the fucking military to put down riots. There is already plenty of
precedent for the use of military troops to put down riots and insurrection. What BLM and
Antifa are doing is the very definition of insurrection.
Don't dare get together to actually peacefully protest the unjustified, and unconstitutional
Covid lockdowns and other assorted bullshit if your white however That's treason!
The U.S. government as far as I'm concerned has rendered itself "null and void."
Firstly, there is absolutely no reason for his arrest. They did not ask him for ID. They
did not ask him his name. They did not ask him about the $20.00 bill.
You do not get arrested for passing a $20.00 bill. You get arrested for "knowingly" and
with "intent to defraud" pass a counterfeit bills. .
Where is there an iota of evidence that he did it with intent to defaud. The evidence they
had was insufficient to make an arrest.
They did not even ask him any questions about passing the bill before taking out a gun and
arresting him.
But he also knows that the Elites love him and will always use him to terrify the white
middle class and to batter the white working class.
The Numinous Negro knows that that he is, and had ben since roughly the late 1830s, the
beloved pet of the Elites of the Anglo-Zionist Empire, who despise the vast majority of the
whites they rule.
The police asked him and his friends (more than once) 'what he was on'? It appears that
both G.F. and his friends declined to say. He (or perhaps his friends) maybe could have saved
G.F.'s life if he (or they) just would have told the police he was on opiates. They probably
could have given him naloxone. In many jurisdictions the police have that on hand (but I'm
not sure if that is police policy in Minneapolis). But probably it is, according to this
Maybe the more accurate angle on this whole thing is that the friends should be
investigated, as to what they knew about his drug use that day. If it could be determined
they knew, perhaps the correct angle is manslaughter (it being the friends as the guilty
@mark green
teacher's unions and welfare bureaucrats who in the latter case take for themselves 70% of
every dollar supposedly going to help inner-city negroes, so you can take it to the bank both
groups have accounted for the largest number of demonstrators of any color. The white
parasite machinery was out in numbers as well with all the obvious dykes with a hatred of
male-dominated society despite their continued existence relying on white male sympathy
toward such effed up and sexaully disgusting women. But, the worst of it all is that it all
could have been shut down on day one if urban police hadn't proved themselves uniformed
bureaucrats who serve the Democratic political machinery and none other.
But it will open the eyes of the masses of conservatives who went along with the story
because of the bad optics in the first video. It will allow them to second guess their
judgement and for a new opinion.
Tucker Carlson still thinks Derek Chauvin should be charged with something. Carlson is the
best Whites have in the MSM but he is still lacking immensely.
We need to make some distinctions. The police should act differently than bandits. It's
not the competence of the police to decide permanently what is justice or not and also not to
impose and execute death penalties.
In a Rechtsstaat the police only uses violences according to what is allowed by the
law and not more than necessary in a certain moment to restore order.
I don't see any need to use violence of any kind in this case. It's not very probable that
the police arrived there a few seconds or minutes after being called. I think that the
article in the Daily Mail says that Floyd wasn't trying to run away during the time that it
took for the police to come. He was sitting in his car. Second, I don't understand that the
police arrests somebody only because someone accused him of something. How can the police
arrive in some place and know immediately who is guilty of what? It was a petty offense
anyway. The police should speak with him, confront him with an accusation and he could answer
or not answer. After that the police should ask his identification card, write his name down
and go away. Later a prosecutor would see if there is a reason to write him to call him for
an interview, or not.
If the rules allow the knee on the neck, then there will be more people who should answer
for murder besides Chauvin. Could the author of the article explain what Chauvin was doing?
And what for? Why stay with his knee for almost 9 minutes on the neck of someone on the
floor? How can it be that 4 policemen aren't able to arrest one man who has shackles on his
hand? If this was the case, why didn't they call for more policemen to come?
Floyd was free and apparently the police wasn't looking for him. But even if he was a
criminal, criminals have rights. Many Americans seem to think that citizens don't have
rights. Chauvin is now accused of a murder and there is a lot of evidence against him. If I
remember correctly and if what I read was right, then Chauvin had a history of abuse of
authority. To say that Floyd got what he deserved is cynical.
@Tucker I believe
Fentanyl is used medically in obstetrical anesthesia.
Fentanyl may be the choice on the street now because of its potency.
Regardless, if you are getting it and doing it on the street, "recreationally," you are no
stranger to drugs and most likely a junkie. Who in Floyd's case is also doing meth. Going the
full John Belushi.
There is a saying that nothing goes better with cocaine than more cocaine and another
cigarette. This in general holds true across the board in this crowd.
He probably wasn't following his doctor's advice. Any of it.
American justice is a joke–Ofc. Chauvin will only be its latest victim, just like
the Tsarnaev brothers blamed for the Boston marathon bombing, justice like the victims of
America's response to 9/11. But list is a long one
Obviously, those in power in this deeply democrat state had all the tapes and all the
information about how St George died pretty quickly. They parsed it and twisted for a
specific reason, they think angering up the Negro will get them out to vote. The whole bs blm
nonsense, is idiot dems willing to destroy the country so they get elected. They did the same
thing with the Ferguson nonsense in 2014 as the mid-term election was coming up. And Negroes
fall for it every time. If I was sitting in a spaceship, watching this on alien television,
I'd say it was cliche and played out. But it never ends. Low IQ or not, stay off drugs, don't
have kids without being married, obey the law and go to work every day, you'll do fine in the
USA. Why doesn't some Negro preacher say that?
Yes, even if Chauvin et al are acquitted, they will be considered forever guilty by the
same mobs who consider Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin to be murder victims.
St George had 19 nanogram/ml of fentanyl and metabolites in his system. That works out to
19 ug/l. The volume of distribution of fentanyl is 6 liters/kg. Assuming he weighed in at
over 100 kg the amount of fentanyl in his system would be a minimum of 12 thousand micrograms
or 12 mg. The retail street value would be thousands of dollars. The wholesale value would be
less. This suggested he may have been dealing and consumed his stash to avoid prison
*You can always count on Negroes to mouth-off.
*Black Live Matter–except to their bros in the hood.
*Pelosi, Schumer, the Black Caucus and the woke folk will press to have the Lincoln Memorial
replaced by the George Floyd Memorial.
" turns out that Floyd had a long criminal record, including an armed robbery in which
held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman. In short, George Floyd was a real piece of
Apparently St G of da 6 Felonies would beat his hoes as badly as Meg would the etard if he
didn't grovel hard enuf whilst takin da knee to a swarthy Hollywooder.
@anastasia You do
not get arrested for passing a $20.00 bill. You get arrested for "knowingly" and with "intent
to defraud" pass a counterfeit bills. .
Where is there an iota of evidence that he did it with intent to defaud. The evidence they
had was insufficient to make an arrest.
They did not even ask him any questions about passing the bill before taking out a gun and
arresting him.
This is BS. This was completely staged.
He was behind the wheel of a car in a highly intoxicated state. Of course there was reason
to arrest him.
wasn't trying to run away during the time that it took for the police to come. He was sitting
in his car. Second, I don't understand that the police arrests somebody only because someone
accused him of something. How can the police arrive in some place and know immediately who is
guilty of what? It was a petty offense anyway.
The call to the police indicated that Floyd was either nuts on or drugs. He was either nuts
or on drugs (in facts, minutes from dying from an overdose) behind the wheel of a car, a weapon
weighing how many pounds? Of course there was good reason to restrain
If he hadn't been pulled over, he probably still be alive today.
Well, the excitement of the arrest didn't help his survivability prospects but I'm not
even sure what you're proposing here. Your argument is so stupid that I'm unsure if it's
coming from a human being. It's like watching an ant twitching his antennae. I know it's
trying to say something but it all translates into gibberish.
Are we supposed to ban arrests because one in a 100K perps might be too sick and/or
drugged-up to survive the ordeal?
To put it simply, blacks were being self-destructive, and elite whites decided not to stop
them because that would be "racist." And now our elites are going further down that path by
glorifying a criminal, George Floyd.
Had our elites fifty years ago used tough love instead of pampering, few blacks would turn
to criminal activities. George Floyd likely would have sold insurance or become a pharmacist
or something else harmless and even productive. Too bad it didn't turn out that way, but it's
impossible to get through to our elites that they are the problem.
@Priss Factor And
CNN, all of them, are pure opinion and propaganda. Made up concern. Not news. No actual
people actually care about this stuff.
Who will give a shit about George Floyd in 2021? There will be another school shooting by
then. Or better, a fucked up election to talk about.
No charges for the officer who shot Michael Brown. No reaction from anybody. No "riots."
Nobody even burned down a Wendy's. Because nobody knows who Michael Brown is. They found all
the statues and Confederate flags. They forgot the thing with Michael Brown. You can't take
them seriously.
@TKK g incidents
like this for crass political purposes.
What's different this time, besides cabin fever from the lockdown, is Trump.
A word to the wise, be a little less credulous about the "Oh, it's just the blacks again"
narrative when purportedly peaceful protests over "systemic racism" quickly become a violent
assault on the White House, with Democrats, Allied Media, and resistance scum like Mitt
Romney and Mattis egging them on.
Apparently, all it took was painting 'BLM' in front of the White House and Trump Tower for
many here to take the bait.
@Robert Dolan
those white nationalists that was over on Unz's The Political Bankruptcy of American White
Nationalism thread, pissing and moaning how he got it wrong too.
Another thing that white nationalists seem to piss and moan about is how wrong the State
is. Constantly deriding big bad government. Yet when big scary black man comes along, it's
straight to the jackboot to wimpier behind. I recognized the same thing when the twin towers
were coming down – save us from those scary Araabs no matter what it takes! or what
you take from us. – Suckers then and Suckers now.
@Alden He didn't
shoot her immediately AFAIK. She, unarmed and in her pyjamas, was taking to the other officer
when this Somali Muslim killed her from inside his car, across his partner.
The biggest red flag for me was the fact that his layers refused to release a statement
after interviewing him. What he did was indefensible so everyone expected some variation of
"I thought I saw something" excuse but his story was, apparently, so bad that they decided to
say nothing.
Needless to say, that case disappeared from the MSM like Jimmy Hoffa. I've heard somewhere
that the killer was convicted but that's all. I still don't know what the Somali Muslim told
his defenders.
There was certainly no reason to restrain him the way it was done. Did the police tell him
why he was being arrested? Did the police know for sure that he was on drugs? How? Or is it
enough that someone tells something about someone and you are arrested? In any case, I
thought he had been arrested because of the 20 dollar bill. Was there a talk between the
police and Floyd or they just came to arrest someone and decided that they would arrest him?
Don't Americans have rights? Can the police jump on your necks and tell the reason later in
case you haven't died?
@Realist Also
take in consideration that in America the justice system by no stretch of the imagination
lives outside of politics. They HAVE TO charge him with something, and it's probably good
that the charges were upped to 2nd degree murder because it will be far harder to prove. Now
the problem is that the courts might end up finding him guilty with an mostly black picked
jury. If that happens white Americans should no longer oppose riots in big cities, or even
care for preserving the police, all of it should go down the drain the sooner the better
because the system will clearly be a openly SJW one against whites.
@Rich he
Cloward-Piven Plan that we see unfolding before our eyes obviously has nothing to do with
justice and everything to do with a hatred and vengeance so great the leftists will burn the
country down around themselves to destroy everything whites have created. This is a point
Nietzsche made long ago, that vengeance and resentment are always the actual motives of those
marching under banners calling for social justice. I'd take the prophesy by a Russian monk
during the height of the Christian massacres in Russia a century ago to heart; namely, that
what the Jews were doing to Christians in Russia was a mere prelude to what they will attempt
to do to Christians in America a century hence.
This idea comes from a view of history that telescopes slave ships, pre-civil war plantation
stories, KKK, Watts Riots and MLK to the year 2010. I think there might once have been white
people who feared to allow large black men to be peacefully questioned about a crime. There
have been almost 80 years of integration, whites voting for blacks and close contact between
the races at work, school and in the military. We know each other well. We're not afraid of
black people.
Where has everybody been since 1940? Not in the country I know well.
was Ellison & Co not releasing the bodycam vids they should be charged as inciting a
population to riot under the PATRIOT ACTS I & II, and the willful obstruction of
Bravo!! You have, with your article, tremendously helped the public good. What the
incompetent press do is to cherry-pick "items" to support their agenda. Recently, the
Herald-Tribune of Sarasota, Florida published a similar hatchet job. Fortunately, on page 6,
they published six real cases, and I concluded what you have in your excellent article. I
sent a comment to the newspaper that the Sarasota police department used appropriate force in
sub-doing the six who were resisting arrest. I had the same question that you express in the
article: What would I do if I was the arresting article?
Even the Jesuit mouthpiece, America Media, joined the cacophony of ridiculous
If a double dose of fentanyl did not bring him down, they would have needed an elephant
But your point is one worth exploring. The key is a drug with fast kinetics. Something
that paralyzes one almost instantly yet last only five minutes. Wouldn't that worth a govt
grant somewhere.
The divorce attorneys for the other side are Jewbaum, Jewberg and Jewfeld, LLP and the
presiding judge will be none other than Dishonorable Jewstein do you see a favorable ruling
for the plaintiffs? I don't think so
Alternative ending: The police never showed up, and Floyd slowly died behind the wheel of
his vehicle as his companions tried to shake him awake.
Cause of death: Meth, fentanyl, Covid, and a bad heart. The fentanyl alone would have
slowed his breathing down to the point of death. As his circulatory system shut down, he
would have fell unconscious and unresponsive. His friends would have panicked, but they also
would have been reluctant to call 911 for obvious reasons.
Of course there are those who believe Floyd was a superman who could have laughed off a
lethal dose of fentanyl that day, "if only the cops hadn't held him down ".
No. He was destined to die of an overdose and he did. The cops holding him for the
paramedics were trying to save his life and should be commended for their
@Moi Ever since
Keith Ellison first ran for Congress in 2006, he has characterized his relationship with
Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam as a sincere but misguided youthful dalliance. Though
Ellison said he was proud of his 18-month association with the Nation of Islam in preparation
for 1995's Million Man March, he wrote to concerned Jewish leaders in May 2006, saying, "I
have long since distanced myself from and rejected the Nation of Islam due to its propagation
of bigoted and anti-Semitic statements and actions of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan,
and [Farrakhan aide] Khalid Muhammed."
Strawman argument. Everyone here knows that blacks, gays, cat ladies, etc. are simply
tools wielded by the Jewish program that has been going forward for 120 years.
I don't see any need to use violence of any kind in this case.
That's because you're living in some weird, out of touch bubble. A guy like that –
text-book example of someone who'll explode into violence at any second – must be
restrained for everyone's sake and the cops did it professionally.
If the rules allow the knee on the neck, then there will be more people who should answer
for murder besides Chauvin.
What? You don't see a problem with throwing a guy in jail for following the rules? Do you
have any idea how a justice system should work in a normal country?
@Realist d. It
would have been easier to just ignore it.
Do you think that Tucker should be judge and jury and proclaim Chauvin innocent? If he did
that, he would deserve to be fired, and I would be all for it. Would Tucker off the airwaves
be fine with you?
Most of Tucker's more discerning fans understand that he must be careful in his language
if he wants to keep his job. The Cancel Culture Left is out for his scalp every day, and will
use any phony excuse to get him removed. If you think that Tucker's a sell-out and is
"lacking immensely," I have an obvious answer. QUIT WATCHING!
I haven't seen that Tucker made any sort of reply to this newest video. It would
surprise me if he didn't respond with asking whether the rioting had a just cause, or
something along that line.
Upon doing a search on Tuckers recent programs I can find no comment that I attributed to
him. It appears I confused comments made by Hannity with Carlson.
Don't forget to blame white Minnesotans who thought it was a good idea to elect a black
Muslim leftist with credible accusations of domestic abuse against him.
Those white racist supremacists, I'll tell you what.
He had some more bills that he (they) shoved in the seat cracks after being stopped. I do
not know, but it is possible the stashing operation kept his hands busy and why there was a
delay showing his hands and was the cause for guns to come out.
We've got an election coming up, or don't you read the papers.
These events were no surprise, Trump was on track to garner a game-over 20% or more of the
black vote.
Heck, the Democrats and their Allied Media even rolled out their old favorite David Duke,
once again shouting that he so wants Trump to win he's available any time for CNN and MSDNC
to tell everybody so.
People like you, endlessly posturing and weeping about dangerous thugs like Floyd are
more responsible for " societal failure" than the useless, dangerous thugs you want to
cuddle and care for as if they were babies abandoned in a snowstorm.
They do this Every. Single. Time.
When the hoax blows up, they tell us how the point still stands that Blacks are victims of
evil racist White society because reasons.
Get ready for round two
Injustice or insurrection.
It will define the USA for decades to come.
Justice, if it clearly prevails – will immediately unleash bloodletting, arson,
robbery, rape, murder and unprecedented mass civil revolution.
If it doesn't prevail it will unleash bloodletting, arson, robbery, rape, murder and
unprecedented mass civil revolution as a chronic ongoing and increasingly vile, corrupt
Either way- the old America is gone to just a hatefilled, brainwashed cesspit of violence and
crime and to civil war – if white people there have the guts to hold their ground and I
wouldn't bet on that.
The USA has become George Floyd – the nation.
Criminal, brutal. drug ridden, and the gun he holds to a pregnant woman's belly symbolises
the gun held to much of the defenseless planet as the USA plunders and murders across the
Floyd is the USA.
Let us hope it meets the same fate.
@TimeTraveller If
he hadn't been pulled over, he probably still be alive today
That's an assumption. Could very well have smashed into a car full of kids and all we would
have heard was the "tragedy" bracketed by more reports on Kim Kardashians fat ass.
I've had the cops abuse me in my own house in front of my wife and kids over what was
essentially a phoned in SWATing by some anonymous bastard. So I have no love for cops and their
abuse of power. And as far as people flashing their lights its a sign by people who are
systemically abused for non crimes to be on the lookout for the badged
Media is by and large nothing more than an echo chamber of propaganda and disinformation.
I've observed for nearly five decades the consistently increasing volume of BS uttered out of
their pie holes. Its gotten to the point that they no longer even pretend.
Because the purpose of these riots is not to actually address issues with cops, it's to
expand the power of the Police State by getting rid of local cops who might be familiar with
their community and have federal police from elsewhere to act like an occupying army. That
is, of course, the antithesis of what libertarians are all about.
May 27, 2020 New video shows Minneapolis police arrest of George Floyd before death
Four white officers involved in the death of George Floyd have been fired from the
Minneapolis Police Department, but Mayor Jacob Frey is saying that one of the officers should
be arrested for pressing his knee on Floyd's neck.
July 6, 2020 End Qualified Immunity from the Bottom Up
While states can't end a federally-imposed legal fiction on their own, a new state law to
reform the practice can serve as a model for getting something done.
A staff member rushes up to the two officers waving the banknote. 'Before they drive
off, he's parked right here, it's a fake bill from the gentleman,' he tells the cops
Well so glad the cops were able to serve up swift justice for poor Hadji there wouldn't
want this fine looking American to have to go to Friday Prayers with a fake twenty in his
pantaloons, now would we ?
Was reading obit of Herman Cain. His mother taught Cain that what matters is what you
start off with spiritually, not materially. His dad managed to buy a house and did all right.
I've met blacks like Cain's parents. They are solid people. There used to be a lot more of
that type of black.
I think some level of civil war may well be inevitable at this point. However, if Trump
did try that there would be 100% chance of civil war right now. The situation is not dire
enough to declare a state of emergency and may well encourage a coup d'etat by the CIA (who
has ultimate political power and is profoundly hostile to Trump and populism) and allied
elements in the military. Trump today has little room to do much of anything even if he wins
the next election.
They had already run the nogs plate and what do you know An armed violent offender red
flag is burning bright on his his arrest sheet right there on their computer screen. What do
suppose they should have done?. Walk over to the vehicle with a bundle bundle of balloons and
a lollipop.
The worthless nog had children in Texas that he never paid a penny of child support to yet
he's doping it up, making porn and driving around in a fucking Mercedes. He lived the life
and he died like a filthy mutt.
Alternative ending: The police never showed up, and Floyd slowly died behind the wheel
of his vehicle as his companions tried to shake him awake.
Alternative alternative ending: Floyd drove off in his car, had a heart attack or passed
out from drugs, and plowed into another car or a pedestrian or two before coming to a
We have laws against driving drunk for this reason.
@Anonymous e
story makes it clear that the police had reason to believe he was lying. The police
wouldn't know if he had Covid 19, when he was infected, and whether or not he was
If Floyd knew he was infected and knew he was symptomatic, why was he not self quarantining?
As studies from around the world have shown, "having Covid 19" means little, as 50% of those
tested and found to have been infected, have no symptoms, and majority of those infected have
mild to moderate symptoms. If Chauvin and the other cops not done their job, Floyd would have
been counted as a Covid death.
Floyd says 'I'm dying man..'. I don't agree here – the cops were not compassionate
in his arrest. They had guns, he had muscle. Sure, one could have ended up with a broken rib
if they surrounded him and told him to calm the fuck down, but none of them, were really ever
at risk of death – like he was.
He was an imperfect citizen, even an imperfect human being, if you like, but the state
should aim to improve the lives of, and even the individuals themselves.
This is not what the cops did here. The issue is not racism, or even police brutality. It
is US society. Guns, no guns, genetics, culture – something must make US society so
violent that citizens kill cops, and cops kill citizens.
There are enough nations (China, Russia) where there is a melting pot of ethnicities and
cultures, where this kinda shit is much rarer. Why, violence is so exponentially prevalent in
US society (and not say UK society, where 3% of the population is Black), is a question.
In my personal opinion guns without education about guns – an aggressive state
policy, breeds aggressive citizens, white or black – they behave as they are led.
Three cops with guns on one druggy with muscles – either they are pussies or they
are psychopaths. In both cases, they need to either retrain, quit, or be arrested for
intentional harm.
There exists in males what I call a "delayed compliance" reaction. The football coach says
"everyone line-up for wind sprints" and no one, of any color, immediately moves. A brief
delay; a few seconds. It satisfies the ego; creates a false sense of voluntariness: Well,
okay, I will comply, but it is only because I choose to. Authority figures -- coach, the
teacher, parents. A harmless delay game. But whites seem to sense that a policeman is not the
football coach; when a policeman gives an instruction, you comply instantly. Instantly. For
some reason, Blacks think that the policeman is the football coach. Poor, uneducated,
intoxicated Whites, in their stupor, nonetheless seem to know this is not the football
You are being too kind.
The "societal failure" has been, and is, the negrification of virtually every aspect of life,
and claiming it is normal. That ranges from unintelligible ebonics to dressing like pimps, with
drug usage, lax sexual morals, etc along the way. It's all courtesy of the tribe.
Some people don't understand that.
@neprof e
allergies and prior conditions police know nothing about so using any sort of tranquilizer
carries a high risk as does using 'less than lethal' weaponry as you don't know how a person
will fall.
I am reminded of the Dylan song about the prizefighter Davey Moore. Moore was knocked down
but his fall was 'broken' when the base of his skull caught the bottom rope of the boxing
ring. He got back on his feet and finished the round. He even gave a post fight interview but
then lapsed into a coma in his dressing room and soon died. Apparently that lower rope
injured his brain stem
@anonymous ents
don't matter. Science doesn't matter. Only The Narrative™ matters.
So put Chauvin on trial, convict him, and sentence him to thirty years in prison. Then
pull a Witness Protection gambit: give him a new identity, a million bucks for his trouble,
and release him into South Dakota.
Nobody ever follows up on anything anymore, and if Cuomo can get away with murdering
thousands of vulnerable Covid patients in nursing homes, I'm sure the Minneapolis penal
system can carry a phony name on the books for a few years.
Voila, justice. Or at least what passes for it in The Day of Cthulhu.
New elites were emerging with new ideas, and one of them was to pamper blacks instead of
using tough love. Anything blacks did was ok with them, even if it did them no good.
It's called multiculturalism, and it's been the death of every European based country and
@Trevor Lynch .
It doesn't mean they arrest you. They just do it so you don't try to run off or fight back.
So in this case putting cuffs on Floyd was justified as they had evidence of wrongdoing, and
just wanted him neutralized until they figured out what happened. Floyd freaked out, went
crazy, when they even tried to talk to him. It was a tragic event, but I don't see how the
cops really did anything wrong. They followed procedure. Floyd should have remained calm, but
he was too high, mentally unstable, afraid because he knew he messed up, had a panic attack
and a heart attack. Floyd killed Floyd.
He claimed to be too claustrophobic to get in the police car, which was a lie because he
was not too claustrophobic to sit in his own car.
There is a huge difference between sitting in a vehicle that you can freely leave, such as
one's own car, and sitting handcuffed in the backseat of a police car with a grate across the
front–which Floyd could not leave.
I would imagine that there are many people who can handle a car that they are free to
leave–and that can also take them many places , thus easing any sense of confinement,
and being *locked* in the back of a police car.
Other than that, I find myself sympathetic to much in the article. In particular, I have
sympathy for the other police officers who tried to get Chauvin to stop kneeling on Floyd's
neck and who are now facing serious crimina charges.
However, since Floyd did not pose a threat to the safety of the police officers–none
reported being injured–he should not have been killed. And I don't believe he died of
*entirely* natural causes, as there are conflicting autopsies. I think we should wait and
Even by the account given in this article, Floyd was being difficult, not dangerous, and
being difficult does not deserve being knelt on while begging for breath and calling for
@Emily k of gas
are going to find themselves frostbitten and being shot at with no food and nowhere to lay
their head.
You are a woman. We've seen what happens once or twice when some blubbery black teen
female got caught shoplifting in a Korean store and assaulted the Korean woman and she simply
hauled off and shot the girl dead.
When screeching BLM come into suburbs and some black girl throws a rock through the wrong
window some non-white woman is going to simply blast her.
The AG has already he is withholding evidence in order to get a conviction. This is
against everything the prosecution is supposed to be about. He should be disbarred after this
at a minimum but this puts the whole prosecution into jeopardy at the appeals level.
Don't forget to blame white Minnesotans who thought it was a good idea to elect a black
Muslim leftist with credible accusations of domestic abuse against him.
Minnesota is about 85% white, and yet they elect a black supremacist Muslim uber-liberal
who doesn't pay his own taxes.
If they put it to a state-wide referendum, that all white males in Minnesota must be
castrated at birth, I wonder by what margin it would pass. 85%?
If he hadn't been pulled over, he probably still be alive today.
No, more like if he hadn't been pulled over he would probably be dead from the fentanyl
overdose the stupid bastard took. Blaming stupid niggers for their stupid nigger behavior is
quite rational and the fact that you seem to think it inappropriate indicates you have an ax
to grind.
He was high on drugs. He was passing a fake 20 and he had a rap sheet as long as a porn
stars schlong. What part of that did you fail to understand?
That's nine too many right off the bat. And although it's not in your face in media, cops
kill people other than blacks. Many more whites than blacks die during encounters with cops.
I'm not saying it is our biggest problem but there is room for improvement.
@jsinton or "put
cuffs" on anyone they want. It's enough that someone tells something about you (maybe not
even this is necessary). The police may also say that you might get uncoperative at some
point in the future because you are a "text-book example of someone who'll explode into
violence at any second" even if your hands have been tied before and the police has not read
any textbook or got any special education. Did the police make any test, make any question to
know if Floyd had taken drugs, was drunk? No. Did they tell him why they were arresting him?
Not necessary because people don't need rights.
@Ilya G
Poimandres voidance. That's why the cop has his gun out right away.
Police departments develop rigid, inflexible procedures to minimize risk, that leaves less
room for judgement and humanity.
For instance, police have not rescued drowning people on several occasions, because it was
against procedure.
I don't know about Russia, but police in China are notoriously brutal and rights are few
and unenforceable – worse than America, and there is a general callousness towards
human life.
Its hypercapitalism – anywhere hustling and the profit motive is king, human life is
@bruce county
rofessional law enforcement officers kneeling on his torso and another on his legs. As for
the cervical spine, Joe Rogan says anyone putting their shin across a training partner's neck
like that in a Jiu Jitsu class would be instantly told get it the fuck off. Did Chauvin
maintain his position only for the few minutes until Floyd had became weak as a kitten and
begged to be allowed to stand up, or until Chauvin noticed Floyd had suddenly expired?
Neither, Chauvin stayed on top of Floyd for two minutes after medics had found Floyd
had no pulse. A medic had to tell Chauvin to dismount the dead man.
Some commenters mention Jewish support of BLM, and this interests me as someone who has
read Philip Roth. A Roth list of Jewish traits would be something like this: Contentiousness,
dissension, oppositional, hyper-touchiness, hyper-criticalness. Displaying these traits, says
Roth, "Puts a spring in their heel." (is it any wonder that Jewish people do not do very well
in the military?). It seems to me that BLM embraces the very same traits. So maybe Jews see
BLM as colleagues, sharing the same sensibility.
@Jefferson Temple
e needed. Too many innocent people are killed by cops. Floyd just wasn't one of them.
But Duncan Lemp was. And all of these fuck whitey riots have refused to acknowledge his
murder. We STILL don't have bodycam footage. The "defend the police" crowd have no problem with
police or even police brutality. They are upset that blacks get arrested at all. They cheer on
police when they murder white dissidents and seize the guns of law abiding citizens. The crowd
of rioters don't give a damn about police reform, other than to turn the police into a
commisariat to persecute whites
It is about BOPE an elite police squad in Brazil.
One commentator writes
"saw the movie, surely the best movie i've seen in a long time. impressive story. my country
needs BOPE definitely. saudações da Sérvia. respeito!"
Movies of super macho Cops who bash up criminals black and blue are super popular here in
Super Hit super cop movie Singham.
After his last prison term in Texas, he moved to Minneapolis for drug dealing and
counterfeit money passing.
Criminals out on parole often move to another state since they won't be known to the
police. That is why George Floyd moved from Texas to Minnesota and not because he was just a
good guy who made some mistakes and seeking a "fresh start" as the jewsmedia tried to frame
As I wrote in a previous commentary, the attorney general of Minnesota has no case against
these 4 police offiicers. They were merely acting in that incident in accordance with the use
of force protocols of the Minneapolis Police Department. That is simply the best defense they
have. Further, although I am not an attorney. I don't see how any judge could even allow this
to go to trial. There is no legal case. And if it does go to trial, they will surely be
Beyond that, these 4 officers should sue the hell out of the city of Minneapolis, the
state of Minnesota, the mainstream media, both verbal and print, as well as these black
organizations like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, these fake civil rights attorneys like
Benjamin Crump and others of his ilk. And any other entity or entities that were responsible
for this charade and outrageous defamation of character. They should take a leaf out of the
Nick Sandman playbook. Each of these officers could easily wind up with tens of millions of
dollars and be independently wealthy for the rest of their lives.
You're a spineless, virtue signaling nigger loving lunatic. These fucking filthy
primitives do not care about you. When SHTF will you genuflect to you Black invaders. They
will slaughter you and your nigger loving family mercilessly. Your wife and family must be so
proud of you.
@AaronB Caught On
Camera: Cops from Utter Pradesh State mercilessly Beat Up Boy With Cricket Bat
This is so normal, something like this probably happens everyday in the country.
Also applying electric shocks to genetilia etc is common practice here. Before you jump in
say how evul Indian police are, Indian police themselves are brutally beaten up the public
This is how it is and this is how it will always be here.
As the US population becomes more brown and more multiracial and mixed, this will be
future that will await the West. It is inevitable.
@JessicaR not
deserve being knelt on while begging for breath and calling for mother.
He was bullshitting. He lied about his mother. He lied about doing drugs. He was lying about
being unable to breathe. But you want to construct an elaborate rationalization for him not
lying about claustrophobia. And who cares?
Should we disband the police because blacks start claiming they have "jailophobia."
You strike me as a nice person. We have police to protect nice people from horrible people
and ugly realities. Just thank them for their service and go back to thinking happy
His breathing difficulty was most certainly due to the lethal levels of fentanyl in his
bloodstream, which, including both fentanyl and it's active metabolite, norfentanyl, was
about 16.6 ng/mL. The average lethal concentration found in one recent study of opioid
related ODs was 9.8 ng/mL. We're not even sure Floyd was accustomed to opioids, because a
naive user can succumb even at much lower levels. Per the autopsy he had signs of advanced
atherosclerosis, which means he was a ticking time bomb considering his use of illicit
The merchant victim of the bogus bill asked Floyd to void the transaction by returning the
cigarettes and the change for the bill he passed. Floyd refused and that's why the merchant
called the cops on his black ass.
ayments that let them stay in the city and not vote while the political professionals vote
"Democrat" that claim to represent the inert mass / mob, but don't.
Time to end this farce, and it's time because the money has run out to even support the
present system. Supposedly Trump and the Democrats are negotiating a COVID-19 welfare package
that will amount to 2.5 trillion dollars, if the negotiations don't fail. 2.5 trillion
dollars, all borrowed when the Democrat run States and cities (supposedly the richest in the
country) are effectively all bankrupt. The phrase "Dead, but too stupid to fall down" comes
to mind.
It's not the usual beast with a brain to remove. Like ISIS, it's a starfish with arms that
will grow back.
George Floyd was not a victim of police brutality or injustice.
Like the rest of us, he was a victim of the Covid lockdown. He was passing a bad bill
after losing his job. That wasn't his fault, but the DFL governor and mayor's.
@Malla stranger
wanted to start a fight with me in a bar. None of that would ever happen in America, despite
its supposed culture of violence.
America only doesn't look so great when compared with Western Europe (and Eastern?) and
Japan, but police brutality is obviously much less severe in America than in China and
But America should be compared to the most developed places, not India or China or
Thailand or Poland, and it is more brutal than places in that comparison.
Sweden and Norway seem to have worked out a good approach to policing.
Which is reason number one-hundred-million-and-one why I believe that blacks and whites
in America need to go our separate ways. We need a racial divorce.
There needs to be separation because there's certainly no shortage of stupid dysfunctional
blacks like Saint George Floyd or indoctrinated/cucked whites who will take up for them.
Once the former are gone, we can focus entirely on the latter.
@animalogic t of
the divide and conquer strategy. Seems to me Trump has done his job (for his handlers) better
than even Obama; he's the most divisive President by far. I know, the media creates the
controversies, but Trump gets to play his part. He's an actor, taking direction, just like
every Pres. since Kennedy. I've noticed a steady progression beginning with Billy boy, and
reaching new heights of division with Trump.
People who still think "we" elect our President, or that it makes any difference at all
who gets elected,
gotta be deluded or distracted or just not paying attention.
The situation in the United States that this entire George Floyd event crystallizes into a
microcosm of our society even has such people as Dr. Gary Null, a noted researcher on the
Left side of the political spectrum up, in arms.
What is he angry about? That such organizations as BLM and many others of the Left,
concentrate on their own victimhood instead of concentrating on those issues that concern all
of us, together as one nation.
In this afternoon's radio broadcast, Dr. Null leveled a broadside against the Left that
would have had everyone on the Right standing up and cheering
The merchant victim of the bogus bill asked Floyd to void the transaction by returning
the cigarettes and the change for the bill he passed. Floyd refused and that's why the
merchant called the cops on his black ass.
Typical Nigger Behavior.
Unrestrained arrogance + Unmatched ignorance.
Look how many of them will gun each other down over the slightest notion of
Some people will chose death over incarceration, but the duties of police and correctional
officers as properly discharged are to make the aforementioned option a very difficult one in
practice. The guards in the Epstein case are being prosecuted and so are the cops in the
Floyd case. They were paid to do a job.
@AaronB , cops in
America are far more rude than cops in Britain or the rest of Europe or Japan on average. For
some reason, I have never had any problems with police anywhere, for some strange reason cops
and airport officials are nicer to me than others (I have noticed). For example being let off
without fines for bringing in forbidden food products (the food products were confiscated
ofcourse) at airports while all my Indian friends having to pay fines.
But even I found American cops a bit rude compared to Western Euro/ Japanese cops. British
cops are extremely friendly and nice.
While the entire narrative concocted by the Lügenpresse is of course a massive lie,
there are nevertheless real questions to be asked about the tragic ascension of St. George
the Breathless.
*Big-city cops aren't usually very concerned with things like some drugged up hoodlum
passing a fake 20-dollah bill. They usually have better things to do and leave this nonsense
to the feds. (Yes we know they are supposed to enforce all laws – federal included
– except immigration violations which they routinely are ordered not to enforce by the
criminals who issue their orders.)
What was so important about this particular drugged up negro felon when there are so many
out there? Why was this fake 20 so important?? (They're all really fake 20s of course but
we're only referring here t0 those who are not legally entitled to counterfeit versus those
who are.)
*Officer Chauvin and St. George might very well have known each other as they both worked
security for an establishment called El Nuevo Rodeo, which seems to have some interesting
owners connected to the famous representative in our Clown Congress – one Ms. Ilhan
Omar, a paper Murikan from Somalia. Chauvin supposedly worked as outside muscle while St.
George served as inside muscle for this fine, upstanding pillar in a top-notch Minneapolis
*Did St. George ingest all that Fentanyl, etc. himself or did someone help him?? Given his
saintly lifestyle self-medication seems most likely but still if a loose end needs to be tied
up it needs to be tied up.
*Chauvin's record of excessive-force complaints (18) in über-leftist Minneapolis
seems unusual for someone still allowed to work at the pleasure of the Politburo there. Is
this unusual or are they so desperate to keep foot soldiers they'll overlook the number of
complaints (many of which could be nonsense in that environment) despite his being a
*I've read some reports of a massive counterfeiting operation centered in Minneapolis. Did
St. George, Derek Chauvin and the owners of El Nuevo Rodeo have anything to do with this? Is
there any possibility Chauvin was merely making certain that St. George's OD was permanent in
@Sulu worth an
article on Unz because the drug manufacturers are white (so the Chinese or Blacks can't be
blamed). The victims are also white.
It seems obvious that what these people need is medical attention and mentorship. In
Europe, that's what they would have gotten. It probably won't happen, however, because
blaming the victims is easier and more satisfying.
Seeing this shithole country finally crumble makes this a great time to be alive. Hit that
shard pipe, wrap yourselves in the flag, and find other losers to commiserate with you.
At least Hadji was working to build a business instead of Saint Floyd who was working hard
at hardly working. But tbeiving and being an ignorant dope fiend was "job 1" for the
beneficent giant.
" Four white officers " SNIP! And that my friends is where all of this crap falls apart.
When these clowns reporting this nonsense can't even get that right then everything else, all
of the subsequent lies, follow.
@FB dn't want
this fine looking American to have to go to Friday Prayers with a fake twenty in his
pantaloons, now would we ?
Arabs are the ones keeping the lights on in a lot of these areas.
A lot of those mini mart owners are actually refugee Coptics. This is especially true for
Detroit where a Coptic community runs half the businesses. Ironically the Blacks chased out
the Jews in the Detroit riots and the Gov replaced them with Coptics (Not a conspiracy, it's
done through green card requirements).
Muslims don't like handling pork or alcohol unless they have to.
@Anon This is why
I suspect that the smaller prefrontal cortex is really the main issue. We are supposed to
believe it's just a coincidence that this is the area of the brain that is responsible for
self-control. Harsh to talk about but I don't see blaming Whitey as a long term solution.
The obsession alt-right has with IQ tests is corrosive and leaves too many questions
unanswered. I used to live near a group home for severely mentally limited adults and they
were harmless. They were happy to help with anything but weren't able to care for themselves
since they were mentally around 6 or 7.
The Germans and Hitler were right. I wish Germany would have won the second WW. Jews do
not want to join the peoples of the world. Their hog wash ( gods chosen people) keep them
from becoming citizens on the level playing field of world peoples .that leaves one defense
for us non jews get rid of them ..had the Germans won the second WW, there would be no small
state of Israel .and look what a murderous monster state of terrorism it is today
The jews take over of the us Fed Reserve is not acceptable .they run the US congress .through
their lobbys .they steal billions from the US taxpayer .this way .and there you have it .they
are thieves ..period. Get Rid Of Them
Prefrontal cortex executive function would be overthinking it in emergencies. That is why
it gets disconnected under conditions of extreme stress. If you are brought up around chronic
stress, you become programmed to react very instinctively to any threats, even ones to social
That's the flip side of the same "logic" that says that anybody who champions their rights
actually hates themselves and/or wants to have sex with them.
@John Johnson
decline as long as this continues.
Here, biker gangs make and distribute this drug. I guarantee that none of the "pro-white"
commenters here are going to be calling for cops to manhandle them, or even to take any
action at all, since seeing a white guy on a Hayim Davidstein motorcycle that he wouldn't
otherwise be able to afford is fine no matter how many white kids' lives he ruined.
Whites here would rather cry over a Jewess that was killed by a Somali cop, and my thesis is
that no race or community can survive with the problems that white Americans continue to
@anon is what
this "article" is designed to do, to set one group against the other. "Let's you and him
fight." That is how we make color revolutions by the training manual. Look! A plane hit the
building! You didn't see it? Something wrong with your eyes. Look at the video. BLM and
Antifa should think twice when they are sent out because their own trainers may shoot them in
the back for special effects. Of course, it's not just about the Trump Biden election. It's
about who rules the world. The World Trade Center is now "One World Plaza." And to think this
is our own government doing this to us.
prostitutes where some police accused me of soliciting and actually drew their guns on me.
But I was polite and kept my hands away from my pockets (Which makes cops nervous) and in
five minutes they said I was free to go.
Its a kind of utter buffoonery. An oafishness.
On the female side its a grotesque public spectacle. As anyone who has seen a 300 pound
hooker knows. Sure, there are Jewish sex workers. Lots of Gentiles beat off to Joanna Angel
or Nina Hartley films.
But Joanna is not screaming on the sidewalk "The streetlight makes my p((ssy hair glow in
the dark"
I met Joanna Angel once at an electronic trade convention. She was polite and nice.
@anastasia ss a
single counterfeit bill is arrested. The matter is immediately referred to the federal
agency, Secret Service which investigates.
If the arrestee is deemed an innocent person who's innocently acquired the bill. He's not
charged. If the investigation finds the person has acquired the bill from either the
counterfeiters or another passer of counterfeit bills he is charged with knowingly passing a
counterfeit bill.
Floyd was a career criminal. There's a major counterfeiting operation In Minneapolis. As
evidenced by the seizure of 900,000 counterfeit bills recently.
In 1993 on a trip to Spain I saw four cops (one female) club the living shit out of some
Moroccan in Puerto del Sol Madrid. They beat him until two bricks of "mugre" dropped out of
his pants on the sidewalk, slung him in the back of a patrol car and sped off. From first
verbal contact to everybody gone was less than two minutes.
Another hoax perpetrated by the dishonest f media going unpunished for inciting subsequent
hate crimes and destruction against white weaklings and founding fathers images. Racist Lemon
and his colleagues from the CNN together with MSNBC are leading this police onslaught.
The use of police body cams that the Obama administration pushed for and which were
supposed to prove the narrative that police, and especially white police, are
stopping/targeting and killing blacks for no other reason than they are
driving/walking/jaywalking while black, is actually debunking the narrative and showing that
blacks invited and deserved the force that was used against them based on their erratic and
violent behavior.
Not sure who made the prediction but years ago they said that the widespread use of body
cams would do precisely this (debunk the far left narrative), so there would be a new push to
eliminate the use of body cams since it would show blacks acting like animals on the set of
the wild kingdom.
This is a great article but Greggy went soft on the Jewish owned drive by media and if not
for their slanted and propagandistic coverage and false claims the nation wouldn't have been
set on fire for months now. An honest media (Jew free) would have put events in their proper
context and waited for more facts to emerge instead of screaming "racist killer cops"
@Sean they puled
him out because he'd give them the virus in the closed space. Then they called the paramedics
to take care of him. While waiting, one of the cops held him down with a knee on the BACK OF
Floyd's neck, preventing him from turning around and spraying the cop with viruses.
Cops aren't personal maids or nurses, asking them to take care of infectious drug addicts
would require a lot more cops and they wouldn't be cops anymore – that would be a
horrendous way of wasting taxpayer's money. Why didn't you go and take care of the drugged
criminal? At your own expense? His death is your fault
You'll notice that the media, even FOX, hasn't breathed a word about the Hennepin County
Medical Examiner's report. That's because the report contradicts the media's claims that
George Floyd died of asphyxia due to Chauvin's knee on his neck. The medical examiner's
report makes clear that Floyd had no internal or external injuries to his neck. If the
medical examiner's report had claimed Floyd died as a result of Chauvin's actions the leftist
media would be quoting from it every night.
Instead it has been memory holed and the media myrmidons hope everyone will just forget
about it so they don't go looking for it to read it and learn they've been lied to for
months. This way they can convict the four officers in the media with damnable lies.
@anonymous le,
who had murder on their mind. All the Alt-Right and White Nationalists did was complain. No
competent defense attorney volunteered to defend him. Fields wound up with an incompetent
Public Defender who did nothing to try to get him off.
If Chauvin is found guilty, which I'd bet a thousand dollars he will be, again his White
supporters will do nothing but complain on the pages of Unz and like websites. IMO, there is
a much better case to convict Chauvin than there was for sad sack James Fields. Chauvin needs
a top notch Black defense attorney. Unfortunately Johnny Cochran is dead.
" the police dealt with Floyd with a level of patience and professionalism that I
certainly could not have mustered. would you have been able to maintain your cool in the same
situation? This video gives me nothing but respect for the police who have to deal day in and
day out with deranged criminals like George Floyd."
Yup. Browse among the literally thousands of hours of cam footage online showing how
blacks typically react to police in routine stops. Blacks love lying and shouting and
violently resisting. They genuinely believe they have a right to resist lawful arrest, and
have for at least the last ten years.
No way I could be a cop. I would never find the patience to put up with even five minutes
of it. God bless law enforcement.
@Sean It used to
be accepted that Black boys needed harsher punishments. This was accepted by both Blacks and
Now modern egalitarians have decided that all children are the same. Well how is that
working out? Have you read the essay on what it is like to teach black children? For all
indications Black kids were better off in the 40s when Whites had lower expectations. In
today's classroom White liberal teacher lets a few of them run wild and then ruin the class
for the sake of liberal feelings. The Black kids with potential get to college and find out
they are well behind. This happens everywhere.
James Fields plowed his car into a group of protesters, killing one. Your point of view is
the result of the cognitive dissonance between your imagined reality and your observable one.
Taking such indefensible positions has to be understood in the context of your mind
protecting your ego.
Being on drugs did not make Floyd deserving of death. Neither did having a criminal past,
or resisting arrest. This entire situation, where police could apply arbitrary force against
Floyd, resulted from Floyd passing a fake $20 bill. I dont know if you've noticed, but the
FED has been passing trillions in fake twenties these last few months. How can you
counterfeit something that is worth nothing, backed by nothing, signifying nothing, endlessly
created out of nothing? If anything, by injecting his own worthless currency into the
economy, George Floyd was saving the FED some work. He was providing a valuable service,
which is keeping this dead economy afloat.
The author writes that knee on neck is an approved restraint technique, and thus cannot be
illegal, without seeming to realize that this is the CORE of the issue and why many people
are upset and protesting in the first place. George Floyd was not cooperating but he was also
not being violent. Whereas Chauvin used violence to subdue Floyd. It doesnt matter if Floyd
died of heart failure. Do you think his heart would have failed if he didnt have an armed man
kneeling on his neck?
Justice happens in a courtroom buddy, and it's the cop's job to make sure a perpetrator
makes it to a courtroom.
Of course its probably all psychological warfare from top to bottom. The cop's name is
practically Chauvinist for crying out loud. The end result is how we may judge the motive of
the incident. And the end result appears to be the defunding of police departments. Just as
COVID is defunding the rest of the economy.
Whoever is left holding the fake cash loses everything.
If the Feds abused their power in Waco and Ruby Ridge, then they also abused their power
in Portland.
As far as people flahing their high beams, I think it's a pretty clear sign that the people
who do it want the rest of us to avoid a bad encounter with the police.
Sadly, it continues to be fashionable to take whichever side of an issue makes you feel
better about your country and your identity. Here is where nationalism reveals itself as a
bankrupt ideology good for manipulating feelings rather than arriving at any useful
Blacks love lying and shouting and violently resisting. They genuinely believe they have
a right to resist lawful arrest, and have for at least the last ten years.
Golly, I wonder (((who))) put those kinds of RADICAL ideas in their heads?
@Robert Dolan
unable to see through liberalism. If anything they used their intelligence to delude
themselves. This is mocked in the joke about how only someone born really smart can write a
book about how intelligence isn't genetic.
I would trust my local Mexican gardener to craft racial policy over any White liberal with
a Harvard degree. I don't think we are dealing with a lack of intelligence in liberals. I
think the theory of liberals having religious and egalitarian genes make the most sense. This
then overrules their rationality. So in that context I'm really not impressed with
intelligence tests.
Lol if George Floyd really threw the entire "Free World" into spasms of K*ll-the-Boerism
because he pulled a Juice WRLD and ate his stash (which happened to be, I assume, laced with
a lethal amount of fent) to hide it from the porkers welll, that's pretty darn funny. Besides
all the k*ll wypipo stuff, of course.
The truth is that the Leftists don't care what caused Floyd's death. The truth is
irrelevant. A negro died while a white cop was restraining him. The damage that Floydgroids
do to society is stuff we deserve, don't you see? There shouldn't be any cops, unless it's
gentile whites defending themselves, then there needs to be a police state to keep them
@John Johnson
have good jobs and live with wives and kids aren't good parents as a whole judging by the
criminal records drug habits etc the children of so many affirmative action blacks have.
But black fathers are strong, violent rageaholics
So they can keep the little ones in line. But once boy is 5'8 140, beatings I doubt more
beatings will import him. In the old days he could leave home and do farm labor or other
Nowadays the 14 year old thug lives with mamma because of the welfare money. And if the
critters don't go to school, the welfare department cuts off the money.
@TimeTraveller e
an English class. Your I.Q. must be very low to not recognize the use of a simile.
Just the fact that you want this country to burn tells me that you are a looser from an
economic as well as an intellectual standpoint. You're on the bottom and you think if there
is revolution that some how things will get better for you. I can assure you, especially if
you are black, that things are never going to get better for you. As a matter of fact, if you
do happen to be black, things will probably get a lot worse for you before it ever gets
Yes. I didn't comment much on this because, like pretty much EVERY OTHER "racist" incident
the last several years, I figured, if we waited long enough, the truth would come out. Of
course, waaaay after the narrative was set, and the damage was done. I'm curious. Are the
powers that be pushing this b.s. because they genuinely feel blacks face injustice or are
they using the blacks to aid in their attempt to destroy our culture? Either way, the blacks
will ultimately suffer. They're so put upon they have to manufacture countless "crimes"
against them. As if there eventually won't be a backlash bringing on the prejudice they
supposedly wish to stamp out. Lol. Popcorn indeed.
So, George Floyd is 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'. That make sense because he kept saying
(lying) that he could not breath seems the beginning then those police will not trust him
anymore, and when he truly begin to unable to breath by the kneeing on neck with ton of human
meat on his back and butt, so those police think he lied and didn't trust him and they didn't
even think to double check.
(Note: There is other version with the conclusion is that the boy is eaten by wolf, not
Sorry, the leak video:
1.George Floyd is an Temper Tantrum and his mind is really sane to me, he is not even in
the state of 'drug addict'.
2.It does not prove that George Floyd is killed by the Fentanyl. The leak video, in fact,
proves that Derek Chauvin had accidentally killed George Floyd due to the 'The Boy Who Cried
Wolf' effect, and ignorant on how dangerous kneeing on neck is. I think George Floyd is
killed by the combination of Fentanyl and Kneeing On Neck.
1.Why the police does not release the leak video from the beginning? The video, in fact,
can give Derek Chauvin more excuses to save him from being jail or just get him fire only or
he even able to keep his job due to the police qualified immunity and it can prevent
My own answer for this is that this is literally divide and conquer tactics, make those
anti-police, with many right reasons, like a bunch of idiot and the leak video also cover the
true problem, police abusing power. The police abusing power is usually unable to discussed
and the MSM always turn it into 'police beat black people'.
2.Why the redacted video, which is recorded at the same places, has the date '05/26/2020'
meanwhile the leak video has the date '05/25/2020′? Can anybody explain to me? I truly
curious about this.
That fat (360 pounds) tub of crap Eric Garner had the cops trying to get him to comply
with his arrest for 45 minutes before they laid a hand on him. He had been arrested more than
30 times by the NYPD on charges such as assault, resisting arrest, and grand larceny. Less
than a year before he died, in August 2013, he was charged with aggravated unlicensed
operation of a vehicle, false impersonation and marijuana possession. He was out on parole
for that.
He already had three more pending charges for illegally selling cigarettes–and then
was caught again the day that he died. He was (correctly) afraid that this time he'd be
busted on a parole violation.
He would not just sell the loose cigs–he positioned himself by the store's entrance
and threaten people who would go in and buy legal cigarettes inside.
He had no job due to his obesity and health issues-plus his own wife said on TV that he
was "lazy" (her word). Not totally–he did have 6 kids-with 4 different women.
He was being arrested for counterfeiting. The cops routinely cuff you even when they want
to interrogate you for a possible crime. I see it all the time. Then later they uncuff you
and let you go. What is so hard about that?
Too many cops have been shot going up to a car where they can't see the guys hands. That
is why there is always a cop in the back with his gun drawn in case you try to spin around
and take a shot. Sorry, but that is the way is is because of the people being stopped.
I also have no doubt that liberals would much rather divide children by IQ than
acknowledge that race exists. They would put well behaved White kids with unruly Black kids
for not scoring high enough.
It makes more sense to argue that Whites simply have a right to exist as a people and that
includes all Whites regardless of intellect. There are numerous European gene differences
that are related to cultural preferences and they should not be forced to subject themselves
to some egalitarian dystopia that hates them, especially when said Whites built the empire in
the first place.
@frontier y are
you speaking for cops? David Layman the ex cop and former supermax guard YouTuber, who
deliberately broke fingers until convicts submitted, and once was struck by a colleague to
get him to stop baton choking a rampaging convict to death said the duration of what Chauvin
did to Floyd was nothing like what would be done in the line of duty, clearly unnecessary,
and Chavin knew it because he was resting his hands on his thighs. Relative to the education
and amount of training required to qualify, cops are far better paid than nurses. But that is
going to change because even one Chauvin is too much.
Having a gun out shows they were self-dramatising cops in a fantasy world.
No, you see this all the time when there are two cops on a traffic stop. One approaches
the window and the other hangs back in the guys blind spot with either his gun already drawn
or with his hand on it.
@Sulu se
granddaughter killed herself because of meth isn't even able to grieve properly for his
granddaughter because conservatives declared her the enemy and declared a war on her for the
sake of law and order. His political ideology estranged him from his own seed, and any nation
that makes this the norm is doomed to failure. Its flags deserve to be burned and its
monuments deserve to be defaced.
I guarantee that the old man sympathizes more with Wall Street and Israeli Jews than his
own daughter, and sides with property against life and injury. Such a nation has an
appointment with famine and has no future.
He wasn't really trying to kill anyone if the only person he managed to kill was a
4′ 11″, 330 lb. chain smoker. If he had been black, a mestizo illegal alien or a
major D Party donor his sentence would have been no more than 10 years. The 419 year sentence
was the tell that this had been a political show trial.
Floyd was not "murdered" by the police. How simple to watch and conclude that.
Expose and expose and expose the restraint they show they used on a crazed, resistant and
potentially violent person.
If reason does not prevail here, if the crazed, resistant and potentially violent
person(s) still want to use this as an excuse for violence and destruction, then time to
arrest every one of them, by defending the police, not stupidly "defunding" the police.
To watch the wormy and pompous Jeffrey Nadler utter, "Shame on you," to AG Barr shows what
Nadler would do to efforts to maintain order: encourage rioting, violence and
Go to Israel, Mr. Nadler. That's where you belong! And take Antifa with you.
@Alden ers are
just as bad as the media. They know full well it is a lie and hate that we don't go along
with it. That hate us more than anything. They would happily send us to camps and shut off
the internet in the name of equality.
So they can keep the little ones in line. But once boy is 5'8 140, beatings I doubt
more beatings will import him. In the old days he could leave home and do farm labor or other
Well that is also when 8th grade was the goal and not high school graduation.
From what I have read Blacks really start having problems around junior high.
@TimeTraveller I
agree that America has major problems and a hell of a lot of it can be laid at the feet of
the Jews. But if things go to hell in this country(Civil War) your benefits won't be worth
the paper it's printed on. I don't think this country needs to burn so much as certain groups
within it need to burn.
But I suspect all this civil unrest is little more than poor Kabuki theater designed to
assist in getting Trump out of office. If Biden wins I bet Covid-19 and riots just magically
go away. If Trump is re-elected it's anyone's guess what will happen.
Almost a year ago exactly, yet another drunk-driving illegal alien killed another
American citizen. This time, it was Sarasota, Fla., and the vehicular killer will spend 13
years behind bars.
He pled guilty to the federal charges, not to the sate charges. Presumably he pled guilty
to the federal charges because he didn't want to face the death penalty.
And no, these people don't give a damn about justice. The idea of the great reset is to
continue to push the US into a collectivist state of mind and a China like economic set up
with a fully authoritarian government and no political freedom. Scamdemic lock down and media
manufactured race war are two ways to push us in that direction.
If it looks like a conspiracy and smells like a conspiracy .
I would invoke the Insurrection Act, then spend the next few weeks arresting the leaders
of BLM and antifa, as well as their collaborators in state and municipal governments,
You forgot to arrest the media owners. The one's who have for 4 years, made our
president's life miserable, through lies and innuendos. And, while you're at it grab False
Fauci and his master, Billy boy Gates, thereby putting to an end the entire charade.
There's enough video, and print evidence, available of powerful jews clamoring for the
eradication of white Christians. It's time for those who speak of our genocide, be it a
rabbi, a professor, politician, newscaster, or whomever, to be charged under the hate speech
laws that they themselves rammed through congress.
@John Johnson
inistrators big black mammas, black preachers, and NAACP ADL AJC ACLU lawsuits hovering
about, it's basically illegal to impose discipline on black kids. Just as it's impossible to
fire incompetent troublesome blacks in the workplace.
The White women are stuck in the classroom with the monsters . The black women sit in the
school district office as consultants, coordinators and counselors at high salaries. And
behind them are the Jewish legal foundations and administrators at the state level aiding and
abetting the savages who destroy the schools and make them unsafe for Whites.
Immigrants are fortunate. Most of them come from nations that are free of blacks.
Irrespective of their economic shortcomings, nations such as this offer a peace, security and
tranquility that once they arrive in the US they will never know again. And since so many
immigrants are destined to operate small businesses in the United States, their interactions
with this conflict and crime driven group will be a central part of their lives in the US.
But that's only if they decide to call the years they'll spend interacting with black America
as living.
I didn't have to use DuckDuckGo to find this vid. It was first, right at the top, using
the Carlson episode title as a search phrase. Enjoy:)
Once again, the cop didn't "point a gun" at George Floyd, which is clearly evident in the
video. The pistol is pointed slightly down and to the side. If the trigger had've been pulled
during that segment of the video, the bullet would've struck the hinge area of the opened
door. Look at the trigger guard to get a good idea of the pistol's long-axis alignment.
Tucker's Unreal George Floyd Comments The Young Turks
Aug 5, 2020
These teachers are no different than the scumbags in media in that they believe
egalitarian lies are better than admitting that those other Whites are probably
correct. They can't stomach that outcome so the unspoken plan is to lie and suppress while
hoping that miscegenation somehow evens it all out someday. The unspoken plan is to hope they
just breed out the curve.
Public teachers are part of the problem and they know it. All it would take is a dozen of
them to setup hidden cameras and the system would crash.
Chauvin will no more get justice than has James Fields (he of Charlottesville, Va.), whose
victim wasn't even black (and she wasn't his victim, either).
The mob is in full control, now.
Presumably, he pled guilty because he knew the evidence against him was insurmountable
(i.e., he knew he was guilty) . That would be the simplest presumption to make.
Along those lines you must face the fact that the Negro was made Numinous by Yankee
WASP Elites.
The Unz Jew haters can't handle that reality.
There must have been a Jew in the cupboard or something when Lincoln decided to go to
The same Jew in the cupboard must have forced him to only give lip service to the Liberia
At Unz the Jews are able to magically transverse time and space, filling the innocent
minds of Anglo leaders with egalitarian delusions even where Jews didn't exist or didn't have
The guy is flippin' out and the officers have a handful, to say the least. I also have to
admit that according to this footage, they are being as accommodating as possible considering
the situation.
Like the author, I have to question the claim of claustrophobia, in particular. They are
not putting him in a prowler, but an SUV, as far as I can tell.
And for LAW God fearing common people that believe in karma divine justice and their
simpleton infantile mind that in the battle of good vrs evil and lies vrs TRUTH good shall
prevail over evil and only the TRUTH shall makes us all FREE that divine binary covenant has
been broken. LIES and evil reign supreme and their godless troops in the MSMedia,
politicians, and other lords of darkness not only claim victimhood but make profits in the
process..WE simple deplorables find it incredible that our sacred News media affirms lies,
glorifies lies, certified lies , and if you dont believe lies then you are racist, bigot,
conspiracy lunatic BUT then if LIES win then the truth is irrelevant then it follows that GOD
is a fraud Why is the Black god fearing communities so silenced? all moral religious
INSTITUTIONS whose main source of sustenance is their defense of PEACE, morality, ethics,
GOODNESS, etc.condened BLMANTIFA From Jesus Christ, to Thoreau, MLKING, Mandela, the JUSTICE
and TRUTH ha been the crux of their MORAL force Today the political, religious, civil, MEDIA,
allied themselves with the LIES .its shameful, repugnant While terrorists are financed with
millions$$$ and celebrated in MSM Hollywood WashDC, an honorable man probably alone
devastated with a lifetime career in ruins Derek Chauvin he probably made the same mistake
that most simple humans made ,he believe in GOD that was his demise..IF you believe and hope
in god .you shall perished waiting
@fnn out, and
turned into the wrong street. His car was mobbed, his back window broken out, and he
accelerated into, as it turned out, another mob. That's what happened, I studied the
The acceleration was a panic response. The people responsible for the resulting death were
the people who induced panic in James Fields, not James Fields. Had he not been mobbed and in
justifiable fear of his life, there would have been no death.
Field's trial and conviction were simply not legal. They weren't even a lynching. they
were simply a demonstration of life and death power by the Charlottesville Left. We've seen
quite a few of those demonstrations since then.
One in the chest and one in the head. Sorts all kind of problems out.
Ok where I live, Sweden, the police would have beaten the shit out of him for resisting
arrest. Police don't easily draw their firearm here, but they are quick to draw their baton
and use it. But on the other hand, people arrested here do as the police say, making scenes
as in the video only worsens your case.
Policemen here are respected, and you can always ask a policeman if you are lost for your
Most people here understand they do a hard and health wise taxing job.
I had a girlfriend a long time ago, who was a police officer ( 3,5 years education, minimum
college to entry) she got in a fracas, and was so much she had to quit. And she was not
petite 1,80 cm, really well built, athletic and of course a blonde.
She is now 30 years later a cripple, because of a bad arrest.
They should have shot the motherfucker! I would.
heir pods) encounter here on a regular basis, largely due to a black population unleashed by
liberal and media permissiveness. (You will soon though, when the levels of foreigners with a
migration background but no integration interest rise.)
There are some sadistic cops and they cause trouble (lots of white victims too) and
policing attitudes are bad, but blaming these cops on the death of a hopeless, disgusting
figure like St. George of the Gutter is unfair. Chauvin did ok, even if he did have priors. I
hope he doesn't get fucked over completely and I pray for him and the rest of us here.
Negroes are criminals. they may not have committed a crime yet, but they will soon.
"You can take a man out of the bush, but you can't take the bush out of a man"
Rhodesian proverb.
Niggars was a failed offshoot in making of the white man. It was a dead end, really. Just
like Gorillas and Chimps, will mostly not evolve further.
Once they they movi into your neigboorhood its time to move, same goes for bloody arabs,
sandniggars, bad people.
He didn't plead guilty for the state trial and was sentenced to 419 years by the
State/Commonwealth of Virginia. He risked the death penalty if found guilty in the federal
trial. I know it sounds crazy, but some guys would rather rot in prison than be put to
@John Johnson
maybe they're more honest with me? They are also continually bullied by the black teachers
who just love to hear how the blacks curse defy and hit the White teachers.
A montage of videos showing black behavior in the public schools would be great great
great. If it were not taken down from the internet the first day.
I've seen plenty of internet posts and comments from White teachers describing the
horrendous behavior of blacks from K-12.
Once you've worked with blacks, whether kindergartners or attorneys, you realize the truth
about them.
@John Johnson
were bribed / financed by oil companies. No joke, no conspiracy theories, not "mystic
powers", just businessmen with oil/gas concessions that would go broke under nuclear
competition but managed to bribe the environmentalists to destroy nuclear. Granted, the word
"jewish" is never mentioned, and should have been if only as minor participants, but the
principals were not jewish.
Simple reality is horrifying beyond reason -- we are in a competitive society, like it or
not, and everybody competes ruthlessly. Far more comforting to believe that somebody
somewhere will prevent anything too bad from happening. The puppet masters need puppets, the
people complaining thus have a steady job.
Most ridiculous post I've seen in months. It's the black preachers who are the biggest
problem. They're not really clergymen. They're black racist activists using their churches as
a base from which to operate their political activities.
Mandela was a communist terrorist. MLK was trained at a communist activist school and was
a complete charlatan, grifter con artist and wife and sex partner beater.
The FBI had recordings in his home and there are many tapes of him pounding on his wife.
Source; retired FBI man a relative knows.
Fed Criminals commit crimes against countries, but it's the George Floyds us petty
assholes have to deal with on a daily basis and yes, he was being violent.
I guess replying to a "gay troll" makes me stupid too, but it won't happen again.
It's more likely that during interrogation they told him that the murder conviction was
cinched, that everyone at every level in the country, when they discussed the incident, they
prefaced it with "when the cops killed George Floyd" or some variation. They told him (like
they do people) that he needs to take the "smart" option that is least destructive and
"safer". To me, a plea-bargained acceptance of a penalty has little relation to the truth of
the matter let alone guilt.
It probably very safe say that those cops are under bizarre pressure and it's
semi-ridiculous to pontificate about what they should do, but they need to keep their traps
shut and go to trial. The video that's been released shows the majority of what actually
happened. They did nothing wrong. The only quibble is Chauvin using his knee to keep that
whigged-out nut in position, and it's a permitted technique according to the formal police
guidelines, used against people who are resisting arrest, as Floyd was.
But they all could be sacrificed, especially if the Democrats win (the trial is set for
next spring). Actually, that's probably what he was told. "They're going to kill you
[essentially] and you'd better agree to this before they have a chance."
"Presumably, he pled guilty because he knew the evidence against him was insurmountable
(i.e., he knew he was guilty) . That would be the simplest presumption to make."
@Ilya G
Poimandres ed use their fire arms under the law in that case and if they had the shooting
wouldn't have been a blip on the radar screen given King's actions. Instead, to save King,
they used batons as they were trained and brought a man stated to be under PCP, wildly strong
and deranged under control without killing him or inflicting permanent debilitating injury.
(The two other men with him complied and there was no problem). Officer Koon thought the
whole thing, being taped, would be used as a text book case of how to handle such a
situation. So basically they did what you suggest. How'd that turn out?
What scares me is the insouciance and apathy to the loss of a human life shown by the
white people here. BLM have a point.
Only psychopaths would dwell on the technicalities of how he died and the events that led
to it. Does it matter now? he is dead.
These are two fundamental questions for me.
Would George Floyd has died if he didn't had the encounter with Dave chauvin? Would he
have just died anyway?
Did he deserved to die?
Most reasonable people would say no. People here try to justify his death when there is
nothing to justify here. Watching white people justify his death with cold rationality and a
total lack of empathy gives me the shivers.
The Chinaman is probably just as racist as whites against blacks but George Floyd didn't
do anything to deserve this fate.
Think about how it felt like to die from suffocation under that knee for 9 minutes? What
if it were you ? Would you want someone to help you if you said " I can't breathe"?
She's the one who had a meltdown and had to leave the set and go smoke a big fat hooter
when Trump won the count on election night. And she's the one that bandies about the epithet,
"trash". It's on Youtube, somewhere. It's hilarious.
A montage of videos showing black behavior in the public schools would be great great
great. If it were not taken down from the internet the first day.
"The Federal Trade Commission said Tuesday that for more than two years, Amazon didn't pass
on tips to drivers, even though it promised shoppers and drivers it would do so.
The FTC said Amazon didn't stop taking the money until 2019, when the company found out
about the FTC's investigation . The drivers were part of Amazon's Flex business, which started
in 2015 and allows people to pick up and deliver Amazon packages with their own cars. The
drivers are independent workers, and are not Amazon employees.
The FTC said Amazon at first promised workers that they would be paid $18 to $25 per hour,
and also said they would receive 100% of tips left to them by customers on the app
But in 2016, the FTC said Amazon started paying drivers a lower hourly rate and used the
tips to make up the difference. Amazon didn't disclose the change to drivers, the FTC said, and
the tips it took from drivers amounted to $61.7 billion."
And a "team" at Amazon reprogrammed the app to steal tips. Managers, programmers,
testers, documentation specialists, accountants, database wizards, etc. Nobody said a word. All
corrupt to the bone. "Learn to code!"
Yves here. Sundaram discusses how the obsession with metrics, a long standing favorite topic
of ours (see Management's Great Addiction )
produces policies that give short shrift to the poor and poor countries. One of the big
fallacies is treating money as the measure of the value and quality of life. For instance,
reducing the instance of cancer is worth more in rich countries because their lives are valued
more highly in these models. Similarly, they often fall back on unitary measures like lifespan,
and so don't capture outcomes like diets heavy in low nutrient foods (think simple sugars)
producing higher rates of non-communicable diseases and hence less healthy citizens
By Jomo Kwame Sundaram, a former economics professor, who was United Nations Assistant
Secretary-General for Economic Development, and received the Wassily Leontief Prize for
Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought. Originally published at his website
Current development fads fetishize data, ostensibly for 'evidence-based policy-making': if
not measured, it will not matter. So, forget about getting financial resources for your work,
programmes and projects, no matter how beneficial, significant or desperately needed.
Measure for Measure
Agencies, funds, programmes and others lobby and fight for attention by showcasing their own
policy agendas, ostensible achievements and potential. Many believe that the more indicators
they get endorsed by the 'international community', the more financial support they can expect
to secure.
Collecting enough national data to properly monitor progress on the Sustainable Development
is expensive. Data collection costs, typically borne by the countries themselves, have been
estimated at minimally over three times total official development assistance (ODA).
Remember aid declined after the US-Soviet Cold War, and again following the 2008-9 global
financial crisis. More recently, much more ODA is
earmarked to 'support' private investments from donor countries.
With data demands growing, more pressure to measure has led to either over- or under-stating
both problems and progress, sometimes with no dishonest intent. 'Errors' can easily be
explained away as statistics from poor countries are notoriously unreliable.
Political, bureaucratic and funding considerations limit the willingness to admit that
reported data are suspect for fear this may reflect poorly on those responsible. And once
baseline statistics have been established, similar considerations compel subsequent
'consistency' or 'conformity' in reporting.
And when problems have to be acknowledged, 'double-speak' may be the result. Organisations
may then start reporting some statistics to the public, with other data used, typically
confidentially, for 'in-house' operational purposes.
Money, Money, Money
Economists generally prefer and even demand the use of money-metric measures. The rationale
often is that no other meaningful measure is available. Many believe that showing ostensible
costs and benefits is more likely to raise needed funding. Using either exchange rates or
purchasing power parity (PPP) has been much debated. Some advocate even more convenient
measures such as the prices of a standard McDonald's hamburger in different countries.
Money-metrics imply that estimated economic losses due to, say, smoking or non-communicable
diseases ( NCD s), including
obesity, tend to be far greater in richer countries, owing to the much higher incomes lost or
foregone as well as costs incurred.
Development Discourse Changes
The four UN Development Decades after 1960 sought to accelerate economic progress and
improve social wellbeing. Unsurprisingly, for decades, there have been various debates in the
development discourse on measuring progress.
The rise of neoliberal economic thinking, claiming to free markets, has instead mainly
strengthened and extended private property rights. Rejecting Keynesian and development
economics, both associated with state intervention, neoliberalism's influence peaked around the
turn of the century.
The so-called 'Washington Consensus ' of
US federal institutions from the 1980s also involved the Bretton Woods institutions, the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, both headquartered in the American
In 2000, the UN Secretariat drafted the Millennium Declaration. This, in turn, became the
basis for the Millennium Development Goals which gave primacy to halving the number of poor.
After all, who would object to reducing poverty. The poor were defined with reference to a
poverty line, somewhat arbitrarily defined by the Bank.
Poverty Fetish
Presuming money income to be a universal yardstick of wellbeing, this poverty
measure has been challenged on various grounds. Most in poorer developing countries sense
that much nuance and variation are lost in such measures, not only for poverty, but also for,
hunger .
Anyone familiar with the varying significance, over time, of cash incomes and prices in most
countries will be uncomfortable with such singular measures. But they are nonetheless much
publicised and have implied continued progress until the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rejection of such singular poverty measures
has led to multi-dimensional poverty indicators, typically to meet 'basic needs'. While such
'dashboard' statistics offer more nuance, the continued desire for a single metric has led to
the development, promotion and popularisation of composite indicators.
Worse, this has been typically accompanied by problematic ranking exercises using such
composite indicators. Many have become obsessed with such ranking, instead of the underlying
socio-economic processes and actual progress.
Blind Neglect
Improving such metrics has thus become an end in itself, with little debate over such
one-dimensional means of measuring progress. The consequent 'tunnel vision' has meant ignoring
other measures and indicators of wellbeing.
In recent decades, instead of subsistence agriculture, cash crops have been promoted. Yet,
all too many children of cash-poor subsistence farmers are nutritionally better fed and
healthier than the offspring of monetarily better off cash crop or 'commercial' farmers.
Meanwhile, as cash incomes rise, those with diet-related NCDs have been growing. While life
expectancy has risen in much of the world, healthy life expectancy has progressed less as ill
health increasingly haunts the sunset years of longer lives.
Be Careful What You Wish For
Meanwhile, as poor countries get limited help in their efforts to adjust to global warming,
rich countries' focus on supporting mitigation efforts has included, inter alia, promoting
'no-till agriculture'. Thus attributing greenhouse gas emissions implies corresponding
mitigation efforts via greater herbicide
use .
Maximising carbon sequestration in unploughed farm topsoil requires more reliance on
typically toxic, if not carcinogenic pesticides, especially herbicides. But addressing global
warming should not be at the expense of sustainable agriculture.
Similarly, imposing global carbon taxation will raise the price of, and reduce access to
electricity for the 'energy-poor', who comprise a fifth of the world's population. Rich
countries subsidising affordable renewable energy for poor countries and people would resolve
this dilemma.
Following the 2008-2009 global financial crisis, the UN proposed a Global Green New Deal
(GGND) which included such cross-subsidisation by rich countries of sustainable development
progress elsewhere.
The 2009 London G20 summit succeeded in raising more than the trillion dollars targeted. But
the resources mainly went to strengthening the IMF, rather than for the GGND proposal. Thus,
the finance fetish blocked a chance to revive world economic growth, with sustainable
development gains for all.
The globalists found just the economics they were looking for.
The USP of neoclassical economics – It concentrates wealth.
Let's use it for globalisation.
Mariner Eccles, FED chair 1934 – 48, observed what the capital accumulation of
neoclassical economics did to the US economy in the 1920s. "a giant suction pump had by 1929 to 1930 drawn into a few hands an increasing proportion
of currently produced wealth. This served then as capital accumulations. But by taking
purchasing power out of the hands of mass consumers, the savers denied themselves the kind of
effective demand for their products which would justify reinvestment of the capital
accumulation in new plants. In consequence as in a poker game where the chips were
concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, the other fellows could stay in the game only by
borrowing. When the credit ran out, the game stopped"
This is what it's supposed to be like.
A few people have all the money and everyone else gets by on debt.
Seeing those geriatric demonrats on their knees with their kente cloths, paying homage to
a dead drug addict was one of the more hysterical moments of 2020.
Ducks 8 hours ago
Its a disgusting image. and my Black American peers agree.
Is-Be 9 hours ago
The word missing is "chutzpah".
bobroonie 9 hours ago
Watching scummy democrats in pro slavery garb bend the knee for a POS that OD'd is comedy
u25dtp1 8 hours ago
Is that what they were doing, I thought they were looking for Nancy's Ben and Jerrys.
Sorry, My irrationality
radical-extremist 8 hours ago
They do it because it works. Democrats love the theater. They don't mind being lied to if
it benefits them. Many of them actually believe it's not theater and that their political
heroes are being authentic and sincere....with crocodile tears, feigned outrage and other
drama techniques. I would have to give Adam Schiff an Oscar, but Chuck Schumer definitely
gets second place.
Robert Reich has been even more explicit, tweeting a demand create a "Truth and
Reconciliation Commission."
Negotiating with a Communist "Commission" is as pointless as negotiating with a murderer
at the point of his gun. Communists, especially Communist Jews, are not human.
"... The bottom line is the true enemies of the American people are no foreign nation or adversary---the true enemy of the American people are the people who control America. ..."
"... This way of thinking points to a dilemma for the American ruling class. Contrary to a lot of the rhetoric you hear, much of the American ruling class, including the "deep state" is actually quite anti-China. To fully account for this would take longer than I have here. But the nutshell intuitive explanation is that the ruling class, particularly Wall Street, was happy for the past several decades to enrich both themselves and China by destroying the American working class with policies such as "free-trade" and outsourcing. But in many ways the milk from that teat is no more, and now you have an American ruling class much more concerned about protecting their loot from a serious geopolitical competitor (China) than squeezing out the last few drops of milk from the "free trade." ..."
This is awesome, he nails the dilemma which our owners are confronted with;
I'll put it this way: It is not as though the American ruling class is intelligent,
competent, and patriotic on most important matters and happens to have a glaring blind spot
when it comes to appreciating the threat of China. If this were the case, it would make
sense to emphasize the threat of China above all else.
But this is not the case. The American ruling class has failed on pretty much every
issue of significance for the past several decades. If China were to disappear, they would
simply be selling out the country to India, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, or some other country
(in fact they are doing this just to a lesser extent).
Our ruling class has failed us on China because they have failed us on everything. For
this reason I believe that there will be no serious, sound policy on China that benefits
Americans until there is a legitimate ruling class in the United States. For this reason
pointing fingers at the wickedness and danger of China is less useful than emphasizing the
failure of the American ruling class. The bottom line is the true enemies of the
American people are no foreign nation or adversary---the true enemy of the American people
are the people who control America.
This way of thinking points to a dilemma for the American ruling class. Contrary to
a lot of the rhetoric you hear, much of the American ruling class, including the "deep
state" is actually quite anti-China. To fully account for this would take longer than I
have here. But the nutshell intuitive explanation is that the ruling class, particularly
Wall Street, was happy for the past several decades to enrich both themselves and China by
destroying the American working class with policies such as "free-trade" and outsourcing.
But in many ways the milk from that teat is no more, and now you have an American ruling
class much more concerned about protecting their loot from a serious geopolitical
competitor (China) than squeezing out the last few drops of milk from the "free
@102 karlof1 - "By deliberately setting policy to inflate asset prices, the Fed has
priced US labor out of a job, while as you report employers sought labor costs that allowed
them to remain competitive."
I never heard it said so succinctly and truly as this before. That is what happened isn't
it? The worker can't afford life anymore, in this country.
And if the worker can't afford the cost of living - who bears the cause of this, how
follows the remedy of this, and what then comes next?
I really appreciate your point of view, which is the only point of view, which is that the
designers of the economy, the governors of the economy, have placed the workers of the
economy in a position that is simply just not tenable.
No wonder they strive to divide in order to rule - because they have over-reached through
greed and killed the worker, who holds up the society.
How long can the worker flounder around blaming others before the spotlight must turn on
the employer?
You have to remember these people really do think they are better. They do think in class
terms even if they avoid that rhetoric in public. The problem is they thought they could
control China like they did Japan. That was dumb then and it looks even dumber now. You can
see similar dumbness in their lack of grip on any realisitic view of Russia. Provincials
really. Rich peasants.
Thank you, they certainly DO think in class terms ALWAYS. + Rich peasants is perfect
Thankfully they are blinded by hubris at the same time. The USA destroyed the Allende
government in Chile in 1973. After the Nixon Kissinger visit to China in 1979 they assumed
they could just pull a color revolution stunt when they deemed it to be the right time.
Perhaps in their hubris they thought every Chinese worker would be infatuated with capitalism
and growth.
They tested that out in the People Power colour (yellow) revolt in the Filipines in 1986
following a rigged election by Marcos. In 1989 only 16 years after China had been buoyed up
with growth and development following the opening to USA capitalism, they tried out the same
trick in Tienanmen square in China but those students were up against the ruling party of the
entire nation - not the ruling class. BIG MISTAKE. The ruling party of China was solidly
backed by the peasant and working class that was finally enjoying some meager prosperity and
reward a mere 40 years after the Chinese Communist Party and their parents and grandparents
had liberated China from 100 years of occupation, plunder, human and cultural rapine and
colonial insult. Then in 2020 it was tried on again in Hong Kong. FAIL.
The hubris of the ruling class and its running dogs is pathetic.
We see the same with Pelosi and the ruling class in the Dimoratss today. They push Biden
Harris to the fore, piss on the left and refuse to even hold a vote on Medicare for All in
the middle of a pandemic. Meanwhile the USAi ruling class has its running dogs and hangers on
bleating that "its wrong tactic, its premature, its whatever craven excuse to avoid exposing
the ruling class for what they are - thieves, bereft of compassion, absent any sense of
social justice, fakes lurking behind their class supposition.
They come here to the bar with their arrogant hubris, brimming with pointless information
some even with emoji glitter stuck on their noses. Not a marxist or even a leftie among them.
Still its class that matters and its the ruling class that we must break.
@102 karlof1 and Grieved | Dec 19 2020 3:12 utc | 129
I did not understand inflate-assets/suppress-workers and forgot to return to it to clear
it up. Grieved sent me back to Karlof1. I just got it.
That viewpoint indeed explains method of operation to accomplish the results I observed.
When Nixon was forced to default on Bretton Woods use of Gold Exchange Standard* [the USD is
as good as gold], then printing fiat solved the problem [threat to US inventory of
gold]....but printing fiat [no longer redeemable as a promise convert to gold] became the new
problem [no way to extinguish the promises to redeem/pay].
So how to proceed? Aha! Steal from the workers; squeeze 'em, entertain and dazzle 'em!..
Such an elegant solution...slow, certain and hardly slow-boiling
on-going project as we blog.
Back in 2013 a group of Apple employees decided
to sue the global behemoth. Every day, after they were clocking out, they were required to
go through a corporate screening where their personal belongings were examined. It was a
process required and administered by Apple. But Apple did not want to pay its employees for the
time it had required them to spend. It could be anywhere from 40 to 80 hours a year that an
employee spent going through that process. What made Apple so confident in brazenly
nickel-and-diming its geniuses?
Jeff Rubin, author of The
Expendables: How the Middle Class got Screwed by Globalization , has an answer to the
above question that is easily deduced from the subtitle of his book. The socio-economic
arrangements produced by globalization have made labor the most flexible and plentiful resource
in the economic process. The pressure on the middle class, and all that falls below it, has
been so persistent and powerful, that now " only 37
percent of Americans believe their children will be better off financially than they
themselves are. Only 24 percent in Canada or Australia feel the same. And in France, that
figure dips to only 9 percent." And "[i]n the mid-1980s it would have taken a typical
middle-income family with two children less than seven years of income to save up to buy a
home; it now takes more than ten years. At the same time, housing expenditures that accounted
for a quarter of most middle-class household incomes in the 1990s now account
for a third ."
The story of globalization is engraved in the " shuttered
factories across North America, the boarded-up main streets, the empty union halls." Rubin
does admit that there are benefits accrued from globalization, billions have been lifted up out
of poverty in what was previously known as the third world, wealth has been created, certain
efficiencies have been achieved. The question for someone in the western world is how much more
of a price he's willing to pay to keep the whole thing going on, especially as we have entered
a phase of diminishing returns for almost all involved.
As Joel Kotkin has written, "[e]ven in Asia, there are signs of social collapse. According
to a recent survey by the
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, half of all Korean households have experienced
some form of family crisis, many involving debt, job loss, or issues relating to child or elder
care." And "[i]n "classless" China, a massive class of migrant workers -- over 280 million --
inhabit a netherworld of substandard housing, unsteady work, and miserable environmental
conditions, all after leaving their offspring behind in villages. These new serfs vastly
outnumber the Westernized, highly educated Chinese whom most
Westerners encounter. " "Rather than replicating the middle-class growth of
post–World War II America and Europe, notes researcher Nan Chen, 'China appears to have
skipped that stage altogether and headed straight for a model of extraordinary productivity but
distributed wealth like the contemporary United States.'"
Although Rubin concedes to the globalist side higher GDP growth, even that does not seem to
be so true for the western world in the last couple decades. Per Nicholas Eberstadt, in "Our
Miserable 21st Century," "[b]etween late 2000 and late 2007, per capita GDP growth averaged
than 1.5 percent per annum." "With postwar, pre-21st-century rates for the years
2000–2016, per capita GDP in America would be more than 20
percent higher than it is today."
Stagnation seems to be a more apt characterization of the situation we are in. Fredrik
Erixon in his superb The Innovation
Illusion , argues that "[p]roductivity growth is going south, and has been doing so
for several decades." "Between 1995 and 2009, Europe's labor productivity grew by just 1
percent annually." Noting that "[t]he four factors that have made Western capitalism dull and
hidebound are gray capital, corporate managerialism, globalization, and complex
regulation." Ad ends in
Contrary to popular belief, globalization has functioned as a substitute for innovation and
growth. With globalization on the march, the western ruling class could continue to indulge in
its most preferred activities, regulation and taxation, in an environment where both of these
political addictions appeared sustainable. Non-western elites could perpetuate their
authoritarian regimes, garnering growth and legitimacy, from the access to the western markets.
Their copy-and-paste method of "innovation" from western firms would fit well with an
indigenous business class composed of mostly insiders and ex-regime apparatchiks.
There are plenty of criticisms that can be laid at the feet of globalization. The issue with
Rubin's book is that is does not advance very much beyond some timeworn condemnations of it.
One gets the sense that the value of this book is merely in its audacity to question the
conventional wisdom on the issue at hand. Rubin, who is somewhat sympathetic to Donald Trump,
seems to be much closer to someone like Bernie Sanders, especially an earlier version of
Sanders that dared to talk about the debilitating effects of immigration on the working
Like Sanders, Rubin starts to get blurry as he goes from the condemnation phase to the
programmatic offers available. What exactly would be his tariffs policy, how far he would go?
What would be the tradeoffs of this policy? Where we could demarcate a reasonable fair
environment for the worker and industry and where we would start to create another type of a
stagnation trap for the whole economy? All these would be important questions for Rubin to
grapple with and would give to his criticisms more gravitas.
It would have also been of value if he had dealt more deeply with the policies of the Trump
administration. On the one hand, the Trump administration cracked down on illegal and legal
immigration. It also started to use tariffs and other trade measures as a way to boost industry
and employment. On the other hand, it reduced personal and corporate taxes and it deregulated
to the utmost degree possible. It was a kind of 'walled' laisser-faire that seemed to work
until Covid-19 hit. Real household income in the U.S.
increased $4,379 in 2019 over 2018. It was "more income growth in one year than in the 8
years of Obama-Biden." And during Trump's time, the lowest paid workers started not to just be
making gains, but making gains faster than the wealthy. "Low-wage workers are getting bigger
raises than bosses" ran a CBS News
headline .
Rubin seems to view tax cuts and deregulation as another giveaway to large corporations. But
these large corporations are just fine with high taxation, since they have a choice as to when
and where they get taxed. Regulation is also more of a tool than a burden for them. It's a very
expedient means for eliminating competitors and competition, a useful barrier to entry for any
upstart innovator that would upend the industry they are in. Besides, if high taxation and
regulation were a kind of antidote to globalization, then France would be in a much better
shape than it appears to be. But France seems to be doing worse than anybody else. In the
aforementioned poll about if their "children will be better off financially than they
themselves are" France was at the bottom in the group of countries that Rubin cited. The recent
events with the yellow-vests movement indicate a very deep dissatisfaction and pessimism of its
middle and working class.
Moreover, there does not seem to be much hostility or even much contention between
government bureaucracies and the upper echelons of the corporate world. Something that Rubin's
politics and economics would necessitate. And cultural and political like-mindedness between
government bureaucracies and the managerial class of large corporations is not just limited to
the mutual embrace of woke politics. It seems that there is a cross pollination of a much
broader set of ideas and habits between bureaucrats and the managerial class. For instance,
Erixon notes that "[c]orporate
managers shy away from uncertainty but turn companies into bureaucratic entities free from
entrepreneurial habits. They strive to make capitalism predictable." Striving for
predictability is a very bureaucratic state of mind.
In Rubin's book, missed trends like that make his perspective to feel a bit dated. There is
still valuable information in The Expendables . Rubin does know a lot about
international trade deals. For instance, a point that is often ignored in the press about
international trade agreements is that "[i]f you're designated a "developing" country, you get
to protect your own industries with tariffs that are a multiple of those that developed
economies are allowed to use to protect their workers." A rule that China exploits to the
Meanwhile, Apple, after its apparent lawsuit loss on the case with its employees in
California, now seems committed to another fight with the expendables of another locale. The
Washington Post reported that "Apple
lobbyists are trying to weaken a bill aimed at preventing forced labor in China, according to
two congressional staffers familiar with the matter, highlighting the clash between its
business imperatives and its official stance on human rights." "The bill aims to end the use of
forced Uighur labor in the Xinjiang region of China ." The war against the expendables never
Napoleon Linarthatos is a writer based in New York.
Consider the structure of the term "common sense", which is just shared opinion. If there
is no common sense, there will be no common action.
The problem with coming together is that the ruling class divides and rules us as a normal
procedure of creating a class system. Nobody in the ruling class has a problem with this.
Their purpose in life is to reproduce the system of mass slavery and adapt it to present
conditions and they, being among the elect, are fine with this.
Cognitive dissonance is a daily occurrence for anyone paying attention. And our struggling
"leaders" are largely struggling over territory while ignoring the state of the nation.
True national emergencies are ignored as they are inconvenient, or more honestly buried
under the rug, because they might mean our sociopaths at the top of the food chain would have
to pony up some of their Ill gotten gains to the social good AND lose some of their leverage
over modern serfs. And unlike "war" and "military intervention" which have been monetized to
the nth degree, pandemic response has been bungled not only because the social systems have
been shredded but because factions are fighting over response in order to find a way to strip
as much public money from it as possible.
We make black jokes here about brunch, but the election of Biden is NOT about him, it is a
probably a vain attempt to put the genie back in the bottle. The sad thing is that instead of
pretending to be the adults in the room, the usual suspects kept up their four year long
tantrum, instead of letting the process play out and talking about how our system works, it
was all "he isn't giving up, he is being mean." All because it slightly delayed them
reestablishing their rice bowls. And so ends the "bring us together" meme with nary a
I wish there was a chance our national leaders would get their heads out of the pockets of
their donors long enough to notice that the foundation THEY depend on for their corrupt
lifestyles had been destroyed. I wish our foundations had not been so corrupted that even one
part remains strong.
I am not entirely pessimistic. The kids are largely alright. I just hope we can hold it
together long enough to give them a chance.
Two slightly different things here, perhaps.
I think it's generally accepted that all societies need a common frame of reference against
which you can have discussions and arguments, make and critique policy and try to interpret
the world. This doesn't mean that everybody agrees, or still less that everybody is obliged
to, but rather that everybody agrees about what the issues are and about the ground over
which they may disagree. Back in the days of the Cold War, for example, there were furious
debates about politics, not to mention wars, atrocities and dictatorships, but pretty much
everybody agreed what the issues were, even if they were on different sides of them.
Historically, this was very much the norm: the religious wars of Europe, or the wars of the
French Revolution were between people with very different views, but who agreed on the
underlying context. What we have now, is what the philosopher Alasdair McIntyre called
"incommensurability": a jaw-breaking term which means, essentially, that people don't even
begin from the same assumptions, and so are condemned to talk past each other. This accounts
for a lot of the cognitive dissonance. In the case of Brexit, for example, much of the
bitterness and confusion arose from the fact that Leavers and Remainers were simply talking
about different things, and starting from different assumptions, but didn't realise it. The
same applies, obviously to the whole TDS story. As a result, Joe Public is now faced with the
need to choose between competing and mutually exclusive interpretations of events, or even
whether events have actually occurred. It's hardly surprising there's so much confusion and
It's made worse by the kind of thing Thuto mentions. One of the least helpful ideas to
emerge from the 1960s was that children should be "left to find their own way", rather than
being taught things. But children mature by testing their ideas against the norms and
structures of society, and indeed their parents, and coming to some sort of personal vision
of the world. A lot of modern politics (and practically all of IdiotPol) is the result of
middle-class educated people who were never contradicted as children, and are still looking
to shock and provoke twenty or thirty years later. Once you understand that much of the
political and media system is made of people who are basically adolescents ("why does it have
to make sense? Tell me why it has to make sense!) the chaos and stress become easier to
This is what we should expect.
Western liberalism's descent into chaos.
1920s/2000s – neoclassical economics, high inequality, high banker pay, low regulation,
low taxes for the wealthy, robber barons (CEOs), reckless bankers, globalisation phase
1929/2008 – Wall Street crash
1930s/2010s – Global recession, currency wars, trade wars, austerity, rising
nationalism and extremism
1940s – World war.
Right wing populist leaders are what we should expect at this stage in the descent into
Why is Western liberalism always such a disaster?
They did try and learn from past mistakes to create a new liberalism (neoliberalism), but the
Mont Pelerin Society went round in a circle and got back to pretty much where they
It equates making money with creating wealth and people try and make money in the easiest
way possible, which doesn't actually create any wealth.
In 1984, for the first time in American history, "unearned" income exceeded "earned"
The American have lost sight of what real wealth creation is, and are just focussed on making
You might as well do that in the easiest way possible.
It looks like a parasitic rentier capitalism because that is what it is.
Bankers make the most money when they are driving your economy into a financial
What they are doing is really an illusion; they are just pulling future spending power into
The 1920s roared at the expense of an impoverished 1930s.
Japan roared on the money creation of real estate lending in the 1980s, they spent the next
30 years repaying the debt they had built up in the 1980s and the economy flat-lined.
Bankers use bank credit to pump up asset prices, which doesn't actually create any
The money creation of bank credit flows into the economy making it boom, but you are heading
towards a financial crisis and claims on future prosperity are building up in the financial
Early success comes at the expense of an impoverished future.
Things haven't been the same since 2008.
Early success came at the expense of an impoverished future.
At 18 mins.
The money creation of bank credit flowed into the economy before 2008 making it boom, but
they were heading towards a financial crisis and claims on future prosperity were building up
in the financial system.
It's repayment time.
Let's get the basics sorted.
When no one knows what real wealth creation is, you are in trouble.
We want economic success
Step one – Identify where wealth creation occurs in the economy.
Houston, we have a problem.
Economists do identify where real wealth creation in the economy occurs, but this is a
most inconvenient truth as it reveals many at the top don't actually create any wealth.
This is the problem.
Much of their money comes from wealth extraction rather than wealth creation, and they need
to get everyone thoroughly confused so we don't realise what they are really up to.
The Classical Economists had a quick look around and noticed the aristocracy were
maintained in luxury and leisure by the hard work of everyone else.
They haven't done anything economically productive for centuries, they couldn't miss it.
The Classical economist, Adam Smith: "The labour and time of the poor is in civilised countries sacrificed to the maintaining
of the rich in ease and luxury. The Landlord is maintained in idleness and luxury by the
labour of his tenants. The moneyed man is supported by his extractions from the industrious
merchant and the needy who are obliged to support him in ease by a return for the use of his
There was no benefits system in those days, and if those at the bottom didn't work they
They had to earn money to live.
Ricardo was an expert on the small state, unregulated capitalism he observed in the world
around him. He was part of the new capitalist class, and the old landowning class were a huge
problem with their rents that had to be paid both directly and through wages. "The interest of the landlords is always opposed to the interest of every other class in
the community" Ricardo 1815 / Classical Economist.
They soon identified the constructive "earned" income and the parasitic "unearned"
This disappeared in neoclassical economics.
GDP was invented after they used neoclassical economics last time.
In the 1920s, the economy roared, the stock market soared and nearly everyone had been making
lots of money.
In the 1930s, they were wondering what the hell had just happened as everything had appeared
to be going so well in the 1920s and then it all just fell apart.
They needed a better measure to see what was really going on in the economy and came up with
In the 1930s, they pondered over where all that wealth had gone to in 1929 and realised
inflating asset prices doesn't create real wealth, they came up with the GDP measure to track
real wealth creation in the economy.
The transfer of existing assets, like stocks and real estate, doesn't create real wealth and
therefore does not add to GDP. The real wealth creation in the economy is measured by
Real wealth creation involves real work producing new goods and services in the economy.
So all that transferring existing financial assets around doesn't create wealth?
No it doesn't, and now you are ready to start thinking about what is really going on
"Much of their money comes from wealth extraction rather than wealth creation, and they
need to get everyone thoroughly confused so we don't realise what they are really up to."
And this is why the quintessential business model in the U.S (at least since the 1970s)
has been the multi-level marketing scheme.
The amount of cerebral activity wasted here is, well, wasted...It's a class-war people,
recognize it for such. The U.S. needs to fall down among the weeds, and fertilize what's
coming...The libertarian impulse must be squashed until it is unrecognizable!!
Equality, Fraternity, and Liberty in that order, my friends. All else is sickness in the
If we start with perception management, we can propose something patently absurd: the
Artificial Creamer Party.
Recognize any familiar tactics in the following campaign strategy?
1) We shall insist on the separation of milk and state, and bar any organization affiliated
with milk from being eligible for public subsidies.
2) The rights of dairy farmers to marry, adopt children, and openly serve in the military
shall be considered morally objectionable and debated at every opportunity.
3) In the event of an election, the multiple evils of milk shall be used to distract the
public from questioning the candidates on anything.
4) Think tanks, foundations, and the political correctness police shall enforce the world's
perception of Artificial Creamer as a "bridge to the future," "the salvation of the global
village," "the right of the human family," "the key to sustainable development," and "the path
to lasting peace."
5) Artificial Creamer will win a Nobel Prize, in light of everything it might do to fill the
world with sparkle ponies.
See? Something for everyone. But that's just perception management. Here's the net
The only ones to benefit will be the 0. 13% who are lactose intolerant and the 7% who make
megabucks. It won't create U. S. jobs because it will be made in Botswana at the emancipating
wage of twenty- three cents a day so 40% of Americans can afford to buy it at Walmart. For the
50% who are destitute, the FDA will declare Artificial Creamer a food group so it can be
purchased with WIC and Food Stamps, lest there be a riot against unfairness or Artificial
Creamer should fail to cash in on its share of national social programs.
Aren't we ingenious? We might demand that great- grandpa bag groceries on an oxygen tank,
thirty years into retirement, to afford his hypertension medicine, and reduce his Social
Security if someone gives him a five dollar tip that puts him over the income limit.
But, by God, he can have Creamer -- in any flavor he wants it. This is a land of choice and
opportunity, damn it.
Which is all fine and good, but when Artificial Creamer doesn't prove to be everything it
said it was, we'll go back to milk (again). And milk will get carried away in an orgy of self-
indulgence until we return to Artificial Creamer (once more). Either way, we'll have the
satisfaction and euphoria of empowerment.
Or something, anyway.
If you're confused about U. S. principles and who's supposed to benefit, you may not be to
blame. We've responded to boom and bust cycles inherent to our development choices and other
countries' criticisms with different programs and palliatives over decades of continuity.
But it doesn't take a genius to see that the tyranny of science is fighting to replace the
tyranny of royalty- teamed- with- religion we rejected in the eighteenth century. Science is
the power that buttresses democracy and capitalism, also in the name of "progress." Not that we
won't play the God card when corruption is so glaring that it requires another support system
which is conveniently available in the form of religious sanction.
It's a function of self- esteem to seek affirmation of our beliefs and share safety in
numbers, but the existence of like- minded people who hold the same fears, hopes, values and
disappointments is what makes them predictable targets and therefore most vulnerable to
strategic manipulation. It's like handing over the remote control to your decision- making
power or wearing a badge on your sleeve
In Federalist 2, John Jay wrote of the new nation that was crafting its Constitution:
"Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people -- a
people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same
religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and
customs "
I love Pat, and understand that he is reiterating a quote, not creating one, however that
said – none of Jay's assertions are accurate – none were intended to be
Jay for instance was Dutch and Huguenot French (not an insult, so am I in part),
ethnically, who have different languages, cultures, religious precepts, forms of govt,
manners and customs from each other and from the other peoples who settled America at that
time. The only thing that brought them together was Protestant Holland sheltering an
incompatible variety of Protestant Frenchmen from their own homicidal monarchy.
This is a common sort of Federalist appeal, along the lines of –
"The founders said _____",
or the "Founders believed that _______".
This is intended to rearrange history to suggest that what is being proposed or foisted is
foundationally true and good, while all else is in disrepute.
The Washingtonian civic example is not at all well understood. Washington's culture,
notably, comes from a completely different time and custom than the standards of Morris or
Hamilton, who were not even born in North America.
Washington, although a colonial, was modeling a trait that was idealized amongst an
English Elite, consisting of Chivalry and self-denial, in which the well-born were expected
to owe and fulfill a duty to those less well off in the era prior to mass
In early American history, the successful commanders of the English Jamestown settlement,
Yeardley and Gates, are buried under the title of 'Knight', which is not used in the medieval
sense of the title, but in the Chivalic concept of service and fulfillment of duty to the
welfare of their people.
Washington was modeling this concept, which did not survive an hour beyond his own term in
office, since it was already an archaic concept limited to an isolated regional class in
America. This might have been a norm to the Washingtons, Lees, or Randolphs, but it was not
ingrained amongst other populations who formed the bulk of the society.
You cant equate superstitious Puritans so sure of their rightness that they will glibly
murder their own in supernatural inspired lunacy, with Totalitarian Quakers, or hardscrabble
Ulsterite frontiersmen, Dutch Burghers, Mennonite farmers, French voyageurs, Tidewater old
money Nobles, Welsh mining communities, Highland Scots in the Atlantic seaboard..etc.
These are all quite incompatible cultures in various, sundry ways, and they will all
manifest idealized LOCAL government in quite different ways. I think that to convince people
to accept something that is not in their communal self interest or longevity, you first have
to strip them of the normal societal defense mechanisms that would act as the first line of
The great strength of the Articles of Confederation were that while it provided common
cause and peaceful unity among the states, it made it impossible to dominate or assume
dictatorial power over all of these varied peoples who retained local allegiances to their
own peoples.
Homogenizing varied populations under one dominion with absolute Judicial control over
their lives led not to liberty but to enforced servitude.
Judging from comment ZH audience does not like Critical Race theory one bit :-). Does this
mean Trump 2020-2024?
It is also clear that the tide of white public opinion that's to BLM and Critical Race Theory
turned against the blacks and turned drastically. In a way founders of BLM did a very bad service
to community. It proved to be extremely divisive for the country.
Schools that teach " white privilege " as fact are breaking
the law , the equalities
minister has told MPs.
MP Kemi Badenoch said the underpinning ideology of critical race theory "sees my blackness
as victimhood and their whiteness as oppression."
"This government stands unequivocally against critical race theory," she
told MPs during a debate on Oct. 20 in which Labour MP Dawn Butler had called for the
curriculum to be "decolonised."
Badenoch, MP for Saffron Waldon and also minister for equalities, said the rise of
critical race theory was a "dangerous trend in race relations."
"We do not want to see teachers teaching their white pupils about white privilege and
inherited racial guilt," she said.
"Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory or which promotes
partisan political views such as defunding the police, without offering a balanced
treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law."
The defunding of police has been a demand of many key members and supporters of Black
Lives Matter.
"Some schools have
decided to openly support the anti-capitalist Black Lives Matter group, often fully aware
that they have a statutory duty to be politically impartial," said Badenoch. "Black lives
do matter -- of course they do. But we know that the Black Lives Matter movement, capital
B, L, M, is political."
Some Black Lives Matter leaders and groups, including the UKBLM group, are explicitly anti-capitalist.
"What we are against is the teaching of contested political ideas as if they are
accepted facts," said Badendoch.
"We don't do this with communism. We don't do this with socialism. We don't do it with
'Not America'
Badendoch also warned against importing the rhetoric on race from America.
" Our history of race is not America's history of race. Most black British people who
have come to our shores were not brought here in chains, but came voluntarily due to their
connections to the UK and in search of a better life. I should know. I am one of them.
"We have our own joys and stories to tell. From the Windrush generation to the Somali
diaspora, it is a story that is uniquely ours."
During the debate on education and race, MP Dawn Butler had earlier called for the
curriculum to be "decolonised," saying that "history is taught to make one group of people
feel inferior and another group of people feel superior."
Former Windrush passengers and members of the RAF Donald Clarke, George Mason, Sam King
MBE, and Allan Wilmot in the Imperial War Museum in London on June 12, 2008. (Cate
Gillon/Getty Images)
But Badenoch said the curriculum did not need decolonising for "the simple reason that it
is not colonised," adding, "We should not apologise for the fact that British children
primarily study the history of these islands."
In the United States, the Trump administration recently
banned agencies or contractors from "conducting training that promotes race stereotyping,
for example, by portraying certain races as oppressors by virtue of their birth."
"This ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an
irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race
or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our
common status as human beings and Americans," Trump wrote, later calling the ideology
The UK government last month issued guidance
which says schools should not use resources "produced by organisations that take extreme
political stances on matters."
Examples of unacceptable stances include "a publicly stated desire to abolish or overthrow
democracy, capitalism, or to end free and fair elections," as well as opposition to free
speech or the use of racist or anti-Semitic language. Materials "promoting divisive or victim
narratives that are harmful to British society," were also included as an example.
Lt. Frank Drebin , 1 hour ago
A rare example in these surreal times. I salute you ma'am.
Nothing , 36 minutes ago
Not that rare. Ive heard numbers of blacks and latinos speak out like this. But these
voices are systematically suppressed by Google, by Facebook, and also by the blocking of
peaceable assemblages and by simple conversation with strangers without being muzzled with
the excuse given of coronaphobia.....
Dickweed Wang , 1 hour ago
If all races are so equal why is it that when Europeans first went to the African
continent the people there were not using the wheel?
Yippie21 , 1 hour ago
Now do American Indians; same
CriswellSpeaks , 1 hour ago
If whites are superior to blacks then why didn't the white race completely supplant the
black race in Africa? Short answer, same reason the black race never built any great cities
in Africa, tropical diseases. Geography is destiny and being located at the equator,
tropical diseases have prevented black Africans from creating any great civilizations until
the present era. When the whites of S. Africa attempted to migrate north much past Rhodesia
they were stopped dead in their tracks(literally) by tropical diseases. Imagine what a
society would look like if it got hammered by the Black Death every century and you have
black Africa.
DeathMerchant , 1 hour ago
********! There was no enviromental incentive to progress in equatorial regions. No need
for warmth, food or advanced tools to progress beyond ability to provide basic necessities
which were available to them year round. Compare that to the northern climes which had
minimal seasonal opportunities to provide those things and the development of capability to
cope with such.
CriswellSpeaks , 1 hour ago
Critical Race Theory is a form of back handed racism directed at minorities. According
to CRT, as a white person I possess this magical power to oppress all black people that I
was born with. No matter what black people do, they are powerless is the face of my absence
of skin pigmentation. Seriously, if you do a little digging into the founders of CRT you
will probably find the law firms/lawyers/political lobbyists who were responsible in the
1960's for opposing the abolition of Jim Crow laws. After they lost to color blindness and
integration, they infiltrated the Communists, claimed racial harmony was preventing a
Marxist revolution and had to be reversed for it to happen. CRT would drag race relations
back to the post civil war era.
PCShibai , 32 minutes ago
Ask yourself this, " if ' white privilege ' is the real reason
why blacks cannot get ahead in the US, then why aren't blacks successful in all the other
black-lead nations on the planet?" I mean...... there's ZERO history of ' white privilege '
keeping down Uganda, or the Congo, or ANY other black-lead nation...... and yet they are
all failing their people miserably and have ALWAYS failed their people miserably!
" White
privilege " is the CRUTCH that is used by the black race for their own failures.
Failure to maintain a family that raises children properly, failure to insist that their
children are properly educated, failure to integrate into the successes of the surrounding
culture, failure to accept the fundamentals that make people economically successful.
Until they eliminate the CRUTCH and accept their responsibility for their own success
& their own failures, they will continue to be the one failed culture throughout the
entire world!
cvp , 9 minutes ago
I do not disagree with the point your making; I would like to add, the people who
migrate from the African continent to the United States are some of the happiest people
I've met and worked with in my life. They are not interested in what BLM is selling! Jus
5onIt , 40 minutes ago
None of the black people in this country were brought here in chains either. They are
free to leave whenever they damn well please.
greatdisconformity , 30 minutes ago
The institution of slavery gave black lives a value they did not otherwise have in
Africans simply sold the losers of tribal wars, or their own slaves, to the coastal
It was either the auction block, or the killing fields.
I do not feel any guilt at all.
Without slavery, these people would not exist in any form; here or with descendants in
They owe their existence in its most fundamental form to slavery.
They should be glad.
Whitey is being played. Big time.
Spetzco , 19 minutes ago
Especially as most of the major slave traders in Africa were BLACK themselves.
greatdisconformity , 35 minutes ago
The language of Critical Race Theory is the language of Genocide.
Historically, when an ethnic group is singled out for a savage take-down like Critical
Race Theory, it has been a prelude and pretext for mass killings.
Of course, this time things will be different.
Shifter_X , 14 minutes ago
It's the same playbook the Boshies Nazis and Maoists used. Yes, genocide and wiping out
history, that's their specialty.
St. TwinkleToes , 1 hour ago
When you're a race hustler filled with the dripping hatred of Whitey, and all you have
going in life are endless victim grievance bs regurgitated to get a head in life, it all
makes sense. It's not enough that Blacks have their own BET, endless Black This & Black
That Awards, staring roles in most all feature films, Two term POTUS, no, they want it all.
They want Whitey to live in imaginary Black World Wakanda as indentured Servants as
reparations for slavery 150 years ago. They want to drag us in chains down roads of endless
Persecution until we are no more.
Phuc Critical Race Theory, and Phuc Black Lives Matter.
SunsteintheSodomite , 58 minutes ago
Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa showed the world that you can build a complete
NATION with infrastructure, economic supply routes, trade deals, agriculture, technology,
...then drop off the keys and an instruction manual...
...and within 5-10 years it will be beyond repair.
Throughout their history, blacks have had only one route to civilization:
Follow WHITEY.
Rest Easy , 23 minutes ago
And van jones has the nerve to say white people have a virus. Maybe so van. We are too
Is there a US city and unfortunate surrounding suburbs that has a large percentage of
black persons not causing havoc? Ruin. Just generally weird stupid bs. Morning noon and
night. Tip toeing through the daisies trying to keep the young black kids fun down to a
dull roar. If you are "lucky". Get a little uppity and the klan with a tan comes a
knocking. Sometimes just being white around black Nazis is more than sufficient.
At least teach students about what happened in Rwanda.
Misean , 4 minutes ago
Or Rhodesia, the bread basket of Africa.
After changing it's name to Zimbabwe, the black rulers have reduced the nation to abject
poverty. From feeding much of sub Saharan Africa, the nation now depends on massive food
imports, most of which is given by western nations at great expense.
The population of productive whites and blacks have either left or been killed by roving
bands of bandits. The bandits "reclaimed" commercial farms at gun point, took girls as
slaves killed all makes, and raped then murdered the women.
Having no clue how commercial farming works, but assured by their leaders that
traditional African farming was superior, they sold the farm equipment to smarter thugs,
for dimes on the dollar (the buyers exported the equipment to better run countries, for
sizable profits, this depleting the country of the farm capital necessary to turn things
The farm bandits, with stone age farming techniques, destroyed the soil quickly. Most of
the fertile top soil has washed away, what's left is exhausted.
nsurf9 , 1 hour ago
The only "privileged" our country is suffering under - is not already ending the
Affirmative Action Act of 1986. It had it place 25 years ago. Now, it is nothing more than
a prima facie Government sanctioned systematic discrimination against Caucasians - that's
now well past being justified by any stretch of a "compelling state interest" argument.
If you are being wrongfully discriminated, you have the Equal Protection Clause of the
14th Amendment and State law to pursue your claim - like the rest of us.
SmokingArgus , 25 minutes ago
If you have a "Minister of Equalities" you've already lost.
Shifter_X , 1 hour ago
"" Our history of race is not America's history of race. Most black British people who
have come to our shores were not brought here in chains, but came voluntarily due to their
connections to the UK and in search of a better life. I should know. I am one of them"
What a steaming pile of ********.
The settlers who came to America in 1560 (not 1619 as the fictitious farcical revised
"history" claims) and thereafter brought their slaves WITH THEM FROM THE UK
The UK was happy to pass the slave trade on to the colonies.
But make no mistake, the UK was up to its *** in slavery well before the colonies were
even formed.
DieSocialJusticeWankers , 1 hour ago
A Biden win and there will be affirmative action and CRTheory on steroids. The USA will
die for young white people. Vote Trump white people, or you're fkkkkked!
1. As recently as June of 2019, Biden praised the "civility" of the segregationist
senators he worked with in Congress to pass anti-busing legislation.
2. Biden praised the notorious segregationist politician George Wallace, boasted about
how Wallace once honored him with an award in 1973, and told a Southern audience in 1987
that "we [Delawareans] were on the South's side in the Civil War."
3. Biden opposed busing in the 1970s and expressed fears that it would lead to a "racial
4. Biden voted to protect the tax-exempt status of private segregated schools.
5. Biden told black radio host Charlamagne tha God, "If you have a problem figuring out
whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
6. Biden told the Asian and Latino Coalition of Des Moines that "poor kids are just as
bright and just as talented as white kids."
7. While delivering remarks before a black audience in Delaware, Biden launched into a
meandering story about a gang leader named Corn Pop and claimed that he "learned about
roaches" while working at a community pool in a black neighborhood.
8. In 2008, Biden referred to then presidential candidate Barack Obama as "the first
sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean."
9. In 2006, Biden told C-SPAN, "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless
you have a slight Indian accent."
10. Biden falsely claimed to have "marched" in the civil rights movement.
Still waiting on Trump's racist comments, been like 6 years.
Brits had slave's just as almost every other country in the world has, in the past even
white slaves (Irish). Brits have no higher ground to stand on than anyone else looking at
their indiscretions in India and China and elsewhere. Such as the opium wars in China.
Silly British. They should realize it has NOTHING to do with race. It's all about
COMMUNISM, they are just as in danger from the cancer of communism as anyone else.
rmogabe , 27 minutes ago
She said it is a political movement.
artytom , 1 hour ago
Thank Goodness. Very surprised to see this coming out of the UK government - but...
Is the tide turning.
Have the World Bank run out of bribes?
Have we passed the tipping point and they have taken off the pressure because they know
there is no going back?
Are they satisfied that the economies are in free fall and won't bounce back?
Are they simply covering their asses (the most likely of all).
DeathMerchant , 1 hour ago
In 1959, AAMD set the IQ threshold for mental retardation at < 85. The civil rights
movement of the next decade forced psychologists to rethink this boundary, because half the
African American population fell below it. In 1973, responding to this concern, AAMD (by
then AAMR) changed the threshold for retardation from IQ < 85 to IQ < 70. The
boundary moved south by one standard deviation! The proportion of blacks below the
threshold instantly dropped from about 50 percent to 12 percent. Subsequent refinements
made it still more difficult to meet the criteria for retardation.
When Binet in 1905 produced the first IQ test, it promised to revolutionize the diagnosis
and treatment of mental retardation. A half century later it came under attack for reasons
Binet could not have imagined. Could any of the pioneer psychometricians have foreseen
Larry P. v. Riles (1979), a California class-action suit that focused on IQ testing of
young black children? The court held that IQ tests were not valid for African Americans. It
banned California from using the tests for placing black students in classes for the
"educable mentally retarded" or equivalent categories on the grounds that the tests were
biased. After a series of appeals, the district court ruled that no special education
related purposes exist for which IQ tests could be administered to black pupils. Though
only a California ruling, the case began a political assault on standardized testing that
has spread beyond the IQ test to college entrance exams, promotional exams and more.
A Case History of Government Intervention
In 1996, The Office for Civil Rights placed 16 school districts nationwide under review for
potential discrimination. The districts were charged with violating the civil rights of
minorities, especially African Americans, because blacks were found to be overrepresented
in special education programs, especially those for the mentally retarded. Five of the 16
districts were in Maryland. Ironically, Maryland is a very liberal state very much in tune
with the goals of the Civil Rights Office. Maryland is also almost 30 percent black. The
offending districts included Baltimore, Howard, Harford, Montgomery and Prince Georges
counties. OCR detectives uncovered "discrimination" by looking at school records. The
offending data appear in Table 1. The irritant is in the last column. Black children were
classified as retarded at 1.5 to 2.2 times the rate of whites. OCR ordered the counties to
find a "remedy."
Fortunately teaching Critical Race Theory or any other invented marxist propaganda is
going to get a lot of people killed.
They'll find they deployed the subversion before gaining a sufficient majority, or
sufficient technological control among a highly educated peasantry.
And by the end of all that killing, there will be a brighter future for European
descendants, darkness relegated to its corner of the Earth.
By that time, all the people who would otherwise wish they'd never uttered a word of
critical race theory will simply be no longer.
Fight back.
You have the moral law on your side and you will win.
GreatUncle , 18 minutes ago
UK Government ... ROFL.
The UK government last month issued guidance
which says schools should not use resources "produced by organisations that take extreme
political stances on matters."
Because see we the UK government do that ... ain't you noticed? So as we do it then it
is all legal like mass immigration to destroy the indigenous population...
MadameDeficit , 1 hour ago
Oh boy, can't wait for the hypocrites to tell her why she's wrong.
Maghreb2 , 1 hour ago
She's right but she should shut her mouth either ways because she's a tory sell out
bitch and we know that because we know the Tories and the
Freud-Murdoch run P.R firms they get their polices from . Real racial theory would have
David Lammy lynched by everyone but the Chinese. Starting teaching the little white boys
Jimmy Savile in Leeds infirmary and we'll have them ready to suicide bomb Buckingham
Palace and go after the nearest member of "the people who will n
ot be blamed for nothing " minority .
Tell them that is what Mi5 are for.
To protect White Privileges and the weaker ones will kill themselves when they see what
they have planned for them in the future. By the Divine right of the Windsors suicide isn't
even legal and just remember that is why he was in the infirmaries. She should remember how
similar the white monkeys are to the black monkeys in their natural habitat .
The west is past imported racial talking points. Blood for the money will be new mantra
after the war starts but we wouldn't expect the people in parliament to have ever
understood that in way because they can't see the real world. Rivers of Blood Libel these
days. Play them this song and we'll see which music turns them into hardened killers over
night. Tell them Guy Burgesses and Rothschild used to go to the
Gargoyle club and the stories about Dolphin Square .
Victim ideology as broadcast by media, politicians and schools is the true divider and
oppressor that reinforces the odious legacy of slavery. The only way people move beyond
what was unacceptable in the past is to release and bury it. Those who are vested in
maintaining the old ugly status quo are the ones who won't let it go. that's the cabal and
all their minions. Enough.
GeezerGeek , 1 hour ago
How many black slaves were needed on Britain's cotton plantations? Duh...
How many black slaves were brought to Britain's colonies in America (not just on the
continent) before it became an independent (at least that's the story) nation? Duh...
As an aside, isn't one particular candidate for VP this year the descendant of a slave
owner in a former British colony?
Compare slaves brought to British colonies against slaves brought into the USA after
independence. Which number is greater and which process lasted longer?
For fun, we can then consider black slaves brought to other places in the Americas, both
North and South, plus the nearby islands.
At least she had the courage to attack CRT, which strikes me as another example of the
soft bigotry of low expectations. How long do you think it will be before she finds herself
looking for a new job?
What is never mentioned is that poor whites suffered from slavery. Depressed wages.
Being forced to man "slave patrols" or risk jail time. That system robbed everyone
Faustus B. , 2 hours ago
The left got so worked up about intelligent design being taught in the classroom, but
apparently it was just political. We must never forget that they'll ram racial
pseudo-science down kid's throats the minute they get the chance.
Seattle Police officers leaving the department after a summer of chaos are lashing out at
city leadership in their exit interviews, according to
KOMO news .
" I refuse to work for this socialist city council and their political agenda . This agenda
sacrifices the health and well-being of the officers and ultimately will destroy the fabric of
this once fine city," said one retiring patrol sergeant who had been with the force for over 20
years .
Another officer whose job is 'up in the air' said "The council wanting to defund us and
gaining ground doing it. Rioters not being charged even when they assault officers. "
Another patrol officer from the East Precinct who was resigning after 6-10 years of
service offered this explanation for leaving the department: " Current hostile work
environment. In a precinct that is under civil unrest by a small group that is constantly
committing multiple felonies and attempting to murder peace officers ."
When followed up with the question: "What did you enjoy least about working at SPD?"
The officer said, " I enjoyed almost every aspect of working with Seattle PD itself. The
one thing that I enjoyed the least was the handling of the last three months of riots ." -
KOMO news
"It's ridiculous" said Crimestoppers Director of Law Enforcement, Jim Fuda, who works with
SPD. "Just when you think it can't get more inane, it does."
When outgoing officers were asked "Would you like to work for SPD again in the future?" some
said they would, but only if things change "drastically."
Another officer said "I highly doubt it. You could pay me twice what you're paying me now
and I would not work for Seattle under this current political mayhem, Marxist collaborations
and lack of government and police leadership ."
"It's an absolute joke and a travesty for the rest of the citizens here in this city, this
once beautiful city," according to Fuda. "Our police department is there to protect all of us
and because of the cutbacks and the retirements, who's going to protect our public safety?"
In July we reported on a mass exodus of police officers from the Seattle PD .
Seattle Police Officer's Guild VP Rich O'Neill told
Q13 FOX that local officials "are allowing certain crimes to go on without
"Worker bees on the street, they don't feel appreciated. I've never seen anything like this
in my life," another source within the Seattle PD told
Q13 Fox .
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
And in August, Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best
announced her resignation after the City Council crippled her ability to respond to rioters
by banning tear gas, pepper spray and flash bangs. She was also excluded from meetings
regarding budget cuts.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., the young folk hero commonly known as AOC, has
crossed the line from radicalism to anti-Americanism and anti-decency.
Tellingly, she now operates through an organization called Jacobin , named after
French revolutionaries who descended into barbarity and mass murder.
Indeed, the word terrorism arises from the "reign of terror" of which they were an important
By identifying with such violent radicals, AOC sounds a dog whistle to violent organizations
such as Antifa and others on the hard-Left who want revolution not evolution.
AOC's most recent manifestation of support for violence is her campaign to "defund the
police." This is what her most recent ad: "From: Ocasio Cortez via Jacobin" says: "Right now
most major cities in America are channeling huge war chests of money into police departments .
. . "
That is a blatant falsehood.
Police men and women around the country suffer from extremely low pay. They are working
people who put their lives at risk every day to defend the most vulnerable among us.
Law enforcment needs more funding, not defunding .
More funding would pay for better police training, better non-lethal weapons, better
community policing and better protection for vulnerable victims, many of whom live in minority
AOC and her fellow revolutionaries believe that today's world is "based on racist, violent
policing . . ."
This paints with far too broad a brush. I know many police officers, FBI, secret service,
and other members of law enforcement. I am generally on the opposite side of them in the
But the vast, vast majority of them are honest, decent, hardworking people who have devoted
their lives to protecting the rest of us and most especially those most subject to
victimization in high crime areas.
The last thing they ever want to do is fire their service revolvers at anyone, most
especially anyone innocent.
They are not murderers as AOC characterizes them, calling the tragic death of Breonna Taylor
a "murder," despite evidence that the police fired in response to a shot from her boyfriend
that hit and nearly killed an officer.
Such bigotry against police officers and such generalizations about racism, are to be
condemned by all descent people.
AOC's indecency was also recently manifested when she was invited by a pro-peace left wing
Jewish organization to commemorate the death of Israel's great peace maker, Yitzhak Rabin.
Rabin was assassinated by a hard-Right extremist who opposed Rabin's efforts to make peace
with the Palestinians and to recognize a Palestinian state. AOC originally accepted an
invitation to appear at the event but after being pressured by virulent anti-Zionists who
believe that Israel has no right to exist as the nation state of the Jewish people, she backed
AOC's cowardly decision not to stand up to anti-Semitic, anti-Israel bigotry is
being applauded by fellow bigots on the hard left.
When AOC was first elected, I urged leaders of the Jewish community to reach out to her in
order to educate her about Israel's history and its enormous contribution to the well-being of
the planet.
No country in history has ever done so much good for humanity in so short a period of time
as in the 72 years since Israel has come into existence. Efforts were made to reach out to her
to invite her to visit Israel to meet with Jewish leaders on the Left, and most recently to
join in honoring Israel's peace martyr Yitzhak Rabin.
She has rebuffed all efforts to build bridges to the pro-Israel community -- even its most
left wing members.
Although she has been deliberately vague about her position with regard to Israel, it now
seems evidently clear that she does not recognize Israel's right to exist and to live in peace
as the nation state of the Jewish people.
If she did, she would not have refused to attend the pro-peace memorial to Rabin.
AOC has now crossed the line from radicalism to bigotry, from extremism to intolerance and
from ignorance to willful mendacity. AOC is no longer a friend of liberalism, of mainstream
Judaism or of basic decency. She is an enemy whose bigotry must be confronted at every turn and
whose lies must be responded to with truth.
"... The hatred of Donald Trump, which certainly to some extent is legitimate if only due to his ignorance and boorishness, has driven a feeding frenzy by the moderate-to liberal media which has made them blind to their own faults. ..."
"... Just as the Israel Firsters in Congress and in the state legislative bodies have had great success in criminalizing any criticism of the Jewish state, the mainstream media's "fake news" in support of the "woke" crowd agenda has already succeeded in forcing out many alternative voices in the public space. ..."
"... This type of "thought control" has been most evident in the media, but it is beginning to dominate in other areas where conversations about policy and rights take place. Universities in particular, which once were bastions of free speech and free thought, are now defining what is acceptable language and behavior even when the alleged perpetrators are neither threatening or abusive. ..."
"... Recently, a student editor at the University of Wisconsin student newspaper was fired because he dared to write a column that objected to the current anti-police consensus. ..."
"... The worst aspect of the increasing thought control taking place in America's public space is that it is not only not over, it is increasing. To be sure, to a certain extent the upcoming election is a driver of the process as left and right increasingly man the barricades to support their respective viewpoints. If that were all, it might be considered politics as usual, but unfortunately the process is going well beyond that point. The righteousness exuded by the social justice warriors has apparently given them the mandate to attempt to control what Americans are allowed to think or say while also at the same time upending the common values that have made the country functional. It is a revolution of sorts, and those who object most strongly could well be the first to go to the guillotine. ..."
Once upon a time it was possible to rely on much of the mainstream media to report on
developments more or less objectively, relegating opinion pieces to the editorial page. But
that was a long time ago. I remember moving to Washington back in 1976 after many years of
New York Times and International Herald Tribune readership, when both those
papers still possessed editorial integrity. My first experience of the Washington Post
had my head spinning, wondering how front-page stories that allegedly reported the "news" could
sink to the level of including editorialized comments from start to finish to place the story
in context.
Today, Washington Post style reporting has become the norm and the New York
Times , if anything, might possibly be the worst exponent of news that is actually largely
unsubstantiated or at best "anonymous" opinion. In the past few weeks, stories about the
often-violent social unrest that continues in numerous states have virtually disappeared from
sight because the mainstream media has its version of reality, that the demonstrations are
legitimate protest that seek to correct "systemic racism." Likewise, counter-demonstrators are
reflexively described as "white supremacists" so they can be dismissed as unreformable racists.
Videos of rampaging mobs looting, burning and destroying while also beating and even killed
innocent citizens who are trying to protect themselves and their property are not shown or
written about to any real extent because such actions are being carried out by the groups that
the mainstream media and its political enablers favor.
The hatred of Donald Trump, which certainly to some extent is legitimate if only due to his
ignorance and boorishness, has driven a feeding frenzy by the moderate-to liberal media which
has made them blind to their own faults. The recent expose by the New
York Times on Donald Trump's taxes might well be considered a new low, with blaring
headlines declaring that the president is a tax avoider. It was a theme rapidly picked up and
promoted by much of the remainder of the television and print media as well as "public radio"
stations like NPR.
But wait a minute. Trump Inc. is a multi-faceted business that includes a great number of
smaller entities, not all of which involve real estate per se. Donald Trump, not surprisingly,
does not do his own taxes and instead employs teams of accountants and lawyers to do the work
for him. They take advantage of every break possible to reduce the taxes paid. Why are there
tax breaks for businesses that individual Americans do not enjoy? Because congress approved
legislation to make it so. So who is to blame if Donald Trump only paid $750 in tax? Congress,
but the media coverage of the issue deliberately made it look like Trump is a tax cheater.
And then there is the question how the Times got the tax returns in the first place. Tax
returns are legally protected confidential documents and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is
obligated to maintain privacy regarding them. Some of the files are currently part of an IRS
audit and it just might be that the auditors are the source of the completely illegal leak, but
we may never know as the Times is piously declaring "We are not making the records
themselves public, because we do not want to jeopardize our sources, who have taken enormous
personal risks to help inform the public." Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation
wryly observes that when it comes to avoiding taxes "I'll bet that the members of the
Times ' editorial board and its big team of reporters and columnists do the same thing.
They are just upset that they don't do it as well as Trump."
Just as the Israel Firsters in Congress and in the state legislative bodies have had great
success in criminalizing any criticism of the Jewish state, the mainstream media's "fake news"
in support of the "woke" crowd agenda has already succeeded in forcing out many alternative
voices in the public space. The Times has been a leader in bringing about this departure
from "freedom of speech" enshrined in a "free press," having recently forced
the resignation of senior editor James Bennet over the publication of an op-ed written by
Senator Tom Cotton. Cotton's views are certainly not to everyone's taste, but he provided a
reasonable account of how and when federal troops have been used in the past to repress civil
unrest, together with a suggestion that they might play that same role in the current
This type of "thought control" has been most evident in the media, but it is beginning to
dominate in other areas where conversations about policy and rights take place. Universities in
particular, which once were bastions of free speech and free thought, are now defining what is
acceptable language and behavior even when the alleged perpetrators are neither threatening or
Recently, a student editor at the University of Wisconsin student newspaper was fired
because he dared to write a column that objected to the current anti-police consensus.
Washington lawyer Jonathan Turley
observes how the case was not unique, how there has been " a crackdown on some campuses
against conservative columnists and newspapers, including the firing of a
conservative student columnist at Syracuse , the public condemnation of a
student columnist at Georgetown , and a
campaign against one of the oldest conservative student newspapers in the country at
Dartmouth. Now, The Badger Herald , a
student newspaper at the University of Wisconsin Madison, has dismissed columnist Tripp Grebe
after he wrote a column opposing the defunding of police departments." Ironically, Grebe
acknowledged in his op-ed that there is considerable police-initiated brutality and also
justified the emergence of black lives matter, but it was not enough to save him.
The worst aspect of the increasing thought control taking place in America's public space is
that it is not only not over, it is increasing. To be sure, to a certain extent the upcoming
election is a driver of the process as left and right increasingly man the barricades to
support their respective viewpoints. If that were all, it might be considered politics as
usual, but unfortunately the process is going well beyond that point. The righteousness exuded
by the social justice warriors has apparently given them the mandate to attempt to control what
Americans are allowed to think or say while also at the same time upending the common values
that have made the country functional. It is a revolution of sorts, and those who object most
strongly could well be the first to go to the guillotine.
Yes, The USA Today is now fact-checking memes detailing black on white crime, to
try and downplay the reality of just how bad black on white crime is in America. [
Fact check: Rates of white-on-white and Black-on-Black crime are similar , USA Today,
September 30, 2020]:
viral meme purports to list homicide statistics by race in the United States, as
Whites killing Blacks -- 2%
Police killing whites -- 3%
Whites killing whites -- 16%
Blacks killing whites -- 81%
Police killing Blacks -- 1%
Blacks killing Blacks -- 97%
The page behind one viral version of the post, I Support Law Enforcement Officers, had
over 611 shares on its post. USA TODAY has reached out to the page for comment.
Some versions of the meme include this line: "America does have a problem. But it's not
what the media tells you it is."
Rates of white-on-white and Black-on-Black homicide are similar, at around 80% and 90%
Overall, most homicides in the United States are intraracial, and the rates of
white-on-white and Black-on-Black killings are similar, both long term and in individual
Between 1980-2008, the U.S. Department of Justice found that 84% of white victims were
killed by white offenders and 93% of Black victims were killed by Black offenders.
In 2018, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that 81% of white victims were killed by white
offenders, and 89% of Black victims were killed by Black offenders.
In 2017, the
FBI reported almost identical figures -- 80% of white victims were killed by white
offenders, and 88% of Black victims were killed by Black offenders.
Though the numbers differ year-to-year, the stark difference that the viral post attempts
to portray between the rates of white-on-white and Black-on-Black homicide -- which it puts
at 16% and 97%, respectively -- is inaccurate.
Both numbers tend to hover between 80% and 90% and remain within 10 percentage points of
each other.
Rates of Black-on-white and white-on-Black homicide also within 8 points
Likewise, the post attempts to portray a gulf in the rate of Black-on-white and
white-on-Black homicide -- which it lists at 81% and 2%, respectively.
Statistics from the FBI in 2018 and 2017 contradict that claim.
In 2018, 16% of white victims were killed by Black offenders, while 8% of Black victims
were killed by white offenders.
Similarly, in 2017, 16% of white victims were killed by Black offenders, while 9% of Black
victims were killed by white offenders.
In both years, the numbers remained within eight percentage points, a much smaller gap
than the 79% alleged in the viral post.
Black on white crime isn't as bad as white people believe it to be on social media, when
they share viral memes, but as The USA Today admits, it's still pretty bad.
But white people noticing how bad it is well, that's the real crime in the eyes of The
USA Today .
Speaking of whites killed by blacks, an attractive white lady working at a 7-11 has been
shot and killed in Waldorf, MD, which is one-third orc. The description of the murderer left
out the race but mentioned a hoodie, a strong indication that it's another dindu crime,
especially since she was killed despite the fact that she was cooperating with the killer's
Excerpt: Richardson said the suspect was dressed in a hooded sweatshirt, surgical mask and
"He approached her, he produced a gun, it looked like she was complying and he shot her at
that time," Richardson said.
I have read of countless similar encounters over the years. Being a white woman working
alone at 1 a.m. in a convenience store must be one of the most dangerous jobs in America.
(((fake news ))) will either do nothing and let the facts fade from normie memory, or
goysplain that all black crime is YT's fault, even black-on-black violence, because YT
Put nothing past them. Hell, they're gaslighting antifa's riots as 'right-wing
Could it be possible that we could learn some important lessons by looking back at how
Americans lived 70 years ago?
Of course there has never been any era in our history when everything has been perfect. But
without a doubt, things are vastly different today than they were back in 1950
In 1950, Texaco Star Theatre, The Lone Ranger and Hopalong Cassidy were some of the most
popular shows that Americans watched on television.
In 2020, a Netflix film entitled "Cuties" is so trashy and so disgusting that four states
have sent a letter to Netflix asking for it to be removed because it is "fodder for those
with criminal imaginations, serving to normalize the view that children are sexual
In 1950, television networks would not even show husbands and wives in bed together.
In 2020, "adult websites" get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.
In 1950, people would greet one another as they walked down the street.
In 2020, Americans are too enamored with their cellphones to be bothered with actual human
In 1950, gum chewing and talking in class were some of the major disciplinary problems in our
In 2020, youffs are literally gunning down police officers in the streets.
In 1950, people would make an effort to dress up and look nice when they would go out in
In 2020, most of the population has become utter slobs and "People of Walmart" has become one
of our most popular memes.
In 1950, the typical woman got married for the first time at age 20 and the typical man got
married for the first time at age 22.
In 2020, the typical woman gets married for the first time at age 27 and the typical man gets
married for the first time at age 29.
In 1950, a lot of people would leave their homes and their vehicles unlocked because crime
rates were so low.
In 2020, many that live in urban areas are deathly afraid of all the civil unrest that has
erupted, and gun sales have soared to all-time record highs.
In 1950, Americans actually attempted to parent their children.
In 2020, we pump our kids full of mind-altering drugs and we let our televisions and our
video games raise our children.
In 1950, Baltimore was one of the most beautiful and most prosperous cities on the entire
In 2020, Baltimore regularly makes headlines because of all the murders that are constantly
occurring. Of course the exact same thing could be said about many of our other major
In 1950, 78 percent of all households in America contained a married couple.
In 2020, that figure has fallen below 50 percent.
In 1950, about 5 percent of all babies in the United States were born to unmarried
In 2020, about 40 percent of all babies in the United States will be born to unmarried
In 1950, new churches were regularly being opened all over the United States.
In 2020, it is being projected that 1 out of every 5 churches in the U.S. "could be forced to
shut their doors in the next 18 months", and the mayor of Lubbock, Texas just said that
opening a new Planned Parenthood clinic is like starting a church.
In 1950, we actually had high standards for our elected officials, and people actually did
research on the candidates before they cast their votes.
In 2020, more than 4,000 people in one county in New Hampshire voted for a "transsexual
Satanic anarchist" in the Republican primary, and she is now the Republican nominee for
sheriff in Cheshire County.
In 1950, children would go outside and play when they got home from school.
In 2020, our parks and our playgrounds are virtually empty and we have the highest childhood
obesity rate in the industrialized world.
In 1950, front porches were community gathering areas, and people would regularly have their
neighbors over for dinner.
In 2020, many of us don't know our neighbors at all, and the average American watches more
than five hours of television a day.
In 1950, Americans used words such as "knucklehead", "moxie" and "jalopy".
In 2020, new terms such as "nomophobia", "peoplekind" and "social distancing" have been
introduced into the English language.
In 1950, the very first credit card was issued in the United States.
In 2020, Americans owe more than 930 billion dollars on their credit cards.
In 1950, one income could support an entire middle class household.
In 2020, tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs and filed for unemployment, and
more than half of all households in some of our largest cities are currently facing "serious
financial problems".
In 1950, the American people believed that the free market should govern the economy.
In 2020, most Americans seem to believe that the government in Washington and the Federal
Reserve must endlessly "manage" the economy.
In 1950, "socialists" and "communists" were considered to be our greatest national
In 2020, most of our politicians in Washington have eagerly embraced socialist and communist
policy goals.
In 1950, the U.S. Constitution was deeply loved and highly revered.
In 2020, anyone that actually admits to being a "constitutionalist" is considered to be a
potential domestic terrorist.
In 1950, the United States loaned more money to the rest of the world than anybody else.
In 2020, the United States owes more money to the rest of the world than anybody else.
In 1950, the total U.S. national debt reached the 257 billion dollar mark for the first time
in our history.
In 2020, we added 864 billion dollars to the national debt in the month of June alone. In
other words, we added over three times more to the national debt in that one month than the
total amount of debt that had been accumulated from the founding of our nation all the way to
In 1950, most Americans were generally happy with their lives.
In 2020, the suicide rate is at an all-time record high, and it has been rising every single
year since 2007.
*** Michael's new book entitled "Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America" is now
available in paperback and for the Kindle on . ***
Where you from Kev? Ever live in or near a black neighborhood, maybe go to a school with a
high black population? Or did you spend your life in a lily White suburb where the only
blacks you ever met were domestic help or on TV? Try living the life of an average White
person stuck near a violent black population center, then get back to me. You are clueless
about race relations in the US.
@Mr. Rational e SHR data provide additional details about each homicide incident,
including the jurisdiction, month, year, victim and offender demographic characteristics,
weapon, the circumstances surrounding the incident (e.g., argument, robbery, gang-related),
and the relationship between the victim and offender, if known.
But that would not adequately account for your interaction point.
Another element I think should be added is relative risk from non/strangers of different
races. How many of the white on white murders are strangers compared to how many of the black
on white murders? Because I think the most obvious question is how to evaluate risk for random
interactions. Non-strangers can be evaluated as individuals to a larger degree.
One of the things about FBI/Justice Dept. violent crime statistics that has infuriated me
for decades is their damnable habit of lumping Hispanics and who-knows-what into the "White"
offender category.
Kevin is a kind hearted person, and I know he is coming from a place of not wanting to speak
ill of his circle of friends.
But the reality of life in America is that (murder aside) blacks violently attack white
people more than 1,500 times per day, each and every single day. (USBOJ Household survey)
Now, that is a very serious problem. Many of these black on white attacks are in ways that
are unbelievably serious, and would be completely unthinkable to white people, ie slashing or
gang beating someone just for "fun" and laughing while while you are doing it.
If noticing reality all around us and thinking that something should be done about it makes
someone racist, I guess I am racist, too.
@Rich ly beginning to gentrify) neighborhoods in San Francisco in the 1980s, when crime
rates were considerably higher than they are now. Also lived at the corner of Oakland, Berkeley
and Emeryville in 1992-3. I played pickup basketball with mostly black guys regularly
throughout many of those years. Subbed in the SF public high schools including one that was
majority black or close to it. Went to quite a few mostly-black parties in the Lower Haight. I
generally got along at least as well with black folks as with white folks.
Also when I lived in Paris in 1988-89 I hung out with and played on the Paris 8 basketball
team with mostly Africans. Our best player was a black guy from NYC.
Overall black folks are at least as nice as white folks, and in certain ways, more real.
Maybe you guys just haven't been hanging out with the right black people?
@Kevin Barrett er wrong action. Only white people are responsible for their own actions,
but not blacks because blacks are like good-natured children who lack full mental capacity and
only respond to their environment, which of course white people created. When you ask racist
liberal weenies like Kevin to point to low-crime black societies anywhere in deep Africa, they
cannot of course. Then white colonialism gets blamed. That there might be black moral turpitude
or at least deeply ingrained cultural patterns of depraved behavior in blacks is automatically
eschewed by racist liberal weenie circles in academia from whence Kevin came. And so because
the data will not be looked at nor new approaches considered, the problem of black criminality
has reached the point where it threatens the survival of America.
“Between 1980-2008, the U.S. Department of Justice found that 84% of white victims
were killed by white offenders and 93% of Black victims were killed by Black
So white victims were over 2x more likely to have been killed by blacks than vice-versa (16%
and 7% of cases). That white number also includes hispanics. The article also omits mention of
the black homicide rate being 8 times higher than whites+hispanics.
The argument that black-on-black violence is a greater problem than police violence entirely
misses the point. If I am confronted with a criminal, I have the legal right to defend myself.
If I am confronted by an aggressive police officer, I can invoke no such right.
Have you not ever had an interaction with a policeman? Did you enjoy how they disrespect
you, provoke you, dare you to defy them so they can assault you? They’ve done this to me,
a harmless white man who generally travels around in jeans and sneakers, maybe looking a little
rough around the edges even though I own rental property and a business. So it doesn’t
take much to picture how the thuggish bully-boy element so prevalent in the oinking fraternity
would act out against someone they consider without status.
Breaking the power of the policemen’s unions is an essential first step to remedying
rampant abuses in the system. The police are not members of the working class. They are agents
of state power and as such must be held to a very strict standard of conduct. In a republic,
there can be no greater crime than abuse of authority, be it by violence or corruption, by
those whom, in Thomas Jefferson’s memorable phrase, “we are obliged to entrust with
Such a betrayal of the public trust, by men entrusted with the power of life and death over
the citizenry, is the only transgression for which the death penalty is the truly appropriate
punishment and deterrent.
@Kevin Barrett 8221; – meaning me. They didn’t like it that the big white boy
was dunking on them.
I was then attacked by about 12 groids in a pre-meditated manner, and I know this for a fact
because I heard their planning.
The statistics are what they are, and people like you who are in la la land are annoying.
You are not connected to reality when you let your exceptional experiences overcome what others
are noticing.
I don’t allow my negative experiences with blacks overcome my ability to see many of
them as people. But, on the other hand, I don’t ignore the crime statistics.
Your willful ignorance is dangerous. Clown world is bad enough already without illogical
“exceptions makes the rules” blathering.
USA Today seems unaware of this and thinks they are clearing the air by trying to get to
the truth about race and crime. Hilarious.
And the interracial crime stat they harp on helps hide the scope of Black crime.
There’s roughly six times more Whites in the US than Blacks, so a truly equal society
would have six times as many Blacks killed by Whites and vice versa.
So, per the 2018 stats, if twice as many Whites are killed by Blacks as vice versa, then
Blacks are killing at twelve times the rate of a “fair” society.
One factor these statistics oversimplify is that there is a topological overlay to the
issue. Vast sectors of the country are still overwhelmingly white, for example the north west
and southwest. That’s a huge area where any homicide will be by definition white on
white. And most blacks are de facto segregated into large inner cities, where most crime will
be black on black. These differential homicide rates pertain to the narrow border zones where
white and black interact.
Unfortunately, I live in precisely such a place and the relative homicide rates seem to me
to be like the meme. There have been paltry few white on white murders and these are mostly
within families, such as a guy killing his wife. Some drug related. The one white on black
murder I know of was more in the nature of manslaughter and was drug related. This received
national media attention! The black on white murders on the other hand are predatory, vicious
and comparatively common. If you are walking down the street you are much more afraid of a
black male than a white. That’s the reality from a deplorable on the ground like me.
You were good enough at basketball to be paid to do it, so good enough to run rings round
those SF black pick-up players and make a complete fool of some of them. I suspect you quickly
became careful not to do that, because you knew a humiliated male African American individual
would react with quite a bit more hostility that a white would have. Similarly, had you had been
getting a huge amount of attention from all the women at those mostly black Lower Haigh parties
the other men there would get very annoyed, and you would feel less threatened by the white ones.
You did not have that problem because you conducted yourself with humility and self control,
which was easier for you than a black athlete, AOTBE. CAL2 , says:
October 3, 2020 at 2:29 pm GMT
Out of white murders, 2,677 were committed by whites. However, 803 Hispanics are lumped into
the murder category. Let’s say half are white Hispanics. That means white-on-white
murders drop to 2,276 or 68%. Using the same model, black-on-black is at 86%. That is a more
significant difference.
@lavoisier before I got my growth spurt, I could out-run the black kids. They would also
say “catch that m-fuc!r” then as well. I took a lot of beatings, and it was always
5,6 or 7 to 1. Sometimes the numbers were much higher. The white liberal adults who ran the
school were completely out of their depth with regards to the black problem.
White men that don’t get it have not lived the same experiences… and further
they are ignoring data that is right in front of their face.
To ignore overwhelming data is quite a feat of denial. Denial on that level borders on a
form of pathology. Maybe they don’t want to admit the world is the way it is?
The races are different. The sexes are different. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
@PO'd in PG County . It actually means that while only 11% of black victimes are killed by
non-blacks, 19% of white vicitms are killed by non-whites, so nearly twice as many whites are
killed by blacks as vice versa, but since black population is only about 1/5 of white
population, it means that per capita blacks are killing almost ten times as many whites as vice
versa. (This leaves out the Hispanic obfuscation mentioned above.)
As others might have already said blacks are indeed about 8 times more likely to murder
whites based on percentages of the population using the 2018 statistics. I’d like to
think that most racially aware whites already know this, but the normies need to know.
USA Today frames the statistics in such a way to make it appear that there is parity
between blacks and whites and that “racist” whites are all up in arms over nothing
and it’s really all much ado about nothing.
A problem with the stat that 80% of whites are killed by whites and 90-93% of blacks are
killed by blacks is that it doesn’t factor in the number of whites killed by hispanics
since most years the FBI does not break them out as a separate racial category. If they did I
believe the true white on white murder rate would drop to between 60-70%.
The other area that the 80% for whites and 90% for blacks metric is misleading is that
whites commit less than half the homicides of blacks while being 4.5x numerous. Blacks commit
murder at about 8-9x the white rate when hispanics are factored out of the white rate.
The other thing mainstream outlets avoid is the dreaded 13/56, or blacks commit 56% of the
murders while only being slightly over 13% of the population. Meanwhile, assuming hispanics
commit murder at roughly their percentage of the population (18%) this means that blacks and
hispanics account for 76% of the 15-16K annual murders while whites account for just 24% while
being 59-60% of the population.
Without blacks and browns America truly would have crime rates more resembling Sweden or
This guy. Sheesh.
I worked with hundreds upon hundreds of blacks @ FORDS FRAP. Many of whom were temps from
Detroit. I can speak from experience they are a net drain on a business or town/city.
The language.
The poor approach to job performance.
Lousy attitude/ demeanor.
I am owed and entitled.
Filthy break areas and cafeterias.
Theft of products and supplies.
Theft of time, they are almost genius at scheming in various ways to escape job duties.
The entrances and approaches, roadways and highways near the plant are dangerous. Especially
The fraudulent medical claims must cost FOMOCO enough to fund a small nation.
@Anonymous population 6 times that of blacks… blacks kill whites at a rate 1,5 times
higher than whites kill whites. So, only correcting for population size we get 50% higher rate
of black on white murder instead of USA Today’s 8%…
Further, given the still strong separation between races, assume that white-white encounters
are 5 times more prevalent than white-black encounters. That’s an extremely low-ball
estimate and the real number is somewhere between 10 and 20. With that correction, on
population and encounter basis, blacks are around 8 times more likely to kill whites than
whites – whites.
Let’s compare the USA Today number of 0.08 to the real number of 8… USA Today
lied 100 times over… fake media indeed.
I had essentially the same experience at a job that became infested with lower class blacks
from the hood except they’d scream racism any time they were held to account for any of
their misbehaviors and lack of performance. Plus they’d try to shift their workloads off
on every white person they could and-again -- any complaints about it and they’d screech,
I learned to despise them for the content of their character. Any comment on their low life
character was immediately met with not only shrieks of racism but also shrieks of, “You
goan respeks me!” They were the foulest of the foul and were utterly contemptible.
@El Dato versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice
– in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for
murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely . For the crime of “shooting”
— defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more
likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
– If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery
rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
– In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and
robbery by 90 percent.
The video of Daniel Shaver's murder was horrifying. It raises an important point. Studies
have shown that the police kill white suspects at the same or slightly higher rate than they
kill black suspects. Black police officers kill black suspects at the same rate that white
police officers kill black suspects. The people the police are killing are almost exclusively
poor people. The poverty rate of blacks is substantially higher than it is for white. That is
why they are disproportionately the victims of police violence. I will probably get flamed
for writing this but what we have in this country with respect to the cops killing black
people isn't a race issue. We have a police problem. Too many cops are trigger happy or just
too unstable to do the job. The man who killed Shaver should never have been allowed to be a
cop. Shaver was doing everthing he could to comply. He was murdered. There is no other word
for it.
I agree with you about George. Before anyone renders judgement, there has to be a trial.
It is hard to make the case that it was the cops intention to kill him. They had already
called for an ambulance. It isn't at all clear that he suffocated because of the knee on his
neck. Pressure on the side of the neck does not obstruct breathing. He was compromised with
Covid and he had a significant dose of fentanyl. Acquitals will set the country on fire.
Re: "Trump who gassed protesters demanding justice for George Floyd; murdered by police
I presume by that statement that you have no respect for the principle that a person
should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. As far as I am aware the trial has not yet
taken place. Personally I am always a little suspicious when conclusions are drawn and
announced by the media as if they were unarguable facts before all the evidence has been
revealed. i am also aware that I will be denounced as some sort of heretic for saying that
much. As the saying goes I 'may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb'. For anyone who
hasn't seen the footage of the events leading up to the iconic scene, you can see it
For anyone who is prepared to risk the heresy of doubting the sacred testament and
actually watch the video, the following becomes clear:-
George Floyd lied to the police repeatedly, he claimed he had just lost his mother, he
hadn't. He refused to sit in the police car claiming to be claustrophobic, yet when the
police arrived he was happily sitting in his own car, with the windows shut.
He was also clearly in an abnormal mental state, either intoxicated or mentally disturbed or
both. It is astonishing that someone so obviously paranoid about the police would refuse the
chance he was given to make good the transaction made with a counterfeit note, thus involving
the police in the first place.
He also clearly claimed that he couldn't breath before he was on the ground.
He asked to lay on the ground.
Additionally the toxicologists report suggests that he had a level of fentanyl in his blood
which would normally be regarded as a fatal dose, one of the effects of which is difficulty
That video was deliberately withheld on the grounds that it might prejudice the trial, a
ludicrous decision given that the trial was already irredeemably compromised. I expect all
manner of indignant strawman attacks, accusations and insults to be aimed at me, for that is
the fate of heretics generally. I haven't the time or the inclination to carefully list all
the things that I am NOT saying, that would take forever. What I am saying is that a trial
has not yet happened and I am tired of hearing the event casually described as if it was a
clear cut deliberate public execution.
Perhaps people might like to view the following video for comparison and ask themselves
who they would prefer as an arresting officer.
Despite committing no crime and doing his best to cooperate totally with the police,
Daniel Shaver was gratuitously executed. Few people have even heard of him, he was not buried
in a golden casket with local dignitaries weeping and nobody burned down the neighbourhood.
The officer involved was exonerated and returned to duty until he was retired with a pension
due to the trauma that the incident had caused him.
The video of Daniel Shaver's murder was horrifying. It raises an important point. Studies
have shown that the police kill white suspects at the same or slightly higher rate than they
kill black suspects. Black police officers kill black suspects at the same rate that white
police officers kill black suspects. The people the police are killing are almost exclusively
poor people. The poverty rate of blacks is substantially higher than it is for white. That is
why they are disproportionately the victims of police violence. I will probably get flamed
for writing this but what we have in this country with respect to the cops killing black
people isn't a race issue. We have a police problem. Too many cops are trigger happy or just
too unstable to do the job. The man who killed Shaver should never have been allowed to be a
cop. Shaver was doing everthing he could to comply. He was murdered. There is no other word
for it.
I agree with you about George. Before anyone renders judgement, there has to be a trial.
It is hard to make the case that it was the cops intention to kill him. They had already
called for an ambulance. It isn't at all clear that he suffocated because of the knee on his
neck. Pressure on the side of the neck does not obstruct breathing. He was compromised with
Covid and he had a significant dose of fentanyl. Acquitals will set the country on fire.
Truth be told: political operatives own and run our MSM. This is why the press is called
the 'Fourth Estate'.
They are more correctly described as a Fifth Column , one far more open and sworn to
destroy our country and its foundational citizens – and taxpayers – as any that
ever operated during World War II. You would think this would be of vital interest to people
who loudly declare themselves to be "Nazi-punchers", but who time and again show themselves to
be merely low-level street terrorists informed and inspired by Mao's Red Guard and the
irredeemable thugs of the African National Congress.
One wonders what's preventing them from
mimicking the Red Terror waged by the leftists of Spain, when the battle for "freedom" involved
the disinterment of the graves of Catholic clergy to better pose the corpses in blasphemous
positions. Imagine how depraved those Mostly Peaceful protesters had to have been for even a
leftist-supporting site such as Wikipedia to baldly state
The violence consisted of the killing of tens of thousands of people (including 6,832
Roman Catholic priests, the vast majority in the summer of 1936 in the wake of the military
coup), attacks on the Spanish nobility, industrialists, and conservative politicians, as well
as the desecration and burning of monasteries and churches.
Directly in the crosshairs this time are small and medium-sized owner-operated businesses
– the true backbone of American freedom and prosperity – who have largely been
sacrificed in exchange for the knock-kneed offerings of Danegeld from our giant conglomerates,
all of whom have prospered immensely from the suffering and privation brought on by the
Democratic lockdown of society – and the total shutdown of our economy.
Think! – have you read a single article charting how the government war on small
business directly enriched and
world's richest autocrat, Jeff Bezos? . who then funnels his windfall into a newspaper that
blatantly pimps for the Democratic Party, which translates into a vast payday for the DNC, not
least from its newly-approved partnership with the shadowy and many-tentacled Soros-surrogate
group, BLM?
The result is what you'd expect when a fringe group operates with the full cooperation and
partnership of major industry and both political parties (don't confuse Trump with a
standard-issue Republican, please – he may have terrible flaws, but that isn't one of
them) – 10% of the population holding the other 90% in a chokehold with only one set of
rules: no arrest and prosecution for Bolshevik violence and terror ..but the zero-tolerance
heavy hand of corrupt Leviathan coming down hard against any and all citizens who fight back
or, eventually – inevitably – who even struggle against their restraints.
Short of the sudden arrival of celestial horsemen to punish the guilty and reward the
set-upon, it has become clear that the only answer is the one that the Powers That Be claim to
be dead set against: racial separatism. (Particularly when we consider that all that will be
necessary to turn America into Hell on earth will be the adoption of Ibram Kendi's First Law,
sometimes known as equality of outcome :
To fix the original sin of racism, Americans should pass an anti-racist amendment to the
U.S. Constitution that enshrines two guiding anti-racist principals: Racial inequity is
evidence of racist policy and the different racial groups are equals.
Could any "amendment" be more terrifyingly totalitarian than this?)
White and black separation would, instead, accomplish two goals, both more important than
Kendi's quick fix: we would learn soon enough about actual equality of outcomes (which
is why no Communist, black or white, wants anything to do with the creation of one more failed
basket-case black state), and much more importantly, white families can sleep secure in their
beds at night, without worrying about Apache raids at midnight, egged on and recorded for
"posterity" by that Fourth Estate/Fifth Column referred to up top. Because the fact of the
matter is that, even should some combination of government and law-enforcement halt the burning
and looting of America – as things stand now, none of the worst malefactors will ever see
the inside of a prison cell .which means any ceasefire will only be temporary, to be violently
ripped asunder the moment they sense white Americans have at last lowered their guard once
more. And living in perpetual paranoid readiness for violent uprisings and mindless destruction
is no way to live at all.
Trump has it half right, a border wall is the answer: only it needs to run
lengthwise , between the Southern and Northern borders. If we don't use the next four
years to plan out such a separation, fretting over our children's children will be a fruitless
exercise – those who aren't murdered will be captured and 'go native' .and in case you
haven't looked at a globe lately, there's no place left to run.
As a recovering journalist, I can point out that even on a rinkydink rag in a small city,
where I got fired for being a real journalist back in the early '70's; he who owns the
presses and distribution networks calls the tune. It's a matter of working-class (no matter
how middle-class your income or social-status) versus the ownership class. The latter wins
every time.
If we allow the Black Lives Matter movement to become America's Bolshevik Revolution, we
will lose our liberty, and many of us will likely lose our lives, as well, for daring to
question them. This was never about racism. It has been about power anBlack Lives
Matter is a Modern Totalitarian Revolution
Classic totalitarian regimes share a number of common characteristics. The
rise of these regimes began with a cultural revolution, aimed at angering the citizens against
the current system. During that period domestic enemies are designated, and the people in the
radical movement aiming at overthrowing the old system rally together against those common
enemies, calling it a common struggle, as they adopt a new official ideology that stands
significantly apart from the old one. They seek to control every aspect of the lives of their
people, enlisting everyone they can to participate in the struggle. Even persons who may belong
to enemy classes or groups join up, hoping to receive mercy when the new regime gains control.
In Stalin's Russia and Mao's China the enemies were anyone who reminded them of the old system,
and anyone who could challenge them if left with enough power. The state enemies were the
capitalists, landlords, richer peasants and foreign agents of all kinds. Nazi Germany included
those outside the national community, which included socialists (even though Nazism was a form
of socialism) and communists, Jews, Christians, and any ethnic minorities that did not fit into
the German model of a loyal elite specimen.
The goal of each of the totalitarian regimes of the past were to eliminate the old system,
eradicate any history or remnant of the old regimes, and create a dominant single party that
stood as a rebellious alternative of the traditional State. Then, once in power, the perceived
enemies were murdered or imprisoned, as were many of their allies for the crime of knowing too
much. The younger generation was used as a controlling mechanism, taught to tattle on their
older counterparts for not being one hundred percent in favor of the new party in charge. The
youngsters were uniformed and organized into militias to turn their energies towards advancing
the party line, and improving upon the power of the new political elite.
In each case anything that even resembled the free market was eliminated, and the new
government controlled the economy. They took over the means of production either by taking
control of it and nationalizing it, or through heavy regulations (as we saw in Italy and
Germany). The immigration structure was altered, they orchestrated a break-down of morality and
what were considered moral norms in their culture, they worked on the destruction of the
nuclear family, they forcibly reallocated farmland, they formed a socialist economy that was
designed to redistribute the wealth away from the designated domestic enemies into the hands of
those revolutionaries who deserved some kind of reparations for what was allegedly lost at the
hands of the domestic enemies, and early on looting and rioting was encouraged and championed.
Interestingly, the list I just gave you was not just something the NAZIs and communists did,
but is also a list of demands currently being voiced by Black Lives Matter.
Public expression was also controlled by past dictatorial regimes so that no dissent could
emerge. If dissent was spotted, the party members acted as a mob, actively mobilized to quell
the dissent in the name of the "people's struggle" against a constant list of enemies. Again,
Black Lives Matter fits the bill on this one, too.
These regimes exaggerated real problems, and real aspects of human nature, and created an
on-going revolution against their enemies. It was a common struggle to liberate the people from
whomever the leadership designated as an enemy. To not pull the party line was to be socially
asleep, or an agent of the enemy, which then would place the person under great scrutiny, and
if they remained uncorrected, they would be ridiculed, shamed, and eventually jailed, or
The fuel was passion, and anger, and a common demand for answers.
Sound familiar?
Black Lives Matter is an embodiment of everything that the 20th Century dictatorships
Eventually, Black Lives Matter will lose its appeal, and the players will grow weary of the
struggle. The regime will weaken, and when they try to invigorate their revolutionaries for a
new fight in order to strengthen the resolve of the regime and its followers, they will find
that all of their enemies are dead or in exile, and the problem can no longer be blamed on
others. However, it could take half a century, or more, before that happens, and in a Black
Lives Matter America the damage will already have been done. The death of liberty and the
annihilation of the free market will have left a long path of sorrow and misery following it.
By then, the enemy will only be themselves, and as all regimes in history, the struggle will
turn inward, and the murders will be against their own. Through the paranoia imaginary enemies
will be concocted, where nobody is safe from the suspicions of one's neighbors or children.
People begin to vanish, and the party begins to struggle to hold on to control.
Black Lives Matter, like all past dictatorial regimes, has successfully unleashed the
passions of many members of the public. The campaigns of terror are in full swing, in the name
of protesting, in the name of social justice, and in the name of standing against racism. They
claim that science and reason are in their corner, when, like Stalin and Mao of the Soviet
Union and Communist China, it is all a great big lie. They claim whites have unfair privilege
and must be forced to kneel to their true overlords, as Hitler did with the Jews when he
believed it would allow him to create a better Germany. In the end, as with all violent
totalitarian regimes, violence will bring them down just as violence brought them into
Tucker on the incredible popularity of Black Lives Matter
Islamic totalitarianism solidifies in the Middle East, and works to spread across the
nations of Europe
As Islamic totalitarianism solidifies in the Middle East, and works to spread across the
nations of Europe, Black Lives Matter totalitarianism is working its way through its birthing
canal in the United States. Both bear all of the markers of totalitarianism. They work to
control the lives, speech, and actions of those below them. They terrorize and murder,
committing themselves to endless struggles against a long list of designated enemies. They pose
as more than an ideological challenge. They are poised to bring down Western Civilization,
which has prospered due to America's Liberty, and free market capitalistic system.
Should we fall, to where may one escape? There is no other place to go. Black Lives Matter
is a real threat, an enemy who desires to overthrow America and control this country. There is
no criticizing Black Lives Matter. The mobs threaten anyone who holds dissent. It is already
happening. People are losing their jobs for criticizing Black Lives Matter, and they are still
only a political movement. Black Lives Matter is enjoying complete immunity from criticism
while they are not in power. Imagine what will happen if they ever gain a hold on the reins of
our system.
It has gone beyond a demand for equality. Equality is no longer acceptable. If one were to
say "All Lives Matter," for example, that is now unacceptable, and racist. Only "Black Lives
Matter" we are told. White lives don't matter because of what your ancestors allegedly did a
couple hundred years ago. Christianity and the American System is based on the idea of equality
in the eyes of God, and equality in opportunity (or at least the attempt to create a system
that accomplishes such), but now if you say that out loud, you are called a racist, and your
very life could be at risk. Dissent is hate speech. You could be fired from your job, or in
some cases, fined and jailed for daring to speak out against the rising totalitarian regime
known as Black Lives Matter because such murmurings could be considered "hate speech".
The latest demand by Black Lives Matter is ridiculous, yet it is happening. It began with a
chant, "defund the police," and now has advanced to cries to abolish the police. The City of
Minneapolis is in the process of doing exactly that. When asked on CNN who, then, if the police
were gone, should we call in the middle of the night while our house is being burglarized,
a member of the Minneapolis city council said that the question "comes from a place of
privilege." In other words, if some feel like law enforcement is not on their side,
everyone should feel that way, otherwise, you have an unfair privilege, and you are racist.
Black Lives Matter is enjoying a rise to power largely because of the liberal media
Black Lives Matter is enjoying a rise to power largely because of the liberal media. Any
counter-arguments against their claims are going unheard. CNN, MSNBC, NPR, the alphabet
networks, and any of the other liberal outlets aren't going to report any criticism of Black
Lives Matter. And as Hitler's team explained, if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the
truth. In this case, if you tell one side of the story, and the other side is never heard, it
becomes true.
Unchallenged claims must be true, therefore, Black Lives Matter must be on to something. The
polls say so.
Black Lives Matter is achieving their power in the same way past revolutionaries did.
Through force. They break things, they burn things, and they hurt anyone who gets in the way.
They believe they deserve whatever they want, and if you don't give it to them, they will take
it. Then, on the way out, they will set your business on fire. They occupy, they terrorize, and
nobody is willing to stop them, because if you do, you are a racist. They know this. They know
you are paralyzed by your fear of them, and fear of being considered racist. They have a
message. Step out of line and we will hurt you, your family, or your business. That is the
strategy of Black Lives Matter, and it is becoming the strategy of the Democrat Party. If you
are afraid to defy the mob, the mob rules.
The Framers of the U.S. Constitution created this system to protect us from the mob. That is
why they created a constitutional republic, not a democracy (as some people like to say).
Democracy is historically a transitional type of government. When the mobs of democracy begin
to take control, which usually accompanies a continuous vote for benefits from the treasury,
liberty breaks down and dictators begin to take control.
If we allow the Black Lives Matter movement to become America's Bolshevik Revolution, we
will lose our liberty, and many of us will likely lose our lives, as well, for daring to
question them. This was never about racism. It has been about power and control since the very
beginning. Black Lives Matter seeks to overthrow the U.S. Constitution, and replace our system
with a Marxist-based government that destroys liberty and the free market, and places their
radical leaders in control of the country. If we don't stop it, and recognize the revolutionary
nature of what is going on, America will disappear forever. And, if there is no America,
Liberty dies worldwide.
Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary,
has been featured on "Hannity" and "Fox and Friends" on Fox News Channel, and other television
shows and networks. Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution
Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writ
Antifa and BLM are just shows with stunts designed to distract people from the level they are
fleeced by MIC and financial oligarchy. As well as restore the legitimacy of Clinton wing of
neoliberal oligarchy which was badly shaken during 2016 election, when their candidate was send
Nicholas Kristof is member of "Clinton gang of neoliberals" and a part of this effort to
distract people. The number of people who pay attention to Nicholas Kristof bloviations is
astounding. Few understand that we do not know the facts and the real issue if the tight grip of
MIC and financial oligarchy on the society. What is interesting is that s in California, there
are 8.5 million residents born outside the country and about 150,000 homeless. "The melting pot
burned over. It is now a ... salad.
For example, if money spend on wars were used to manage thoseforests with difficult terrain
and perioc drauts, would the outcome be different?
Can those fires and destruction be viewed as God punishment for war the USA unleashed? As
Thomas Jefferson said "I tremble for my country when I consider that God is just."
BTW, the number of commenters with Russian paranoia symptom is frightening. Of course NYT
attracts specific audience, but still. In this sense NYT columnists including Nickolas Kristof
are just warmongering bottom feeders of MIC crumps. It is pathetic how he tries to hide the lack
of money for forest management and mismanagement if this issue by Oregon Dem politician under the
broad banner of "climate change" Existence of climate change does not mean that fire should burn
MIC steals half trillion dollars and then financial oligarchy steals probably another half,
if not more. What is left is not enough for proper maintenance of land, water and environment in
general. Stupid situation, but this is neoliberalism my friend, where "greed is good". And people
chose this mousetrap themselves in 1970th by electing first Carter and then Reagan and then
Clinton , allowing financial oligarchy to dismantle New Deal Capitalism. Clinton presidency was
especially destructive, In a way he should be views as the top villain in this story, a real
criminal boss.
Below I selected only more or less sane comment (which constitute probably less 1% of the
Notable quotes:
"... How about a judicious Forrest management? ..."
"... So much for our useless 750 Billion dollar military budget. ..."
"... Amazing how ,close minded people become when, for them, everything is political. ..."
Wouldn't the conspiracy theories and concerns about antifa be lessened if progresses were as
vitriolic about violence committed in the name of equity, diversity and inclusion as they are
about violence committed in support of MAGA? Would the right have anything to crow about if
the NYT was as critical of physical altercations caused by social justice warriors as they
are of white supremacists? Wouldn't we all have more trust in MSM if they investigated the
facts before accusing Nick Sandman of racism or claiming a garbage pull was a noose? One
sided reporting and editorials like these fan the flames rather than squelch them.
It's amazing. You can write a column in the NY Times full of conspiracy theories -- all fully
believed by the left -- and accuse the right of being prone to believing conspiracy theories.
From Russia - collusion to rubes in the red states --a majority of dems share a set of
beliefs that are as delusional as anything a small group on the right might believe. But,
that's Kristof and the Ny Times for you.
People seemed to have lost a sense of what is plausible. While few of us know the news first
hand, we have to both trust and evaluate what is reported. Nothing is absolute. Jurors are
asked to decide cases beyond a reasonable doubt. That is how I feel taking in the news. But
within that sliver of doubt, within the fact that nothing is absolute is where conspiracy
theories begin to fester. It is where some have found solace to confirm what they want to
choose to believe despite how much there might be to question that. Events like this create
an opportunism to demonize those you hate and in doing so the essence of what we should be
debating is lost. How to prevent these fires in the first place? We will probably continue to
debate it despite the evidence on climate change, whether there is a deep state trying to
discredit Trump, whether the seriousness of covid is a hoax. Yes there is no absolute
certainty but there is taking an educated guess as opposed to an emotional response. I'll go
with the educated guess. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, I
will say it is a duck and accept that sliver of possibility I might be wrong.
Why do people attach themselves to "conspiracy theories?" It's actually quite simple. Take
QAnon for example: it is functionally just another religion competing for adherents. As with
any religion, it offers its believers an explanation of what they deem is wrong while
offering a path to right those wrongs. Certainty and simplicity: those are the essential
elements of cults/religion/bumpersticker politics. And the internet guarantees that whatever
you believe will be "validated." "Conspiracy theories" are, for the most part, not theories,
merely assertions. A theory is subject to proof and disproof by evidence. In a world where
truth has no inherent monetary value, don't expect it. Why the rapid spread? To paraphrase
Bill Clinton, "It's the internet, Stupid!" Follow the money: Agenda + Clickbaitability =
Profit That is the business model of the internet, a medium where "news" is whatever will
produce the most clicks. As in profit. Unless and until the youngest generation developes a
means of communication that does not depend on megacorporations, nothing will change. In the
Sixties, a generation which disbelieved and had no honest access to the traditional media,
created its own, the "alternative press." Hopefully, today's teenagers will develope their
own way to communicate that is reliable. It is 100% guaranteed that if their "opposition"
becomes an actual threat to the profits of Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, and the rest of
their ilk, they will be cut off.
The antifa movement has grown since the 2016 United States presidential election. As of
August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity.[73]
It is particularly present in the Pacific Northwest.[74] Wikipedia
In an age when the US Justice Department is anything but just, more closely resembling
something akin to "just us," I call to mind Thomas Jefferson, in a somewhat different
context: "I tremble for my country when I consider that God is just."
We spend hundred of billions of dollars every year on the types of weapons that won WWII,
while the real threat to our Republic and yes, our civilization, is ,,, It's funny and
tragic, simultaneously.
Antifa has done a lot of things. They have chosen to step into the arena. Whether they did it
or not, this is accusation is a result of wading into the fight. If Antifa doesnt like to be
accused of things and cant handle it, then Antifa should step off. Or does Antifa only want
praise? Because that isnt going to happen. Many people dont like Antifa nor trust Antifa. And
rightfully so. Ask any career criminal how many times they've been wrongfully accused of
something. If an individual or group doesnt want to be accused of things, then dont get
involved from the start.
Except that about a dozen people have been arrested and charged with starting the forest
fires. Shouting "without evidence!" doesn't make it so. Facts matter.
@JQGALT There are always people who are setting fires whether accidentally or intentionally.
Do you have any proof that these arsonists were politically motivated I any way ?
Yet the Almeda fire in Oregon that destroyed more than 2,300 homes was, according to NYT
reporting, caused by human activity and is subject of a "criminal investigation." Perhaps it
would be wise to reserve total judgment until that investigation is completed.
Who needs rumors? The organization showed what it is made of when it created its free zone in
downtown Seattle and had the highest crime and murder rate per capita in its short life in
the country.
Rational people know that Antifa is not staring forest fires. However, burning and looting
and using fireworks as weapons in the recent riots make even the dumbest claims of Trump
supporters more believable.
Leftwing activists have literally been arrested for starting some of these fires. There is
video of arsonists being caught, yet the media ignores this, and actively denies it. Gee, why
could that be?
@LV Do you have any proof that these people were were left wing activist or just the kind of
people who are always starting fires ad they have in the past ?
The [neoliberal] left spends 24/7 preaching to their choir about Trump fascists dictatorship,
an illegal government installed by a foreign power, destroying the constitution while
preparing to seize power and ignore coming election results. There is a zero factual evidence
for it, such as a refusal to follow judicial injunctions for example, but their well educated
audiences are buying it whole day long. So what is so baffling that a rural audience after
watching night after night Portland burning by arson and accompanied by "peaceful protest"
graphics on TV would buy into arson speculations and rumors and ignore your disclaimers?
Facebook needs to be regulated since it has effectively organ-harvested the critical thinking
skills of a significant portion of the population. It'd be better if thinking people simply
deleted Facebook and let Facebook shrink and become the right-wing agit-prop tool that it
truly is. Mark Zuckerberg is happy to to destabilize society with his little toy invention.
You'd think with all that money, he could afford a conscience. What a wrecking ball Facebook
"All this rumormongering leaves me feeling that the social fabric is unraveling, as if the
shared understanding of reality that is the basis for any society is eroding." Ya think?
@California Scientist Amen. We are more like an international terminal at this point. A bunch
of people gathered by happenstance, heading in different directions, and often with very
little in common.
@California Scientist: It is even worse than when Adlai Stevenson noted that there aren't
enough educated people to elect a liberal government in the US.
@LV - The point is that "urbanites" aren't able to boss anyone around. It's the low
population rural areas that have outsize political power thanks to the unfortunate design of
our government. Every state gets two senators, regardless of population, and that also
factors into the allocation of Electoral College votes, so that an EC vote from WY is worth 4
times as much as an EC vote from CA, for example. In 2016, Senate Democrats got 20 million
more votes than Senate Republicans, yet Republicans kept control. In 2018, Senate Democrats
got "only" 11.5 million more votes, and consequently lost seats. We're being governed by a
minority in may areas of the country, and nationally, yet the "rural rubes" or whatever you
want to call them, insist that they don't have nearly enough power.
Strange that anyone living in or just knowing the west would NOT know that arsonists could
not burn down huge chunks of forest if they where not so very dry.
Augury Unhappy Bird Watcher, State of Grave Doubt
Sept. 20
The ugly truth of Oregon's political past is asserting itself...we aren't in "Portlandia"
anymore Nick.
Ominous! There are two information ecosystems in this country and Americans increasingly live
in different realities. Much of the media is in the business of massaging the egos of their
readers by feeding them stories that confirm their biases and make them feel clever. There is
less and less fact based news and more and more propaganda. A lot of people aren't really
interested in facts. They just want to be told how right they are and how stupid and evil the
people who disagree with them are. Media corporations are providing the market with what it
desires, and what it desires is poisonous.
There is a reptilian brain need to believe this nonsense and to propagate it- because the
believers are so terrified of the facts of the truth (and the lack of knowing what might be
done to address those facts). The people who are true believers are pointless to discuss.
They are too frightened. They need to believe this stuff. It is hopeless to address them.
Dark times, indeed.
With the natural buildup of combustible matter, combined with houses everywhere now and
little land management, these fires will happen and will cause problems. Lots of things can
start them and they will.
You left out "a century of zero-tolerance policies toward wildland fires (creating
precariously dense underbrush), and resistance to traditional controlled burning at the
human/wilderness interface". It's not the whole story, but neither is climate change which,
due to global technological leveling, is evermore the responsibility of China and India than
Western civilization. Signed, a moderate progressive endlessly frustrated with breathless
If only there were no arsonists. Here is a video of a woman who found a man on her property
with matches in his hand (and no cigarettes, which was his excuse for having matches in his
hand). She made a citizen's arrest. This happened in peaceful Oregon. Don't listen if you
can't handle harsh language by a woman who is trying to save her property. Arson is real, and
it is no joke.
A man was arrested for arson in Southern Oregon. His fire damaged or destroyed numerous
Rumors of antifa notwithstanding, people in Oregon were looking for arsonists because there
are arsonists.
"Conspiracy theories" are, for the most part, not theories, merely assertions. A theory is
subject to proof and disproof by evidence. In a world where truth has no inherent monetary
value, don't expect it. To paraphrase President Clinton, "It's the internet, Stupid!" Follow
the money: Agenda + Clickbaitability = Prominence That is the business model of the internet,
a medium where "news" is whatever will produce the most clicks. As in profit. Unless and
until the youngest generation developes a means of communication that does not depend on
megacorporations, nothing will change. In the Sixties, a generation which disbelieved and had
no honest access to the traditional media, created its own, the "alternative press."
Hopefully, today's teenagers will develope their own way to communicate that is reliable. It
is 100% guaranteed that if their "opposition" becomes an actual threat to the profits of
Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, and the rest of their ilk, they will be cut off. As to why
people attach themselves to "conspiracy theories", it's actually quite simple. Take QAnon for
example: it is functionally just another religion competing for adherents. As with any
religion, it offers its believers an explanation of what they deem is wrong while offering a
path to right those wrongs. Certainty and simplicity: those are the essential elements of
cults/religion/bumpersticker politics. And the internet guarantees that whatever you believe
will be "validated."
"Conspiracy theories" are, for the most part, not theories, merely assertions. A theory is
subject to proof and disproof by evidence. In a world where truth has no inherent monetary
value, don't expect it. To paraphrase President Clinton, "It's the internet, Stupid!" Follow
the money: Agenda + Clickbaitability = Prominence That is the business model of the internet,
a medium where "news" is whatever will produce the most clicks. As in profit. Unless and
until the youngest generation developes a means of communication that does not depend on
megacorporations, nothing will change. In the Sixties, a generation which disbelieved and had
no honest access to the traditional media, created its own, the "alternative press."
Hopefully, today's teenagers will develope their own way to communicate that is reliable. It
is 100% guaranteed that if their "opposition" becomes an actual threat to the profits of
Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, and the rest of their ilk, they will be cut off. As to why
people attach themselves to "conspiracy theories", it's actually quite simple. Take QAnon for
example: it is functionally just another religion competing for adherents. As with any
religion, it offers its believers an explanation of what they deem is wrong while offering a
path to right those wrongs. Certainty and simplicity: those are the essential elements of
cults/religion/bumpersticker politics. And the internet guarantees that whatever you believe
will be "validated."
" All this rumormongering leaves me feeling that the social fabric is unraveling, as if the
shared understanding of reality that is the basis for any society is eroding." You betcha.
(Palin doesn't look half bad compared to the current batch.) It's a simple formula: social
media driven disinformation + extreme capitalism which leaves us with no real will to address
it + legitimate grievances like racism and financial insecurity = craziness on all sides,
fanned by a president whose personal agenda takes precedence over absolutely everything. All
societies are constantly dealing with potentially destabilizing threats. Their institutions,
media, leadership, and understanding of a common good are their immune system. Ours is
compromised, we are destabilized.
How about a judicious Forrest management? We live in a period of global warming
because of our planet axis precision, aggravated by the presence of an unprecedented
population explosion needing more water, more food, the production of which needs more arable
land, cutting trees, displacing wild animals, exhausting the aquifer. Cutting trees increases
the CO2 in the atmosphere. More people in India, more cattle emitting methane, more old
fashioned way of cooking food and producing more CO2 ... Permanent frost melting also sends
more methane in the atmosphere ... The climate is extremely complex to permit exact modeling,
but it is clear that if we want to stay healthy, it is vital to regularly clear our western
forests of dead wood in order to prevent today's disaster of millions of people, particularly
children with asthma and old people breathing the heavily polluted air. It is time to move to
solar, wind power, electric trucks, cars etc. The technology is here. Let's hope that Biden
will support clean air as means to better health. If all these years instead of using
abstract terms like global warming or climate change, we have been appealing to people to
keep the air clean in order to have better health, perhaps they would have stopped buying the
behemoths cars, producing so much pollution?
As Nicholas and many readers on this page already know, this commentary is more evidence of
how needlessly and recklessly polarized our country has become. When tribal instincts push
people to look for anything - fact, fiction or fantasy - on social media or "rage commentary"
that supports and validates their identities they will glom onto it faster than maggots on
dead flesh. It is a sad state of affairs when so many people of all political persuasions
will not take the time - even a few minutes - to question and investigate the latest "truth"
being promoted. The new culture of low information consumers seems to be spreading as fast as
a pandemic despite the heroic efforts of honest journalism. I wonder if low information
consumption was so endemic to the citizens of Ancient Rome and Greece - long before Twitter,
Facebook and Rage TV? People, please take a moment to "click" one step further to see if the
latest conspiracy story is true. Why help propagate lies? It will only come back to haunt
you, or your children.
Antifa or not, at least some of the big fires have been started by arsonists. Of this fact we
have video proof. By downplaying or even denying it, the media are just as bad as the
conspiracy theorists in promoting disinformation.
This reminds me of a time when people saw "Reds" behind anything that was going wrong in the
country. Nothing new, but just as pathetically paranoid. I wonder how many people, or their
parents, fit into both groups?
Here's another urban myth. Ok, more a lefty myth. That we can just keep adding people to this
country (urban, suburban, rural, big city, anywhere and everywhere) and it won't have any
effect. With the corollary that it's just a matter of "green new deal" or everybody getting a
Prius or the dummies in the sticks realizing climate change is real and then we can just go
on like this forever. We can't. Not only is our much hated lifestyle, which from what I can
see, nobody really wants to give up, killing us, but believing 330 million Americans that add
2-3 million more a year is not a problem at all. Our entire way of life: endless population
and economic growth is unsustainable. We don't need to wait until 2050 to see it. Just step
It is very difficult to teach people that "research," doesn't mean you go to some TV show or
website you like and root around for stuff that tells you what you want to hear. One prob
seems to be really simple: it takes actual work to do it right. Another is that research,
done well, has an ugly habit of forcing you to think at least a little about whether your own
ideas make any sense. And a third is that people really, really don't like it when their
political views start getting contradicted by reality. It seems to be easier to change
reality than to change views, even a little. Oh, and another prob? Too few Americans really
read anything worth reading. I'm all for funsies (and I've probably read more crummy science
fiction than all y'all put together) but one of the joys of walking around in Paris is seeing
that the kiosks and bookstores still sell a ton of stuff on philosophy, lit, economics, and
that everywhere, people actually read them. Books teach thought. Newsmax don't.
@Beer Can Boyd: As a native-born American, I think the US fell down when the Congress put
"under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance in 1953, ostensibly to preclude anyone thinking
about Godless communism, and gave itself a stroke.
The melting pot burned over. It is now a word salad. But appears there is a method to the
madness. It is hard for the world to tell the madness from the method
@Carolyn then there are the lies and the demonization of China and Russia by both parties to
top it off. How can voters believe anything and decide before they vote?
Supporting this atmosphere of potential violence are some of my republican friends. They are
mostly educated and not stupid. Yet they continue to support a man whom I think holds the
responsibility for most of the violence if it comes. Now I want to get down to my point about
these supporters. I believe they have succumbed to a cult-like dynamic. I say this because no
rational person could possibly support Trump. Religious cults create this same addiction and
irrationality. When my friends disagree with me, they try to put our friendship hostage to no
further discussion of politics. They are unwilling to even be confronted with objections to
their support of Trump. I have decided that I can always make new friends. What I do not want
to do is take on the task of building a new country because I stayed silent.
@Harcourt "They are mostly educated and not stupid." In my opinion, educated persons who
behave as you describe never benefited from their education. Even worse, to me it seems like
persons who behave like that are of the opinion that what they learnt in school is only for
the purpose of writing the exams they needed to pass to get out of school. It was all just
noise to them.
You nailed it. There is no longer "a shared reality" in America. So we have wildly different
views of who Joe Biden and Donald Trump are. And how serious climate change is. And whether
it's important to wear a mask. And if left-wing anarchists set forest fires. Thank you,
Internet. Thank you, social media barons who refuse to ban Russian propaganda and manipulated
videos. Thank you FCC that does not rein in Fox News and their promotion of lies. Who will
step in and stop this madness?
@CA I agree with you completely except for the refusal to stop Russian interference. We
can't. We can't unless we stop US interference in the process. The problem is that US
interference, and rumor mongering, are the business model of these platforms which happen to
be some of our largest companies. Extreme capitalism is preventing us from addressing any and
all issues propagated by these companies. Russia is just a speck.
Antifa adherents and wildfires ? Seems pretty far-fetched. Even ridiculous. But setting fire
to occupied apartment buildings in Portland ? Oh yes, definitely. It happened, and more is on
the menu, as well as municipal and federal buildings. Don't believe it ? Read the news
releases for yourself, on the Portland Police Bureau's website.
An excellent discussion of the perils of social media. Although newspapers, TV, radio,
magazines have a historical principal of "generally" telling the truth, social media has
opened up the world to every single Tom, Dick and Harry who with to spread their message. I
believe that how we, as a nation, as a species, handle social media will define what happens
over the next decade.
The state of this country is absolutely terrifying. While the shift to ever more
conservative, insular, xenophobic, coroporate-controlled government has been going on for
years, with the faux election of trump democracy is what has become fake, while common sense,
empathy, and both fiscal and environmental responsibility have virtually disappeared. The US
has gone off the deep end...
Years ago I read a science fiction short story that is unsettling in its analogy to this
situation. I starts with aliens visiting the Earth and accidently leaving behind a device
that can allow metal to be manipulated by softening it, then hardening it. The device gets
copied and mass produced. When they returned a year later, they come back and cannot fathom
how their device could have resulted in anarchy. THAT is the internet. 5 Recommend Share
Let me ask you all a question. If your neighbor told you the fire in a nearby Oregon town was
started by antifa, how would you disprove it? Since you cannot provide evidence for a
negative statement, it's difficult. There is actually some evidence that antifa did start the
fire: a voice said it on the radio, and tv showed them lighting fireworks in Portland. This
isn't very good evidence, but it is evidence, and you can't produce any evidence that antifa
did not do it (because there can't be any.) So you are in the position of asking your
neighbor to look at the quality of the evidence. This is something very few outside the legal
and scientific world are capable of. But that is all you have. Ultimately, it really does go
back to belief. How many of us could independently prove that the earth turns around the sun?
Those of us who aren't astronomers choose to accept this belief based on what we've been
told, and that's how it is with antifa starting the fires.
Kristof is afraid that fires in the West represent the new normal. The evidence suggests that
this fear is well-founded. He is concerned about the government's paralysis. That is partly
due to Trump, who stands a good chance of being reelected on November 3. He is worried about
ordinary citizens seeking oversimplified answers and finding them in the conspiracy theories
presenting the fire as the work of antifa. I am more worried about the breakdown in
credibility of news sources like the NY Times, which finds itself in competition with Fox
News and a host of online sources. Indeed, you-tube and facebook will select news stories for
you, confirming whatever bias you bring to your reading of the news. There is no guarantee
that democracy will survive. One of the things that keeps me up at night is the realization
that not only the right, but the left, is subject to oversimplified presentations of global
warming. Global warming is a consequence of too much population growth. But as we argue over
freedoms for LGBTQ minorities liberals have neglected the importance of freedom of speech.
And voices which have warned about population growth have been simply ignored by the left. It
isn't enough to shift from Fords using gasoline to Teslas running on electricity. We also
need to control population growth. The population of earth will double again by 2072 if
current rates continue. Population growth threatens to overwhelm the attempts to move to
clean energy. 2 Recommend
The scientific consensus will also conclude that not allowing wildfires to burn compounds the
problem. While what I am about to type is not science, continued development in fire prone
areas amplifies and compounds every aspect of the problem. From my perspective the system has
evolved to socializing cost and privatizing cost in every way. I don't see it getting better,
until such time as individuals are held accountable this should be considered normal.
@secular socialist dem PG&E just paid billions in fines and PLEADED GUILTY in starting
last year's Paradise fire. They also have already admitted fault in several fires started by
their faulty, untended grid. "Individuals" don't need to be held accountable unless there are
rules in place for them to follow regarding wildfire. There already are. Most already do. Why
do folks act so proud about their 'anti-science' opinion? It's not like this conversation
isn't ongoing; nobody argues that development in fire prone areas' carries risks. So does
rebuilding in Oklahoma, Florida and Louisiana..... You're right (although confused) about
socializing RISK and privatizing PROFIT. See PG&E above.
Unsure how people lighting fires directly indicates climate change is corroborated. The
fellow who was arrested in Tacoma, WA:
Looking to past wildfires, like the one's in Montana & Idaho in 2008, 5.5 million acres
were burned and certain interest groups advocated for them to burn out because it's apart of
the natural cycle. Federal government shouldn't send assistance unless it's possibly to
communities in threat of burning, who are humans to say we ought to stop mother nature? It's
natural to let these fires burn, if you try to hinder it's course you are stopping the cycle.
Doug Terry Maryland, Washington DC metro
Sept. 20 Times Pick
Why do people believe wild stupid things more than actual facts? Partly it is because they
like the wild stupid thing more, it gives them some weird comfort. It is also because people
are busying with their lives and don't have time to gather enough information to counter the
wild rumor that flies around faster than the speed of sound. The most important aspect of
successful conspiracy theories is they impart to the person holding them the idea that they
are smarter than other people and have "cracked the code" that explains everything or a lot
of big things that people don't understand. Reading, thinking, considering and re-considering
can seem like hard work, particularly if it is foreign to one's experience and life training.
Why not just lock on to a cool idea that comes around, even if it is weird? .
This story highlights for me an equally growing problem, the "selective framing" by media
outlets on the left and right (NYT and Fox as just two examples). To read Mr Kristof's
version, you may believe that arsonists are wild figments of the unhinged radical right
imagination. To read the same story on Fox, Antifa arsonists are working their way up your
"...the shared understanding of reality that is the basis for any society is eroding." And
yet reality still exist. Normally, if someone starts to exhibit the kind of behavior that
these "vigilantes" are - screaming about boogeymen, thinking people are out to get them,
engaging in aggressive behavior based on paranoid fantasies, creating self-reinforcing
delusions, becoming obsessed with baseless conspiracy theories - we would rightly diagnose
them as being mentally ill, and to the extent that they represent a danger to others, confine
them. I don't think we can afford to see this as just a time of extreme differences of
opinion. Facts, truth and reality are still actual, tangible things. And those who have
become so disassociated from them that they are stopping vehicles and hunting down their
fellow citizen need to be dealt with appropriately.
We have been witnessing the start of the Second Civil War in America. If we accept the
definition of a civil war as a conflict between factions of citizens for either secession or
control of the government--including organizations within the existing government--then we
are in the beginning stages of a Second Civil War. The question is what the level of violence
will be (not will there be violence, but how much violence). We are beginning to see
indications of that level. When naturally or accidentally caused wildfires are attributed to
one faction as a way to stoke the fires of civil violence, then physical violence between
factions is a heartbeat away simply because of the falsity and extremity of the accusations.
The era of peaceful protest has passed because of the intensity of feelings on both sides;
the anger produced when a government begins denying civil rights, e.g., Freedom of Speech and
the Right to Assemble, through legal actions where protest organizers could be charged with
sedition (see Barr's comments, 9/16/2020, NYT), which then suggests that all protests become
illegal, the fires of violence are stoked. With a heavily-armed populace on both sides,
gunfire is a hair-trigger pull away. If Trump and the Republican's intention was to remake
America in their image (I leave it to you to supply that image), they are succeeding. If
Putin's intention was to bring down America, he is succeeding. If Xi's intention was to
dominate the world, he is on that path. Vote 33 Recommend Share
... There's an old saying "Those who the gods would destroy they first make mad." I have come
to the conclusion that America has gone qute a long way down that road.
And yet, Mr. Kristoff, you never make mention of the real threat that groups like Antifa and
other radical left rioters pose to this country (forgetting about attacks on federal
buildings in Portland? Attempts to firebomb courthouses? Violence against law enforcement
officers?). No, instead it's always Trump, or Trump supporters who are your focus. I do not
know whether Antifa has been involved in any of these recent fires, but I do know that these
violent elements on the left pose a massive danger to our democracy. You are correct about
one thing, though: We should brace ourselves. It's just "what" we need to brace for that is
off mark in your article...
It's heartbreaking to watch these three West Coast states burned. For days, the sky was red
and the air was unbreathable. But the saddest part was the feeling of helplessness.
40 years ago, I hitchhiked around the Pacific Northwest during the summer after Mt. St.
Helens blew up. Mt. Rainier was ash-coated, as were the wild blueberries I often ate. Epic
and Biblical are words inadequate to describe that destruction near Mt. St. Helens, with
millions of huge, old trees blown down, piles of mud, and rivers diverted. Yet I and others
knew that eventually, that land would regrow, and it did.
I see a lot of egotism and self-love on both sides. The so-called progressives in our
community are breeding at baby boom levels, driving SUVs, and, before the pandemic, you'd see
a dozen school buses idling outside every school. Development is out of control as people
flee from the city, and people flee from here, or downsize, and breed and breed and breed.
Two years ago, we had a flash flood and our street was under water, and there was a lot of
damage all over town. Hurricane Irene in 2011 left many with over a foot of water in their
basements. And let's not even start on Sandy. My friend lives in Pensacola; their downtown
area is under three or four feet of water from Hurricane Sally. It's not just fire, it's
floods, and it's not just the GOP which is the problem...
I don't blame anyone for guarding their roads if they think arsonists are about. The
Tillamook Burn was larger and more devastating than these fires but are we to blame climate
change ? Environmentalists and Liberals who do not even live out West, who did not rely upon
Logging, placed their concerns about the Spotted Owl and Virgin Forests about the danger of
Forest Fires and the livelihood of Loggers and the Towns and Peoples who depended upon
Logging. Managed Logging of Forests is not an inherently evil act. Clearing the bush and dead
trees is not bad in and of itself. Let Logging companies responsibly manage sections of the
Forrests, let Towns clear fire breaks around their perimeters. Place large Water towers in
strategic points throughout the Forests, huge mounds of dirt/sand/gravel next to them so that
the Firefighters have what they need to fight the fires. Force developers to build houses 50
feet apart. Require fireproof roofs, require thinning of trees in housing developments.
Require volunteer Fire Departments in every neighborhood so that if they do nothing else,
they can cut a fire break, water down the grasses around their neighborhoods, chase and
extinguish embers, something/anything versus fleeing their homes without putting up a fight.
"... dry conditions exacerbated by climate change coupled with an unusual windstorm ..." May
I add that a couple of other things have also contributed to making the fires worse or making
them harder to manage? For a century or so, in California, Oregon and Washington we have not
been letting the normal, periodic fires burn. Consequently, a great deal of fuel has built up
on the forest floor. Second, folks have increasingly been building homes or even
neighborhoods in places which have historically seen such normal, periodic fires.
@Robert Yes. But now controlled burns are a bit problematic, given the droughts, the heat,
the massive fuel loads from all the dead trees. It's just so easy for the controlled burns to
get out of control.
Hi, I am from Clackamas County metro. Every time a FaceBook "Friend" (and I personally know
all of mine) posted a rumor, I tried to find the footage from any of our 4 local news
stations to depute their post but they just shared another one. One said she didn't trust KGW
8 the local NBC station and when I told her the same story was on KPTV 12, the local Fox
station. She said, "I'm just stressed"
@David Biesecker Remember that half the people are of below average intelligence. That may
answer the existence of the small percentage of conspiracy theorists. One problem is social
media provides free and outsized loudspeaker systems that enables them to find each other.
@M.i. Estner First, let me identify myself as a liberal Democrat who has a masters degree. I
find it more than disheartening when half of the country, or half of rural or not formally
educated folks are said to have low intelligent quotas, critical thinking skills or
analytical abilities. You better believe that when a highly trained Eastern Oregon
firefighter is assessing how to save peoples lives, homes and land, has to quickly act with
their many faceted skill set and are calling on abilities you or I would not be able to
fathom. Same with farmers of large pieces of complicated crops and land. Same with city
managers, librarians, and social workers for the elderly--all having low city budgets. What
about the veterinarians, doctors and nurses in rural areas? This is exactly the same as
calling Black or Hispanics people of lower intelligence. And, there are different types of
intelligence. I know a literary critic, a liberal Democrat, who doesn't have the critical
thinking skills to run her own home or raise her children. If you look, you can see these
same differences in any group. It has to do with the way people are raised, what they are
using their skill sets for, what information they are used to consuming, money, ideology,
etc...And it has to do with being devalued for growing your food, producing your meat,
chicken and eggs. I'm not excusing the violence, guns, racism and hatred. These divides have
been with us for ages. Please don't stoke the fires.
If we have a selfish federal government, then we will have selfish states and people.
Everyone is for himself or herself. No one will think about other people or public good. It
all started from the top
In 2017, 2018, and 2019 northern California's new phenomenon of forceful 40 to 60 miles per
hour winds - in Fall, no less - caused old and aging electrical equipment to malfunction. As
a consequence, too much of Santa Rosa burnt to the ground, and the entire town of Paradise
ceased to exist. This year during the heat of a hotter than usual summer following yet
another dry winter, we had dry lightning strikes from Sonoma County to Santa Clara County and
Yes, the science is clear and you fail to mention it. The forest fires reach critical mass
and spread because of the surplus of dead or dying trees. They are there because the federal
government essentially no longer allows logging on its vast landholdings and also fails to
allow controlled burns to clean out the tinderbox. I won't bother attaching a link because
any Google search proves the point. Why focus on hysteria and rumermongering among the
Deplorables? Come on, Mr. Kristof, you were a Deplorable once (when you were a kid growing up
in the countryside) as was I. Please defend them sometimes, particularly when the actual
causes are so well documented.
@Stuck on a mountain Western States are working to clear the brush from forests where, due to
our previous incomplete understanding of forest ecology, fires were suppressed for a century.
However, the cost is astronomical and there are millions of acres left to clear. Spending
their entire forest management budgets fighting current wildfires doesn't help. We've been
doing controlled burns for decades but in many areas, they're now too dangerous. Dry forests
and a dense understory can quickly turn a "controlled burn" into a conflagration. Many
ranchers and timber companies who profit from our state and national forests seem unwilling
to pay to keep those forests healthy. People who live in or near forests mostly have incomes
too low to pay for forest management. The National Forest Service, Department of the Interior
and USDA have made some progress, but the problem is huge. Saying we can prevent forest fires
by allowing larger timber harvests is an oversimplification. No solution to this complex
issue will be simple, perfect or cheap.
Wacky conspiracy theories to explain seemingly bizarre and unusual occurrences have been
around since the dawn of human cognition. But in an electronic/social media age, these get
spread even faster than a wind-blown fire climbs a canyon hillside. Previously, they were
spread one set of ears at a time; now millions of eyes can read them every second. And that
is a major part of the problem.
As a grad student in sociology, having lived through the 60s and participated in the
counterculture, I was deeply intrigued by the social construction of reality - how we come to
share a taken-for-granted world. This is a long-standing concern within sociological social
psychology. We examined how language, interpersonal communications, media and social
structure shaped ones perception of one's self, what is real, what's important. At the time,
however, this was considered theoretical and academic. 40 years later, understanding how
Americans' realities have come to diverge is no longer armchair social science. It's urgent
and in our faces, as is the question of how can we heal this terrible fracturing of our
@DeHypnotist Yes. When studying for the degree in and then teaching sociology in my early
years, I learned that, too. But, I have to admit, it's actually taken all the decades of life
since then, and now the obvious confirmation of it by this current 'reality' to actually
realize, deep down in my guts, that we 'make up' our so-called 'social reality' simply to
serve the most basic of biological requirements: the need to dominate in the deadly
completion with the other 'tribes' of our species just to survive. We are, after all, animals
like all the others, no matter how much we blab about how much 'smarter' we are.
@Alex B The primal driver, deep in the core of our brain, is usefully thought of as
"reptilian." Cold-blooded. Egoistic. Hedonistic. And, in extreme cases, narcissistic, and,
heaven forbid when all three are present...
I lived for a few years in Brazil when it was a dictatorship. The similarities between Brazil
and what is happening in the US is startling. The police were being used to quell peaceful
protesters and the justice system co-opted by authorities, fear mongering were present, just
as now in the US....
I didn't live in the US from 1977-1999, only visiting on short trips. That enabled me to see
changes in society that were slow and not seen by those residing here. And when I came back
permanently I could feel immediately a deep change....
Perhaps an apt metaphor for the "danger sign ahead" is the approach of a Category three
hurricane and it's increasing in intensity. One of the stark disconnects is between the
message in an article like this and the politicians and citizens who are little concerned
about tempering rhetoric and elevating the importance of eschewing misinformation. We are in
the Misinformation Age and the victims of a cyber war, evolving into a civil war.
@ML What is happening here? These are the beginnings of what happened in Germany in the 30s.
Over there the reason was the loss of WWI. Here, is the obvious decline of the American
lifestyle and we have not seen anything yet. The range of the economic decline is covered by
7 trillion dollars in phony money. I fervently hope and pray that is not too late to stop the
process. All men and women of goodwill have to rally to restore a sane, and one, country .
Stay safe! It is going to get worse before it gets better.
@FunkyIrishman Right on. Water is an enormous issue waiting to happen here -- and Wisconsin
is estimated to have between 10 and 20 percent of the world's fresh water (depending on how
it's calculated and whether that includes some of Lakes Michigan and Superior. A Dept. of
Climate, Weather and Water would be a logical cabinet department.
@FunkyIrishman And polluting the potable water continues sometimes by the most resolvable
modern approaches: sewers and water treatment plants. Reagan ended federal funding for sewers
leaving septic systems (and now ancient sewers) where sewers would lead to protected fresh
water. All the medicines, chemicals, and toxins seep unseen but very real into fresh and also
salt water. We are not a modern nation any more.
Looks like neoliberal Dems are playing with fire. Another couple of such success stories and
Biden can safely enroll to the assisted living senior citizen community where he belongs. This is
an excellent way to mobilize Trump voters. Just look at the comments section of this story.
This is somewhat similar to hysteria in Germany in 1930th.
Notable quotes:
"... And Costco was once a retail store. Bravo! Today transformed into a political party? ..."
Costco has halted sales of Palmetto Cheese, a popular brand of pimento cheese spread that
had been offered in over 120 of its stores, after the company's owner triggered outrage with a
Facebook post criticizing Black Lives Matter.
A sign posted at a store in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, indicates that Palmetto Cheese has
been discontinued and will not be ordered again by Costco. The retailer hasn't made a statement
on its decision, but the move came after consumers called for a boycott of the brand because of
social media comments by Palmetto Cheese's owner, Brian Henry.
"This BLM and Antifa movement must be treated like the terror organizations that they
are," Henry said in an August 25 Facebook post that has since been deleted. He wrote the
message in response to the alleged shootings of three white people by a black man in
Georgetown, South Carolina. He complained that BLM and Antifa were being allowed to
"lawlessly destroy great American cities and threaten their citizens on a daily basis"
and declared "All lives matter. There, I said it. So am I a racist now?"
The reaction on social media was swift, with commenters calling Henry a racist. Activists
jumped into action with a boycott campaign against Palmetto Cheese. A Twitter account was set
up mocking the company as "Appropriation Cheese," because of its use of a black woman on
its packaging who worked for the company before dying earlier this year.
Activists on the Appropriation Cheese page celebrated Costco's decision and pressed for
more. One commenter on Tuesday thanked Costco and demanded that Kroger, Lowes Foods and other
retailers cancel Palmetto Cheese. Another boycott supporter called on Publix Super Markets to
drop the product, saying: "Costco pulled Palmetto Cheese because of the open racism of its
owner. We are hoping you are considering the same." Still another said: "Attention
Corporate America. This is how you ally."
But others lamented Costco's move and the divisiveness it represents. "This is how
divided the country has become," one commenter tweeted. "Even store chains are picking
sides now. This is insane." There were those who defended Henry, saying that criticizing
the group doesn't mean that one is racist.
Henry, who also is mayor of the small South Carolina coastal town of Pawleys Island, may
have squandered a chance to inspire a boycott-backlash movement – like that which Goya
Foods enjoyed after its owner was vilified for praising President Donald Trump – when he
issued an apology on September 3.
He said his comments were "hurtful and insensitive."
"I spent the last 10 days listening and learning," Henry said. "The conversations
I have had with friends, our staff, the community and faith-based leaders provided me with a
deeper understanding of racial inequality and the importance of diversity
Henry added that his family and company will donate $100,000 in the first year of a new
foundation set up to improve race relations, and Palmetto Cheese will rebrand its product
"to be more sensitive to cultural diversity." In addition to having a picture of a black
woman, the current packaging refers to Palmetto Cheese as "the pimento cheese with
The company sold more than 15 million units last year in about 4,000 stores. Henry warned
that a boycott would only hurt the hundreds of people employed by the company in South
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
uncledon 8 hours ago
guess I'm a racist as I believe all lives matter! I believe that people have a reason and the
right to peacefully protest. People do not have a right to murder, to plunder, to destroy
properties and businesses, to loot and set fires! If these things are done under the BLM
movement it is lawlessness. If we are to have a peaceful and productive society we need law and
order not total chaos. If the BLM wants to make change, (and change is sorely needed) then sets
some rules in your organized protest that gives it strength and power. Every smashed window,
every fire, every looted business and every intimidation to innocent bystanders is a reason for
people like myself not to support your cause.
KarlthePoet 9 hours ago
It's too bad that the
American consumers haven't started a boycott of the Jewish Banking Cartel, which ultimately
controls the US government and Wall Street. A cheese spread isn't the problem in America.
JG1547 10 hours ago
And the stupidity continues. Sad
CrabbyB 7 hours ago
Avoid social media
other than trying to garner sales. Avoid any chit-chat or opinions, just bare minimum contact
that suits your business purpose and that's it. The mob harmed but using Fakebook as a soapbox
was the big mistake
VillageIdiot34 4 hours ago
Keep it up amerimutts.
With this rate of
acceleration we are talking civil war before Christmas. I can already see it; the corporate
communists, backed by every globalist for-profit corporations against "real capitalism has
never been tried" gang. Less fighting abroad, more fighting domestic. It's a win/win for
everyone else
Jack The Man 3 hours ago
Absolutely right and principled action by
Costco. And BTW, who on earth would like to eat this processed garbage anyway?
rightmove 5
hours ago
And Costco was once a retail store. Bravo! Today transformed into a political party?
I'm in Australia and won't be shopping at Costco. The customer can decide if the BLM impacts
their choice of merchandise, not the damn seller.
Mistermal 6 hours ago
According to Webster's
Dictionary: "The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political
purposes." Costco CEO simply told the truth. BLM is an openly racist, violent hate group.
Hart 3 hours ago
Will Costco also ban Israeli goods - because of their criticism of PLM
(Palestinian Lives Matter)...??
Flyingscotsman 3 hours ago
Simple, boycott Costco. I bet all
these so called republican white Supremacist racists spend more there , than all these keyboard
woke warriors!
Augury Unhappy Bird Watcher, State of Grave Doubt
Sept. 20
Oregon's racial demographics White alone, percent 86.7% Black or African American alone,
percent 2.2% Alabama's racial demographics White alone, percent 69.1% Black or African American
alone, percent26.8%
"... We are witnessing a political game of chess where the only pieces being moved are the pawns, while the king and queen sit safely on a different board. ..."
""There needs to be unrest in the streets as there is unrest in our lives"" When the elite oligarchy ignore peaceful
protests, you get aggressive uprisings. It's human nature and good ol' fashioned patriotism.
So, it appears the War on Populism is building
toward an exciting climax. All the proper pieces are in place for a Class-A GloboCap color
revolution , and maybe even civil war. You got your unauthorized Putin-Nazi president, your
imaginary apocalyptic pandemic, your violent identitarian civil unrest, your heavily-armed
politically-polarized populace, your ominous rumblings from military quarters you couldn't
really ask for much more.
OK, the plot is pretty obvious by now (as it is in all big-budget action spectacles, which
is essentially what color revolutions are), but that won't spoil our viewing experience. The
fun isn't in guessing what is going to happen. Everybody knows what's going to happen. The fun
is in watching Bruce, or Sigourney, or "the moderate rebels," or the GloboCap "Resistance,"
take down the monster, or the terrorists, or Hitler, and save the world, or democracy, or
A Black Lives
Matter activist in Washington has gone into social media hiding after her efforts to dox a CVS
drugstore manager for calling the police on two suspected shoplifters didn't go over as
swimmingly as she planned.
The chain of events began when the woman, Charity Sade, started recording police who were
questioning two black men outside a CVS store. At one point, an officer warns one of the
suspects not to interrupt him while he's talking to the other man, saying "His freedom is
dependent on your actions." Sade then interjects, asking the officer for his name and badge
She then films another video of herself confronting the CVS manager inside the store for
calling the police. The manager explains that it's company policy to contact the police when a
shoplifter exits the store without paying for merchandise. He added that he chose not to press
charges against the men, but asked the police to inform them that they could no longer shop at
his store.
Sade then berates the manager, saying, "It's not your merchandise. It's the store's. So,
you know what happens... You decided to call the police on two black people that stole, that
allegedly took something from the store because you're willing to uphold the policy, and they
could have lost their lives."
When the manager replied that he follows CVS policy, not the woman's policy, Sade said,
"So you're willing to risk someone's lives for what, $30,000 a year?"
The manager told her that he saw no such risk, thanked her and began to walk away, at which
point Sade asked for his name. When he refused to answer, she asked another employee. The
manager shot back: "No one's going to tell you my name when you're in here videotaping us so
that you can try to elicit some sort of violence. It's not going to happen." Sade then
attempted to turn the tables, accusing the manager of trying to elicit violence against the
black men by calling the police.
The woman, who identifies herself as a comedian, activist and teacher, posted the videos to
her Twitter account on Thursday, including a picture of the CVS manager and the policeman's
badge number, along with hashtags #BLM and #PeopleOverProperty. To her surprise, reaction was
overwhelmingly negative and she later made her Twitter account private and deleted her
Instagram account. She also attempted to organize a protest outside the store on Facebook.
Twitter users saved Sade's videos before access to her accounts was blocked, enabling the
discussion of her conduct to continue. Author and media critic Mark Dice called her a BLM
"Karen," while conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said anyone who disagreed with
the CVS manager's explanation "should be institutionalized." Journalist Jessica
O'Donnell of The Blaze said that lowering standards
for black people, suggesting that they should be allowed to shoplift, is "actually the
racist thing in the scenario."
Controlling a man with knee pressure to the side of his neck is a humane police
technique for subduing an uncooperative perp. I emphasis "side of the neck" because the
technique used on George Floyd is widely assumed to have consisted of applying pressure to
the front of the neck . I saw and heard that assumption reported by Joe Rogan who you would
be expected to know better as he is said to have been a professional wrestler at some time in
the past. The video of Floyd clearly shows him restrained by pressure on the side of his neck
yet is not remembered that way.
Try this experiment. Apply pressure with your fist to the front of your neck. It will be
obvious that that pressure crushes the airways to the lungs and would likely be fatal in short
order if maintained. Now try the experiment of applying pressure with your fist to the side of
your neck. I expect that you will be very surprised at discovering how strong the tendons and
understructure of the side of the neck are. That technique does not interfere with
breathing. Restraint using that technique is not time bound. Whether 1 minute, 9 minutes or 45
minutes, it simply restrains an uncooperative perp.
The article above faults the evil Israelis for teaching that technique. Presumably the
author believes that Derek Chauvin restrained George Floyd with his knee on the front of his
neck. So to mix metaphors he will seize any stick to fustigate these evil disgusting spawn of
the devil Israeli jew cops.
Conclusion: article is yet another example of the jew hating propaganda that Ron Unz
delights in publishing.
"However this knee restraining technique seems stupid and evil."
Not if it is done without put weight on the knee.
When dealing with people having seizures or 'excited delirium', it's important to
immobilize their head so they don't hurt themselves while thrashing around.
When done correctly, the knee does not crush the neck. In order to stop air, pressure must
be applied to the front, not the back or side. Officer Chauvin's relaxed posture indicates he
was not attempting to injure Floyd, but only to keep a man in medical distress immobile until
medical first responders could take over.
Who within the Deep state is supporting the riots? This is the question. Antifa would not
last a a couple of months, if all repressive power of the state fall on the head of its
brainwashed children of the middles class, who constitute the majority of it members. All members
probably are well known to FBI and the organization was infiltrated long ago.
America went through its own bout of Dionysian intoxication in the days following May 25,
when a Minneapolis cop by the name of Derek Chauvin knelt on the neck of a 46-year-old Black
man by the name of George Floyd, causing his death. Corrupted by 66 years of bad education,
America's Black Lumpenproletariat erupted in an orgy of rioting that brought the rule
of law to an end in many of America's large cities. As of this writing, Antifa, a group which
Donald Trump has designated a domestic terrorist organization, is still in control of a
six-square block section of downtown Seattle, which they have designated the "Capitol Hill
Autonomous Zone." In Minneapolis, the town where the rioting started, their Pentheus, Mayor
Jacob Frey, was denounced by one of the Bacchant women who spoke in the name of Black Lives
Matter after he refused to defund the Minneapolis police department. Frey was not torn limb
from limb, but he was expelled from the crowd and had to take refuge with the police he was
ordered to defund.
The race riots of May and June 2020 were only the latest installment of what might be called
the regime of governance by crisis which began four years ago, when the Deep State decided to
do whatever was necessary to depose Donald Trump. That campaign began with Russiagate, followed
by the impeachment, followed by the hate speech campaign of 2019 which sought to ban "unwanted
content" from the Internet, followed by the Covid-19 pandemic. What united all of these crises
was oligarch unhappiness with the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States
and a desire to replace the institutions of representative government with ad hoc committees of
crisis managers masquerading as scientific experts and/or aggrieved minorities.
By now it should be obvious that the racial narrative writes itself whenever a Black man
dies at the hands of a white cop. Floyd's body was still warm when the mainstream media took up
the story which had already been written and declared him a saint, complete with halo and
wings. In reality, Floyd was a violent felon who died with traces of fentanyl and cocaine in
his system, but the BBC described him as someone who "was simply trying to live life as any
other American, in search of betterment in the face of both personal and societal challenges."
[1] He then
became "the latest totem of the ills that plague the country in 2020." After growing in wisdom,
age, and grace, Floyd's life suddenly "took a different turn, with a string of arrests for
theft and drug possession culminating in an armed robbery charge in 2007, for which he was
sentenced to five years in prison." Missing from the BBC account was any mention of Floyd's
incarceration, drug dealing, violence against pregnant women or his role as a porn star,
[2] but no one
needed to tell a graduate of America's public school system that he was witnessing the latest
installment of the ongoing saga of American racism in action.
... ... ...
Both sides of the racial conflict which George Floyd's death ignited were controlled by
Jews. The ADL has consistently played a double game by condemning the racial violence that
their training seminars have created. According to the Democratic Socialists of America, "The
police violence happening tonight in Minneapolis is straight out of the IDF playbook," adding,
"US cops train in Israel." [20] After
the death of George Floyd, the ADL, eager to avoid any association with the violence their
police seminars wrought among Blacks, tweeted: "As we continue to fight for justice for
#GeorgeFloyd, we also need to fight for justice for #BreonnaTaylor, who was murdered in her own
home by police. We need justice for everyone who has been a victim of racist policing &
violence." [21]
At the same time that the ADL was demanding justice for George Floyd, they made no mention
of the death of Iyad Hallaq, an autistic Palestinian man who was gunned down after pleading for
his life while on the way to his special education class in occupied East Jerusalem. [22] The
Electronic Intifada, which did mention Hallaq's death, then singled out the Anti-Defamation
league as "a major player in the industry of bringing US police junkets to Israel for
'counterterrorism' and other kinds of joint training." [23]
Docile Negroes at traditionally Jewish organizations like the NAACP routinely get praised
for their work against racism, but as soon as Black Lives Matter began its Black solidarity
with Palestine campaign, the Israeli government and its lobbies in America attempted to disrupt
the Black Lives Matter movement in retaliation. In 2018 Al Jazeera's documentary The
Lobby -- USA revealed how The Israel Project "pulled strings behind the scenes to
get a Black Lives Matter fundraiser at a New York City nightclub canceled." [24]
So on the one hand we have American policemen being trained to treat their fellow citizens
in the same way that Israelis treat Palestinians, including the knee holds that will subdue and
sometimes kill them. This explains the white cop side of the equation. But on the other hand,
we have George Soros funding Black Lives Matter and the insurrections which follow incidents of
police brutality as the black side of the equation. Taken together both Jewish-funded groups
perpetuate the cycle of increasing violent racial conflict in America, while remaining all the
while invisible.
Black Lives Matter was a reincarnation of the Black-Jewish Alliance, which began with the
founding of the ADL after the lynching of Leo Frank and has continued to this day, with
time-outs taken for the World Wars of the 20th century. Shortly after World War II, Louis
Wirth, a Jewish sociologist from the University of Chicago began implementing his plan to
"integrate" housing in Chicago. When Chicago's ethnic neighborhoods understood that
"integration" was a euphemism for ethnic cleansing, riots ensued, beginning with the Airport
Park riots of 1947 and culminating in the arrival of Martin Luther King in Marquette Park
almost 20 years later. As one more indication that Black Lives Matter was the reincarnation of
the Black-Jewish Alliance, Alicia Garza, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter, was born in
1981 to a white Jewish father and a Black mother.
Black Lives Matter was funded by George Soros to promote race war in the United States, but
BLM also promoted sexual deviance, another cause dear to the heart of the world's most
prominent Hungarian Jewish philanthropist. In their recently published manifesto, BLM situates
its attempt to be "unapologetically Black in our positioning" within a matrix of sexual
deviance, including attempts "to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk," by
disrupting "the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure" and putting in its place a
"queer-affirming network." [25]
If that jargon sounds familiar, it's because it stems from the university gender studies
programs which provide the matrix from which groups like BLM and Antifa get both their ideas
and their recruits. The ultimate cause of the uprising which took place in city after city in
the wake of George Floyd's death was bad education. Beginning in the late 1980s, literature
departments had been taken over by "tenured radicals" who have used critical theory, derived
from thinkers like Foucault, Derrida, and Gramsci, to undermine the validity of all structures
of authority. This essentially Nietzschean transvaluation of all values transferred moral
superiority to anyone who could claim oppression according to oligarchic endorsed categories
like race and gender, allowing the tenured radicals to take over one department after another
and, more importantly, allowing the proliferation of new departments, invariably ending in
"studies," as in gender studies, which drove the traditional liberal arts from academe turning
traditional universities into Maoist inspired re-education camps. The takeover of academe
reached its bitter culmination when Antifa led groups of disaffected, badly educated young
people, who were aware of nothing more significant than their grievances, into the streets in
what became an uncanny replication of the Chinese cultural revolution of 1966. One of the most
unlikely leaders of that revolution in China was an American Jew from Charleston, South
Carolina by the name of Sidney Rittenberg.
The academic pedigree of Rittenberg's successors became apparent when Antifa warlord Joseph
Alcoff got apprehended in Philadelphia in 2017 for assaulting a group of Hispanic Marines.
Alcoff's arrest shed light on one of the main figures in a society that remained literally
faceless because of their habit of wearing masks at the protests they disrupted by their
violence. Alcoff, who was known as the leader of Antifa in Washington, DC, was the child of
radical academics and had co-authored an academic paper with his mother Linda Alcoff in Volume
79 of Science and Society in the special issue on "Red and Black: Marxist Encounters
with Anarchism," entitled "Autonomism in Theory and Practice." [26] Radical
theory in the mind of Linda Alcoff led to violent praxis in the life of her son. As with Black
Lives Matter, the ADL has played a double game with Antifa, condemning its tactics while at the
same time defending it against accusations that it was morally equivalent to the "white
supremacists" it attacked in the streets of Charlottesville in 2017.
Continuity between the generations was made possible by the Jewish revolutionary spirit. The
fact that Alcoff was a Jew got suppressed in virtually every mainstream account of his
activity, [27] which
sanitized his communist connections by linking him to the Democratic Party through figures like
Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters. Alcoff was more forthright when he spoke in his own voice,
saying on one Youtube video, "I'm a Communist, motherf***er," before spitting into the camera.
Christians for truth portrayed Alcoff as "a self-styled modern-day Leon Trotsky" and attributed
the suppression of his ethnic identity to the fact that "Antifa's political manifestations are
funded by the billionaire Jew, George Soros." [29]
Andy Ngo, who was severely beaten by Antifa thugs in Portland in the wake of the 2016
presidential election, claims that "prominent media figures and politicians glamorize and even
promote Antifa as a movement for a just cause. CNN's Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon have defended
Antifa on-air. Chuck Todd invited Antifa ideologue Mark Bray onto Meet the Press to
explain why Antifa's political violence is "ethical." [30] Ngo goes
on to mention Joseph Alcoff as one of the most visible figures in what is otherwise a
clandestine organization, and claims that he had access to Democrat Representative Maxine
Waters in 2016. [31] He also
mentions Adam Rothstein, who is associated with the Rose City Antifa group which assaulted him
in 2016. Rothstein conducted a series of "secret lectures" at a Portland bookstore where local
recruits learned how to "heckle" opponents and make them "look ridiculous, make them feel
outnumbered," and convinced that the "Trump thing is gonna go by the wayside." [32]
Armed with political clout of this magnitude, Antifa can easily overwhelm local police
forces, which is what happened in Portland in 2016. The result is that "city government and
police lack the political will to protect citizens." What happened in Seattle in 2020 with the
creation of the "Capital Hill Autonomous Zone" was only the logical conclusion to what began in
Portland in 2016 and spread all over the Pacific Northwest, "where Antifa is especially
active." In its attempt to destabilize and destroy the nation state and its sovereign borders,
Antifa drew support from "mainstream progressive politicians, such as Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, who normalize hatred of border enforcement and sovereignty as such." [33]
Antifa has continued to be successful in disrupting local government and thwarting police
attempts to bring them under control because it is a Jewish organization which can always count
on favorable press from the Jewish-controlled mainstream media, which renders the connection
invisible. The same cannot be said for the Jewish press, which cites Antifa's Jewishness with
thinly-disguised ethnic pride.
When Donald Trump referred to Antifa as a terrorist organization, the Israeli newspaper
Ha'aretz came to their defense, "Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews."
According to an article which appeared in the Forward , Antifa activism "is an
affirmation of Jewish identity, both religious and secular" [35] which
stretches all the way back to 1897 with the founding of Bundism, which "sought to organize the
working-class Jews of Russia, Poland, and Lithuania." [36] After
members of a specifically Jewish Antifa group defaced a plaque in New York City honoring the
president of Vichy France Philippe Petain, they left a note which defended the rationale behind
their act of vandalism:
With Monday's actions, Jewish antifascists and allied forces have served notice that fascist
apologism will not be tolerated in our city in 2019; that anti-Semitic ideology and violence
will be confronted with Jewish solidarity and strength; and that the Holocaust will be
remembered not only with sadness and grief but also with righteous anger and action: 'We will
never forget. We will never forgive.' [37]
In the final analysis, Antifa is a Jewish organization in the same way that Bolshevism and
Neoconservatism were Jewish political movements. Not every member of Antifa is a Jew, but Jews
invariably find their ways into leadership roles in places like Portland, Washington, DC, and
even in China, as was the case during the Cultural Revolution of 1966, because they have an
advantage over non-Jews in embodying the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which is the hidden
grammar of all revolutionary movements.
Interesting article, not the least surprising the Usual Suspects are playing both sides.
Like WW2?
One picky point is the Yanez shooting, the victim did have a gun, he had a permit for it.
He didn't show his hands and died with his hand near the gun. This was the one his GF put out
on Facebook Live to it incited two police massacres right away, the one everybody knows about
in Dallas (where they killed the shooter with a robot bomb) an another in Louisiana.
I'm a witness the SF Bay Area as a model of the racial obsession/gender bending schemes.
What a mess the place is–the signature of the Left-wing establishment that runs the
place is how the education system fails to fulfill the simple market demands for labor in
their own locale, at the high end Silicon Valley runs on Indian/Pakistani B-1s and at the
other the booming (until now) construction business runs on mostly imported Hispanics.
They spend more per pupil than the rest of the world and the whole system runs on
I couldn't finish this article after reading this garbage:
"Floyd was a violent felon who died with traces of fentanyl and cocaine in his system"
It was announced two weeks ago that he had a lethal dose. His toxicology report was
finally made public and shows that he had a lethal dose of the dangerous pain killer fentanyl
in his system. This caused his lungs to fill with fluid, which explains why he told arriving
cops "I Can't Breath" and did not cooperate as he was delusional and dying. The cops wrestled
him to the ground and cuffed him as he died from a fentanyl overdose. Floyd would have died
right there even if the cops had not shown up.
This is why coroners wait for toxicology results before declaring the cause of death, but
in this case he bowed to political pressure and announced his death was caused by the knee to
the neck. This news is so big that our corporate media, which has promoted the riots, refuses
to air the truth. Details can be read here.
In fair and normal world, the accused cops would be immediately freed and rehired with a
bad mark for Chauvin using an improper neck hold. Let's see what happens, but I don't expect
Floyd said "i can't breathe" several times BEFORE he was put on the ground. The cops did
nothing wrong and were trying to help him. It's all another monstrous media lie like the
mueller report and jussie smollett and rayshard brooks and the covington kids and bubba
wallace and the KY gun range video.
The American Deep State can destroy anti-fa if it wanted. Hunting down all the leaders of
this terrorist organization is not that hard. But of course the American Deep State will not
do so because anti-fa is a branch of the deep state, just like how Hollywood and the media
are (& have been for a long time) arms of the American (Globalist) deep state.
This is one of Jones' many indispensable articles. The opening alone is required reading
of anyone slightly bothered by what is going on. Dionysius sparks sexual revolution, and it
leads to debauched riot and murder and then to either social collapse or else brutal
The American Left and the Neocons both demand tyranny, as brutal as possible. They serve
It is either Christ and Christendom or the chaos of anti-Christ.
If Jones would realize that the Novus Ordo Mass and Vatican II are at best impotent before
Dionysius and return to Tradition, he could serve much better.
It cannot be repeated too much: we live in the Anglo-Zionist Empire 2.0. The first phase
of Anglo-Zionist Empire was the British Empire. The Brit WASP Empire spread philoSemitism
across the globe: cultural Zionism that was the inherent fruit of Anglo-Saxon Puritanism,
which was a Judaizing heresy that was the final and most defining part of Modern English, and
Anglophone Protestant, culture.
The reality is that we are in the eyes of the Anglo-Zionist Empire's elites what Irish
Catholic were to archetypal WASP Oliver Cromwell and what Palestinians are to Israelis. They
wish us exterminated or made serfs forever, and the base reason predates Freud, Darwin, Marx
and the French Revolution. It is Judaizing heresy birthing monsters to war against historic
Christianity and peoples who have any legacy in the building and maintenance of Christendom
and therefore do not serve Zionism.
WASP culture serves Zionism and always will.
When Kevin McDonald realizes all of that and the necessary inferences, his work will
become worth the effort.
There's a sure way to curb the influence that certain (((individuals))) have on American
culture and politics; it's called the "wealth tax." It's a tax on the assets of the rich and
also on foundations set up to circumvent the inheritance tax. Both Bernie Sanders and
Elizabeth Warren proposed a wealth tax but it is not included in Biden's platform. Instead,
he's proposed raising the maximum income tax rate to 39.6%. There are lots of loopholes that
individuals can utilize to reduce their income tax obligations. It won't stop their meddling
in social and political affairs. Only a very stiff wealth tax (at least 10% per year) will
curb their meddling.
ByTony Cox, a US journalist who has written or edited for Bloomberg and
several major daily newspapers. Black Lives Matter may finally have found its bridge too
far – the point of absurdity and overreaching vileness that finally destroys support for
the "Marxist" political movement in all but the most extreme reaches of the left.
BLM has offered up many self-fails in recent weeks, the sort of anecdotes that stick in the
minds of observers and turn the tide of public opinion against a cause that millions of
Americans were eager to support initially. Even more than the group's nonsensical demands --
such as defunding police departments and "remaking" the US political system – its
tactics are making it impossible for politically independent Americans to support.
Those tactics have included spreading false rumors about an Aug. 10 police shooting in
Chicago, then racing downtown to loot the city's most posh retailers, then defending the theft
"reparations." Then there was the mob attack on a white motorist in Portland, who was
pulled from his truck and brutally beaten before
being left motionless in the street, and the torching of black-owned businesses around the
Other incidents have brought the senselessness closer to home for many Americans, such as
the BLM groups that marched through residential streets of such cities as Seattle and Portland
late at night, threatening homeowners and chanting such messages as, "Wake up, wake up, wake
up motherf***er, wake up." Other BLM mobs have descended on outdoor restaurants from
Washington to Rochester, New York, screaming at diners and demanding displays of obedient
solidarity, such as raising a fist.
But Saturday night's BLM debacle was the
clincher, as protesters blocked the emergency room entrance and exit at a Los Angeles hospital
after two Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies were ambushed and shot repeatedly in their
parked patrol car for no apparent reason. The protesters blocked the ER while yelling "We
hope they die," prompting the Sheriff's Department to send out a tweet saying, "People's
lives are at stake when ambulances can't get through."
As if that wasn't bad enough, as deputies tried to arrest a protester who refused to
disperse, a reporter for government-funded National Public Radio interfered and had to be
arrested, the Sheriff's Department said. The reporter,
Josie Huang , did not identify herself as a journalist and didn't have any press
credentials with her, the department said.
Protesters taunted police outside the hospital, saying such things as, "You're all f***ing
dying one by one ."
A video on social media also showed a celebratory reaction at the scene of the shooting,
where a smiling witness said repeatedly, "They just aired the police out, ni**a."
Evidence of the damage that the anti-racism protest movement is doing to itself is showing
up in polling, including President Donald Trump gaining ground on Democrat challenger Joe Biden
in the presidential race. In Oregon, where violent protests have dragged on for more than 100
straight days, 66 percent of respondents in a DHM
Research poll said they disapprove of the demonstrations. To put that in perspective, a
Republican presidential candidate hasn't won in Oregon since 1984.
Trump has had some success in painting Biden and other Democrats as enablers of rioting. The
shifting political winds prompted CNN host Don Lemon to sound an alarm late last month, saying
Democrats were trying to ignore the problem and risked losing votes in November.
Biden has tried to take a more strident tone against rioting since then and said Sunday that
the Los Angeles shooting was "cold-blooded" and "unconscionable." He said the
shooter "must be brought to justice." Trump took the excoriation further, saying that if
the deputies die, "fast trial, death penalty for the killer – only way to stop
Understanding that they'll need strong voting support from people in the protest movement,
Democrats are trying to walk a fine line between condemning rioters and condoning violence.
Their hope is that the pieces can be picked up after the election.
"I'm voting for the guy who knows how to restore justice and peace, not the guy who
incites more violence," financial adviser Lili Balfour said on Twitter.
"If Trump wins, we'll be in a civil war for the next four years. I'm ready for peace and
Therefore Biden speaks out against shooting police, but he's quiet about celebration of
shooting police and wishing death upon them.
But actions like what we witnessed Saturday night in Los Angeles are just too repugnant to
look the other way. Americans who are asked to raise a fist in support of BLM or vote for the
demonstrators' chosen candidate can't help but cringe about the conduct of whom they're
standing with.
By Diana Bruk , a Russian-American journalist living in New York, who has written for The
New York Times, The Paris Review, Cosmopolitan, Esquire and Elle, amongst other
Many people who previously would have never considered voting for Donald
Trump will now do so due to the excesses of the social justice brigade. The Left's failure to
understand basic human psychology could decide the election.
I've always considered myself a soft Liberal. But the last few months have really brought
out my conservative side, and I'm not the only one. I've recently spoken to several working
class people who were told they were being laid off just before getting an email saying the
company was looking to "diversify its staff," and their responses were all the same:
"F**k this, I'm voting for Trump."
One of my issues with social activism has always been that it centers around an idea and
doesn't take basic human psychology into account. I understand that racism in America exists
and should be eradicated. I understand and agree with the fact that there should be more people
of color in white collar positions. I also understand that white, working-class people have
families to feed and bills to pay, and that the only natural response to being fired and
replaced by a person of color is to vote for Trump as a means of revenge.
I'm ashamed to say I've had to fight off the same thoughts in the last few weeks. I'm white
and well-educated, so, by Liberal standards, I'm automatically privileged. But I don't have
family money to fall back on, and need and want to work. I used to get a decent amount of
assignments and opportunities from a Facebook group for female writers, but, lately, every post
says "BIPOC writers only." Theoretically, I'm all for it. If I were lounging around
daddy's pool posting socially aware updates all day, I'd be even more for it. But I'm not and I
also need to eat.
Russian-American immigrants have been more pissed off than I've ever seen them lately, and I
understand why. In addition to all of the usual issues, they have to deal with feeling like
they're black and white at the same time. To be light-skinned means getting fired or otherwise
attacked for not being a person of color. But to have an accent and need to work to make a
living makes you a minority. Social media makes it seem like everyone is either a 'Karen' or
'Straight Outta Compton,' but there's a lot of in between, and those are the people who are
being forgotten. And they're the ones who vote.
When I tell my social justice friends that there are a lot of working class white people who
feel marginalized right now, their response is always the same: "Well, that's how black
people have felt for a long time." I totally get that and I agree. But there's a difference
between justice and revenge. And it's also an election year. The Black Lives Matter movement is
important, but it's so poorly timed that, were I a conspiracy theorist, I would say that the
Republicans were behind it all along.
So this is my message to all of my social justice friends: I know you mean well, but be
smart about this. None of us wants Trump to get re-elected. We're already stuck with Acceptable
Under the Circumstances Joe Biden because of all of the in-fighting between Elizabeth Warren
supporters and Bernie Sanders aficionados.
You have to understand that being antagonistic is just going to make the Other Side feel
defensive and lash out. This is, once again, basic human psychology, and it will not get you
the results you want, and then you're just going to whine and moan about it as usual.
I saw a viral Simpsons clip recently that summed things up nicely. An elephant runs through
the Republican National Convention, which has banners saying "We want what's worst for
everyone" and "We're just plain evil." Then it runs through a Democratic National
Convention, which has banners saying "We can't govern" and "We hate life and
ourselves." I get that you feel guilty for being white and wealthy and having a lot when
others have so little. Recognize that, own it, and stop being so self-righteous about it.
Recognize that posting hateful comments on the walls of people whose opinions differ from
yours is cyber-bullying, which you are purportedly against. Recognize that hating on people who
are having anxiety attacks over wearing masks and the general situation means bullying people
with mental health issues, which you are also purportedly against. And recognize that if you
are going to make large swaths of people feel attacked by Democrats, you are pushing them right
into Trump's stiff, unstable embrace.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
In short black people are used as pawns in the political struggle between two neoliberal
clans fighting for power, using students without perspectives of gaining meaningful employment as
a ram. We saw this picture before in a different country. And riots do reverse gains achieved in
civil right struggle since 1960th, so they are also net losers. Racial tensions in the USA
definitely increased dramatically.
Notable quotes:
"... Bottom line: "Critical Race Theory", "The 1619 Project", and Homeland Security's "White Supremacist" warning represent the ideological foundation upon which the war on America is based. The "anti-white" dogma is the counterpart to the massive riots that have rocked the country. These phenomena are two spokes on the same wheel. They are designed to work together to achieve the same purpose. The goal is create a "racial" smokescreen that conceals the vast and willful destruction of the US economy, the $5 trillion dollar wealth-transfer that was provided to Wall Street, and the ferocious attack on the emerging, mainly-white working class "populist" movement that elected Trump and which rejects the globalist plan to transform the world into a borderless free trade zone ruled by cutthroat monopolists and their NWO allies. ..."
"... This is a class war dolled-up to look like a race war. Americans will have to look beyond the smoke and mirrors to spot the elites lurking in the shadows. There lies the cancer that must be eradicated. ..."
"... The current situation cannot exist without the complicity of the secret services and the police. The heads of the secret services are either part of the cabal or close their eyes in fear ..."
"... There can be no single oligarch. It must be a larger group but very united by fear and a common goal. This can only be achieved if they are all Jews or Masons. Or both under a larger umbrella like some kind of pedo-ritual killing-satan worshiper. Soros can't do it alone. ..."
"... Of course politicians are corrupt and complicit but usually they are not the leaders ..."
Here's your BLM Pop Quiz for the day: What do "Critical Race Theory", "The 1619 Project",
and Homeland Security's "White Supremacist" warning tell us about what's going on in America
They point to deeply-embedded racism that shapes the behavior of white people They
suggest that systemic racism cannot be overcome by merely changing attitudes and laws They
alert us to the fact that unresolved issues are pushing the country towards a destructive race
war They indicate that powerful agents -- operating from within the state– are inciting
racial violence to crush the emerging "populist" majority that elected Trump to office in 2016
and which now represents an existential threat to the globalist plan to transform America into
a tyrannical third-world "shithole".
Which of these four statements best explains what's going on in America today?
If you chose Number 4, you are right. We are not experiencing a sudden and explosive
outbreak of racial violence and mayhem. We are experiencing a thoroughly-planned,
insurgency-type operation that involves myriad logistical components including vast, nationwide
riots, looting and arson, as well as an extremely impressive ideological campaign. "Critical
Race Theory", "The 1619 Project", and Homeland Security's "White Supremacist" warning are as
much a part of the Oligarchic war on America as are the burning of our cities and the toppling
of our statues. All three, fall under the heading of "ideology", and all three are being used
to shape public attitudes on matters related to our collective identity as "Americans".
The plan is to overwhelm the population with a deluge of disinformation about their history,
their founders, and the threats they face, so they will submissively accept a New Order imposed
by technocrats and their political lackeys. This psychological war is perhaps more important
than Operation BLM which merely provides the muscle for implementing the transformative "Reset"
that elites want to impose on the country. The real challenge is to change the hearts and minds
of a population that is unwaveringly patriotic and violently resistant to any subversive
element that threatens to do harm to their country. So, while we can expect this propaganda
saturation campaign to continue for the foreseeable future, we don't expect the strategy will
ultimately succeed. At the end of the day, America will still be America, unbroken, unflagging
and unapologetic.
Let's look more carefully at what is going on.
On September 4, the Department of Homeland Security issued a draft report stating that
"White supremacists present the gravest terror threat to the United States". According to an
article in Politico:
" all three draft (versions of the document) describe the threat from white
supremacists as the deadliest domestic terror threat facing the U.S. , listed above the
immediate danger from foreign terrorist groups . John Cohen, who oversaw DHS's
counterterrorism portfolio from 2011 to 2014, said the drafts' conclusion isn't
"This draft document seems to be consistent with earlier intelligence reports from DHS,
the FBI, and other law enforcement sources: that the most significant terror-related
threat facing the US today comes from violent extremists who are motivated by white
supremac y and other far-right ideological causes," he said .
"Lone offenders and small cells of individuals motivated by a diverse array of social,
ideological, and personal factors will pose the primary terrorist threat to the United
States," the draft reads. "Among these groups, we assess that white supremacist extremists
will pose the most persistent and lethal threat."..(" DHS
draft document: White supremacists are greatest terror threat " Politico)
This is nonsense. White supremacists do not pose the greatest danger to the country, that
designation goes to the left-wing groups that have rampaged through more than 2,000 US cities
for the last 100 days. Black Lives Matter and Antifa-generated riots have decimated hundreds of
small businesses, destroyed the lives and livelihoods of thousands of merchants and their
employees, and left entire cities in a shambles. The destruction in Kenosha alone far exceeds
the damage attributable to the activities of all the white supremacist groups combined.
So why has Homeland Security made this ridiculous and unsupportable claim? Why have they
chosen to prioritize white supremacists as "the most persistent and lethal threat" when it is
clearly not true?
There's only one answer: Politics.
The officials who concocted this scam are advancing the agenda of their real bosses, the
oligarch puppet-masters who have their tentacles extended throughout the deep-state and use
them to coerce their lackey bureaucrats to do their bidding. In this case, the honchos are
invoking the race card ("white supremacists") to divert attention from their sinister
destabilization program, their looting of the US Treasury (for their crooked Wall Street
friends), their demonizing of the mostly-white working class "America First" nationalists who
handed Trump the 2016 election, and their scurrilous scheme to establish one-party rule by
installing their addlepated meat-puppet candidate (Biden) as president so he can carry out
their directives from the comfort of the Oval Office. That's what's really going on.
DHS's announcement makes it possible for state agents to target legally-armed Americans who
gather with other gun owners in groups that are protected under the second amendment. Now the
white supremacist label will be applied more haphazardly to these same conservatives who pose
no danger to public safety. The draft document should be seen as a warning to anyone whose
beliefs do not jibe with the New Liberal Orthodoxy that white people are inherently racists who
must ask forgiveness for a system they had no hand in creating (slavery) and which was
abolished more than 150 years ago.
The 1619 Project" is another part of the ideological war that is being waged against the
American people. The objective of the "Project" is to convince readers that America was founded
by heinous white men who subjugated blacks to increase their wealth and power. According to the
World Socialist Web Site:
"The essays featured in the magazine are organized around the central premise that all of
American history is rooted in race hatred -- specifically, the uncontrollable hatred of
"black people" by "white people." Hannah-Jones writes in the series' introduction:
"Anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country. "
This is a false and dangerous conception. DNA is a chemical molecule that contains the
genetic code of living organisms and determines their physical characteristics and
development . Hannah-Jones's reference to DNA is part of a growing tendency to derive
racial antagonisms from innate biological processes .where does this racism come from? It
is embedded, claims Hannah-Jones, in the historical DNA of American "white people." Thus, it
must persist independently of any change in political or economic conditions .
. No doubt, the authors of The Project 1619 essays would deny that they are predicting
race war, let alone justifying fascism. But ideas have a logic; and authors bear
responsibility for the political conclusions and consequences of their false and misguided
arguments." ("The New York Times's 1619
Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history", World Socialist Web
Clearly, Hannah-Jones was enlisted by big money patrons who needed an ideological foundation
to justify the massive BLM riots they had already planned as part of their US color revolution.
The author –perhaps unwittingly– provided the required text for vindicating
widespread destruction and chaos carried out in the name of "social justice."
As Hannah-Jones says, "Anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country", which is to
say that it cannot be mitigated or reformed, only eradicated by destroying the symbols of white
patriarchy (Our icons, our customs, our traditions and our history.), toppling the existing
government, and imposing a new system that better reflects the values of the burgeoning
non-Caucasian majority. Simply put, The Project 1619 creates the rationale for sustained civil
unrest, deepening political polarization and violent revolution.
All of these goals conveniently coincide with the aims of the NWO Oligarchs who seek to
replace America's Constitutional government with a corporate Superstate ruled by voracious
Monopolists and their globalist allies. So, while Hannah-Jones treatise does nothing to improve
conditions for black people in America, it does move the country closer to the dystopian dream
of the parasite class; Corporate Valhalla.
Then there is "Critical Race Theory" which provides the ideological icing on the cake. The
theory is part of the broader canon of anti-white dogma which is being used to indoctrinate
workers. White employees are being subjected to "reeducation" programs that require their
participation as a precondition for further employment . The first rebellion against critical
race theory, took place at Sandia Labs which is a federally-funded research agency that designs
America's nuclear weapons. According to journalist Christopher F. Rufo:
"Senator @HawleyMO and
@SecBrouillette have
launched an inspector general investigation, but Sandia executives have only accelerated
their purge against conservatives."
Sandia executives have made it clear: they want to force critical race theory,
race-segregated trainings, and white male reeducation camps on their employees -- and all
dissent will be severely punished. Progressive employees will be rewarded; conservative
employees will be purged." (" There is a civil war erupting
at @SandiaLabs ." Christopher F Rufo)
It all sounds so Bolshevik. Here's more info on how this toxic indoctrination program
"Treasury Department
The Treasury Department held a training session telling employees that "virtually all
White people contribute to racism" and demanding that white staff members "struggle to own
their racism" and accept their "unconscious bias, White privilege, and White
The National Credit Union Administration
The NCUA held a session for 8,900 employees arguing that America was "founded on
racism" and "built on the blacks of people who were enslaved. " Twitter thread here and
original source documents
here .
Sandia National Laboratories
Last year, Sandia National Labs -- which produces our nuclear arsenal -- held a
three-day reeducation camp for white males, teaching them how to deconstruct their
"white male culture" and forcing them to write letters of apology to women and people of
color . Whistleblowers from inside the labs tell me that critical race theory is now
endangering our national security. Twitter thread here and original source
here .
Argonne National Laboratories
Argonne National Labs hosts trainings calling on white lab employees to admit that they
"benefit from racism" and atone for the "pain and anguish inflicted upon Black people. "
Twitter thread here .
Department of Homeland Security
The Department of Homeland Security hosted a Training on "microaggressions,
microinequities, and microassaults" where white employees were told that they had been
"socialized into oppressor roles. " Twitter thread here and original source
documents here
." (" Summary of
Critical Race Theory Investigations" , Christopher F Rufo)
On September 4, Donald Trump announced his administration "would prohibit federal
agencies from subjecting government employees to "critical race theory" or "white privilege"
seminar. ..
"It has come to the President's attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent
millions of taxpayer dollars to date 'training' government workers to believe divisive,
anti-American propaganda ," read a Friday memo
from the Office of Budget and Management Director Russ Vought. "These types of 'trainings'
not only run counter to the fundamental beliefs for which our Nation has stood since its
inception, but they also engender division and resentment within the Federal workforce The
President has directed me to ensure that Federal agencies cease and desist from using
taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions."
The next day, September 5, Trump announced that the Department of Education was going to see
whether the New York Times Magazine's 1619 Project was being used in school curricula
and– if it was– then those schools would be ineligible for federal funding.
Conservative pundits applauded Trump's action as a step forward in the "culture wars", but it's
really much more than that. Trump is actually foiling an effort by the domestic saboteurs who
continue look for ways to undermine democracy, reduce the masses of working-class people to
grinding poverty and hopelessness, and turn the country into a despotic military outpost ruled
by bloodsucking tycoons, mercenary autocrats and duplicitous elites. Alot of thought and effort
went into this malign ideological project. Trump derailed it with a wave of the hand. That's no
small achievement.
Bottom line: "Critical Race Theory", "The 1619 Project", and Homeland Security's "White
Supremacist" warning represent the ideological foundation upon which the war on America is
based. The "anti-white" dogma is the counterpart to the massive riots that have rocked the
country. These phenomena are two spokes on the same wheel. They are designed to work
together to achieve the same purpose. The goal is create a "racial" smokescreen that conceals
the vast and willful destruction of the US economy, the $5 trillion dollar wealth-transfer that
was provided to Wall Street, and the ferocious attack on the emerging, mainly-white working
class "populist" movement that elected Trump and which rejects the globalist plan to transform
the world into a borderless free trade zone ruled by cutthroat monopolists and their NWO
This is a class war dolled-up to look like a race war. Americans will have to look
beyond the smoke and mirrors to spot the elites lurking in the shadows. There lies the cancer
that must be eradicated.
A good article, but no mention of who exactly these oligarchs are. Or why so many of them
are Jewish.
Or why so many Zionist organisations support BLM and other such groups.
Mike, not mentioning these things will not save you. You will still be cancelled by
Progressive Inc.
This seems like a good explanation of what is happening. I wonder whether too many people
will fall for the propaganda, though. It is the classic effort to get the turkeys to support
The deserved progress and concessions achieved by the civil rights struggles for the Black
community is in danger of deteriorating because Black leadership will not stand up and
vehemently condemn the rioting and destruction and killing, and declare that the BLM movement
does not represent the majority of the Black American culture and that the overexaggerated
accusations of "racism" do not necessitate the eradication and revision of history, nor does
it require European Americans to feel guilt or shame. There is no need for a cultural
revolution. The ideology and actions of BLM are offensive and inconsistent with American
values, and Black leaders should be saying this every day, and should be admonishing about
the consequences. They should also use foresight to see how this is going to end, because the
BLM and their supporters are being used to fight a war that they can never win. And when it's
over, what perception will the rest of America have of Black people?
@sonofman g to TPTB. Better to have an amorphous slogan to donate money to than an actual
organization with humans, goals and ideas which can be held up to the light and critically
The whole sudden race thing is a fraud to eliminate the electoral support Trump had
amassed among blacks before Corona and Fentanyl Floyd. In line with what Whitney says, the
globalists need to take down Trump. And the race card has always been the first tool in the
DNC's toolkit. When all else fails, go nuclear with undefined claims of racism.
Almost every big magazine has a black person on the cover this month. Probably will in
October too. Coincidence? Sure it is.
They indicate that powerful agents -- operating from within the state– are
inciting racial violence to crush the emerging "populist" majority that elected Trump to
office in 2016 and which now represents an existential threat to the globalist plan to
transform America into a tyrannical third-world "shithole".
I'm shocked that they're trying to sell this Q-tier bullshit about Trump fighting the deep
The reality about Trump is that he is the release valve, the red herring designed to keep
whitey pacified while massive repossessions and foreclosures take place, permanently
impoverishing a large part of the white population, and shutting down the Talmudic
service-based economy, which is all that is really left. It is Trump's DHS that declared a
large part of his white trashionalist base to be terrorists.
The populist majority never had anyone to vote for. This system will never give them one.
They aren't bright enough to make it happen.
Agree. Barack Obama in particular will go down in history a real disgrace to the legacy of
the US presidency. He is violating the sacred trust that the people of the United States
invested in him. What a fraud!
Good post Mr. Whitney especially about "white supremacy" garbage .which has only been
going on since the 90s! You know, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Elohim City and Okie City, militias,
"patriot groups," etc. This really is nothing new. And, since so many remember the "white
supremacy" crapola was crapola back in the 90s, I'd say everyone pretty much regardless of
race over the age of 40 knows there is, as it says in Ecclesiastes in the Bible, "there is
nothing new under the sun." And, if you home schooled your kids back then, then you kids know
it as well. Fact is this: the DHS as with every other govt. agency is forced to blame "white
supremacy" for every problem in this country because who the heck else can they blame? Jews?
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh when pigs fly After all, Noahide just might be around the
corner ..
Sheriffs have a lot of legal power. Ultimately, the battle is privatized money power
vs Joe Citizen/Sheriffs.
This sheriff is working a Constitutional angle that says: Local Posse (meaning you.. Joe
citizen) working with the Sheriff department to protect your local community. Richard Mack is
teaching other Sheriffs and (some Police) what their Constitutional power is, and that power
doesn't include doing bidding of Oligarchs.
Sheriffs are elected, and their revenue stream is outside of Oligarchy:
So Donald Trump suddenly discovers that racial Bolshevism is the official policy of
his own executive branch – a mere 3 years and 8 months after assuming the
... Looks like the same old flim-flam they pull every four years. No matter who wins, the
Davos folks continue to run the circus and fleece the suckers dry.
Because it is. Substitute "the ethnic Russian middle class are class enemies" for
"Anglo-American are all racists" and there you have it. Permission for a small organized
minority to eliminate a whole class on ideological grounds...
I live in a former communist country in Eastern Europe with corrupt politicians, oligarchs
and organized crime.
America was a country with a minor corruption and in which the oligarchs, although
influential, were not united in a small group with decisive force. Now America is slowly
slipping into the situation of a second-hand shit-hole country.
Is that I can see the situation more clearly than an American citizen who still has the
American perception of his contry the way it was 30 years ago.
Essential thing:
1) The current situation cannot exist without the complicity of the secret services and
the police. The heads of the secret services are either part of the cabal or close their eyes
in fear .
2) There can be no single oligarch. It must be a larger group but very united by fear and
a common goal. This can only be achieved if they are all Jews or Masons. Or both under a
larger umbrella like some kind of pedo-ritual killing-satan worshiper. Soros can't do it
3) Of course politicians are corrupt and complicit but usually they are not the
4) BLM are exactly the brown shirts of the new Hitler.
Soon we will se the new Hitler/Stalin/ in plain light.
Thirty black children murdered recently; zero by police / BLM & 'the media' say
– Last year, the nationwide total for all US police forces was 47 killings of unarmed
criminals by police during arrest procedures.
– 8 were black, 19 were white.
Though blacks, relative to their numbers, committed a vastly higher number of crimes, hence
their immensely greater arrest rate.
@Justvisiting urally, it is nonsense -- nasty, power-hungry, censorious nonsense.
It is the opposite of scientific or empirical thought -- science can not accept theories
which are not capable of falsification. (Take astrology -- actually, don't ! -- what ever
conclusion it comes to can never be wrong : Dick or Jane didn't find love ? Well, one
of Saturn's moons was retrograde & Mercury declensed Venus (I don't know what it means
either) . or Dick went on a bender & Jane had a whole bad hair week.
Frankly, to play these pre-modern tricks on us is just grotesquely insulting. That some are
falling for it is grotesquely depressing.
Another ringer from Mike Whitney! Keep 'em comin', brother.
We are not experiencing a sudden and explosive outbreak of racial violence and mayhem.
We are experiencing a thoroughly-planned, insurgency-type operation that involves myriad
logistical components including vast, nationwide riots, looting and arson, as well as an
extremely impressive ideological campaign.
Yup. TPTB have been grooming BLM/Antifa for this moment for at least 3-4 years now, if not
longer. Here's a former BLMer who quit speaking out three years ago about the organization's
role in the present 'race war':
It is very clever politics and (war) propaganda. You break down and demoralise your
enemies at the same time as assuring your own side of it's own righteous use of violence.
This is a class war dolled-up to look like a race war. Americans will have to look
beyond the smoke and mirrors to spot the elites lurking in the shadows.
Nailing it.
4. They indicate that powerful agents -- operating from within the state– are
inciting racial violence to crush the emerging "populist" majority that elected Trump to
office in 2016 and which now represents an existential threat to the globalist plan to
transform America into a tyrannical third-world "shithole".
Which of these four statements best explains what's going on in America today?
If you chose Number 4, you are right.
If we believe this – we need to act like it. These are "enemies, foreign and
domestic ". This isn't ordinary politics, it arguably transcends politics.
What hope is there without organization?
And whatever is done – don't give them ammunition. The resistance must not be an
But he is either naive or a bad manager, as his hires are deadly to his aims. And the
management criticism is big, because as a leader that is mostly what he does.
That he gets information to affect US policy for good, from outside of his circle of
trusted personnel, is a sad state of affairs.
@Robert Dolan ds that it would have ended on day one were it not officially sanctioned
and the rioters protected from prosecution. Why hasn't the Janet Rosenberg/Thousand
Currents/Tides Foundation connection with the BLM/DNC/MSM cabal, as well as with Antifa and
social media, been the major investigation on Fox News? Why haven't Zuckerberg, Zucker, et al
been arrested for incitement to commit federal crimes, including capital treason to overthrow
the duly elected president? (Just a few rhetorical questions for the hell of it.) What's so
galling is that the cops and federal agents are being used as just so many patsies who are
deployed, not to protect, but deployed to look like fools and be held up for mockery as
pathetic exemplars of white disempowerment.
The officials who concocted this scam are advancing the agenda of their real bosses, the
oligarch puppet-masters who have their tentacles extended throughout the deep-state and use
them to coerce their lackey bureaucrats to do their bidding.
Agree, but where is President Trump? He was supposed to appoint undersecretaries and
assistant secretaries and deputy undersecretaries and Schedule C whippersnappers on whose
desks such outrages are supposed to die.
I've thought from the beginning that this lack of attention to "personnel as policy" --
with Trump overestimating the ability of the ostensible CEO to overcome such intransigence --
was one of his major failures. I am sympathetic, as there are not many people he could trust
to be loyal to his agenda, much less to him, but this is a disaster in every agency
Few years ago I watch a clip secretly recorded in Ukrainian synagogue where Rabi said
"first we have to fight Catholics and with Muslims it will be an easy job" ...
Thanks to Mr Whitney for being able to cut through the fog and see what's going on behind
it. The term "white supremacist" wasn't much in public use at all until the day Trump was
elected then suddenly it was all over the place. It's like one of those massive ad campaigns
whose jingle is everywhere as if some group decided on it as a theme to be pushed. They're
really afraid that the white working class population will wake up and see how the country is
being sold out from underneath their feet hence the need to keep it divided and intimidated.
Like all the other color revolutions everywhere else they strike at the weak links within the
country to create conflict, in the US case it's so-called diversity. There's billions
available to be spent in this project so plenty of traitors can be found, unwitting or
otherwise, to carry out their assignments. The billionaire class own most of the media and
much else and see the US as their farm. They have no loyalty whatsoever and outsource
everything to China or anywhere else they can squeeze everything out of the workers. They
want a global dictatorship and admire the Chinese government for the way it can order its
citizens around.
You are exactly right. Trump is doing his part (knowingly or unknowingly, but probably
knowingly) to accomplish the NWO objectives. He was not elected in 2016 in spite of NWO
desires, as most Trump supporters think, but rather precisely BECAUSE of NWO desires.
The NWO probably also wants him to win again this year, and if so then he will win. The
reason the NWO wanted him in 2016 (and probably wants him to win again) was primarily to
neutralize the (armed) Right in this country so they wouldn't effectively resist the COVID-19
scamdemic lockdown tyranny and BLM/Antifa riots.
@Trinity While I tend to agree with you that it looks like a race war, the question is
why is it happening now? If it were just a race war promoted by radicals in BLM and Antifa,
it does not explain the nationwide coordination (let's face it the faces of BLM and Antifa
are not that smart or connected), the support and censorship of the violence by the MSM and
the support of Marxist BLM by corporations to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
This is a color revolution in the making and may come to a peak after Nov. 3rd. Whitney is on
to something, there is much more going on behind the "smoke and mirrors" and AG Barr (if he's
not part of it) should be investigating it.
They indicate that powerful agents -- operating from within the state– are
inciting racial violence to crush the emerging "populist" majority that elected Trump to
office in 2016 and which now represents an existential threat to the globalist plan to
transform America into a tyrannical third-world "shithole".
I keep reading such nonsense in the comments above. the so-called populist majority does
not get it, Trump is not placed here to stop the Globalist agenda, that is an electioneering
stunt. Look at what he has actually and really done.
How has he stopped the Globalist move forward?? By the Covid plandemic being
allowed to circle the globe and shut down the US economy and social norm? By moving our high
tech companies to Israel? Giving Israel and their Wall Street allies what is left of US
credit wealth? Draining the swamp with even more Zio-Neocon Swamp creatures in the govt than
ever? Moving the embassy to Jerusalem and all requests per Netanyahu's wish list? A real
anti-Globalist stand? Looting the Federal Reserve for the Wall Street high fliers, who
garnered more wealth during the crash test run of March-April and are sure to make out with
even more for the coming big crash?
Phoney stunts of stopping immigration or bashing China. Really? China is still rising
propelled by Wall Street and Banker funds. I have not seen any jobs coming home, lost more
than ever in US history this year. Only lost homes for the working and middle classes.
How is Populist America standing up for their constitutional rights which is being
shredded a little more each day? Standing up for their Real Interests, which are eroded and
stolen on an almost daily basis by Trump's NY Mafia and Wall Street Oligarchs. Jobs gone for
good and government assistance to the needy disappearing, as that is against the phoney
Republic individualism, that you must make it on your own. Right just like the big goverment
assistance always going to the big money players and banks, remember as they are too big
to let fail!
Dreaming that Trump is going to save White America from the Gobalists is just
bull corn . From whom BLM? Proven street theatre that will disappear on command. I
actually have come to learn that some Black leaders are speaking out intelligently for street
calm and distancing themselves from BLM.
Problem with the USA is the general population is so very dumbed down by 60 years of MSM
– TV s and Hollywood mind control programming that the public prefers professional
actors like Reagan and Trump over real politicians, and surely never chose a Statesman or
real Patriotic leader. the public political narrative is still set by Fox , CNN and
The deep state is so infiltrated and overwhelmed with Zio and Globalist agents, that it is
now almost hopeless to fix. Sorry to point out but Trump is best described as the Dummy
sitting on his Ventriloquist's lap (Jared Kushner).
Situation is near hopeless as even here on Ron Unz Review the comments are so
disappointing, almost 80% are focused on the Race as the prime issue and supportive of Trump
fakery (not that I support Biden and Zio slut Kamil Harris either).
In sum, beyond putting their MAGA hats on, White America is more focused more on
playing Cowboy with their toy guns, AR's and all than really getting involved politically to
sort things out to get American onto a better track. Of course, this is not taken seriously
as it might call for reaching out to other American communities that are even more
disenfranchised: African- Americans and Latinos.
@David Erickson nted him in 2016 (and probably wants him to win again) was primarily to
neutralize the (armed) Right in this country so they wouldn't effectively resist the COVID-19
scamdemic lockdown tyranny and BLM/Antifa riots.
Covid and BLM/ANTIFA are just window dressing for the financial turmoil. "Look over here
whitey, there's a pandemic" and "look over here whitey, there's a riot" is much preferred to
whitey shooting the sheriff who comes to take his stuff.
Wave the flag and bible while spreading love for the cops, and the repossessions and
evictions should go off without a hitch. Yes, Trump is a knowing participant.
"My impression is that BLM, Antifa and other protestors are well aware of this"
Like all good Maoists the cult white kids of antifa rigidly adhere to the mission statement
and stick the inconvenient truth in the back of their mushy minds. BLM ... is a mercenary.
Can you imagine any other groups rioting and destroying American cities for over 3 months?
Imagine if the Hells Angels or some other White biker gang was doing what Antifa and BLM are
doing? Hell, imagine if it were a bunch of Hare Krishnas pulling this shit off? Hell, I think
the local mayors, police, and other law enforcement employees wouldn't even take this much shit
even if the rioters were Girl Scouts. We are talking 3-4 months of lawlessness, assaults,
rapes, murders ( cold blooded premeditated murders at that) and still the people in charge let
this shit go on night and day. IF the POTUS doesn't have the authority or the power to stop
shit like this from going on then what the hell do we even vote for anyhow? Granted, I see the
reason for not being ruled by a dictatorship, but who in the hell can justify letting these
riots go on? One can only assume that both the republicants and the demsheviks are fine with
these riots because no one seems in a hurry to shut them down or arrest the hombres funding
these riots. Who is housing and feeding the rioters? Who is paying their travel expenses? I'm
sure most everyone in Washington knows who the people are behind these riots but don't expect
any action anytime soon.
This is a class war dolled-up to look like a race war. Americans will have to look beyond
the smoke and mirrors to spot the elites lurking in the shadows. There lies the cancer that
must be eradicated.
That's true to a large degree, but
It is indeed an attempt to liquidate the working and lower middle class. Most of the
American working and lower middle class, obviously not all, is White. So predictably we have
these calls for White Genocide. Agreed and good to see the tie-in with the Coronavirus Hoax
lock downs, too, which also spread the devastation into minority communities under the guise of
public safety.
The one question that remains unanswered is why the major cities were targeted for
destruction. Obviously these are the playgrounds of the oligarchs and have been decimated. We
will learn soon enough.
The Reverend William Barber is the only genuine black leader I am aware of.
And he makes a pointn of not speaking only for blacks, but for all disadvantaged communities,
including poor whites. IMO he is the real deal, and I very much hope he takes the lead in
articulating genuine community values of respect and equality for all, including basics such as
decent health care and food access.
The pressure exerted on someone like Barber by the BLM forces in the media and other
institutions is enormous.
I wish Ron Unz would invite him to write something for the UR.
If after reading the headline you thought that is is one of the Russian universities got
financing from NED and is preparing to teach our grant-eaters "the science of color
revolutions", then you are mistaken.
It is the USA Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, which now offers 101 of
color revolution preparation in a course called "Overthrow the State" for its American students
and the subject of the course is the USA, not the xUSSR space.
According to the course description, it "puts every student at the head of a popular
revolutionary movement that seeks to overthrow the current government and create a better
society." Among questions discussed:
How will you gain power?"
How will you communicate with the masses?
How do you plan to improve people's lives?
How will you deal with the past?
These are the questions that the University course answers. To get a diploma in the course
"how to overthrow the state" you will need to pass 3 tests. It will be necessary to write your
"Manifesto" after studying historical examples and revolutionary thought from Franz Fanon to
Che Guevara, Mahatma Gandhi and representatives of the revolutionary movement. You will also
have to "write a compelling essay about rewriting history" and a "white paper" (white paper is
a kind of business plan, but it is written for an audience that is not related to
Univrsity of Washington and Lee is so
progressive, that in July the faculty voted to remove the name of Robert Li from the name of
the University.
After ample media jaw-jawing over whether the Democratic presidential nominee would loudly
and proudly repudiate some of the present violent protesting in America's streets, Joe Biden
(if briefly) denounced the hard Left on Monday. "Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not
protesting. Setting fires is not protesting," the former vice president said in Pittsburgh, in
a rare day trip from Delaware; he has rarely traveled since the dawn of COVID-19 in the United
States. "None of this is protesting -- it's lawlessness, plain and simple. And those who do it,
should be prosecuted."
"Violence will not bring change," Biden continued. "It will only bring destruction. It's
wrong in every way. It divides, instead of unites. It destroys businesses -- only hurts the
working families that serve the community. It makes things worse across the board, not better."
And, in the signature line of the speech, Joe Biden summed up a lifetime of political appeal:
"You know me. You know my heart. You know my story. Ask yourself, do I look like a radical
socialist with a soft spot for rioters?"
It was effective. Still, Biden's address Monday hardly tied up all loose ends.
After his speech, fresh polling implied additional trouble for his campaign.
Emerson College , respected in the field, released research that found President Trump down
only two percent in the contest, with a double digit performance with African-Americans and
support among Hispanics nearing forty percent, both surprising. It's one poll, but it's
startling stuff. Since Biden declared his candidacy in 2019, his duel with Donald Trump has
been one-sided.
Despite press incentives to couch the race as anybody's game, Trump vs. Biden so far had had
all the makings of a rout, and without a traditional campaign, even a boring one at that (a
shocking statement on anything that involved Donald Trump). From the president's termination of
internal pollsters last year that showed him to the ex-veep losing badly, to Biden's astonishing,
intimidating comeback in the primary to the Democratic nominee's record of utter political
dominance since crisis opened up in America, it had not been a pretty picture for the White
House. 00:06 / 00:59
00:00 Next Video × Next Video J.d. Vance Remarks On A New Direction For Pro-worker,
Pro-family Conservatism, Tac Gala, 5-2019 Cancel Autoplay is paused
But that's now plainly shifted. Some partisans in early summer made the case that
relative administration restraint on violent protests in America's cities (including the
capital of Washington, D.C.) would lay bare the nature of certain left-wing tactics.
Politically, at least, it's beginning to look prescient. While overdone analogies to the mayhem
of 1968 abound -- the Nixon-Humphrey race occurred in a time closer to World War I than the
current year -- it's clear, now, that some devotees of the Democrats are, in fact, undermining
the cause.
Americans are fleeing the
city. Bad news for the donkey: some might argue that's a tacit rejection of liberal
politics. And it's certainly a reality Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien is licking his chops
to exploit. Urban America is almost monolithically controlled by the Democratic Party. And, in
a stunning reversal after decades of urban triumph, the city has become a political albatross.
Biden notoriously made his bones in his early political life as a sensitive ear on the
anxieties, reasonable or not, of white suburbanites. Speculation about senility aside, he would
seem to know what's up.
That's why Biden made a tactical error, in later veering off-message -- after the initial
upbraiding of his own side. He repudiated violence, but then engaged in both-siderism. He
implied the canard that anti-fascist chaos has been met with equal, odious might by the far
Right. It hasn't. The most recent, known victim of political violence was a
Trump-supporting man in Portland, Oregon. Whatever you think of his politics, he was
apparently essentially executed in the streets of a major American city.
Images of burned-out ruins in Kenosha, Wisconsin permeate cyberspace. Add in, for instance,
insane reports (if true) of laser attacks on law enforcement, and it's not hard to see how this
gets dicey in a hurry for the Democrats. The party's monofocus on police killings of
African-Americans, an essential issue, falls flat with the public when there is a failure to
also address the larger toxic brew that is the country's problems right now. So, true to form,
Biden strayed further from his initial path by talking, at bizarre length, about Russian
President Vladimir Putin and the dubious
Russian bounties story, where plenty of regional experts say the dust is far from settled.
"Donald Trump is determined to instill fear in America," Biden closed. "That's what his entire
campaign for the presidency has come down to: fear."
The former vice president then declined to take questions, failing to allay fears that he
only speaks when he absolutely has to.
Senator Harris did not say "riots'. To claim that she did is to promote a clear falsehood.
She said "protests". No American should have a problem with protests.
I don't really like either candidate and was all set to write in another name as a protest
(Andrew Basevich). Here is what changed my mind: Click on the embedded video. This attack was folllowed up
by another vicious attack on a senior a couple of days later:
I am not expecting any miracles in a second Trump term but I am one of many voters who
think Biden is a mere placeholder for the more radical Harris.
Trump's best hope for re-election are a) more examples of urban unrest/local politicians
failing to keep order and b) Biden continuing to show he is losing his marbles, particularly
in a debate. He will probably get both, but he would help himself out by hesitating just a
bit every time he feels like shooting off his mouth, which turns of a lot of people,
particularly wavering voters.
"... 'Mostly peaceful protests' are like the 'moderate rebels' in Syria - propaganda constructs that do not exist in the real world. The people who owned the burning cars and whose businesses were destroyed will not be relieved by such phrasing. ..."
"... Joe Biden's attempt to swing Republican voters to his side has failed . At the same time he has rejected many of the issues progressives favored. This will hurt the election turn out the Democrats will need. Add to that the unrest which plays into Trump's hands. The Democrats who fear that are right ..."
"... he sole focus on Antifa as the problem Imo just shows the power of the media and politicians to shape the narrative. ..."
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said Wednesday he hasn't done enough to focus on damages caused
by some city protests over the last three months and the fallout from coronavirus. He
called on the community to help him come up with better solutions to city issues.
During the last months the Magnificent Mile in Chicago
was looted - twice. Yesterday new riots and looting occurred in Minneapolis after a rumor
of another police killing incited some people :
Police Chief Medaria Arradondo tried to dispel rumors that spread on social media about the
death of the unidentified Black man, who was suspected in a Wednesday afternoon homicide
and fatally shot himself on the Nicollet Mall as officers approached several hours later.
His death, which was captured on city surveillance video and released by police within 90
minutes, nonetheless sparked protests and unrest in the heart of downtown.
The video confirmed the police account of what happened and showed the man glancing over
his shoulder before pulling out the gun and firing, then collapsing to the ground as a
half-dozen witnesses ran away with their hands in the air. The officers, one of whom had
his gun drawn, shooed a remaining witness away and kicked the suspect's gun away before
performing chest compressions.
Last Sunday police in Kenosha, Wisconsin proved to be too incompetent to arrest a man
they had already had under control . They shot him 7 times into the back when he was
trying to get into his car. Nights of rioting followed. Buildings were burned down and businesses
were looted.
Yesterday a white teen with a semi-automatic weapon had the stupid idea to join others in
'protecting the businesses' in Kenosha from further looting. He ended up killing two people
and wounding more after he was attacked by some of
the rioters. The teen was arrested and he is facing charges but I doubt that he is guilty of
more than sheer stupidity and manslaughter in self defense.
The cycle of violence will likely continue. There are too many racist in the police and the level
of U.S. police training seems to be abysmal. There is also too much tolerance for violence
within the general community.
Politically this plays into Trump's law and order campaign. The Democrats have lauded
Black Live Matters and the protests but have hardly spoken out against the rioting and
looting that comes with them.
This CNN chyron from yesterday
evening is an expression of their position:
'Mostly peaceful protests' are like the 'moderate rebels' in Syria - propaganda
constructs that do not exist in the real world. The people who owned the burning cars and
whose businesses were destroyed will not be relieved by such phrasing.
Joe Biden's attempt to swing Republican voters to his side
has failed . At the same time he has rejected many of the issues progressives favored.
This will hurt the election turn out the Democrats will need. Add to that the unrest which
plays into Trump's hands. The Democrats who
fear that are right :
"There's no doubt it's playing into Trump's hands," said Paul Soglin, who served as mayor
of Madison, on and off, for more than two decades. "There's a significant number of
undecided voters who are not ideological, and they can move very easily from Republican to
the Democratic column and back again. They are, in effect, the people who decide elections.
And they are very distraught about both the horrendous carnage created by police officers
in murdering African Americans, and ... for the safety of their communities."
Trump, of course, is positioning himself as the antidote to urban unrest. "So let me be
clear: The violence must stop, whether in Minneapolis, Portland or Kenosha," Vice President
Mike Pence declared in his Republican convention speech Wednesday night, with Trump looking
on. "We will have law and order on the streets of this country for every American of every
race and creed and color."
Republicans had chided Joe Biden and other Democrats for not calling out the violence in
the aftermath of the Blake shooting. Biden immediately addressed the shooting, but didn't
condemn the ensuing violence until Wednesday in a video posted on social media.
Despite Trump's failure to bring the pandemic under control his job approval rating
continues to be high
while Biden's lead in the polls
is shrinking . The United States seem to have a higher tolerance for avoidable death by
guns or viruses than other societies have. It is not the only point that makes it exceptional .
Posted by b on August 27, 2020 at 17:39 UTC |
thanks b... it really looks like an empire in fast decline.... i don't believe the usa
constitution took into consideration the idea of corporations... also as you note - the
tolerance for violence or death as with covid is indeed much greater... i guess more people
have to have guns as it is in their constitution, and so much for public medicare... it is
like a dream about public finance and somewhere way off in the distant future... i don't
believe it is going to matter who wins this coming election, as the divisiveness is so
pronounced, it will be hard to build bridges.. it seems like no one is interested in building
bridges between the opposing sides either... all the politicians are mostly looking after
corporations and special interest lobbies - israel and etc. etc... sad kettle of fish...
Very fair analysis, I enjoyed this piece. You are absolutely right, the terrible training
and general ineptitude of the police is at the core of the problem. The protesters recognize
this and there are many salient examples to fuel the outrage. However, the solutions they
call for don't address this root problem and alienate many moderate voters. Defund the
police? This will make the police more responsible? The whole thing is a mess with no real
solutions in sight.
In my opinion, the problem is the hiring and personnel practices in US police departments.
Police officer is a critical job, you must often make snap judgments in tense situations, and
you have the power to do violence to others. But police officers are paid similarly to car
mechanics, not even as much as many private security guards! The most responsible and wise
Americans do not become police officers, they pursue other careers where their talents are
better rewarded. Then, if a great person makes it into the police force, there is no way to
distinguish themselves by excellent performance and rise quickly through the ranks. The red
tape in the personnel system is suffocating. The best officers leave for private
opportunities, leaving the police force to make do with the rest.
Given the US political system, where decisions are made based on which simple slogan can
rally the crowd, I don't see any hope of this improving. It would take a redesign of the org
structure and personnel management of the entire system. Far more likely that leaders make
some symbolic, token changes so they can claim to have "done something." The dysfunction of
the US government is starting to be noticeable in almost every area...
Thanks for this insightful essay and thanks for the last link to the chilling must read
essay by Larry Romanoff on the Unz Review. I simply don't know the answer to the multiple
problems faced by the US but isn't that the job of the professional politicians? It seems
none would even begin to address any of the mind blowing issues raised by Romanoff. In a
previous era many of those crucial issues would be career ending third rail, touch and die.
Times have been forever changed by events. I have the feeling the general populace won't put
up with the present archaic and parasitical structures for long. Hang on for a bumpy
The conclusion is unfortunately correct, but t he sole focus on Antifa as the problem
Imo just shows the power of the media and politicians to shape the narrative. Who do you
believe is more dangerous, Antifa or White Supremacist militias? The Feds are well aware that
WS groups are using the protests to destroy property and trying to set off a race war, but
the media and politicians are remarkably silent about the role of White Supremacists in the
violence, unless something happens that is too hard to ignore, like 'Umbrella Man.'
... as for antifa, what exactly have they done? who are they? is there an
My pet theory is that they are an off-shoot of JDL. Ready to turn any legitimate protest into
a riot for the evening news. Because Zionists need to protect the Zionist asshats that run
That's why they're (still) so mysterious. That's why the US government can never seem to
understand who they are. Antifa are the domestic "White Helmets" ready to support YOUR
protest. Except not.
the problem is
a. the hiring and personnel practices in US police departments by sabre <= @ 5.
b. the inner economic contradictions arising from secular decline. <= vk @ 7
c. media focus on Antifa <= according to B.
d. events and failures orchestrated to heightened economic oppression <= norecovery @
e. Business as usual while the country burns AU1 @ 34
f. repressive authoritarian state militancy and Trump @ 37..
g. All three shooting victims <= self-defense<= white, <= felons. gm 48
h. A JDL offshoot.. Jackrabbit @ 58
I say the problem of "unsatisfied rising discontent" is to be expected When anyone in a
democratic society fails to be heard, by all concerned, little recourse remains to those with
a grievance but to ....XXXXX
A very strong constitutional issue exists in these riots =>. The First Amendment
<=was not in the Federalist construct of Aristocrats and the corporate empires they owned.
The effort to control America is hidden deep inside the words and court interpretations since
the Constitution of the United States of America was imposed on Americans.
The Aristocrats in America wanted a British Colonial government without British
Aristocrats ; they wanted a government with a strong army so it could protect them from
Angry Americans! The Aristocrats and their corporations still in America after Britain was
defeated wanted to control the profits that could be made in America, much in the same
fashion as the British Colonial Government had helped its corporations, investors, and
bankers before the war to control who got the profits that were made in America.
The Federalist wanted a government the Aristocracy could use to exploit America ;
the federalist wanted to govern the behaviors and direct the toils of those in America in
such a way that only one federal government could do. In fact the so called Framers wanted a
royal government, tried to make George Washington, King.
Remember the Declaration of Independence was in 1776 , the America states defeated
the British Government in 1778, the Constitution of the USA did not come into being until
1788. During that 10 years John Hanson was the first President of the United States of
America.. Samuel Huntington, Thomas McKeeny, and others were President of the United States
of America. The British were gone, George Washington was appointed general to remove the
British corporations, Investors, and bankers from America, that was accomplished in 1778. The
American Aristocrats wanted to own America. George Washington was selected to be the general
of the Army because his wealth made him famous enough to attract mercenaries to fight the
British at Valley Forge. At the time the Constitution in Philadelphia was developed, George
was in Mt. Vernon.
The Aristocratic Convention in Philadelphia, was a meeting, designed to terminate
involvement by the newly emancipated American in American politics. The result of the
Convention in Philadelphia was a document which outlined how control of America could be
returned to the American Aristocrats, a document which would make the Aristrocrat powerful
again, the same Aristocrats who had previously used the British Government, to control
Americans. Check it out what were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and the
like doing in America while America was a British Colony (before 1776)? The Aristocrats
wanted a government that would allow America Aristocrats to direct and a government they
could use to control Americans.
The anti-federalist tried to refuse ratification of the denial to be against the
peoples involvement in their own government but the best the anti-federalist could do
against, the strong powers behind the Constitution, was to force the Federalist to add to
their regime change Constitution ten basic promises, <=these promises were in the form of
amendments and are known as the Bill Of Rights [BOR]: Anyway the first amendment of the BOR
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right
of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of
grievances.. But, but but it does not say Congress will make every law necessary to
enforce the protection of the first Amendment.
So why can't those who are protesting be allowed to live so they can be heard? Why can't
their grievances be listed and placed on the national ballot? Let everyone be heard.. explore
every aspect of their concerns and accommodate those with a Grievance to rejoin our
democratic society, ask the nation to settle the issues dissenters have ? When the
Aristocrats use the government to impose their will on risings, they do so by eliminating
bystander awareness and deny everyone but a few to be involved; worse, they allow media to
promote, one side of the issue (no must carry rule).. this narrowing of participants happens
until nothing remains but conflict between bottom up grievance . . and top down power.. and
believe me that is the goal.. to divide and conquer.
"... BLM and Antifa having corporate sponsers makes them a little fascist, too, not to mention ideologically intolerant. The daughtets and sons of the spoiled upper-middle class. ..."
"... he sole focus on Antifa as the problem Imo just shows the power of the media and politicians to shape the narrative. ..."
BLM is not a protest movement, it's not even a civil rights movement. It's a Trojan
Horse funded by sinister globalist troublemakers
BLM is blamed for Antifa violence.
The Democrats and the media have encouraged this madness from the very beginning by
praising the protests while downplaying the magnitude of the damage.
That the rioting helps Trump and that establishment Democrats (Republican-lite)
support Trump is completely overlooked.
But it will change and change won't be pretty. The state will deploy all its assets
to reclaim its monopoly on violence. You can bet on that. Security will be reestablished
with brute force and an iron fist. A Crackdown is coming and the innocent are going to be
crushed along with the guilty.
Just as I said @Aug28 13:47 #199. Antifa+militia violence are a prescription for a
stronger police state.
@102 Karlof...i agree, your analysis is spot on, but where does a leftist put their
political energy when the two options are right-wing fascist and right-wing fascist-lite?
BLM and Antifa having corporate sponsers makes them a little fascist, too, not to
mention ideologically intolerant. The daughtets and sons of the spoiled upper-middle
I would love a more sharing society, don't know how to get there. USA is probably a lost
cause, and as VK states, that is probably a good thing for the rest of the world.
Here is something to chew on. I live in portland and the first time I saw Antifa spring up
was back in 2009. Rose City Antifa organized a boycott of a local cooperatively owned bike
shop. They plastered the town and all the bike racks in the city saying to boycott the worker
owned business. What was it's crime you ask?, to get such treatment. The bike shop hosted a
meeting and speakers forum held by Portlanders for 911 truth. Draw your own conclusions
What many are doing here, in the heat of battle, is forgetting that this is not a "civil
war," it is class war. The ruling class is pursuing its classic tactic of "divide and
conquer." Those divided are under the influence of the propaganda of the ruling class, and
continue to damage each other, rather than their true enemy the ruling class. This must be
made clear, in order to unite the working class, that they may exercise there true power and
crush the ruling class. There is no other way.
The conclusion is unfortunately correct, but t he sole focus on Antifa as the problem
Imo just shows the power of the media and politicians to shape the narrative. Who do you
believe is more dangerous, Antifa or White Supremacist militias? The Feds are well aware that
WS groups are using the protests to destroy property and trying to set off a race war, but
the media and politicians are remarkably silent about the role of White Supremacists in the
violence, unless something happens that is too hard to ignore, like 'Umbrella Man.'
... as for antifa, what exactly have they done? who are they? is there an
My pet theory is that they are an off-shoot of JDL. Ready to turn any legitimate protest into
a riot for the evening news. Because Zionists need to protect the Zionist asshats that run
That's why they're (still) so mysterious. That's why the US government can never seem to
understand who they are. Antifa are the domestic "White Helmets" ready to support YOUR
protest. Except not.
actually, there is NO such thing as "Antifa". Antifa is as made up as ISIS/Ali Queda is.
Antifa is a vague term loosely applied toward a group of people who are fed up with all the
fake "Capitalism" and are willing to fight against it.
Some may even not be "Antifa" but fake "Antifa" created for propaganda purposes. Exactly how
the notorious "red brigade" in Italy who kidnapped Aldo Moro and killed him. And the Red
Brigade was supposed to be Communist also; finny that, since Aldo Moro was about to create a
coalition with the Communists and he is prevented from accomplishing that by
But b is essentially correct, the average American moron™ is now fed up with all the
riots and looting and is siding with trump. But that's only because the Average American
moron™ (I have trademarked it, so dont try to steal it) is so stupid, they cannot even
think about anything, they live in a very simple good vs bad world.
How retarded do you have to be to think killing minorities in the US is acceptable when
each thug committing suicide by cop becomes a national conversation is beyond me, especially
when blacks pretty much slaughter each other and everyone else in crime stats.
Let's be honest, cops have zero trouble killing minorities; just as they have zero
problems killing majority white folks.
They treat the streets like it's central Baghdad circa 2006 and every face in the crowd is
a potential killer that needs to be put down hard. Which explains why a swat team was to
serve a warrant for a minor drug possession and ended up busting into a house after firing a
tear gas grenade into a baby crib which resulted in 3rd degrees burns all over the baby while
mommy and daddy got body slammed into the ground when they tried to help their child.
Turns out the cops forgot to check if the perp was even present, which surprise, he had
not been for years. They just drove up, went for the house and then looked like idiots
afterwards when they had to explain why they tried to burn a baby alive for a minor drug
possession warrant.
"... Now, what I think is, charging blacks and injuns and all for every white invention they use, one at a time would be a motimgator long job and use more paper than eating a McDonald's hamburger. It could lead to enough of what that Wall Street newspaper calls cross licensing ..."
"... I mean, you could charge a nickel every time Lateesha or Deewan or Lasagna read a book, which might bring in twelve dollars a year, or used a Smith and Wesson, for whole boxcars of dollars. Probably the easy thing would be to rent the whole damn civilization with only one license, like driving a car. ..."
"... I reckon we'd haul in enough money to buy enough rockets to blow up a thousand weddings and little children in Afghanistan and Eye-ran and maybe some kindergartner kids in Venezuela, wherever that is. Then they'd all have American values and love us. ..."
"... I figure when she's yowling into a microphone that probably Abraham Lincoln or Moses or somebody invented, it's that Cultural Appropriation again and she owes money. I mean, without that microphone shed have to go back to smoke signals or drums. ..."
"... Anyway, women are taking over everything, most of them crazy. Along with Rachel Tension and Oprah, we've got that Clinton woman ..."
"... And now we've got Joe Biden, who ain't nothing but a titless Hillary on days when he can remember who he is, and pretty much nothing at all the rest of the time. ..."
If some people can't go as Bugs Bunny, then nobody can't go as anything. Fair is fair. So if
you little sister goes as Aunt Jemima that makes pancakes, the BLM bandits will try to lynch
I reckon black folks ought to be a little quieter. Since they didn't invent writing, or
reading, or 'rithmetic or electricity or clothes or pretty much anything, then any time they
use them things they're doing Cultural Appropriation. It's just common sense. Of course, I
guess a Chinaman could say whites do it too when they use paper and gunpowder, without the
which we couldn't have bombs and rockets and federal forms nine pages long that no one since
Adam can figure out.
Now, what I think is, charging blacks and injuns and all for every white invention they use,
one at a time would be a motimgator long job and use more paper than eating a McDonald's
hamburger. It could lead to enough of what that Wall Street newspaper calls cross licensing,
Mr. McWilliams said, and he knows everything, to keep a whole rat pack of lawyers in business
forever instead of drowning them, that would be better.
I mean, you could charge a nickel every
time Lateesha or Deewan or Lasagna read a book, which might bring in twelve dollars a year, or
used a Smith and Wesson, for whole boxcars of dollars. Probably the easy thing would be to rent
the whole damn civilization with only one license, like driving a car.
I reckon we'd haul in enough money to buy enough rockets to blow up a thousand weddings and
little children in Afghanistan and Eye-ran and maybe some kindergartner kids in Venezuela,
wherever that is. Then they'd all have American values and love us.
But we got other news to gnaw on. I keep reading about this gal Rachel Tension and how she's
causing all kinds of bile along with Oprah. I don't know about Rachel but Oprah's gone all
skinny on us and I reckon it makes her want to make more fuss about whatever she's thinking
about. Oprah used to be all porked up and looked like three hundred pounds of fatback with legs
and if you'd had a oil well you wanted to shut down you could have used her for a plug. I hear
there's less Oprah now, though. Which is about how much I can use.
Anyhow, she's running on these days about how white people is criminals and brutes and they
need to get in touch with what they're feeling, that might mean their girlfriend or I don't
know what, but she don't like them. White people, I mean. Well, I guess. But I figure when
she's yowling into a microphone that probably Abraham Lincoln or Moses or somebody invented,
it's that Cultural Appropriation again and she owes money. I mean, without that microphone shed
have to go back to smoke signals or drums.
Anyway, women are taking over everything, most of them crazy. Along with Rachel Tension and
Oprah, we've got that Clinton woman that's even older than Ann Coulter and probably sleeps all
day in some cave, hanging by her toes, and Elizabeth Warren, that used to be a Injun but cured
it with a shot of DNA. And now we've got Joe Biden, who ain't nothing but a titless Hillary on
days when he can remember who he is, and pretty much nothing at all the rest of the time. Which
might be a good reason to vote for him. We've had a long string of Presidents who did know who
they were, and it ain't been real satisfactory.
Finally the world' s gone soft in the head, like Aunt Minnie that granddad used to keep in the attic. I just saw where Walt
Disney, that I thought was dead but anyway, he's going to make a movie about Peter Pan and he want's Mike Tyson to be Tinker
Belle. She´s kind of like a lightening bug in a little green dress and throws sparks everywhere. Now if I remember right, Tyson
weighs about two-forty buck nekkid and holding a helium balloon so it's hard to imagine him twinkling around in the air and
flashing like a fifty cent flashlight with a loose switch, but I don't know much about movies. Anyway there was this woman, I
think her name was Lupita Marimacha or anyway some Meskin thing, that talked for Mr. Disney, that I thought was dead. She said
these times are progressive, which I think means soft in the head, and we can't be heteronormative or chromapejorative and we
had to be gender fluid. I saw it in the newspaper or I couldn't spell it. I wasn't sure what kind of gender fluid she meant but
I knew I didn't want to think about it. I guess it means we´ll have to watch Mike Tyson flying around in some kind of girly
clothes, which is all right on a girl but I worry about them on Mike, and maybe it worries him too.
... ... ...
Write Fred at [email protected] . Put the letters pdq anywhere in the subject line so
Google don't disappear your letter.
"... Anyone who has ever overcome any obstacle in life knows that if you spend all your time worrying about how insurmountable it is, you will never overcome it. ..."
"... I am not going to spend my time begging the white man to undergo unconscious bias training, it'll distract me from doing what does work, which is getting kids to learn their algebra, turn up on time and deliver. ..."
"... You're some PR guy, you work in town, you earn a nice bit of money, you have a nice flat and car. But you put a black box on Instagram and you're now a cool non-racist. You're a good guy. ..."
"... Actually doing good takes a lifetime. The thing about doing good is that it gets you enemies. You're not part of the group. ..."
"... expected to accept and acknowledge that they've been unavoidably socialised into racism, that they have internalised white supremacies and they need to affirm this in meetings and talk about how they are to dismantle the system of whiteness. ..."
"... expected to testify to a particular kind of racism that they are experiencing in almost every sphere of their lives and if they fail to do this then they either have internalised white supremacy or are callously trying to advantage themselves at the expense of other people of colour. ..."
"... Think your friends would be interested? Share this story! ..."
he toxic ideology of the BLM movement is promoted by its race campaigners at the expense of
any other idea. Unless you agree with its false claims and the underlying belief that Britain
is intrinsically racist, you are the enemy.
Negotiating your way around any conversation centred on race has become a social minefield.
Say the wrong thing and 'boom!' you're treated as a card-carrying member of the Ku Klux Klan
and ostracised from your bien pensant pals for life.
BLM campaigners in the UK push one line: black people are the permanent victims of
oppression, white people are collectively guilty of perpetuating discrimination.
That's it. No ifs, no buts, no grey areas, no dissent. Own it!
In this country, BLM is a secretive, opaque umbrella
organisation of many different groups with no distinct leadership yet, somehow, through
marches, pulling down statues and by seizing hold of the narrative on social media, they have
become the arbiters on race matters.
But maybe some relief is here. The newly-launched Equiano Project , named after the 18th Century former
slave Olaudah Equiano , the British African
community's first political activist, brings a cool breeze of common sense into the stifling
atmosphere created by the UK adherents of the Black Lives Matter movement and their toxic,
imported brand of identity politics.
Founded by 24-year-old Inaya Folarin Iman, a writer, campaigner and former Brexit Party
candidate, the project wasted no time
getting down and dirty on this hot topic, with an online event this week that could have a
lasting effect on the tone and content of the race conversation in Great Britain.
London head teacher Katharine Birbalsingh
tore into the notions of unconscious bias training, decolonising the school curriculum and
making the study of historical black figures compulsory, pointing out that the latter is just
the sort of institutional racism that BLM decries.
She said " Anyone who has ever overcome any obstacle in life knows that if you spend all
your time worrying about how insurmountable it is, you will never overcome it.
" I am not going to spend my time begging the white man to undergo unconscious bias
training, it'll distract me from doing what does work, which is getting kids to learn their
algebra, turn up on time and deliver. "
Miss Birbalsingh, admittedly, does have form on the race debate, as the head of what the BBC
calls 'Britain's
strictest school.'
Speaking in June about Instagram's 'Black Box Day' – where users posted a black box
image on their account – the head teacher unloaded on the woke middle classes posting
messages online.
She said, " You're some PR guy, you work in town, you earn a nice bit of money, you have
a nice flat and car. But you put a black box on Instagram and you're now a cool non-racist.
You're a good guy.
" Actually doing good takes a lifetime. The thing about doing good is that it gets you
enemies. You're not part of the group. "
Ah, Miss Birbalsingh, you are a gem! But I digress...
Back at the Equiano Project event, academic Helen Pluckrose also took aim at BLM, explaining
the effects of their poisonous dogma on both sides of the race divide.
White people are, she said, " expected to accept and acknowledge that they've been
unavoidably socialised into racism, that they have internalised white supremacies and they need
to affirm this in meetings and talk about how they are to dismantle the system of
whiteness. "
Meanwhile, members of the BAME community were " expected to testify to a particular kind
of racism that they are experiencing in almost every sphere of their lives and if they fail to
do this then they either have internalised white supremacy or are callously trying to advantage
themselves at the expense of other people of colour. "
Pluckrose, something of an avid Twitter user, has hit the nail bang on the head. So maybe
the Equiano Project, a broad collection of, let's face it, mainstream liberals and
similar-minded academics, will prove to be the advance guard. Their input into the narrative on
race in Britain is certainly welcome.
Because, as a direct result of the deeply divisive BLM dogma, we saw the emergence of the
FF Force in London at the weekend, with their paramilitary gear, balaclavas, raised fists
and aggressive posturing all pushing the claim that Britain is so racist that the only hope
black people have is to organise their own resistance.
Forgive me for being blunt, but all this is garbage of which it now seems I'm not the only
one disinclined to digest. So thank heavens that the reinforcements for the voices of sanity
have arrived.
And not a moment too soon.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Radicals have never had a sense of humor. They are unbalanced. "In jest, there is truth". --
Roman proverb. Radicals has problems with truth. Therefore, they don't like humor.
"... Monty Python was the pinnacle of contemporary comedy precisely because it drew attention to the absurdity of modern society and it pompous hypocrisy ..."
big female BLM supporter wearing a nappy mask that says "i can't breathe" on it
soccer mom says "well take the stupid mask off"
MartinG , 3 hours ago
How many Wokesters does it take to change a light bulb?
One to complain that the light bulb is white.
One to complain that the light is white.
One to blame boomers for wearing out the old bulb.
One who doesn't know how.
And one Wokester who says there must be change as he changes the bulb.
tardpill , 3 hours ago
the only one that can possibly change the bulb with it out being a racist privilege is not
available because they are too busy burning **** down
DaBard51 , 2 hours ago
You forgot:
--One who complains that there isn't enough diversity in light bulbs.
--One who says "Bulb Lives Matter!"
--One who complains that screwing the bulb is sexist.
--One who can't decide whether the bulb is DC or AC.
When nine hundred years old you become, look this good you will not.
<edit> whoever up-voted, my thanks. Shadow-banned, I am not, now, I see...
Roger Casement , 3 hours ago
They are the joke.
philipat , 2 hours ago
Yes, and that is why humor is so important, especially at the margin. Politicians,
especially Democrat politicians, don't like comedy because it draws attention to the
absurdity of most of what they do.
Monty Python was the pinnacle of contemporary comedy precisely because it drew attention
to the absurdity of modern society and it pompous hypocrisy. It gave me more laughs more
consistently than anything I have come across since. 'God speed John, you stay with what you
believe and ***k the humorless wokesters who need to get a life and lighten up for their own
sake and for that of all the rest of us!
45North1 , 2 hours ago
An Antifa member, a BLM'er and a Proud Boy go into a Bar.....
EvlTheCat , 2 hours ago
"Woke" in itself is a joke and a oxymoron, which if you know the definition makes it
ironic also. Touches all bases John.
reformation by abuse is not going to work. Frankly, the actual irrelevance of this to
ownership of the country is one reason why it is allowed, a way to neuter real opposition. It
prevents solidarity between the lowers, while fostering illusions about select minorities. Wasn't there some guy who actually
wrote about the Obama, who betrayed all communities including black, under the title We
Were Eight Years in Power?
Notable quotes:
"... Defund is a stupid idea......changing the operating rules makes more sense. I blame the MSM for pushing minority headlines. ..."
"... It's not up to blacks on whether police are defunded or not. It's up to "woke" and privileged, liberal white lawmakers who think they know better than their constituents, both white and black on what's best for them. ..."
"... Has anyone else noticed that as the protests have developed, that those protesting and demanding defunding of the police are predominately white people of university enrolement age? Paid to protest by whom? ..."
"... Our guess is most probably George Soros, US Democrats and our friend Bill Gates. All for what the destruction of the society that allowed them to become obscenely wealthy. ..."
"... The state of US domestic insecurity: citizens don't trust the enforcers of the power structure, but don't want to be thrown to the wolves, whether it's black or white. ..."
Despite Black Lives Matter protests raging across the country and moves to defund police departments or cut back their budgets, a
new poll suggests black citizens don't support the efforts to remove cops from the streets.
The Gallup
released Wednesday, was conducted throughout July and involved over 36,000 adults across the US.
A whopping 81 percent of
black respondents said they want police to spend the same amount of time in their neighborhoods that they already do or to have
even more of a presence. The results are similar across races, with 88 percent of white Americans, 83 percent of Hispanic
Americans, and 72 percent of Asian-Americans all saying the same thing.
The poll also confirmed that
black Americans are more likely to see police presence in their communities, with 73 percent of respondents answering that they
notice cops in their neighborhoods
That's compared to 65 percent of non-black respondents.
While that gap could be seen as supporting the charge that black communities are overpoliced, it had little impact on whether
citizens wanted more or less police presence.
"The slightly elevated frequency with which
Black Americans see police in their neighborhood has limited impact on their preferences for changing the local police presence,"
wrote in their findings.
About a third of black
citizens who responded that they
see police in their neighborhoods said they
would like there to be less of a presence, but over 50 percent in that category don't want any change.
The poll did also show that
very few black Americans are confident a run-in with a police officer will go well. Only 18 percent said they were very confident
such an encounter would go well, while 43 percent said they were somewhat confident. That distrust of police actually jumps over
to the general public, with 48 percent saying they were very confident an encounter with an officer will go well, while 37
percent were only somewhat confident.
While the results show a
general apprehension to trusting police, especially among black Americans, there is little from the poll that supports the
efforts in cities across the US that are either
department budgets or moving to completely
"The majority of all other Black Americans, including those who are 'not too confident'
about receiving considerate police treatment, want the police to spend the same amount of time, with additional percentages
favoring more time,"
Gallup concludes.
Since the death of George
Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, Black Lives Matter protests have taken place in major cities across the country, with some in
places like Portland, Oregon, turning violent and requiring a federal response.
But if Gallop's results are
to be trusted, defunding police is not the answer most citizens support, even black Americans.
Defund is a stupid idea......changing the operating rules makes more sense. I blame the MSM for pushing minority headlines.
39 minutes ago
It's not up to blacks on whether police are defunded or not. It's up to "woke" and privileged, liberal white lawmakers who
think they know better than their constituents, both white and black on what's best for them. Same old Democratic story that's
been playing for over a century.
42 minutes ago
Has anyone else noticed that as the protests have developed, that those protesting and demanding defunding of the police are
predominately white people of university enrolement age? Paid to protest by whom?
Our guess is most probably George Soros, US
Democrats and our friend Bill Gates. All for what the destruction of the society that allowed them to become obscenely
As i quote from Issac Asimov, The Stars Like Dust. "They don't want equality, they want to rule."
2 hours ago
The state of US domestic insecurity: citizens don't trust the enforcers of the power structure, but don't want to be thrown to
the wolves, whether it's black or white.
Guldar Tate
14 minutes ago
Why is this even an issue? A vocal minority of mostly fake leftist caucasians are the main ones pushing this
"defund the police" issue. Just like how nearly half the people you see at BLM rallies are caucasians. The
founder and funder of BLM, George Soros is a caucasian as well. Then someone finally does a poll, that
shouldn't need to be done, to show what should be obvious to a normal human being, that most so called black
people want police.
D Green
2 hours ago
Irrelevant, really. As long as there is a state, there will
be enforcers so
we'd better learn to love them...full stop! Indeed, the reason for our present predicament stems from one
critical edict that we've largely eschewed: as citizens, our primary task is to OBEY.
is our raison
d'être. In the exceedingly rare event the justice system gets it 'wrong,' wait patiently in your comfortable
jail cell until the state generously offers you a tough-but-fair plea deal, or, if you're really lucky, grants
you the privilege of sorting it out before an impartial judge and a jury of your wise peers. Why is that so
hard for some people?
It also begs a series of increasingly absurd questions: is a person who's only 1/16th black
"allowed" to use the n-word? What if they're another dark-skinned minority, but not technically
black? The arguments over whether white rappers or fans of hip-hop culture are "allowed" to use
the word can be downright farcical, and completely gloss over the real issues - generational
poverty, separate-but-unequal race-based policing tactics, mass incarceration, the
school-to-prison pipeline - that continue to cause immense suffering in black communities, even
as corporations pour millions of dollars into the coffers of Black Lives Matter and other
Adopting melanin-based double standards only fans the flames of racial animus. It's become
painfully clear that the leaders of the BLM organization do not really want a post-racial
society where all groups live together in harmony - they want division along every "
intersectional " line in existence, and are willing to invent a few to further atomize
the working class while collecting fat checks from corporations terrified of running afoul of
the new thought police.
This aim does not reflect the wishes of the vast majority of black activists, a growing
number of whom are speaking out
against BLM's cooptation of their efforts. But those who profit off racism will do anything to
ensure it continues.
First there was the transcript. I wrote about that on 11 July (see here). Now we have the
video. Floyd was complaining of not being able to breath at least five minutes before the
police were forced by Floyd to put him on the ground. The transcript I posted on the 11th shows
clear evidence that George Floyd was complaining of not being able to breath. This video
provides the visual proof. George Floyd was not killed by police. He was suffering respiratory
distress caused by a Fentanyl overdose. His inability to breath had nothing to do with the neck
restraint applied by the Minneapolis police.
Now we know that the entire premise of the Black Lives Matter riots was based on a false
claim of police abuse. Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd. George Floyd, a criminal and
drug addict, killed himself by ingesting a drug that Doctors use to shutdown a patient's
respiratory system.
As I noted on July 11th, the transcript exonerates the police. This is why the Minnesota
Attorney General tried to keep the public from seeing the video evidence for themselves.
I am re-posting the transcript so that you can compare it with the video. The video starts
with two Minneapolis Police officers approaching Floyd's vehicle from the driver's side. One of
the officers has his pistol drawn and pointed in Floyd's direction. However, per standard
practice, his finger is not, I REPEAT NOT, on the trigger. If the finger is not on the trigger
the gun will not fire itself.
Also worth noting that the police were not physically aggressive with Floyd. They did not
punch him or jerk him around. Floyd, in his drugged state, was not cooperative. It is a shame
that the officers who detained Floyd lacked clairvoyance or the ability to read Floyd's mind or
mentally test the chemical content of his blood. That kind of knowledge might have given them
an early clue that Floyd was a dead man walking because of the toxic brew of illegal drugs he
had shoved into his system. Here's the
link to the full transcript.
The incident starts with a store manager reporting that George Floyd had just given him a
counterfeit bill.
The two officers (Kueng and Thomas Lane) go outside and begin the investigation by trying to
get George Floyd out of his car:
Floyd was not cooperative. He was disoriented and not acting rationally. Floyd was
accompanied by another black man. In contrast to Floyd, the other gentleman followed police
George Floyd was not passive nor cooperative despite media claims to the contrary. The video
that fueled outrage across America tells a very misleading story. The words of the transcript
are not lies. In the next relevant bit of conversation, Floyd concedes that he passed a bad
bill to the shop owner who called the police and admits he was not following police
On page 12 of the transcript we get the first evidence that Floyd is high on something and
is "foaming" at the mouth. Officer Kueng is very concerned about Floyd's erratic
Floyd claims he was "hooping" earlier. According to the Urban Dictionary , "hooping"
refers to smuggling/transporting something that is inserted in one's rectum.
Floyd's erratic behavior escalates as Officer Kueng and Lane try to put him in the police
Pages 15-21 of transcript record the futile effort of the Officers to get Floyd into
the police car and Floyd's drug-induced frenzy and paranoia. On page 22 of the transcript Floyd
starts to claim that he cannot breath. He has not been placed on the ground. In fact, he ASKS
THE POLICE TO PUT HIM ON THE GROUND. Cops are not Docs. They do not have magical powers to
diagnose whether or not someone is actually having a medical emergency or faking it. Up to this
point in their interaction with George Floyd, they had little evidence to trust anything Floyd
The transcript and the video are damning for all arm chair prosecutors who jumped to the
unwarranted and unsupported claim that the police killed George Floyd. The did not. tFloyd's
respiratory crisis was caused by the Fentanyl he had ingested before the police showed up on
the scene. That evidence also is reflected in the autopsy report. Those who have rushed to
judgment in condemning the Minneapolis Police Department will have to do some major mea
I don't think Chauvin will be exonerated, but there is no question advocates of the racist
police brutality narrative are ignoring facts.
The conclusion of the private autopsy requested by the family was wrong. They didn't know
the results of the toxicology report. One of the experts hired by the family, who kept making
television appearances (including on Hannity), didn't even look at the body. To the best of
my knowledge, this man only saw the video and ruled it a homicide on that basis alone.
Another expert hired by the family saw the body, but again she didn't see the toxicology
report. The lawyer for the family, Ben Crump, is an ass for calling the toxicology report a
red herring.
The fact is when the store clerks called the cops, they said Floyd appeared drunk. He was
clearly inebriated or intoxicated. The fact he handed off an obviously fake $20 bill suggests
he wasn't all there. There is no denying the toxicology report which does prove he was
intoxicated. And the police were right to apprehend him. This Floyd was inebriated or
intoxicated while sitting behind the wheel of a car, so he clearly represented a danger if he
began to drive.
With all that being said, despite the fact he had trouble breathing beforehand doesn't
exclude that the manner he was being detained had contributed to his death. The second
autopsy (I'm not talking the private one, but the official second autopsy) officially did
rule his death a homicide because the manner he was held down was deemed a contributing
factor in his death.
In my personal opinion, I think there is a case to be made that Chauvin did recognize
Floyd and deliberately kept Floyd on his stomach, with his face pointed downward, so that
Floyd wouldn't recognize Chauvin. Maybe Chauvin was also trying to pass Floyd out or induce
Floyd to vomit something he may have swallowed to hide from the police, who knows, but the
manner Floyd was held down, even if it is considered accepted albeit rare procedure, will not
hold in front of a jury. Procedures aside, there has to be common sense.
There is no question Chauvin's actions were excessive and he should be disciplined for
that. However, unless his actions were the primary cause of death it is not murder. It is all
a moot point though. Everyone on that jury knows if they vote to acquit their life and
livelihood will be at risk as well as those of their close family members. Hopefully there
will be at least one courageous juror with integrity but I doubt it.
So not in this context os it a reference to playing basketball. And do you really think it
likely that this overweight guy with circulatory problems, a long time drug user, and by his
own claim just coming off of a dose of WuFlu was recreating himself playing basketball
earlier on?
If the police officers are acquitted in a state trial, they will be found guilty in a
federal civil rights trial. These four officers are going to spend years in prison, as will
the officer in Atlanta. The politicians, POTUS included, will be happy to ensure this
It would be better if the officers were turned over to the mob, shot to death, and then
set afire. The mob can drag their charred remains through the street, chanting slogans, and
then hang their remains from a bridge. There's a great bridge on the outskirts of Fallujah
that served this purpose in the past.
Things are what they are, not what they should be.
According to a poster in another blog comment section, "hooping" can also refer to
ingesting drugs by means of an enema, actually an effective way to absorb them into the body.
Millions of AIDS sufferers (and sufferers from other STDs) can't be wrong! This area is a
weak link in the body's defenses against intruders, whether viral, bacterial, or chemical.
Besides, ingestion via enema avoids problems such as visible track marks (awkward to explain
to LEOs or parole officers), and being found in possession of "works", i.e., syringes, spoons
for "cooking" with a lighter, or hydrating the drugs into an injectable form.
As a long term convict, I am sure George was quite familiar with secreting items in his
rectum, so an enema would be child's play.
"There is no question Chauvin's actions were excessive?" His actions appear to be consistent
with his training and MPD policy, and yet you've figured out that the actions were
Every elected official who claimed the police killed Floyd and every media report that
claimed the police killed Floyd, and everyone who republished this claim need to be sued-
slander per se, false accusation of a crime.
I assume there will be no problem claiming damages, and even punitive damages due to
willful intent to defame, by all the wrongly accused police officers.
This lynching of the police officers was media defamation of the Covington Catholic
Kids...... on steroids.
By charging him with murder and not manslaughter, the DA was intentionally putting Chauvin
into a good position to get off. I'm no BLM supporter, but watch the tape and tell me that
Chauvin is not guilty of manslaughter.
fakebot, "homicide" means a person died, and that it did not initially appear to be a
suicide. However OD by drugs could be called a suicide. We also have the cruel phenomenon of
"suicide by cop" where someone sets up a scenario to die at the hands of a police officer, or
a passing train, or motor vehicle.
You are reading way more into this incident than supported by the facts in evidence. Why
is that? Or even supported by the facts in evidence when the toxicology report first came
out. It was not clear from that point forward how in fact Floyd died.
Now that the embers have died down, vicious political lines drawn, the Nation convulsed,
the additional bodies counted, and the damages assessed to the point the Minnesota Gov is now
begging for a federal bailout, it is a strange time to finally officially release this
contemporaneous and potentially exculpatory evidence.
I mostly agree. First, the hold that Cauvin used was, as you have noted, is approved by
department policy. It would have been used to keep both Floyd and the cops safe. It might
look terrible to the untrained eye and present as the ultimate archetype in a paranoid ink
blot test, but it is a safe and effective means of controlling someone when used properly. I
demonstrated to some friends recently by having my wife (125 pounds +/-) apply the hold to me
(200 + pounds, mostly muscle). I could not get up or thrash too much. I was a controlled, yet
unharmed. The assumption has been from the beginning that Chauvin was applying his total
weight to Floyd's neck. With one knee on the ground, the amount of pressure applied by the
other knee, to the neck, can be completely regulated and need not be excessive. Anyone can
verify this by simply trying it instead of repeating what they have been told by the media.
If you are worried about hurting a partner, try it on an inanimate object. Everyone is so
into "science", but then unwilling to test a basic hypothesis before virtue signaling
Where I think Chauvin screwed up is in not giving Floyd CPR, etc once he stopped
breathing. However, that is not murder. The excessive charges are a set up for subsequent
riots; probably worse than the first round, when Chauvin is acquitted at trial or on appeal.
Maybe that is intentional.
Terence Gore,
The problem is that people resisting arrest often say things like, "I can't breath". Often
enough that cops see it as crying wolf. Besides, what were the cops supposed to do with
someone who is thrashing and resisting arrest and saying he can't breath? Let him thrash and
hurst himself and/or cops? All they could do was control Floyd for safety while waiting on
the EMTs.
Based on the comments ahead of me, there will be no resolution of this matter that is not
democratic - in other words, a compromise both sides hate.
The 'racism' narrative never did fit; their previous work history together is not spoken
of at any length; their former employer and the background of that establishment is also very
Multi-racial myself, this entire BLM things is fueled more by wealth or opportunity
disparity than anything else. It's a game many of us just refuse to play any longer, but
nobody can fix stupid - it has to fix itself.
Understood, I was trying to make the point MSM is not taking a deeper look the is at the
"Some drugs produce undesirable effects with an oral application. With rectal
administration, a person who typically feels nauseous from taking a certain substance orally
may be able to avoid that feeling. A person may also want to experience the "high" more
quickly in certain situations. For example, a person may seek social competence and emotional
awareness associated with MDMA when at social gatherings, and may want to produce the effects
of it more quickly than usual. Or a person who wants the relaxed and calm feelings associated
with alcohol may want to orally administer it to have the effects of it while not emitting
the smell on his breath.
This is a trend becoming more and more popular with teens as a way to get the desired
effects while hiding (at least for a while) the evidence of abuse. Whatever the reason a
person may rectally abuse substances, there are blatant side effects ranging from mild to
Floyd was inebriated from his drug ingestion and once apprehended needed to be restrained
due to his impairment. Once on the ground, his suggestion, Chauvin applied a restraint to
Floyd's scapula and repeatedly applied pressure in a throttling manner. Was it the neck and
not the scapula, that's in the eye of the viewer and camera angle. Never believe what you
think you see as there always Is another angle. Oh, yes he did slip it to the neck but for
how long time will tell.
He applied the restraint way to long, he did not allow the body to be turned as suggested and
reacted poorly to the growing crowd. A professional law enforcement trainer of restraint
holds could answer most questions and will in court but with the quick condemnation by law
enforcement agencies answers most questions. Homicide 1st or 2nd degree only in
Congratulations to Keith Ellison, former congressman, former vice chair of the DNC, and
current Attorney General of Minnesota. Suppressing this evidence was essential in ensuring
the myth of George Floyd was spread around the world before even a flicker of fact
"We found a weed pipe on him, there might be something else with it. Might be like, PCP or
Tomas Lane, Minneapolis PD. That's the "systemicly racist" police department in that city run
by the Democratic Farm Labor party, which, like the Attorney General's office of the State of
Minneapolis, has been in charge for half a century or more.
Congratulations Democrats. You have shown the world that you believe that individual
idenity must be rejected in favor of group identity, guilt for things done in the past is
inheritable, and only one group has lives that matter. History must be replaced with the new
reality, the Democratic party's belief that America was founded on racism, it's institutions,
codes of law, and culture must all be swept asside to be replaced with the ideals of the
"democratic socialist" wing of the party.
Chaz, Chop and CNN couldn't frame a better narrative to run for election on in 2020.
Better get some Covid cover stories going lest people start asking why men and women are
fined or arrested for trying to open barber shops, walk without a face burka in public, or
otherwise excercise freedoms yet looters, arsonists, and destroyers of public monuments walk
free; along with tens of thousands of criminals who were released from prison. Certainly no
one wants to know why FISA abuse has gone unpunished, why DOJ lawyers can make up evidence,
withhold other material from defendants - repeatedly, yet none are arrested or otherwise held
to account. We certainly don't want to know what Joe Biden and his boss were doing those 8
years they were in office; or all the other years Joe spent in the House and Senate.
Fentanyl and other opioids do NOT cause respiratory distress or shortness of breath. They
generally depress all activity of the brain and especially the area that control respiration.
In a large enough dose you first pass out and then stop breathing. That is why most opiate
overdoses are simply found dead. A guy foaming at the mouth, agitated and wanting to lie down
is sick, and should be treated as such. He should not be cuffed with his hands behind his
back (also a stress position which impedes the motion of the chest and hence effective
breathing), made to lie prone (also an impediment to ability to breathe) with a knee on the
back of the neck which will compress the upper airway. This guy may have been a SOB and a
MOFO but did not deserve this for any reason let alone passing a bad $20 bill. It was not
murder in the first, but some blame needs to be allocated.
Out of the way, it's a busy day
I've got things on my mind
For want of the price of tea and a slice
The old man died
First, let me explain that I am a retired Cardiologist (ABIM Certified in both Internal
Medicine and Cardiology). As such, have on thousands of occasions helped in the ER's when
people come in on drugs....and I have seen the panic in their eyes and the physiologic
changes that occur (severe hypertension, Adrenalin release, heart attacks, strokes).
When I read the available reports from Floyd's autopsy I was struck by the fact this
fellow had ingested a large quantity of dangerous drugs; combinations of stimulants and
opioids ( of the most dangerous drugs on the street...we even have to be
careful with it in the hospital). He wasn't able to react appropriately to the circumstances
and those officers aren't doctors. The officers were trapped. The only decision they could
make was to control the subject and try to prevent him from injuring himself or them...or
someone else. From what I read in the Minneapolis PD manual the use of the neck restraint (as
they used it) was trained and approved.
Factually, this probably didn't cause an injury. I think the defense will probably utilize
this; perhaps they will get a 'slap on the hands'...but they did what they were trained to do
with a large, strong, resisting subject. I am worried that it will result in a ' Rodney King'
response with riots and destruction. I don't see a good 'end' here.
I am reminded of a piece by Art Buchwald, in which, he quoted the response of a governor
of Illinois to a prison riot: " we need a better class of prisoners."
I suppose we need a healthier and more responsible-acting class of miscreants, who could
endure incidents of police brutality and not inconviently dying and besmirching the sterling
reputation of the police - causing riots among the feeble-minded population.
Charlie Wilson, why the intentional misinformation campaign when we all have search
engines at our fingertips?
"........According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, this powerful drug is 100 times
more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin. Along with targeting the
opioid receptors in the brain that control pain, the opioid receptors that control breathing
and heart rate are also affected. This can lead an individual to stop breathing all together
if too much Fentanyl is taken.........
EMT was called, he was being symptomatically treated. He did not die because of a bad $20
bill. He died because from the moment he woke up that day he made one fatal decision after
another, all bad. Including buying cigarette with his bad $20 bill, when he claimed on tape
he had "post-covid breathing" problems. He set his own fate in motion.
Might want to wait for the start of the woke NFL season before doing any more Monday
morning quarterbacking.
Methamphetamine most often causes a general feeling of wellness (euphoria) that is most
often called a "rush." Other symptoms are increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and
large, wide pupils.
If you take a large amount of the drug, you will be at higher risk for more dangerous side
effects, including:
Chest pain
Coma or unresponsiveness (in extreme cases)
Heart attack
Irregular or stopped heartbeat
Difficulty breathing
Very high body temperature
Kidney damage and possibly kidney failure
Severe stomach pain
Long-term use of methamphetamine can lead to significant psychological problems,
Delusional behavior
Extreme paranoia
Major mood swings
Insomnia (severe inability to sleep)
Other symptoms may include:
Missing and rotted teeth (called "meth mouth")
Repeated infections
Severe weight loss
Skin sores (abscesses or boils)
The length of time methamphetamines stay active can be much longer than for cocaine and other
stimulants. Some paranoid delusions can last for 15 hours."
"Common signs of opiate or stimulant overdose are:
foaming at the mouth or a foam cone
loss of consciousness
difficulty or stopped breathing
Overdose causes foaming at the mouth because organs like the heart and lungs can't function
properly. Slowed heart or lung movements causes fluids to gather in the lungs, which can mix
with carbon dioxide and come out of the mouth like a foam."
"The excessive charges are a set up for subsequent riots; probably worse than the first
round, when Chauvin is acquitted at trial or on appeal. Maybe that is intentional."
I thought this the moment I heard the charges were bumped up from 3rd to 2nd degree
murder. IMHO, this was also unquestionably a prime motive for the Atlanta DA to rush to
charge that officer with felony 1st degree murder. I don't know how a prosecutor could prove
to an impartial jury that this was first degree, pre-meditated murder, given the indisputable
facts of the case.
I firmly believe both of these cases have been deliberately set up to fail in prosecution
in order to effect a truly cataclysmic round of domestic unrest upon the results of the
trials. The need the system to fail in order to prove their contention that it is inherently
racist. These people want power at all costs. They do not care one bit about the citizenry of
their municipalities who undoubtedly will suffer mightily once these trials play out to
acquittal or at best a hung jury.
The owner of a Cuban restaurant in Louisville has decried a list of 'diversity demands sent
to him and dozens of other small business owners by Black Lives Matter activists - which
include guaranteeing that at least 23% of staff are black, 23% of the business's supplies are
from black-owned retailers, and 1.5% of their net sales go to black charities. They also need
to publicly display a sign showing their support for the movement.
If they don't comply, the business owners face a series of "repercussions," including social
media shaming, 'invasive reclamation' where black owned businesses would set up competing
'booths and tables' outside the stores, and they would have 'their storefronts fucked with,'
according to the
Daily Mail .
The letter was sent to business owners in the city's 'NuLu' East Market District during a
July 24 protest which forced some area businesses to close. BLM argues that the neighborhood
was only able to flourish after a housing project was demolished in the 2000s, which 'robbed
the black community of opportunities and wiped out their homes,' according to the report.
Beatscape , 20 minutes ago
This is BLM trying to see how far they can push their agenda -- do they have such a
universal mandate that they are now above the law? Per the legal code:
Extortion is a felony offense that is punishable by up to three years in prison. If the
defendant has made extortion demands but the victim never complied or consented, he or she
can be charged with attempted extortion.
In the current environment, anyone that dares to criticize even a fine point of the BLM
movement in public is in danger of losing their job and being ostracized. No wonder BLM wants
to defund and defang the police, they want to engage in various criminal activities with
impunity. And, the 'white guilt' crowd is actually fighting to allow this to happen.
OGAorSAD , 37 minutes ago
Formal extortion that will go unpunished....
Revolver2019 , 24 minutes ago
This guy is capitulating way too much! You cannot have it both ways with Marxists. You
cannot support BLM, but then offer your own terms to them to be negotiated.
He of all people should know that Marxists do not negotiate and there is no limit for what
they demand and what they want from you. You give an inch, they will then demand a mile. If
you draw a line they will steam roll you and take you out . Its all or nothing with
People need to realize this for their own safety. I see too much of it. People want to
appease, but on their terms. WAKE UP!! This guy is doing nothing good for his restaurant or
community because he says he supports BLM, but.... There is no BUT - All or you die! Having
both ways is quick recipe for disaster.
Grow some cajones and take one side - fully! Preferable to be the good side.
jughead , 1 hour ago
Sounds like a RICO case to me. Book em Donald.
LightBeamCowboy , 53 minutes ago
Isn't making threats or committing violence to achieve political ends the legal definition
of terrorism?
aloha-snackbar , 56 minutes ago
And lastly a cash payment due weekly for protection from nefarious and organized thugs who
may due harm to you and establishment... Chicago beer wars 1930... and today...
TheDayAfter , 41 minutes ago
Brilliant Point. Slap the RICO Act on BLM and Antifa, and see them run into Oblivion.
Stu Pedassle , 3 minutes ago
Who are the officers / decision makers? Gotta hand it to the Soros crowd, one thing they
have gotten right is keeping this movement going apparently without a definable structure /
command center to go after by the DOJ
neidermeyer , 1 hour ago
If it were me I'd burn the place down , collect the insurance money and go someplace safe,
the business is effectively worth nothing at this point... The local government is complicit
and you just can't win in that scenario.
LetThemEatRand , 1 hour ago
The worst nightmare of the Blue Team is that BLM splits the party by targeting Hispanic
voters, who will shift Red Team.
Welfarebum , 36 minutes ago
BLM is now a political party. But they are a unique political party, in that nobody is
allowed to criticize or oppose them or their views. Because of this unique status, they have
become extremely dangerous and need to be scrutinized by all critical-thinking,
freedom-loving citizens. I am not a racist in opposing BLM any more than I'm a rapist for
questioning the motives of the me too movement. y_arrow
DaBard51 , 54 minutes ago
BLM demands quotas? Illegal. per US Supreme Court (2009)
Not sure how the Cubans do business, but if the BLM tries this extortion **** with Mexican
restaurants around here, then some headless corpses of BLM activists are going to start
appearing around the place.
Musum , 1 hour ago
He took to Facebook to accuse them of 'mafia tactics'
Neoconservatism is BLM in Jewish face.
"Mafica tactics" is how we conduct ourselves on the geopolitical stage.
Welcome to America.
BaNNeD oN THe RuN , 49 minutes ago
Exactly, this is just a "lite" version of Trump threatening to ban Tik-Tok, then
encouraging Microsoft to buy it for a reduced price. Or demanding that Germany pay more
tribute to their troops occupying the country for 70+ years.
Leading by example, or the Art of the Deal (shakedown).
What stands in the way of conversation between exploited people of different races is the
white noise of liberal nonsense, which, incidentally, seems to be growing exponentially
because it never runs up against reality and its rasping frictions.
The national conversation about race needs to be short and simple: " All colours and
ethnicities are subject to the exploitation of members of a ruling class that knows no
barriers of race, culture, religion or sex. Which has in common only bad behaviour. A ruling
class which owes its continued existence and its impunity, despite its evident criminality,
to the refusal of its victims to unite and act in their own interests."
And these are among the least original thoughts on offer. Humanity has known these things
since the days when it lived in caves and sent Birthday Cards to chimpanzees.
Let us put this Hydroxychloroquine nonsense to bed for the last time.
Whilst any form of fever mitigation is likely to have a place, however small, in the nurses'
quiver of helpful practices, the promotion of this particular drug, which is known to have
often mortal side effects in vulnerable people, is dangerous and dishonest. Chicken soup and
lime juice are other much less dangerous alternatives over which the Pharmaceutical
Protection Racket has no control. The same can be said of a regime of patient care, loving
attention and good accommodation- full time staff in properly equipped facilities working in
an atmosphere in which the loss of any life is recognised as a social tragedy and a
"... Does the mass media think they can “hide the ball” while Seattle turns into a war zone? Seriously–in the Internet age? They _can’t_ be that stupid, can they? ..."
Does the mass media think they can “hide the ball” while Seattle turns
into a war zone? Seriously–in the Internet age? They _can’t_ be that
stupid, can they?
(When I put on the tin foil hat it whispers to me “they know, they are lying on
purpose, they want Trump re-elected to improve their ratings, and they want to anger voters
by lying about Seattle”. Then I take off the tin foil hat and I say
“Na–they really are that stupid.”)
there is a difference between Prudent speech and Free speech.
When punishment for voicing dissenting opinion includes physical assault it doesn't much
matter how rare the actual instances of physical violence are
Notable quotes:
"... Of course, it is not (yet) possible to determine the exact racism quotient of each individual, so exemplary cancellations are the means of influencing individuals to modify their behaviour. I appreciate that "racism quotient" and "exemplary cancellation" make me sound like one of those right-wing Orwell cosplayers, but I can't think of a better way of putting it. ..."
Cancel culture, I suggest, matters most when our ability to access diverse opinion is
curtailed as a result of speech policing, either by algorithms or individuals, especially in
the run-up to an election. Self-censorship in universities is equally important. When Chomsky
signed the Harper's letter, he reported he receive a great many letters of support from
academics terrified of being cancelled.
We're coming out of a certain kind of (neo-)liberal consensus in which politics was viewed
as a mostly technocratic business of setting laws in the abstract. That perspective was
sufficient to get some things right: many blatantly discriminatory laws have been repealed
across the Western world over the last 70 years. But it turns out that racism and sexism
don't require explicitly racist or sexist laws on the books: they can subvert neutral-seeming
laws to their purposes, and can bias the behaviour of individuals and networks of individuals
to the extent that widespread discrimination can continue...
The other strand focuses on the moral reform of white people. It proceeds from the
assumption that the law has only a limited role in moral conduct, and that the evidence of
the last 50 years is that removing explicitly racist legislation, and even legislating
anti-racism (e.g. affirmative action) isn't enough to secure good outcomes. If your
individual acts have the practical outcome of furthering or defending racist interests, then
you are part of the problem. The demands here are much harder to define. Rather than focusing
all attention on a specific reform that can be enacted in a single moment by an executive or
legislature, attention is cast broadly across all actions occurring at all times by all
people. Of course, it is not (yet) possible to determine the exact racism quotient of
each individual, so exemplary cancellations are the means of influencing individuals to
modify their behaviour. I appreciate that "racism quotient" and "exemplary cancellation" make
me sound like one of those right-wing Orwell cosplayers, but I can't think of a better way of
putting it.
All of this intersects with the modern reality of social media: things that "normal"
people might be able to say in a bar or a cafe discussion with friends or colleagues are now
part of the permanent public record, searchable and viewable by millions. Social media
provides excellent tools both for taking things out of context and re-contextualising them.
Secondly, "brands" or organisations are now direct participants, and can be subject to public
pressure in much more visible ways than previously.
I'm a big fan of biological metaphors; they keep one humble about the inevitability of
unintended consequences. The metaphor gets strained when it moves from external viral spread
to internal immune response, though; in the former, we're assuming a team of informed medical
professionals, seeing things from the "outside" with the authority implied by specialized and
objective knowledge. I'm not sure who these people correspond to in the world we inhabit,
where even the real doctors have trouble getting traction.
The internal immune response feels like a closer match, as surface protein markers are
proxies for identity, microbes display "false flags" to avoid detection, and auto-immune and
inflammatory responses often do more damage than the threats they're reacting to.
On both levels of metaphor, it seems clear that the structure of social media is explicitly
designed to create and exploit "virality"; we need to rethink what this means for us.
" No one seems to reflect here that silencing people because of their politics is
historically and usually the preserve of those with the power to silence – that is,
conservatives. Be careful what you wish for."
And here we have the cancel culture "problem" in a nutshell. The complaint isn't that
Musgrave lost a job or is literally forbidden to speak or even lacks reasonable ways to be
heard. The complaint is that blog found him distasteful and doesn't want him commenting
there. This isn't a right to speak issue, it's a demand to be heard issue.
Far worse things are done to BLM protesters. Being denied a blog posting? Try being denied
the right to even assemble, and shot with tear gas and rubber bullets. That didn't stop me
from protesting. Being denied a blog post and hearing some harsh criticism is nothing.
I broadly agree with the points about free speech in the post, and Waldron's arguments,
but I don't think it's right to equate the debate about "cancel culture" with these
John's understanding of it is even more dismissive (and imo off-target).
being cancelled means having to read rude things said about you by lots of unimportant
people on Twitter, as opposed to engaging in caustic, but civilised, debate with your peers
in the pages of little magazines
It seems to me cancel culture is both an ethos and a tactic. The ethos involves a zero
tolerance approach to certain ethical transgressions (eg overt expressions of racism) and an
absolute devaluation of people who commit them. The tactic is based around achieving cultural
change by exerting collective pressure as consumers on managers of corporations (or
corporation-like entities, like universities) to terminate transgressors, as a way of
incentivising other emplpoyees to fall into line. It seems to me to be heavily shaped by and
dependent on American neoliberalism as the ethos is both punitive and consumerist and the
tactic is dependent on at-will employment and managers' deference to customer sentiment, and
while most of its current "successes" have been broadly of the Left there's no reason to
assume that will be the case in future. I think it does represent a weakening of liberal
norms of freedom of discussion and I think Chomsky's right to be concerned.
There's nothing new about speech codes. Puritans and others refused to employ the Book of
Common prayer demanded by the Act of Uniformity of 1662. Scolds and speech police can be
found among agnostics, people of faith, and across the political spectrum. Nor is the common
sense exercise of good judgement regarding when, or if, to suggest to a friend he, she, or
they might like to lose a little weight, or to refrain from pointing out the questionable
personal grooming habits of a colleague, client, superior, or family member.
Do I need to declare my beliefs and opinions on every topic freely in every forum. In my
own case, no. And there's a big difference between being shunned and being imprisoned, or
executed, for mocking the wrong text or monarch.
As I courtesy, I might well avoid broaching topics I'm aware may distress another. But
that's a far cry from what's happening in modern old media. Bari Weiss evidently had her
privileges to write and edit others freely severely curtailed. And, yes, I'm aware that she
had cancellation issues of her own. But forcing James Bennett to resign, who put Ta-Nehisi
Coates on the cover of the Atlantic, for permitting a US senator to publish an op-ed in the
We need a diverse set of values and beliefs, argues Henry, J. S. Mill, and others. The
head of Google is just now trying to explain why "Washington Free Beacon, The Blaze,
Townhall, The Daily Wire, PragerU, LifeNews, Project Veritas, Judicial Watch, The Resurgent,
Breitbart, the Media Research Center, and CNSNews" somehow disappeared from the Google search
Cancel culture, I suggest, matters most when our ability to access diverse opinion is
curtailed as a result of speech policing, either by algorithms or individuals, especially in
the run-up to an election. Self-censorship in universities is equally important. When Chomsky
signed the Harper's letter, he reported he receive a great many letters of support from
academics terrified of being cancelled.
When punishment for voicing dissenting opinion includes physical assault it doesn't much
matter how rare the actual instances of physical violence are. I spoke with an American
colleague employed this week who stated that any dating which is going on among staff and
adults of one kind or another on campus is done in secrecy, if at all. Do Democrats feel that
they're better off having thrown Al Franken under the bus?
Adhering to speech codes and surrendering to a tiny, highly vocal mob seems a very bad
idea to me, and I suspect, many, many others. We don't quite know what to do with the
screaming adolescents of varying ages, but we wish they'd stop yelling.
The good news is that we live in societies, for the most part, which permit the upset to
act out freely. I wonder whether the folks currently trying to burn down the US federal
courthouse in Portland believe their rights to privacy must be respected? The
double-standards on display roil what should be reasonable debate. It should be possible to
disagree civilly with anyone.
Trying to get someone fired, or shunned, for any reason, is about the saddest waste of
energy and time I can imagine – I mean, talk about a poverty of imagination. It's
happened to me here on occasion. When the pitchforks come out, I know my opponents 'got
nothing.' That's small solace, however, when watching those I'd prefer to respect do their
best to stifle debate.
Relative to other nations, we enjoy liberties others can only dream of. These liberties
are worth protecting. I'm not sure we're doing such a good job.
With all due respect, you – like the great majority of people – fail to
understand the dynamics involved. 'Cultural Marxism' isn't political Marxism. It is a method
– a tool if you wish – used by the oligarchs who wield true power to 'divide and
rule' (not least by deflecting attention from the yawning gulf that lies between their own
excesses and monstrous wealth on the one hand, and the increasing indigence of the great mass
of people on the other). It is called 'Cultural Marxism' purely because it uses Marx's
technique of dividing society into a small clique of 'oppressors' and 'the masses' who are
'oppressed'. Marx, of course, had the capitalists in mind when he wrote of the oppressors,
and the proletariat naturally were the oppressed.
Today, the last thing the oligarchs desire is a unified and organised proletariat with
'agency': that would constitute a serious threat to their existence. Instead, they divide the
sacred role of 'the oppressed' into a multitude of more or less fissiparous groups, whom we
are all aware of, but of which those comprising 'BAME' are perhaps the most useful. Others
include feminists (more or less all young women in today's world), homos, those suffering
from sexual dysphoria (that's 'trannies' in today's 'Newspeak') and the disabled.
These groups will never discover any common ground between themselves, and thus will fight
among themselves for the scraps thrown from the oligarchs' table. No danger there, and that's
just how they planned it. As for the 'oppressors', there are no prizes for guessing that they
are White, heterosexual (i.e. normal) males.
So much for your fear of actual Marxism. As for 'the government', it is important to
understand that no government in today's West is invested with any meaningful power. Not only
are they not 'sovereign' but they are little more than puppets, dancing to their masters'
dismal tunes.
Who are these oligarchs – these Masters of the Universe? That's a story for another
day. But you won't go far wrong if you place the word 'oligarchs' in triple parentheses
@71 psychohistorian - "Do they understand the West is top/bottom and not
That's an excellent formulation. One almost suspects that asking anyone, within a bit of
context, if "the banker" is a left/right entity or a top/down entity would get the same
answer. How to explore and expand this potential common ground?
I have no answers, but it would be instructive to devise the way to ask this group, or any
group - and every group - that question, and then to offer the formulation as you put it, in
a way that makes sense to them, so that they understand where the true enemy is.
In other words, what you're asking seems to be the key to abandoning lateral struggles
within the oppressed class and healing all rifts to create solidarity against the oppressor -
switching from a horizontal struggle to a vertical one.
Such a simple thing, and the source of all revolutionary success, but could it be simply
How this can be done, and who can move such things forward, I don't know but I do know
that the effort to make things ever more clear is never wasted effort, and this is one key
part of the puzzle.
@71 psychohistorian - "Do they understand the West is top/bottom and not left/right?"
I'd say intuitively they do have some understanding of that, but in general aren't
economically/politically savvy/educated enough to frame it that way.
There seems to be a basic belief that the contradictions in our crony and corrupt
capitalist system are what is driving the inevitable collapse, and least amongst a is a pretty diverse group.
An important problem is the conflation of public opprobrium actual sanctions like being
fired. This is mainly a problem in the US because of employment at will
No. The cancel culture is just a new incarnation of the old idea of religious and
pseudo-religious (aka Marxist or Maoist) "purges". A new flavor of inquisition so to speak.
The key idea here is the elimination of opposition for a particular Messianic movement, and
securing all the positions that can influence public opinion. As well as protection of own
(often dominant) position in the structure of political power (this was the idea behind Mao
"cultural revolution")
You probably can benefit from studying the mechanic of Stalin purges. Mechanisms are the
pretty similar ("History repeats ", etc) .
If opposition to the new brand of Messianism is suppressed under the smoke screen of
political correctness, the question arise how this is different from Stalinist ideas of
"Intensification of the class struggle under socialism" and Mao Red Guards excesses (see
You can probably start with "Policing Stalin's Socialism: Repression and Social Order in the
Soviet Union, 1924-1953 (Yale-Hoover Series on Authoritarian Regimes)"
A new book which waits for its author can be similarly titled "Policing US neoliberalism :
Repression and Social Order in the USA 1980-2020") ;-)
Here is one thought-provoking comment from the Web:
GeeBee, August 1, 2020 at 7:42 am GMT
The government will eventually be Marxist
With all due respect, you – like the great majority of people – fail to
understand the dynamics involved. 'Cultural Marxism' isn't political Marxism. It is a method
– a tool if you wish – used by the oligarchs who wield true power to 'divide and
rule' (not least by deflecting attention from the yawning gulf that lies between their own
excesses and monstrous wealth on the one hand, and the increasing indigence of the great mass
of people on the other).
It is called 'Cultural Marxism' purely because it uses Marx's technique of dividing
society into a small clique of 'oppressors' and 'the masses' who are 'oppressed'. Marx, of
course, had the capitalists in mind when he wrote of the oppressors, and the proletariat
naturally were the oppressed.
Today, the last thing the oligarchs desire is a unified and organised proletariat with
'agency': that would constitute a serious threat to their existence. Instead, they divide the
sacred role of 'the oppressed' into a multitude of more or less fissiparous groups, whom we
are all aware of, but of which those comprising 'BAME' are perhaps the most useful. Others
include feminists (more or less all young women in today's world), homos, those suffering
from sexual dysphoria (that's 'trannies' in today's 'Newspeak') and the disabled.
These groups will never discover any common ground between themselves, and thus will fight
among themselves for the scraps thrown from the oligarchs' table. No danger there, and that's
just how they planned it. As for the 'oppressors', there are no prizes for guessing that they
are White, heterosexual (i.e. normal) males.
So much for your fear of actual Marxism. As for 'the government', it is important to
understand that no government in today's West is invested with any meaningful power.
Not only are they not 'sovereign' but they are little more than puppets, dancing to their
masters' dismal tunes.
Who are these oligarchs – these Masters of the Universe? That's a story for another
day. But you won't go far wrong if you place the word 'oligarchs' in triple parentheses
Where will America's productivity miracle come from?
Public education is not teaching students what they need to know to compete in the global
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, math scores of U.S. students rank
30th in the world. The East Asian peers of today's American students will eat their lunch in
the growth industries of tomorrow.
Here's where Black Lives Matter has a real opportunity.
The protests. The riots. The calls for reparation payments. Social justice wealth transfers.
White privilege taxes. All the nonsense. Where's the strategy? Where's the long-range
No doubt, those selling BLM T-shirts in Walmart parking lots are exercising gumption. But
it's not gonna cut it. Moreover, like bingo winnings, reparation payments will be quickly
squandered while the unhappiness remains.
And as far as we can tell the BLM movement is empty of ideas and without
chubbar , 14 minutes ago
"If BLM was strategic"?????? Holy ****, if they were strategic they'd be making damn sure
that testing, like SAT scores, were no longer accepted as proof of accomplishment or
learning. Oh, wait?.......
Let's all agree, blacks don't want a "head to head" test, EVER.
I don't give a crap what they say, they don't want to be judged on MERIT, they love the
skin color test. That way they can always claim racism instead of ability.
libtears , 40 minutes ago
The BLM Movement is definitely empty of ideas and clear leadership. Their supposed goals
are all over the map from day to day. They are rudderless mobs of filthy vagrants and
criminal elements make up most of their movement.
What's going on which is credited to BLM has nothing to do with black people for the most
part. Commies have co-opted this movement and are engaging in anarchy to take down the system
of government. They will do whatever they want at all costs because they believe they have
the moral high ground. They are radicals just like people call them.
The best thing that could happen is for these loser mayors and governors to enforce the
law against these mobs of filthy scum.
How can you even reason with a mob of idiots that don't even have one, if not a hierarchy
of leadership and clear goals that they agree upon?
These people are taking a page out of the Bolshevik book on revolution. And they're much
weaker than the Bolsheviks, mentally and physically. One good thump on the head and these
b!tches are crying.
The longer the public allows teaching institutions to promote BLM the worse this sh!t is
going to get.
JaxPavan , 42 minutes ago
The Ford Foundation gave BLM $100 million to engage in terrorism. Who do you think bought
all those ultra high end looting vehicles?
quanttech , 39 minutes ago
Indeed, the BLM organization is primarily funded by mostly white-run corporations and
foundations. The money rules.
HopefulCynical , 22 minutes ago
And WHO is in control of the Ford Foundtion? WHO?!
Board of Trustees - Ford
Foundation -- most are Wall Street types. So participation in color revolutions including
Russiagate (of which American Maidan is the third stage) and high level of influence of
intelligence agencies on decisions and financing is a natural thing. The board includes such
interesting figures as Chief Investment Officer and Vice President for Investments, The
Rockefeller University and Chairman and CEO, Cisco Systems. Foundation is a strong supporter of
Summary of eRumor:
The Ford Foundation has pledged $100 million in support to Black Lives Matter, leading to calls
for a boycott of Ford.
The Truth:
It's true that the Ford Foundation has pledged $100 million to the Black-Led Movement Fund
(BLMF), a coalition of social justice organizations endorsed by Black Lives Matter.
But the Ford Foundation hasn't been connected to the Ford Motor Company for more than 40
First, we'll start out by providing some background about Black Lives Matter, BLMF and the
Movement for Black Lives since the connections between these organizing and fundraising
networks can be confusing.
In July 2016, the Ford Foundation
announced that it would partner with Borealis Philanthropy, Movement Strategy Center and
Benedict Consulting to found BLMF. In turn, BLMF will serve as a donor network supporting the
Movement for Black Lives
, a social justice movement endorsed by Black Lives Matter, according to a foundation blog
The Movement for Black Lives has created an opportunity for philanthropy to see and learn
from new and dynamic forms of social justice leadership and infrastructure. To support and fund
this thriving movement, philanthropy itself has had to adapt. Meanwhile, leaders have kept
donors' good intentions in check with candid reminders of how philanthropy can hurt a movement,
as well as how it can help. Listening and learning is central to Ford's approach, as we strive
to be a thoughtful, effective social justice funder at this critical time.By partnering with
Borealis Philanthropy, Movement Strategy Center, and Benedict Consulting to found the Black-Led
Movement Fund, Ford has made six-year investments in the organizations and networks that
compose the Movement for Black Lives.
The Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF), led by Borealis Philanthropy, is a collaborative and
pooled donor fund established by the Ford Foundation and Anonymous Donors. In partnership with
donors and activists, the BLMF aims to support philanthropic and field-building activities that
strengthen the next generation of social justice leaders. Specifically, the collaborative
effort supports the infrastructure, innovation and dynamism of intersectional Black-led
organizing that have become integral components of what many call the Movement for Black Lives
Rumors about the Ford Foundation pledging more than $100 million to Black Lives Matter went
viral after the announcement. The Washington Times
reported that Black Lives matter had cashed in with the Ford Foundation's donation -- and,
aside from (falsely) implying that Black Lives Matter would receive the entire $100 million
donation, the report was factually correct. But, as similar reports spread across social media
and conservative news sites, details started getting fuzzy. Freedom Daily, a right-wing
website, demonstrates how that happened in a post
calling for a Ford boycott that was shared nearly 30,000 times on social media within a
week that begins:
Ford just donated $100 million dollars to Black Lives Matter.
The Washington Post reported: street uprising, Black Lives Matter is increasingly
awash in cash, raking in pledges of more than $100 million from liberal foundations and others
eager to contribute to what has become the grant-making cause du jour.
This story (and calls for Ford boycotts that followed it) made three critical errors: it
confused the Washington Post with the Washington Times , it confused the Ford
Motor Company with the Ford Foundation, and it confused the Black-Led Movement Fund with Black
Lives Matter.
In reality, the Ford Motor Company and the Ford Foundation are completely separate
organizations since the 1970s. Henry Ford's son, Edsel, started the Ford Foundation in 1936 with
an initial gift of $25,000. The foundation took in huge bequests from Henry and Edsel's estates
upon their deaths in the 1940s and grew to become the biggest philanthropy in the world at the
Edsel's son, Henry Ford II, was involved in the Ford Foundation up until 1976, but the
foundation began selling off Ford stocks in the 1950s and moved its headquarters from Dearborn,
Michigan, to New York City in the 1960s. Ford II resigned over the foundation's " march to the
left " in 1976, and no Ford family member has served on the board of trustees since. Today,
the Ford Motor Company has a separate nonprofit arm, the Ford Fund , and is in no
way connected to the Ford Foundation.
In the end, the Ford Foundation and the Ford Motor Company are completely separate
organizations. And the Ford Foundation pledged $100 million to the Black-Led Movement Fund,
which is not the same thing as Black Lives Matter. That's why we're calling this one truth and
Feelings don't care about facts. The mass hysteria that's gripped
the Western world after the death of George Floyd can't be explained in rational terms. Police
are shooting fewer
unarmed black men each year, and most of the shootings are justified. Police are more likely to
shoot a
non-threatening white than a non-threatening black. In the Floyd case specifically, there's
that shows racial bias by police officers, and Floyd was on drugs and resisting
arrest . Minneapolis police procedure
allowed neck pressure in some circumstances. Former police officer Derek Chauvin's conduct
wasn't extraordinary. But the facts are almost irrelevant. We're dealing with faith ,
religious ecstasy. We're in the midst of BLMania.
Collective frenzies aren't new. Almost every American knows about the Salem witch trials,
during which Christians claimed they saw demons and devils. Evil had to be rooted out, whatever
the cost. Arthur Miller's fictional re-telling in The Crucible , originally meant to
criticize McCarthyism, now reads like a satire of SJWs .
In 1536, Anabaptists took over Münster, Germany, and tried to establish a divine
kingdom. Would-be prophet Jan Matthys cannot have been a charlatan; he must have believed he
was chosen by God, because he rode out almost by himself to attack a besieging army. He was
instantly killed, but that didn't shake the faith of his followers. In 1917, hundreds of people
in Fátima, Portugal, claimed they saw the sun dance in the sky. The Catholic Church,
which often debunks alleged visions and miracles, declared this "worthy of belief."
Still, because of the doctrine of Original Sin and man's fallen nature, Christians are
reminded not to " immanentize the eschaton " and
seek heaven on earth. If Christians are delusional, can go only so far. "Secular" movements
have no such restraints. During the last century, tens of millions were butchered in Russia,
China, Cambodia, and other places in the name of the Brotherhood of Man, with the
revolutionaries often creating cults of personality to replace older faiths and heroes. The
Revolutionary Communist Party, which can be found
burning American flags around the country, has its own cult of personality
around leader Bob Avakian .
During the French Revolution, a "Cult of Reason" was established, with Robespierre as high
priest. Busts of the assassinated revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat replaced crucifixes in some
churches. During the Spanish Civil War, anarchists burned churches, shot at statues of Jesus,
murdered clergy, and desecrated the dead to pave the way for a new order. The Communards
executed Archbishop Georges Darboy during the Paris Commune and destroyed the original
Vendôme Column because it glorified empire. The famous French protests of May 1968, which
strongly influenced the current intellectual climate, had a utopian, religious flavor. Would-be
revolutionaries destroyed property as they spray-painted the following slogans:
Ann Coulter analyzed mobs in her 2011 book Demonic . She heavily cited Gustave Le
Bon's famous 1895 book The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind . Miss Coulter said a
mob is "an irrational, childlike, often violent organism that derives its energy from the
group" and is "intoxicated by messianic goals." One chapter is called "Imaginary Violence From
the Right Vs. Actual Violence From The Left." This is especially prescient. CHAZ/CHOP
"security" in Seattle
murdered a black teenager and wounded another because they thought right-wing
paramilitaries would attack any second (no one has been arrested for these shootings). As
cities burn, NBC
reports that "an expert" thinks the real threat is "far right" violence.
The "messianic goal" Miss Coulter wrote of is human equality. The premise is that if
existing social institutions are removed, a natural and authentic human equality will emerge.
Even the past must be destroyed to make this possible. The French Revolution remade the
calendar, with 1792 as Year Zero. All culture and history from the past was irrelevant because
everything was to be built anew. Rousseau famously wrote that "man is born free and everywhere
is in chains." This comes from assuming that man is a blank slate and that people are born
equal. If there is inequality, it can only be because of unjust institutions or exploitative
social forces.
Who is the boogeyman? Many once believed it was the Church: Voltaire's "
infâme ." Some blamed kings; Jefferson's post-revolutionary writings show
paranoia about "monarchial" tendencies. Many believe capitalism is the enemy, but I'd argue
that most progressives today believe the fundamental problem is "whiteness."
What is whiteness? Psychology Today says
it's "an unfairly privileged exclusionary category, based on physical features, most notably a
lack of melanin." Many others who study "whiteness" say something similar. Whiteness is a
social construct used to justify domination, slavery, and economic exploitation today.
There are three obvious objections to this.
is clearly not true . Third, it assumes that those with power use white racism to
exercise privilege. However, almost every powerful corporation openly supports Black Lives
Matter and opposes white racial consciousness. Though "whiteness as property" is a common
theme in "whiteness studies," there are benefits
to being labeled non-white, which is why some whites fake their racial identity and some
organize politically so the government won't call them white.
"Whiteness" has become the explanation for all "the evils of the modern world."
Critical race theorists are right to say that "whiteness" is socially constructed; what they
fail to understand is that they created its modern meaning.
Most race realists, Identitarians, and white advocates know Susan Sontag's quote that the
"white race is the cancer of human history." She also said America, which is "the culmination
of Western white civilization," is guilty of causing global suffering. The full context is even
more revealing: "The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary
government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine
ballets, et al., don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the
In this sentence, she concedes three things that would be politically incorrect today.
First, Western
civilization is white civilization . Second, despite the pathetic claims of
journalists and academics , Sontag recognized that white civilization isn't simply built on
domination of non-whites, and that it has produced things of great value. Third, Sontag admits
that some (if not all) progressive accomplishments such as "the emancipation of women" are
products of "this particular civilization." "Morgoth's Review" made this same point , noting that when
progressives try to destroy "whiteness," they are dynamiting the foundations of their own
liberal, universal worldview.
However, Sontag still thought white civilization was irredeemable because it "eradicates
autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads" and threatens the planet. Whiteness wasn't cancer
just because it was bad. Sontag meant that whiteness, like cancer, grows, metastasizes, and
consumes. It never seemed to occur to Sontag that this universalizing, homogenizing force
"eradicated" authentic European cultures too. If "Western culture" is Netflix, Amazon, and
Hollywood, I'm with the Third World anti-imperialists.
Still, at least Sontag recognized that whites had a real culture, at least in the past. Her
intellectual successors are worse. They accepted her view the whiteness is cancer while denying
any value to our culture and our standards. Instead, " Whiteness
Studies " and "Critical Race Theory" criticize "white" civilization because of its
standards. The National Museum of African American History and Culture identifies objective,
rational linear thinking, cause and effect relationships, and hard work to be "whiteness" and
therefore "racist." Everything can therefore be "racist" or in need of
"decolonization," including math ,
grammar ,
grades , SAT and
ACT tests ,
bar exams , and
artificial intelligence .
This ends in denying truth itself. Claire Lehmann found a slide at an education
conference in Washington that said that "if you conclude that outcomes differences [sic] by
demographic subgroup are a result of anything other than a broken system, that is, by
definition, bigotry." Actually, bigotry is "obstinate or intolerant
devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices." We've now come full circle, and define bigotry
as not being bound by opinions and prejudices. The way many academics and journalists
talk about whiteness is worse than anything Susan Sontag said.
This is the thinking of a fanatic religious sect, like the one Jim Jones
led . "We were too good for this world," Jones said before the infamous mass suicide. While
progressives haven't yet gone that far, they clearly enjoy the feeling of "woke" moral
righteousness, which has replaced the sense of being "elect" that some Protestant sects once provided .
Much as the French revolutionaries replaced saints with Jacobins during the Terror, today's
woke disciples are creating their own saints, with "Big George" Floyd taking the place of
Christ. Insufficient adulation for Floyd cost
one priest his job. BLMania is even consuming the churches themselves.
Black Lives Matter is more sacred than the American flag or Christ.
Federal agents , police , military ,
athletes , politicians , and many others
all genuflect before BLM. Many would never bow before God. This new, powerful faith even has a
calendar and a hymn built on a sacred myth.
Worse, because this creed is impervious to truth, it must always seek new scapegoats (or
devils) for egalitarianism's continuing failure. Despite the constant funding, programs, and
repression, equality never arrives. The late Lawrence Auster's " First Law of Majority/Minority Relations In
Liberal Society " holds that "the more egregiously any non-Western or non-white group
behaves, the more evil whites are made to appear for noticing and drawing rational conclusions
about that group's bad behavior." Likewise, the more blacks fail, the more fictional portrayals
of black superiority must be created, from Black
Panther to
Black Is King . And the more whites give, the more fiercely they must be accused of
bigotry for wanting good
schools ,
classical music , or even
video games left alone.
The egalitarian revolution is a Permanent Revolution. BLMania will constantly devour its
children . It will continue until it is stopped by superior power. Even Robin DiAngelo,
author of White Fragility and high priestess of the Anti-Racist
Church of the Damned , is no longer pure enough.
The late Noel Ignatiev , editor of
Race Traitor , famously said that "treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity."
However, he said that this wasn't a call to violence against whites. "When we say we want to
abolish the white race, we do not mean we want to exterminate people with fair skin," he
said . "We
mean that we want to do away with the social meaning of skin color, thereby abolishing the
white race as a social category." I question this. If I cited Shlomo Sand's
The Invention of the Jewish People to deconstruct Jewish identity, religious claims,
and Israel, one might rightly suspect I had an anti-Jewish motive.
Still, let's assume Ignatiev was sincere. Could we "abolish the social meaning of skin
color" today? Skin color is more important as a social category than at any other time in
decades. Those with power may say whites are just a "social construct," but they have no
trouble telling who is white and who is not when it comes to affirmative action. The media view
almost all economic, political, and cultural issues through a racial lens. Indeed, with a
separate black
"national anthem ," graduation
ceremonies , and
separate events for non-whites , we're seeing the return of segregation. It may even be the
beginning of America's breakup along racial lines.
"Wokeness" holds that whites are racist no matter what we do. "White racism" is the new
original sin. Fighting one's own racism is a lifelong struggle -- one that ultimately can't be
won. "Whiteness" is also responsible for great evil. If all whites are racist and "whiteness"
is evil, isn't it best just to eliminate whites? Some whites may even want to join this racial
death drive, exhausted, ashamed, and despairing after decades of relentless anti-white propaganda . Even
those whites who don't want to surrender psychologically may see no hope, and become a "
defeated and despairing
race ," in Steve Sailer's words.
What can we call this death-cult? Some leftists, including Ignatiev, called for "abolishing"
the white race. It's tempting to call it " Abolitionism ." However, this word is
forever linked with (whites) ending slavery. Some leftists may eventually use the term,
but it will never catch on. Still, it is useful because of its vivid history. Many 19th century
abolitionists were not peaceful idealists but blood-crazed fanatics , who
cloaked their dreams of war and slaughter in apocalyptic, Biblical language. John Brown, whose
band began its infamous raid on Harpers Ferry by killing a free black man, is the primary
The creed's violence, militancy, and destructiveness lead me to call it
Eradicationism. Like some Christian sects, whites who embrace it want collectively to abandon
the world, if not through suicide then by failing to reproduce. Instead of making the world
better "for ourselves and our posterity," they will expunge their blood guilt by ending their
line. White Saviors share a curious mix of self-hatred and self-exaltation, something we see
when white protesters post themselves indulging in BLMania online.
Eradicationism will be with us for some time. Regardless, our course is clear. Facts are
important, but statistics don't move mountains. Faith does. We must act with faith in victory , in
service to a great ideal. Our Western tradition tells us to do our duty to uphold
the cosmic order . This chaotic time will be an opportunity for racial rebirth. Steel
yourself against this death cult that has hijacked our civilization. Reject BLMania. We were
meant for something great. We shouldn't fear this time of struggle, which is demonstrating what
we've been warning of all along. We should welcome it. The American experiment in equality
couldn't have ended any other way.
Good summary of the points we are all familiar with by now.
"Whiteness" has become the explanation for all "the evils of the modern world."
If black people weren't so bad at practically everything, we wouldn't have to play this
game where everyone goes overboard to avoid talking about race realism, or scientific racism.
India encountered White Western Civilization, basically absorbed parts of it, and came out
the other side as the people they always were. Same with China. Same with Japan. Same with
Mexico. Etc. The Western World has also encountered other civilizations as the weaker party
to an extent, and likewise absorbed or fought back, and came out the other side still being
themselves. The Mongols and the Ottoman Turks, just to name a couple of examples, both
enslaved white people. We are not all sitting around moaning about it centuries later and
saying that's why we can read or do math. That realization forces people down a path where
they have to believe against all the evidence that there was something extremely different
about the way white people treated black people for them to turn out this way. And as a
corollary that there is something very different about white people that makes them uniquely
Or, alternatively, you could just think about your own actual experiences with real black
people you have met in life and notice that you generally have to talk to them like they are
special needs children and they are really really dumb and aggressive. And then it all makes
We are witnessing something extraordinary, the death of what some call 'liberal
progressivism' or what I prefer to call 'American atheistic humanism.' It's a hell of a thing
to watch. What's next is anybody's guess. It's going to get much worse before it gets better.
I'd like to share some of the things I do to maintain strength and sanity.
1 exercise and work out.
2 do not watch television.
3 associate with non-cucked Catholics and practice the Faith
4 read voraciously, especially the classics and lives of the saints.
5 flirt with women regularly (not the fat ones)
6 set aside resources for 'fallout.' If and when shit hits the fan I'm prepared for a long
This list could be a expanded. These are the big things I've integrated into my daily
1. Exercise
2. Never watch television
3. Read books written before the "Woke" era and never any book written by a Jew, not even Ben
Shapiro. I always google the authors before I read anything.
4. Use bookmarks instead of search for the vast majority of the content you look at online.
Search is a tool Silicon Valley uses to "recommend" woke content.
Of course, these rules only apply in the current times of information warfare where
everyone is trying to demoralize you and subvert anything you think is valuable.
That civilization lasted for approximately 280 years, and disappeared without a trace
around 1400 AD.
As you walk around the ruins of an obviously civilized people, there is one question that
goes through everyone's mind.
What happened?
This was before there were settlers from Europe, and the land is empty for many miles
around so there are no obvious enemies anywhere to be found.
It is unlikely that an earthquake or flood or other natural event destroyed the
city–there seems to be no physical evidence to support that. Perhaps there was a long
dry period (since this is Arizona) but long enough to destroy the entire civilization?
Then there is the little voice in your head that says the most likely
explanation–"They must have destroyed themselves, probably based on some horrible
ideology or religious fervor."
Bottom line–insanity is toxic, and can destroy a civilization.
There is no arguing with insanity, there is no negotiating with insanity, there is no
solution for insanity.
Civilizations must have the will to remove the insane people from the territory before
they destroy it–or they will become just another forgotten ruin on the landscape.
The hatred for whiteness in America comes from 70 years of massive number of Jews who in
many parts of the country dominated public schools and universities in teaching and
leadership positions in academia.
Black person to white person: "your ancestors enslaved my ancestors"
White person to black person: "your ancestors along with the Arabs enslaved my ancestors
in the Ottoman Empire for over 400 years up until the 1800s"
White person to black person: "you have never been a slave and neither have I"
White person to black person: "all white majority nations have outlawed slavery, have
outlawed segregation, have enshrined equal rights into law, and have outlawed the taking of
land by force"
White person to black person: "many black majority nations have not outlawed slavery, have
not outlawed segregation, have not enshrined equal rights into law, and still take land by
White person to black person: "man up like my ancestors did and go to Africa and free the
slaves, put your blood, sweat, and tears on the land and get it done like my ancestors
White person to black person: "you can't blame white people for black criminality and for
black underperformance in society, most black people are not criminals and many black people
perform and overperform in society, so stop being racist towards white people and take
responsibility and build something"
The unemployed. Without hope and nothing to show for, members will do anything to proof
thy can. In history famous for doing the ting attacking the unarmed, on orders. Controlling
is their hidden desire. Makes them the ideal public servant. Handicapped only by lack of the
brain part called working IQ. In war of times of change, needed badly by ones who own a
little of that stuff wile steering the ship named state..
It seems some people(such as this author) are viewing the current situation through one
prism, and I think it has multiple causations.
1.Militarized police abuse of the general population is real – especially the
poor(soft targets). As incidents pile up, resistance grows.
2.Funding by various political entities are responsible for the political strengthening of
BLM and other groups as controlled opposition and used as divide and conquer tactics.
3.The progressive left is low hanging ripe fruit for the former, especially after the
election of Donald Trump.
4.An education system pumping out SJW's at an exponential rate.
5.Now just add poverty and depravity from a lockdown.
George Floyd or no George Floyd the current situation(or new religion) was just a matter
of time.
This anti-whiteness among Liberal whites reminds me of old Gnostic cults. They sought to
overcome the flesh to achieve heaven on earth. Some took it so far as to avoid reproduction.
I don't think any took it so far as to adopt the children of other races.
It is a privilege to read UNZ everyday. It is important for everyone who is kind at heart,
reading this article and others who are concerned about this actual insanity made sane, is
nothing more than a movement to draw foolish people, black, white and everyone else, to drink
just another flavor of Koolaid, into self-selecting their genetic discontinuation in the New
World. It is a sublime process supported by the powers that be – to thin the hierd.
Don't be alarmed by this. All shall pass. BLM is a part of the culling process – and
you may or may not be aware of it: opioids & legal & illegal drugs, obesity,
dumberism, political extremism on either side, China/Russia bashing, J bashing, and so on.
Stay sure-footed. Understand the motivations of the PTB, and truly understand WHY they must
take action for the good of the human race. It is only thru these operations, the wiser among
us can & must understand why the human herd must be culled. And if you have a problem
with that, please do stand first in line with the many lines & flavors of protesters,
refuseniks & freedom fighters. The New World will truly be a better place for better
human beings. Anyone who wants to get in to the New World & must first qualify with
kind-heartedness, a strong obligation responsibility to better oneself & the community in
which we live in. Forget all the political terms of democracy, freedom, liberty, capitalism,
& such. It will simply be a New World where people are healthy in mind, body & soul.
The crazies, psychopaths & criminals will not survive. It will be a much better world.
And, the Powers that be are creating every sort of selection process to sift thru humanity's
strata. If you are possibly fit for the New World, this comment will ring bells – and
all will be clear to you. If not, go ahead and disagree with me . G*d bless you – for
we will in time bow (or made to bow) to our Master(s). If you can't accept that, well, you're
not likely to make it, and neither will your progeny . Please discern.
Citizen 2.0 rey.
BLM handlers know this and that is why it encourages ANTIFA and BLM to group together and at
the same time discourages for decades any attempt by whites to associate in leagues,
groupings, unions, sindicats etc. Look what hapenned to Proud Boys.
The second in which 100 whites joined together the ruling elite put the leaders in prison and
dismembered the white group.
United we surely stand, divided guaranteed to fall.
We must learn from the Jews – tribalism, fight for our kind no matter what.
They do not give a shit if you exercise, don't watch tv, read books etc. You are not a threat
to them.
A threat is 1000 sheep + one lion.
In the last year of his Presidency (2015) Barack Obama in an interview made the following
Obama: "What is also true is that the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in
almost every institution of our lives -- you know, that casts a long shadow. And that's still
part of our DNA that's passed on. We're not cured of it."
Interviewer: "Racism"
Obama: "Racism. We're not cured of it."
Few, if any of the cognoscenti who constantly lecture Americans 24×7 on the ubiquity
of "racism" and daily pounce on yet another politician or celebrity who breaks the strict
rules of "Diversity-Speak," bothered to decode the President's remarks so that the average
American might get a sense of what he was in for. They can be boiled down to: "Racism has
always been the defining feature of American life and will be far into the future." What
then, we might wonder, is the "cure," and who gets to say that it has been successful and the
patient is whole and released from treatment?
Obama chose the wrong metaphor. His view of race is better expressed in theological terms.
"Racism" is America's "original sin." It was, and still is, committed exclusively by white
people, and no matter what metaphor you care to use, consider it a permanent fixture of
American society. "We shall overcome someday." But, sorry Pal, not today. With sin comes
guilt, and white America now finds itself confronted with guilt, virtually unlimited
motherland. Imperialism has been a long term disaster for the West.
Stupid white people – Yes, yes, people here blame the Jews but let's be honest here,
if it was the Jews who helped contribute, who happily lapsed it up and performed the dance?
The stupid white people! Had the stupid white people been more intelligent, they would have
put two and two together and stopped the madness along time ago. Instead they are worshipping
George Floyd.
Look, I'm no leftie liberal. I want white people to survive and prosper. But honestly, I
see alot of sins and ultimately stupidity at the white man's feet. I blame him more then
anyone else.
"... Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, "democracy" NGOs and other groups since the 1980's. They were used in crude form to bring down the Polish communist regime in the late 1980s. From there the techniques were refined and used, along with heavy bribes, to topple the Gorbachev regime in the Soviet Union. For anyone who has studied those models closely, it is clear that the protests against police violence led by amorphous organizations with names like Black Lives Matter or Antifa are more than purely spontaneous moral outrage. Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a US President, but in the process, the very structures of the US Constitutional order. ..."
"... Alicia Garza of BLM is also a board member or executive of five different Freedom Road front groups including 2011 Board chair of Right to the City Alliance, Board member of School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL), of People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER), Forward Together and Special Projects director of National Domestic Workers Alliance. ..."
"... The Right to the City Alliance got $6.5 million between 2011 and 2014 from a number of very established tax-exempt foundations including the Ford Foundation ($1.9 million), from both of George Soros's major tax-exempts–Open Society Foundations, and the Foundation to Promote Open Society for $1.3 million. Also the cornflake-tied Kellogg Foundation $250,000, and curiously , Ben & Jerry's Foundation (ice cream) for $30,000. ..."
"... That front since 2009 received $1.3 million from the Ford Foundation, as well as $600,000 from the Soros foundations and again, Ben & Jerry's ($50,000). ..."
"... And Garza's SOUL, which claimed to have trained 712 "organizers" in 2014, when she co-founded Black Lives Matter, got $210,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation and another $255,000 from the Heinz Foundation (ketchup and John Kerry family) among others. ..."
"... Nigeria-born BLM co-founder Opal Tometi likewise comes from the network of FRSO. Tometi headed the FRSO's Black Alliance for Just Immigration. Curiously with a "staff" of two it got money from major foundations including the Kellogg Foundation for $75,000 and Soros foundations for $100,000, and, again, Ben & Jerry's ($10,000). Tometi got $60,000 in 2014 to direct the group . ..."
"... The BLMF identified itself as being created by top foundations including in addition to the Ford Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation and the Soros Open Society Foundations. They described their role: "The BLMF provides grants, movement building resources, and technical assistance to organizations working advance the leadership and vision of young, Black, queer, feminists and immigrant leaders who are shaping and leading a national conversation about criminalization, policing and race in America." ..."
"... Notably, when we click on the website of M4BL, under their donate button we learn that the donations will go to something called ActBlue Charities. ActBlue facilitates donations to "democrats and progressives." As of May 21, ActBlue had given $119 million to the campaign of Joe Biden. ..."
"... What is clear from only this account of the crucial role of big money foundations behind protest groups such as Black lives Matter is that there is a far more complex agenda driving the protests now destabilizing cities across America. ..."
"... The role of tax-exempt foundations tied to the fortunes of the greatest industrial and financial companies such as Rockefeller, Ford, Kellogg, Hewlett and Soros says that there is a far deeper and far more sinister agenda to current disturbances than spontaneous outrage would suggest. ..."
Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led
regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, "democracy" NGOs
and other groups since the 1980's. They were used in crude form to bring down the Polish
communist regime in the late 1980s. From there the techniques were refined and used, along with
heavy bribes, to topple the Gorbachev regime in the Soviet Union. For anyone who has studied
those models closely, it is clear that the protests against police violence led by amorphous
organizations with names like Black Lives Matter or Antifa are more than purely spontaneous
moral outrage. Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to
not only topple a US President, but in the process, the very structures of the US
Constitutional order.
If we step back from the immediate issue of videos showing a white Minneapolis policeman
pressing his knee on the neck of a black man, George Floyd , and look at what has taken place
across the nation since then, it is clear that certain organizations or groups were
well-prepared to instrumentalize the horrific event for their own agenda.
The protests since May 25 have often begun peacefully only to be taken over by well-trained
violent actors. Two organizations have appeared regularly in connection with the violent
protests -- Black Lives Matter and Antifa (USA). Videos show well-equipped protesters dressed
uniformly in black and masked (not for coronavirus to be sure), vandalizing police cars,
burning police stations, smashing store windows with pipes or baseball bats. Use of Twitter and
other social media to coordinate "hit-and-run" swarming strikes of protest mobs is evident.
What has unfolded since the Minneapolis trigger event has been compared to the wave of
primarily black ghetto protest riots in 1968. I lived through those events in 1968 and what is
unfolding today is far different. It is better likened to the Yugoslav color revolution that
toppled Milosevic in 2000.
Gene Sharp: Template for Regime Overthrow
In the year 2000 the US State Department, aided by its National Endowment for Democracy
(NED) and select CIA operatives, began secretly training a group of Belgrade university
students led by a student group that was called Otpor! (Resistance!). The NED and its various
offshoots was created in the 1980's by CIA head Bill Casey as a covert CIA tool to overthrow
specific regimes around the world under the cover of a human rights NGO. In fact, they get
their money from Congress and from USAID.
In the Serb Otpor! destabilization of 2000, the NED and US Ambassador Richard Miles in
Belgrade selected and trained a group of several dozen students, led by Srđa Popović,
using the handbook, From Dictatorship to Democracy, translated to Serbian, of
the late Gene Sharp and his Albert Einstein Institution. In a post mortem on the Serb events,
the Washington Post wrote, "US-funded consultants played a crucial role behind the scenes in
virtually every facet of the anti-drive, running tracking polls, training thousands of
opposition activists and helping to organize a vitally important parallel vote count. US
taxpayers paid for 5,000 cans of spray paint
used by student activists to scrawl anti-Milošević graffiti on walls across
Trained squads of activists were deployed in protests to take over city blocks with the aid
of 'intelligence helmet' video screens that give them an instantaneous overview of their
environment. Bands of youth converging on targeted intersections in constant dialogue on cell
phones, would then overwhelm police. The US government spent some $41 million on the operation.
Student groups were secretly trained in the Sharp handbook techniques of staging protests that
mocked the authority of the ruling police, showing them to be clumsy and impotent against the
youthful protesters. Professionals from the CIA and US State Department guided them behind the
The Color Revolution Otpor! model was refined and deployed in 2004 as the Ukraine Orange
Revolution with logo and color theme scarves, and in 2003 in Georgia as the Rose Revolution.
Later Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used the template to launch the Arab Spring. In all
cases the NED was involved
with other NGOs including the Soros Foundations.
After defeating Milosevic, Popovic went on to establish a global color revolution training
center, CANVAS, a kind of for-profit business consultancy for revolution, and was personally
present in New York working reportedly with Antifa during the Occupy Wall Street where also
Soros money was reported.
Antifa and BLM
The protests, riots, violent and non-violent actions sweeping across the United States since
May 25, including an assault on the gates of the White House, begin to make sense when we
understand the CIA's Color Revolution playbook.
The impact of the protests would not be possible were it not for a network of local and
state political officials inside the Democratic Party lending support to the protesters, even
to the point the Democrat Mayor of Seattle ordered police to abandon several blocks in the
heart of downtown to occupation by protesters.
In recent years major portions of the Democratic Party across the US have been quietly taken
over by what one could call radical left candidates. Often they win with active backing of
organizations such as Democratic Socialists of America or Freedom Road Socialist Organizations.
In the US House of Representatives the vocal quarter of new representatives around Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib and Minneapolis Representative Ilhan Omar are
all members or close to Democratic Socialists of America. Clearly without sympathetic
Democrat local officials in key cities, the street protests of organizations such as Black
Lives Matter and Antifa would not have such a dramatic impact.
To get a better grasp how serious the present protest movement is we should look at who has
been pouring millions into BLM. The Antifa is more difficult owing to its explicit anonymous
organization form. However, their online Handbook openly recommends that local Antifa "cells"
join up with BLM chapters.
FRSO: Follow the Money
BLM began in 2013 when three activist friends created the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag to
protest the allegations of shooting of an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin by a white
Hispanic block watchman, George Zimmermann. Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi
were all were connected with and financed by front groups tied to something called Freedom Road
Socialist Organization, one of the four largest radical left organizations in the United States
formed out of something called New Communist Movement that dissolved in the 1980s.
On June 12, 2020 the Freedom Road Socialist Organization webpage states, "The time is now to
join a revolutionary organization! Join Freedom Road Socialist Organization If you have been
out in the streets this past few weeks, the odds are good that you've been thinking about the
difference between the kind of change this system has to offer, and the kind of change this
country needs. Capitalism is a failed system that thrives on exploitation, inequality and
oppression. The reactionary and racist Trump administration has made the pandemic worse. The
unfolding economic crisis we are experiencing is the worst since the 1930s. Monopoly capitalism
is a dying system and we need to help finish it off. And that is exactly what Freedom Road
Socialist Organization is
working for ."
In short the protests over the alleged police killing of a black man in Minnesota are now
being used to call for a revolution against capitalism. FRSO is an umbrella for dozens of
amorphous groups including Black Lives Matter or BLM. What is interesting about the
self-described Marxist-Leninist roots of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is not
so much their left politics as much as their very establishment funding by a group of
well-endowed tax-exempt foundations.
Alicia Garza of BLM is also a board member or executive of five different Freedom Road front
groups including 2011 Board chair of Right to the City Alliance, Board member of School of
Unity and Liberation (SOUL), of People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER), Forward
Together and Special Projects director of National Domestic Workers Alliance.
The Right to the City Alliance got $6.5 million between 2011 and 2014 from a number of very
established tax-exempt foundations including the Ford Foundation ($1.9 million), from both of
George Soros's major tax-exempts–Open Society Foundations, and the Foundation to Promote
Open Society for $1.3 million. Also the cornflake-tied Kellogg Foundation $250,000, and
curiously , Ben
& Jerry's Foundation (ice cream) for $30,000.
Garza also got major foundation money as Executive Director of the FRSO front, POWER, where
Obama former "green jobs czar" Van Jones, a self-described "communist" and "rowdy black
nationalist," now with CNN, was on the board. Alicia Garza also chaired the Right to the City
Alliance, a network of activist groups opposing urban gentrification. That front since 2009
received $1.3 million from the Ford Foundation, as well as $600,000 from the Soros foundations
and again, Ben & Jerry's ($50,000).
And Garza's SOUL, which claimed to have trained 712
"organizers" in 2014, when she co-founded Black Lives Matter, got $210,000 from the Rockefeller
Foundation and another $255,000 from the Heinz Foundation (ketchup and John Kerry family) among
others. With the Forward Together of FRSO, Garza sat on the board of a "multi-racial
organization that works with community leaders and organizations to transform culture and
policy to catalyze social change." It officially got $4 million in 2014 revenues and from 2012
and 2014, the organization received a total of $2.9 million from Ford Foundation ($655,000) and
other major
foundations .
Nigeria-born BLM co-founder Opal Tometi likewise comes from the network of FRSO. Tometi
headed the FRSO's Black Alliance for Just Immigration. Curiously with a "staff" of two it got
money from major foundations including the Kellogg Foundation for $75,000 and Soros foundations
for $100,000, and, again, Ben & Jerry's ($10,000). Tometi got $60,000 in 2014 to direct the group .
The Freedom Road Socialist Organization that is now openly calling for a revolution against
capitalism in the wake of the Floyd George killing has another arm, The Advancement Project,
which describes itself as "a next generation, multi-racial civil rights organization." Its
board includes a former Obama US Department of Education Director of Community Outreach and a
former Bill Clinton Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. The FRSO Advancement Project
in 2013 got millions from major US tax-exempt foundations including Ford
($8.5 million), Kellogg ($3 million), Hewlett Foundation of HP defense industry founder ($2.5
million), Rockefeller Foundation ($2.5 million), and Soros foundations ($8.6 million).
Major Money and ActBlue
By 2016, the presidential election year where Hillary Clinton was challenging Donald Trump,
Black Lives Matter had established itself as a well-organized network. That year the Ford
Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund
(BLMF), "a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for
Black Lives coalition" in which BLM was a central part. By then Soros foundations had already
given some $33 million in
grants to the Black Lives Matter movement . This was serious foundation money.
The BLMF identified itself as being created by top foundations including in addition to the
Ford Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation and the Soros Open Society Foundations. They described
their role: "The BLMF provides grants, movement building resources, and technical assistance to
organizations working advance the leadership and vision of young, Black, queer, feminists and
immigrant leaders who are shaping and leading a national
conversation about criminalization, policing and race in America."
The Movement for Black Lives Coalition (M4BL) which includes Black Lives Matter, already in
2016 called for "defunding police departments, race-based reparations, voting rights for
illegal immigrants, fossil-fuel divestment, an end to private education and charter schools, a
universal basic income, and
free college for blacks ."
Notably, when we click on the website of M4BL, under their donate button we learn that the
donations will go to something called ActBlue Charities. ActBlue facilitates donations to
"democrats and progressives." As of May 21, ActBlue had given $119 million to the campaign
of Joe Biden.
That was before the May 25 BLM worldwide protests. Now major corporations such as Apple,
Disney, Nike and hundreds others may be pouring untold and unaccounted millions into ActBlue
under the name of Black Lives Matter, funds that in fact can go to fund the election of a
Democrat President Biden. Perhaps this is the real reason the Biden campaign has been so
confident of support from black voters.
What is clear from only this account of the crucial
role of big money foundations behind protest groups such as Black lives Matter is that there is
a far more complex agenda driving the protests now destabilizing cities across America.
role of tax-exempt foundations tied to the fortunes of the greatest industrial and financial
companies such as Rockefeller, Ford, Kellogg, Hewlett and Soros says that there is a far deeper
and far more sinister agenda to current disturbances than spontaneous outrage would
Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your
email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.
F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in
politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics,
exclusively for the online magazine "New
Eastern Outlook" where this article was originally published. He is a Research Associate of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.
Facts matter. According to the FBI, in 2019, only 49 police were killed in the line of
duty while dealing with felonious suspects. Forty nine. Nearly as many cops were killed that
year in accidents. On the other hand, nearly 1000 suspects/criminals were killed by police in
It is also true that only 9 unarmed Blacks were killed by police in 2019. On the other
hand, 20 unarmed Whites were killed by police that year.
Last year, Black perps killed over 8,000 Americans. The vast majority of the victims were
other Blacks. However, when interracial murders do occur, Blacks lead all other racial/ethnic
groups in this category. Blacks in America–who comprise about 13% of our nation's
population–commit over half of all the homicides. This racial pattern of violence in
America has been true for as long as crime records have been kept.
Conclusion: Blacks are apparently the most dangerous race. Even WEB Dubois complained
about the problem of Black violence a century ago. It persists.
Rioters will be no threat to America. Civil war takes millions of participants.
On the news you see maybe at a max, some 500-1000 people in various cities across America
rioting at 2am in the morning..burning shit. Even if Rioting is happening in 100 cities and a
thousand participants in each riot that is still only 100 X 1000 = 100,000 anarchist making
the news each night?????
America has 328,000,000.00 Citizens. Where is the Civil War??? The Media spins this shit
to epic proportions and scares and terrorizes everyone.
If the guns actually do come out and people start shooting the police and national guard,
trust me the return fire would put a stop to it very quickly.
What we are seeing now is the Police completely restrained and bunch of snowflakes
throwing temper tantrums. If the Police were actually activated and told to crack heads these
snowflakes would flee back to their Mom's basement and resume playing x-box.
A real civil war would mean the immediate arrest and detention of anarchist groups like
BLM. The Department of HomeLand Security would take over and these shit heads would simply
start disappearing arrested and offshored to some interrogation gulag under the Patriot Act
rules of engagement for fighting Terrorism. 00:33 / 00:59
00:00 Next Video × Next Video J.d. Vance Remarks On A New Direction For Pro-worker,
Pro-family Conservatism, Tac Gala, 5-2019 Cancel Autoplay is paused
Why was the person holding the toddler down not arrested also?
As bad as that was, Isaiah Jackson is a criminal with a long record. You can imagine that he
is a depraved young man. But look at what a middle-aged special ed teacher in DeKalb County
(Atlanta) said about Jackson's stunt:
I don't suppose The New York Times , the Washington Post , NPR, or any of the
other mainstream media outlets will trouble themselves to notice this egregious act of racial
hatred a grown black man visited upon a crying white toddler -- all for the cause of Black
Lives Matter. Racial hatred and violence doesn't just go one way. Can you imagine having your
child (white, black, and otherwise) in Brian Papin's class? That man -- both these men -- have
so much race hatred in their hearts.
Whatever the sentiment behind the [BLM] signs and murals, they're triggering racists and
Trump supporters. In a nation built on devaluing and endangering Black people, even a
suggestion of compassion is more than some thin-skinned bigots can abide.
White America needs every possible reminder of its culpability in pushing this nation to
the brink of disaster. Deface every Black Lives Matter mural, and it won't change the urgency
of a movement far bigger and more resilient than a single moment or slogan.
Besides, if politicians, business owners, and ordinary white people are serious about
change, they should replace those Black Lives Matter murals and billboards with another three
words that acknowledge and proclaim the only path toward eradicating systemic racism and
making this nation whole: "End White Supremacy."
Every possible reminder.
UPDATE.3: Another, less onerous case of child abuse on behalf of the BLM cause:
UPDATE.4: Seems to me that Isaiah Jackson might be exploring ways of instantiating
the thoughts and
theories of Prof. Tommy Curry, who has written that all whites are evil and cannot be
counted on to change, and that the only way to achieve black liberation from their malign
influence might be through violence. Would Tommy Curry approve of what this monster Jackson has
done to that child? I'm sure he would not. But this is where his hateful racist rhetoric leads.
If you hold people to be evil by virtue of their race, then in what sense is a child innocent?
Curry wrote in one of his academic papers that there are no innocents when it comes to racism
and colonialism. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Rod Dreher is a senior editor at The American Conservative . He has written and
edited for the New York Post , The Dallas Morning News , National Review ,
the South Florida Sun-Sentinel , the Washington Times , and the Baton Rouge
Advocate . Rod's commentary has been published in The Wall Street Journal ,
Commentary , the Weekly Standard , Beliefnet, and Real Simple, among other
publications, and he has appeared on NPR, ABC News, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and the BBC. He lives
in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with his wife Julie and their three children. He has also written
four books, The Little Way of Ruthie Leming , Crunchy Cons , How Dante Can
Save Your Life , and The Benedict Option .
BLM is mostly about black narcissism. Opportunities for blacks in the USA are not that bad.
And partially the fact that they are unable to use them and lift themselves from poverty like
immigrants from the USSR, who started here without money and knowledge of the language, did tell
us something important.
To a certain extent the live of the part of population in the USSR was as close to slavery
as we can get. And I am not talking only about prisoners of Gulag. Volga Germans (who actually
were invited to the country by Peter the Great) were definitely another such a group,
especially after the start of WWII.
So in some ways the current and previous generations of USA blacks are a privileged part of
the USA population who never experienced this level of hardships, persecution and lived
uneventful but free from severe deprivations life in comparison with the immigrants from the
USSR during this period.
I am the proud grandchild of Germans from Russia immigrants. They were called "Dirty
Russians" and were often paid less than the law required for their stoop work thinning beets
in the fields becaue they could not read English to learn how much they were supposed to be
paid. They had escaped the Bolsheviks who stole their farms for the failed communist
experiments in factory farming and communal farming.
They endured the prejudice with dignity and with a determination that they would work hard
so their children and grandchildren could enjoy the freedoms of the USA. I have the photos of
my grandparents on my mom's and my dad's side as they obtained their citizenship.
Thank you. I think a lot of emigrants from Russia/USSR during the period of 2017-1980 can
relate to this experience.
Cutting the defense budget by a modest 10 percent could provide billions to combat the pandemic, provide health
care and take care of neglected communities.
Capitol Souvenir Company, Inc. via Boston Public Library
Sen. Bernie Sanders is an independent from Vermont.
▶ Click here for the
for reducing defense spending.
Fifty-three years ago Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. challenged all of us to fight against three major evils: "the
evil of racism, the evil of poverty and the evil of war." If there was ever a moment in American history when we
needed to respond to Dr. King's clarion call for justice and demand a "radical revolution of values," now is that
Whether it is fighting against systemic racism and police brutality, defeating the deadliest pandemic in more than
a hundred years, or putting an end to the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, now is the time to
fundamentally change our national priorities.
Sadly, instead of responding to any of these unprecedented crises, the Republican Senate is on a two-week
vacation. When it comes back, its first order of business will be to pass a military spending authorization that
would give the bloated Pentagon $740 billion -- an increase of more than $100 billion since Donald Trump became
Let's be clear: As coronavirus
surging to record levels in states across America, and the lifeline of unemployment benefits keeping 30 million
people afloat expires at the end of the month, the Republican Senate has decided to provide more funding for the
Pentagon than the next 11 nations' military budgets combined.
Under this legislation, over half of our discretionary budget would go to the Department of Defense at a time when
tens of millions of Americans are food insecure and over a half-million Americans are sleeping out on the street.
After adjusting for inflation, this bill would spend more money on the Pentagon than we did during the height of
the Vietnam War even as up to 22 million Americans are in danger of being evicted from their homes and
are still forced to reuse masks, gloves and gowns.
Moreover, this extraordinary level of military spending comes at a time when the Department of Defense is the only
agency of our federal government that has not been able to pass an independent audit, when defense contractors are
making enormous profits while paying their CEOs outrageous compensation packages, and when the so-called War on
Terror will cost some $6 trillion.
Let us never forget what Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a former four-star general, said in 1953:
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from
those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
What Eisenhower said was true 67 years ago, and it is true today.
If the horrific pandemic we are now experiencing has taught us anything it is that national security means a lot
more than building bombs, missiles, nuclear warheads and other weapons of mass destruction. National security also
means doing everything we can to improve the lives of tens of millions of people living in desperation who have
been abandoned by our government decade after decade.
That is why I have introduced an amendment to the Defense Authorization Act that the Senate will be voting on
during the week of July 20th, and the House will follow suit with a companion effort led by Representatives Mark
Pocan (D-Wis.) and Barbara Lee (D-Calif.). Our amendment would reduce the military budget by 10 percent and use
that $74 billion in savings to invest in communities that have been ravaged by extreme poverty, mass
incarceration, decades of neglect and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Under this amendment, distressed cities and towns in every state in the country would be able to use these funds
to create jobs by building affordable housing, schools, childcare facilities, community health centers, public
hospitals, libraries and clean drinking water facilities. These communities would also receive federal funding to
hire more public school teachers, provide nutritious meals to children and parents and offer free tuition at
public colleges, universities or trade schools.
This amendment gives my Senate colleagues a fundamental choice to make. They can vote to spend more money on
endless wars in the Middle East while failing to provide economic security to millions of people in the United
States. Or they can vote to spend less money on nuclear weapons and cost overruns, and more to rebuild struggling
communities in their home states.
In Dr. King's 1967 speech, he warned that "a nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military
defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."
He was right. At a time when half of our people are struggling paycheck to paycheck, when over 40 million
Americans are living in poverty, and when 87 million lack health insurance or are underinsured, we are approaching
spiritual death.
At a time when we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country on Earth, and when
millions of Americans are in danger of going hungry, we are approaching spiritual death.
At a time when we have no national testing program, no adequate production of protective gear and no commitment to
a free vaccine, while remaining the only major country where infections spiral out of control, we are approaching
spiritual death.
At a time when over 60,000 Americans die each year because they can't afford to get to a doctor on time, and one
out of five Americans can't afford the prescription drugs their doctors prescribe, we are approaching spiritual
Now, at this unprecedented moment in American history, it is time to rethink what we value as a society and to
fundamentally transform our national priorities. Cutting the military budget by 10 percent and investing that
money in human needs is a modest way to begin that process. Let's get it done.
The Republican Party released a scathing advertisement against a Marxist Black Lives Matter co-founder.
Taking aim at Patrisse Cullors, the GOP played
a clip from a 2015 interview in which she identified herself and fellow co-founders of the organization as "trained Marxists."
"I actually do think we have an ideological frame. We are trained Marxists," the ad, released on Thursday, shows Cullors saying.
"... In Washington, a taxpayer-funded museum implicitly endorsed this radical rhetoric last week, when it described some basic tenets of American life – rationality and the justice system to name two – as traits of "whiteness" that should be "deconstructed." ..."
"... These catch-all buzzwords make it perfectly OK for rioters to tear down public monuments, loot and pillage stores and businesses, beat other minorities to a pulp, lay siege to police stations, and take up arms against the state. If you disagree with this, however, you're the racist. ..."
In a bizarre video
captured in Portland, Oregon on Saturday night, a man who goes by the name of 'Princess' was punched by a Black Lives Matter
protester, allegedly for the crime of being flamboyantly gay. Both Princess and his attacker are black.
Once Princess was punched,
protesters descended on his attacker and held him as they debated how to mete out justice. Some thought a black man should
punch him. Others argued that punching him was a crime, and a white man should take the fall, because oppression, and systemic
something or other.
"Let the white man do it,"
one black woman shouted. A white man did eventually step
up to the plate and punch the man, and mob justice was served.
Was anything about this
encounter fairer or more just than the criminal justice system that BLM wants abolished? Because abolishment is what they
want, and this is not just a fringe position among their more loudmouth activists. The Black Lives Matter Global Movement
lists defunding police departments as a top priority, and they're winning.
Just ask the NYPD, who've
seen their plainclothes unit disbanded, a billion dollars slashed from their budget, and more than two dozen officers assigned
to protect a 'Black Lives Matter' mural on Fifth Avenue.
Some go further. Speaking
in Portland on Friday, Lilith Sinclair – a self-described
"afro-indigenous non-binary
local organizer"
– called for the abolition of the
"United States as we know it."
Washington, a taxpayer-funded museum implicitly
radical rhetoric last week, when it described some basic tenets of American life – rationality and the justice system to name
two – as traits of
that should be
The problem with
deconstructing the notions of blind justice that have held the USA together until now is that BLM offers nothing to replace
them but the nebulous and constantly shifting ideas of
"power," "privilege,"
self-righteous commissars have used these ideas to act out all manner of personal prejudices.
Like activist Monica
Cannon-Grant, a columnist with the Boston Globe and darling of the Democratic establishment in Massachusetts. She's currently
campaigning to get progressive Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley re-elected, and recently recorded a video slandering Pressley's
opponent, black Republican Rayla Campbell.
According to Cannon-Grant, Campbell is betraying her
by remaining married
to a white man, and isn't a real
because of the
penises [she] rides."
This is a woman described by the Boston press as the face of the Black Lives Matter movement in the
Even more bizarre are the
white BLM activists who took turns hurling
at a black police officer in Portland last week. Racism, it seems, is perfectly fine when it's directed at a cop,
because oppression, and systemic something or other.
These catch-all buzzwords
make it perfectly OK for rioters to
public monuments,
pillage stores and businesses,
other minorities
to a pulp, lay siege to police stations, and
up arms
against the state. If you disagree with this, however, you're the racist.
We all have our
prejudices, and that's OK. Contrary to what many believe, these assumptions are
our brains through thousands of years of evolution. Though we no longer fear spears and arrows from rival tribes, we still
favor our own
and are wary of those who appear and act differently. We
don't just exhibit racial preferences, but also
those of a similar gender or sexual orientation, or those who support the same sports team.
America's criminal justice
system, for all its faults, has been astoundingly effective until now in creating a harmonious environment for the various
tribes and ethnicities that call the US home.
On the other hand, the
Black Lives Matter movement has been effective in codifying the prejudices of a small number of black Americans and deciding
that this ethno-narcissism and in-group preference should supplant that system. BLM's enablers in the media and in Washington
have decided that to be on the
"right side of history,"
the rest of America must
throw their support behind this ethno-narcissism.
Sooner or later, whatever
its actual wording, the Pledge of Allegiance will translate as
"with liberty and justice
for all, depending on your privilege, and systemic something or other."
It will be an example of the "Bradley Effect" only if this transparent effort to depress
turn-out succeeds and Trump supporters stay home because they think his re-election is
However, unless what we are seeing is some kind of rope-a-dope, the President's own
behavior so far may depress the votes among those who in 2016 put him over the top. I am one
of these.
That's true that Trump was a disappointment for many (probably majority) of low and middle
income voters who voted for him in 2016. But I think more powerful factors are now in play that
can override Trump inaptness and his betrayal of voters and his election promises.
The BLM movement codified the prejudices of black ethno-nationalists and is fully supported
by neoliberal Dems as the last desperate attempt to topple Trump. Kind of "stage three" of the
Purple color revolution (with Russiagate and Ukrainegate as previous two).
Effectively, neoliberal Dems decided that ethno-narcissism and in-group preference can serve
as a smoke screen of their coziness to Wall Street and their utter disregard of the interests
of common Americans in having decent jobs and stemming the sliding standard of living (which
led a large part of working class to vote for Trump in 2016).
They bet that can became the new ideology of Democratic Party creating rag tag coalition
from disaffected minorities and East and West Coast financial and technocratic elite as well as
selected groups of professionals. In short the groups who are net winners from neoliberal
globalization and are not that affected by outsourcing of jobs. I think this is a huge
IMHO this might became a very powerful, may be the decisive factor that favors Trump in 2020
In fact, I suspect that BLM enablers in the neoliberal MSM actually are working for Trump
re-election. In no way the rest of America will throw their support behind ethno-narcissism and
BLM bigoted underbelly with the new Red Guards running amok.
These catch-all buzzwords about racial justice make it perfectly OK for rioters to tear down
public monuments, loot and pillage stores and businesses, beat others who do not conform to
their views, lay siege to police stations, and take up arms against the state. If you disagree
with this, however, you're the racist. This trick will not work.
Truth be told, the USA criminal justice system, for all its faults, has been reasonably fair
and effective in creating a harmonious environment for the various tribes that exist in modern
And it egregious to call the USA a racist country, if we compare it for example with Israel
or even Russia, to say nothing about various "stans", or China.
Just look at the cost of smartphone that they display at the riots and you instantly get a
certain impression about income of their parents
Notable quotes:
"... And their radicalism would be resisted, Lasch predicted, not by the upper reaches of society, or the leaders of Big Philanthropy or the Corporate Billionaires. These latter, rather, would be its facilitators and financiers." ..."
A section quoted by Crooke in the piece karlof1 linked to
"A social revolution that would be pushed forward by radical children of the bourgeoisie.
Their leaders would have almost nothing to say about poverty or unemployment. Their demands
would be centred on utopian ideals: diversity and racial justice – ideals pursued with
the fervour of an abstract, millenarian ideology.
And their radicalism would be resisted, Lasch predicted, not by the upper reaches of
society, or the leaders of Big Philanthropy or the Corporate Billionaires. These latter,
rather, would be its facilitators and financiers."
And Crooke's thoughts..
"So, what can we make of all this? The US has suddenly exploded into, on the one hand,
culture cancelation, and on the other, into silent seething at the lawlessness, and at all
the statues toppled. It is a nation becoming angrier, and edging towards violence.
One segment of the country believes that America is inherently and institutionally
racist, and incapable of self-correcting its flawed founding principles – absent the
required chemotherapy to kill-off the deadly mutated cells of its past history, traditions
and customs.
Another, affirms those principles that underlay America's 'golden age'; which made
America great; and which, in their view, are precisely those qualities which can make it
great again."
Right now, BLM is a cash cow for the Democrats, earning them a whopping $1.67 billion in
corporate donations so far, with a billion of that coming from Bank of America.
Here's a chart of that HUGE donation pool on BLM:
However, the problem is that, if you go to the organization's webpage and hit the "donate"
button, you're not actually giving that money to BLM. Instead, it takes you to a page for a
group called ActBlue.
What is ActBlue?
ActBlue is a not-for-profit organization that "enables left-leaning nonprofits, Democrats,
and progressive groups to raise money on the Internet by providing them with online fundraising
And they say their mission is to "empower small-dollar donors".
Somebody must have forgotten to tell corporate America that little tidbit.
But there's more
If you go to, a site that tracks where the money goes in charity, you'll get
an idea of where ActBlue's money goes.
Now, this claim has been disputed by both ActBlue and BLM, but it's hard not to see how this
connection could be made between the money BLM is raking in and these massive ActBlue
donations. If this is true, if BLM is nothing more than a donation front for the DNC, would
that change anybody's mind about giving to them?
"... By David Kerans , historian of Russia and financial analyst. He has held appointments at Harvard, Stanford, and Yale Universities, as well as at Wall Street investment houses. ..."
"... "It sees America as in its essence not about freedom but oppression. It argues, in fact, that all the ideals about individual liberty, religious freedom, limited government, and the equality of all human beings were always a falsehood to cover for and justify and entrench the enslavement of human beings under the fiction of race. It wasn't that these values competed with the poison of slavery, and eventually overcame it . It's that the liberal system is itself a form of white supremacy ..."
"... "This view of the world certainly has "moral clarity." What it lacks is moral complexity. No country can be so reduced to one single prism and damned because of it. American society has far more complexity and history has far more contingency than can be jammed into this rubric." ..."
"... " the banks frankly own the place." ..."
"... "wall of propaganda" ..."
"... "racial capitalism" ..."
"... "cancel culture" ..."
"... "all lives matter" ..."
"... "silence is violence" ..."
"... "Putin apologist." ..."
"... " a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate in favor of ideological conformity" ..."
"... "a vogue for public shaming and ostracism", a "tendency to dissolve complex policy issues in a blinding moral certainty" ..."
"... "calls for swift and severe retribution in response to perceived transgressions of speech and thought." ..."
"... "resistance must not be allowed to harden into its own brand of dogma or coercion," ..."
"... "We are already paying the price in greater risk aversion among writers, artists, and journalists, who fear for their livelihoods if they depart from the consensus or even lack sufficient zeal in agreement. This stifling atmosphere will ultimately harm the most vital causes of our time." ..."
"... Think your friends would be interested? Share this story! ..."
, historian of Russia and financial analyst. He has held appointments at Harvard, Stanford, and Yale
Universities, as well as at Wall Street investment houses.
Should the issue of racism really trump all of America's other flaws, such as runaway wealth inequality, out of control
military spending, a corrupt finance system, an oligarchic mass media, and a throttled democracy?
Headcounters inform us
that 15 to 25 million people have turned up in the past six weeks for demonstrations related to Black Lives Matter (BLM),
making this one of the biggest waves of civic engagement in American history. A few reforms to policing are under discussion,
and we see some shifts in political leanings – polls indicate enthusiasm for Trump ebbing, pessimism about the direction of
the country rising, and support for reduced funding of police departments. But surely something broader is afoot?
It isn't difficult to see
that the BLM movement is making a real mark in two ways. In the conceptual realm, many BLM-supporting scholars are promoting
an unabashedly narrow understanding of the driving forces of American history and power structures, ardently centered on
On the ground, meanwhile, a strong current of left illiberalism has taken shape, wherein a minority of strident activists are
imposing their orthodoxy on race-related matters with a fervor approaching Red Scare McCarthyism.
Andrew Sullivan
, writing in The Intelligencer, has aptly characterized BLM's analytical approach:
"It sees America as in its essence not about freedom but oppression. It argues, in fact,
that all the ideals about individual liberty, religious freedom, limited government, and the equality of all human beings were
always a falsehood to cover for and justify and entrench the enslavement of human beings under the fiction of race. It wasn't
that these values competed with the poison of slavery, and eventually overcame it . It's that the liberal system is itself a
form of white supremacy
"This view of the world certainly has "moral clarity." What it lacks is moral
complexity. No country can be so reduced to one single prism and damned because of it. American society has far more
complexity and history has far more contingency than can be jammed into this rubric."
Allow yourself a moment to
survey the country's primary problems. Your list might include:
Runaway global warming,
plausibly a threat to all forms of life on earth within the foreseeable future.
A finance system that
fuels corruption and capital flight from all over the world to
meaning primarily UK dependencies and the US – thereby hollowing out their tax bases, and ours. The amounts are staggering, in
the tens of trillions of
Runaway wealth inequality,
which correlates
every measurable human pathology, across every geography, across all wealth groups. The biological consequences of the
stresses accompanying inequality are heavy, and even punish the
as Richard G Wilkinson and Kate Pickett elaborate throughout their book The Spirit Level.
About 150 million
with chronic disease, attributable partly to pollution from pesticides, plastics, pharmaceuticals, etc, and, likely also to
the stress effects of wealth inequality.
The Pentagon's colossal
budget –
thus unaccountable to Congress – sucking out ever increasing resources, and inclining the US to stoke international tensions
so as to justify the river of money.
A higher-education constellation steered more to producing profit than mature citizens, with a consequent erosion of America's
various planes.
A throttled democracy,
where the trivial controls over campaign fundraising allow big-money donors and corporations to influence politicians. Senator
(D-Illinois) expressed his despair about crafting meaningful banking regulations back in 2009:
" the
banks frankly own the place."
And so the stimulus package gives hundreds of billions to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin with
virtually no
with corrupt
but without public uproar.
An oligarchic mass media
that erects a
"wall of propaganda"
(political commentator Cenk Uygur's phrasing)
against anything smelling like social democracy – and, I would add, any gesture of rapprochement with Russia, among other
taboo subjects, including climate change, and military
Are any of these issues
dependent on the legacy of American slavery? America has myriad challenges to face, the vestiges of slavery and racism among
them, not above them. Contorting analytical approaches to prioritize the perspective of racial oppression obscures more than
it illuminates. America needs citizens better informed on all of the crises listed above.
The trajectory of the
George Floyd demonstrations seems to illustrate the risk of BLM becoming myopic.
in the academy insist that the goal is to end
"racial capitalism"
via a
social democracy, but the race-grievance dimension – once presented as all-eclipsing – drowns out all other messages. And so
the mass media has easily channeled the demonstrations into very narrow terrain: demands to reduce police budgets and ensure
accountability for rogue cops. (Not so long ago, be it noted, BLM leadership cozied up to numerous corporate donors, and has
looked decidedly not revolutionary to keen critics such as social commentator
Meanwhile, BLM's
self-righteous repudiation of America has found potent application in its culture wars. An armada of aggressive online
social-justice warriors has honed a seemingly unbridled
"cancel culture"
including iconoclasm (toppling statues, for example), conformity control (condemning the phrase
lives matter"
, or anything
might somehow
messaging), demanding participatory anti-racism on their terms (
"silence is violence"
), denunciations (branding any level of skepticism racist, and often insisting that beliefs straying from their
line threaten the physical safety of black
and punishment. Plenty of people accused of racism – or simply racial insensitivity, or
have been fired, some even after making self-abasing confessions to their perceived sins, because their employer fears the
wrath of the woke mob.
BLM did not invent any
dimension of cancel culture, ie, the exclusion of tainted persons, groups or institutions from communication venues or
respectful attention. Recall, for instance, the McCarthyist anti-communist witch hunts, or the establishment's branding of
anyone doubting the Russiagate narrative as a
"Putin apologist."
But BLM's
stridency and moral certitude has fomented cancel culture.
Cancel culture is not
risk-free to progressive causes. In 2017, its #metoo emanation claimed the career of Senator Al Franken, one of the most
progressive senators – an outcome many of his colleagues
And this is not an epiphenomenon. On July 7, Harper's Magazine published an
from more than 150 cultural luminaries, including left-wing icons Noam Chomsky and Gloria Steinem, expressing grave
alarm over
" a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken
our norms of open debate in favor of ideological conformity"
"a vogue for public
shaming and ostracism", a "tendency to dissolve complex policy issues in a blinding moral certainty"
, and
for swift and severe retribution in response to perceived transgressions of speech and thought."
They warn that
must not be allowed to harden into its own brand of dogma or coercion,"
and lament the cowardly obedience of corporate
and university leaders in bowing to digital woke-mob demands.
"We are already paying the
price in greater risk aversion among writers, artists, and journalists, who fear for their livelihoods if they depart from the
consensus or even lack sufficient zeal in agreement. This stifling atmosphere will ultimately harm the most vital causes of
our time."
Let's hope that message
gets through.
Think your friends would be
interested? Share this story!
Opal Tometi is the daughter of Nigerian immigrants . She is the oldest
of three children and has two younger brothers. She grew up in Phoenix, Arizona , and now lives in
Brooklyn, New
York . She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from the University of Arizona[10] and a
Masters in Communication and Advocacy from Arizona State University . On May
7, 2016, she received an honorary doctor of science degree from Clarkson University . [11] Tometi is
a former Case Manager for survivors of domestic violence and still provides community education
on the issue.
Tometi worked as Co-Director and Communications Director, prior to becoming Executive
Director of BAJI. Her contributions included leading organizing efforts for a rally for
immigrant justice and the first Congressional briefing on black immigrants in Washington DC.
[ citation needed ]
Garza was born in Oakland, California , on January 4,
1981. She grew up as Alicia Schwartz in Marin County in a mixed-raced and
mixed-religion household, with a Jewish stepfather and an African American mother.
[1] Garza
identifies as Jewish. [2] The family ran an
antiques business, assisted later by her younger brother, Joey. [1] In her teens,
Alicia engaged in activism, promoting school sex education about birth control . [3] Enrolling in the
University of California,
San Diego (UCSD), she continued her activism by joining the student association and calling
for higher pay for the university's janitors. In her final year at college, she helped organize
the first Women of Color Conference, a university-wide convocation held at UCSD in 2002.
[4] She graduated in 2002
with a degree in anthropology and sociology. [5]
In 2003 she met Malachi Garza, 24, a transgender man and a community activist. In 2004,
Alicia came out as queer to
her family. In 2008, she married Malachi and took the name Garza, settling in Oakland . [1][3]
Career [
edit ]Black Lives Matter [
edit ]stop saying we are not surprised. that's a damn shame in itself. I continue
to be surprised at how little Black lives matter. And I will continue that. stop giving up on
black life. Black people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter.
Alicia Garza's Facebook post on July 13, 2013, responsible for sparking the Black
Lives Matter movement [6]
With Opal Tometi and
Patrisse Cullors ,
Garza birthed the Black Lives Matter hashtag.
[7][8] Garza is credited
with inspiring the slogan when, after the July 2013 acquittal of George Zimmerman of murder in the death of
Trayvon Martin , she
posted on Facebook "I
continue to be surprised at how little Black lives matter... Our lives matter." Cullors shared
this with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. She was also struck by the similarities of Trayvon Martin to her younger
brother, Joey, feeling that it could have been him killed instead. [9] The organization
Black Lives Matter was spurred on by the killings of black people by police in recent media and
racial disparities within the U.S. criminal legal system. Concerns were over violence from the
police, mass incarceration ,
militarization , and over-criminalization . [10] In
particular, the movement was born and Garza's post became popularized after protests emerged in
Missouri , where an unarmed black teenager was shot and killed by a white police officer.
Garza led the 2015 Freedom Ride to Ferguson, organized by Cullors and Darnell Moore that launched the building
of BlackLivesMatter chapters across the United States and the world. [12] However, Garza
does not think of the Black Lives Matter Movement as ever being created. She feels her work is
only a continuation of the resistance led by black people in America.
[10] The movement and
Garza are credited for popularizing the use of social media for mass mobilization in the United
States; a practice called "mediated mobilization". This practice has been used by other
movements such as the #MeToo movement . [13]
Movement for Black Lives was created following concerns over the way that Black Lives
Matter had become synonymous with the Ferguson riots . The Movement for Black Lives is the largest
group inside the Black Lives Matter movement's network. This group directs their activism based on Garza's advocacy style, [ dubious
– discuss ] which works
outside of the existing power structure as a way to avoid what they see as the organizational
failures of past black activist groups. They reject traditional tactics and avoid making
connections and compromises with politicians. The group also puts those with the most
marginalized identities in leadership positions. In 2015, The Movement for
Black Lives created the Policy Table in an attempt to translate their goals into a policy
platform. This involved initiatives that give bail money to black mothers who could not afford
it and a land-rights initiative. [10]
Cullors was born in Los Angeles, California. She grew up in Pacoima , a low-income neighborhood in
the San Fernando
Valley . [1] She became an
activist early in life, joining the Bus Riders Union as a
teenager. [1]
Cullors recalls being forced from her home at sixteen when she revealed her queer identity to her parents.
[2] She was
involved with the Jehovah's Witnesses as a child, but
later grew disillusioned with the church. She developed an interest in the Nigerian religious
tradition of Ifá ,
incorporating its rituals into political protest events. She told an interviewer:
For me, seeking spirituality had a lot to do with trying to seek understanding about my
conditions -- how these conditions shape me in my everyday life and how I understand them as
part of a larger fight, a fight for my life. [3]
She later earned a degree in religion and philosophy from UCLA . [1]
Cullors teaches at Otis College of Art and
Design in the Public Practice Program. [4] She also teaches in
the Master's Arts in Social Justice and Community Organizing at Prescott College.
Cullors credits social
media being instrumental in revealing violence against African Americans, saying: "On a
daily basis, every moment, black folks are being bombarded with images of our death ... It's
literally saying, 'Black people, you might be next. You will be next, but in hindsight it will
be better for our nation, the less of our kind, the more safe it will be." [12]
The root cause of all those flash points are Anglo-American -Israelis Imperialism. Lets
not pretend US-UK-Israel are not joined at the hip. Thats where much of the anti-American
sentiment comes from. Most of the protesters are white who were ticked off at the lockdowns
and police excesses (arresting Moms taking kids to park) but MSM hijacked the narrative. Many
also are tired of our foreign conflicts and income inequality at home, not to mention
ridiculous incarceration rates for non violent crimes (highest in world).
The BLM narrative is an attempt to divide the country and prevent people from uniting
against a common enemy. They are the elite corporate-Government-philanthropic partnership
that seeks to restructure society and push through a global reset after destroying the real
economy. Order out of chaos.
"I am referring to how the US society will deal with a virulently anti-US coalition of
minorities which hate this country and everything, good and bad that it stood for in the
past. Right now the US elites are committing national suicide by not only failing to oppose,
but also by actively supporting the BLM thugs and everything they stand for: BLM & Co.
remind me of Ukronazis whose main expression of national identity is to hate everything
Russian – the BLM thugs do the same thing: their entire worldview is pure hatred of the
hetero White male and the western civilization; and just as the Ukies regale each other with
stories about the "ancient Ukrs" the BLM folks imagine that they will somehow turn the US
into a type Wakanda before expelling (or worse) all those who are not willing to hand over
their country to roaming gangs of illiterate thugs."
That nonsense is right out of the likudite divisive psywar front called american
conservative talk radio: limbaugh*, hannity, levin and the rest of the zionazi-(very)gay
extremist shills that make up the bulk of the neocon psywar machine. Sad to see saker reduce
himself to that very low level of neocon horse manure, but when massa calls, the beholden
*limbaugh is dying of lung cancer, poor guy that Karma's a suka. ;-D
The saker is over exaggerating the impact of the US marxists inc BLM.
It's all media controlled, they control the heat at any given moment, when things start
getting out of hand or against the direction they want it to go they just launch a media
blackout. Simple.
All the media companies are controlled by the same people, just like our reality.
If / when Biden gets in you won't hear about BLM anymore, it's all switched off just like
This article is good as always, but the conclusion has a fishy sheen of Economist
glibness: like the Economist, it sounds good, except when you know something about the topic;
then you start thinking, wait, maybe the arcane exotic stuff is all wet too.
The BLM analysis up there is pure ideology, and frankly silly. BLM is nerf protest,
pretend revolution, a feckless diversion from the aims of this authentic and spontaneous
rebellion. The black guys in the streets know it's bullshit and they say so. BLM is
Democrats frantically trying to climb on the bandwagon and hijack it, divert it toward
innocuous crap. Pulling down statues is the least threatening activity this regime can
Statues have nothing whatever to do with American culture or folkways. Statues are civic
religion, not culture. BLM is government cheese, like Washington on a horse. You should be
watching M4BL, it's their rebellion. And what do they want? The one thing that will destroy
this regime. Peace. Not hippy-dippy peace but the human right to peace in the full meaning of
the Santiago Declaration before US satellites bowdlerized it as a resolution. M4BL and its
memory-holed NGO allies want to end state violence at home and abroad through struggle and
international solidarity. They're determined to stop US aggression and repression. That will
destroy the USA as we know it. Which is exactly what we need.
Tucker Carlson escalated the ongoing war between FOX News and CNN Wednesday, bringing
attention to Don Lemon for breathtaking hypocrisy on issues of black family culture.
TUCKER CARLSON: If you're running a channel like CNN, you want dumb people on tv because
they are compliant. They will say what they are told. They will tell the audience with the
moment demands. They will level stray from the script and that's exactly what Mr. Lemon is
doing. Seven years ago it was a different country and people were kind of a lot to say what
they thought was true. At the time, here's what Don Lemon was saying about black communities.
Watch this.
DON LEMON: More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of
wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an
express train right to prison and the cycle continues. So, please, black folks, as I said if
this doesn't apply to you, I'm not talking to you. Pay attention to and think about what has
been presented in recent history as acceptable behavior. Pay close attention to the hip-hop and
rap culture that many of you embrace. A culture that glorifies everything I just mentioned,
thug and reprehensible behavior, a culture that is making a lot of people rich, just not you.
And it's not going to.
TUCKER CARLSON: Wow. Can you imagine what would happen if Don Lemon or his bodybuilding
buddy over there or any of these people said something like that? On CNN tonight or MSNBC? It
would be their last live broadcast ever. They would be fired immediately. You can't express
views like that. So they don't.
Let me be clear: Cops are
not shooting black men
for no reason . Things are better for blacks today than for most of our history and for
anywhere else .
But the fact remains that impressions are real. Many blacks really do think they should fear
police and other government agencies. We must accept this. Denying it, or explaining why blacks
have nothing to fear, is pointless.
A historical analogy: Blacks' fears and resentments are reminiscent of those among
Sudeten-Germans in
the Czechoslovak Republic before World War II. When the
Austro-Hungarian Empire was dismantled in 1918, the German-speaking people of Bohemia , later called Sudetenland , suddenly found
themselves under Czech rule. Most non-German observers thought the country was a bastion of
democracy in Central Europe. But the Sudeten-Germans, like American blacks, did not perceive
the state in which they lived as democratic or even fair.
It is a hard thing to be ruled by an alien race; and I have been left with the impression
that Czechoslovak rule in the Sudeten areas for the last twenty years, though not actually
oppressive and certainly not 'terroristic,' has been marked by tactlessness, lack of
understanding, petty intolerance and discrimination, to a point where the resentment of the
German population was inevitably moving in the direction of revolt.
Like the Sudeten-Germans , American
blacks are "moving in the direction of revolt." They have been ruled by an "alien race" much
more alien than the
Czechs were to the Germans, the period of rule has been 400 long years, mostly in
Runciman wisely suggested that the Sudeten-German areas be ceded to Germany for the good of
both nations. His mistake was thinking that
Adolf Hitler was an honest broker and would maintain the deal struck at Munich, but that
aside, Runciman's proposal was a form of restitution; i.e., giving the Sudeten-Germans some
form of justice, however imperfect it might have been.
a: a restoration of something to its
rightful owner
b: a making good of or giving an equivalent for some injury
2: a legal action serving to cause restoration of a previous state
Restoring a "previous state," returning blacks to the state before the wrong was done, is
the restitution the U.S. should offer to repair the damage done by slavery.
Let's return to the situation before 1619, when the first African slaves
landed in Virginia, before the transatlantic
shipment of millions of Africans to the New World for sale.
Marcus Garvey, in my opinion the greatest black leader in modern history, created the
Universal Negro Improvement Association to just that end. His group purchased steamships to
return blacks to their motherland.
Unhappily, the era's Cheap Labor lobby encouraged the government to charge him with mail
fraud, leading to his
deportation from the U.S. (he was a Jamaican immigrant) and to
the collapse of his 5-million-strong movement, the largest black movement in our history.
Cheap black labor was more important than the freedom and well-being of blacks or the end of
the racial problems in the United States for those long-ago Chamber of Commerce
The Black Muslim faith was founded on the concept of the return to the Motherland as well,
although current black Muslims seem content with trying to create a back state here or taking
over the US altogether.
And before them both, of course, was the American Colonization Society
, formed in 1816 to encourage the voluntary emigration of blacks. Its members and supporters
included James Madison ,
Henry Clay, and,
famously, Abe Lincoln himself, although the 16th president stopped talking about the idea
after the War Between the States.
How practical it was to send blacks back to Africa by sailing or steamship will never be
known. But today, international airline travel is affordable to all: a
ticket from the U.S. to Ghana, host of the 2019 Year of Return , can be had
for less than $1,000 . Airline capacity to Africa appears to be enormous and underused,
which offers any large-scale program of return the possibility of substantial per-seat savings
[ Africa Aviation Outlook 2019: Change may be in the air – at last ,, January 31, 2019].
As well, $14 trillion in reparations for slavery, as proposed by Black Entertainment
Television founder Robert Johnson, would easily cover the cost of sending all 37.1 million
American blacks to Africa, with more than $10 trillion left for generous resettlement packages.
BET founder Robert Johnson calls for $14 trillion of reparations for slavery, CNBC,
June 1, 2020]
That's a lot of money. But it also solves a problem, at least for blacks who feel hunted and
unsafe in the white jungle.
Of course, returning to Africa should be voluntary, and blacks who consider themselves
Americans and do not feel hunted or discriminated against should not be forced to return to a
country and continent they do not know or even want to know.
But for the BLM activists, for those convinced the deck in the U.S. is stacked against them,
repatriation permanently repairs the continuing "legacy of slavery." To participate, blacks
would have to renounce American citizenship and accept the passport of an African country.
But the hard fact is, opportunity often comes knocking disguised as hard work. Ten million
or 15 million English-speaking blacks with American know-how and a pocket full of resettlement
money would certainly spur economic growth for the whole region, and perhaps counterbalance the
growing Chinese infiltration of the continent. Some have already moved there at their own
cost, and are happy to be in the land of their people.
A return to the Motherland -- restitution in kind -- would give social, mental, emotional,
economic and perhaps even physical benefits to American blacks.
For whites in the Historic American Nation, it would give all the same -- plus the added
knowledge that the debt of slavery is paid in full, this country's
original sin , as it is always called, washed away.
Divorce is another and somewhat more familiar way to think of it. The marriage of the two
main racial groups here has never worked and has not turned out well despite all efforts for
improvement -- as the founders of the American Colonization Society, not least
The Great Emancipator himself, predicted
Four hundred years in, the death of one man can lead to near rebellion, destruction of our
cities and death on the streets. A bad marriage needs to be ended, so let's start talking about
property division and payout.
It's time to face the truth and recognize that Marcus Garvey was right, and that the U.S.
would be wise to fund the only possible and reasonable form of restitution for slavery -- an
orderly resettlement to the Motherland of those blacks who believe they are oppressed
155 years after the end of slavery and 50 years after the Voting and Civil Rights acts.
Let me be clear: Cops are
not shooting black men
for no reason . Things are better for blacks today than for most of our history and for
anywhere else .
But the fact remains that impressions are real. Many blacks really do think they should fear
police and other government agencies. We must accept this. Denying it, or explaining why blacks
have nothing to fear, is pointless.
A historical analogy: Blacks' fears and resentments are reminiscent of those among
Sudeten-Germans in
the Czechoslovak Republic before World War II. When the
Austro-Hungarian Empire was dismantled in 1918, the German-speaking people of Bohemia , later called Sudetenland , suddenly found
themselves under Czech rule. Most non-German observers thought the country was a bastion of
democracy in Central Europe. But the Sudeten-Germans, like American blacks, did not perceive
the state in which they lived as democratic or even fair.
It is a hard thing to be ruled by an alien race; and I have been left with the impression
that Czechoslovak rule in the Sudeten areas for the last twenty years, though not actually
oppressive and certainly not 'terroristic,' has been marked by tactlessness, lack of
understanding, petty intolerance and discrimination, to a point where the resentment of the
German population was inevitably moving in the direction of revolt.
Like the Sudeten-Germans , American
blacks are "moving in the direction of revolt." They have been ruled by an "alien race" much
more alien than the
Czechs were to the Germans, the period of rule has been 400 long years, mostly in
Runciman wisely suggested that the Sudeten-German areas be ceded to Germany for the good of
both nations. His mistake was thinking that
Adolf Hitler was an honest broker and would maintain the deal struck at Munich, but that
aside, Runciman's proposal was a form of restitution; i.e., giving the Sudeten-Germans some
form of justice, however imperfect it might have been.
a: a restoration of something to its
rightful owner
b: a making good of or giving an equivalent for some injury
2: a legal action serving to cause restoration of a previous state
Restoring a "previous state," returning blacks to the state before the wrong was done, is
the restitution the U.S. should offer to repair the damage done by slavery.
Let's return to the situation before 1619, when the first African slaves
landed in Virginia, before the transatlantic
shipment of millions of Africans to the New World for sale.
Marcus Garvey, in my opinion the greatest black leader in modern history, created the
Universal Negro Improvement Association to just that end. His group purchased steamships to
return blacks to their motherland.
Unhappily, the era's Cheap Labor lobby encouraged the government to charge him with mail
fraud, leading to his
deportation from the U.S. (he was a Jamaican immigrant) and to
the collapse of his 5-million-strong movement, the largest black movement in our history.
Cheap black labor was more important than the freedom and well-being of blacks or the end of
the racial problems in the United States for those long-ago Chamber of Commerce
The Black Muslim faith was founded on the concept of the return to the Motherland as well,
although current black Muslims seem content with trying to create a back state here or taking
over the US altogether.
And before them both, of course, was the American Colonization Society
, formed in 1816 to encourage the voluntary emigration of blacks. Its members and supporters
included James Madison ,
Henry Clay, and,
famously, Abe Lincoln himself, although the 16th president stopped talking about the idea
after the War Between the States.
How practical it was to send blacks back to Africa by sailing or steamship will never be
known. But today, international airline travel is affordable to all: a
ticket from the U.S. to Ghana, host of the 2019 Year of Return , can be had
for less than $1,000 . Airline capacity to Africa appears to be enormous and underused,
which offers any large-scale program of return the possibility of substantial per-seat savings
[ Africa Aviation Outlook 2019: Change may be in the air – at last ,, January 31, 2019].
As well, $14 trillion in reparations for slavery, as proposed by Black Entertainment
Television founder Robert Johnson, would easily cover the cost of sending all 37.1 million
American blacks to Africa, with more than $10 trillion left for generous resettlement packages.
BET founder Robert Johnson calls for $14 trillion of reparations for slavery, CNBC,
June 1, 2020]
That's a lot of money. But it also solves a problem, at least for blacks who feel hunted and
unsafe in the white jungle.
Of course, returning to Africa should be voluntary, and blacks who consider themselves
Americans and do not feel hunted or discriminated against should not be forced to return to a
country and continent they do not know or even want to know.
But for the BLM activists, for those convinced the deck in the U.S. is stacked against them,
repatriation permanently repairs the continuing "legacy of slavery." To participate, blacks
would have to renounce American citizenship and accept the passport of an African country.
But the hard fact is, opportunity often comes knocking disguised as hard work. Ten million
or 15 million English-speaking blacks with American know-how and a pocket full of resettlement
money would certainly spur economic growth for the whole region, and perhaps counterbalance the
growing Chinese infiltration of the continent. Some have already moved there at their own
cost, and are happy to be in the land of their people.
A return to the Motherland -- restitution in kind -- would give social, mental, emotional,
economic and perhaps even physical benefits to American blacks.
For whites in the Historic American Nation, it would give all the same -- plus the added
knowledge that the debt of slavery is paid in full, this country's
original sin , as it is always called, washed away.
Divorce is another and somewhat more familiar way to think of it. The marriage of the two
main racial groups here has never worked and has not turned out well despite all efforts for
improvement -- as the founders of the American Colonization Society, not least
The Great Emancipator himself, predicted
Four hundred years in, the death of one man can lead to near rebellion, destruction of our
cities and death on the streets. A bad marriage needs to be ended, so let's start talking about
property division and payout.
It's time to face the truth and recognize that Marcus Garvey was right, and that the U.S.
would be wise to fund the only possible and reasonable form of restitution for slavery -- an
orderly resettlement to the Motherland of those blacks who believe they are oppressed
155 years after the end of slavery and 50 years after the Voting and Civil Rights acts.
Back home, no doubt, they will be "free at last, free at last, Lord God almighty, free at
Their home is America. Not sure I agree with reparations. That would certainly make things
worse. The elite would soon find a way to get their hands on most of them.
Reparations if paid should be paid by the British-and EU. The US ended the legal
importation of slaves upon its formation. Obviously, a few states controlled by a small
number of large plantation owners continued the practice until the Civil War ended it as
punishment for trying to break free of the North.
Lets also not forget the many indentured servants (estimated at 300,000) many of whom were
forced to the colonies against their will ( irish catholics and England's/Scotlands poor). In
theory they were free after working a number of years as slaves but this was not always
enforced. Also because the holder of the indentured servant was not the owner, some were
treated even more poorly than African slaves who were valued capital of their owners. Indeed,
the 500,000 Africans imported into British North America are now 41 million strong. If the
rest of the 9.5 million slaves imported to other areas of the Americas multiplied in same
proportion the Americas combined would have a population of 800 million African Americans .
The total population today of north and south America combined (All races) is 1 billion with
only 100 million being of African descent (40% in US despite receiving only 5% of the slaves
from Africa).
Now that said, have African Americans been subject to many indignities? Yes, no doubt, and
the war on drugs has disproportionately affected them. We definitely should stop
incarcerating young men and woman for non violent crimes like drugs, and stop breaking up
families who need financial assistance. That said, many immigrants of other
races/religions/ethnic regions have been subjected to discrimination. Assimilation has been
the key for them, but the education system (and MSM) starting with bussing (50 years ago)
seeks to continue promoting the divisions between white and black and thus holding back
As they said during the cultural revolution, behind every angry black there is a
Jew , that is as true today as it was back in the 60's. Blacks wouldn't be such a problem
if it weren't for the Jews indoctrinating, enslaving (with welfare), instigating, and egging
them on. Send all the Jews back to Israel, and the blacks can be put back in their place by
learning individual accountability like everyone else. The most violent ones and the race
hustlers can be sent with their Jew masters to Israel.
Expulsion of 10m is a lot cheaper than 38m with restitution. We don't have $14Trillion to
give away, our national debt is already at $23Trillion.
This is the most fair, even compassionate solution. Africa is a magnificently beautiful
place. The fruit grows plentifully. The marijuana is the best on Earth. Chickens are
everywhere. There's no need for shoes or even down jackets. The music and dance scene is like
nothing else. There are no American police at all. Many white women will visit and hopefully
stay on.
Well, being that government programs never end, and often morph, the question arises
that after all the blacks are gone who is next, and next, and next, and finally, what is
Well, LIFO (last-in, first-out) means that the last people forcibly expatriated
will be religious whites from the North-east, I guess.
That said: LIFO is generally not permitted under IFRS (although they're permitted under
GAAP). Under IFRS inventory (i.e., stock and we are livestock) must be accounted for using
FIFO. Under FIFO it's the whites who have to fuck off beck whence they came. (Protip: that's
why unions prefer LOFO: last-on, first-off).
There are abundant historical records regarding who owned what land at the point in time
when the proto-US_Death_Machine declared that only it could buy land from natives.
There's a Supreme Court case about it: Johnson & Graham's Lessee v.
McIntosh , 21 U.S. 543 (1823) , and as part of its discussion of the
background of the case it outlines the completely invalid claims to land already owned by
other peoples that were made from 23 May, 1609 onwards.
Simply reverse those false claims – which were not claimed as spoils of war, and
cannot support a claim of terra nullius , because the lands were already occupied by
people who had a recognisable system of land title.
That would put ownership of all Federal land, and all subsequently-alienated Federal land,
back in the hands of the people from whom it was falsely taken.
That would only affect land acquired without 'clean hands' – i.e., probably 99% of
the continental US (Louisiana doesn't get a pass, because it was acquired from a State whose
claim was fraudulent: ditto Alaska).
That's what would happen if people took morality and ethics seriously: things acquired
by fraud remain the property of the person defrauded, in perpetuity – and if the
fraudster improves the property they obtained by fraud, that's just too fucking bad for
That said: there is land that was acquired with 'clean hands' – by the
voluntary alienation of land from its prior owners, by a person authorised to do so, for good
consideration, with no coercion or duress.
That is true in every colony in history: those contracts were almost never with agents of
a government, and must be honoured. And they were documented at the time, and the original
owners don't dispute that they happened.
(Disclosure: that's how my white predecessors got ownership of their land in New
That said: back to " reparations and repatriation "
Far from the masturbatory fantasies of the " Pay the dindus off, then ship 'em out
", there is zero chance that the US political class implements even a voluntary
"reparations + resettlement" scheme, for fear that there would be a significant number of
It would be unimaginably bad optics, and probably the final nail in the "city on a hill"
Exceptionalist horse-shit that the US Death Machine has used on its most-gullible dumbfucks
for 200 years.
Any smart-but-non-"insider" black who turned his nose up at $100k plus a ticket to Africa,
would be out of their fucking mind. I would take that bet tomorrow, and I'm not African.
If the US announced such a policy tomorrow, by next Wednesday they would have half the US
black community signed up. If the blacks had any sense they would insist on payment in specie
(e.g., gold) so that they didn't have to worry about the US government delaying payment until
after the US hyperinflates its currency to death.
The reason for that last sentence Russia and China are in the process of ending the USD's
reign as reserve currency. Pricing oil an gas in non-USD is the first step.
Repatriation and to Africa.
What an excellent idea.
Hopefully we in Britain and Europe could latch on and emulate your freeing up of people and
helping them to re establish their lives in their homelands.
We have tens of millions – many many tens of millions of imported islamics in
A great deal more dangerous – according to our security experts – islamics openly
intent on creating the European Caliphate on the blood of we the European people if
necessary, if we don't flee..
We in Europe are on course for a continental wide bloody Balkan style bloodbath as they
import and let the countless killers and radicals loose all over our continent.
America would be doing the American blacks a real kindness by helping them home to the
countries of their origin.
And you could do us a favour, backing Europe, in doing the same to a vicious and dangerous
islamic invasion force – a far greater threat than even BLM.
The islamic invasion of Europe is serious and they mean business as they did in the theft of
Kosovo and the mass murder of Serbs and others..
Slaughter next on a vast scale.
They don't even bother to hide their intent.
Start with blacks, then you can work your way toward Illegals, Stupid White folks of whom
there are millions. And last but certainly not least .America's very special people who
created all the fore mentioned disastrous groups. The Goys Know.
There are many American blacks in SA. They seem to have adopted it as a homeland, because
it is a western built-up country (for Now). Not a single slave was from SA, too far south
Show me a group of immigrants that weren't fighting with one another . The Irish fought
the Italians, the Germans had to fight the Americans, the Polish fought the Ricans, Blacks vs
them all sometimes, etc. I remember in the 60s , heading into little Italy in Chicago –
to see a girlfriend and it wasn't pleasant for this blonde haired, blue eyed boy. Today, it's
not as bad with the Italians, Irish, Germans etc. as it was, but it hasn't changed with the
Blacks and some Latino areas. But this was the NWO Government Plan all along. Divide the
people and keep the melting pot in turmoil, in order to continue the lies, theft, murder,
that it takes, to keep the Corporate NWO in control. And the NWO has been around , for a long
long time. Wanna send the Blacks to Africa , well send some more to Israel too.
"OK, Let's Give Them Reparations -- If They Go Back to Africa"
I suppose the same could be said to all the descendents of the colonials who invaded North
(and South too probably) America and stole the land from the natives already living
Been there done that. In South Africa the Apartheid government sought to dismantle the
British Colonial Structure which it had inherited, and return tribal lands to blacks and turn
them into self-governing states. Many white farmers had to sell their land at rock-bottom
prices to the government in order to achieve this. I met a bitter son of such a farmer
Apart from being torpedoed by the liberal West and mostly jewish orgnisations (who also
represented the interests of the mining magnates Oppenheimer and De Beers) , the blacks
themselves were incapable of running even their small Bantustans. Incompetence, corruption
and crime were rampant and eventually white administers and army officers took over most of
the key institutions in the Bantustans.
Of course that was not enough for them, they wanted it ALL. And ALL they got. Now ALL of
SouthAfrica resembles the erstwhile Bantustans.
You are mistaken if you think blacks in the US are interested in a fair or equitable
solution. They want reparations, AND political power, IN the US, in order to rule OVER
whites. This is the real agenda and unless whites fight back, it is not going away. They are
not stupid, they know what Africa looks like, they know that half of Africa would migrate to
Europe given half a chance, and they do not want to go back there.
Let's be humanitarians here. The ones who've reached their 65th birthday by a certain year
should be allowed to live out their lives here if they want. Otherwise they can be deported
with the rest if they'd like.
stupid racists. You have been fucked and gutted by the Zionists for the last 100 years and
yet, foolishly. blame Blacks and other non whites for your misery.
Pheeeeew! the propaganda is now unapologetic and more ridiculous and flowing non-stop
lies, tormeted twists and insane tangents all the way, in creating justification for
something the Unz s building towards, contrbuting to developing..something horrific for
america – and for Black people especially.
watch then, observe as the Unz Review topples headlong into murderous irrelevance, into a
garbage bin, ready for the dump of history a historical dump. there are lots of them about
the Unz seemingly most suitable for the one Adolf Hitler occupies
the Unz review was some kind of half decent blog. with stuff like this Boehm's article
here this blog is becoming rapidl, pure propagandistic garbage, something relative to the
wartime Germany that is often described as Nazi murderous, genocidal behavior and the
preparation for justification of such in the minds of the people with garbage like this
polluted river flow from Boehm
the Unz Review is well on its way to irrelevance. lets hope it does not contribute to a
stop along its way at #1936 Berlin, with all of us on the train.
Good point.
The "chamber of commerce" types want to make a quick buck, or maximize profits for their
poorly run businesses, and become dependent on cheap foreign labor. They did this without
thinking of the social consequences hundreds of years ago, importing Africans. Now today,
it's mass immigration from all over the world -- again, businesses not thinking about the
long term social consequences.
Voluntary return to Africa was the Policy the Lincoln wanted to support, and which ended
with the conspiracy and murder.. Some see the Policy as the reason for the assassination, ie
Lincoln was murdered for the same reason as Marcus Garvey was removed – to keep the
cheap labor and to keep the working class caught in internal strife which ruling class
exploits as "racism"- the term being a modern word
Boss> "Why doan y'all fight each other for dis dollar?"
The fellas I worked with @ the Army some of them took their pensions and social security
and their bibles and did go to Africa we talked about it. Understand, they loved America, but
it was obvious that it was not working out.
The Black Muslim faith was founded on the concept of the return to the Motherland as
well, although current black Muslims seem content with trying to create a back state here
or taking over the US altogether.
Most blacks aren't content with simply going their own way. They wish to rule over whites
with an iron fist and forcibly confiscate all of our wealth if not murder us off. That's the
textbook definition of racial hatred and racial supremacy yet they are called "civil rights"
crusaders by the Jewish media.
The masses of blacks are pretty ignorant and do think they are being targeted by "racist"
police and "racist" white people but most of the leaders of BLM and other black extremist
movements know better and just exploit the ignorance and natural antipathy towards whites of
most blacks to gain political power and money.
Send the Jews back to where? They're from Russia, mostly, and Russia doesn't want them.
Palestine isn't for them either. Best if they just stay on here and behave themselves, and if
you smarten up enough to see that they do. But there's not much chance of that happening.
The author wrote that with 10-15 English speaking blacks with American money and
American know how blah blah would make some kind of a difference in Africa.
For a start millions of black Africans already speak english.
99.9% of American blacks for all the ebonic trash they spew about Africa have never been
to that continent. They will receive a most unpleasant surprise when they arrive in their new
Liberia should serve as a warning to them all. What was supposed to be a homeland for
slaves who wished to return to Africa is in essence another black shit hole on the
Bros, there are no subsidised housing, food stamps and welfare over there. Where is you
going to live ?
And that repatriation money you is coming with will spend out because y'all dont know to
manage your finances.
And the black police, black military and dictators ..oooooooooo weeeeeeeeee ! Dem boys
never heard about human rights. Few jobs as well my Bros and what da jobs they got goes to
family and tribal members. Looting, burning and tearing down statues dere = AK 47 time by the
security forces. All dat is why blacks in Africa wants to come here while you dumb niggers
wants to go there.
If youse can't make it in the US with all dem perks and freeness youse cannot make it in
US blacks may be 99% retarded but that 1% of intelligence tells them dey gots a better
deal here.
So, crackers. dem boys aint going nowhere. We is stuck with dem HERE.
They are not know for any thinking whatsoever, in the moment, short, medium or long term.
That results from their cranium being mostly bone with a small barely functioning squishy
glob THEY refer to as a brain.
The old idea is little too late in formulating. It should have been thunk of back in the
day before Barak Hussein Obama became president of these united states before a white
Christian woman. Now charge the half African Barry O to lead his people back to Wakanda,
where he would be the first chancellor (blacks like fancy words) of the United States of
Africa (we can legally change our name to America, plain and simple!). It can be achieved
with the "American" military might in case radicals here and in the dark continent (it would
be enlightened soon with the arrival of 40 millions of "African Americans" the figure
includes the men and women who're married to Wakandans) opppse the idea. It would be good for
all around being that Africa is so huge. And the best part is that all Einsteins, Steinems,
Freuds, Rands et al can go with them to help build it or eff it up depending upon your point
of view, from nearby Israel. Last but not least, the dirty yellow rat (chinaman) would be
sent packing from exploiting the ignorant natives with the arrival of the crips and bloods,
i.e. feral black bipeds I am all in!
14 trillion dollars to repatriate our now-useless "farm machinery" would be a bargain.
After repatriation, within a few years, the USA would be a paradise.
That would leave the USA with only one other major problem: the jews.
Now, what to do with our most troublesome "minority"-the jews? They already have money and
own the banking system, own the mainstream media and popular culture, and would be difficult
to dislodge ((them)) from their present "supremacist" position.
We could declare those who espouse "judaism" to be "agents of a foreign government" and
expel them from all government, banking, corporate, media and cultural systems within the
country. Jews would also be prohibited from operating and being board members of the various
philanthropic "foundations" within the USA.
All jewish "freak shows" (holohoax museums) would be "repurposed" as public schools.
Schoolchildren would be educated on the ways the jews used the "system" to perpetuate that
"hoax of the twentieth century" for so long.
If ((they)) do not accept these changes, they can get out of the country along with the
As the old saying still applies: "behind every negro, there is a jew", ((they)) can go to
Africa along with their "pets".
"Gaggle" is for geese.
A pod of whales;
A flock of sheep;
A pride of lions;
A herd of cattle;
A murder of crows;
A riot of niggers.
So, how about a cancer of Jews?
FWIW-any debate that talks about "conditional reparations" as a way of solving problems
needs expert issues entrepreneurship from a very strong intellectual and moral foundation. I
don't think we have that foundation yet.
Consider unintended consequences:
Ten million or 15 million English-speaking blacks with American know-how and a pocket
full of resettlement money would certainly spur economic growth for the whole region . . .
Really? What's to prevent those recently resettled American Blacks from using their
resettlement money not to spur economic growth, but instead to demonstrate their commitment
to their African homeland by purchasing shitloads of Soviet-era military equipment, and,
worse, purchasing the first African nuclear weapon from a rogue state or other bad actor.
I favor debate on the merits of distancing people from one another, and I liked this
article. But, we have far smaller fish to fry, such as ending affirmative action, and we
don't seem to have the gumption to fry them. (Exceptions for those very costly legal
challenges to specific affirmative action policies.)
Jul 6, 2020 Thomas Sowell/Black Wisdom Matters – The Impact of Culture
A look at how black culture has affected the advancements of blacks in America. Thomas
Sowell, Walter E Williams, Jason Riley, Shelby Steele and Glenn Loury.
Blacks have had their reparations and then some. Matter of fact, THEY (The Blacks) OWE
Correct me if I am wrong, but did not Blacks not even have to fight for their freedom
because a bunch of Whites did that for them in the American War Between The States, where
over 700,000 Whites died ensuring the Black man's freedom. REPARATIONS PAID IN FULL. Matter
of fact some things never change because ignorant Whites and other outcasts still fight for
Blacks in the year 2020, although it is the Whites who are enslaved this time around and the
Blacks who are the privileged class. I know this sounds retarded but America in 2020 is
retarded. When you consider that the AFRICANS IN AMERICA were originally bought and sold by
their own people, so it isn't as if the White man went to Africa and captured free Africans,
they were already enslaved and more than likely brutalized far worse by their own, than the
White man.
Welfare generation after generation, affirmative action laws that have allowed unqualified
Blacks to receive jobs over better qualified Whites, etc. REPARATIONS PAID IN FULL AND THEN
Destruction of our major cities, MILLIONS of White victims over the years to Black
violence. How many Whites have been raped, murdered or beaten at the hands of Blacks from
1865-2020, IT WOULD TOTAL MILLIONS. White cops killing or beating Blacks? Compare that number
to the number of White cops who have been beaten or killed by Black thugs or better yet,
compare that number to the number of Whites killed by cops.
I think Blacks have been paid their reparations and then some and THEY OWE US and THEIR
ANCESTORS, if not for being shipped from Africa, most would be living in squalor and swatting
flies from their face while they dropped a deuce on their dirt floor. This is nothing but
guess who the king of the extortion racket is?
Americans need the goofy libertarian musings of some kid who grew up in Whitopia,Wisconsin
and shuffled off to chase poontang in Southeast Asia about as much as my pet bird needs an
As someone who lives in the USA and know people of all kinds of ethnicities I can tell you
for certain that the AA community, to the extent there is one, is not headed for "revolt" any
more than any other sector. What we are headed for is chaos and some kind of multi-headed
civil-war. Most "black" people are not stupid and will not want to go "back" to Africa.
Garvey had a point in his time when conditions were pretty bad but it's different now. Our
problem is that we have "racialized" our society by insisting that race is the a central part
of our identity that is encouraged by every f*cking form I fill out so we are in this sense a
deeply racist society because we are encouraged to think about race all the time by the
public and private authorities that rule our lives.
This article puts things to the logical end of racialism and racism. I've been to Africa
and have know Africans and they don't have that much in common with most American "blacks"
who are often of mixed race. The culture and music are very different as anyone familiar with
African music can tell you–there are some similarities to be sure but that comes, in
some ways, from the almost ubiquitous influence of James Brown on African music.
Can't we stop this bullshit? There are some people of African origin who are "revolting"
but, if you notice, there are just as many "white" of various ethnicities who demonstrated
and rioted. These people are not the majority of either ethnicity. People are tired of the
same old corrupt shit that continually gets worse because we are so easily divided along
racial lines as the oligarchs laugh all the way to the bank.
@orionyx g conquered.
The are caucasian and Khazars.
So far this search for another area to purloin and occupy has led to the problems, certainly
in Georgia and the Ukraine.
Much of the recent trouble in the Ukraine were created by the USA dual citizen neo cons.
They were, it is rumoured, intent on taking the Crimea as the new 'zion', however Putin
– their most loathed adversary – saw it coming and acted.
The Jews mass murdered and terrorised the Russians for some 70 years.
The Jews made up the greater part of the Bolsheviks and inflicted communism on the Russians
with no mercy.
Russia didn't want them back.
I don't see any actual arguments nor have you given any examples of statements you
consider to be lies. Your post amounts to nothing except a barrage of vituperation. Some of
us can be swayed with a combination of facts and reasoned argument, perhaps you could try it
@Anon the Dems will steal the next election and use the "hands up, don't shoot" Trojan
horse to provide cover for combatants once invasion of the suburbs gets underway.
Furthermore, the Black Panthers, BLM types, and former ACORN revolutionaries will become
Obama's internal security force that's as well-funded, armed, and numerous as the US military
as he promised, making door-to-door gun confiscation and looting inevitable and effectively
unopposed by "all hat/no horse" conservatives pointing to the number of guns their atomized
and demoralized supporters own. Eventually, the Republican Party that conservatives stupidly
believe has their back will be run out of town, that is, if its members can be located hiding
out among Antifa and the like.
@SteveK9 %-meaning that it probably was 30-35% in real life. (The rate for whites at the
time was 3-4%).
That's different from children in two parent homes. If a kid was born to married parents,
he/she wasn't a b@stard. If daddy left a day later, the kid was fatherless just like most
b#stards were.
Adding the illegitimate kids w/out dads to the legitimate kids whose dad bailed on the
family, the fatherless rate in negro homes back then was probably well over 50%.
And what, specifically, were the "strong incentives" for groids to bail on their families?
Anything to avoid assigning blame to negroes, I swear ..
exc.: " The noble savage is a fantasy, and it was never true . That anyone still
believes it, 200 years after Rousseau, shows the tenacity of religious myths"
@Anonymous onghold of the white race – Russia – will lock its doors for sure
and Britain is full for a start.
Like many others I have grave doubts if the big mouths and their arsenals – the last
gasp of any pretense of American masculinity – will actually stand and fight.
Forget the Alamo .
The Crocketts and Bowies are long gone.
The Mexicans are invading and running loose all over the USA , occupying it for free –
how the mighty have fallen.
Texas – joke – they are occupying the whole country.
Speaks volumes for the degeneracy and collapsing of the latest Roman Empire. as it goes down
to the neo. black, barbarians.
The only way any of them will accept is if they get some gibs. $100,000 per, conditioned
upon renunciation of U.S. citizenship would be a small price to pay to solve the problem.
This is a good, (tongue-in-cheek?) article. However, the overall goal of our present civic
unrest is societal destabilization – not the attainment of justice or "fairness
(whatever that is supposed to be)."
The operative Hegelian dialectic is: Thesis – the USA treasures its sovereignty and
is, therefore, a speed-bump to attainment of a Globalist, one-world order; Antithesis –
create intractable societal destabilization by pitting class against class, race against
race, and by bankrupting the country (where various patriotic elements are not permitted to
derive solutions); and Synthesis – restoration of order by total destruction of
individual freedoms in favor of statist, tyrannical control.
And the "problem" cannot be solved via public debate and negotiation, because the
"Progressive" leadership – which is truly controlling events via having seized
near-total domination over the MSM, educational system, courts, etc. – will not permit
any solution at variance to the overall "solution" of one world sovereignty.
The fact that Russia and China are disputing the one-world trajectory suggests that,
unless some great-power accommodation is made, both internal and external stress for the USA
is just beginning.
When you make blanket statements like "European Americans complain about the Africans they
stole and shipped to ", you are making a terrible error in thinking.
Facts are hard. Math is hard. But thinking from facts, reality, while hard work in the
short run, will pay off in less work in the long run. If you get it right now, you won't
prescribe programs for reform that will lead us down many dead ends–more work in the
long run.
Facts and math aren't emotionally satisfying, won't help you cheat your opponents or tilt
the table to favor your friends, but generally, the long way around is the short way
On May 29, two federal security officers guarding a courthouse in Oakland, California,
were ambushed by machine-gun fire as elsewhere in the city demonstrators marched peacefully
to protest the killing of George Floyd. One of the guards, David Patrick Underwood, died as a
result of the attack, and the other was wounded. For days, conservative news broadcasters
pinned the blame on "antifa," the loosely affiliated group of anti-fascist anarchists known
to attack property and far-right demonstrators at protests. But the alleged culprit,
apprehended a week later, turned out to be a 32-year-old Air Force sergeant named Steven
Carrillo, the head of a squadron called the Phoenix Ravens, which guards military
installations from terrorist attacks.
According to prosecutors, Carrillo and an accomplice, 30-year-old Robert A. Justus Jr.,
were part of the "boogaloo" movement, a patchwork of right-leaning anti-government
libertarians, Second Amendment advocates, and gun enthusiasts all preparing for another
American civil war.
Authorities say that when they went to apprehend Carrillo at his residence, he attacked
them with pipe bombs, killing a police sergeant named Damon Gutzwiller. Investigators found a
boogaloo-themed patch in a vehicle used by Carrillo. And Carrillo had scrawled boog, along
with various boogaloo slogans, in his own blood on the hood of a car."
Or better still, why don't you all go to where you came from?Who are you to send them
anywhere, they are the only ones, that didn't come by their own will!
@silviosilver years. But it was still Czech kingdom, not German. So the "Sudetens" were
inside old Czech historical borders.
The problem was that once Hitler came to power in 1933, Czechs were faced with a large
German minority adjacent to Germany. Political agitation against Czechs took off and
Freikorps (German militias) were established to undercut Czech authority. The "Sudetens"
welcomed Hitler since they considered Czechs to be inferior to them ("Untermenschen").
In German history books, they are mad at Hitler that he undid 700 years of eastward
expansion. I guess now they have to start all over again, this time using EU as their
@padre o Europe when all the raping, looting, thieving, nonwhite parasites go back to
where they are from? Btw, where are you from, (((amigo?))) How about the "Jews" going back to
where they are from and leave Palestinians alone?
They ( the Blacks) were sold by their own people to not only Whites, but Jews and Arabs as
Who are you to tell anyone anything, (((amigo?)))
Jews, Arabs, Pakis, Southeast Orientals, Africans/Blacks, East Indians, MIXED RACE
HISPANICS, etc., the only way these people can live in first world nation is to ride on the
back of Whites. Btw, (((amigo))), Native Americans can't stand Blacks or Mexicans.
Plan 1: Libtards and Blacks get California, Nevada and Oregon. (Keep Washington or San
Diego for access to the Pacific). Also, all SJW agitators are exiled to this new country. You
Libtards don't believe in race differences? Fine. Have fun with your 40 million Negroes and
Plan 2: let Blacks have the naturally developing Black Belt in the South. Mestizos get the
Southwest which they already dominate.
Whites and a small minority of intelligent and patriotic Browns (Asians and Hispanic
Michelle Malkin types. et al) get the rest. (95% White and 5% patriotic Browns sounds good to
me). Also a few hundred Clarence Thomas / Ben Carson types – because of their service
– are allowed to stay if they prefer.
I used to prefer Plan 2, but seeing all the spoiled White brats taking part in the Black
Antifada, I'm starting to think certain Whites deserve Blacks. Some people need to get a dose
of what they espouse and vote for good and hard.
When that greasy puerto rican spickkk in Cleveland kidnapped those girls and held them for
years, and the cops finally rescued them, they didn't leave the girls there to stay with the
spickk family and live their lives. No, they took them back to where they came from. You
don't leave kidnap victims there at the scene of the crime–the biggest remedy is to get
them home.
And the longer they've been there is a bug, not a feature. They shouldn't have been
brought here in the first place. If you had a tumor or a wart, bragging about how long you
have had it is kind of stupid. You need to fix it. It doesn't belong.
Nobody would be that foolish! Odd isn't it though, nobody has suggested (yet) that whites
are repatriated to Europe leaving the Americas to the Indians and blacks.
definitely an interesting piece with some thoughtful comments. all this deserves our
attention. how about a bit more of a classic liberal approach? allow any native born american
to expatriate with their taxes wholly or partially refunded and money for resettlement based
on some equitable formula. conditioned on their being barred from ever again obtaining
american citizenship, at least without first paying huge penalties. this will allow anyone to
go anywhere willing to have them. a voluntary exchange between the citizen and state. let the
market decide.
some stunning remarks on CNN, declaring protests in the streets were perfectly acceptable
while canceling other large events through September.
De Blasio joined CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Thursday evening, discussing the evolving pandemic
and policy response by City Hall to mitigate the spread in the city. He said social justice
warriors were too important after months of protests have yet produced an outbreak in
"This is a historic moment of change. We have to respect that but also say to people the
kinds of gatherings we're used to, the parades, the fairs -- we just can't have that while
we're focusing on health right now," de Blasio told Blitzer.
The transcript from the body camera worn by J. Alexander Kueng shows clear evidence that
George Floyd was suffering respiratory distress before police laid hands on him. He died from a
Fentanyl overdose, not from being choked out by Minneapolis police. This news will not bring
joy to the crazed, leftist mob screaming to lop off the heads of the Minneapolis police
officers who stand accused of "murdering" George Floyd and little attention has been paid to
the transcript since its release on July 7. I hope to correct that oversight.
First a note about Officer J. Alexander Kueng. He also is a black man. He was adopted
shortly after birth by a white woman and single mother. Can't have that story out there. Simply
does not promote the meme that white Americans are inherently and irredeemably racist. How can
a racist white woman be a loving mother to a black child? Racists don't do that.
Officer Kueng and George Floyd
Once you read the transcript you will understand why the Minnesota Attorney General withheld
the video evidence from the public and why the defense attorneys are trying to get the
information out--it exonerates the police.
I don't think Chauvin will be exonerated, but there is no question advocates of the racist
police brutality narrative are ignoring facts.
The conclusion of the private autopsy requested by the family was wrong. They didn't know
the results of the toxicology report. One of the experts hired by the family, who kept making
television appearances (including on Hannity), didn't even look at the body. To the best of
my knowledge, this man only saw the video and ruled it a homicide on that basis alone.
Another expert hired by the family saw the body, but again she didn't see the toxicology
report. The lawyer for the family, Ben Crump, is an ass for calling the toxicology report a
red herring.
The fact is when the store clerks called the cops, they said Floyd appeared drunk. He was
clearly inebriated or intoxicated. The fact he handed off an obviously fake $20 bill suggests
he wasn't all there. There is no denying the toxicology report which does prove he was
intoxicated. And the police were right to apprehend him. This Floyd was inebriated or
intoxicated while sitting behind the wheel of a car, so he clearly represented a danger if he
began to drive.
With all that being said, despite the fact he had trouble breathing beforehand doesn't
exclude that the manner he was being detained had contributed to his death. The second
autopsy (I'm not talking the private one, but the official second autopsy) officially did
rule his death a homicide because the manner he was held down was deemed a contributing
factor in his death.
In my personal opinion, I think there is a case to be made that Chauvin did recognize
Floyd and deliberately kept Floyd on his stomach, with his face pointed downward, so that
Floyd wouldn't recognize Chauvin. Maybe Chauvin was also trying to pass Floyd out or induce
Floyd to vomit something he may have swallowed to hide from the police, who knows, but the
manner Floyd was held down, even if it is considered accepted albeit rare procedure, will not
hold in front of a jury. Procedures aside, there has to be common sense.
"... Paul Craig Roberts is aware of false flags/staged events as he has written a number of articles about the 9/11 false flag. For some reason he has bought in to this George Floyd hoax ..."
"... "Peoples with a history of mutual distrust – i.e. mutual fear – have to take a real risk in order to even begin the process of growing mutual trust. Great discipline is required by all people on both sides for mutual trust to become possible. Mutual trust would need great discipline in perpetuity in order to be sustained. The harmful effect of instances of unworthiness of trust would need to be deeply understood." ..."
Floyd was collapsing before he even got out of his car, and I have seen video of Floyd
being uncooperative/complaining as the cops try to put him in the back of a squad car.
He overdosed on drugs–either out of panic or stupidity. When it comes down to it,
I've always said, ol' George his heart was just too darned big. That's what did him
in–his gigantic heart.
Excellent article, Dr. Roberts. Unless a mind has been trained to fully understand a
science, it likely lacks the cognitive thought to see clearly. Almost all people see the
world with a jumble of emotions and pseudo logic. They've never experienced the rigor of
theorem-based proofs, deductions, and the struggle to comprehend high-level thought. Almost
all adults live in a shallow world of mind drift, reacting to their emotions.
Paul Craig Roberts is aware of false flags/staged events as he has written a number of
articles about the 9/11 false flag. For some reason he has bought in to this George Floyd
hoax. The evidence is overwhelming that Floyd didn't die. They used a dummy with no legs, as
well as at least two different actors to play George Floyd. There is other evidence but that
should be enough. I'm disappointed in PCR.
"Peoples with a history of mutual distrust – i.e. mutual fear – have to take a
real risk in order to even begin the process of growing mutual trust. Great discipline is
required by all people on both sides for mutual trust to become possible. Mutual trust would
need great discipline in perpetuity in order to be sustained. The harmful effect of instances
of unworthiness of trust would need to be deeply understood."
Apparently, this comment was fished out of a time capsule from 1860.
@FB y
respiratory COVID-19 virus
– Autopsy results stating he died of cardio pulminary issues, not from being restrained
What do we have when putting all these points together?
The conclusion that the issues causing Floyd's death were present before excessive
restraint (he was firstly handcuffed) and that something prexisting was likely to blame.
Signs of a heart attack, that even a bystander remarked on, seem to highlight it was likely
that George Floyd was already in the process of dying as the police arrested him, not because
the police were arresting him.
If you are going to trust the word or investigations of anyone in the law enforcement
world, and that includes the coroners – just watch how the Ms Maxwell's case -- is
handled. The cop is guilty of manslaughter – just like you or I would be – had
you done this to Floyd.
@FB In
the previous 'article' we had the FALSE INFORMATION that the Hennepin County Medical Examiner
supposedly did not rule the death a homicide, when in fact he did only this is, as per
standard procedure, included in the death certificate, not the autopsy report
The autopsy was carried out on 26 May 2020 and signed 1 June 2020 by Dr Baker. He certifies
that there are no life-threatening injuries. So it cannot be used as the basis for an
allegation for homicide. This was released with the approval of Floyd's family. There has been
no second autopsy to contradict this, as shown by Dr Roberts.
If you look at the autopsy report ( link in previous article ), you will find in the
comments section that the ME Dr Baker found evidence of Sickle Cell Anaemia. The article in
Wikipedia is highly informative ( not always the case ).
In the Developed World, life expectancy is between 40 and 60. Floyd was 46
One complication is Acute Chest Syndrome
Acute chest syndrome is defined by at least two of these signs or symptoms: chest pain,
fever, pulmonary infiltrate or focal abnormality, respiratory symptoms, or hypoxemia.[25] It is
the second-most common complication and it accounts for about 25% of deaths in patients with
SCD. Most cases present with vaso-occlusive crises, and then develop acute chest
syndrome.[26][27] Nevertheless, about 80% of people have vaso-occlusive crises during acute
chest syndrome.
So on top of the serious heart diseases, the potentially fatal ( on its own ) fentanyl
level, it looks like you can add Sickle Cell anaenia as well.
I asked him why the fentanyl body count was so high, he just shrugged and said the street
fentanyl is poison. The DEA was then blaming it on "China" but there are reasons to doubt
anything coming from them. since they were also talking about "cheap Mexican heroin" which is a
CIA myth. What's next, Russian Quaalude?
When they reported speed, specifically meth, in Floyd's system that was enough to clinch it.
The man was mixing his stash.
All that's going to happen now is cops seeing anybody black having an OD will just go the
other way. Can't say as I'd blame them.
Will the country and the legacy of hard work, intense sacrifice, honesty and creativity of
the millions of people who built this country be ultimately destroyed by either
A. A large middle aged negro, who while he didn't do anything, did die with a belly full of
fentanyl while resting in the street with cops either restraining him or intent on killing
B. A lovely 60-ish year old Jewess billionaire who ran an international blackmail ring for
everyone's greatest ally Israel, that exploited the bizarre and lurid sexual proclivities of
our ruling class
Same thing happened to Germany Germans were so propagandized and brainwashed after WW2 about
the War & the Holy Hoax, that they will kiss JooAss with both lips to avoid being punished
further for what they never did.
@lysias t
talking about possible fentanyl superman adds to the mix.
People who died from fentanyl overdose had readings from 0.75 ng/mL to an astounding 113
ng/mL. The average death dose was 9.96 ng/mL. According to George Floyd's toxicology report,
his blood contained 11.0 ng/mL Fentanyl, plus 5.6 ng/mL norfentanyl, 19 ng/mL of
methamphetamine, and three other drugs.
If he had survived that shit, he would above average on everything. It is quite likely that
he was way below average. Let's say 6 ng/mL would have been sufficient to send him ad
What we are dealing with is not only the brainwashing of white students as to the evil
origin of their country and their inherited guilt, but also their inability to think
rationally and to make an objective conclusion from evidence.
I see that this article is not about the death of George Floyd, a tragedy, even if the usual
suspects are out and commenting their usual immovable opinions on that death.
Roberts is pointing out that no discussion is possible about this event. If George Floyd
came back from the dead and volunteered to give an interview alongside the police officers who
arrested him to explain what had happened, no one would listen. They SAW the video and formed
an emotional response. Facts are entirely irrelevant. One of the commenters above has already
taken that position. He said, following a more detailed article, "All you need to know is
what's on that video!"
Roberts blames the educational system and I've noticed that the more prestigious the degree
a young person has, the less able they are to engage in a rational discussion on any subject.
They look at you with this superior attitude, ready to spout some meaningless rejoinder like,
"OK Boomer," or "Do you still believe that?" As if truth were dependent on one's age or facts
are a matter of religious faith.
Are they being given mentally fatal doses of propaganda as they qualify for the better
schools or do the better universities have a selection system that singles out only those
already emotionally disassociated? That's where we are.
Why dont you write such titles in a medical magazine. Just like "Dr." Bill Gate of MS who
has been writing on vaccination in medical journals for past several years.
And we blame Americans are misinformed.
People who believe that suspected felons have the right to violently resist arrest or
otherwise obstruct the legitimate arrest process are anarchists who should own up to their
"None of the people watching the video had any awareness of any of the facts."
Ah, the "medical expert" pcr "proves" once again all the other medical experts are wrong and
Floyd did die of a drug overdose despite the heroic attempts of the sainted men in blue to
prevent his self initiated demise.
"The transcripts reveal that as the officers forced Floyd into the vehicle, the 46-year-old
black man said: "I can't breathe" and "I want to lay on the ground."
They reveal a lot more which roberts judiciously decided wouldn't help his spin about the
murder and didn't mention. Let's take a look at what else they reveal, shall we:
George Floyd warned police he thought he would die because he couldn't breathe, according to
body camera transcripts
@FB s.
You're arguing from literal survivorship bias, an obvious fallacy.
Also PCR is NOT a doctor, yet he makes doctor-like assertions about what is a 'fatal' dose
of fentanyl [actually all the medical literature says there is no MINIMUM fatal blood level
of fentanyl, because it depends on the tolerance of the user] and that Floyd was in the
'process of dying'
Either what PCR said is true, or it isn't, regardless of credentials. And the fact that
there is no minimum fatal blood level undermines rather than supports the case that St.
Fentanyl couldn't have died of a fentanyl overdose.
The little exculpatory evidence that has seen the light of day suggests the cops were trying
to figure out how to keep the guy alive. It seems that Black Felon Lives do indeed matter.
Anyone opening up a mouth about cops using their actions in this incident should consider
what they would do upon encountering someone with Fentanyl poisoning. In my experience, those
who get on a big talker high-horse wouldn't come to the aid of a drowning child.
This was a Perfect Storm. Someone took a heart-rending video of George Floyd's death, and
the Democrats and Allied Media ran with it because they're desperate to reverse POTUS Trump's
20% plus support with black voters. Add in the mass psychosis their lockdowns induced and we
were off to the races.
Here's my question. Should the clerk in the convenience store be brought up on charges of
accessory to murder for reporting the fake $20 and pointing out to the police the vehicle
George Floyd was sitting in?
You're just like black lives matter 'piling on' pitting one against the other. I wouldn't be
surprised if you were on their payroll.
The shills for destruction have no shame in their quest to divide and conquer. Thanks to your
help the Deep State is winning. Trump and his white patrons have a finite future in
@FB gher
than the final lab results show. Fentanyl as an analgesic and especially as an additive to
general anaesthetics is applied in a controlled setting by highly trained anaesthesiologists.
It has a byphasic mode of action with a pronounced depression of the respiratory centre in the
first phase.
Its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic activity is greatly altered by age, race ( e.g. Asians
metabolize at a higher rate, Blacks at unpredictable rate etc), comorbidities (e.g. impaired
liver function, slow circulation syndrome), presence of other drugs (benzodiazepines,
metamphetamine etc).
Opiates including Fentanyl do not cause respiratory distress. There is no shortness of
breath or breathlessness. Opiates depress the area of the brain controlling respiration. They
will NOT complain of any breathing problems. The impetus to breathe is gone. They pass out and
die unless treated with an antagonist like Naloxone or ventilation is assisted or if the opioid
is miraculously metabolized prior to death. Direct injury to the lung from trauma, broken ribs,
infection, heart failure, being held in a stress position so the chest cannot expand, will
cause distress and the person will complain bitterly.
I know what I speak of: I have practiced emergency medicine for more than 40 years.
I agree. Thanks – your comment astounded me, because now – after the hundreds of
comment-pages I've read about this case, you are able to bring more new information here to the
public's eye.
Now I wait for someone to add these facts up – would almost do by itself, and write the book Sebastian Junger
did write about – – – – The Perfect Storm!
(Would you know about the way in which the second autopsy was conducted? I remember having
read, it had been conducted by video – but I can't trace back just where I've read
You are a complete ass. I hope one day someone as big and as black and as violent as Floyd,
all doped up on some dangerous drug, thumps you in the street. Buy it or dont buy it you will
lick the Cops balls to restrain him using any means. You are a moron !
However, for pretty much the same reasons, I am not inclined to believe he/they deliberately
intended to cause death, if that were the case they would have been more aware of
I note that the police version of the incident has been suppressed to avoid "tainting a
potential jury pool" and "impair[ing] all parties' right to a fair trial," Given the massive
amount of one sided publicity given to the prosecution account, that decision is ridiculous.
Derek Chauvin has already been tried and convicted of murder in the media, a fair trial is
surely impossible anyway.
You have written a load of steamy horseshit. As Nick Stix alluded you must have pulled this
from a time bubble of 1860. In case you have not noticed we are now in 2020 with the Chimps
running out of control. Get real and dump all that brotherly love and cum bye ah.
I tell you what, the next time you are near to a ghetto, enter it and walk through it
shouting all the crap you have written above.
The one good thing that will come of your canter through the hood is that Unz will be one
idiot commenter less !
Well I also have another question for this Kouros dunderhead. He should try to subdue a
felonious monster as big as Floyd and with a history of violence and prison time. A pitiful
specimen like Kouros would be writing with a pen in his mouth, in his wheel chair while his
24/7 nurse changes his diapers.
This Kouros's comment was the most foolish I have ever read. He must be some kind of
simpleton or Chimp lover.
eos (none of us have) and believe "too (little) in the professionalism or well intentions of
the police." As others have noted, the missing bodycam videos should shed light on Floyd's
physical and mental state at the time he was being put in the police car.
PCR is examining evidence and noticing facts. You seem to be subject to the emotional
clouding of reason he is describing. To wit, making generalized statements without any factual
foundation to support what you "want to believe" is true.
PCR can now add you to the list of readers whose "opinions" rest upon emotion instead of
Agree. Here in NYC, there has been a big spike in men OD'ing on the street. I've noticed it
myself for some time (Frequently on subways) and have often wondered what cops would do in that
situation. The situation is fraught with risk.
The ruin of the productive American economy is the root cause of almost all social ills find
those who dismantled industries and exported jobs overseas, mainly to China, to punish them
severely, physically and financially to start remedy the nation or it's all lost.
The reason a patient wakes up after fentanyl anesthesia is that the anesthesiologist
supports the patient's breathing ( and other vital signs ) while under. If the doctor simply
walked away , the patient
would surely die. In fact, to treat a fentanyl overdose , one would mechanically support
breathing while reversing agent (narcan) takes effect.
Also, Floyd had potentially lethal dose of morphine (another narcotic)in his blood as well.
He also had methamphetamine and THC present which could have altered a classic narcotic
stuporous state with added agitation and delirium.
He had significant coronary artery disease which could have caused fatal arrhythmia under
stress of arrest or resisting arrest, hypoxia from respiratory depression from narcotics,
excitation from methamphetamine, or even by itself.Shortness of breath alone can be a symptom
of an impending heart attack without chest pain. Or chest pain could have been masked by
narcotic . People die of apparently unprovoked heart attacks and sudden arrhythmic deaths every
There were no signs of brain ischemia or airway trauma.
Remember , one has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer killed Floyd. One
does not have to prove that Floyd died from drugs or heart disease, only that it was not
It is clearly not unreasonable that he died from drugs/ heart disease instead of at the hands
of police.
Could things have been done differently that might have saved his life, in retrospect?
Perhaps narcan could have been given at the scene.
Remember, though, these are policemen with a person resisting arrest, not emergency room
physicians in a cooperative setting.
@MarkU g
Chauvin does not cut a deal and decides to go to trial and take his chances with a jury (or
However, what did Chauvin in, is exactly what you wrote. Maybe he is so jaded, or so had had
it with Floyd*, that he just didn't care anymore. His smirking face, with left arm nonchalantly
on his leg, while Floyd was dying – looks awful.
Damning optics, as they say.
* Apparently Chauvin and Floyd worked as private security a while back at the same club. And
may have known each other. Imagine that.
May 27, 2020 New video shows Minneapolis police arrest of George Floyd before death
Four white officers involved in the death of George Floyd have been fired from the
Minneapolis Police Department, but Mayor Jacob Frey is saying that one of the officers should
be arrested for pressing his knee on Floyd's neck.
Cops are not diagnosticians. They are trained to react, not to conditions, rather how people
present. A diabetic slurring words and unsteady on his feet, due to low blood sugar, will be
suspected of being intoxicated. High blood sugar may make him appear violent.
Hindsight is 20/20. Cops are trained to react, not stand back and run 50 possible scenarios
through their heads before making an informed decision. If the cops were following protocol, they
are not "absolutely wrong". They would have been wrong not to follow protocol.
When in fact all doctors who have spoken about this have said Floyd showed NO SIGNS of
going into overdose,
Then those doctors are committing malpractice. Viewing a video taken many feet away from the
patient without interaction with the patient or someone with the patient does not qualify as
tele-medecine. No licensing body for physicians allows a diagnosis without examining the
patient or diagnostic tests on the patient. That would include you, if you are a physician.
Yes, he was saying he couldn't breath way before the knee was on his neck, and I'm convinced
the knee didn't kill Floyd, who died of (likely a combinations of) other reasons.
But when a man is subdued, and unresisting, and looking like he's increasingly placid, and
gasping that he can't breath, then if for no other reason, the simple optics, (knowing they
were being filmed), would have been a cue to get off his neck. Especially in our current
societal upheaval and hysteria over the deaths of some other black men- lied about in the
((media)) to make it look like they're all deaths by white racism.
They also started performing CPR once he became unconscious. So they provided him with all
the medical care they could and waited for the professionals to come and take him..
No, not according to the autopsy. And Jacob Frey is a soy boy Bolshevik, not a doctor or a
police officer. If he was doing his job he would know that the knee on the neck restraint is a
police department authorized technique and has been used hundreds of times. And was not the
cause of the thugs death.
@Kouros ot
on windpipe at all. A wrestling coach copied the exact maneuver for the same time to show it is
fairly harmless he was fired for it.
Officers are not chemists or doctors. They do not know what exactly is wrong with perps they
deal with. And they are not going to risk themselves or public if they can help it while
bringing them in. Ridiculous to think they should be goving medical doses. Blacks will riot
over anything: racial profiling, police abuse, overdoses by police, Fredric Douglass statues,
Case Reports Chest
. 2013 Apr;143(4):1145-1146. doi: 10.1378/chest.12-2131.
Fentanyl-induced Chest Wall Rigidity
Başak Çoruh 1, Mark R Tonelli 2, David R Park 2
Affiliations expand
PMID: 23546488 DOI: 10.1378/chest.12-2131
Fentanyl and other opiates used in procedural sedation and analgesia are associated with
several well-known complications. We report the case of a man who developed the uncommon
complication of chest wall rigidity and ineffective spontaneous ventilation following the
administration of fentanyl during an elective bronchoscopy. His ventilation was assisted and
the condition was reversed with naloxone. Although this complication is better described in
pediatric patients and with anesthetic doses, chest wall rigidity can occur with analgesic
doses of fentanyl and related compounds. Management includes ventilatory support and reversal
with either naloxone or a short-acting neuromuscular blocking agent. This reaction does not
appear to be a contraindication to future use of fentanyl or related compounds. Chest wall
rigidity causing respiratory compromise should be readily recognized and treated by
About 25 years ago, I was chatting with an older acquaintance, who was a retired railway
labourer, about the economic fraud being perpetrated on the public. He said 'It doesn't take a
big education to see what is going on in this country. My three boys are in university. It seems
the more they learn, the less they understand.' One of the boys was in accountancy, another in
business. The third dropped out of university, took up a trade, and the last I heard, didn't have
much to do with his brothers. The two university grads still believe in the mystical "market
The death of St. Floyd is a stunt. The ruling banking cabal made a decision: time to start a race riot. They made a video and
activated their communist agents in BLM and Antifa to begin the riots.
The Communism that the Jewish overlords are attempting to impose on America has nearly 0%
popular support. They have spent decades trying to embitter blacks and still haven't really
gathered much in terms of a revolutionary cadre. Nevertheless, they are moving into active
insurgency mode and have many major corporations backing their play. They have no hopes of success without disarming America. Good luck with that Jews. They continue to expose themselves to more and more 'normies' while confirming many of the
already aware's worst suspicions. They won't be happy until they impose one gov't, one religion
(satanic) and one currency (bogus). I'm really looking forward to treason trials. At some point, it will become unstoppable.
@vot tak
y, the coroner, in your opinion, is not a medical expert, despite having dissected Floyd's body
and ordered testing on body fluids. It would seem the second pathologist signing off on the
coroner's report isn't an expert either. However, the medical experts, who have never seen
George Floyd in person, spouting off about their theories, are more credible than those who
examined the body and reviewed the autopsy report before it was released.
Did you miss the number of times in the body cam transcript that the cops asked Floyd if he
was "on" something and what it was? If the dumbshit had told them, he might have survived.
Direct injury to the lung from trauma, broken ribs, infection, heart failure, being held
in a stress position so the chest cannot expand, will cause distress and the person will
complain bitterly.
None of which were present in Floyd's case according to the autopsy report.
If Floyd had died in New York , I'm certain his death certificate would simply have read,
cause of death: covid19. When you watch the plane crash investigation shows on tv and they
trace the disaster backwards to a determining event, here you go back and see that Floyd would
be alive today if he had said no to drugs. Take drugs, shorten your life. Simple as that.
Certainly blame the cops, his parents, maybe even society but if a grown man doesn't respect
his own body then nobody else will. Maybe the only way to solve these types of deaths is to
have trained medicos travelling constantly in tandem with the cops. But what is the cost
And concerning a knee to the throat, I know I would not last eight minutes, let alone half that
if someone kneeled on my throat. I still can't believe that people think that a knee to the
neck killed Floyd.
Working with the scum of society rubs off on cops eventually, and Chauvin seems no different
than a lot of others, but here it appears that he and his colleagues were doing everything
right by the book. Maybe those baying for blood need to look elsewhere, perhaps higher up in
officialdom. Condemning the cops for doing the right thing seems very harsh.
Thank you for this article. I also appreciate the running commentary on the state of
American education. Although you have me by two decades, we both come from a place where we
were taught to think rather than emote. You say it so well in the following excerpt.
This perversity of education spells the end of the United States. The kind of people American
education is producing are not capable of scientific thinking. The kind of education Americans
receive today cannot produce scientists or engineers. We have the emotive generation, people
trained to be guided by emotion.
The inability of American education to produce people capable of thought is already our
I have found that lack of logic and inability to think in a linear fashion is passed off as an
artistic temperament. If that isn't a line of bunk I don't know what is.
I think this will become the central issue of the trial.
As this video illustrates, there is overwhelming evidence that police departments in the US
have become increasingly militarized by receiving training from the Israeli military.
Yes, there might be difficulty in restraining a big fella. There were at least four police
officers in the proximity, and while there was a bit of a struggle, it wasn't something to
difficult to handle.
never considered that the police was onto killing George Floyd.
Nobody, nobody commented on the issue of police not being trained and equipped to deal with
overdosed people, especially opioid overdoses. Being able to provide quick help is essential
and other jurisdictions have enabled police with syringes with Naloxone and try to use those
rather than tasers or guns.
"And then there are the many readers for whom it is of the utmost emotional importance that
Floyd was murdered by white police for racist reasons. These readers are immune to all facts.
One told me that fentanyl is not toxic. Another told me that it is not possible to overdose on
fentanyl. Yet another told me that the medical examiner is white and his report is a racist
report. Another asked me when did I become a racist.
In other words, they only want to hear what they have been brainwashed to believe. Facts
have no importance to them. Indeed, there are no facts, only emotional responses, and they are
indoctrinated with the emotional response that is valid. As long as the response is anti-white,
it is valid."
I ran into just this the other day with my relation to a Leftist organization I had
volunteered to do some technical work for. The group originally appeared to be a legitimate and
more open Left organization than I have seen in recent years. But in the end they were as close
minded as any other such group.
I tried to present Dr. Roberts' findings to them on this subject not to convince anyone of
its legitimacy but simply as a different perspective to be considered. I even did some research
on Dr. Roberts' earlier article on this subject regarding the existence of a second autopsy.
Using an article from the Daily Kos, a Left leaning rag, that promoted the existence of this
second autopsy I looked at the links they provided to only find that they pointed to the very
original autopsy report that Dr. Roberts provided in his original essay on this matter. So much
for journalistic integrity.
When posted to this Left organization's chat board for consideration, no one wanted to hear
of it. All they cared about was Floyd was dead and that was all that mattered. I tried to
explain that it did very much matter, considering that Floyd's death sparked so much outrage
and national trauma, somehow transforming him into some type of martyr.
Yet, again, people asked why I was posting such information when the matter was implicitly
One leader of the organization told me to stop posting such "Right-wing crap" or I would be
removed (cancelled). I told her to go ahead and remove me, which she promptly did.
Though I agree with the general grievances of The Left, this side of the political spectrum
appears to be populated with very immature adults and even more ignorant younger people not to
say the least of all the various proponents of their biological victimhood. They have no sense
of honest, historical relevance to anything they do and really don't care. As long as things
conform to their very limited world view, they are satisfied.
Though I tend to be somewhat conseratative with my opinions on things, I could hardly be
considered Right-wing in my views. But I do insist on historical honesty for our past and our
current events (which means legitimate debate on such matters). But The Left will never yield
on this, which makes them I believe as dangerous as the extreme Right
@FB ost
safe and effective control measure or therapy for what is most likely an extremely agitated
-- "There are well-documented cases of ExDS deaths with minimal restraint such as handcuffs
without ECD use. This underscores that this is a potentially fatal syndrome in and of itself,
sometimes reversible when expert medical treatment is immediately available".
ersities have besmirched the founding of America and its history until 1965 along with blood
libeling the white population.
Yep . but it is longer than decades, because owning the press/narrative is part of Jewish
evolutionary method. Jewish usurpation via press and book publishing, goes back in time even
further than 150 years as discussed by Luther Pierce in link below.
Kouros has gone to a great deal of trouble to remain totally uninformed:
From the newly-released transcripts that are part of a legal filing by Lane's attorney, Earl
Gray, who has requested that the Hennepin County District Court dismiss the case against his
The transcripts reveal that as the officers forced Floyd into the vehicle, the 46-year-old
black man said: "I can't breathe" and "I want to lay on the ground."
@FB on't
need a pathologist, you need a biologist.
I am Floyds size, even bigger actually. Did you ever look at Floyd's neck muscles?. He's got
a pretty solid well muscled neck, and I wouldn't want to tangle with him. (I have fought big
men, and it is not fun.)
The windpipe runs down the middle of your neck and is flanked by muscles on the side.
I've pressure tested my neck, and while it is uncomfortable It can take considerable
pressure when said pressure is delivered from the side. I can still breath with side
It is easy to brainwash people, which is PCR's argument.
He was
on his stomach because nausea is one result of fentanyl overdose and the police did not want
Floyd choking to death on his own vomit.
So many commentators who hide behind false names are incapable of reason and simply
They are narcissists and it makes them feel good to denounce people who know a lot more than
they do. Some are also self-righteous and enjoy engaging in ignorant moral denunciation.
"A picture is worth a thousand words." And the picture Americans saw was interpreted for
them by a dishonest media. Their ignorance of anatomy made it easy for the presstitutes to
deceive them.
Some commenters have asked for references in the literature for the point I made about
surviving overdose at far higher fentanyl levels than that in Floyd's blood toxicology
Here is a paper by a group of physicians who treated 18 fentanyl overdose patients in about
a one week period in 2016 only one out of the 18 did not survive
All 18 patients tested positive for fentanyl in the serum. Quantitative assays conducted
in 13 of the sera revealed fentanyl concentrations of 7.9 to 162 ng/mL (mean=
52.9 ng/mL)
Note that highest number is FIFTEEN TIMES Floyd's blood level the mean [average] of all
those patients is about 53 ng/ml about FIVE times Floyd's level
So clearly a lot of people have survived a dose of fentanyl much higher than George Floyd
this medical data immediately invalidates the very notion that a number like 11 mg/ml is de
facto a 'lethal' dose clearly it's not
And again I stress in the entire medical community NOT ONE DOCTOR has come out and said
Floyd died of an overdose is the entirety of medical science completely ignorant ?
Or is it the case that a bunch of completely unqualified people are googling the internet
for medical literature [which any doctor will tell you requires a level of expertise to put
into proper context] and pulling numbers willy nilly, and then simply making doctor-like
pronouncements ?
Please find one single pathologist or emergency doctor who will say that Floyd died of an
If and when you do so, then we can start having an intelligent discussion until then this
kind of discussion is just pure nonsense
@FB What
is used in patients, who were chronic high dose users to put them under? Different drugs and
I am not sure if Naloxone, if applied immediately in Mr. Floyd's case could change the outcome,
given that he had other serious comorbidities, possibly pulmonary complications of COVID
infection and high stress of the arrest, as shown in the video.
It is a probably a case of
gross medical negligence, leading to the fatal outcome, although, I am not sure how much we can
expect from police in this regard. It needs proper investigation and establishing the causality
of each factor and cofactors.
Looks like not all MSM are hopeless. "Newsweek" published an unusually sane piece by a
reasonable black guy "Why black lives don't matter to 'Black Lives Matter'", where he exposes
BLM for what they are: opportunistic frauds
I think the difference is owning of stock. If a person owns anough money to maintin the
current standard of living without employment this person belong to upper middle class.
Without working class votes they can't win. And those votes are lost
It's helpful that you told us who you were, in so few words. The Dems didn't lose
working-class votes in 2016: the median income of a Hillary voter was less than that
of a Trump voter [or maybe it was average? In any case, not much difference.] What the Dems
lost, was "white non-college-educated" voters. They retained working class voters of
But hey, they don't count as working-class voters to you. Thanks for playing.
1) White collar are, by definition, working class, because they don't own the means of
production. What I see is an opposition between blue collars and white collars, that are two
wings of the working class, not that democrats are going against the working class.
For some reason, the main divide in politics today is a sort of culture war, and republicans
and other right wing parties managed to present the traditionalist side of the culture war as
the "working class" one, and therefore the other side as the evil cosmopolitan prosecco
sipping faux leftish but in reality very snobbish one, so that they pretend that they are the
working class party because of their traditionalist stance.
But they aren't: already the fact that they blame "cosmopolitans" shows that they think in
terms of nationalism (like Trump and his China virus), which is a way to deflect the
attention from class conflict.
So comparatively the Dems are still the working class party, and the fact that some working
class guys vote for trump sows that they suffer from false consciousness, not that the Dems
are too right wing (the dems ARE too right wing, but this isn't the reason some working class
guys are voting Trump).
2) Neoliberalism and free markets are not the same thing, and furthermore neoliberalism
and capitalism are not the same thing; at most neoliberalism is a form of unadultered
capitalism. However since neoliberalism basically means "anti new deal", and new deal
economies were still free market and still capitalist (we can call them social democratic,
but in this sense social democracy is a form of controlled capitalism), it follows that the
most economically succesful form of capitalism and free markets to date is not
It's helpful that you told us who you were, in so few words. 43% of the US are non-voters.
The median household income of non-voters is less than half of the median income of a Clinton
voter (which was higher than the overall US median, albeit by less than the Trump median
was). Clinton didn't lose in 2016 because of who voted as much as who didn't ; every
serious analysis (and countless centrist screeds) since Trump's installation has told us
that. Losing the working class doesn't require that the Republicans gain them; if the working
class drops out, that shifts the electoral playing field further into the favor of politics
who cater to the remaining voting blocks. Democrats playing Republican-lite while mouthing
pieties about how they're totally not the party of the rich will always fare worse in that
field than Republicans playing Republicans while mouthing pieties about how they ARE the
party of the rich, but also of giving everyone a chance to make themselves rich. I know it's
been de rigour for both Dems and the GOP to ignore the first half of Clinton's
deplorable quote, but it truly was just as important as the half both sides freely remember.
The Democrats have become a party of C-suite diversity, and they have abandoned the working
class. And when their best pick for President's plenty bold plan for solving police violence
is to encourage LEOs to shoot people in the leg instead of the chest (something that could
only be said by a grifter or someone with more knowledge of Hollywood than ballistics
or anatomy), the prospect of keeping the non-white portions of the working class from
continuing to drop out is looking bleak.
The traditional threading of that needle is to expand class-based analysis to more
accurately reflect real-world political and economic behavior. In the past (and in some
countries who updated the applicable definitions, still), the most relevant additional class
was the petty bourgeoisie; in the modern US, however, the concept of the
professional-managerial class is the most useful frame of reference.
"The traditional threading of that needle is to expand class-based analysis to more
accurately reflect real-world political and economic behavior. In the past (and in some
countries who updated the applicable definitions, still), the most relevant additional class
was the petty bourgeoisie; in the modern US, however, the concept of the
professional-managerial class is the most useful frame of reference."
Sure, but one has to adopt a logicwhen building "class" groups. One relrvant dimension is
educational attainment, which is IMHO where the "professional-managerial" class comes
But, not everyone with a degree is a manager, and "professional" normally implies a level of
income that is higher that that of an average rank and file white collar.
So the question is whether this "new class" is really managers, or just white collar
workers who work in services instead than in industrial production.
Furthermore, as technology increases, it is natural that a larger share of people will work
in services and a smaller share in industry, for the same reason that increased agricultural
productivity means less agricultural jobs.
There are a great many unstated assumptions baked into this comment, but I'll take a shot
at a foundational one. You suggest PMC is a distinction without difference vis a vis middle
class appears to suggest that you've bought into a commonly accepted "truth" that can't
withstand close scrutiny, and your claim that economic status is not a useful distinguisher
only further drives it home. What is the cutoff between middle class and rich? I've seen far
too many well-educated idiots with professional degrees make ridiculous claims like $150k
household income representing a solidly middle-class income. That's in the upper 15% of
national incomes, but it's being called middle class. 240% of the national median household
income, but it's "middle class". And to pre-empt cost-of-living arguments, it's 175% of the
median household income in Manhattan. So when you say PMC is not a useful concept, and that
income is not a useful class distinction, I need to ask you where you draw your lines, or if
you're asserting that class has no economic aspect at all. If you're arguing that households
in the upper quintile and bottom quintile don't have different concerns, outlooks, values,
and lifestyles – that someone in either could be working class or middle class
(but I assume not upper class? Arguments like what yours appears to be typically don't start
the upper class anywhere below the 1% ) is hard to treat as serious. If that is an assertion
you'd stand by, what that tells me is that you're using private definitions of working and
middle class, and they're essentially unintelligible.
@MisterMr White collar are, by definition, working class, because they don't own the means of
That's not the definition. For example: despite not owning any means of production,
lumpenproletariat is not part of the working class.
What I see is an opposition between blue collars and white collars, that are two wings
of the working class
If this is the way you feel, that's fine. It is, however, a controversial view. An
alternative (and quite convincing, imo) view is that "white collars" belong to the
'professional-managerial class', with entirely different interests.
Anyhow, a bourgeois democracy (aka 'dictatorship of the bourgeoisie') does not and can not
represent interests of the working class; this is indeed "by definition". Any benefits
encountered by the working class are coincidental.
And in the current circumstance, the struggle between the remains of domestic bourgeoisie
and global finance capitalism, the former faction is definitely – obviously –
better aligned with interests of the domestic working class.
Orange Watch 07.08.20 at 11:01 pm (no link)
steven t johnson@98:
There are a great many unstated assumptions baked into this comment, but I'll take a shot
at a foundational one. You suggest PMC is a distinction without difference vis a vis middle
class appears to suggest that you've bought into a commonly accepted "truth" that can't
withstand close scrutiny, and your claim that economic status is not a useful distinguisher
only further drives it home. What is the cutoff between middle class and rich? I've seen far
too many well-educated idiots with professional degrees make ridiculous claims like $150k
household income representing a solidly middle-class income. That's in the upper 15% of
national incomes, but it's being called middle class. 240% of the national median household
income, but it's "middle class". And to pre-empt cost-of-living arguments, it's 175% of the
median household income in Manhattan. So when you say PMC is not a useful concept, and that
income is not a useful class distinction, I need to ask you where you draw your lines, or if
you're asserting that class has no economic aspect at all. If you're arguing that households
in the upper quintile and bottom quintile don't have different concerns, outlooks, values,
and lifestyles – that someone in either could be working class or middle class
(but I assume not upper class? Arguments like what yours appears to be typically don't start
the upper class anywhere below the 1% ) is hard to treat as serious. If that is an assertion
you'd stand by, what that tells me is that you're using private definitions of working and
middle class, and they're essentially unintelligible.
"... In 2013, the national outcry over Trayvon Martin's death and George Zimmerman's acquittal sparked a national outcry over racial injustice. Amid this controversy, three activists, Patrisse Cullors , Alicia Garza , and Opal Tometi , started a hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter, which soon went viral. They then founded the national Black Lives Matter organization. ..."
"... No doubt, the organization itself was quite radical from the very beginning. Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors described herself and fellow co-founder Alicia Garza as "trained Marxists" in a recently resurfaced video from 2015. ..."
"... The official Black Lives Matter organization is Marxist ..."
"... Such a divisive ideology only fuels perpetual conflict, not progress toward reconciliation. By failing to drive this toxic extremism out loudly and clearly from their side of the issue, the large majority of Black Lives Matter supporters -- who simply seek reform, justice, and reconciliation -- take a chainsaw to any chance of achieving common ground and consensus. ..."
n Monday night, Terry Crews was grilled over his criticism of Black Lives Matter by CNN host
Don Lemon. As Gina Bontempo pointed out on Twitter : "Don
Lemon did everything he could to talk over Terry and silence him as soon as they started
approaching what the BLM organization is *really* about."
So what is Black Lives Matter really about?
Many conservatives insist Black Lives Matter is a Marxist, anti-police, radical organization
that wants to tear down America . Meanwhile, most liberals simply view Black Lives Matter as a
heroic movement and powerful slogan signaling support for racial justice and opposition to
police brutality.
Both are right.
There is Black Lives Matter™️, and there is "black lives matter."
Black Lives Matter as a broad sentiment and movement then gained national attention and name
recognition after the 2014 deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. Meanwhile, the official
group expanded and many more local chapters formed.
No doubt, the organization itself was quite radical from the very beginning. Black Lives
Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors described herself and fellow co-founder Alicia Garza as
"trained Marxists" in a recently
resurfaced video from 2015.
"We actually do have an ideological frame[work]," Cullors said
of her organization. "We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological
Meanwhile, the national organization's official
platform , published in 2015, contained a specific call to "[disrupt] the
Western-prescribed nuclear family structure."
At the local level, official Black Lives Matter chapters are essentially far-left front
groups that use racial justice as a Trojan horse for leftist policy and ideology. For example,
the official organization Black Lives Matter DC openly dedicates itself to "creating the conditions
for Black Liberation through the abolition of systems and institutions of white supremacy,
capitalism, patriarchy and colonialism."
Image credit: Johnny Silvercloud, Flickr
Unsurprisingly, conservatives have bashed the radical group en masse.
"Black Lives Matter is an openly Marxist, anti-America n group," conservative commentator
Mark Levin said . "There's no denying
it. And it is fully embraced by the Democrat Party and its media and cultural
"Black Lives Matter is a Marxist movement," Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz tweeted . "Black Lives
Matter is not about police, it's not about race, it's not about justice. It's about making us
hate America so they can replace America."
"You know, I know plenty of people who are for Black Lives Matter. A lot of them are nice
people," Fox News Host Tucker Carlson
recently said . "I'm not mad at them. I disagree I think Black Lives Matter is
These kinds of conservative criticisms of Black Lives Matter are widespread. And on one
hand, they're right : The official Black Lives Matter organization is Marxist, is anti-American
in its values, and its views are rightfully alarming to anyone who believes in the
Constitution, capitalism, and civil society as we know it.
But in applying their reflexive response to all Black Lives Matter supporters, conservative
critics are failing to see the forest for the trees.
Most of these people, I suspect, don't even know that there is an official Black Lives
Matter organization. And I'm sure hardly any of them could name Patrisse Cullors or Alicia
Whether it's where I'm from in deep-blue Massachusetts or where I live now in Washington
D.C., walking by a Black Lives Matter sign sticking out from someone's yard is just about an
everyday occurrence. After the death of George Floyd, more of my acquaintances, friends, and
relatives than I could count posted #BlackLivesMatter.
Many others changed their picture to a black square or otherwise signaled their support for
the movement.
I can personally guarantee you that the vast majority of these people, while liberal, do not
support ending capitalism or dismantling the family. Conservatives are led astray as soon as
they apply their (valid) criticisms of Black Lives Matter™️ the organization to
the Black Lives Matter movement and its supporters broadly.
Image Credit: John Lucia, Flickr
Just look at the way some on the Right responded to Sen. Mitt Romney after he attended a
Washington, D.C. protest against police brutality, telling reporters he did so "to make sure
that people understand that Black Lives Matter."
Here's a sampling of how hostile the response was from some conservative pundits on
Even President Trump attacked Romney over it:
No matter how you feel about the conservative Mormon senator politically (and I'm far from a
fan), no one can credibly argue that Romney supports destroying the nuclear family, ending
capitalism, or abolishing the police.
Meanwhile, Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana faced a similar unfair backlash when he announced his
support for Black Lives Matter and
unveiled a modest police reform proposal :
It may well be true that in particular conservative circles, everyone is well aware of the
obscure history of the Black Lives Matter founders' Marxist roots. But the average person on
the street and the average person who shares the hashtag are most certainly not. And the
movement itself has become something much bigger, broader, and more benevolent than the
original organization.
However, it's by no means just conservatives who err in their approach to Black Lives
Matter. For one, many on the Left fail to acknowledge at all the Marxist roots of the official
Black Lives Matter organization, and thus, paint anyone who objects to the organization as
racist, unthinkingly inveighing: "How could anyone not support black lives?" This kind of
clever naming of a controversial movement, similar to "Antifa" supposedly standing for
"anti-fascist," makes it easy to baselessly paint critics as extreme and immoral. Yet this is a
reductive oversimplification that serves only to divide.
So, too, much of the blame for the Black Lives Matter perception gap lies with liberals,
Democrats, and others who support the movement for failing to adequately distance themselves
from the radical organization.
For example, I visited one of my favorite coffee shops in Arlington, Virginia over the
weekend. Like many a hipster coffee shop, it had a Black Lives Matter sign in the window and
had a fundraiser going on for the cause as well. But I was dismayed to read the flyer and
notice that the proceeds of the fundraiser were going to the official Black Lives Matter DC
organization -- yes, the same one that openly wants to abolish capitalism.
Now, I highly doubt that the owners of this coffee shop, even if they are progressives or
Democrats, actually support Marxism. More importantly, I'm certain that most customers who
donated, even in the liberal-leaning neighborhood, do not realize they are donating to a
Marxist, anti-American revolutionary organization by participating in the fundraiser. But they
Many a mainstream liberal has signaled support for the generic "black lives matter" cause by
sharing fundraisers that, if you look closely, go to official Black Lives Matter organizations
that do not actually represent their views. Meanwhile, liberal-leaning media outlets such as MSNBC
regularly platform official members of the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement and pass the
radical activists off as within the mainstream.
From corporations to politicians to random Facebook users, Black Lives Matter supporters
need to do a much better job distancing themselves from the radical organization at the root of
their slogan. (Or, alternatively, they should come up with a new and different slogan that
doesn't have such malign associations.)
This lack of due diligence is lazy and irresponsible, but more importantly, it's
Marxism is a vicious ideology, and it's one that is rooted in a divisive vision of
irreconcilable class conflict. As important economist Ludwig von Mises
noted ,
"According to the Marxian view... human society is organized into classes whose interests stand
in irreconcilable opposition." Moreover, as Mises explains ,
Marxists believe that people's very thoughts ought to be determined by their class and that
those who differ from the prescribed worldview are class traitors.
Such a divisive ideology only fuels perpetual conflict, not progress toward reconciliation.
By failing to drive this toxic extremism out loudly and clearly from their side of the issue,
the large majority of Black Lives Matter supporters -- who simply seek reform, justice, and
reconciliation -- take a chainsaw to any chance of achieving common ground and consensus.
When Don Lemon took issue with Terry Crews's take on Black Lives Matter, Crews was
crystal clear , saying, "This is the
thing. It's a great mantra. It's a true mantra. Black lives do matter. But, when you're talking
about an organization, you're talking about the leaders, you're talking about the people who
are responsible for putting these things together. It's two different things."
We need more of that kind of clarity in our discourse. Right now, the debate over "Black
Lives Matter" is muddled and confused. Liberals and conservatives alike need to make an effort
to listen and understand the other side's perspective, not the strawman caricature of it used
as a punching bag in partisan echo chambers. Until both sides take the time to understand each
other, we will keep talking past each other -- and any real progress or harmony will remain a
snedly arkus, comment 121, starts off interesting and then descends into typical
anti-communist lunacy. Really sad to see how bourgeois psyops of the 20th century still have
BLM is Marxist? I wish. I'm not sure why conservatives think tarring anything and
everything that they find themselves in opposition to as "communist" or "Marxist" does
anything other than increase interest in these ideas among those being tarred, who weren't
Marxist to begin with but who are all of a sudden being turned on to scientific socialism.
You realize they have access to the primary texts, right? They can read Capital for
themselves and find out, for themselves, that it is the greatest economics textbook ever
written, to this day, and that it and it alone provides a foundation for a scientific
understanding of capitalist political economy. That's my story, at least. I have the Tea
Party to thank for the fact that I'm a Marxist, and I never would have found out about Marx
if they didn't make the laughable claim that President Obama was one of his acolytes.
Go to BLM's homesite and you will find their mission statement. It clearly says the
movement was founded and grounded in Marxist thought, with a side of identity-politics (in
this case, a trio of black lezbians who say Marxism ultimately stems from Queer-theory, or
vice versa, I forget).
Irrespective of whether their proposed iteration of Marxist thought is intrinsically
correct is the question, of course.
I absolutely concur however, with "Republicans", that their methodology with their action
is indeed intrinsically Marxist, because it involves the putting aside of dialectics and
philosophy with the intention of clear material ends in mind. Whether or not they themselves
are able to articulate these ends is another matter.
You made me link and look. There might be some claim there that BLM is Marxist, I can't
find it quickly and the site is such a disaster it's not worth the trouble.
Their site is slightly larger than last time I looked. Still dominated by t-shirt sales
and vague LGBTQ mush. They need a web page designer and editor badly. What is most notable is
a total absence of content. Vague is too nice. Supposedly a huge organization with a big
budget, nothing to show for it. Purposely set up so you can't find out anything. My guess
would be the site is managed from a cubicle at Langley, with instructions to the
clerk-in-charge to keep it simple, keep it impenetrable. This is not a popular movement in
any sense at all.
There is "BLM", the mass movement which resembles a network of contentious and largely
autonomous activist circles (i.e., there is no central leadership), and then there is "BLM" a
501c-something organization that exists for young middle class "people of color" to get some
activist credentials that look good on applications to elite colleges. I'm guessing you're
talking about the latter, but conservatives confuse that (maybe deliberately) for the
thanks fnord.... unfortunately many people don't make these distinctions and some are not
interested in making them either... i wonder how the black panther party would have done in
this day and age? as it was they were infiltrated by the cia-fbi and made to appear
completely different then their mandate, but of that no one will be reporting on
NemesisCalling @152: "I merely stated that their [BLM] methodology is akin to any
Marxist movement."
Really? I totally missed where BLM was organizing tenant associations, labor unions, and
farmers' associations. Thanks for cluing me in on the fact they were doing these things!
I stated that their methodology is the same, not their mission statement. I have said
since the beginning of these shenanigans that their intent isn't to cast a light on our
current neoliberal plight. Then they would have to admit that whites are just as affected as
they are. And these racially divisive tactics must stand!
They view themselves as the historically oppressed class where only government
intervention (in this case, getting rid of POTUS) will ensure their material ascension into
"mattering." At least they looked at the Marxist playbook, eh?
They are gathering up the feeble-minded and guilt-ridden whites among us as their
vanguard. To what end?...obviously to get Uncle Joe to help them out.
But you can't see how x can be subbed for y in this case?
If you say American history has been building to a point where black lives can finally
matter if only we do...*static* *garble* *warble*...then everything will be ok, but we have
to make sure that we...*hiss* *static* *hiss*. Do you understand?
If we are talking about the material ascension of a historically victimized class of
people, we are talking about the Marxist-playbook.
But in this case, you are walks like a duck, it talks like a duck, but it isn't
a duck.
The BLM looks like an intrinsically American phenomenon (racial wars, the unsettled racial
question, etc. etc.). They don't look Marxist at all.
But your point highlights us a potentially interesting information: the hidden fear
Americans of from the post-2008 era have of communism.
After 2008, the word "socialism" suddenly came to forefront, as if from nowhere, in the
USA. This must certainly have generated a timor among the traditional American
From your comment historic here in this blog, you seem to be highly susceptible to
conspiracy theories. The fact that you don't doubt an American is Marxist merely from the
fact he/she states she's Marxist gives us a sign Americans like you have a deep respect and
fear for the term.
Are Americans really afraid of a communist revolution happening in their own soil?
Of course I am worried about Marxist infiltration. I am a Catholic. I want as little
government as possible. And, furthermore, this is America. It is not a potential Marxist
utopia and will never be one except by the barrel of a gun, but in that case you will have
100 million+ guns pointed right back atcha.
I respect Marxism for its contributions to the laborer's plight. But I also respect
Marxism for its ability to destroy western philosophy. But the Magna Carta, the Declaration
of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, these were all brought forth long
before Marx and they are enough to work off.
The CCP has a polluted form of Hegelianism, which is the absolute knowledge of Hegel's
Logic, or the ability to project such knowledge in its appearance. It is a powerful force on
the world stage. And I do not underestimate it.
We Americans have room, liberty, and faith.
I respect China in its natural traditions and feel that the CCP can do wonders for its
people if it ceases the world dominance aspect of its Hegelian-Marxism and return to the
teachings of the Tao Te Ching and stay within its lanes.
Is it too late to call it a draw and avoid the bloodshed? I hope so, but *shakes
8-ball*..."outlook grim."
"Will Europeans shy away from the Outlaw US Empire's determination to fail, see the rising
East as their future savior, and abandon their chosen Neoliberal path for it's not too
I'm wondering, karlof1, whether our oligarchs in the US might themselves see the writing
on the wall, (as well as the Europeans if not before them) simply as this country and those
become so crippled by what is happening thanks to the remorseless onslaught of the covid
virus, that all pretenses of having an 'economy' fly out the window. This came to my mind as
I looked at a photo on another site of a group of protesters advancing with pitchforks on NY
Hamptons estates. The pitchforks turned out to be plastic, but the headline did not say that,
and had I been on or near such a happening, the mere fact that they could have been real but
were not, would have given me considerable pause.
There has been a flexibility about protests in the past, a large amount of goodwill on the
part of protesters while enduring the state's inflexibility. That, it seems to me, is going
to change.
The pitchforks may not remain plastic much longer. Desperate times make for desperate
people. Surely a modicum of self preservation resides in the hearts of the well to do. They
have the power to change course, but time's running out.
The answer is "not always" due to existence of "What the matter with Kansas" effect.
People can and do vote against their economic interests, although this is more common for
lower strata of population then for the elite.
This is the essence of the current play by the Neoliberal Democrats. Mike Whitney pointed
out that their support of black population is just a tactical trick:
The protests are largely a diversion aimed at shifting the public's attention to a
racialized narrative that obfuscates the widening inequality chasm (created by the Democrats
biggest donors, the Giant Corporations and Wall Street) to historic antagonisms that have
clearly diminished over time. (Racism ain't what it used to be.)
The Democrats are resolved to set the agenda by deciding what issues "will and will not"
be covered over the course of the campaign. And– since race is an issue on which they
feel they can energize their base by propping-up outdated stereotypes of conservatives as
ignorant bigots incapable of rational thought– the Dems are using their media clout to
make race the main topic of debate.
In short, the Democrats have settled on a strategy for quashing the emerging populist
revolt that swept Trump into the White House in 2016 and derailed Hillary's ambitious grab
for presidential power.
The plan, however, does have its shortcomings
Let's be clear, the Democrats do not support Black Lives Matter nor have they made any
attempt to insert their demands into their list of police reforms. BLM merely fits into the
Dems overall campaign strategy which is to use race to deflect attention from the gross
imbalance of wealth that is the unavoidable consequence of the Dems neoliberal policies
including outsourcing, off-shoring, de-industrialization, free trade and trickle down
economics. These policies were aggressively promoted by both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama as
they will be by Joe Biden if he is elected. They are the policies that have gutted the
country, shrunk the middle class, and transformed the American dream into a dystopian
They are also the policies that have given rise to, what the pundits call, "right wing
populism" which refers to the growing number of marginalized working people who despise
Washington and career politicians, feel anxious about falling wages and dramatic demographic
changes, and resent the prevailing liberal culture that scorns their religion and patriotism.
This is Trump's mainly-white base, the working people the Democrats threw under the bus 30
years ago and now want to annihilate completely by deepening political polarization, fueling
social unrest, pitting one group against another, and viciously vilifying them in the media
as ignorant racists whose traditions, culture, customs and even history must be obliterated
to make room for the new diversity world order. Trump touched on this theme in a speech he
delivered in Tulsa. He said:
"Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our
heroes, erase our values and indoctrinate our children. Angry mobs are trying to tear down
statues of our founders, deface our most sacred memorials and unleash a wave of violent
crime in our cities."
He then went off the rail, but still the part of his analysis reproduced above looks pretty
Medium reported you can use this list as a guide in what businesses you wish to support.
Please also consider using this list the next time someone makes the argument that we are
living in a white supremacist country with institutionalized racism. If major companies
consider supporting violent rioters and looters good for their bottom line, your cause isn't
This peculiar choice of the word "defund" is very interesting. It would seem more natural
for a supposedly enraged group of oppressed people to pick something hateful and stupid like
"#KillThePolice" or "PigLivesDontMatter. One would also expect from today's protest generation
something that is horrifically naive and obviously not going to happen like #BanThePolice or
#FireThePolice, but instead they chose the word "Defund". This is not a hip and cool word for
the rainbow hair colored individuals out there but something very bureaucratic and in some ways
pragmatic. This is perhaps the reason why it was chosen.
No bureaucrats on the local, state or federal level (we should not forget that in America
the police are NOT a monolithic national entity like in many countries) can somehow just get
rid of the police. There is no red button to delete massive government entities, but
"defunding" is an action that is very viable from a paperwork standpoint . One could never
eliminate the U.S. Army but if it were to have no ammunition or food delivered for months the
results would be basically the same. At the very least the army would cease to function and at
worst the soldiers would turn to selling or stealing anything they could from the army bases to
survive like in 1990s Russia. If the U.S. military needs $750 billion per year but were to only
get $750 million then it may as well have just been dissolved. But again reducing a budget is
bureaucratically vastly easier than elimination.
As we have seen many politicians have been sympathetic to the BLM cause and may be willing
to push to cut the lifeblood of any government organization (funding) to a very uncomfortable
or completely nonviable level for some greater good. Even just some changes in the way police
policy handles the means of arresting suspects has been enough to start making the boys in blue
throw in their
badges . This is a matter of dozens of people not thousands, but some salary cuts and a
lack of ammo could be enough to cull the police herd. But why is defunding law enforcement so
critical to BLM?
How does cutting the purse strings of various police departments (probably in predominantly
Blue states/cities) end the supposed existence of systemic racism that has crushed Black
America for generations? It doesn't, but it sure makes revolutionary action a lot more
consequence free.
Although the police claim to "serve and protect" ultimately they exist to keep the masses
inline (Black or otherwise) and breakup internal threats in a direct way, much like an army
that acts only within its own borders. If some kind of Color Revolutionaries get into a fight
they are going to be doing so with a cop and not a leatherneck, so law enforcement is their
real enemy. Law enforcement, enforces the current laws and are willing to beat and kill
Revolutionaries (who want to change those laws) while doing so.
Some individual people behind the BLM movement who are very unlikely to resemble the "target
audience" must be feeling pretty smart about themselves at the moment. They have sent a big
signal to sympathetic politicians to cripple their enemy, but the thing is that if the police
are defunded even on a massive scale that certainly does not guarantee that Hitler 2.0 is
doomed to the fate of Hussein or Gaddafi and that this will usher in some new Liberal
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Photo: In a stable society this type of protest is tolerated. During a civil war/revolution
they would just be shot.
The irony is that the Antifas, BLMs, Trendy Liberals and some decent people who actually do
care about the destiny of Black Americans actually get shown a lot of mercy by the police. In
theory they could just shoot them, but they generally when the cameras are rolling the cops
maintain the farce that beatings and tear gas are humane and not a violation of one's right to
protest – they do not just open fire. Journalists may write that there are "clashes"
between protestors and police but these are not the same type of clashes that happen when
organized men with guns engage other organized men with guns. If monument destruction and
building tent villages were to turn into a civil conflict the gloves would come off
immediately. If the police are taken out of the question, this won't create a safe space for
revolution, but will embolden the Heartland of America to take out its rage. The Right Wingers
who have been dreaming of the day when they can finally turn their guns on their enemies would
come very quickly in the absence of the police.
For some reason America's Left has romantic notions about Anarchy when it is really the
Populist Heartland Right that that would come out the winners in a temporary absence of
government. The dad-homeowner is terrified of going to jail and losing everything he has worked
for so the police keep him totally in check, but in a state of complete chaos all of a sudden
he is motivated to take violent action to make sure his stuff remains intact.
In the highly unlikely event that the BLM protests do lead to some revolutionary moment,
Trump still has the advantage – the military (current and former), the defunded police,
homeowners and heartlanders, with no work and the possibility to lose everything in front of
their faces will be very easy to mobilize and their wrath will be great. Then again Trump under
pressure could take the "Yanukovich" route and just give up to start a fine career in
alcoholism in some foreign country.
Defunding the police is a great signal to make revolution easier in America, but it is no
guarantee of success. White teenagers who love hating their country of origin and shedding fake
tears for the repression of some other ethnicity they have never let into their house are not
going to hold the line after the impact of the first volley especially armed with cutesy poo
improvised weapons. If certain people want a civil war, maybe they will get it if some
politicians are willing to defund, but they certainly are not going to win it.
checkyourerrors , 1 hour ago
Defund Pelosi, defund Schumer, defund AOC, defund Vindman, oops, Lt Colonel Vindman and
his brother, defund Nadler, defund Adam Schiff, D-rain th-E FUND-s from Soros... and the
other conspirators that got together to scheme how to remove Trump soon after he defeated and
kicked their derrierres.
The Herdsman , 49 minutes ago
Well look at how its unfolding in blue states and we can see the goal. The police are only
on their knees to the rioters....they have been very quick to arrest and prosecute anyone who
dares to defend themselves.
So the WORDS are "defund the police", but the goal is to have a police force that protects
THEM and persecutes YOU. The cops get off their knees FAST when you pick up that gun and
defend yourself.
Rottemeister , 30 minutes ago
You just nailed the most sinister, concerning part of this. Witness the driver who plowed
into BLM protestors, killing one and landing another in the ICU. The freeway had been shut
down to accommodate protestors, a favorite tactic of these bleating sheep. I'm reminded of Ed
Norton in "Fight Club" yelling at Project Mayhem after Bob (Meatloaf) got shot. "You're
running around in ski masks. What did you THINK was going to happen."
Law enforcement and government have become complicit in this, and your average, everyday
taxpayer is more and more identified as the problem. Dangerous state of affairs. My only
solace most days, such as it is, is that I have my line in the sand for what I would fight
and die for. BLM protestors scatter like roaches when they're challenged even slightly. But
with the firepower of local and federal government on their side, the equation changes.
otschelnik , 1 hour ago
If you donate money to BLM on the internet you get a receipt from "Thousand Currents."
The vice-chairman of this 501c3 is Susan Rosenberg. Who is Susan Rosenberg? A former
member of the Weathermen, M19 communists and a convicted terrorist for harboring explosives
and weapons. She was pardoned by Slick WIllie Clinton days before he left office in January
George Floyd's
death has galvanized much of America to move the needle toward police reform ideas -- such
as defunding police -- that were previously viewed as radical.
"Defund the police" means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police
department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality. That's it. It's that
simple. Defund does not mean abolish
policing. And, even some who say abolish, do not necessarily mean to do away with law
enforcement altogether. Rather, they want to see the rotten trees of policing chopped down and
fresh roots replanted anew.
Camden , New Jersey, is a good example. Nearly a decade ago, Camden disbanded (abolished)
its police force and dissolved the local police union. This approach seems to be what
Minneapolis will do in some form, though the nuances are important.
Different from abolishing and starting anew, defunding police highlights fiscal
responsibility, advocates for a market-driven approach to taxpayer money, and has some
potential benefits that will reduce police violence and crime. Below, I outline some of the
main arguments for defunding the police.
Data show that 9 out of 10
calls for service are for nonviolent encounters. Now, this does not mean that an incident
will not turn violent, but police at times contribute to the escalation of violent force.
Police officers' skillset and training are often out of sync with the social interactions that
they have. Police officers are mostly trained in use-of-force tactics and worst-case scenarios
to reduce potential threats. However, most of their interactions with civilians start with a
Advocates for the defund movement like Phillip McHarris and Thenjiwe McHarris argue that
shifting funding to social services that can improve things such as mental health,
addiction, and homelessness is a better use of taxpayer money. This approach further enhances
the push to decriminalize and destigmatize people with mental health conditions and addiction
problems. Ever since the overcriminalization of people addicted to
crack cocaine in the 1990s, some scholars, practitioners, and policymakers have said that
this shift is long overdue.
Additionally, the research I have conducted with hundreds of police officers show that they
respond to everything from potholes in the street to cats stuck up a tree. Police officers are
also increasingly asked to complete paperwork and online forms. Obviously, documentation is
important and desperately needed. The overwhelmingly blank
report in the killing of Breonna Taylor in Louisville that listed her injuries as "none"
highlights the importance of documentation. It could be argued, however, that reducing officer
workload would increase the likelihood of solving violent crimes. Police officers are
overworked and overstressed. Focusing on menial tasks throughout the day is inefficient and a
waste of taxpayer money. Other government actors should be responsible for these and receive
adequate funding for doing them.
Police officers are not as successful as people think at solving violent crime. My Brookings
colleagues Andre Perry, David Harshbarger, Carl Romer, and Kristian Thymianos argue that "the
failure to prosecute murderous police typifies a bad overall track record with solving
violent crimes: Approximately 38% of murders, 66% of rapes, 70% of robberies, and 47% of
aggravated assaults go
uncleared every year." Maybe in baseball or basketball these rates make a player an
all-star, but the public expects police officers to be more successful at solving violent
More importantly, police stops relative to charges and convictions are relatively low. To
show how egregious this is, a study of the NYPD stop-and-frisk
program found that well over 90% of people stopped by the police were not committing any
crime and did not have any contraband or weapons on them. Overwhelmingly, the people stopped
were Black and Latino, and physical force was used half the time. Interestingly, police were
more successful at identifying criminality for whites versus Blacks. This is because officers
use suspicious behavior when interacting with whites and use skin tone as the metric of
suspicion when interacting with Black people. More police on the streets may be used to control
the movement of Black bodies rather than solving crime. This is why the New York State Supreme
Court ruled stop-and-frisk as unconstitutional. No-knock warrants and chokeholds should follow
this pattern.
One consistent finding in the social science literature is that if we really want to
reduce crime , education equity and the establishment of a
infrastructure is the best approach. A study using
60 years of data found that an increase in funding for police did not significantly relate
to a decrease in crime. Throwing more police on the street to solve a structural problem is one
of the reasons why people are protesting in the streets. Defunding police -- reallocating
funding away from police departments to other sectors of government -- may be more beneficial
for reducing crime and police violence.
In recent weeks, some large municipalities with a history of police brutality have
reallocated funds in line with the defund police movement. Los Angeles will have at least $100
million reallocated away from LAPD to programs for minority
communities. San
Francisco Mayor London Breed said that she will work with community groups to reprioritize
Baltimore City Council voted to reallocate $22 million away from the police department's
fiscal budget for 2021, which is typically over $500 million. The city council plans to
redirect the funding to recreational centers, trauma centers, and forgivable loans for
Black-owned businesses. Prince
George's County , Maryland, aims to reallocate $20 million away from a new training
facility for its police department (though the money will not come out of the police
department's budget) and to remove
student resource officers from schools. Other areas, such as Minneapolis, have advocated
for removing police officers from schools as well.
Altogether, it is clear that municipalities across the U.S. are making changes in line with
the defund police movement. So, while the word "reallocate" may be a more palatable, digestible
word on the House floor or at a city council meeting, "defund" surely gets more attention on a
protest sign. And more importantly, it seems to be having an impact.
The statue, dedicated in 1984, is the latest monument to be destroyed in what President
Trump dubbed the "left-wing cultural revolution" by "angry mobs."
According to the
Baltimore Sun , the Columbus statue has been the site of a wreath-laying ceremony right
before the annual Columbus Day parade, which, in 2019 was replaced with the Italian Heritage
Republican state delegates and Italian-American activists held a press conference at the
statue last month to ask Gov. Larry Hogan and Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. "Jack" Young to
preserve and protect the memorials , following activists' comments about pulling down the
monuments themselves and the introduction of a City Council bill this week to rename one of
them in honor of victims of police violence.
The downed statue is one of three monuments to Columbus in Baltimore. -
Baltimore Sun
BLM thugs have already started going after patriots. They ambushed our governor at the
small town of Ackley Iowa. They were stalking her as she visited companies providing
essential services during the pandemic. Her driver refused to stop, likely saving her life.
One BLM thug was hit but not seriously injured. They are not waiting to run out of statues.
We ordinary Americans must be heavily armed at all times now. Midwest states are full of
illegals, who serve the left as an army. Open civil war is upon us whether we would have it
or not.
warsev , 3 minutes ago
What these malicious rioters don't realize is that they are handing the November election
to DJT and Republicans for senate and house. Average Americans look on the footage that
accompanies this article with revulsion; for the ideas and the people behind them. Trump will
walk away with 2020. Just keep it up, loony lefties.
vic and blood , 4 minutes ago
We have been in a race and culture war with multiple factions for some time. The presumed
winner is not overtly participating.
Most white people are oblivious, though that is changing. Too bad we are demographically
SolidGold , 1 minute ago
Divide and conquer. Who creates that genius?
NumberNone , 12 minutes ago
Was in downtown Baltimore less than 2 years ago, it felt like you were one person away
from someone that wanted to rob you. The downtown had all the usual suspects of faux high end
shopping but the vibe was one of John Wayne Gacy in his clown had all the look and
feel that was supposed to make you happy but it was rotten to the core.
Whoa Dammit , 13 minutes ago
We can't keep coddling these stupid brats. It's time to start making their parents pay for
the mess and destruction that their ill raised offspring cause.
GoldRulesPaperDrools , 17 minutes ago
Protesters == pavement apes
House of Cards , 17 minutes ago
Terrorists you mean
Watt Supremacissss , 16 minutes ago
GoldRulesPaperDrools , 15 minutes ago
Redundant but accurate ... +100_000
Silver Savior , 17 minutes ago
Columbus was a dickhead anyway.
NumberNone , 9 minutes ago
So we tear apart the country for a guy that held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach...if
you're gonna pass judgement and replace other people's icons you might want to make better
Blackdawg7 , 43 minutes ago
I've never been a fan of Christopher Columbus but witnessing these know-nothing
sanctimonious twits destroy public property while virtue signalling makes my blood boil.
Workdove , 44 minutes ago
Not worth the 10 years in jail...
vic and blood , 50 minutes ago
History's losers are terrorizing, and soon to be tyrannizing us because Caucasians are too
civilized and docile.
Every race and tribe is programmed by God to attempt to dominate.
As an adherent of the non-aggression principle, I don't care for the binary choice, but
accept it.
Either dominate or be dominated. Only cucks believe in co-existence. I assure you our
rivals do not believe in peaceful co-existence.
unionbroker , 1 hour ago
Christopher Columbus sails out into the unknown where no man has gone before. What the
**** has BLM done. Put the statues back up and throw BLM in the water
We can't keep coddling these stupid brats. It's time to start making their parents pay for
the mess and destruction that their ill raised offspring cause.
They probably can pus a smartphone instead of demolished monuments. Their view of police as a
brutal occupying force is naive, because police is just a muscle, and it is not "white supremacy"
that is behind them. They are fighting sypmtom, not the root case.
We all remember those shots. American troops are entering Baghdad. A tank stops somewhere in
the city, cautiously, in the vicinity of a Saddam Hussein monument. After a few minutes of
apparent inactivity, a crowd is beginning to form around the monument. The crowd is not all
that big. It rallies around the figure of Iraq's president. Soon an American soldier climbs the
monument and puts an American flag on it. An Iraqi intervenes, so the flag is replaced with the
Iraqi one. And then, then some individuals begin to climb the statue, a crane arrives from
somewhere, a steel rope is attached to the monument and the crane drives slowly back, taunting
the line and gradually slanting the president's image to its feet. Eventually the figure drops
to the ground and the cheering people dance around it, deliver it kicks and carry some of the
pieces that fell off in the process away.
The alien forces have conquered the capital city of the enemy and performed an age-old
ritual that victors used to perform in the presence of the vanquished: Americans demolished the
material symbol of the enemy's sovereignty and by doing it they also humiliated the routed
In the nineties of the 20th century we could all see angry Russians in Moscow, but also
angry Poles in Warsaw and equally angry residents of other European capitals tearing down
monuments from the communist era, especially those of Comrade Felix Dzerzhinsky, the notorious
head of the Cheka (from:
комиссия, i.e. Vserossiyskaya chrezvychaynaya
komissiya = The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission). NOW
Americans Are Growing More Anxious Over Spread of COVID-19 as Cases Continue to Rise
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Donald Trump: We're doing very well in dealing with Covid-19 crisis
Bolton: 'Fickle' Trump would sell out Israel for photo op with Iran's leaders
Since the dawn of history monuments would be put up and torn down. Either act reflected a
huge political, social, religious or demographic change. Monuments are erected by common
consent of the majority of a given (national, social, religious, political) community, in which
case they are wanted as a tribute to or a memory of the community's most cherished heroes or
values, or they are enforced by occupying forces, in which case they are hated by those against
whose will they have been put up.
Monuments are only desecrated, defaced, toppled or destroyed by the enemies of those who
built them. Americans in Iraq and a part of Iraqi nation was against Saddam Hussein; a rather
large part of the Russian nation nurtured bitter memories concerning the henchmen of their
ancestors like Felix Dzerzhinsky, so they vented their anger on his images the moment an
opportunity presented itself. The divide between those who put up the monuments and those who
hated the sight of them was in each case insurmountable. What was dear to the former, was
abhorrent to the latter.
Recently a huge wave of monument desecration and monument removal has swept the United
States and to a much lesser extent Europe. It is mostly the heroes of the American South
– generals of the Army of the Confederate States – that are targeted, but not only.
Also abolitionists, 1) fighters for
American independence of other nationalities, 2) Christian
missionaries 3) and even Jesus
Christ himself. 4) John Wayne may
not be spared the same fate either 5) so much so that
a monument to a Portland elk – his ancestor was presumably a slave owner and the elk
– a confirmed racist – fell victim to the rage of American iconoclasts.
All this is taking place amid riots caused by the death of a frequent prison inmate who was
caught by the police while suspected of paying with counterfeit money. The activists of the
Black Lives Matter movement, supported by Antifa 7) and heavily
sponsored by the powers that be and spurned on by the democrats performed the usual acts of
protest: burning cars and looting shops. This time two qualitatively new elements have been
added: one is the toppling or desecration of monuments and the other is forcing the police
officers to knee to the rioters. All this is happening because it is wanted by at least a
significant part of the establishment, democrats in the first place, who having failed to
impeach Donald Trump, having stopped America's and the world's economies due to the so called
pandemic now are playing another trump card in yet another effort to thwart the president
incumbent from being elected for the second term.
Shamelessness as a revolutionary act ( which see )
The democrats have decided to use American blacks to create chaos and make a distressing
impression on US citizens who should come to the conclusion that Donald Trump is not capable of
running the country. History provides ample examples when a part of the elites willing to
topple the current ruler would resort to the help of the masses in order to force the ruler's
abdication or resignation. Such was the case in France in the run-up to the French Revolution,
such was the case in Russia in the run-up to the Russian revolution. In France it was the
so-called third class that was used for the purpose, in Russia it was the proletariat, now in
the United States it is the easily excitable blacks. History teaches us that a genie let out of
the bottle cannot be put back at a moment's notice. Either the democrats have not been
attentive during their history classes or their hatred of Donald Trump is so intense that they
don't care.
What is happening now in the Land of the Free makes the whole world wonder. It fits the
definition of a cultural revolution – modelled on its Chinese or Bolshevik predecessors
– or a colour revolution known from the streets of Belgrade, Tunis, Cairo, Tbilisi, Kiev
and many other places. If the latter is the correct interpretation then the question arises
whether this time the process was initiated – as usual – by the CIA or whether it
is the boomerang hitting back the thrower. Be that as it may – power struggle apart
– the events reveal a few important things.
[1] Americans are not a uniform, coherent nation and never will be: it is always blacks
against whites, though the discrimination laws are a thing of the past, how much more slavery.
Assimilation or integration – so much propagated in Europe in view of the influx of the
people from the Third World – does not work in the least. The two races share the same
terrain, language and religion and still remain far part.
[2] Monument desecration and removal is a fight against memory. Memoriae damnatio or the
Orwellian black hole is a well-known historical phenomenon. Invaders of Egypt necessarily
obliterated the images of pharaohs; Arab conquerors smashed images of ancient heroes or
Christian saints; Christians would destroy pagan idols; Byzantine iconoclasts raised their
hands against paintings depicting Jesus Christ and saints; protestants would do the same a
couple of centuries later in northern and western Europe; French revolutionaries would even
stoop down to extracting corpses of the long-dead French kings – Capetians, Valois,
Bourbons – and desecrating them; Bolsheviks in Russia would do the same with the remnants
of the tsarist past; even worse: factions of Bolsheviks would delete from very recent memory
yesterday's comrades.
[3] The BLM movement is racist to the core. It is aimed against whites and whites alone. It
is strong because it is supported by the democratic party and its adherents and a number of
foundations. That it is anti-white is evident. White actors have been discouraged from
impersonating or even voicing characters of colour, which, however, is not the case when it
comes to black actors who are increasingly frequently cast in typically white roles. It is only
and exclusively whites who are accused of being racist.
[4] Humiliation of the white population and especially of the police. The pictures of white
people kneeling to blacks and of the policemen – armed to their teeth – to the
rioters have been spread worldwide. It is an act of humiliation pure touted of course as an act
of interracial reconciliation and mutual respect.
[5] As usual, whenever a black gets killed in a squabble or a scuffle African-Americans,
Antifa and the mainstream media are quick to pass judgement without waiting for the court
sentence, which runs counter to the well-established procedure that no one is deemed guilty
until proven. The pressure exerted by the rioters and the media without doubt negatively
affects the decision of the judges who later deal with the case.
[6] What is happening is certainly wanted by a large part of the establishment or else it
wouldn't have been happening. Black rioters know that they can enjoy a lot of leeway and they
act accordingly, looting and burning and showing disrespect for the law and the police. Many a
mayor or police chief – usually a democrat and a black – under the pretext of
deescalating the conflicts withdraws the law enforcement units from parts of the city that they
are in charge of. Consider the so-called autonomous zones in Seattle and New York held for a
time by rioters. The powers that be could suppress the riots within 24 hours if they only
wanted to. As it is, they are using irascible black communities (agitated by Antifa activists)
to create turmoil and thus to achieve political goals. Just picture to yourself a rally of
genuine Nazis raising their hands in the Roman salute: how long would they hold a public
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People occupying parts of the city called autonomous zones remind the Kiev Maidan
protesters. They spend days and nights doing nothing, but somehow they do not go hungry. In
both cases the police are either inactive or indolent. The Maidan riots in Kiev brought about
the change of the government. The powers that be must be counting on the same in the Dis-United
States of America.
How do we know that the riots are instigated, sponsored and used by the powers that be?
Precisely because of the inactivity and indolence of the police, because of the inactivity and
indolence of local; authorities, because of the media's condoning tone towards the events.
Lastly, history teaches us that revolutions, are made by means of popular protests and these
protests are paid by very rich individuals. Professional revolutionaries whose task it was to
destabilize Russia at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries were in the
pocket of Alexander Parvus (born: Israel Gelfand) and Jacob Schiff. Individuals that later
became the driving forces of the coup d'etat – Leon Trotsky (born: Lev Bronstein),
creator of the Red Army – did not have to bother about their living.
The deletion of historical memory and the renunciation of the heroes of the past paves the
way for replacing the United States of America with something new. Maybe the Union of Soviet
States of America? At present it is the images, effigies, and monuments that are beheaded,
trampled upon, kicked and drowned. Tomorrow it may very likely be people. Such are the dynamics
of any revolutionary movement.
You can be fired for criticizing BLM, because in essence this is apolitical movement run by regular Dem NGOs careerists.
Immunity from criticism is a sign of totalitarism.
Imagine for a moment that you're on a sports team that has never won a championship game,
that only rarely wins a game at all, that comes in near or dead last in the rankings season
after season after season. And imagine you want to win for once – not just a few games,
but a winning season, making it through playoffs and into the finals, and maybe even take home
the championship, something your team has never done before. But looking at your team, most of
the players aren't that great, those that are don't work together well, they fight amongst
themselves more than the other teams, each of them tries to steal the glory from the other
players only to fail spectacularly when they do. Your current coach, who's been coaching the
team for decades, tells the players it's not their fault that they keep losing, the refs are
just biased against them, the game is rigged, and everyone deserves an equal number of points
regardless of how well they play. When refs make a call against them, they start a fight
instead of accepting the call and playing better to overcome the setback. Instead of focusing
on improving as players or as a team, they're taught to complain about the rules of the game
itself. Don't hate the player, hate the game. But along comes a new coach offering a new style
of management. The new coach wants to kick the worst players off the team while making the
remaining players train harder to improve their skills and organize around supporting the best
players on the team. They're expected to show good sportsmanship even if the refs sometimes
make a bad call, and channel any anger or frustration over those calls into playing harder. If
you were on the team and wanted to actually win once in a while, which coach would you want
leading you?
As black Americans riot, loot their neighborhood stores, and burn down black owned
businesses over the death of a methhead who likely died because of an overdose of multiple
drugs and not because of the knee on his neck
[1] (fentanyl overdoses are
known to cause breathing problems and Floyd had no serious injuries to his neck or elsewhere
from the officers who arrested him) who cared so little about black lives he once threatened to
shoot a pregnant black woman during a robbery/home invasion and his own black kids didn't even
recognize him on tv, we must ask what is so different about the black community that they could
be trolled by the media into destroying their own cities to protest the death of a man who
contributed nothing to the black community. That they would do this at a time when the media
has warned against any and all mass gatherings aside from these protests due to fears of
coronavirus, which blacks are dying from at a higher rate than whites, even as the media tells
white conservatives to avoid mass gatherings such as the recent Trump rally in Tulsa, should
make the left wing media's total disregard for black lives obvious even as they heap lip
service on the Black Lives Matter movement and organization, but blacks across the country have
chosen to ignore the warnings about a disease that has killed tens of thousands of black
Americans so far this year in order to protest the death of about ten unarmed blacks per year
by police.
Blacks have never been the most successful race in America (and are even less successful in
most of the rest of the world), but American blacks, who have a significantly higher average IQ
than their African cousins, aren't usually as collectively stupid as they have been so far in
2020 as they destroy their own communities and risk death by a disease much deadlier than the
police to protest the death of a man who would likely have died from the drugs in his system
regardless of whether or not the police arrested him (though they did overwhelmingly vote to
re-elect Barack Obama in 2012 after his disastrous war in Libya screwed up a once prosperous
African nation so badly that you can now openly buy black slaves there, effectively
re-establishing the African slave trade thanks to America's first black President).
If black Americans want to improve their situation, they need honest and constructive
criticism of their current problems as a group and the underlying causes of those problems.
As hundreds of millions of dollars are being donated by corporate interests to the
Soros-affiliated Black Lives Matter organization behind the protests that turned to riots
that have destroyed their small business competition and are preventing the reopening of the
economy in the wake of the coronavirus shutdown, it's hard to see how any of that money will be
spent in ways that actually improve the quality of life or economic prospects of the average
black American, let alone make up for the destruction of so many local and black owned
businesses caused by the riots.
It's unclear how the money BLM has raised is actually being spent aside from the few
million paid to the organization's staff and consultants and the 6% of their funds that have
gone to the local chapters that they claim are supposed to be running the show, and many
activists have raised questions about just where the money is going.
[2] The pseudo-socialist
elites like Soros who are funding the movement for their own purposes likely do not have the
best interests of the black population at heart, and the millions raised in previous years do
not seem to have been used to help the black community prosper and improve.
Nor have the variety of socialist programs that blacks have voted for through the Democratic
Party improved their community much. The average black household is more than twice as likely
to receive some form of welfare than the average white household and three times as likely to
receive direct cash assistance.
But despite the fact that whites, who pay more in taxes to find these programs, have large
portions of our wealth redistributed every year to blacks through socialist programs like, EBT,
Section 8, Medicaid, and TANF, no amount of free food and shelter seems to be enough to help
black Americans rise economically.
Rather, the opposite seems to be true, as blacks learn to settle for free stuff and a
welfare lifestyle rather than pushing themselves to succeed. Nor do the affirmative action
programs that exist in admissions to most colleges help blacks, as they appear to actually
lower academic performance and graduation rates among black students as they increase the
number of black students in the colleges that practice affirmative action.
And despite the claims that the high crime rates in black communities – some of which
exceed the crime rates of even the most violent third world countries – are caused by
poverty and a lack of opportunity, no amount of free stuff to alleviate poverty or affirmative
action to provide opportunity has brought the crime rate in the black community down to
anywhere near the low level in the white community.
Crime has dropped since the early 1990s due to the removal of lead from gasoline
[5] , but the massive gap in
crime rates between blacks and whites has remained even as levels of lead exposure among blacks
have dropped massively and can no longer be used to explain away their high crime rates.
Despite being only 13% of the population, blacks commit more than half the murders in the
US, and a solid majority of their victims are black (though they kill hundreds more whites and
members of other races each year than the other way around). If BLM actually cared about
black lives, the thousands of extra blacks murdered by other blacks beyond the number who would
be murdered if they had the same murder rate as whites would be a higher priority than the
dozen or so unarmed black men killed by police each year (many of whom were engaged in violent
crime or, like George Floyd, didn't die strictly due to police violence). But they're not, and
the progressive left will never so much as admit that blacks have a higher violent crime rate
for reasons other than poverty, let alone find a solution to it.
Nor can historical racism explain the difference in outcomes between blacks and whites. East
Asians were considered colored under Jim Crow laws in many southern states (their segregation
from whites was upheld in the 1927 Supreme Court case Lum v. Rice), while lighter skinned
immigrants from Mexico and south and central America were generally considered white and given
the privileges that came with that status.
The Japanese specifically were put into internment camps during WWII, facing even stricter
legal discrimination than blacks during that time. And yet, if you're the descendant of
Japanese Americans who lived here through internment and segregation, odds are you make more
money than the average white American, while Hispanic/Latino Americans whose ancestors were
often considered white during that time have a lower average income.
Black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean also have a higher average income (though
this may be due in part to selection bias), as do immigrants from India, while the Jews, who
regularly claim to be the most oppressed group in history, have a much higher average income
than white Americans and are roughly 20 times as likely to be billionaires as the average
American after running our central bank for most of the past century.
Black Americans are doing significantly better than blacks in any other part of the world,
including the descendants of the black Africans who sold most black Americans' ancestors into
slavery. If historical discrimination and multigenerational trauma were as big a part of the
reason for the American black community's problems as leftists like to claim, Jews should be
among the poorest people in the world, while blacks in places that spent very little time under
colonial rule, such as Ethiopia and Haiti, should be among the most prosperous black
communities in the world. Instead, the opposite appears to be true.
This isn't to say that no systemic racism exists – after all, we have a media that
tells blacks it's important to have mass gatherings during a pandemic while telling white
conservatives to avoid mass gatherings, so if the Wuhan Flu is anywhere near as dangerous as
the media says, our left wing media is actively attempting to kill thousands of blacks by
encouraging them to increase their risk of contracting the virus while telling white
conservatives to avoid any possibility of contracting the virus (unless they actually believe
the virus is a hoax or the threat is overblown, in which case they're just suppressing
conservative voices as usual). We also have a drug war which was escalated in part by Nixon,
whose staff has since admitted that part of the reason for his push to increase drug arrest was
to suppress blacks who had mostly switched to voting Democrat by that point. But while there is
some evidence of racial bias in arrests for drug crimes, where blacks make up a larger
percentage of drug arrests than drug users, there does not seem to be any anti-black bias in
enforcement of violent crimes, where blacks are much more likely to commit rape, assault, and
robbery according to victimization studies and crime reports, and the racial breakdown of
people accused of violent crime is much closer to the racial breakdown of people arrested for
violent crime than it is for drug crimes. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey
from the Bureau of Justice, blacks are more than twice as likely to be offenders of violent
crime as to be victims, bigger than the difference between men and women, while whites and
Asians are more likely to be victims than perpetrators of violent crime.
[6] table 12
Whites commit about 2.3 times as many total violent crimes as blacks (while making up about
5 times as much of the population) according to the NCVS, and according to the FBI's Uniform
Crime Report, 2.5 times as many whites as blacks are arrested for violent crimes
[7] , so whites seem more
likely to be arrested than blacks after adjusting for their crime rate (though this may be
affected by differences in racial classification between the two and may vary by specific
crime; the NCVS hasn't provided a racial breakdown for specific crimes since 2006).
There's also evidence that police are equally if not more likely to use excessive and deadly
force against white suspects than black suspects according to a study by a black Harvard
[8] So the claims of systemic
bias by police against black Americans seem largely exaggerated, and if blacks are targeted
more by police, it probably has more to do with the fact that police are called on to deal with
black suspects far more often than to protect black victims.
But simply pointing out how wrong the left's assessment of both the black community's
problems and their proposed solutions to those problems is isn't – and shouldn't be
– enough. The rioting the left continually provokes black Americans into will likely
worsen every election year until a real solution to the black community's problems of poverty
and crime can be found. If the Trump right wants to win over a sizable number of black votes,
or if the far right wants to avoid being trolled into a costly race war by globalist elites who
want to destabilize our country and instead turn all races against the rootless elites who have
been playing us all for fools, we will have to offer the black community a real solution to
their plight, a lasting and long term solution that gives them the opportunity to rise above
their current problems.
The first step is to acknowledge that the differences in outcomes between white and black
Americans have less to do with systemic factors that affect blacks and whites differently and
more to do with cultural and genetic differences that cause whites and blacks to behave
differently. There are significant genetic differences between different races. About 5% of the
genes that differ between humans are exclusive to particular geographically bounded hereditary
[9] – what most of us
would refer to as races, but what university academics must be careful to differentiate from
race with technical mumbo jumbo in order to not have their research defunded by the
socialist/progressive/social justice left.
Even if social conceptions and divisions of race from 50+ years ago were not based in
genetics, we can divide people into clear genetic hereditary groups that correspond closely
enough to the racial groups most people are familiar with – Europeans/Caucasians,
Sub-Saharan Africans, East Asians, South Asians/North Africans, and Native Americans have
similarities within their groups and differences from other groups that make them distinct
groups that can be identified by their genes.
In addition to the portion of our genome that's exclusive to particular racial hereditary
groups, there are millions of genes that are more common in certain racial and ethnic groups
than others. For example, the MAOA gene affects the development of neurotransmitters in your
brain, and one particular variant/allele of that gene (known as the two repeat allele) makes
you more prone to impulsive and violent behavior.
[10] That allele is recessive and exists on the X chromosome,
meaning a woman must have two copies of the allele while men only need one copy for the gene to
express itself and result in impulsive and violent behavior, making men more likely to display
such behavior than women.
About 5% of black men have that particular allele, as compared to 0.1% of white men. That
gene is not a perfect predictor of violent behavior, but it is a contributing factor to the
significantly higher violent crime rate seen among black men in particular.
Another gene, the ADRA gene, affects empathy and emotional memory. The ADRA2b allele is
associated with a greater ability to remember emotions and what causes them, affecting your
ability to predict other people's emotions and understand how your actions affect others.
[11] That gene appears to be about
5 times as common in Caucasians as in full blooded Africans, but closer to twice as common in
American whites as American blacks, and even more common in certain Asians than in Europeans.
The ADRA2b allele may partially explain why Asian and European communities seem to be more
cooperative and peaceful on average than African and African American communities.
Just as there are genes that impact our personality traits, there are also genes that impact
intelligence. Over 1000 genes have been identified that impact intelligence. Considering that
intelligence is estimated to be somewhere between 50-80% genetic, and that there have been
significant differences in average IQ between blacks, whites, yellows, reds, browns, and
whatever other racial or ethnic groups don't want to consider themselves part of one of those
categories that have remained fairly stable for decades even as environmental, social, and
economic factors changed significantly, it's likely that most of the difference in average
intelligence between different racial and ethnic hereditary groups is due to genetic
differences. Intelligence has a significant impact on both educational attainment and career
success that likely explains a lot more of the difference in attainment between the average
member of different races than discrimination.
In order to understand the difference in outcomes between different races, we have to
understand the genetic differences that cause them. No one gene completely determines a
person's personality or intelligence – heck, 1000 genes don't completely determine either
of those things, but they do have a strong enough impact on them that they can't be ignored,
particularly when talking about group averages and large scale societal trends such as violent
crime rates and average incomes. People who want to see blacks succeed beyond where they're at
today often reject the genetic argument for our different levels of success because admitting
that the differences between us are genetic makes them seem inherent and unchangeable, making
it unacceptable within their worldview. But the opposite is true – we live in an
evolutionary world where humanity has changed immeasurably just in the past few thousand years
and is continuing to change. Populations are shaped by their environment and evolve to adapt to
their environment very quickly.
How quickly can people adapt? It depends, but one indicator is the fox domestication
experiment that took place in Russia. Russian researchers took a species of fox that had never
been domesticated and selectively bred them to see how many generations it would take to
domesticate them. The first generation behaved largely hostile to the researchers, often
reacting with fear and anger and attempting to attack their handlers even when being fed. But
some of the foxes were more hostile than others, and some were more passive and showed
occasional signs of friendliness. The ones who showed more friendliness and less hostility were
selected to breed more while the ones who showed the most hostility to their handlers were not
allowed to breed. It took 6 generations for the first fox who behaved like a mostly
domesticated animal – showing affection to humans, only attacking their handlers when
provoked, making noise and movements to attempt to communicate with their handlers – was
born. Within 10 generations about 18% behaved like domesticated animals. At 20 generations,
over a third did, and by 30 generations about three fourths did.
[12] Today, after over 40 generations, nearly
all of the foxes born behave like fully domesticated animals.
If 40 generations is at least enough time to cause as major a change as going from a wild,
hostile animal to a friendly domesticated animal, something which involves a significant
population wide shift in a large number of genes affecting personality, it's likely that 40
generations would be more than enough time to close the gap between blacks and whites –
assuming the right kind of selective pressure. 40 generations in humans is about 1000 years,
which may seem like a long time, but significant shifts in behavior would be seen within just a
few generations. American blacks have already been adapting to white society for centuries, and
it's likely the harsh selective pressure of the slavery and Jim Crow eras, as well as the
mixing of some European DNA into most American blacks during that time, helped accelerate the
process and explains why American blacks are doing so much better than blacks in Africa and
places like Haiti where they did not intermix and did not face the same levels of selective
pressure from whites. And if the differences between blacks and whites are not as big as the
differences between domesticated and wild animals, then we can expect it to take less time to
catch black Americans up to white Americans – provided they face harsher selective
pressure to remove the worst members of their population from their gene pool and encourage the
best to breed more.
No serious evolutionary biologist believes selective pressure would not work to cause
significant changes in a population. Of course the tens of thousands of years of evolutionary
separation between different racial hereditary groups living in different environments,
particularly after the development of organized civilizations which came with their own forms
of selective pressure, caused us to develop different traits, and of course we are continuing
to evolve and adapt to our ever changing environment. Noted evolutionary biologist Richard
Dawkins has even stated that eugenics obviously would work, and that any objections to it (of
which he has many) must be made on ethical grounds because the scientific evidence solidly
supports the idea that you can change the traits of a human population over time through
selective pressure, just as you can for any other species.
[13] So the question for the
black population, once they've accepted the scientific evidence that they are more prone to
violent crime and less capable of attaining economic success due to genetic differences, is not
whether or not they can change this fact – of course they can. The question is whether or
not they should, and if so, how they should and what the selective pressure needed to cause the
changes they want to make to their people should look like. Is it more unethical for blacks to
selectively remove the most aggressive, impulsive, unteachable, and crime prone members of
their community to improve the community as a whole, or to continue to be mired in poverty and
crime, unable to rise above their current station in life, to remain the butt of every racist
joke for generations to come?
Even if blacks choose not to use eugenic selection to improve as a people, there are many
ways biological realism can help them. Even if you reject the idea that race is genetic and not
just skin color, skin color matters more than people like to admit. Darker skin makes it harder
to produce enough vitamin D from sunlight, so black people need to live in areas with more
sunlight (closer to the equator) to get an adequate amount of vitamin D, and may be healthier
working outdoors rather than adopting the indoor office work lifestyle of lighter skinned
whites and east Asians who need less sunlight to be healthy.
This may help to explain why northern cities that never had Jim Crow laws and outlawed
slavery far earlier often have even higher violent crime rates among the black population than
southern cities where historical oppression supposedly affected blacks there more. Perhaps
blacks in northern cities like Detroit, Chicago, and New York would be better off moving south
to sunnier climates where they can be healthier, and perhaps whites in the deep south –
particularly Florida, the sunniest state in the country and the one state where there seems to
be an abundance of crazy white people – should move further north to climates where they
don't get too much sun.
Environment can affect people in a lot of ways, both the natural environment and the social,
political, and economic environment, but often those effects are the exact opposite of what the
left likes to claim. Take gun control, for example. White leftists claim greater availability
of guns increases violent crime. The exact opposite seems to be true. Blacks and Hispanics have
about half as high a gun ownership rate as whites, and yet commit far higher rates of violent
[16] Blacks are also much
more likely to be arrested for gun control and weapons law violations according to FBI arrest
rate stats, making up about 43% of those arrested but only about 6% of gun owners, one of the
few areas of crime (along with drug laws, another victimless crime) where blacks actually are
disproportionately far more likely to get arrested relative to whites after adjusting for
differences in behavior between blacks and whites, and in this case it's because of the
policies of Democrat politicians that blacks overwhelmingly vote for.
Part of the reason why violent crime is higher in black and brown communities than in white
communities is likely that in white communities where gun ownership rates are high, violent
crime is much more likely to result in the criminal's death. This creates an environment where
criminals (and therefore people who are more crime-prone) are regularly removed from the gene
pool, resulting in much lower crime rates in the long run, while in black and brown
neighborhoods criminals are much more likely to survive and benefit from their criminality,
resulting in the genes that make them crime prone being more likely to be passed on. Modern gun
control may only have been around for a few generations, long enough to make small changes in
the frequency of genes that contribute to criminality but not long enough to explain the full
difference. Historically, whites have practiced selective removal of criminals for large
portions of their history – the Romans used crucifixion for hundreds of years to remove
criminals and anti-social types from the European gene pool, and hangings and public executions
of criminals were common for much of later European history, long enough to have a significant
impact on their gene pool, while the African populations American blacks are descended from
typically did not have organized or codified legal systems that sought to remove bad actors
from their populations until after contact with Eurasian peoples. If blacks want to catch up in
removing criminals from their communities but don't want to use direct eugenics to remove
people with specific genes from their gene pool, perhaps rolling back gun control and
encouraging the more responsible members of their community to own and learn to use guns so
they can defend their communities from the criminals who prey on them would be a good step in
that direction, though whites (particularly white urban leftists) who live near their
communities will be understandably wary of the most violent people in America wanting higher
rates of gun ownership, even if they will go to great lengths to hide that fact and conceal
their racism by arguing for gun control on other grounds.
If black Americans want to improve their situation, they will need to change their strategy,
both culturally and politically. Welfare programs enable the least capable among them to
survive at the expense of the most capable, preventing them from evolving to be more capable,
and eliminates the need for stable families. Gun control enables the survival of criminals at
the expense of the innocent. Many of the policies blacks are tricked into voting for by white
leftists are terrible for their community; even the most virulent racists who want to lynch
black criminals would be better for their community than white leftists who want to make
criminality thrive in the black community, and the meritocratic portion of the conservative
movement and Republican Party that prides itself on valuing individual ability over group
identifiers would likely do far more good for the black community than the progressive movement
and Democratic Party that have tricked blacks into destroying their own families and
communities for decades. Simply leaving the Democrat plantation for the Trump Republicans will
be enough to get the black community started on the path towards a better future. But it may
not be enough in the long run. Blacks do have some genetic strength, such as higher rates of
genes like the 577R allele of the ACTN3 gene that makes your muscle fibers more powerful and
makes those who have it capable of running faster, and they seem to have plenty of musical
talent if their history of inspiring jazz, rock, rap, and other new genres of music is any
indication. Preserving those strengths as they try to remove their weaknesses may not be easy,
and in the case of their strength and speed it may not even be necessary as we head towards a
more automated and tech-centric future where intellect will likely matter even more and
physical ability even less than they do now in our modern era where intellectual work generally
pays far more than physical work. Blacks will need to do some soul searching as a community to
determine what direction their people need to head in to survive and thrive in the future and
how best to get there.
A sports and game metaphor written by someone who is totally unaware of the history of gaming
and sports in the US.
"When refs make a call against them, they start a fight instead of accepting the call and
playing better to overcome the setback. "
You have got to kidding. Any attempt to pin bad sportsmanship on blacks is just scatter
gunned with whites having apoplectic fits not only over the rules, but why=o makes the rules,
why are there rules . . .
The founders had a life essentially paid for by the British people. Thy free press, free
speech, trial by jury, common law, capital markets, a stable currency, basically unfettered
access to the world's oceans, representative government here an abroad -- though the one
complaint that made some sense was having representation in Great Britain proper.
Th British people secured paid for protection of the colonies, provided cheaper goods than
foreign providers, even permitted the colonies slaves . . .
n yet the founders were constantly whining about not being free. They got wealthy off of
Great Britain's protection, but they complained about taxes and having to food to the
military that served their interests . . . in fact they complained about everything. They
even complained that Parliament wanted the treaties with the native Americans respected,
Danial Boone and company weren't having it.
trying to make a case of poor sportsmanship in light of who we are as a people and a
nations -- -
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- –
Perfect example of the kind on nonsense is the above statement.
"If 40 generations is at least enough time to cause as major a change as going from a
wild, hostile animal to a friendly domesticated animal, something which involves a
significant population wide shift in a large number of genes affecting personality, it's
likely that 40 generations would be more than enough time to close the gap between blacks and
whites – assuming the right kind of selective pressure."
That's 40 generations denied access to the same tools and even the rules muchless the
playing field. You make that astounding above observation in the same article you grant out
"Jim Crow"
Laughing . . . Jim crow is the founders making up rules that benefit them -- getting as
much s they could minus the need to compete with several millions. Laugh. But by all means
let's not talk about bending the rules.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Black were not tricked into anything. Generally they were by and large rejected by the
party with whom they share the most in common regarding ideology and as result, sided with
the party who would at least consider their issues. There was no trick. If there was it was
the belief that the party of Lincoln would best represent them as equal citizens and if not
equals at least would not support policies and processes that undermined their hard work and
uhhh no Mr. glen Beck, the blacks who made it though the gate of white acceptance probably
didn't spend their time addressing issues of color by way of complaint -- those issue were
front and center and they set about dealing with them as they were -- as well as the business
at hand. In fact a look at the record is that whites were obsessed with issues of color.
no mixing laws
no walking in the side walk laws
no shopping without permission laws
no being out a lone laws
no venturing into the wrong neighborhood laws
no talking back laws
only certain type of employment laws
no using the pool laws
no promotions over white people laws
no going to school going to school with whites laws
no going to school period
. . .
and of course no sending in the police when called by blacks laws (though largely
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
List for me the number of alleles associated with any cognitive aspect of of our biology
and explain how they operate. Further note the distinct differences between said structures
as they are among the varying people on the planet.
Laughing; it's a strange twist to read about changing the game via some manner of
biological manipulation, though the author has absolutely no idea what aspect of biology to
change to acquire x behavior. But why should that stop him from his unmoored
"American blacks are descended from typically did not have organized or codified legal
systems that sought to remove bad actors from their populations until after contact with
Eurasian peoples. "
Utter and compete nonsense. The african civilizations are myriad and those that retained a
verbal orals history operated in some of the complex social high context systems that ever
existed. I have a a few more responses, but you are out in left field in ball park that is
playing a game that is made from whole cloth cotton seed. what you mean o say is that the mot
of the african civiliations we are aware on did not have a written system, that we are are
aware if. That is some thing miles a light years different than they did have one. . No the
oral traditions are chocker block loaded with codes and rules of social order -- ij fact high
context societies, such as existed in the continent have a system o social order that
deferred to the benefit of the group. Which in many respects made them ideal slaves and why
whites were not inclined to invite them to read about the society in the west with its
individual demands, because it would have made slavery even more a problem from the tensions
surrounding the society in which they were enslaved -- speaking of playing by the rules
we believe all men are born as to equal standing -- the country setting up the rules and
then . . .
"but don't tell the slaves that . . . " Laughing
There's not enough wool here to fill a small zip lock bag muchless be pulled over one's
Now let's compare your metaphor to what happens when whites aren't bending the rules and
crying foul and having a temper tantrum every time a black moves in net door or taking the
ball and running away.
Dominant players in track and field.
Dominant players in Basketball
Dominant players in baseball
Dominant players in Football
Wait a minute that's all genetics in your mind. Laugh. The point is that when allowed to
play and play by the same rules – blacks do fairly well and much much more.
But I am going to skip rope back to early US history and see blacks how blacks operated
when the gate keepers of by sheer force of will , chance and the grace of God blacks did get
into the system.
And let's start with Mr. Beck's gambit that backfired to his intentions.
It is interesting that if some blacks embrace socialism, they would reject private property,
because all property is theoretically owned by the state under that system.
And the necessary implication is that under that system the individual is owned by the
state. In reality, people own themselves. A person's body is their property. Their eyes,
their hair. The fruits of their labor, their tools, their property are their property.
So if some blacks accept socialism, they must necessarily accept slavery. They are then
slaves to the state. Ironic. In this age of nonsense and deception, freedom is slavery.
THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal.
They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was
smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or
quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213 th Amendments
to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper
Some things about living still weren't quite right, though. April for instance, still drove
people crazy by not being springtime. And it was in that clammy month that the H-G men took
George and Hazel Bergeron's fourteen- year-old son, Harrison, away.
It was tragic, all right, but George and Hazel couldn't think about it very hard. Hazel had
a perfectly average intelligence, which meant she couldn't think about anything except in short
bursts. And George, while his intelligence was way above normal, had a little mental handicap
radio in his ear. He was required by law to wear it at all times. It was tuned to a government
transmitter. Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to
keep people like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains.
George and Hazel were watching television. There were tears on Hazel's cheeks, but she'd
forgotten for the moment what they were about.
The BLM-Antifa Marxist revolution under the cover of ending "systemic racism" is controlled
by the ruling elite through foundations, progressive think tanks, wealthy liberals - and
corporate CEOs you'd think know better.
Success depends on the help of opportunistic Democrat politicians who believe raising a
clenched fist and parroting BLM will get them elected or re-elected, thus perpetuating a system
of crony capitalism and endless war behind a kinder and gentler Democrat facade that is now
falling away.
If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a
method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of superrich men
promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes the logical, even the
perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not
a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.
The ruling elite, the financial class that has profited so mightily from riots and violence,
will not allow Marxists and black hoodie nihilists to spawn a violent revolution.
Chocura750 , 4 minutes ago
I doubt very much that there is any significant ideological thinking in 99% of the BLM
protestors. Imagine for a minute that George Floyd wasn't murdered, do you think that the BLM
organizers could get 100 people to protest capitalism and rally for socialism.
ProsperD9 , 9 minutes ago
Looks like BLM is about to get canceled. They committed the biggest cardinal sin that can
ever be committed on this earth. They can shoot all white babies, they can take over a
nursing home and strangle all the old white people, they can paint the white house
black...but one thing they CANNOT do... .drum roll please ...criticize IsraHell. Looks like
they've done the deed and about to be canceled. Read about it
HenryJonesJr , 20 minutes ago
More doom **** .... This kind of hyper-ventilating nonsense might sell well in highly
urbanized, totally dependent regions of America, meaning cities. But the majority of
Americans - white, black and brown - despise the idiotic Left and all their violence and
"... "I'ma stab you, and while you're struggling and bleeding out, I'ma show you my paper cut and say, 'My cut matters too,'" she declared in the TikTok clip. ..."
"... Holding back tears, Janover said she'd "worked really hard" to receive a position at the company, and complained that her contract had been terminated even though Deloitte claims to "stand against systemic racism." ..."
A Harvard graduate has reportedly lost her job after posting a now-viral TikTok video in
which she vowed to assault anyone who didn't support the Black Lives Matter (BLM)
Claira Janover became an overnight sensation after several news outlets caught wind
of a video in which she threatened to attack anyone "entitled" enough to believe
that "all lives matter."
"I'ma stab you, and while you're struggling and bleeding out, I'ma show you my paper
cut and say, 'My cut matters too,'" she declared in the TikTok clip.
...Holding back tears, Janover said she'd "worked really hard" to receive a
position at the company, and complained that her contract had been terminated even though
Deloitte claims to "stand against systemic racism."
..."File under Schadenfreude or Karma," noted conservative firebrand
Michelle Malkin.
...Janover's firing is unusual as it marks a rare case of 'reverse' cancel culture.
Social-justice activists have typically been the ones using social media to attack anyone who
is suspected of holding politically incorrect views.
If there's any doubt as to BLM being A DNC pac, this email was sent to me by today.
For weeks, we have watched the result of our rallying cries, organizing, and activism
materialize across the entire country. And as so many join this movement, it's important
that everyone has the resources they need to keep fighting.
Earlier this month, Black Lives Matter Global Network sent out a membership survey --
and the feedback has truly shown the widespread dedication to our movement. The fight for
Black liberation and an end to white supremacy is just getting started. Together, we will
continue to push for progressive, radical solutions that affirm that Black lives
So many new freedom fighters have joined this movement. Right now, people everywhere are
asking how to be better advocates for Black liberation and how to have conversations with
friends and family regarding ending white supremacy in America. Many simply just want to
know how to help.
And an overwhelming majority want to learn more about #DefundPolice. The Black Lives
Matter creative team is working on a series of resources, including videos, that break down
how we divest from the police and invest in Black lives.
Check out this graphic that walks through the steps of divesting and investing, and then
share on social media platforms so we can show the world what defunding the police actually
looks like.
#Here's how we #DefundThePolice
This graphic breaks down HOW we divest from policing and the steps that come after
Remember, divestment leads to investment. Once we defund the police, we can make
structural change in our communities across the country through initiatives like hiring
more teachers and counselors, implementing restorative and mental health services, and
Will you take a minute to share this graphic to show people how defunding our police can
make our communities safer?
The fight continues to defund the police, and the fight will continue long after
@botazefa work sent out a membership survey -- and the feedback has truly shown the
widespread dedication to our movement. The fight for Black liberation and an end to white
supremacy is just getting started. Together, we will continue to push for progressive,
radical solutions that affirm that Black lives matter.
So many new freedom fighters have joined this movement. Right now, people everywhere are
asking how to be better advocates for Black liberation and how to have conversations with
friends and family regarding ending white supremacy in America. Many simply just want to know
how to help.
If there was any doubt that BLM sees their movement as race war, this should erase said
Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. In the cause to make things right, I will not
join a movement that has nearly everything wrong. More innocent lives have now been killed
(including cops) since these predominantly violent protests began over George Floyd's horrific
death. What about the black lives
killed in this nationwide chaos? Do they matter?
"Well, you don't have to agree with everything. Just pick out the good things in the
#BlackLivesMatter movement," I'm told. Really? Let's apply that same logic to another example.
I've been repeatedly approached to partner with New Black Panthers in anti-abortion billboard
campaigns. We agree on the violent injustice of abortion, and that's it. Our worldviews are
diametrically opposed. But, but, but they believe unborn lives matter ! That
doesn't matter. Their mission is not my mission. I cover all of this in-depth in my new
podcast, Life Has Purpose .
Yes, #BlackLivesMatter. But Truth matters. As a Christian, the Church should be leading on
these issues instead of sheepishly following a deceptive movement hostile to the Gospel.
The original BLM founders, the #BlackLivesMatter Foundation (BLMF), created it to
radically shift culture. The far-left Ford Foundation, the world's largest population control
organization, vowed in 2016 to raise
$100 million for the Movement for
Black Lives (MFBL) -- a nationwide coalition of BLM groups (including BLMF). MFBL released
a shocking manifesto of policy
positions that are deeply political and deeply disturbing.
Drawing mostly from those positions, here are the top 10 reasons why I will never
support the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
The premise isn't true. I hate racism. And I hate when it's used as a political weapon.
According to the FBI's latest
homicide statistics, I'm 11 times more likely to be killed by someone of my own
brown complexion than a white person. Also, a comprehensive 2019 study concluded: "White officers are not
more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers." Every loss of life is tragic,
but Washington Post's database
on police-involved deaths puts things into further context. In 2020, among those killed were
(all males): 2 Native Americans, 9 Asians, 46 Hispanics, 76 blacks, 149 unlabeled individuals
and 149 whites (whose deaths don't get reported by national mainstream media). Only nine
black individuals were actually unarmed .
There is no goal of forgiveness or reconciliation. None. It's never mentioned on their
sites. You can't talk about the sins of the past and expect to move forward if there is no
intention of forgiveness. I'm tired of the deeply prejudiced oppressed/oppressor critical race
theory paradigm. It's not Gospel-centered. This should, immediately, be a deal-breaker for
It's all about Black Power. It's plastered all over the MFBL website. BLMF founders explain their "herstory": "It became
clear that we needed to continue organizing and building Black power across the country." I
don't promote a colorblind society; I love all of our diverse hues of skin. But I'm so much
more than my pigmentation. Martin Luther King promoted " God's power and human power. " I'm with
They completely ignore fatherhood. From BLMF : "We disrupt the
Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended
families and 'villages' that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the
degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable. " Well, every "village" that
has fatherless families is a village that suffers higher crime rates, higher drug usage, higher
abortion rates, higher drop-out rates, higher poverty rates, and so much more. #DadsMatter.
They demand reparations. Ok. Sooooo, I guess the white half of me will have to pay the black
half of me? If progressives want to push reparations, start with the Party of Slavery and Jim
Crow -- the Democrat Party! Let them ante up. But the #BlackLivesMatter movement bizarrely
demands :
"Reparations for full and free access for all Black people (including undocumented and
currently and formerly incarcerated people) to lifetime education retroactive forgiveness of
student loans, and support for lifetime learning programs." Uhhh, good luck with that.
They want to abolish prisons and police forces. And cue utter chaos. MFBL asserts : "We believe that prisons, police and all
other institutions that inflict violence on Black people must be abolished..."Defund and remove the police have been rallying cries. That would be anarchy in
any community. I advocate some needed police reforms and better community/police
relations, but this is just foolishness.
They are anti-capitalism. Oh the irony of this declaration made by a movement that is the result of
capitalism: "We are anti-capitalist. We believe and understand that Black people will never
achieve liberation under the current global racialized capitalist system." The videos that
make us aware of police brutality are captured on phones that are a result of capitalism. The
best way to elevate people out of material poverty? Capitalism. This system is why the United
States is the most
charitable nation.
Colin Kaepernick supports it. A " biracial" adoptee , Kaepernick is now
obsessed with his "blackness." He idolizes the late murderous Fidel Castro and Che Guevara and
worships Malcolm X (just see his social media feeds). Malcolm X was anti-integration,
pro-violence and a member of the virulently racist Nation of Islam (who forced him out).
Kaepernick makes millions from Nike -- a company whose entireExecutive Leadership Team is white (isn't
this white supremacy???) -- that makes its shoes in the most murderous regime in the
world. Kaepernick, of course, is completely silent on that. But you know,
Apparently, not all black lives matter. Pro-abortion BLMF declared : "We deserve and thus
we demand reproductive justice [aka abortion] that gives us autonomy over our bodies and our
identities while ensuring that our children and families are supported, safe, and able to
thrive." Aborted children don't thrive. BLM groups announced
"solidarity" with "reproductive justice" groups back in February 2015. You cannot
simultaneously fight violence while celebrating it.
"... This is a red herring, designed to divert one's eye from the real financial inequality (in all nations) and place it solely on race. No racial inequality in wealth between any X and Y households among the 99% comes anywhere near the wealth inequality between the 1% and the 99%. ..."
It's not surprising that the Black Lives Matter protests took place at the same time as the
lockdowns. The looting, rioting and desecration of statues provided the perfect one-two punch
for those who see some tactical advantage in intensifying public anxiety by exacerbating racial
tensions and splitting the country into two warring camps. Divide and conquer remains the modus
operandi of imperialists everywhere. That same rule applies here. Here's more background from
an article at the Off-Guardian:
"It is no coincidence that another Soros funded activism group Black Lives Matter has
diverted the spotlight away from the lockdown's broader impact on the fundamental human
rights of billions of people, using the reliable methods of divide and rule, to highlight the
plight of specific strata's of society, and not all.
It's worth pointing out that BLM's activity spikes every four years . Always prior to the
elections in the US, as African Americans make up an important social segment of Democrat
votes. The same Democrats who play both sides like any smart gambler would. The Clintons, for
example, are investors into BLM"s partner, the anti-fascist ANTIFA. While Hilary Clinton's
mentor (and best friend) was former KKK leader Robert Byrd.
BLM is a massively hyped, TV-made, politicized event, that panders to the populist and
escapist appetite of the people. Blinding them from their true call to arms in defense of the
universal rights of everyone . Cashing in on the youths pent-up aggression . And weaponising
the tiger locked in a rattled cage for 3-months, and unleashed by puppet masters as the
As a general rule of thumb, it is safe to assume that if a social movement has the backing
of big industry, big philanthropy or big politics, then its ideals run contrary to citizen
empowerment." (" The Co-opting
of Activism by the State ", Off-Guardian)
Black Lives Matter protests provide another significant diversion from the massive
destruction of the US economy. This basic plan has been used effectively many times in the
past, most notably in the year following the invasion of Iraq. Some readers will remember how
Iraqis militants fought US occupation forces following the invasion in 2003. The escalating
violence and rising death-toll created a public relations nightmare for the Bush team that
finally settled on a plan for crushing the resistance by arming and training Shia death squads.
But the Bushies wanted to confuse the public about what they were really up to, so they
concocted a narrative about a "sectarian war" that was intended to divert attention from the
attacks on American soldiers.
In order to make the narrative more believable, US intel agents devised a plan to blow up
the Shia's most sacred religious site, the Golden Dome Mosque of Samarra, and blame it on Sunni
extremists. The incident was then used to convince the American people that what was taking
place in Iraq was not a war over foreign occupation, but a bitter sectarian conflict between
Sunnis and Shia in which the US was just an impartial referee. The killing of George Floyd has
been used in much the same way as the implosion of the mosque. It creates a credible narrative
for a massive and coordinated protests that have less to do with racial injustice than they do
with diverting attention from the destruction of the economy and sowing division among the
American people. This is a classic example of how elites use myth and media to conceal their
trouble-making and escape any accountability for their actions.
Whitney is not wrong in that neoliberal elites use identity politics as a diversion even as
they increase their share of the pie at the expense of everyone else. To distract people, they
incite one group against another through their media outlets.
That said, the extreme racial inequality in wealth between black and white households are
to ignore . The Federal Reserve of San Francisco released a report a few years ago on
racial wealth inequality in the Los Angeles area which found shocking differences. Even some
Asian groups like Vietnamese or Koreans did badly. Only Asian Indians and Chinese had higher
wealth than whites but those groups are very elite with a large share of recent immigrants.
So, those who are correct in saying idpol are used to incite the masses must nevertheless
grapple with these feudal conditions at the heart of the modern American economy. They will
fuel unrest unless nothing is done and throwing up your hands isn't an option, it's an
admission of intellectual defeat.
,,,The media hyping this one death to high heaven, the instantaneous protests, the statues,
calling Trump "authoritarian" (thats the regime change signal, when they call you
Classic CIA coup. It hasnt worked, but it aint over till November.
What we can glean from this incident, is that there is a vast secret state operating
within the government, media and the DNC, that does not accept our system of government, does
not accept the results of elections and will lie, cheat and steal to achieve their nefarious
objectives. That's the lesson of Russiagate that has to be applied to both the lockdowns and
the Black Lives Matter protests. They are just the next phase of the ongoing war on the
American people.
What is that state? Who is that state? Who has that kind of power? Who had the power to pull
off the 9/11 inside job and put America into endless wars in the Mideast?
...And just because the rich are taking advantage of this crisis doesn't mean the crisis
isn't real. To believe that would be to believe a logical fallacy. Talib will set you
...How many are neocons? How many are liberal internationalists? How many of them toe the
pro-Israel, pro-war, pro-open borders, pro-multi-cult, anti-white, anti-"deplorables",
invade-the-word, invite-the-world line that is a hallmark of international Zionism?
The percentage fluctuates as fortunes and enterprises wax and wane, but about 1/3 of
Billionaires are Jews. Based on where they donate their money and the causes and politicians
they support, overall perhaps 90-95% are neocons/liberal internationalists (functionally
speaking, really the same thing). Those are after all the policies that help them accumulate
vast power and riches.
Yes, feudal conditions created by 30 years of mass migration to the United States, in
numbers unparalleled in World history, by Third World populations. American blacks have
suffered the most from this elite project to destroy the white middle-and-working classes.
Blacks have been given every opportunity to pull themselves up. The money and programs that
have been thrown their way have been unbelievable. Some have taken it; most have not. Not
having kids before you get married is another good piece of advice.
The best thing that could happen to the Blacks would be to strip away their dependency. No
more welfare, no more food stamps, no more getting into universities when you didn't earn it.
Let them grow up, own it. Making them into dependents has crippled them, and they wear their
victimhood well. (And there are lots of Whites in that bucket too.) All the do-gooders in the
world can't help those who don't help themselves.
That said, things are now going to change, and not for the better.
No amount of protest or government policy can change the racial income inequality. As Thomas
Sowell, and Walter Williams among many others have said for years, Blacks have to start by
creating stable families, desire for education and a strong work ethic. I can only imagine what
the future is gonna look like for anyone lacking those things. And I'd imagine that the
Democratic tolerance for these "protests" is going to decrease once they assume federal
This is a red herring, designed to divert one's eye from the real financial inequality
(in all nations) and place it solely on race. No racial inequality in wealth between any X and
Y households among the 99% comes anywhere near the wealth inequality between the 1% and the
If you aren't already living in the castle or the manor house, you are the serfs. Welcome to
the new world, same as the really old world. That 700 year experiment in increasing prosperity
and freedoms for the masses is a genie they've been trying to put back in the bottle for some
time already.
Blacks are poorer because of lower IQ and poor impulse control. In the US they only
average an IQ of 85 which is a one standard deviation below whites. In Africa, it's closer to
70. They commit more crimes which means they end up in jail more often and on more serious
charges. Either get a clue or shut up.
Everybody knows the challenges Blacks face. You mentioned some. Why do you have to so
angrily throw it in their faces?
Blacks have never presented any collective risk to whites. Not when when whites bought them.
Not when in shackles. Never. They are the punching bag for every uncivilized low/average IQ
piece of white trash who needs someone to blame.
Making a fetish of IQ is just another way of throwing up your hands and saying nothing can
be done. I remember when I worked in a prison I noticed the blacks I saw on average smarter
than the average white. Then I look up their IQs (everyone is tested) and the scores didn't
correspond well with actual intelligence. It occurred to me that if you are illiterate, and
antisocial, it would be almost impossible to accurately gauge intelligence. If your numbers
were right , there would be millions of blacks walking around with 65 IQs, not able to find
their way home much less break into your house.
Seth Smith, a UC Berkeley student, was shot and
killed the other day in what appears to be a random act of violence. Police are trying to
solve the murder. Smith was a white man. UC's chancellor Carol Christ e-mailed to faculty,
staff, and students a note of condolence that included this paragraph:
We realize this is a difficult time for those of you who knew Seth. It is important to
know that individuals may express their grief differently and we need to respect the
different ways people react and support each other in the days and weeks ahead. Many of you
may have had a close relationship with Seth and are feeling a sense of loss and disbelief.
Others, like many of us, are experiencing stress, grief and anxiety related to the
coronavirus pandemic and the recent murders of George Floyd, Riah Milton, and other Black
This is sickening. There is nothing that cannot and will not be racialized and
politicized by our ruling class.
They have specific workouts named after dead black people. For example:
Monika Diamond, a 34-year-old Black transgender woman, business owner and LGBT+ activist,
was tragically killed in Charlotte, North Carolina on March 18, 2020. Diamond's death is
believed to be the fourth violent death of a transgender or gender non-conforming person in
From the Human Rights Campaign: "These victims were killed by acquaintances, partners or
strangers, some of whom have been arrested and charged, while others have yet to be
identified. Some of these cases involve clear anti-transgender bias. In others, the victim's
transgender status may have put them at risk in other ways, such as forcing them into
unemployment, poverty, homelessness and/or survival sex work. Sadly, 2020 has already seen at
least 15 transgender or gender non-conforming people fatally shot or killed by other violent
means. We say at least because too often these stories go unreported -- or misreported."
Before the workout, follow @humanrightscampaign and read their article: A National
Epidemic: Fatal Anti-Transgender Violence in the United States in 2019
Last week the Supreme Court ruled that LGBTQ+ people are protected from employment
discrimination, however there are still few explicit federal legal protections for
transgender or gender-expansive people. After the workout, check out Freedom For All
Americans and follow @freedom4allusa.
The Monika Diamond Memorial Workout is on YouTube or Instagram.
Here is the workout memorializing a dead black trans woman. It includes "double pushup
burpees," because there's really no better way to honor a dead black trans woman than by doing
double pushup burpees. You cannot make this up:
The man arrested for shooting Monika Diamond is Prentice Bess , a black man who knew
Diamond (born Jeremy Whitted). I have searched online and seen no reason to believe that the
murder was a bias crime, much less a racially motivated one, as both alleged killer and victim
are black. But let's not let pass a moment to exploit the dead for social justice purposes.
These stupid workouts are "I love my dead gay son" (from the black
comedy Heathers ) level virtue signaling.
This passage from Live Not By Lies reveals what these totalitarians are up to:
One of contemporary progressivism's commonly used phrases -- the personal is
political -- captures the totalitarian spirit, which seeks to infuse all aspects of life
with political consciousness. Indeed, the Left pushes its ideology ever deeper into the
personal realm, leaving fewer and fewer areas of daily life uncontested. This, warned
[Hannah] Arendt, is a sign that a society is ripening for totalitarianism, because that is
what totalitarianism essentially is: the politicization of everything.
Infusing every aspect of life with ideology was a standard aspect of Soviet
totalitarianism. Early in the Stalin era, N. V. Krylenko, a Soviet commissar (political
officer), steamrolled over chess players who wanted to keep politics out of the game.
"We must finish once and for all with the neutrality of chess," he said. "We must condemn
once and for all the formula 'chess for the sake of chess,' like the formula 'art for art's
sake.' We must organize shockbrigades of chess-players, and begin immediate realization of a
Five-Year Plan for chess."
This is not innocent, this stuff. Everything in life must be subject to this ideology.
Run by veteran "non-profits careerists" movement is highly suspect
Notable quotes:
"... The black revolution is much more than a struggle for the rights of Negroes. It is forcing America to face all its interrelated flaws -- racism, poverty, militarism, and materialism. It is exposing evils that are rooted deeply in the whole structure of our society. It reveals systemic rather than superficial flaws and suggests that radical reconstruction of society itself is the real issue to be faced. ..."
"... much of what passes for popular and progressive, grass-roots activism has been co-opted, taken over and/or created by corporate America, the corporate-funded " nonprofit industrial complex ," and Wall Street's good friend, the Democratic Party , long known to leftists as "the graveyard of social movements." This " corporatization of activism " (University of British Columbia professor Peter Dauvergne's term) is ubiquitous across much of what passes for the left in the U.S. today. ..."
"... What about the racialist group Black Lives Matter, recipient of a mammoth $100 million grant from the Ford Foundation last year? Sparked by the racist security guard and police killings of Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown and Eric Garner, BLM has achieved uncritical support across the progressive spectrum, where it is almost reflexively cited as an example of noble and radical grass-roots activism in the streets. That is a mistake. ..."
"... I first started wondering where BLM stood on the AstroTurf versus grass roots scale when I read an essay published three years ago in The Feminist Wire by Alicia Garza, one of BLM's three black, lesbian and veteran public-interest careerist founders. ..."
"... Why the prickly, hyperidentity-politicized and proprietary attachment to the "lives matter" phrase? Garza seemed more interested in brand value and narrow identity than social justice. Did she want a licensing fee? Wouldn't any serious, leftist, people's activist eagerly give the catchy "lives matter" phrase away to all oppressed people and hope for their wide and inclusive use in a viciously capitalist society that has subjected everything and everyone to the soulless logic of commodity rule, profit and exchange value? Who were these "charismatic Black men many are rallying around" in the fall of 2014? ..."
"... I couldn't help but wonder about the left-progressive credentials of anyone who gets upset that others would want to have a "conversation" (as Garza put it) about how their lives matter too. Is there really something wrong with a marginalized Native American laborer or a white and not-so "skin-privileged" former factory worker struggling with sickness and poverty wanting to hear that his or her life matters? For any remotely serious progressive, was there anything mysterious about the fact that many white folks facing foreclosure, job loss, poverty wages and the like might not be doing cartwheels over the phrase "black lives matter" when they experience the harsh daily reality that their lives don't matter under the profits system? ..."
"... My concerns about BLM's potential service to the capitalist elite were reactivated when I heard a talk by Garza's fellow BLM founder, Patrisse Cullors (another veteran nonprofit careerist). Cullors spoke before hundreds of cheering white liberals and progressives in downtown Iowa City in February. "We are witnessing the erosion of U.S. democracy," she said, adding that Donald Trump "is building a police state." Relating that she had gone into a "two-week depression" after Hillary Clinton was defeated by Trump, Cullors said she wondered if BLM had "done enough to educate people about the differences between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton." She described Trump as a fascist. ..."
The black revolution is much more than a struggle for the rights of Negroes. It is
forcing America to face all its interrelated flaws -- racism, poverty, militarism, and
materialism. It is exposing evils that are rooted deeply in the whole structure of our society.
It reveals systemic rather than superficial flaws and suggests that radical reconstruction of
society itself is the real issue to be faced. -- Martin Luther King Jr., 1968
You don't have to be one of those conspiratorial curmudgeons who reduces every sign of popular
protest to "George Soros money" to acknowledge that much of what passes for popular and
progressive, grass-roots activism has been co-opted, taken over and/or created by corporate
America, the corporate-funded "
nonprofit industrial complex ," and Wall Street's good friend, the Democratic Party , long known to
leftists as "the graveyard of social movements." This "
corporatization of activism " (University of British Columbia professor Peter Dauvergne's
term) is ubiquitous across much of what passes for the left in the U.S. today.
What about the racialist group Black Lives Matter, recipient of a mammoth $100 million
grant from the Ford Foundation last year? Sparked by the racist security guard and police
killings of Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown and Eric Garner, BLM has achieved uncritical support
across the progressive spectrum, where it is almost reflexively cited as an example of noble and
radical grass-roots activism in the streets. That is a mistake.
I first started wondering where BLM stood on the AstroTurf versus grass roots scale when I
read an essay published three years ago in The Feminist Wire by Alicia
Garza, one of BLM's three black, lesbian and veteran public-interest careerist founders. In
her "Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement," Garza wrote:
"Black lives. Not just all lives. Black lives. Please do not change the conversation by
talking about how your life matters, too. It does, but we need less watered down unity and a
more active solidarities with us, Black people, unwaveringly, in defense of our humanity. Our
collective futures depend on it."
Denouncing "hetero-patriarchy," Garza described the adaptation of her clever online
catchphrase ("black lives matter") by others -- "brown lives matter, migrant lives matter,
women's lives matter, and on and on" (Garza's dismissive words) -- as "the Theft of Black Queer
Women's Work."
"Perhaps," she added, "if we were the charismatic Black men many are rallying around these
days, it would have been a different story."
From a leftist perspective, this struck me as alarming. Why the prickly,
hyperidentity-politicized and proprietary attachment to the "lives matter" phrase? Garza seemed
more interested in brand value and narrow identity than social justice. Did she want a licensing
fee? Wouldn't any serious, leftist, people's activist eagerly give the catchy "lives matter"
phrase away to all oppressed people and hope for their wide and inclusive use in a viciously
capitalist society that has subjected everything and everyone to the soulless logic of commodity
rule, profit and exchange value? Who were these "charismatic Black men many are rallying around"
in the fall of 2014?
And how representative were Garza's slaps at "hetero-patriarchy" and "charismatic Black men"
of the black community in whose name she spoke? Would it be too hetero-patriarchal of me, I
wondered, to suggest that maybe a black male or two with experience of oppression in the nation's
racist criminal justice system ought to share some space front and center in a movement focused
especially on a police and prison state that targets black boys and men above all?
I defended the phrase "black lives matter" against the absurd charge that it is racist, but
I couldn't help but wonder about the left-progressive credentials of anyone who gets upset
that others would want to have a "conversation" (as Garza put it) about how their lives matter
too. Is there really something wrong with a marginalized Native American laborer or a white and
not-so "skin-privileged" former factory worker struggling with sickness and poverty wanting to
hear that his or her life matters? For any remotely serious progressive, was there anything
mysterious about the fact that many white folks facing foreclosure, job loss, poverty wages and
the like might not be doing cartwheels over the phrase "black lives matter" when they experience
the harsh daily reality that their lives don't matter under the profits system?
My concerns about BLM's potential service to the capitalist elite were reactivated when I
heard a talk by Garza's fellow BLM founder, Patrisse Cullors (another veteran nonprofit
careerist). Cullors spoke before hundreds of cheering white liberals and progressives in downtown
Iowa City in February. "We are witnessing the erosion of U.S. democracy," she said, adding that
Donald Trump "is building a police state." Relating that she had gone into a "two-week
depression" after Hillary Clinton was defeated by Trump, Cullors said she wondered if BLM had
"done enough to educate people about the differences between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton."
She described Trump as a fascist.
Muhammad Ali's only biological son says his father would have despised the "racist" Black Lives Matter movement and endorsed all
races, never singling "anyone out." ''My father would have said, 'They ain't nothing but devils.' My father said, 'all lives matter,'"
Muhammad Ali Jr. told the New York Post.
The 47-year-old son of the legendary boxer, who is often noted as a cultural trailblazer for black Americans, did not stop at
connecting his father to the "all lives matter" position. He also said Ali would have supported President Donald Trump --
the late athlete endorsed both Democrat Jimmy Carter and Republican Ronald Reagan when they were running for the presidency.
Ali Jr. himself blasted the Black Lives Matter movement as "racist."
"It's not just black lives matter, white lives matter, Chinese lives matter, all lives matter, everybody's life matters. God
loves everyone -- he never singled anyone out. Killing is wrong no matter who it is," he said.
Ali Jr. also pushed back against anti-police sentiments and defended officers against accusations of systematic racism.
"Police don't wake up and think, 'I'm going to kill a n****r today or kill a white man,'" he said. "They're just trying
to make it back home to their family in one piece."
He did acknowledge, however, that Derek Chauvin, the former officer now infamous for video showing him with his knee on the late
George Floyd's neck while he said he couldn't breathe, was "wrong" and corrupt cops should be "locked up."
Ali Jr., who lives in Florida, also singled out Antifa, the group recently recognized by Trump as a terrorist organization.
"They're no different from Muslim terrorists. They should all get what they deserve. They're f**king up businesses, beating
up innocent people in the neighborhood, smashing up police stations and shops. They're terrorists – they're terrorizing the community.
I agree with the peaceful protests, but Antifa, they need to kill everyone in that thing," he said.
Some conservatives have embraced Ali Jr.'s rebuttal of BLM and celebrated his blunt words on social media.
You want to talk about a well-thought-out and spot-on rebuttal to Black Lives Matter?.... Check this out from Muhammad Ali
Jr. -- so many people are WAKING UP 👊🏿
-- ✭ Wayne Dupree ✭ (@WayneDupreeShow)
June 20, 2020
The official Muhammad Ali Twitter account, run by his estate, has shown support for the Black Lives Matter movement and posted
generally supportive messages from some of the boxer's other children.
Demonstrations across the nation over the death of George Floyd have continued devolving into chaos in recent days with protesters
pulling down numerous historical monuments, vandalizing property, and turning to violence in places like the activist-run Capitol
Hill Autonomous Zone, also called CHAZ, in Seattle.
"... In the memo, Barr identified members of the right-wing "Boogaloo" movement and the anti-fascist movement known as Antifa as the top targets of the task force. ..."
"... The task force's mission will be to develop information about "extremist individuals, networks, and movements," share data with local authorities and provide training to local prosecutors on how to wage cases against anti-government extremists. ..."
"... people associated with Antifa. ..."
"... "There are some groups that don't have a particular ideology, other than anarchy. There are some groups that want to bring about a civil war -- the Boogaloo group has been on the margin of this as well," he said earlier this month , adding that the Justice Department would find "constructive solutions." ..."
y Tal Axelrod -
06/26/20 08:13 PM EDT
1289 Comments Attorney General William Barr on Friday directed the Justice
Department to form a task force dedicated to combating "anti-government extremists," according
to a memo obtained by
The Washington Post , raising the stakes in the government's response to nationwide
Barr argued in the memo that anti-government agitators had infiltrated peaceful
demonstrations against police brutality and systemic racism and "engaged in indefensible acts
of violence designed to undermine public order."
"Among other lawless conduct, these extremists have violently attacked police officers and
other government officials, destroyed public and private property, and threatened innocent
people," Barr wrote. "Although these extremists profess a variety of ideologies, they are
united in their opposition to the core constitutional values of a democratic society governed
by law. ... Some pretend to profess a message of freedom and progress, but they are in fact
forces of anarchy, destruction and coercion."
In the memo, Barr identified members of the right-wing "Boogaloo" movement and the
anti-fascist movement known as Antifa as the top targets of the task force.
Craig Carpenito, the U.S. attorney for New Jersey, and Erin Nealy Cox, the U.S. attorney for
the Northern District of Texas, will head the task force, which will also include
representatives from the FBI and other prosecutors' offices.
The task force's mission will be to develop information about "extremist individuals,
networks, and movements," share data with local authorities and provide training to local
prosecutors on how to wage cases against anti-government extremists.
"The ultimate goal of the task force will be not only to enable prosecutions of extremists
who engage in violence, but to understand these groups well enough that we can stop such
violence before it occurs and ultimately eliminate it as a threat to public safety and the rule
of law," Barr wrote.
The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill
regarding the memo.
Barr said in
an interview with NPR on Thursday that the Department of Justice has launched
"approximately 300 investigations" nationwide, including into some people associated with
Barr has sought to take a tough posture on anti-government groups since some early protests
over George Floyd's death in Minneapolis turned violent.
"There are some groups that don't have a particular ideology, other than anarchy. There are
some groups that want to bring about a civil war -- the Boogaloo group has been on the margin
of this as well," he
said earlier this month , adding that the Justice Department would find "constructive
The truth is that it is Maidan -- a legitimate protest which was turned to nefarious goals by Neoliberal Dems and financed by
usual suspects (Soros, Ford Foundation and other CIA influenced outlets)
Notable quotes:
"... The idea of the protests as an "American Maidan" was reflected in the Komsomolskaya Pravda ..."
"... Several elements of the pro-Kremlin English-language ecosystem are based in the US. Fort-Russ News, another frequent contributor to the EUvsDisinfo database , is also ready to describe the protests in the US as staged by the Democratic Party: ..."
South Front has a
clear picture of the protests: it's a colour revolution, a fake popular uprising, set up
by "Globalist Corporations" targeting Donald Trump.
The situation is such that typically, it was a standoff of US President Donald Trump
and the US national industry, in a standoff against the globalist and the non-mainstream
Today's fires which have spread across America in the wake of George Floyd's murder at
the knee of Minnesota police officer Derick Chauvin has presented America with the chance to
do some serious soul searching. It has also presented certain Deep State opportunists, color
revolutionaries and anarchism-financing billionaires a chance to unleash what some are
calling an "America's Maidan" in the hopes of accomplishing what four years of Russiagate
failed to do.
The idea of the protests as an "American Maidan" was reflected in the Komsomolskaya Pravda , Russia's largest
daily, with a circulation that puts it in top-20 in Europe. An openly racist version of the
text was spread by Margarita
Simonyan , the editor-in-chief of RT and Sputnik, as reported by the
EUvsDisinfo . The text, endorsed by Ms. Simonyan, ends:
Send runners everywhere, call to the World. Be assured – in this very minute a
slow coup d'etat is played out by the bureaucrats in the White House. If the Americans will
take my advice into consideration, I hope we can see the United States becoming a real
Ukraine. Good luck, friends! The entire progressive humankind is with you! Beat the whites
until they turn black.
Several elements of the pro-Kremlin English-language ecosystem are based in the US.
Fort-Russ News, another frequent contributor to the EUvsDisinfo database , is
ready to describe the protests in the US as staged by the Democratic Party:
This color revolution is a DNC coup against constitutional government.
A particularly special outlet is the US-based, Russian nationalist site Russia Insider.
EUvsDisinfo reported on the site's
decision to adopt an openly anti-Semitic editorial policy in 2018, and it is a frequent
contributor to the disinformation database. The site has no visible connections to Russian
state structures, but is demonstratively loyal to key Kremlin priorities. Russia Insider has
gone fully racist on the protests, giving room for white supremacists:
Why is Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who is Jewish, actively encouraging the mobs
burning down his police department's precinct? Why is the President of the United States
reduced to impotently begging
Yoel Roth to let him tweet? Why has Trump decided to letMinneapolis burnas he cowers under his desk inside theWhite House, all while the NYPD under "woke" Bill De Blasioviciously
brutalizespeople protesting for the same cause? Traditional understandings of how
power is brokered and administrated do not apply.
[ -- ]
All white people are targets, no white person can expect either of the existing parties
to the rescue. When November comes around, we must vote no-confidence. This is America, and
its system is out to destroy you.
This is not Kremlin policy. It is impossible to claim that the Kremlin has an explicitly
racist agenda, but the pro-Kremlin disinformation network reaches out to a great variety of
audiences, with which it seeks to find distinct avenues of appeal. Sites affiliated with state
structures share content and contributors with sites without any visible connections to the
Kremlin. A Red, White and Blue All-American Maidan.
Supporting and Attacking Antifa
Creating rapport with white supremacists works just as well as reaching out to leftist,
anti-capitalist groups and individuals; like here :
It is entirely believable that the current violence is largely instigated. The media
obediently relayed Attorney General Barr's claim that rioting was led by the anti-fascist
groups known as 'Anti-Fa', until proof was uncovered of a deliberate White House/White
Nationalist plan to provoke violence by unsuspecting protesters who long ago forgot if they
even knew it, that Donald Trump's most powerful backers in 2016 ranged from David Duke, the
Grand Wizard (sic) of the Ku Klux Klan, to the white nationalist millionaire hedge fund owner
Robert Mercer, who hand-picked several of Trump's initial cabinet.
So while one part of the pro-Kremlin network defends the Antifa movement, the
above-mentioned Russia Insider
vehemently attacks it :
Antifa, the extreme anarchist-communist movement, has rioting down to an art. The first
broken window is the blood in the water for looters to move in. When the looting is done,
those carrying flammable chemicals start fires to finish the job. Footage recorded in
Minneapolis and other cities show militants dressed in black bloc -- the antifa uniform --
wielding weapons like hammers or sticks to smash windows. You see their graffiti daubed on
smashed up buildings: FTP means 'Fuck the Police'; ACAB stands for 'All Cops Are Bastards';
1312 is the numerical code for ACAB.
Was Floyd chokehold it staged at least partially, but then went wrong because Floyd has high level of fentanyl in his blood ?
Autopsy shows
George Floyd had COVID-19, meth & fentanyl in his - NBC2 News (The autopsy, which was performed the day after his death, showed
11 ng/mL of fentanyl and 19 ng/mL of methamphetamines, in addition to 86 ng/mL of morphine and other substances.)
Notable quotes:
"... It would be hard to choreograph a film scene more likely to provoke a backlash against police than the killing of George Floyd. White Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin was filmed kneeling on the handcuffed black man's neck for an excruciating eight minutes, all but smirking directly into the camera as if he knew it was his big moment of stardom. Ever since, public opinion of the police has been pummeled by a non-stop stream of on-camera brutality, and cries to defund police forces across the country are reaching fever pitch. ..."
"... With so much public outrage against police abuses, one might think that police departments would be hurrying to clean house and get rid of their " bad apples. " Accountability – punishing the truly bad cops in court with prison sentences rather than desk duty or dismissal from the force – would seem to be the only alternative to defunding. Incremental reforms, like the rollout of body cameras and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's move to outlaw chokeholds that were already banned by the NYPD in 1993, are clearly not having the desired effect. But police departments have resoundingly failed to hold their officers accountable, and so – with a handful of exceptions – have courts. Instead, the violence has only gotten more alarming. ..."
"... It's worth asking why these officers engage in such disturbing acts of violence, knowing they'll be on social media and probably the nightly news, providing a glowing advertisement for police abolition. Surely they aren't all the racist sociopaths Black Lives Matter has, with its " All Cops Are Bastards " slogan, dubbed them? ..."
"... cops in the past have gone to great (and possibly illegal) lengths to stop civilians from filming them in the act of abusing their authority. The man who filmed the 2014 police chokehold killing of Eric Garner even sued New York City two years later over alleged retaliation by the cops, claiming he was arrested on trumped-up charges for documenting the brutal act. ..."
"... Yet 2020's over-the-top bad cops seem unconcerned with amateur cinematographers. One might expect officers to be on their best behavior post-George Floyd, not auditioning for a spot on the now-cancelled COPS reality show. ..."
Over-the-top gratuitous violence against unarmed protesters, shockingly racist conversations, all of
it somehow recorded for posterity (and maximum virality) – are American police TRYING to get their
profession abolished?
While police brutality has been an ugly reality for as long as the US has had police, the cartoonish
levels of on-camera police violence circulating on social media in the last month are truly
mind-boggling. Suddenly, there is no better advertisement for the police-abolition movement than the
police themselves.
Defenders of the police tend to blame the "
few bad apples
" who shoot
fleeing suspects, choke innocent men, or pepper-spray peaceful demonstrators for cops' bad reputation.
But that absolves from responsibility the supposed "
good apples
" who have repeatedly closed
ranks around those same problem officers, even as their unconscionable assaults are caught on film and
broadcast to the world.
It would be hard to choreograph a film scene more likely to provoke a backlash against police than
the killing of George Floyd. White Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin was filmed kneeling on the handcuffed
black man's neck for an excruciating eight minutes, all but smirking directly into the camera as if he
knew it was his big moment of stardom. Ever since, public opinion of the police has been pummeled by a
non-stop stream of on-camera brutality, and cries to defund police forces across the country are
reaching fever pitch.
With so much public outrage against police abuses, one might think that police departments would be
hurrying to clean house and get rid of their "
bad apples.
" Accountability – punishing the
truly bad cops in court with prison sentences rather than desk duty or dismissal from the force –
would seem to be the only alternative to defunding. Incremental reforms, like the rollout of body
cameras and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's move to outlaw chokeholds that were already banned by the
NYPD in 1993, are clearly not having the desired effect. But police departments have resoundingly
failed to hold their officers accountable, and so – with a handful of
– have courts. Instead, the violence has only gotten more alarming.
It's worth asking why these officers engage in such disturbing acts of violence, knowing they'll be
on social media and probably the nightly news, providing a glowing advertisement for police abolition.
Surely they aren't all the racist sociopaths Black Lives Matter has, with its "
All Cops Are
" slogan, dubbed them?
It's hard in 2020 to find a public place where there isn't at least one camera on the scene -
though that didn't stop Louisville cops from shutting off their body cameras before local barbecue
owner David McAtee was shot, allegedly with a National Guard bullet, earlier this month, an incident
that remains under investigation. But cops in the past have gone to great (and possibly illegal)
to stop civilians from filming them in the act of abusing their authority. The man who
filmed the 2014 police chokehold killing of Eric Garner even sued New York City two years later over
alleged retaliation by the cops, claiming he was arrested on trumped-up charges for documenting the
brutal act.
Yet 2020's over-the-top bad cops seem unconcerned with amateur cinematographers. One might expect
officers to be on their best behavior post-George Floyd, not auditioning for a spot on the
now-cancelled COPS reality show.
Even nonviolent policing incidents seem designed to incite popular outrage. The bizarre arrest of a
CNN reporter covering the early unrest in Minneapolis – in which sheepish-sounding officers
apologetically informed correspondent Omar Jimenez that he was under arrest while live on the air –
elicited predictable cries of free speech suppression and a groveling apology from Minnesota Governor
Tim Walz.
And were the three North Carolina cops – referred to as "
veteran officers
" of the
Wilmington Police Department and fired earlier this week after their disturbingly racist chats were
recorded via "
accidental activation
" of a dashboard camera – really unaware those cameras
could be inadvertently triggered? Why indulge in multiple in-car hatefests when you know you're under
None of this adds up. Even as more communities seem to warm to the notion of "
defunding the
," it remains unclear what will replace them. Are we looking at a future of empowered
community snitches
, each snooping on the next in the hope of being rewarded by local government
for catching a crime in progress? Or are the rich merely going to hire Blackwater-style mercs to guard
their compounds while the poor rob and kill each other in the streets? Americans deserve some answers
– preferably before our police departments are dissolved.
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It's all hypocracy, fakery, flim flam and bamboozle. As some old sage once said, you can fool
some of the people all of the time. It's all about the money. ( It always is )
I'm not a conservative, no way; I am not a supporter of the current regime. I think that a
revolution – even the fake one, organized by Soros out of the GayLib crowd, lightly
sprinkled with Africans for colour – will do some good for America and the world. The
American troops are already leaving
Germany after only 75 years of occupation. There are more than 100 major bases overseas
that can be evacuated if the revolution persists. Fine and dandy.
But, Mr Hopkins, do not tell Trump that he has chosen the right survival strategy. As if
everyone will respect his authority if he doesn't get provoked. Let's be frank, comrade. Tell
Trump: if his main consideration is first of all not to be called a 'bloody tyrant' by a
liberal site, there is a place for him in hospitable Rostov, next to Yanukovych. Let him
decide. He can buy a villa over there for a good price.
Alternatively, let him try to regain some ground, and if he is called Hitler by some freaks,
let him answer with 'no more Mr Nice Guy', like the protagonist in Mel Brooks' film The
Producers . Let him defeat the colour Revolution of Masks, before it devours him.
Our colleague Andre VItchek
suggested we should not describe the process going on in the US, as a 'colour revolution'.
Firstly, the protesters shouldn't be discouraged, let alone ridiculed. Secondly, all these
revolutions are different, he says. These are weak arguments. First, I endeavour to understand
and explain events, and I leave encouragement to others. Second, colour revolutions are
revolutions made for the benefit of oligarchy. They remove the ruler who is too strong-willed
or social-minded for the billionaires' liking. And they utilise legitimate grievances of the
people. They ride on the people like a rider rides a horse. It means that a colour revolution
can shift and turn into the real thing, like a horse can throw down the rider and gallop away,
but this is not the usual turn of events.
The Mask Revolution in the US has too strong a support from corporations to be anything else
but a colour revolution. "Black Lives Matter Receives $100 Million from Foundations, in
addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from George
Soros through his Open Society Foundations", says Policemag
(the article was removed but can be accessed via
It can't be decoupled from the Covid pandemic, or rather, from the lockdowns. These unusual
means of disease control are deadly for small businesses and for free-lancers. Big corporations
survive and even grow fat; small ones die. Control over the population increases. Free-lancers
are forced to join the regular labour force and work for a large corporation; or die. The
actors of the revolution will be destroyed by the success of their enterprise. We shall know
the revolution became a real one, when the revolutionaries fight the corporations. Likewise,
the enemies of the colour revolution should not fight Blacks and minorities; they should fight
the corporations that use the Blacks as their cannon fodder.
Because of this connection between lockdowns and the Mask Revolution, Trump should end the
lockdowns. If there is one thing we have learned from first half of the year it is that
lockdowns do not help. We have to live with the virus, even if it that means dying. If you have
no lockdown, you'll have no second wave. The Swedes did it; everybody can do it. Those who want
to lock us down would lock us down forever.
And now, another reason why I disagree with Vltchek. It is not that BLM or DNC are better or
worse than Trump's warriors. DNC and BLM are close to a hegemonic power. They are loved by the
media, by the Masters of Discourse. If the Democratic candidate wins the 2020 elections, the
West will be united behind him. He will humiliate China, Russia, Venezuela, Iran; the
Deplorable will be deplored; European nationalists will be eliminated; the New World Order will
proceed at double speed. No, thank you, Andre. It is better to have America and the West
divided under Trump rather than united under the DNC.
No matter what Trump and the Republicans do to all of these coping plan-trusters (including
Shamir), they will never be held to account, never be questioned for their serial betrayals
of the base, because "Democrats worse."
Foreign observers are welcome to their relatively uninformed opinions but those of us
who've grown up and been forced to live under generations of kosher sandwich U.S. politics
– two parties for Jews, none for us – have had enough.
Trump loses in November, bigly. The legitimacy of every American institution has been
exhausted and the faith of the people in the entire American project is at a modern,if not
all time low.
Even in the Civil War, patriots of both sides believed in their respective governments. A
strong majority of Americans left and right have nothing left to believe in at all –
except ourselves.
Trump should have listened to his own speeches from his own election campaign 2016, and
follow them to the letter.
If he had done that, he could fill five stadiums and would be on the way to a big election
victory. However, the reality was different. He went back on his promises and betrayed his
team – so his base (what's left of it) rightly no longer trusts him. Fool me once.
Anyway, 2020 US elections will probably be an exercise in chaos, since the whole BLM, SJW,
CHAZ flag burning, violence and statue toppling has moved out onto the streets.
Black Lives Matter Receives $100 Million from Foundations, in addition to more than $33
million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from George Soros through his Open
Society Foundations
How long before they blow through all that loot? Or more likely, have it all stolen by their
(((accountant)))? We all know blacks can't count, especially with so many zeros behind a
Do not bother with racism or anti-racism. It is a faux-agenda, like gay or homophobe, like
fem or trans, like toilet gendering. Real people aren't interested in this sort of nonsense.
Blacks are not interested in anti-racism, either. It is mainly White Wokes that are, and they
will follow whatever the newspaper tells them to follow. Seattle has very few blacks but many
Wokes, that's why it is the centre of the 'anti-racist' campaign. Even if Trump went around
kissing the sneakers of black youngsters, he wouldn't change anything. Blacks are not hostile
to him, not at all, but people who speak for them, the Dem Wokes, definitely are.
TBH, I have grown to hate the GOP even more than I hate the DNC.
The only thing on our menu is the kosher sandwich.
trump has done virtually nothing for white people. In fact I could make a good argument that
things were better under Obama.
Things are so bad now I can barely go to sleep at night and I can barely get up in the
The rioting and burning and looting and killing was bad enough, but the destruction of our
statues is like daggers stabbing me in the back. And to think that the entire fucking GOP sits
and WATCHES and does NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The United States government is no longer legitimate. They can't even protect the citizens
and this is the very LEAST that we ask of those bastards. Idiots give trump a pass because it's
"Democrat cities being destroyed." Well ..I live in a Democrat city and my life matters
Fuck trump. trump is part of the deep state. trump is a swamp creature. The idea that he
would actually do something against Antifa is absurd. Antifa and BLM are shock troops for the
trump WORKS for the jews, does the bidding of the jews.
Antifa attacks white men, nothing happens.
White men defend themselves against Antifa, white men go to jail.
Fuck trump.
We now live in an apartheid state where whites have no rights yet must follow the law, while
non-whites can do whatever the fuck they want.
I can't however decipher the following: "If the Democratic candidate wins the 2020
elections, the West will be united behind him. He will humiliate China, Russia, Venezuela,
Iran; the Deplorable will be deplored; European nationalists will be eliminated; the New World
Order will proceed at double speed. "
Why would the DNC puppet humiliate China when the DNC puppeteers made of China what it is
today. Aside from industrializing China (while the West, especially the US, was
deindustrialized) and the decade-long of technology transfer (read: theft) from the West to
China, the City of London (who paradoxically also waged successive phases of opium wars on
China*) has backed the Chinese Yuan since 1913 (coincidentally, the same year they created the
US Fed).
The same goes for Iran, it would be inaccurate to think of it as a monolithic entity. Iran
is divided between the Rouhani clan (who support the Muslim Brotherhood (a British intelligence
creation modeled on the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry) and who hoped Hillary came to power)) and
the Revolutionary Guards.
* The British Empire's drug money launderer in Hong Kong, Jardines, still bears the opium
poppy flower as its logo.
Very sensible stuff, Shamir. Thanks. High time we all jumped off the phony racism express. A
Pew poll shows 46% of the BLM/Antifa mob are White, fewer than 20% Black. Who are those
anti-White, anti-Tradition Whites? Could they be exactly what they look like -- affluent
anti-Trump suburbanites fanning arson and riots with copious financing from Soros and the
various other oligarchic foundations built by stateless corporate interests? I sure do agree
with you that this is a fresh attempt to putsch Trump out of office and get his deplorables
back under lock, key and mask.
And, yes, the problem with Trump is that he's all bark and no bite. He was elected because
his bark resonated with the concerns of millions of sane, normal Americans who have had a
snootful of globalism, deindustrialization, open borders and forever wars. Then he packed his
government with their enemies and got a knife in the back from each one of them. Trump framed
the issues but forgot to lead.
A quick look at the economic desolation left by the lockdown hoax and the physical chaos
left by the racism hoax is now persuading even Black leaders to wash their hands of this
nonsense. Thousands of Black soldiers and cops would gladly join them. They are the natural
allies of the Deplorables against the wealthy interests tearing the country apart. But who is
going to lead them? Our welfare-warfare regime leaves no alternative to Trump's bark. But when
is he going to bite?
Trump is a minion of the Deep State something the author and many other Trump apologists
fail to understand.
Even this is giving Orange Buffoon too much credit. I never sensed guile, just a man with no
real plan. That the atrocious kushner continues to infest the WH is proof-positive Trump can't
separate family from the aloneness required for leadership.
BLM are not Marxists. they are Maoists and toppling statues is a natural thing for them, much like it was for "Red Guards" during
China "cultural revolution"
Notable quotes:
"... "gross form of White Supremacy." ..."
"... The Last Supper ..."
"... "No one would seriously argue that the Pieta or the Last Supper should be torn down or painted over," ..."
"... "Shaun King is just being ridiculous and provocative, and writing an article about his mad claims is just legitimising them," ..."
"... Like this story? Share it with a friend! ..."
Guy Birchall, British journalist covering current affairs, politics and free speech issues. Recently published in The Sun and
Spiked Online. Follow him on Twitter
Guy Birchall, British journalist covering current affairs, politics and free speech issues. Recently published in The Sun and
Spiked Online. Follow him on Twitter
24 Jun, 2020 07:35
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A leading activist's remarks that all "statues, murals, and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother" represent
"gross white supremacy" shows that radical, racialised politics has no limit to its targets.
The problematic statues row has now taken a turn from political iconoclasm to literal iconoclasm with depictions of "white Jesus"
next on the hit list for some of Black Lives Matter's more hardcore proponents.
Activist Shaun King has called for all the statues,
murals, stained glass windows and paintings depicting the Messiah as having European features to come down because they are a
"gross form of White Supremacy."
To illustrate his point, King makes the perceptive observation that when Jesus, Mary and Joseph
went into hiding while Herod engaged in a spot of infanticide in 1 AD Judea, the family hid in Egypt, not Denmark, so they would
blend in.
This is exactly the sort of mission creep many people worried about when the whole statues issue started to pick up steam last
month. It began with slave owners, and one can see the argument there for taking them down, but it is worth noting that the statues
themselves were not erected for their services to the Transatlantic slave trade.
Then in America, they moved onto their national heroes, like Washington and Jefferson, again because they owned slaves. Again,
one can understand the argument that they shouldn't be venerated because of this fact, but they aren't praised for being slave owners
but for founding the United States of America.
Before we knew it, we were at Ulysses Grant, who lead the Union Armies in the Civil War to end slavery, but because he married
into a slave owning family, he too must be torn down. Defeating the Confederacy wasn't enough to save him. Then Theodore Roosevelt
was next on the list because of white supremacy, (although he wasn't the Roosevelt who actually interred Americans in camps based
on their race in World War II, that was FDR).
But even with the pace with which this movement has declared former icons persona non-grata, to jump from Teddy Roosevelt to Jesus
is extraordinary. Were Mr. King's demands to be met, and "all statues of the White European they claim to be Jesus" to come down,
that would amount to the destruction of some of the finest works of art in existence.
Michelangelo's Pieta, gone, Da Vinci's Last Supper, erased, Raphael's Transfiguration, wiped, Donatello's Crucifix, torn down,
and that would be just if we targeted artists who share their names with turtles who know karate. And the Sistine Chapel? Razed to
the ground, along with the smashing of the stained-glass windows of virtually every church and cathedral in Europe.
This erasure of history would make the destruction of the Reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries in 16th-century England
look like child's play.
The simple fact of the matter is that Jesus has, throughout history, been portrayed as looking like any number of races, and those
usually reflect the race of the artist. Black artists have portrayed him as having African features, Asian artists have done something
in their image, and so European artists obviously portrayed him as looking European. Which is kind of the point of Jesus: all his
followers are supposed to be able to see themselves in him. As a result of living in the Western world, that means, to Western eyes,
he has more often been portrayed as looking like a white European.
Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a
form of white supremacy. Always have been. In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where
they went?EGYPT!Not Denmark.Tear them down.
Yes. All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends
should also come down. They are a gross form white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should
all come down.
There is also the fact that for a large chunk of history, Europe is where Christianity blossomed. In the Middle East, where yes,
Jesus was born, a very different religion, with a very different view on depicting religious figures arose, which perhaps goes some
way to explaining the paucity of paintings of Christ in this part of the world. The fact that Jesus plays second fiddle to Mohammed
in Islam and is regarded as a false prophet in Judaism, might explain why there are fewer depictions of him in the immediate vicinity
of the Sea of Galilee.
One also has to have quite a conspiratorial mind to conclude that 'white supremacy' was top of the agenda for the likes of Da
Vinci and Raphael. Couldn't they just be artists painting and sculpting their interpretation of what Christ looked like? Could the
depictions of him as looking more European not just be down to those being the kind of people they hung around with?
I mean, if we're getting into the weeds about this, it's probably quite unlikely that the historical Jesus had a rippling six
pack and sinewy biceps as he is so often shown as having. Can art not just be appreciated as art without having the artist's motivation
impugned four, five or six centuries after the fact? Given that the Transatlantic slave trade didn't begin until the 17th century,
it seems baffling to tear down art made in the centuries before.
It also raises the question of how exactly is it acceptable to depict Jesus from now on then? Given that he was a Palestinian
Jew, it seems equally unlikely that he looked like the African man he was portrayed as in Madonna's
Like a Prayer
as he would look like the dirty blonde haired European in Da Vinci's
The Last Supper
. (Gosh, it's painful equating these
two very different pieces of culture in the same sentence).
This may seem like a fringe issue that is never going to happen, and it could easily be dismissed as the ramblings of someone
on the extreme left.
"No one would seriously argue that the Pieta or the Last Supper should be torn down or painted over,"
some might say.
"Shaun King is just being ridiculous and provocative, and writing an article about his mad claims is just legitimising
they may add.
This may be true, but ask yourself – in 2010, how much money would you have put on statues of Washington and Jefferson being torn
down in America? What odds would you have got on the bookies of Churchill's statue having to be boarded up in London? I don't think
you'd have even put a quid on it.
There has to come a point where a civilisation just says "enough, stop," otherwise these movements pick up steam. Several American
states have shown themselves incapable of defending their founding fathers. With Christianity dwindling year by year in the West,
how long will we be able to make a defence for these priceless works of art if they too are decided to be contrary to the prevailing
ideology of the day?
Ugly civilisations torch their history, others learn from them. Let us not become the former, just because the other side is shouting
louder than we are.
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and
do not necessarily represent those of RT.
An upstate woman and two Brooklyn lawyers were indicted Friday on federal explosives and
arson charges for allegedly tossing Molotov cocktails at NYPD vehicles during George Floyd
protests in New York City.
Samantha Shader, 27, of Catskill, is accused of hurling the makeshift explosive at an
NYPD vehicle occupied by four police officers on early Saturday morning, May 30.
Prosecutors allege Shader bit one of the officer's legs when she was being taken into
Around the same time, Brooklyn lawyers Urooj Rahman, 31, and Colinford Mattis, 32, were
accused of tossing their own Molotov cocktail at an unoccupied police vehicle in Brooklyn
during a separate attack.
Throw the book at them. This was premeditated, murderous, and seditious.
agent provocateur is an undercover agent, sometimes a police officer, who's deployed to join a
protest to provoke protesters into illegal acts or violence so the protest can be discredited
and those protesting are liable for prosecution. It's a classic strategy, and Anders Lee
explores its place in history, both in the recent George Floyd uprisings, and in many instances
of domestic terrorism in the US.
The Venezuelan Embassy protectors have had their felony charges dropped over their protests
defending the international diplomatic order, US law enforcement has targeted journalists
covering the George Floyd uprising, the Biden campaign continues to become more of a carnival
as it lets the Democratic National Committee's candidate continue to talk in public, and
Natalie McGill reports on where the bailout money aimed at hospitals went. Unsurprisingly,
it turns out that already wealthy, predatory metropolitan institutions scooped more funding
than struggling rural hospitals, and McGill wants to know how we can get that money back.
Anders Lee sits down with Lee Camp to talk about Trump's move to criminalize Antifa, the case
of an assassinated former Swedish president that's not only been reopened but potentially also
solved, and more. YOUTUBE Channel Redacted Tonight
Today, in the context of the Black Lives Matter protests, TomDispatch regular Andrew Bacevich considers the all-American version of "extreme
materialism" that Martin Luther King called out more than half a century ago. And when it
comes to the overwhelming urge to get one's hands on the goods, among the looters of this
moment two groups are almost never mentioned: the Pentagon and the police.
Yet, in 1997, the Department of Defense set up the 1033 program as part of the National
Defense Authorization Act to provide thousands of domestic police forces with "surplus"
equipment of almost every imaginable militarized kind. Since then, thanks to your tax
dollars, it has given away $7.4
billion of such equipment, some of it directly off the battlefields of this country's
forlorn "forever wars."
For items like grenade launchers, mine-resistant armored vehicles, military rifles,
bayonets, body armor, night-vision goggles, and helicopters
, all that police departments have to fork over is the price of delivery. The Pentagon has,
in fact, been so eager to become the Macy's of
militarized hardware that, in 2017, it was even willing to "give $1.2 million worth of
rifles, pipe bombs, and night vision goggles to a fake police department," no questions
asked. That "department" proved to be part of a sting
operation run by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). "It was like getting stuff
off of eBay," a GAO official would
say . Only, of course, for free.
The militarization (or, thought of another way, the commercialization) of the police has
been remarkably on pace these last 23 years, while the Pentagon's
ever-soaring budgets for its ever-sinking wars could be thought of as the great American
commercial success story of this century. With more and more taxpayer dollars in its
wallet, it's been on a remarkable looting spree. Ask yourself: has there been a weapons
system it couldn't have, a military base it couldn't establish, a war expense Congress
wouldn't fund even while cutting back on crucial aspects of the domestic budget like
programs or
disease-prevention spending ? No wonder the Pentagon could supply all those police
departments with a cornucopia of goods with which to turn themselves into over-armed
occupying forces in this country.
It's never thought of that way, but the Pentagon and the police have essentially been
looting the coffers of the American taxpayer for a long time now and, in the Trump era, the
process has only intensified .
Nonetheless, as Bacevich points out, even with protests over racism filling the streets of
America, protests over defunding the Pentagon have yet to surface in any significant way.
Perhaps it's finally time. ~ Tom
Martin Luther King's Giant Triplets
By Andrew Bacevich
In the wake of the police killing of George Floyd, Americans are finally – or is it
once again? – confronting the racism that afflicts this country and extends into just
about every corner of our national life. Something fundamental just might be happening.
Yet to state the obvious, we've been
here before. Mass protests in response to racial inequality and discrimination, including
police brutality, have been anything but unknown in the United States. Much the same can be
said of riots targeting black Americans, fomented and exploited by white racists, often
actively or passively abetted by local law enforcement officials. If Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin,
formerly known as H. Rap Brown, was correct in calling violence "as American as
cherry pie," then race-related urban unrest is the apple-filled equivalent.
The optimists among us believe
that "this time is different." I hope events will prove them right. Yet recalling
expectations that Barack Obama's election in 2008 signaled the dawn of a " post-racial America
," I see no reason to expect it to be so. A yawning gap, I fear, separates hope from
Let me suggest, however, that the nation's current preoccupation with race, as honorable
and necessary as it may be, falls well short of adequately responding to the situation
confronting Americans as they enter the third decade of the twenty-first century. Racism is a
massive problem, but hardly our only one. Indeed, as Martin Luther King sought to remind us
many years ago, there are at least two others of comparable magnitude.
MLK Defines the Problem
In April 1967, at New York City's Riverside Church, Dr. King delivered a sermon that
offered a profound diagnosis of the illnesses afflicting the nation. His analysis remains as
timely today as it was then, perhaps more so.
Americans remember King primarily as a great civil rights leader and indeed he was that.
In his Riverside Church address, however, he turned to matters that went far beyond race. In
an immediate sense, his focus was the ongoing Vietnam War, which he denounced as "madness"
that "must cease." Yet King also used the occasion to summon the nation to "undergo a radical
revolution of values" that would transform the United States "from a thing-oriented society
to a person-oriented society." Only through such a revolution, he declared, would we be able
to overcome "the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism."
The challenge confronting Americans was to dismantle what King referred to as the
"edifice" that produced and sustained each of those giant triplets. Today's protesters,
crusading journalists, and engaged intellectuals make no bones about their determination to
eliminate the first of those giant triplets. Yet they generally treat the other two as, at
best, mere afterthoughts, while the edifice itself, resting on a perverse understanding of
freedom, goes almost entirely ignored.
I'm not suggesting that members of the grand coalition of Americans today fervently
campaigning against racism favor extreme materialism. Many of them merely accept its reality
and move on. Nor am I suggesting that they consciously endorse militarism, although in
confusing "support" for the troops with genuine patriotism some of them do so implicitly.
What I am suggesting is that those calling for fundamental change will go badly astray if
they ignore Dr. King's insistence that each of the giant triplets is intimately tied to the
other two.
Defund the Pentagon?
The protests triggered by the recent murders of George Floyd and other black Americans
have produced widespread demands to "defund the police." Those demands don't come out of
nowhere. While "reform" programs undertaken in innumerable American cities over the course of
many years have demonstrably
enhanced police firepower , they have done little, if anything, to repair relations
between police departments and communities of color.
As an aging middle-class white male, I don't fear cops. I respect the fact that theirs is
a tough job, which I would not want. Yet I realize that my attitude is one more expression of
white privilege, which black men, regardless of their age and economic status, can ill afford
to indulge. So I fully accept the need for radical changes in policing – that's what
"defund" appears to imply – if American cities are ever to have law enforcement
agencies that are effective, humane, and themselves law-abiding.
What I can't fathom is why a similar logic doesn't apply to the armed forces that we
employ to police huge chunks of the world beyond our borders. If Americans have reason to
question the nation's increasingly
militarized approach to law enforcement, then shouldn't they have equal reason to
question this country's thoroughly militarized approach to statecraft?
Consider this: on an annual basis, police officers in the United States kill approximately
1,000 Americans , with blacks
two-and-a-half times more likely than whites to be victimized. Those are appalling
figures, indicative of basic policy gone fundamentally awry. So the outpouring of protest
over the police and demands for change are understandable and justified.
Still, the question must be asked: Why have the nation's post-9/11 wars not prompted
similar expressions of outrage? The unjustified killing of black Americans rightly finds
thousands upon thousands of protesters flooding the streets of major cities. Yet the
loss of thousands of
American soldiers and the physical and psychological wounds sustained by tens of thousands
more in foolhardy wars elicits, at best, shrugs. Throw in the hundreds of
thousands of non-American lives taken in those military campaigns and the
trillions of taxpayer dollars they have consumed and you have a catastrophe that easily
exceeds in scale the myriad race-related protests and riots that have roiled American cities
in the recent past.
With their eyes fixed on elections that are now just months away, politicians of all
stripes spare no effort to show that they "get it" on the issue of race and policing. Race
may well play a large role in determining who wins the White House this November and which
party controls Congress. It should. Yet while the election's final outcome may be uncertain,
this much is not: neither the American
propensity for war, nor the
bloated size of the Pentagon budget, nor the dubious habit of maintaining a sprawling
network of military bases across much of the planet will receive serious scrutiny during
the political season now underway. Militarism will escape unscathed.
At Riverside Church, King described the U.S. government as "the greatest purveyor of
violence in the world today." So it unquestionably remains, perpetrating immeasurably more
violence than any other great power and with remarkably little to show in return. Why, then,
except on the easily ignored fringes of American politics, are there no demands to "defund"
the Pentagon?
King considered the Vietnam War an abomination. At that time, more than a few Americans
agreed with him and vigorously demonstrated against the conflict's continuation. That today's
demonstrators have seemingly chosen to file away our post-9/11 military misadventures under
the heading of regrettable but forgettable is itself an abomination. While their sensitivity
to racism is admirable, their indifference to war is nothing short of disheartening.
In 1967, Dr. King warned that "a nation that continues year after year to spend more money
on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." During
the intervening decades, his charge has lost none of its sting or aptness.
America's National Signature
Given their size and duration, the protests occurring in the wake of the murder of George
Floyd have been remarkably peaceful. That said, some of them did, early on, include rioters
who resorted to looting. Smashing windows and ransacking stores, they walked off not with
milk and bread for the hungry, but with shopping bags filled with
high-end swag – designer shoes and sneakers, purses, clothing, and jewelry lifted
stores like Prada and Alexander McQueen. Also stolen were smart phones,
handguns , even automobiles . In-store
surveillance systems recorded
scenes reminiscent of Black Friday doorbuster sales, though without anyone bothering to
pass through a checkout counter. Some looters quickly attempted to monetize their hauls by
offering to sell purloined items online.
Certain right-wing commentators wasted no time in using the looting to tar the protest
movement as little more than an expression of nihilism. Tucker Carlson of Fox News was
emphatic on this point. Americans taking to the streets in response to George Floyd's
murder, he said, "reject society itself."
"Reason and process and precedent mean nothing to them. They use violence to get what they
want immediately. People like this don't bother to work. They don't volunteer or pay taxes to
help other people. They live for themselves. They do exactly what they feel like doing On
television, hour by hour, we watch these people – criminal mobs – destroy what
the rest of us have built "
To explain such selfish and destructive misconduct, Carlson had an answer readily at
"The ideologues will tell you that the problem is race relations, or capitalism, or police
brutality, or global warming. But only on the surface. The real cause is deeper than that and
it's far darker. What you're watching is the ancient battle between those who have a stake in
society, and would like to preserve it, and those who don't, and seek to destroy it.
This is vile, hateful stuff, and entirely wrong – except perhaps on one point. In
attributing the looting to a deeper cause, Carlson was onto something, even if his effort to
pinpoint that cause was wildly off the mark.
I won't try to unravel the specific motives of those who saw an opportunity in the
protests against racism to help themselves to goods that were not theirs. How much was
righteous anger turned to rage and how much cynical opportunism is beyond my ability to
This much, however, can be said for certain: the grab-all-you-can-get impulse so vividly
on display was as all-American as fireworks on the Fourth of July. Those looters, after all,
merely wanted more stuff. What could be more American than that? In this country, after all,
stuff carries with it the possibility of personal fulfillment, of achieving some version of
happiness or status.
The looters that Tucker Carlson targeted with his ire were doing anything but "rejecting
society itself." They were merely helping themselves to what this society today has on offer
for those with sufficient cash and credit cards in their wallets. In a sense, they were
treating themselves to a tiny sip of what passes these days for the American Dream.
With the exception of cloistered nuns, hippies, and other vanishing breeds, virtually all
Americans have been conditioned to buy into the proposition that stuff correlates with the
good life. Unconvinced? Check out the videos from last year's Black Friday and then consider
the intense, if unsurprising, interest of economists and journalists in tracking the
consumer spending trends . At least until Covid-19 came along, consumer spending served
as the authoritative measure of the nation's overall health.
The primary civic obligation of US citizens today is not to vote or pay taxes. And it's
certainly not to defend the country, a task offloaded onto those who can be enticed to enlist
(with minorities vastly
overrepresented ) in the so-called All-Volunteer Military. No, the primary obligation of
citizenship is to spend.
Ours is not a nation of mystics, philosophers, poets, artisans, or Thomas Jefferson's
yeomen farmers. We are now a nation of citizen-consumers, held in thrall to the extreme
materialism that Dr. King decried. This, not a commitment to liberty or democracy, has become
our true national signature and our chief contribution to late modernity.
Tearing Down the Edifice
At Riverside Church, King reminded his listeners that the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, which he had helped to found a decade earlier, had chosen this as its motto: "To
save the soul of America." The soul of a nation corrupted by racism, militarism, and extreme
materialism represented King's ultimate concern. Vietnam, he said, was "but a symptom of a
far deeper malady within the American spirit."
In a tone-deaf
editorial criticizing his Riverside Church sermon, the New York Times chastised
King for "fusing two public problems" – racism and the Vietnam War – "that are
distinct and separate." Yet part of King's genius lay in his ability to recognize the
interconnectedness of matters that Times editors, as oblivious to deeper maladies then
as they are today, wish to keep separate. King sought to tear down the edifice that sustained
all three of those giant triplets. Indeed, it is all but certain that, were he alive now, he
would call similar attention to a fourth related factor: climate change denial. The refusal
to treat seriously the threat posed by climate change underwrites the persistence of racism,
militarism, and extreme materialism.
During the course of his sermon, King quoted this sentence from the statement of a group
that called itself the Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam: "A time comes when silence
is betrayal." Regarding race, it appears that the
great majority of Americans have now rejected such silence. This is good. It remains an
open question, however, when their silent acceptance of militarism, materialism, and the
abuse of Planet Earth will end.
While appearing on Fox News
Wednesday, Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome told host Martha
MacCallum that if America doesn't bend over and cave to his group's demands, they will burn
down the system and replace it.
He justified his insurrection by citing the American Revolution and claiming that the United
States is founded on violence and spreads violence around the world.
According to Fox News (Emphasis added):
"You have said that violence is sometimes necessary in these situations," host Martha
MacCallum told Newsome. "What exactly is it that you hope to achieve through violence?"
"Wow, it's interesting that you would pose that question like that," Newsome responded,
"because this country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution, what's our
diplomacy across the globe?
"We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like.
So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical."
MacCallum clarified that her question was based off comments she had heard Newsome utter
in various interviews.
"I said," Newsome told the host, " if this country doesn't give us what we want, then we
will burn down this system and replace it . All right? And I could be speaking figuratively.
I could be speaking literally. It's a matter of interpretation.
"Let's observe the history of the 1960s, when black people were rioting," he went on. "We
had the highest growth in wealth, in property ownership. Think about the last few weeks since
we started protesting. There have been eight cops fired across the country."
Newsome never said what he wanted to replace the United States with, but given the
Marxist background of BLM, we have a pretty good idea
He refused to condemn the rioting and later claimed to be a Christian, calling Jesus Christ
a black revolutionary who was assassinated by the government.
"I love the Lord and my Lord and savior," Newsome said. "Jesus Christ is the most famous
black radical revolutionary in history. And he was treated just like Dr. King. He was arrested
on occasion and he was also crucified or assassinated. This is what happens to black activists.
We are killed by the government."
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Analysis carried out by the Pew Research Center has revealed that just one in six protesters
turning out at BLM demonstrations in the US are actually black.
The research notes that the plurality of those present at the gatherings have been white
The full breakdown reveals that just 17 percent of protesters were black, while 46 percent
were white.
A further 22 percent were Hispanic, with eight percent being Asian, the analysis highlights.
Perhaps even more telling is the demographic breakdown in terms of political affiliation.
Almost four out of every five "protesters" identified as Democrats or Democrat-leaning, with
fewer than 17 percent identifying as Republicans.
The findings dovetail with comments made by BET Founder Robert Johnson yesterday, who noted
that most black Americans "laugh" at white people attempting to bring down monuments and cancel
everything they deem to be "racist". Johnson said that white people "have the mistaken
assumption that black people are sitting around cheering for them saying 'Oh, my God, look at
these white people. They're doing something so important to us. They're taking down the statue
of a Civil War general who fought for the South."
"You know, black people, in my opinion, black people laugh at white people who do this the
same way we laugh at white people who say we got to take off the TV shows." Johnson said in an
interview with Fox News.
"Look, the people who are basically tearing down statues, trying to make a statement are
basically borderline anarchists, the way I look at it," he continued, adding "They really
have no agenda other than the idea we're going to topple a statue."
"It's not going to give a kid whose parents can't afford college money to go to college.
It's not going to close the labor gap between what white workers are paid and what black
workers are paid. And it's not going to take people off welfare or food stamps." Johnson
"It's "tantamount to rearranging the deck chairs on a racial titanic. It absolutely means
nothing." Johnson asserted.
Another is the continuation of the CHOP or CHAZ in Seattle, which, I gather, will be ended
fairly soon one way or another. Initially sort of interesting, the area has been hit with
shootings over the last four nights, with one over the weekend killing 19-year old Lorenzo
These are apparently not the result of outside white boogaloo racists attacking them but
coming from inside this area.
There so far has been zero investigation of or effort to find Anderson's murderer and arrest
him. The only report I have seen is that Anderson was advocating people not to set off
fireworks due to a possible fire hazard. This appears to have what got him killed, although so
far there is little solid information. But, sorry, this experiment should not end and not be
repeated anywhere else.
So how can a tier of society(the police) . be what a society needs ? When as this story
and many others show how and why the police were formed . to break heads. When they have been
"the tool" of the elite forever. when so many of them are such dishonest,immoral ,wanna be
And the main direction of the US is towards a police state and fascists running the show .
both republican and democrat. With technology being the boot on the neck of the people and
the police are there to take it to the streets.
Can those elusive "good apples" turn the whole rotten barrel into sweet smelling apple
pie? That is a big ask.
Or should the structure be liquidated, sell their army toys. fill the ranks with people
who are not pathological liars and abusers and /or racists; of one sort or another. Get rid
of the mentality of overcompensation by uber machismo. and make them watch the andy griffith
show. They ought to learn that they can be respected if they are good people, and that they
are not respected because they seek respect through fear and intimidation.
Is that idiot cry of theirs, .. the whole yelling at you; demanding absolute obedience to
arbitrary ,assinine orders, really working to get them respect or is it just something they
get off on?
When the police are shown to be bad, they strike by work slowdown, or letting a little
chaos loose themselves. So the people know they need them So any reform of the police will go
through the police not doing their jobs . but then something like better communities may
result. less people being busted and harassed , or pulled over for the sake of a quota . may
just show we don't need so much policing anyway. And then if the new social workers brigade
starts intervening in peoples with issues when they are young and in school maybe fewer will
be in the system. Couple that with the police not throwing their family in jail for nothing,
and forcing them to pay fines for breaking stupid laws. The system will have less of a load,
and the new , better cops without attitudes will be able to handle their communities in a way
that works for everyone. Making them a net positive, as opposed to now where they are a net
The drug war is over.
The cops have only done the bidding of the organized criminal elements who make their
bread and butter because of prohibition.
our representatives can legally smoke pot , and grow it in their windowboxes in the
capital dc., but people in many places are still living in fear of police using possession of
some substance,as a pretext to take all their stuff,throw them in jail.
But besides the cops, there are the prosecutors . they earn their salaries by stealing it
from poor people through fines for things that ought to be legal. This is one way to drain
money from poor communities, causing people to go steal from others in society to pay their
court costs.
And who is gonna come and bust down your door when you can't pay a fine and choose to pay
rent and buy your kids food instead . the cops. just doing their jobs..
The late Kevin R C O'Brien noted that in every case where the Police had been ordered to
"Round up the usual suspects" they have done so, and delivered them where ordered. It did not
matter who the "Usual suspects" were, or to what fate they were to be delivered.
They are the King's men and they do the King's bidding.
To have a reasonable discussion, I think that it should be recognized that modern police
are but one leg of a triad. The first of course is the police who appear to seem themselves
as not part of a community but as enforcers in that community.
To swipe an idea from Mao, the police should move amongst the people as a fish swims in
the sea. Not be a patrolling shark that attacks who they want at will knowing that there will
be no repercussions against them.
When you get to the point that you have police arresting children in school for
infractions of school discipline – giving them a police record – you know that
things have gotten out of hand.
The next leg is the courts which of course includes prosecutors. It is my understanding
that prosecutors are elected to office in the US and so have incentives to appear to be tough
on crime"" . They seem to operate more like 'Let's Make a Deal' from what I have read. When
they tell some kid that he has a choice of 1,000 years in prison on trumped up charges or
pleads guilty to a smaller offence, you know that that is not justice at work. Judges too
operate in their own world and will always take the word of a policeman as a witness.
And the third leg is the prisons which operate as sweatshops for corporate America. It is
in the interest of the police and the courts to fill up the prisons to overflowing. Anybody
remember the Pennsylvania "kids for cash" scandal where kids lives were being ruined with
criminal records that were bogus so that some people could make a profit?
And what sort of prison system is it where a private contractor can build a prison
without a contract at all , knowing that the government (California in this case) will
nonetheless fill it up for a good profit.
In short, in sorting out police doctrine and methods like is happening now, it should be
recognized that they are actually only the face of a set of problems.
I spent some time in the Silver Valley of northern Idaho. This area was the hot bed
of labor unrest during the 1890's. Federal troops controlled the area 3 separate
times,1892, 1894 and 1899. Twice miners hijacked trains loaded them with dynamite and drove
them to mining company stamping mills that they then blew up. Dozens of deaths in shoot outs.
The entire male population was herded up and placed in concentration camps for weeks. The end
result was the assassination of the Governor in 1905.
Interestingly this history has been completely expunged. There is a mining museum in the
town which doesn't mention a word on these events. Even nationwide there seems to be a
complete erasure of what real labor unrest can look like..
Yeah, labor unrest does get swept under the rug. Howard Zinn had examples in his works
"The peoples history of the United States"
The pictched battles in upstate new york with the Van Rennselear's in the 1840's breaking up
rennselearwyk . the million acre estate of theirs . it was a rent strike.
People remembering , we have been here before doesn't help the case of the establishment
so they try to not let it happen. We get experts telling us . well, this is all new we need
experts to tell you what to think.
It is like watching the footage from the past 100 years on film of blacks marching for
their rights and being told.. reform is coming.. the more things change, the more things stay
the same. decade after decade.century after century
time to start figuring this out people.
so, the enemy is us .
now what?
That is a remarkable story that ending in martial law. You won't see Hollywood making a
film about that incident. You'd sooner see a film about the Wall Street bombing of the 1920s
Doubtless the facts presented above are correct, but shouldn't one point out that the 21st
century is quite different from the 19th and therefore analogizing the current situation to
what went on before is quite facile?
For example it's no longer necessary for the police to put down strikes because strike
actions barely still exist.
In our current US the working class has diminished greatly while the middle class has
expanded. We are a much richer country overall with a lot more people–not just those
one percenters–concerned about crime.
Whatever one thinks of the police, politically an attempt to go back to the 18th century
isn't going to fly.
" the 21st century is quite different from the 19th "
From the Guardian
"How Starbucks, Target, Google and Microsoft quietly fund police through private
More than 25 large corporations in the past three years have contributed funding to
private police foundations, new report says.
These foundations receive millions of dollars a year from private and corporate donors,
according to the report, and are able to use the funds to purchase equipment and weapons
with little public input. The analysis notes, for example, how the Los Angeles police
department in 2007 used foundation funding to purchase surveillance software from
controversial technology firm Palantir. Buying the technology with private foundation
funding rather than its public budget allowed the department to bypass requirements to hold
public meetings and gain approval from the city council.
The Houston police foundation has purchased for the local police department a variety of
equipment, including Swat equipment, sound equipment and dogs for the K-9 unit, according
to the report. The Philadelphia police foundation purchased for its police force long guns,
drones and ballistic helmets, and the Atlanta police foundation helped fund a major
surveillance network of over 12,000 cameras.
In addition to weaponry, foundation funding can also go toward specialized training and
support programs that complement the department's policing strategies, according to one
police foundation.
"Not a lot of people are aware of this public-private partnership where corporations and
wealthy donors are able to siphon money into police forces with little to no oversight,"
said Gin Armstrong, a senior research analyst at LittleSis.
Maybe it is just me, but things don't seem to be all that different.
While it is true, this is a new century.
knowing how the present came to be, is entirely necessary to be able to attempt any move
The likelihood of making the same old mistakes is almost certain, if one doesn't try to use
the past as a reference.
And considering the effect of propaganda and revisionism in the formation of peoples
opinions, we do need " learning against learning" to borrow a Jesuit strategy against the
reformation, but this time it should embrace reality, rather than sow falsehoods.
But I do agree,
We have never been here before, and now is a great time to reset everything. With all due
respect to "getting it right" or at least "better".
and knowing the false fables of righteousness, is what people need to know, before they go
about "burning down the house".
You know it's not as though white people aren't also afraid of the police. Alfred
Hitchcock said he was deathly afraid of police and that paranoia informed many of his movies.
Woody Allen has a funny scene in Annie Hall where he is pulled over by a cop and is comically
flustered. White people also get shot and killed by the police as the rightwingers are
constantly pointing out.
And thousands of people in the streets tell us that police reform is necessary. But the
country is not going to get rid of them and replace police with social workers so why even
talk about it? I'd say the above is interesting .not terribly relevant.
I agree that alot of white people don't want ANY contact with the police either. I am one
of them. The police in general are rude and aggressive to everyone. I would generally say
they are a-holes but trying not to include my own "meetings" with the cops all have been
anecdotes of other police "fails".
I actually was trying to be race -non-specific . which is why I think there is a lot of room
for improvement in policing.
WE all have gripes about the police. It is just that now, I wouldn't pretend my worries are
greater than someone who wears their color of skin around. I would have to open my mouth
first before they realized they didn't like me.
I also wouldn't think that replacing police with social workers alone is the issue.
It is not allowing the police to routinely violate the 4th amendment as a matter of
course.That is why we need to end the drug war, because it is the first excuse cops use to
"look for something" that doesn't really matter anyway. and it brings people into the system,
who don't belong there.And the people who need help with their substance issues should be
able to reach out without fear of incarceration or penalties. again , social workers .
i would say that one thing to do is to get ALL police officers/sheriffs out of the schools.We
should make sure schools have an assistant principle on the grounds every day for discipline
issues, rather than having someone who lets every little issue possibly become an
"infraction" that is written up by someone who can bring you into the criminal system with
the stroke of a pen; by just doing their job. An asst. principle isn't a social worker ,per
se; but close enough for this piece of the pie.
and the ratcheting down of budgets have forced many with mental issues to be "handled" by the
police again.. another instance to get the cops out of the mental health business.
And right now, I consider all cops to be members of a "gang". A gang, who I don't like. And
would not help. This type of dislocation from otherwise "non-criminal" citizens makes them
less effective. They have ostracized themselves from large sections of the population, and
that doesn't really help anyone..
All of this in the 21st century, because we as a society would create police, if there was
nothing there. We just have the ability to see how it was mishandled in the past. We don't
have to limit ourselves to what has been.just because.
Straight-up fact: The police weren't created to preserve and protect. They were created to
maintain order, over certain subjected classes and races of people, including–for many
white people, too–many of our ancestors, too.*
And the question that arises from this: Are we willing to the subjects in a police state?
Are we willing to continue to let our Black and brown brothers and sisters be subjected BY
such a police state, and to half-wittingly be party TO it?
Or do we want to exercise AGENCY over "our" government(s), and decide–anew–how
we go out our vast, vast array of social ills.
Obviously, armed police officers with an average of six months training–almost all
from the white underclass–are a pretty f*cking blunt instrument to bring to bear.
On our own heads. On those who we and history have consigned to second-class citizenship.
Warning: this is a revolutionary situation. We should embrace it.
*Acceding to white supremacy, becoming "white" and often joining that police order, if you
were poor, was the road out of such subjectivity. My grandfather's father, for example, was
said to have fled a failed revolution in Bohemia to come here. Look back through history, you
will find plenty of reason to feel solidarity, too. Race alone cannot divide us if we are
intent on the lessons of that history.
It's a good argument for keeping business small and evenly distributed. Promote the
distribution of small enterprises all around the countryside and it'll be a preventative
against mergers and monopolies and giant corporations. Legislate for small business
everywhere. When mega corporations turn into godzilla they are no longer efficient. They just
tweak the statistics to imply that they are making such a profit that that means they are
Maybe their robots are. Maybe their security forces are. But rapacious capitalism is
almost comical, if not pathetic, when there is nothing left to rape. Which is where we now
find ourselves. They've been allowed to evolve into private monopolies and have sucked the
life out of the rest of the economy because they provide no employment, no training, no
health care, no responsible maintenance for themselves; they set up tax havens, etc. And they
produce way too much crap.
We need far less consumption to save the planet. If we need monopolies to create equal
distribution let them be state-owned monopolies. States do a good job. I'm thinking here of
the State owned liquor stores in Utah. Even tho' it'd be nice to buy wine in the grocery
store, the state does a good job of supplying booze at a good price. (They are in the process
now of setting up marijuana stores. Yes, Utah.) And they hire lotsa people. And they generate
a nice tax revenue. I think medical care should be the same way – but on a national
scale. This way we don't need to bludgeon the poor. Until we can turn things around, we need
to give the poor a state owned and controlled place to live – commonly thought of as a
house. We're gonna need to do food stamps too. If we must put up with private enterprise at
the expense of public welfare, just so that we keep a certain optimism toward "free
enterprise" and keep it nurtured because: sometimes a great notion, then let's restrict it
from becoming a plague. But let's not kill capitalism just because it almost killed society.
Let's remake it. As it is now it's just dragging itself around like a cave troll. It is no
longer fit for purpose.
De-militarize the police ..
No tear gas
No rubber bullets
No pepper spray
No pepper bullets
No more police cars "patrolling"
Get the police out of their cars and on "beats" like decades ago.
Police must live within the communities they oversee.
Stop the "20 years and out" policies.
It is more dangerous to be a coal miner than a policeman in America.
That might be a start
But, to begin we must start to kick out the corrupt politicians .
Sorry, but the title sent my mind back to the days of old -- of old Daley, that is, and
his immortal quote from 1968: "Gentlemen, let's get the thing straight, once and for all. The
policeman isn't there to create disorder; the policeman is there to preserve disorder."
LOL!!! great quote. Talk about saying it the way it is.
It kind of goes along with, "Police violence is focused overwhelmingly on men lowest on
the socio-economic ladder: in rural areas outside the South, predominately white men; in the
Southwest, disproportionately Hispanic men; in mid-size and major cities, disproportionately
black men. Significantly, in the rural South, where the population is racially mixed, white
men and black men are killed by police at nearly identical rates."
I bang my head on the table sometimes because poor white men and poor men of color are so
often placed at odds when they increasingly face (mostly) the same problems. God forbid
someone tried to unite them, there might really be some pearl clutching then.
yeah, like Martin Luther King's "poor people's campaign". the thought of including the
poor ,of all colors .. just too much for the status quo to stomach.
The "mechanism" that keeps masses in line . is one of those "invisible hands" too.
Great response! I am sure you have more to add to this. A while back, I was researching
the issues you state in your last paragraph. Was about ten pages into it and had to stop as I
was drawn out of state and country. From my research.
While not as overt in the 20th century, the distinction of black slave versus poor white
man has kept the class system alive and well in the US in the development of a discriminatory
informal caste system. This distraction of a class level lower than the poorest of the white
has kept them from concentrating on the disproportionate, and growing, distribution of wealth
and income in the US. For the lower class, an allowed luxury, a place in the hierarchy and a
sure form of self esteem insurance.
Sennett and Cobb (1972) observed that class distinction sets up a contest between upper
and lower class with the lower social class always losing and promulgating a perception
amongst themselves the educated and upper classes are in a position to judge and draw a
conclusion of them being less than equal. The hidden injury is in the regard to the person
perceiving himself as a piece of the woodwork or seen as a function such as "George the
Porter." It was not the status or material wealth causing the harsh feelings; but, the
feeling of being treated less than equal, having little status, and the resulting shame. The
answer for many was violence.
James Gilligan wrote "Violence; Reflections on A National Epidemic." He worked as a prison
psychiatrist and talked with many of the inmates of the issues of inequality and feeling less
than those around them. His finding are in his book which is not a long read and adds to the
A little John Adams for you.
" The poor man's conscience is clear . . . he does not feel guilty and has no reason to
. . . yet, he is ashamed. Mankind takes no notice of him. He rambles unheeded.
In the midst of a crowd; at a church; in the market . . . he is in as much obscurity as
he would be in a garret or a cellar.
He is not disapproved, censured, or reproached; he is not seen . . . To be wholly
overlooked, and to know it, are intolerable ."
Racism, especially directed toward blacks, along with "identity wedge," is a perfect tool
for disarming poor white, and suppressing their struggle for a better standard of living,
which considerably dropped under neoliberalism.
In other words, by providing poor whites with a stratum of the population that has even
lower social status, neoliberals manage to co-opt them to support the policies which
economically ate detrimental to their standard of living as well as to suppress the protest
against the redistribution of wealth up and dismantling of the New Deal capitalist social
protection network.
This is a pretty sophisticated, pretty evil scheme if you ask me. In a way, "Floydgate"
can be viewed as a variation on the same theme. A very dirty game indeed, when the issue of
provision of meaningful jobs for working poor, social equality, and social protection for
low-income workers of any color is replaced with a real but of secondary importance issue of
police violence against blacks.
This is another way to explain "What's the matter with Kansas" effect.
I like that one! -- and I have to admit it's not familiar to me, though I've been a fan
since before I got to play him in a neighboring community theater. Now I'm having some
difficulty finding it. Where is it from, may I ask?
MLK Jr. tried, and look what happened to him once he really got some traction. If the Rev.
William Barber's Poor People's Campaign picks up steam, I'm afraid the same thing will happen
to him.
I wish it were only pearl-clutching that the money power would resort to, but that's not
the way it works.
In most countries, the police are there solely to protect the Haves from the Have-Nots. In
fact, when the average frustrated citizen has trouble, the last people he would consider
turning to are the police.
This is why in the Third World, the only job of lower social standing than "policeman" is
"police informer".
"... It's because the Democrats think that kowtowing to BLM will give them the winning edge in the November balloting. That's what it's all about. That's why they draped themselves in Kente cloth and knelt for the cameras. They think their black constituents are too stupid to see through their groveling fakery. They think that blacks will forget that Joe Biden pushed through legislation "which eliminated parole for federal prisoners and limited the amount of time sentences could be reduced for good behavior." ..."
"... The stupidity of the Dems was shown this week when they agreed to three Biden/Trump debates. They should leave him in his basement and hope for the best. They feature political ads where Biden slurs his speech! These are professionals, so it tells me they spent all day and did 40 takes and this was the best he could do. The election will be great comedy, or perhaps ..."
"... Clinton is the best evidence that certain people agree to be blackmailed in exchange for power, as Andrew Anglin wrote this week. ..."
"This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a serious, and highly organized
political movement It is deep and profound and has vast political ambitions. It is insidious,
it will grow. It's goal is to end liberal democracy and challenge western civilization
itself. This is an ideological movement Even now, many of us pretend this is about police
brutality. We think we can fix it by regulating chokeholds or spending more on de-escalation
training. We're too literal and good-hearted to understand what's happening. But we have no
idea what we are up against. ..These are not protests. This is a totalitarian political
movement and someone needs to save the country from it." Tucker
Tucker Carlson is right, the protests and riots are not a momentary civil disturbance. They
are an attack the Constitutional Republic itself, the heart and soul of American democracy. The
Black Lives Matter protests are just the tip of the spear, they are an expression of public
outrage that is guaranteed under the first amendment. But don't be deceived, there's more here
than meets the eye. BLM is funded by foundations that seek to overthrow our present form of
government and install an authoritarian regime guided by technocrats, oligarchs and
corporatists all of who believe that Chinese-type despotism is far-more compatible with
capitalism than "inefficient" democracy. The chaos in the streets is merely the beginning of an
excruciating transition from one system to another. This is an excerpt from an article by F.
William Engdahl at Global Research:
"By 2016, Black Lives Matter had established itself as a well-organized network .. That
year the Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy announced the formation of the Black-Led
Movement Fund (BLMF), "a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the
Movement for Black Lives coalition" in which BLM was a central part. By then Soros
foundations had already given some $33 million in
grants to the Black Lives Matter movement .. ..
The BLMF identified itself as being created by top foundations including in addition to
the Ford Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation and the Soros Open Society Foundations." (
"America's Own Color
Revolution ", Global Research)
$100 million is alot of money. How has that funding helped BLM expand its presence in
politics and social media? How many activists and paid employees operate within the network
disseminating information, building new chapters, hosting community outreach programs, and
fine-tuning an emergency notification system that allows them to put tens of thousands of
activists on the streets in cities across the country at a moment's notice? Isn't that what
we've seen for the last three weeks, throngs of angry protestors swarming in more than 400
cities across America all at the beck-and-call of a shadowy group whose political intentions
are still not clear?
And what about the rioting, looting and arson that broke out in numerous cities following
the protests? Was that part of the script too? Why haven't BLM leaders condemned the
destruction of private property or offered a public apology for the downtown areas that have
been turned into wastelands? In my own hometown of Seattle, the downtown corridor– which
once featured Nordstrom, Pottery Barn and other upscale retail shops– is now a
checkerboard of broken glass, plywood covers and empty streets all covered in a thick layer of
garish spray-paint. The protest leaders said they wanted to draw attention to racial injustice
and police brutality. Okay, but how does looting Nordstrom help to achieve that goal?
And what role have the Democrats played in protest movement?
They've been overwhelmingly supportive, that's for sure. In fact, I can't think of even one
Democrat who's mentioned the violence, the looting or the toppling of statues. Why is that?
It's because the Democrats think that kowtowing to BLM will give them the winning edge in
the November balloting. That's what it's all about. That's why they draped themselves in Kente
cloth and knelt for the cameras. They think their black constituents are too stupid to see
through their groveling fakery. They think that blacks will forget that Joe Biden pushed
through legislation "which eliminated parole for federal prisoners and limited the amount of
time sentences could be reduced for good behavior."
According to the Black Agenda
Repor t: "Biden and (South Carolina's Strom) Thurmond joined hands to push 1986 and 1988
drug enforcement legislation that created the nefarious sentencing disparity between crack and
powder cocaine as well as other draconian measures that implicate him as one of the initiators
of what became mass incarceration. " Biden also spearheaded "the attacks on Anita Hill when she
came forward to testify against the supreme court nominee Clarence Thomas". All told, Biden's
record on race is much worse than Trump's despite the media's pathetic attempts to portray
Trump as Adolph Hitler. It's just more bunkum from the dissembling media.
Bottom line: The Democrats think they can ride racial division and social unrest all the way
to the White House. That's what they are betting on.
So, yes, the Dems are exploiting the protests for political advantage, but it goes much
deeper than that. After all, we know from evidence that was uncovered during the Russiagate
investigation, that DNC leaders are intimately linked to the Intel agencies, law enforcement
(FBI), and the elite media. So it's not too much of a stretch to assume that these deep state
agents and assets work together to shape the narrative that they think gives them the best
chance of regaining power. Because, that's what this is really all about, power. Just as
Russiagate was about power (removing the president using disinformation, spies, surveillance
and other skulduggery.), and just as the Covid-19 fiasco was essentially about power
(collapsing the economy while imposing medical martial law on the population.), so too, the BLM
protest movement is also about power, the power to inflict massive damage on the country's main
urban centers with the intention of destabilizing the government, restructuring the economy and
paving the way for a Democratic victory in November. It's all about power, real, unalloyed
political muscle.
Surprisingly, one of the best critiques of what is currently transpiring was written by
Niles Niemuth at the World Socialist Web Site. Here's what he said about the widespread
toppling of statues:
"The attacks on the monuments were pioneered by the increasingly frenzied attempt by the
Democratic Party and the New York Times to racialize American history, to create a
narrative in which the history of mankind is reduced to the history of racial struggle. This
campaign has produced a pollution of democratic consciousness, which meshes entirely with the
reactionary political interests driving it.
It is worth noting that the one institution seemingly immune from this purge is the
Democratic Party, which served as the political wing of the Confederacy and, subsequently,
the KKK.
This filthy historical legacy is matched only by the Democratic Party's contemporary
record in supporting wars that, as a matter of fact, primarily targeted nonwhites. Democrats
supported the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and under Obama destroyed Libya and Syria. The
New York Times was a leading champion and propagandist for all of these war." (
off the monuments to Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Grant!, WSWS)
What the author is referring to is The 1619 Project, which is a racialized version of
American history that was published by the Times on August 19, 2019. The deliberately-distorted
version of history was cobbled together in anticipation of increasing social unrest and racial
antagonism. The rioting, looting and vast destruction of America's urban core can all be traced
back to a document that postulates that the country was founded on racial hatred and
exploitation. In other words, The 1619 Project provides the perfect ideological justification
for the chaos and violence that has torn the country apart for the last three weeks. This is an
excerpt from an article at the World Socialist Web Site:
"The essays featured in the magazine are organized around the central premise that all of
American history is rooted in race hatred -- specifically, the uncontrollable hatred of
"black people" by "white people." Hannah-Jones writes in the series' introduction:
"Anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country. "
This is a false and dangerous conception. DNA is a chemical molecule that contains the
genetic code of living organisms and determines their physical characteristics and
development . Hannah-Jones's reference to DNA is part of a growing tendency to derive
racial antagonisms from innate biological processes .where does this racism come from? It
is embedded, claims Hannah-Jones, in the historical DNA of American "white people." Thus, it
must persist independently of any change in political or economic conditions .
. No doubt, the authors of The Project 1619 essays would deny that they are predicting
race war, let alone justifying fascism. But ideas have a logic; and authors bear
responsibility for the political conclusions and consequences of their false and misguided
arguments." ("The New York Times's 1619
Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history", World Socialist Web
Keep in mind, this essay in the WSWS was written a full year before BLM protests broke out
across the country. Was Hannah-Jones enlisted to create a document that would provide the dry
tinder for the massive and coordinated demonstrations that have left the country stunned and
Probably, after all, (as noted above) the author's theory is that one race is genetically
programed to exploit the other. ( "Anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country. ")
Well, if we assume that whites are genetically and irreversibly "racist", then we must also
assume that the country that these whites founded is racist and evil. Thus, the only logical
remedy for this situation, is to crush the white segment of the population, destroy their
symbols, icons, and history, and replace the system of government with one that better reflects
the values of the emerging non-Caucasian majority. Simply put, The Project 1619 creates the
rationale for sustained civil unrest, deepening political polarization and violent
The 1619 Project is a calculated provocation meant to exacerbate racial animosities and pave
the way to open conflagration. And it has succeeded beyond anyone's wildest imagination. The
nation is split into warring camps while Washington has devolved into fratricidal warfare. Was
that the objective, to destabilize the country in preparation for the dissolution of the
current system followed by a fundamental restructuring of the government consistent with the
identity politics lauded by the Democrats?
The Democrats, the Intel agencies and the media are all in bed together fomenting unrest
with the intention of decimating the economy, crushing the emerging opposition and imposing
their despotic one-party system on all of us. Here's a clip from a piece by Paul Craig Roberts
that sums up the role of the New York Times in inciting race-based violence:
"The New York Times editorial board covers up the known indisputable truth with their
anti-white "1619 project," an indoctrination program to inculcate hatred of white people in
blacks and guilt in white people.
Why does the New York Times lie, brainwash blacks into hatred of whites, and attempt to
brainwash whites into guilt for the creation of a New World labor force four centuries ago?
Why do Americans tolerate the New York Times fomenting of racial hatred in a multicultural
The New York Times is a vile organization. The New York Times attempts to discredit the
President of the United States and did all it could to frame him on false charges. The New
York Times painted General Flynn, who honorably served the US, as a Russian agent and enabled
General Flynn's frame-up on false and now dropped charges. The New York Times spews hatred of
white people. And now the New York Times accuses the American military of celebrating white
Does America have a worse enemy than the New York Times? The New York Times is clearly and
intentionally making a multicultural America impossible . By threatening white people with
the prospect of hate-driven racial violence, the New York Times editorial board is fomenting
the rise of white supremacy." (
"The New York Times Editorial Board Is a Threat to Multicultural America ", The Unz
The editors of the Times don't hate whites, they are merely attacking the growing number of
disillusioned white working people who have left the Democratic party in frustration due to
their globalist policies regarding trade, immigration, offshoring, outsourcing and the
relentless hollowing out of the nation's industrial core . The Dems have abandoned these people
altogether and –now that they realize they will never be able to lure them back into
their camp– they've decided to wage a full-blown, scorched-earth, take-no-prisoners war
on them. They've decided to crush them mercilessly and fill their ranks with multi-ethnic,
bi-racial groups that will work for pennies on the dollar. (which will keep the Dems corporate
supporters happy.) So, no, the Times does not hate white people. What they hate is the growing
populist movement that derailed Hillary Clinton and put anti-globalist Trump in the White
House. That's the real target of this operation, the disillusioned throng of working people who
have washed their hands of the Democrats for good. Here's more background from Paul Craig
"On August 12 Dean Baquet, executive editor of the New York Times, met with the Times'
employees to refocus the Times' attack on Trump . The Times, Baquet said, is shifting from
Trump-Russia to Trump's racism. The Times will spend the run-up to the 2020 presidential
election building the Trump-is-a-racist narrative. Of course, if Trump is a racist it means
that the people who elected him are also racists. Indeed, in Baquet's view, Americans have
always been racist. To establish this narrative, the New York Times has launched the "1619
Project," the purpose of which is "to reframe the country's history."
According to the Washington Examiner, "The basic thrust of the 1619 Project is that
everything in American history is explained by slavery and race. The message is woven
throughout the first publication of the project, an entire edition of the Times magazine. It
begins with an overview of race in America -- 'Our democracy's founding ideals were false
when they were written. Black Americans have fought to make them true.'
The premise that America originated as a racist slave state is to be woven into all
sections of the Times -- news, business, sports, travel, the entire newspaper. The project
intends to take the "reframing" of the United States into the schools where white Americans
are to be taught that they are racist descendants of slave holders. A participant in this
brainwashing of whites, which will make whites guilty and defenseless, says "this project
takes wing when young people are able to read this and understand the way that slavery has
shaped their country's history." In other words, the New York Times intends to make slavery
the ONLY explanation of America.
At the meeting of the executive editor of the New York Times with the Times' employees to
refocus the Times' attack on President Trump, Baquet said: "Race in the next year is going to
be a huge part of the American story." (
"Is White Genocide Possible? ", The Unz Review)
Repeat: "Race in the next year is going to be a huge part of the American story." Either
Baquet has a crystal ball or he had a pretty good idea of the way in which the 1619 Project was
going to be used . I suspect it was the latter.
For the last 3 and a half years, Democrats and the media have ridiculed anyone who opposes
their globalist policies as racist, fascist, misogynist, homophobic, Bible-thumping,
gun-toting, flag-waving, Nascar boosting, white nationalist "deplorables". Now they have
decided to intensify the assault on mainly white working people by preemptively destroying the
economy, destabilizing the country, and spreading terror far and wide. It's another vicious
psy-ops campaign designed to thoroughly demoralize and humiliate the enemy who just happen to
be the American people. Here's more form the WSWS:
" It is no coincidence that the promotion of this racial narrative of American history by
the Times, the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party and the privileged upper-middle-class
layers it represents, comes amid the growth of class struggle in the US and around the
The 1619 Project is one component of a deliberate effort to inject racial politics into
the heart of the 2020 elections and foment divisions among the working class. The Democrats
think it will be beneficial to shift their focus for the time being from the reactionary,
militarist anti-Russia campaign to equally reactionary racial politics." (" The New York
Times's 1619 Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history " WSWS)
Can you see how the protests are being used to promote the political objectives of elites
operating behind the mask of "impartial" reporting? The scheming NY Times has replaced the
enlightenment principles articulated in our founding documents with a sordid tale of racial
hatred and oppression. The editors seek to eliminate everything we believe as Americans so they
can brainwash us into believing that we are evil people deserving of humiliation, repudiation
and punishment. Here's more from the same article:
"In the months preceding these events, the New York Times, speaking for dominant sections
of the Democratic political establishment, launched an effort to discredit both the American
Revolution and the Civil War. In the New York Times' 1619 Project, the American Revolution
was presented as a war to defend slavery, and Abraham Lincoln was cast as a garden variety
The attacks on the monuments to these men were pioneered by the increasingly frenzied
attempt by the Democratic Party and the New York Times to racialize American history, to
create a narrative in which the history of mankind is reduced to the history of racial
struggle . This campaign has produced a pollution of democratic consciousness, which meshes
entirely with the reactionary political interests driving it." (" The New York Times's 1619
Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history" , WSWS)
Ideas have consequences, and the incendiary version of events disseminated by the Times has
added fuel to a fire that's spread from one coast to the other. Given the damage that has been
done to cities across the country, it would be nice to know how Dean Baquet knew that "race was
going to play a huge part" in upcoming events? It's all very suspicious. Here's more:
" Given the 1619 Project's black nationalist narrative, it may appear surprising that
nowhere in the issue do the names Malcolm X or Black Panthers appear. Unlike the black
nationalists of the 1960s, Hannah-Jones does not condemn American imperialism. She boasts
that "we [i.e. African-Americans] are the most likely of all racial groups to serve in the
United States military," and celebrates the fact that "we" have fought "in every war this
nation has waged." Hannah-Jones does not note this fact in a manner that is at all critical.
She does not condemn the creation of a "volunteer" army whose recruiters prey on
poverty-stricken minority youth. There is no indication that Hannah-Jones opposes the "War on
Terror" and the brutal interventions in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Syria -- all
supported by the Times -- that have killed and made homeless upwards of 20 million people. On
this issue, Hannah-Jones is remarkably "color-blind." She is unaware of, or simply
indifferent to, the millions of "people of color" butchered and made refugees by the American
war machine in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa." (" The New York Times's 1619
Project: A racialist falsification of American and world histor y", WSWS)
So, black nationalists like Malcolm X and the Black Panthers are excluded from the The 1619
Project's narrative, but the author boasts that blacks "are the most likely of all racial
groups to serve in the US military"?? How does that happen unless Hannah-Jones was coached by
Democrat leaders about who should and shouldn't be included in the text? None of this passes
the smell test. It all suggests that the storyline was shaped by people who had a specific goal
in mind. That isn't history, it's fiction written by people who have an ax to grind. The Times
even admitted as much in response to the blistering criticism by five of "the most widely read
and respected authorities on US history." The New York TimesMagazine editor in
chief Jake Silverstein rejected the historians' objections saying:
"The project was intended to address the marginalization of African-American history in
the telling of our national story and examine the legacy of slavery in contemporary American
life. We are not ourselves historians, it is true. We are journalists, trained to look at
current events and situations and ask the question: Why is this the way it is?"
WTF! "We are not ourselves historians"? That's the excuse?? Give me a break!
The truth is that there was never any attempt to provide an accurate account of events. From
the very onset, the goal was to create a storyline that fit the politics, the politics of
provocation, incitement, racial hatred, social unrest and violence. That's what the Times and
their allies wanted, and that's what they got.
The Deep State Axis: CIA, DNC, NYT
The three-way alliance between the CIA, the Elite Media, and the Democratic leadership has
clearly strengthened and grown since the failed Russiagate fiasco. All three parties were
likely involved in the maniacal hyping of the faux-Covid pandemic which paved the way for
Depression era unemployment, tens of thousands of bankrupt businesses and a sizable portion of
the US population thrust into destitution. Now, these deep state loyalists are promoting a
"falsified" race-based version of history that pits one group against the other while diverting
attention from the deliberate destruction of the economy and the further consolidation of
wealth in the hands of the 1 percent.
Behind the veil of the protest movement, the war on the American people is gaining pace.
Stopped reading the Times after the buildup to the Iraq War, when it was clear they were
lying. Everyone please stop reading the Times, and in particular stop referring to what they
are writing. Act like they don't exist. If enough do, they won't.
The stupidity of the Dems was shown this week when they agreed to three Biden/Trump debates.
They should leave him in his basement and hope for the best. They feature political ads where
Biden slurs his speech! These are professionals, so it tells me they spent all day and did 40
takes and this was the best he could do. The election will be great comedy, or perhaps
This is all planned. Biden will be forced to drop out and Bloomberg or even Clinton will
"Tucker Carlson is right, the protests and riots are not a momentary civil disturbance. They
are an attack the Constitutional Republic itself, the heart and soul of American democracy."
I am reminded of david horowitz and chrissy hitchens
And how they promoted Israeli interests after first pretending to be independent thinkers
to gain creed for the switch. Standard zionazi-gay psywar tactic.
The stupidity of the Dems was shown this week when they agreed to three Biden/Trump
This is all planned. Biden will be forced to drop out and Bloomberg or even Clinton will
Stupid and planned?
Clinton is the best evidence that certain people agree to be blackmailed in exchange for
power, as Andrew Anglin wrote this week. Why should DNC care if Trump is 're-elected'? And if
they don't care, who not take a stab at installing an intersectional DNC pinnacle fraudster
via the griftiest, most insulting, infuriating way possible? They can't lose.
Chicago officials report the city's highest number of shootings in a single weekend this
year. From Friday evening to Monday morning, 102 people were shot, 14 of whom have died, five
of those killed were minors.
Several teenagers died in alleys as a result of the rampant weekend violence. A toddler was
killed on Saturday evening when he was struck in the back by a bullet as someone fired into his
father's car in Austin , on the West Side of the city.
Two teenage boys were sitting outside on a porch on Saturday evening when once noticed a red
laser pointed at him and then gun shots began to ring out. Both were taken to Mount Sinai
hospital and are in good condition.
Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said Sunday that violent offenders should be kept
in jail for longer because the home monitoring system is not working .
"Tears are a natural reaction to these tragic stories of violence," he said.
"But we need to do more than just cry. ... For God's sake, help Chicago cops protect our
precious children and our families."
Brown also said that he and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot had a conversation over the weekend
and that they're "on the same page," about the city's violence and the absolute need for
strategic change in approaching the issue.
"Cops are working hard. We're just chasing our tails," Brown said.
"It's shocking that no one monitors people on home monitor."
The Father's Day weekend numbers are up considerably from last weekend, when 31 people
across the city were shot, and two killed.
Though, two weekends ago, Chicago experienced its deadliest weekend in modern history, as 24
people were killed and 61 others shot.
to blame all problems suffered by minorities on racism – failure to denounce loudly
and angrily American bourgeois society's allegedly inherent bigotry, greed, and rapaciousness
– failure to acknowledge that America today is a brutal and cruel place for all but the
elite, and hellish especially for blacks, women, and gay, bi, and transgender people – is
frequently interpreted as sympathy for dark-ages-like superstition and prejudices.
I have no doubt that some progressives at times overstate the role of race in generating
disparities between blacks and whites. (I also have no doubt that some progressives at times
understate the role of race. Social science is hard.) But it is difficult to see how this is
relevant to the demands of the people protesting the murder of George Floyd, unless you can show
that their demands are unwise or unjust.
likbez , June 23, 2020 2:14 am
> I have no doubt that some progressives at times overstate the role of race in
generating disparities between blacks and whites
Jay Gould formulated it much better: "I can hire one half of the working class to kill the
other half."
This is an official policy of Democratic Party. It is called "Identity Wedge" and designed
to suppress trade unions and the struggle for better jobs and the standard of living of the
lower 80% of population. Partially invented by OSS-connected individuals from Frankfurt School
as an alternative interpretation of Marxism.
The role of LGBT is similar. Like blacks, they are expendable pawns in a bigger game
directed against trade unions and working class as a whole. "Divide and conquer" by financial
oligarchy in its most evil form.
It's all about money. If everyone were on the same economic level the police would
treat everyone the same. I won't offer any arguments to buttress that -- it's just common
sense -- it's all who they identify with. Of course it helps slip into this vision if you
were raised in the most color blind part of America, the Bronx, NY -- where if
everybody's different, so nobody's different.
A labor market that is 94% labor union free is by definition, ipso facto, a
socially/economically/politically morbidly pathological situation. When I explained the
American labor market to my late brother John he came back with: "Martin Luther King got
his people on the up escalator just in time for it to start going down for everybody."
And we were not even talking about race.
Bert Schlitz , June 22, 2020 1:17 am
It's spouting dialectical nonsense. Like they are not "virtue signaling" themselves. BLM is
really a bourgeois movement. Centrist anger blowing up. It fails because it refuses to see
reality. More productive prime age whites are killed by cops than blacks, despite 18-54 range
racial % being more tighter than previous generations. This hurts BLM. It also hurts elites
that whites 18-54 80%+ want police reform due to the body counts they are taking.
"It's all about money. If everyone were on the same economic level the police would treat
everyone the same. I won't offer any arguments to buttress that -- it's just common sense --
it's all who they identify with."
divideand conquer 1. To gain or maintain power by generating tension among others, especially those less powerful,
so that they cannot unite in opposition.
Notable quotes:
"... In its most general form, identity politics involves (i) a claim that a particular group is not being treated fairly and (ii) a claim that members of that group should place political priority on the demand for fairer treatment. But "fairer" can mean lots of different things. I'm trying to think about this using contrasts between the set of terms in the post title. A lot of this is unoriginal, but I'm hoping I can say something new. ..."
"... The second problem is that neoliberals on right and left sometimes use identity as a shield to protect neoliberal policies. As one commentator has argued, "Without the bedrock of class politics, identity politics has become an agenda of inclusionary neoliberalism in which individuals can be accommodated but addressing structural inequalities cannot." What this means is that some neoliberals hold high the banner of inclusiveness on gender and race and thus claim to be progressive reformers, but they then turn a blind eye to systemic changes in politics and the economy. ..."
"... Critics argue that this is "neoliberal identity politics," and it gives its proponents the space to perpetuate the policies of deregulation, privatization, liberalization, and austerity. ..."
"... If we assume that identity politics is, first and foremost, a dirty and shrewd political strategy developed by the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party ("soft neoliberals") many things became much more clear. Along with Neo-McCarthyism it represents a mechanism to compensate for the loss of their primary voting block: trade union members, who in 2016 "en mass" defected to Trump. ..."
I've been thinking about the various versions of and critiques of identity politics that are around at the moment.
In its most
general form, identity politics involves (i) a claim that a particular group is not being treated fairly and (ii) a claim that
members of that group should place political priority on the demand for fairer treatment. But "fairer" can mean lots of different
things. I'm trying to think about this using contrasts between the set of terms in the post title. A lot of this is unoriginal,
but I'm hoping I can say something new.
You missed one important line of critique -- identity politics as a dirty political strategy of soft neoliberals.
To be sure, race, gender, culture, and other aspects of social life have always been important to politics. But neoliberalism's
radical individualism has increasingly raised two interlocking problems. First, when taken to an extreme, social fracturing into
identity groups can be used to divide people and prevent the creation of a shared civic identity. Self-government requires uniting
through our commonalities and aspiring to achieve a shared future.
When individuals fall back onto clans, tribes, and us-versus-them identities, the political community gets fragmented. It becomes
harder for people to see each other as part of that same shared future.
Demagogues [more correctly neoliberals -- likbez] rely on this fracturing to inflame racial, nationalist, and religious antagonism,
which only further fuels the divisions within society. Neoliberalism's war on "society," by pushing toward the privatization and
marketization of everything, thus indirectly facilitates a retreat into tribalism that further undermines the preconditions for
a free and democratic society.
The second problem is that neoliberals on right and left sometimes use identity as a shield to protect neoliberal policies.
As one commentator has argued, "Without the bedrock of class politics, identity politics has become an agenda of inclusionary
neoliberalism in which individuals can be accommodated but addressing structural inequalities cannot." What this means is that
some neoliberals hold high the banner of inclusiveness on gender and race and thus claim to be progressive reformers, but they
then turn a blind eye to systemic changes in politics and the economy.
Critics argue that this is "neoliberal identity politics," and it gives its proponents the space to perpetuate the policies
of deregulation, privatization, liberalization, and austerity.
Of course, the result is to leave in place political and economic structures that harm the very groups that inclusionary neoliberals
claim to support. The foreign policy adventures of the neoconservatives and liberal internationalists haven't fared much better
than economic policy or cultural politics. The U.S. and its coalition partners have been bogged down in the war in Afghanistan
for 18 years and counting. Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq is a liberal democracy, nor did the attempt to establish democracy in
Iraq lead to a domino effect that swept the Middle East and reformed its governments for the better. Instead, power in Iraq has
shifted from American occupiers to sectarian militias, to the Iraqi government, to Islamic State terrorists, and back to the Iraqi
government -- and more than 100,000 Iraqis are dead.
Or take the liberal internationalist 2011 intervention in Libya. The result was not a peaceful transition to stable democracy
but instead civil war and instability, with thousands dead as the country splintered and portions were overrun by terrorist groups.
On the grounds of democracy promotion, it is hard to say these interventions were a success. And for those motivated to expand
human rights around the world, it is hard to justify these wars as humanitarian victories -- on the civilian death count alone.
Indeed, the central anchoring assumptions of the American foreign policy establishment have been proven wrong. Foreign policymakers
largely assumed that all good things would go together -- democracy, markets, and human rights -- and so they thought opening
China to trade would inexorably lead to it becoming a liberal democracy. They were wrong. They thought Russia would become liberal
through swift democratization and privatization. They were wrong.
They thought globalization was inevitable and that ever-expanding trade liberalization was desirable even if the political
system never corrected for trade's winners and losers. They were wrong. These aren't minor mistakes. And to be clear, Donald Trump
had nothing to do with them. All of these failures were evident prior to the 2016 election.
If we assume that identity politics is, first and foremost, a dirty and shrewd political strategy developed by the Clinton wing
of the Democratic Party ("soft neoliberals") many things became much more clear. Along with Neo-McCarthyism it represents a mechanism to compensate for the loss of their primary voting block: trade union members,
who in 2016 "en mass" defected to Trump.
Initially Clinton calculation was that trade union voters has nowhere to go anyways, and it was correct for first decade or so
of his betrayal. But gradually trade union members and lower middle class started to leave Dems in droves (Demexit, compare with
Brexit) and that where identity politics was invented to compensate for this loss.
So in addition to issues that you mention we also need to view the role of identity politics as the political strategy of the
"soft neoliberals " directed at discrediting and the suppression of nationalism.
The resurgence of nationalism is the inevitable byproduct of the dominance of neoliberalism, resurgence which I think is capable
to bury neoliberalism as it lost popular support (which now is limited to financial oligarchy and high income professional groups,
such as we can find in corporate and military brass, (shrinking) IT sector, upper strata of academy, upper strata of medical professionals,
That means that the structure of the current system isn't just flawed which imply that most problems are relatively minor and
can be fixed by making some tweaks. It is unfixable, because the "Identity wars" reflect a deep moral contradictions within neoliberal
ideology. And they can't be solved within this framework.
@FullStory Yup. Murder always requires intent . It's at least debatable that
Chauvin wanted to actually kill Floyd in broad daylight, in the middle of the street, while
cameras were rolling.
So maybe they're just setting us up for more riots next year if he's acquitted.
I am troubled by the lynch mob mentality towards Chauvin. The media and much of the public have
concluded that he is guilty and must suffer. One of the worst offenders on this point is Sean
Hannity, who has enthusiastically used his radio and TV platform to convict Derek Chauvin of
murder. Last I checked I thought there was a presumption of innocence for the accused in the
United States. But that Constitutional protection is certainly not being applied to Officer
Chauvin when it comes to discussing the death of convicted criminal and drug user George Floyd.
While I am not arguing that the neck restraint used to subdue Floyd was appropriate, the media
and the public continue to ignore the fundamental fact that knee to the neck restraint employed
by Chauvin was taught to him by the Minneapolis Police Department. He was doing what he had been
trained to do. That type of restraint is described in detail in the Minneapolis Police
Department policy manual. Chauvin and others were taught how to apply that method at the police
academy in Minneapolis. In fact, it has been an approved technique since 2012. Not my opinion.
It is there in black and white.
What we do not know is how that technique was taught. Were the police instructed to only apply
it for a specific amount of time? Were they taught as the standard of practice to check on vital
I think I was the first to point out this fact but it has received little traction. I came
across another piece by Gavrilo David today, who not only reached the same conclusion that I
did, but he also provided a wealth of additional information and insight. With Gavrilo's
permission, here is his post:
Why Derek Chauvin May Get Off His Murder Charge
A deeper
look at the policies behind the death of George Floyd
by Gavrilo David
The world has united in protest after a graphic video emerged showing a Black man dying under the
restraint of a White police officer. The victim, George Floyd, was in clear distress. He was pinned
to the ground by three officers, with one officer -- Derek Chauvin -- placing a knee on his neck. For
over five minutes, he tells the officers that he is unable to breathe. George Floyd died as
horrified bystanders told the officers they were killing him.
The video is
unquestionably horrific
But in our rush to condemn an aggressive use of force and pursue justice for George Floyd, we have
ignored crucial information which is necessary in judging the conduct of the officers. While
nothing can absolve George Floyd's death, these facts
cast doubt on the
appropriateness of a murder charge for Chauvin, and paint a more nuanced picture of the events
leading up to the tragic encounter.
There are six crucial pieces of information -- six
-- that have been
largely omitted from discussion on the Chauvin's conduct. Taken together, they likely exonerate the
officer of a murder charge. Rather than indicating illegal and excessive force, they instead show
an officer who rigidly followed the procedures deemed appropriate by the Minneapolis Police
Department (MPD
. The evidence points to the MPD and the local
political establishment, rather than the individual officer, as ultimately responsible for George
Floyd's death.
These six facts are as follows:
George Floyd was experiencing cardiopulmonary and psychological distress
he was placed on the ground, let alone had a knee to his neck.
The Minneapolis Police Department (
) allows the use of neck
restraint on suspects who actively resist arrest, and George Floyd actively resisted arrest on
two occasions, including immediately prior to neck restraint being used.
The officers were recorded on their body cams assessing George Floyd as suffering from "excited
delirium syndrome" (
), a condition which the MPD considers an
extreme threat to both the officers and the suspect. A white paper used by the MPD acknowledges
that ExDS suspects may die
of force involved. The officers'
response to this situation was in line with MPD guidelines for ExDS.
Restraining the suspect on his or her abdomen (prone restraint) is a common tactic in ExDS
situations, and the white paper used by the MPD instructs the officers to control the suspect
until paramedics arrive.
Floyd's autopsy revealed a potentially lethal concoction of drugs -- not just a potentially
lethal dose of fentanyl, but also methamphetamine. Together with his history of drug abuse and
two serious heart conditions, Floyd's condition was exceptionally and unusually fragile.
Chauvin's neck restraint is unlikely to have exerted a dangerous amount of force to Floyd's
neck. Floyd is shown on video able to lift his head and neck, and a robust study on double-knee
restraints showed a median force exertion of approximately approximately 105lbs.
Let's be clear: the actions of Chauvin and the other officers were absolutely
. But they were
in line with MPD rules and procedures for
the condition which they determined was George Floyd was suffering from. An act that would normally
be considered a clear and heinous abuse of force, such as a knee-to-neck restraint on a suspect
suffering from pulmonary distress, can be legitimatized if there are overriding concerns not known
to bystanders but known to the officers. In the case of George Floyd, the overriding concern was
that he was suffering from ExDS, given a number of relevant facts known to the officers. This was
known to the bystanders, who only saw a man with pulmonary distress pinned
down with a knee on his neck.
While the officers may still be found guilty
of manslaughter, the probability of a guilty verdict for the murder charge is low, and the public
should be aware of this well in advance of the verdict.
While we should pursue justice for George Floyd, we should be absolutely sure that we are pursuing
justice against his real killers. A careful examination of the evidence points to the procedures
and rules of the MPD, rather than the police officers following these procedures and rules, as the
real killers of George Floyd. If anyone murdered George Floyd, it was the MPD and the local
political establishment. This may explain why Attorney General Keith Ellison has voiced concern
about how difficult obtaining a conviction will be.
There is still much to the case that remains unknown. As new information emerges, we
should adjust our view accordingly. But a close inspection of all current information does
not point to a murder charge being appropriate.
1. George Floyd's symptoms started well before being restrained to the ground
From the
original government complaint
, we know that he was falling to the ground and claiming
he couldn't breathe while still standing up.
Mr. Floyd stiffened up, fell to the ground, and told the officers he was claustrophobic
[ ] Mr. Floyd did not voluntarily get in the car and struggled with the officers by
intentionally falling down, saying he was not going in the car, and refusing to stand
still [ ] While standing outside the car, Mr. Floyd began saying and repeating that he
could not breathe.
From the
911 transcript
, we know that George Floyd was acting "drunk" and "not in control of
himself" before the police were called. The 911 caller is concerned that such an "awfully
drunk" man would attempt to operate a vehicle. This is an important departure from the
earlier media reports, which indicated the officers were only called over a counterfeit
"Um someone comes our store and give us fake bills and we realize it before he left the
store, and we ran back outside, they was sitting on their car [ ], and he's sitting on
his car cause he is
awfully drunk and he's not in control of
" [ ] He is
not acting right
[ ] and
not acting right
so and [he] started to go, drive
the car."
This information on its
is of no significance. In fact,
aggressively restraining someone who is experiencing distress only makes that restraint
all the more heinous. But as will be seen later, when this information is seen in light of
George Floyd's behavior, it led the officers to suspect he was suffering from ExDS -- a far
more dangerous scenario than simple distress.
2. The Minneapolis Police Department
authorizes neck restraint
for actively resisting suspects
The Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) recognizes two types of resistance to arrest.
There is active resistance, defined as follows:
a response to police efforts to bring a person into custody or control for detainment
or arrest. A subject engages in active resistance when engaging in physical actions (or
verbal behavior reflecting an intention) to make it more difficult for officers to
achieve actual physical control.
And passive resistance, defined as follows:
a response to police efforts to bring a person into custody or control for detainment
or arrest. This is behavior initiated by a subject, when the subject does not comply
with verbal or physical control efforts,
yet the subject does not
attempt to defeat an officer's control efforts
Passive resistance is when a suspect is non-compliant in an arrest, but will not act to
stop an officer from enacting an arrest. Imagine a child in a supermarket who has a
meltdown and drops to the floor -- this is passive resistance, as guardian can easily pick
up the child. Now imagine a child who not only drops to the floor but pulls against their
guardian. This is active resistance.
The MPD allows the use of force in action resistance. Relevantly, the MPD allows neck
restraint. It is defined as:
Non-deadly force option. Defined as compressing one or both sides of a person's neck
with an arm or leg, without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of
the neck). Only sworn employees who have received training from the MPD Training Unit
are authorized to use neck restraints.
There are two types of neck restraint. What we are interested is in
conscious neck restraint,
defined as:
The subject is placed in a neck restraint with intent to control, and not to render the
subject unconscious, by only applying light to moderate pressure.
The Conscious Neck Restraint may be used against a subject who is actively resisting.
We also know from the original complaint that he resisted again:
The officers made several attempts to get Mr. Floyd in the backseat of squad 320 from
the driver's side. Mr. Floyd did not voluntarily get in the car and struggled with the
officers by intentionally falling down, saying he was not going in the car, and
refusing to stand still.
While standing outside the car, Mr. Floyd began saying and repeating that he could not
breathe. The defendant went to the passenger side and tried to get Mr. Floyd into the
car from that side and Lane and Kueng assisted.
The defendant pulled Mr. Floyd out of the passenger side of the squad car at 8:19:38
p.m. and Mr. Floyd went to the ground face down and still handcuffed
The three officers were unable to
him in the police car. The
little video evidence we have indicates that there was a struggle
. "The defendant
pulled Mr. Floyd out of the passenger side of the squad car" likely because they were
unable to close the squad car door due to his resistance. A longer video
was posted by the popular activist
Shaun King which indicates a struggle. Shaun King
believes this video shows the officers beating Floyd, however the government (who has
access to the body cams) did not write this in their complaint (which they would, as it
would help their case).
There appears to be two cases of active resistance, including immediately prior to prone
restraint. As such, neck restraint was permissible in order to control George Floyd.
Remember that the MPD guideline is to use light to moderate force. An officer placing a
knee on a suspect's neck does not mean he is exerting full force, and there is evidence
that light to moderate pressure was used on Floyd. Given that Floyd was saying he couldn't
breathe while resisting being placed in the police car, the officers could not reasonably
believe that light to moderate pressure would cause his proclaimed symptoms.
For reasons not yet known, Minneapolis is refusing to release the officers' body cams of
this moment. This information is important in order to determine how Floyd was acting the
exact moment the officers pulled him from the police car. It is unconscionable that this
information has not been released to the public. We must assume, given all relevant
information already known, that their reason for pulling him out of the car was his
continued resistance as noted in the government complaint.
3. The officers reasonably determined that George Floyd was suffering from Excited
In 2018,
the MPD published a report on the use of ketamine in excited delirium
. Attached to
this report is an authoritative document on excited delirium entitled "White Paper Report
on Excited Delirium". A white paper is an authoritative report. The MPD attached this
white paper because it was considered by the MPD the most authoritative document on
excited delirium syndrome (ExDS).
The report specifies the nature of ExDS, the symptoms of ExDS, as well as what police
officers should consider when dealing with those they suspect of suffering from ExDS. The
report is long. First, let's backtrack and establish that the officers did in fact suspect
excited delirium. WaPo hosts the original
government complaint
Officer Lane said, "I am worried about excited delirium or whatever." The defendant
said, "That's why we have him on his stomach."
It must be understood that the public does not yet have enough information to conclude
whether the police were accurate in their assessment of ExDS. We have
information indicating that the determination is correct, but absent the full body
cam recording, we are unable to make a complete judgment on this point. This is
discouraging, because the entire case rests on this point. We know that two officers
believed he was experiencing ExDS, and that the other two officers did not comment to the
contrary. We also know that George Floyd had
symptoms of ExDS,
but we do not know if he had
symptoms of ExDS, or if he had any
symptoms indicating the contrary. Below are the symptoms, affixed with whether we know he
experienced the symptom or not:
Sweating [Y]
Police Noncompliance [Y]
Lack of Tiring [Y]
Unusual Strength [?]
Pain Tolerance [?]
Tachypnea [?]
Tactile Hyperthermia [?]
Bizarre behavior generating calls to police [Y]
Suspected or known psychostimulant drug or alcohol intoxication [Y]
Erratic or violent behavior [?]
Ongoing struggle despite futility [Y]
Yelling/shouting/guttural sounds [?]
Agitation [Y]
Inappropriately Clothed
Mirror/Glass Attraction [?]
Suspected or known psychiatric illness
Failure to recognize or respond to police presence at the scene
[likely N]
Some of these symptoms can only be determined from body cameras. Unfortunately, other
symptoms can only be determined by the officers' account. It is not possible to know
whether he was experiencing tactile hyperthermia except by asking the officers who had
touched his skin. We will have to work with these limitations in our analysis of the
event. However, that both the brand new officer (Lane) and the veteran officer (Chauvin)
suspected ExDS is not poor evidence. And that no officer objected to this determination
must also be considered.
There are also symptoms that we know in hindsight, but which the officers did not know.
For instance, George Floyd had a history of stimulant abuse,
as detailed in his arrest log
, with four previous arrests involving drugs.
The White Paper goes on to describe the dangers of excited delirium, both to the officer
and the suspect. This information is important, and explains why the officers responded as
they did:
the irrational and potentially violent, dangerous, and lethal behavior of an ExDS
any LEO interaction with a person in this situation risks significant
injury or death to either the LEO
or the ExDS subject who has a
potentially lethal medical
syndrome. This already challenging situation has
the potential for intense public scrutiny coupled with the expectation of a perfect
outcome. Anything less creates a situation of potential public outrage. Unfortunately,
this dangerous medical situation makes perfect outcomes difficult in many circumstances
"LEOs must also be aware that remorse, normal fear and understanding of surroundings,
and rational thoughts for safety are absent in such subjects."
"ExDS subjects are known to be irrational, often violent and relatively impervious to
pain. Unfortunately, almost everything taught to LEOs about control of subjects relies
on a suspect to either be rational, appropriate, or to comply with painful stimuli.
Tools and tactics available to LEOs (such as pepper spray, impact batons, joint lock
maneuvers, punches and kicks, and ECD's, especially when used for pain compliance) that
are traditionally effective in controlling resisting subjects, are likely to be less
effective on ExDS subjects."
"The goals of LEOs in these situations should be to 1) recognize possible ExDS, contain
the subject, and call for EMS; 2) take the subject into custody quickly, safely, and
efficiently if necessary; and 3) then immediately turn the care of the subject over to
EMS personnel when they arrive for treatment and transport to definitive medical care."
"In those cases where a death occurs while in custody, there is the additional
difficulty of separating any potential contribution of control measures from the
underlying pathology. For example, was death due to the police control tool, or to
positional asphyxia, or from ExDS, or from interplay of all these factors? Even in the
situation where all caregivers agree that a patient is in an active delirious state,
there is no proof of the most safe and effective control measure or therapy for what is
most likely an extremely agitated patient."
"There are well-documented cases of ExDS deaths with minimal restraint such as
handcuffs without ECD use. This underscores that this is a potentially fatal syndrome
in and of itself, sometimes reversible when expert medical treatment is immediately
Each of these bullet points is of the utmost importance in understanding Chauvin's state
of mind. These points must be re-read and thoroughly understood before pronouncing
judgment on an officer who was simply following these statements during the arrest. If you
are skimming this article I advise you to spend time on these bullet points. Remember: the
officer's job is to follow protocol, not to re-write protocol during an arrest. It is the
politician's job to ensure that the protocols are correct, no the police officer's.
There has been some controversy in the media regarding the legitimacy of ExDS as a true
medical condition. It should be mentioned that
ExDS is recognized by the American College of Emergency Physicians
as a true medical
emergency, and ACEP played a role in drafting the White Paper for ExDS. But regardless of
its legitimacy, ExDS is recognized by the Minneapolis Police Department. It bears
repeating that Officer Chauvin is not tasked with determining the legitimacy of the
syndromes which his department and local government already recognizes. Any question of
the legitimacy of ExDS must be lodged against the government of Minneapolis -- Mayor Frey --
and the MPD, not Officer Chauvin.
4. Neck restraint is common in ExDS, and ExDS suspects have died in all types of restraint
Lane asked, "should we roll him on his side?" and the defendant said, "No, staying put
where we got him." Officer Lane said, "I am worried about excited delirium or
whatever." The defendant said, "That's why we have him on his stomach."
This excerpt is of twofold importance. First, it demonstrates that two officers suspected
excited delirium. Second, it demonstrates that Chauvin was restraining Floyd in this
he suspected excited delirium ("that's why we have
him on his stomach"). Restraining an individual on his stomach is common in ExDS
encounters. This is called "prone restraint". In fact,
it is often the recommended form of restraint
until the officers can safely put the
suspect in a different position:
As mentioned before, people experiencing EXD are highly agitated, violent, and show
signs of unexpected strength so it is not surprising that most require physical
restraint. The prone maximal restraint position (PMRP, also known as "hobble" or
"hogtie"), where the person's ankles and wrists are bound together behind their back,
has been used extensively by field personnel. In far fewer cases, persons have been
tied to a hospital gurney or manually held prone with knee pressure on the back or
Two years ago, the
8th circuit ruled
on a case involving both prone restraint
ExDS, writing that officers are entitled to qualified immunity in cases involving prone
restraint, specifically denying 4th amendment privilege against excessive force:
Officers determined that keeping Layton in a prone position was best given his
continued resistance, and Baker pressed Layton's shoulders to the ground while Groby
held Layton's thighs [ ] this court has not deemed prone restraint unconstitutional in
and of itself the few times we have addressed the issue [ ] Under these cases, there is
no clearly established right against the use of prone restraints for a suspect that has
been resisting.
Now, qualified immunity is just that:
. The court ruled that
prone restraint is not
excessive in suspects who have been
resisting arrest, even if that suspect is experiencing ExDS. This does not mean prone
restraint is always justified, but that it isn't always unjustified. We still must examine
the use of prone restraint on a case-by-case basis.
Informational Asymmetry: what the police and EMTs know, and what the public knows
It's important to understand that the public -- including journalists -- are not well-versed
in ExDS, and consequently do not have a good intuition as to what constitutes excessive
force. As noted in the white paper, "there is no proof of the most safe and effective
control measure," "any LEO interaction with a person in this situation risks significant
injury or death", "this already challenging situation has the potential for intense public
scrutiny coupled with the expectation of a perfect outcome [ ] Unfortunately, this
dangerous medical situation makes perfect outcomes difficult [ ]." It would helpful here
to examine ExDS in depth, and compare it to the George Floyd case.
Willard Truckenmiler
was a sheriff's deputy. While celebrating his birthday, he began
to display "agitated and unusual behavior". When officers arrived on the scene -- many of
them his colleagues -- he did not recognize them and assumed a fighting stance. The
responding officers suspected ExDS. The officers "handcuffed him and forced him to into a
seated position on the ground", and EMS personnel gave him ketamine. Moments later he
experienced trouble breathing and went into cardiac arrest. He died two days later.
In the case of Truckenmiller, it is unreasonable to assume the police acted on prejudice --
Truckenmiller was a colleague and police officer. It is unreasonable to assume that his
cardiac arrest was due to use of force, because he was not held in prone restraint and was
quickly given ketamine by the EMS. Despite all of this, Truckenmiller experienced trouble
breathing, had a heart attack, and died. This demonstrates that ExDS is "potentially fatal
syndrome in and of itself", as the white paper used by the MPD notes. It is also proof
that ExDS deaths are not necessarily caused by excessive force or prejudice.
Roy Scott
Roy Scott was 65 years old. Police were called to his residence
. After coming outside
with a pipe in his hand and pulling a knife out of his pocket, police decided to pat him
down. The police handcuffed him and began patting him down when he began experiencing
extreme emotional distress. The police tried to deescalate verbally, which did not work.
They then tried keeping the suspect on his back, which did not work. They momentarily
placed him in the prone position, and even engaged in neck restraint for less than a
minute. The police are calm the entire time -- one officer tells the other officer to "just
keep holding him, he's going to keep rolling around, he's going to hurt himself". The
police eventually place him on his side in the recovery position, which is a candidate for
the safest restraint position in ExDS encounters. They hold his head with their palms so
that he doesn't bang it on the ground.
The Roy Scott video -- linked above -- may just be the best case recorded of how police
should deal with ExDS. Everything they did was correct. They went above and beyond in
deescalating the situation. The officers had compassion for Roy Scott.
"The usual response by subjects to restraints is to either accept that fighting is
futile or continue to be verbally abusive. The patient with excited delirium, however,
continues to fight the restraints until cardiac arrest occurs."
This is what happened to Roy Scott. It did not matter how the officers restrained him,
because he would fight against the restraints past the point of exhaustion and into
cardiac arrest.
More Cases of Note
It takes four officers to restrain
this man experiencing ExDS
in prone restraint until the EMT arrives (likely with
In this more recent video
, it takes six officers, a taser, and multiple batons to
restrain the suspect. Even with six officers restraining him, he is still able to get
halfway up. At 6:14 in the video, a Black police officer kicks the suspect near the
head and then applies force near the suspect's neck -- this is
appropriate use of force
, even though it appears unnecessary, because the suspect
was an extreme threat. This particular ExDS suspect was able to cause facial injuries
to the officers despite being overpowered 6-to-1. As the white paper notes, ExDS
suspects often "show signs of unexpected strength".
Out of all the cases of ExDS and prone restraint available, the Donald Lewis case most
clearly mirrors the George Floyd case. Donald Lewis was a white man suffering from excited
The police first decide to use verbal deescalation. This doesn't work, as he runs into
traffic. He says he is going to die while being restrained by the police. From 1:50 to
2:40, we see an officer use knee-to-neck restraint. Lewis' condition does not deteriorate
from prone restraint, and he continues actively resisting arrest. They then use zip ties
and hobble prone restraint. At 3:50 he tries to bite the officers (this is especially
dangerous for officers who would prefer not to risk exposure to HIV or hepatitis). At 4:04
he appears to call for his mom. At 5:25 a Black police officer uses knee-to-neck restraint
against the white suspect. The Black police officer resumes this position seconds later.
The suspect dies in this position.
The parallel to our current case does not end here. An official autopsy declared cause of
death "sudden respiratory arrest following physical struggling restraint due to
cocaine-induced excited delirium." The legal team hired
Dr. Michael Baden
, who testified that Lewis died from
"asphyxia caused by neck compression." Baden is the same medical examiner who was hired by
the George Floyd family, and made a similar finding. Baden is also the same medical
examiner who was hired for Eric Garner, and declared death by "compression of the neck".
Baden is
the same medical examiner who was hired by the Brown
family to examine Michael Brown, and
Baden found that Brown died while surrendering
, an assertion
totally disproven
by a DoJ investigation spearheaded by AG Eric Holder under Obama.
Suffice it to say, Michael Baden has a
specific interest, and a
tenuous track record. The Court will be aware of this when
weighing the autopsies.
After recruiting Baden, a suit against the police was filed. As per
The 11th Circuit rejected the contention that hogtying was unreasonable once Lewis was
already handcuffed and his legs shackled. "Even though most of the officers in this
case testified that Lewis was not a danger to them and was merely resisting arrest, he
was, as the district court described, 'an agitated and uncooperative man with only a
tenuous grasp on reality,' " the appeals-court panel said. [ ] The panel concluded:
"Because of his refusal to sit upright and his inability to remain calm, Lewis remained
a safety risk to himself and to others."
This case study presents a 37-year-old male who was experiencing excited delirium (ExD)
and died in a county jail 4 days after being taken into custody. The male died in a
jail observation cell without having been restrained and was not under the influence of
a drug stimulant. The subject had a documented psychiatric history of bipolar disorder
and schizophrenia and was known to consume marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamines.
This case illustrates the pernicious effects of ExD and how its lethality can be
delayed when many cases involve drug use and use of force where subjects die shortly
thereafter. Implications of ExD for correctional agencies and efforts of responding to
it in correctional and law enforcement contexts are discussed.
4.2 What do EMS personnel think about ExDS?
It may be of interest to see what EMS personnel on the ground think about ExDS. Using
archives of comments on the popular forum Reddit, we can get a halfway decent gauge of how
professionals dealing with ExDS feel about the condition. One user, more than a year
before the George Floyd incident, asked the following: "
What is your excited delirium story? What tactics would you recommend for handling such
The two top responses to this question are illuminating:
George Floyd's autopsy sheds light on his state of cardiovascular health. He was found to
have arteriosclerotic heart disease and hypertensive heart disease. Additionally, he was
found to have the following drugs in his system:
Fentanyl 11 ng/mL 2.
Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL 3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL 4.
Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
This level of fentanyl is dangerous. One
review of fentanyl overdoses
found a median amount of ng/mL in an overdose to be
approximately 10 ng/mL:
Despite the ubiquitous presence of multiple drugs in these decedents, the effects of
fentanyl were evidently so strong that there were no statistical differences in the
fentanyl level (mean and standard deviation) with or without the presence of these
co-intoxicants. The range of fentanyl levels was wide, from 0.75 to 113.00 ng/mL, with
an average of 9.96 ng/mL.
Compare this information to an article published in
Frontiers of Physiology
detailing medical findings in ExDS deaths:
Many patients with excited delirium also have significant cardiovascular and
psychiatric diseases. Autopsies often reveal severe
, cardiomyopathy and diabetes. Cardiomyopathy results from
chronic cocaine and
methamphetamine abuse
Atherosclerosis and diabetes can also be the result of smoking, obesity and a lack of
overall health care. The combination of the metabolic arrest with severe cardiovascular
disease makes a successful resuscitation highly unlikely.
To be clear: this information cannot be considered relevant in judging the officer's
. It is only relevant in determining Floyd's cause of death, as
well as the probability (in hindsight) of George Floyd experiencing ExDS. The actions of
the police are never justified in hindsight, but must always be justified given what the
officers knew firsthand. With that said, if we are determining the likelihood of Floyd
dying from excessive force rather than an especially fragile cardiovascular system, it is
minor relevance.
6. There is reason to believe Chauvin's knee-to-neck restraint did not exert a dangerous
amount of force
From the footage
we have of Floyd's arrest, we see at 2:11 Floyd is able to lift his
head and neck despite the placement of Chauvin's knee. This occurs exactly at 2:11 through
2:12, and only for a moment. Yet this act would be impossible were Chauvin exerting a
dangerous amount of pressure with his knee.
Remember what we know about ExDS: the suspect struggles with restraint
of restraint used. That Chauvin has his knee in a position to exert force
if the suspect tries to flee
does not
mean that he is exerting force
the entire time. The knee is there to
Floyd from getting up,
not from pushing Floyd into the concrete. This is a preventative force position rather
than an aggressive force position.
It is, of course, impossible to know just how much pressure Chauvin is exerting in this
encounter. He
be exerting only as much force as is required to
keep him down. And he
be exerting maximal force. How can we
Well, there is one
study on the weight of a single-knee and double-knee restraint
on the body. On
average, single-knee restraint distributes around 70 lbs of force. But Chauvin, for most
of the arrest, was engaged in a double-knee restraint position. According to the study,
the double-knee position (which Chauvin uses) produces a median force of 48 kg, or 106
lbs. This force would be distributed between the side of his neck and back, unless Chauvin
were consciously applying more force in one of these locations. If the force applied were
split evenly, that is only 53 lbs of exertion spread across the side of Floyd's neck. This
amount of force, while uncomfortable, is not enough to stop a suspect from breathing and
not enough to cut off blood flow to the brain.
But let's take a look at that study again. The study concludes that the double-knee weight
was exactly 23.3 kg plus 24% of a
LEO's body weight. Some
preliminary information
indicates Chauvin is 156 lbs, which is a reasonable estimate,
as the footage shows him to be thin and of average height. This means Chauvin was exerting
90 lbs in the double-knee position, for 45 lbs exerted spread across the back and the neck
(implying balanced force).
45 lbs is
to restrict breathing or blood-flow in the neck.
The other
officers are of a similar build.
A Minneapolis-based Study
This study conducted at the Minneapolis-based University of Minnesota. The officers were
recruited from the Minneapolis police department. The study was conducted last year.
There are 800 LEOs in Minneapolis. The study has 41 participants, meaning 5% of the
officers in Minneapolis participated in the study. If you are an officer in the MPD and
you spoke to 9 other officers about the use of prone restraint, the probability is that
one of you would have been a participant
. It's probable that Chauvin
about this study. With four officers involved in Floyd's arrest,
there's roughly a 21% chance that one of them was a participant in the very study.
The conclusions of the study are enough to exonerate the officers from a murder charge:
"Our data do not support the hypothesis of restraint asphyxia."
"When a cause of death cannot otherwise be determined, positional asphyxia is often
suggested [ ] Proponents of this theory often hypothesize that subjects restrained
prone, with applied downward weight force, hobbled, or in maximal restraint (restrained
on their stomach with hands and wrists secured to the handcuffs) were unable to breathe
because the position caused chest wall and abdominal restriction that prevented
adequate expansion of the lungs. Subsequent rigorous scientific studies, however, using
sophisticated measurements have debunked the positional or restraint asphyxia
hypothesis because the prone position does not produce respiratory compromise."
"To date, none of the published human clinical studies, or epidemiological studies,
support the hypothesis that the pronerestraint position causes or contributes to
ventilatory compromise"
"DiMaio and DiMaio observed that acceptance of the concept of positional asphyxia as
the cause of death in restraint associated deaths often involves the suspension of
common sense and logical thinking. Further, other researchers have commented that
positional asphyxia is an interesting theory unsupported by the experimental data. Nor
are significant changes in cardiovascular measures found."
The prosecution is going to have tremendous difficulty proving murder, when Chauvin likely
knew of the scientific research indicating that prone restraint is not excessively
dangerous to the suspect's cardiovascular health.
A note on the analysis made by the New York Times
The NYT published a
"play by play" analysis
on YouTube, analyzing how George Floyd died. They omit
important information in their analysis.
The NYT shows Floyd being cuffed behind his back, but then
cut the footage
so that you do not see the struggle that occurred while he was
being cuffed.
The NYT mentions complaints made against the officers. However, the NYT does not
mention that only one of these complaints was found to have merit against Chauvin, when
he asked a woman who was speeding 10 MPH over the limit to step out of her car. The NYT
omits the average number of complaints against officers, which is approximately one
every 3 years. The NYT also omits that Chauvin obtained two medals of valor, which was
ironically reported by the NYT
The NYT says "we don't know why" they pulled Floyd out of the car. This is misleading,
as we know they were unable to keep him detained in the squad car.
The NYT omitted that Floyd was able to lift up his head and neck.
The NYT omitted -- completely -- that the officers believed he was suffering from ExDS.
(This is not a joke. The NYT omitted the linchpin of the case.)
The NYT ignores his history of drug use, his two heart conditions, as well as the
fentanyl found in his system.
"... Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, "democracy" NGOs and other groups since the 1980's. They were used in crude form to bring down the Polish communist regime in the late 1980s. From there the techniques were refined and used, along with heavy bribes, to topple the Gorbachev regime in the Soviet Union. For anyone who has studied those models closely, it is clear that the protests against police violence led by amorphous organizations with names like Black Lives Matter or Antifa are more than purely spontaneous moral outrage. Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a US President, but in the process, the very structures of the US Constitutional order. ..."
"... F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine "New Eastern Outlook" where this article was originally published. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. ..."
Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led
regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, "democracy" NGOs
and other groups since the 1980's. They were used in crude form to bring down the Polish
communist regime in the late 1980s. From there the techniques were refined and used, along with
heavy bribes, to topple the Gorbachev regime in the Soviet Union. For anyone who has studied
those models closely, it is clear that the protests against police violence led by amorphous
organizations with names like Black Lives Matter or Antifa are more than purely spontaneous
moral outrage. Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to
not only topple a US President, but in the process, the very structures of the US
Constitutional order.
If we step back from the immediate issue of videos showing a white Minneapolis policeman
pressing his knee on the neck of a black man, George Floyd , and look at what has taken place
across the nation since then, it is clear that certain organizations or groups were
well-prepared to instrumentalize the horrific event for their own agenda.
The protests since May 25 have often begun peacefully only to be taken over by well-trained
violent actors. Two organizations have appeared regularly in connection with the violent
protests -- Black Lives Matter and Antifa (USA). Videos show well-equipped protesters dressed
uniformly in black and masked (not for coronavirus to be sure), vandalizing police cars,
burning police stations, smashing store windows with pipes or baseball bats. Use of Twitter and
other social media to coordinate "hit-and-run" swarming strikes of protest mobs is evident.
What has unfolded since the Minneapolis trigger event has been compared to the wave of
primarily black ghetto protest riots in 1968. I lived through those events in 1968 and what is
unfolding today is far different. It is better likened to the Yugoslav color revolution that
toppled Milosevic in 2000.
Gene Sharp: Template for Regime Overthrow
In the year 2000 the US State Department, aided by its National Endowment for Democracy
(NED) and select CIA operatives, began secretly training a group of Belgrade university
students led by a student group that was called Otpor! (Resistance!). The NED and its various
offshoots was created in the 1980's by CIA head Bill Casey as a covert CIA tool to overthrow
specific regimes around the world under the cover of a human rights NGO. In fact, they get
their money from Congress and from USAID.
In the Serb Otpor! destabilization of 2000, the NED and US Ambassador Richard Miles in
Belgrade selected and trained a group of several dozen students, led by Srđa Popović,
using the handbook, From Dictatorship to Democracy, translated to Serbian, of
the late Gene Sharp and his Albert Einstein Institution. In a post mortem on the Serb events,
the Washington Post wrote, "US-funded consultants played a crucial role behind the scenes in
virtually every facet of the anti-drive, running tracking polls, training thousands of
opposition activists and helping to organize a vitally important parallel vote count. US
taxpayers paid for 5,000 cans of spray paint
used by student activists to scrawl anti-Milošević graffiti on walls across
Trained squads of activists were deployed in protests to take over city blocks with the aid
of 'intelligence helmet' video screens that give them an instantaneous overview of their
environment. Bands of youth converging on targeted intersections in constant dialogue on cell
phones, would then overwhelm police. The US government spent some $41 million on the operation.
Student groups were secretly trained in the Sharp handbook techniques of staging protests that
mocked the authority of the ruling police, showing them to be clumsy and impotent against the
youthful protesters. Professionals from the CIA and US State Department guided them behind the
The Color Revolution Otpor! model was refined and deployed in 2004 as the Ukraine Orange
Revolution with logo and color theme scarves, and in 2003 in Georgia as the Rose Revolution.
Later Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used the template to launch the Arab Spring. In all
cases the NED was involved
with other NGOs including the Soros Foundations.
After defeating Milosevic, Popovic went on to establish a global color revolution training
center, CANVAS, a kind of for-profit business consultancy for revolution, and was personally
present in New York working reportedly with Antifa during the Occupy Wall Street where also
Soros money was reported.
Antifa and BLM
The protests, riots, violent and non-violent actions sweeping across the United States since
May 25, including an assault on the gates of the White House, begin to make sense when we
understand the CIA's Color Revolution playbook.
The impact of the protests would not be possible were it not for a network of local and
state political officials inside the Democratic Party lending support to the protesters, even
to the point the Democrat Mayor of Seattle ordered police to abandon several blocks in the
heart of downtown to occupation by protesters.
In recent years major portions of the Democratic Party across the US have been quietly taken
over by what one could call radical left candidates. Often they win with active backing of
organizations such as Democratic Socialists of America or Freedom Road Socialist Organizations.
In the US House of Representatives the vocal quarter of new representatives around Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib and Minneapolis Representative Ilhan Omar are
all members or close to Democratic Socialists of America. Clearly without sympathetic
Democrat local officials in key cities, the street protests of organizations such as Black
Lives Matter and Antifa would not have such a dramatic impact.
To get a better grasp how serious the present protest movement is we should look at who has
been pouring millions into BLM. The Antifa is more difficult owing to its explicit anonymous
organization form. However, their online Handbook openly recommends that local Antifa "cells"
join up with BLM chapters.
FRSO: Follow the Money
BLM began in 2013 when three activist friends created the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag to
protest the allegations of shooting of an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin by a white
Hispanic block watchman, George Zimmermann. Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi
were all were connected with and financed by front groups tied to something called Freedom Road
Socialist Organization, one of the four largest radical left organizations in the United States
formed out of something called New Communist Movement that dissolved in the 1980s.
On June 12, 2020 the Freedom Road Socialist Organization webpage states, "The time is now to
join a revolutionary organization! Join Freedom Road Socialist Organization If you have been
out in the streets this past few weeks, the odds are good that you've been thinking about the
difference between the kind of change this system has to offer, and the kind of change this
country needs. Capitalism is a failed system that thrives on exploitation, inequality and
oppression. The reactionary and racist Trump administration has made the pandemic worse. The
unfolding economic crisis we are experiencing is the worst since the 1930s. Monopoly capitalism
is a dying system and we need to help finish it off. And that is exactly what Freedom Road
Socialist Organization is
working for ."
In short the protests over the alleged police killing of a black man in Minnesota are now
being used to call for a revolution against capitalism. FRSO is an umbrella for dozens of
amorphous groups including Black Lives Matter or BLM. What is interesting about the
self-described Marxist-Leninist roots of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is not
so much their left politics as much as their very establishment funding by a group of
well-endowed tax-exempt foundations.
Alicia Garza of BLM is also a board member or executive of five different Freedom Road front
groups including 2011 Board chair of Right to the City Alliance, Board member of School of
Unity and Liberation (SOUL), of People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER), Forward
Together and Special Projects director of National Domestic Workers Alliance.
The Right to the City Alliance got $6.5 million between 2011 and 2014 from a number of very
established tax-exempt foundations including the Ford Foundation ($1.9 million), from both of
George Soros's major tax-exempts–Open Society Foundations, and the Foundation to Promote
Open Society for $1.3 million. Also the cornflake-tied Kellogg Foundation $250,000, and
curiously , Ben
& Jerry's Foundation (ice cream) for $30,000.
Garza also got major foundation money as Executive Director of the FRSO front, POWER, where
Obama former "green jobs czar" Van Jones, a self-described "communist" and "rowdy black
nationalist," now with CNN, was on the board. Alicia Garza also chaired the Right to the City
Alliance, a network of activist groups opposing urban gentrification. That front since 2009
received $1.3 million from the Ford Foundation, as well as $600,000 from the Soros foundations
and again, Ben & Jerry's ($50,000). And Garza's SOUL, which claimed to have trained 712
"organizers" in 2014, when she co-founded Black Lives Matter, got $210,000 from the Rockefeller
Foundation and another $255,000 from the Heinz Foundation (ketchup and John Kerry family) among
others. With the Forward Together of FRSO, Garza sat on the board of a "multi-racial
organization that works with community leaders and organizations to transform culture and
policy to catalyze social change." It officially got $4 million in 2014 revenues and from 2012
and 2014, the organization received a total of $2.9 million from Ford Foundation ($655,000) and
other major
foundations .
Nigeria-born BLM co-founder Opal Tometi likewise comes from the network of FRSO. Tometi
headed the FRSO's Black Alliance for Just Immigration. Curiously with a "staff" of two it got
money from major foundations including the Kellogg Foundation for $75,000 and Soros foundations
for $100,000, and, again, Ben & Jerry's ($10,000). Tometi got $60,000 in 2014 to direct the group .
The Freedom Road Socialist Organization that is now openly calling for a revolution against
capitalism in the wake of the Floyd George killing has another arm, The Advancement Project,
which describes itself as "a next generation, multi-racial civil rights organization." Its
board includes a former Obama US Department of Education Director of Community Outreach and a
former Bill Clinton Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. The FRSO Advancement Project
in 2013 got millions from major US tax-exempt foundations including Ford
($8.5 million), Kellogg ($3 million), Hewlett Foundation of HP defense industry founder ($2.5
million), Rockefeller Foundation ($2.5 million), and Soros foundations ($8.6 million).
Major Money and ActBlue
By 2016, the presidential election year where Hillary Clinton was challenging Donald Trump,
Black Lives Matter had established itself as a well-organized network. That year the Ford
Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund
(BLMF), "a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for
Black Lives coalition" in which BLM was a central part. By then Soros foundations had already
given some $33 million in
grants to the Black Lives Matter movement . This was serious foundation money.
The BLMF identified itself as being created by top foundations including in addition to the
Ford Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation and the Soros Open Society Foundations. They described
their role: "The BLMF provides grants, movement building resources, and technical assistance to
organizations working advance the leadership and vision of young, Black, queer, feminists and
immigrant leaders who are shaping and leading a national
conversation about criminalization, policing and race in America."
The Movement for Black Lives Coalition (M4BL) which includes Black Lives Matter, already in
2016 called for "defunding police departments, race-based reparations, voting rights for
illegal immigrants, fossil-fuel divestment, an end to private education and charter schools, a
universal basic income, and
free college for blacks ."
Notably, when we click on the website of M4BL, under their donate button we learn that the
donations will go to something called ActBlue Charities. ActBlue facilitates donations to
"democrats and progressives." As of May 21, ActBlue had given $119 million to the campaign
of Joe Biden.
That was before the May 25 BLM worldwide protests. Now major corporations such as Apple,
Disney, Nike and hundreds others may be pouring untold and unaccounted millions into ActBlue
under the name of Black Lives Matter, funds that in fact can go to fund the election of a
Democrat President Biden. Perhaps this is the real reason the Biden campaign has been so
confident of support from black voters. What is clear from only this account of the crucial
role of big money foundations behind protest groups such as Black lives Matter is that there is
a far more complex agenda driving the protests now destabilizing cities across America. The
role of tax-exempt foundations tied to the fortunes of the greatest industrial and financial
companies such as Rockefeller, Ford, Kellogg, Hewlett and Soros says that there is a far deeper
and far more sinister agenda to current disturbances than spontaneous outrage would
Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your
email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.
F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in
politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics,
exclusively for the online magazine "New
Eastern Outlook" where this article was originally published. He is a Research Associate of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.
"The centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world." -- W. B. Yeats,
Truth is the first victim in politics. Factions and passions rule. Random facts are picked as
weapons, no one thinks things through.
We need to understand the facts surrounding the death of George Floyd.
Many key facts are being ignored:
Floyd's blood tests showed a concentration of Fentanyl of
about three times the fatal dose. Fentanyl is a dangerous opioid 50 times more potent than
heroin. It has rapidly become the most common cause of death among drug addicts. The knee hold
used by the police is not a choke hold, it does not impede breathing. It is a body restraint and
is not known to have ever caused fatal injury. Floyd already began to complain "I can't breathe"
a few minutes before the neck restraint was applied, while resisting the officers when they tried
to get him into the squad car. Fentanyl affects the breathing, causing death by respiratory
arrest. It was normal procedure to restrain Floyd because he was resisting arrest, probably in
conjunction with excited delirium (EXD), an episode of violent agitation brought on by a drug
overdose, typically brief and ending in death from cardiopulmonary arrest. The official autopsy
did indeed give cardiopulmonary arrest as the cause of death, and stated that injuries he
sustained during the arrest were not life-threatening. Videos of the arrest do not show police
beating or striking Floyd, only calmly restraining him In one video Floyd is heard shouting and
groaning loudly and incoherently while restrained on the ground, which appears to be a sign of
the violent, shouting phase of EXD. His ability to resist four officers trying to get him into
the squad car is typical of EXD cases. A short spurt of superhuman strength is a classic EXD
Minneapolis police officers have been charged with Floyd's murder. Yet all the evidence points
to the fact that Floyd had taken a drug overdose so strong that his imminent death could hardly
have been prevented. In all likelihood, the police were neither an intentional nor accidental
cause of his death. These crucial facts have been completely ignored in the uproar.
When scientists review scientific papers, they look primarily at the evidence, and give less
weight to the conclusions, which are only the other fellow's opinions. To blindly follow "expert
opinions" is the Authoritarian View of Knowledge. This is no real knowledge at all, because to
assess whether an expert is always right, we would need infinite knowledge, and doubly so when
experts disagree. Not thinking for oneself is not really thinking.
So let us stick to the evidence. The county's ambivalent autopsy also included the following
hard facts: "Toxicology Findings: Blood samples collected at 9:00 p.m. on May 25th, before Floyd
died, tested positive for the following: Fentanyl 11 ng/mL, Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL ,
Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL 86 ng/mL of morphine," but draws no conclusions therefrom, noting only
that "Quantities are given for those who are medically inclined."
If ever there was a leap before a look, we are in it now. Masses of people have become
extremists, based on conclusions that are as false as they are hasty.
One difficulty is that there are public statements to the effect that the coroner ruled it a
homicide, and the title of the autopsy report includes the term "neck compression." But the words
"homicide," "restraint," "stress" or "compression" do not appear in the 20-page body of the
report. References to the neck are few -- a couple minor abrasions, a contusion on the shoulder,
and "The cervical spinal column is palpably stable and free of hemorrhage." It is as if the title
was chosen in regard to what was expected or proposed, but which was never found, and the title
was never updated. There seems to be no support at all in the report body for the report title,
which reads, "Cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck
The term "cause of death" does not appear. The words "death" and "fatal" only appear in this
comment in the lab report: "Signs associated with fentanyl toxicity include severe respiratory
depression, seizures, hypotension, coma and death . In fatalities from fentanyl, blood
concentrations are variable and have been reported as low as 3 ng/mL." Floyd's fentanyl level was
seven times higher.
If first impressions via the media fooled the coroner's office, until they examined the body,
we too can be fooled at first, but change our opinion according to the evidence.
Excited Delirium Syndrome
An additional hypothesis involves Excited Delirium Syndrome (EXD), a symptom of drug overdose
which sometimes appears in the final minutes preceding death. EXD typically results from fatal
drug abuse, in past years from cocaine or crack, more recently from fentanyl, which is 50 times
more potent than heroin. Especially dangerous are street drugs like meth, heroin or cocaine laced
with fentanyl.
According to an article in the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine (WJEM), 2011: [5] "Excited delirium (EXD) is characterized
by agitation, aggression, acute distress and sudden death, often in the pre-hospital care
setting. It is typically associated with the use of drugs. Subjects typically die from
cardiopulmonary arrest all accounts describe almost the exact same sequence of events: delirium
with agitation (fear, panic, shouting, violence and hyperactivity), sudden cessation of struggle,
respiratory arrest and death ."
It appears that an EXD episode began when the officers tried to get Floyd into the squad car.
He resisted, citing "claustrophobia" -- the onset of the fear and panic phase, and "I can't
breathe" -- difficulty breathing due to fentanyl locking into the breathing receptors in the
brain. (Classic symptoms of EXD are highlighted in bold.) He then exhibited unexpected strength
from the adrenaline spike in successfully resisting the efforts of four officers to get him into
the car. We may never know whether Floyd's agitation was caused purely from the EXD adrenaline
spike, or if it was aggravated by police attempts to subdue him -- but a subject defying the
efforts of multiple officers to subdue him is a very common theme.
When Chauvin pulled him out of the car he fell to the ground, perhaps due to disorientation
and reduced coordination. Presumably this was when he injured his mouth and his nose started to
bleed, and the police made the first call for paramedics.
While restrained on the ground, Floyd exhibited agitation ( shouting and hyperactivity, trying
to move back and forth) for several minutes. There is one brief video at this point. One hears
Floyd shouting very loudly, as in the agitated delirium phase -- it sounds like, "My face is
stoned ah hah, ah haaa, ah please people, please, please let me stand, please, ah hah, ah haaa!"
[6] . In a few minutes this was
followed by " sudden cessation of struggle, respiratory arrest and death, " shown in a later
video, where he becomes exhausted, and had stopped breathing when the ambulance arrived.
It appears that disorientation had already set in when the store employees went to Floyd's car
and asked him to return the cigarettes he had bought for a fake $20 bill. He refused, and they
reported the incident to the police, saying that he appeared to be very intoxicated. He certainly
must have been, or he would have either returned the cigarettes or left quickly to avoid arrest.
Loss of judgment is a symptom of the syndrome; this includes futile efforts to resist arrest.
Police Intervention and Intentions
The EXD diagnosis is controversial and in some quarters is viewed as an alibi for police
brutality. The WJEM authors note, "Since the victims frequently die while being restrained or in
the custody of law enforcement, there has been speculation over the years of police brutality
being the underlying cause. However, it is important to note that the vast majority of deaths
occur suddenly prior to capture, in the emergency department (ED), or unwitnessed at home."
Regarding restraint, they note, "people experiencing EXD are highly agitated, violent, and
show signs of unexpected strength, so it is not surprising that most require physical restraint.
The prone maximal restraint position (PMRP, also known as "hobble" or "hogtie"), where the
person's ankles and wrists are bound together behind their back, has been used extensively by
field personnel. In far fewer cases, persons have been tied to a hospital gurney or manually held
prone with knee pressure on the back or neck."
This latter position is what the accused officer Chauvin was applying, although at one point
the team did consider using a hobble. Physical restraint of the subject has always been the
classical procedure, to prevent the subject harming themselves or others. It has been proposed
that restraint helps to forestall injury and death by conserving the subject's energy, but most
experts believe that by leading to an intense struggle, it increases the likelihood of a fatal
Since knowingly using counterfeit currency is a fairly serious offense, the Minneapolis
officers were required to arrest Floyd and try to bring him in. When he violently resisted, the
optimal choice could have been to let him sit against a wall and guard him while calling an
ambulance. To be able to quickly switch from law enforcement mode to emergency care mode requires
training in recognizing the symptoms.
The charge sheet against Chauvin included this exchange between the two white officers on the
squad: [8] ""I am worried about excited
delirium or whatever," Lane said. "That's why we have him on his stomach," Chauvin said."
According to this dialogue, Chauvin was apparently was trying to follow the protocol
recommended by WJEM. Since Floyd was on his stomach, Chauvin's knee pinned him at the side of his
neck, and did not impede breathing. Commentators are referring to Chauvin "kneeling" on Floyd's
neck, or resting his weight on it. From videos it is hard to gauge how much weight he applied,
but the correct procedure is just enough to restrain movement, not to crush the person.
Chauvin and his team might not have done everything perfectly, but it is easy to underestimate
the difficulty of police work, particularly in cases of resisting arrest, whether willfully or
due to intoxication. If they had been clairvoyant clinicians, they would have called an ambulance
the moment they saw him. Better training is needed. Was the police department then responsible?
Might the department have given the needed training if the AMA had acknowledged the existence of
the syndrome? This brings up a paradox: could police critics who deny the syndrome then bear part
of the responsibility for the deaths they decry? The syndrome is being recognized by law
enforcement after the fact. It needs to be recognized as it is happening.
With a fatal overdose there is no good outcome possible, but there is no way for police to
foresee that. Sometimes EXD can last longer, and it is not always fatal. Perhaps the ACEP Task
Force on EXD will update their report and provide guidelines to help police identify and deal
with EXD while avoiding accusations of police brutality.
In one video [10] Chauvin continued to apply the
neck restraint although bystanders repeatedly objected, and even after Floyd stopped moving. As
Floyd became exhausted, it could have been reasonable to relax the restraint to see if it was
really necessary. Chauvin didn't seem to respond to the bystanders to give a medical reason for
the restraint. His actions were consistent with a belief that police should restrain the subject
until medevacs arrive. Videos show the police focused on restraint, never beating or striking
Floyd. The restraint and verbal exchanges with Floyd are also consistent with a belief that he
was resisting arrest, by refusing to get in the squad car. When he said "I can't breathe," they
responded "You're talking fine." When they said "Get in the car," he didn't agree to.
EXD seems to be the most likely reason why Floyd suddenly refused to get into the squad car,
and began to shout and writhe on the ground. With or without EXD or police intervention, he was
going to die quickly from fentanyl, short of immediate intensive care. A common treatment for EXD
is sedation with drugs like ketamine. The usual antidote for fentanyl is naloxone. Higher levels
of fentanyl may require intravenous naloxone for 24 hours or more.
He also fell down twice, which could be seen either as a sign of intoxication or resisting
arrest. The officers knew it was a drug overdose, as Thao told bystanders, "This is why you don't
do drugs, kids." By the way, this Wikipedia article should be named "Death of George Floyd," as
an accused is innocent until proven guilty. and then completely stopped breathing, this was the
onset of respiratory arrest, which is how a fentanyl overdose kills.
While police work is needed to trace the source of these dangerous drugs, the problems of drug
addiction and crime have deep causes and can only be contained, not solved, by the police.
Whatever our society has been doing about these problems is not working.
Right now, our civilization risks being torn apart by the passions of extremism, due to a
misunderstanding. Please share this analysis, as an appeal to return to reason.
Reviewer comment: "My first thought is why it has been left to you to figure this out, when
we pay professional journalists to investigate these things, and why aren't the police and
politicians telling us about this."
A good question which gives a clue to something I've been wondering about. When other
commentators publish within hours, why does it take me a week or two to finish an article like
this? Journalists are usually under a deadline to produce stories quickly, whereas it takes a lot
of research and reflection to develop an original thesis into a fair and coherent explanation of
Everyone tends to have an agenda, and to look for facts to support it. Police brutality or
looters running amok may be more newsworthy than a chronic problem like drug abuse. The best
agenda now is to take a break to focus on facts, or else an "Excited Delirium" could become a
contagion that engulfs our nation.
A young white man died in Dallas a few years ago, after being restrained by the police with
the knee on his back. My respondent believed he suffocated, but the actual autopsy said cardiac
arrest due to cocaine, overdose EXD, and stress from restraint by police officers.
Tony Timpa had not only taken an overdose of cocaine, plus he was off his anti-schizophrenia
medicine. Mental illness can also be a trigger for EXD, and according to the autopsy report, he
displayed all the classic symptoms. The first phase, fear and panic, was fear of the onset of
delirium itself -- he himself called 911 for help. By the time the police arrived, security
guards had already handcuffed him to restrain him. He was incoherent, out of control, found lying
on the ground, the typical EXD position. The police pinned him down with a knee on his back for
13 minutes, saying he was at risk of rolling into the roadway, and suddenly he was dead.
Tony Timpa died in 2016. The family got the run-around, [16] and an autopsy was not released
until 2019. The body cam footage was released, which showed the police behaving callously towards
the subject. The officers were originally charged with homicide, but it was found they were not
at fault, charges were dropped and they were reinstated. Timpa's case is very similar to Floyd
case in many ways, and there are also many differences -- the starkest of course being the
intensity of the public reaction.
Based on the case history and autopsy findings, it is my opinion that Anthony Alan Timpa, a
32-year-old white male, died as a result of sudden cardiac death due to the toxic effects of
cocaine and physiologic stress associated with physical restraint.
Cardiac hypertrophy and bipolar disorder contributed to his death.
The mechanism of death in cases such as this is sometimes referred to as "excited delirium."
Classically, people affected by EDS are witnessed to exhibit erratic or aggressive behavior,
and will often "throw off" attempts at restraint, requiring multiple people to subdue them. The
person will appear to calm down and will suddenly become unresponsive. Most cases are
associated with drug intoxication and/or illness.
In this case, several factors likely contributed to the death. The surveillance and body cam
footage and witness reports fit the classic scenario of excited delirium and cocaine use and
illness (bipolar disorder) are common predisposing risk factors for EDS. Cocaine leads to
increased heart rate and increased blood pressure, making a cardiac arrhythmia more likely. Due
to his prone position and physical restraint by an officer, an element of mechanical or
positional asphyxia cannot be ruled out (although he was seen to be yelling and fighting for
the majority ofthe restraint). His enlarged heart size also put him at risk for sudden cardiac
Although the decedent only had superficial injuries, the manner of death will be ruled a
homicide, as the stress of being restrained and extreme physical exertion contributed to his
[Signatures and seals of medical examiners]
(Note that homicide is not the same as murder, it also includes unintentional or accidental
actions contributing to death.)
Anthony Timpa autopsy p. 5, blood tests -- Cocaine and metabolites
If we add the three numbers above for cocaine and metabolytes together it comes to about 18
mg/L. This is anywhere from 3 to 18 times the lethal dose. With such an overdose, plus being
without his schizophrenia medication, Timpa had little if any chance of surviving.
Here's the Wikipedia entry on Timpa, part of a series on the Dallas police.
On August 10, 2016, Dallas Police killed Tony Timpa, a 32-year-old resident who had not taken
his medication. Timpa was already handcuffed while a group of officers pressed his body into the
ground while he squirmed. It took over three years for footage of the incident to be released.
The footage contradicted claims by Dallas Police that Timpa was aggressive Criminal charges
against three officers were dropped in March 2019 and officers returned to active duty."
Wikipedia doesn't even mention cocaine, although that was the main cause of death. Likewise,
the Wikipedia article
makes no mention of a drug overdose or excited delirium. By entitling the articles "Killing"
rather than "Death," Wikipedians appoint themselves as a court of law.
It must be observed that the Minneapolis officers acted with far more consideration towards
Floyd than the treatment Timpa received in Dallas. The way the officers made fun of Timpa was a
scandal. [19] Then they were surprised when
he suddenly died.
It is strange that George Floyd's case is taken as proof of systemic racism, when Tony Timpa
got much worse treatment -- even though Timpa hadn't committed any crime, had no police record,
and even called 911 himself.
Isn't it odd, when we have a problem in the United States of many shootings by -- and of --
the police, that such an uproar has arisen, over a case where the police actually had little or
nothing to do with the man's demise?
The stress of restraint is most likely incidental. As reported by the WJEM, "Victims who do
not immediately come to police attention are often found dead in the bathroom surrounded by wet
towels and/or clothing and empty ice trays, apparently succumbing during failed attempts to
rapidly cool down." Hyperthermia or high body temperature is a classic symptom of EXD. Enormous
energy is released by an uncontrolled adrenaline spike. The heat also feeds delirium, which is a
familiar symptom of high fever.
Normally, it's assumed that stress factors contribute to a heart attack, as medical examiners
wrote in both the Floyd and Timpa cases. Yet the WJEM notes that "one important study found that
only 18 of 214 individuals identified as having EXD died while being restrained or taken into
custody." All victims died of cardiopulmonary arrest. Drug overdose and EXD are sufficient causes
for this outcome.
Both Floyd and Timpa had taken overdoses at triple the lethal level. Enough drugs to kill them
three times over. Yet you can only die once so how could the stress of restraint contribute more
to their deaths? You can't contribute to a glass that's already full three times over. That is a
little like saying that someone died because their parachute didn't open, and the weight of their
backpack also contributed to the fall. But they die from the fall once they hit the ground,
whether it's at 120 mph or 122 mph.
In conclusion, excited delirium should be treated as a medical condition, at high risk of
ending quickly in sudden death. An ambulance should be called immediately. Only the minimum
necessary restraint should be applied. Police and paramedics should be trained in the symptoms
and handling protocols.
It would be helpful if the AMA would recognize EXD as a real condition, rather than dismissing
it as a cover story for police brutality. Ignorance of the symptoms can lead to unintentional
cruelty by police, when they assume they are confronted by a typical case of a criminal violently
resisting arrest, rather than a patient with a life-threatening intoxication.
"The patients who were dead on arrival had gone into cardiac arrest due to blood concentrations
of fentanyl that were much higher than what is administered therapeutically. " Patients who died
in hospital had concentrations of 9.5 ng/mL to 13 ng/mL. See also note 13. In other studies of
death from heroin and morphine, there were deaths from only 100 ng/ml of morphine and "all cases
with a blood concentration of 200 ng/ml and more of free morphine displayed a fatal outcome."
(Heroin quickly metabolizes into morphine.) Fentanyl is considered 100 times more potent than
morphine. By this comparison, Floyd's blood fentanyl concentration could have been 10 times the
fatal level. In addition his morphine concentration of 86 ng/mL would usually be fatal by
Concentration levels are relative to the volume of blood, so are independent of body size.
The knee on the neck is a body hold, not a chokehold or carotid restraint, which involves putting
pressure precisely on both carotid arteries, located on either side of the throat. A carotid
restraint is usually applied by an elbow, and causes the subject to pass out in as little as 15
seconds. Blocking the arteries does not stop the breathing or heartbeat (pulmonary or cardiac
arrest), which Floyd suffered after being restrained for many minutes. Once pressure on the
arteries is released, the subject normally regains consciousness quickly.
See also the decision by the Ninth Circuit Court, "[t]he problems posed by, and thus the tactics
to be employed against, an unarmed, emotionally distraught individual who is creating a
disturbance or resisting arrest are ordinarily different from those involved in law enforcement
efforts to subdue an armed and dangerous criminal who has recently committed a serious offense."
in "Explaining the Unexplainable: Excited Delirium Syndrome and Its Impact on the Objective
Reasonableness Standard for Allegations of Excessive Force,"
The first few pages relate a narrative similar to the Floyd case, involving multiple police
subduing a violent EXD victim, who suddenly dies from exhaustion. A media uproar then arises
against alleged police brutality.
From the incident report of the fire truck that was called to the scene, it appears that both
police and bystanders called 911 for emergency medical services (EMS). The first call was Code 2,
apparently for Floyd's nosebleed, which summoned a fire truck, followed by a more urgent code 3,
which was said to bring an ambulance within six minutes. It appears the police called the
ambulance when Floyd's breathing and heartbeat stopped.
"Floyd goes limp and appears to lose consciousness. Hennepin EMS then arrive six minutes after
the distress call." The article refers to the incident report by the fire truck,
which has a note implying the first call to EMS was from police and another call came from
bystanders: "No clear info on pt [patient] or location was given by either initial pd [police
department] officers or bystanders." We need an incident report from the ambulance.
TV news clips showing police restraining subjects who are exhibiting EXD symptoms and violently
resisting arrest A
TV news report and cellphone video on a more humane method of managing an EXD case, thanks to
police training, putting safety of the subject and of bystanders first, rather than restraints.
However, no details are given about the outcome or the drug dose.
Wikipedia has a detailed narrative of the incident here
. Certain notes there support the thesis of fentanyl intoxication, and resisting arrest as part
of an EXD syndrome. Floyd struggled with Lane before leaving his own vehicle, and again when
Kueng, then all four officers, tried to get him into the squad car. Floyd already complained he
couldn't breathe before they tried to get him into the police car, without any neck restraint,
indicating the onset of respiratory depression from fentanyl.
"They all tried to force Floyd into the backseat, during which time Floyd said he could not
breathe, according to the complaint."
He also fell down twice, which could be seen either as a sign of intoxication or resisting
arrest. The officers knew it was a drug overdose, as Thao told bystanders, "This is why you don't
do drugs, kids." By the way, this Wikipedia article should be named "Death of George Floyd," as
an accused is innocent until proven guilty.
"According to Dr. Assaad Sayah, Chief of Emergency Medicine at Cambridge Health Alliance, Excited
Delirium Syndrome can be best explained as a 'physical response to an actual psychological [or
drug] problem resulting in their autonomic systems producing too much adrenaline.' Dr. Sayah
analogizes it to 'having too much nitrous in a car; eventually the engine will blow up.' In most
cases, the cause of death is either 'a heart attack or, less frequently, respiratory failure.'
Dr. Vincent Di Maio estimated that Excited Delirium Syndrome kills 800 people every year in
police altercations because the victims "are just overexciting [their] heart from the drugs and
from the struggle.'" Op. cit.
I think more likely he died of a Covid-19 induced heart attack. Heart disease is the #1
comorbidity of Covid19. Doctors have talked about patients of Covid19 dying of sudden heart
attacks at a high rate. Floyd was Covid19 positive, and he also had heart disease and
hypertension, the top two comorbidity of Covid19.
That is over three times the lethal overdose, following earlier reports where the highest dose
survived was 4.6 ng/mL.
Good points. And before this, all we ever heard about was how deadly fentanyl is. It killed Tom
Petty and is so potent, it killed him via skin absorption! Now, however, the Back Flow Media
(BFM) ;-), has agendas to push and truth ain't one of them.
Unfortunately, those who need to learn these facts have no interest in truth. Logic, reason,
common sense, and all such things are thrown out; instead, the mob controls based upon who
yells the loudest, not who makes the most fact-based sense.
People don't riot over the specific police murder that sets it off. They riot because they are
sick and tired of the ways cops treat them–one of the ways being to murder them. If you
don't like the Floyd murder, I got a couple thousand other cop murders for ya, and I would like
to see you write such a stirring defense of cop-killed bodies riddled with hundreds of rounds
of automatic weapons fire. Including all the dead white people.
No denying that Floyd was a thug. Neither would any amount of denying alter the fact that he
died at the hand – rather the knee – of a racist cop. Get over it, supremacists.
It really does not matter. The Jewish mainstream media has tried and convicted the officers.
They will never get a fair trial and are screwed. Saint George will have to be avenged or there
will be more riots, arson and looting which the same degenerate media will call "protests".
So they could have left him alone and he would have died anyway, another statistic.
It does imply intrusive policing invites unintended consequences. For the counterfeit
$20, a summons would have been sufficient. Then George could have crawled off, go home to
Jesus, and we could have been spared the phoniest and most overblown freak show since the Fall
of Babylon.
Let them patrol their own 'hoods and be done with all this.
Fentanyl Floyd was a drug peddler and a petty criminal who got caught in the act of selling
drugs by patrolling police. Panicking, he swallowed his own stash and overdosed as a result.
Now he is being retconned into a saint.
I think Floyd was being passive aggressive rather than resisting as such. What was done to him
by Chaving was punishment out of frustration, but the duration was well outside normal
Floyd already began to complain "I can't breathe" a few minutes before the neck restraint
was applied,
That will be a dangerous argument for Chauvin's defence counsel to make to the court,
because it will be opening the door to a telling counter argument: Floyd's breathing was
restricted after he reported respiratory distress.
If it was a Fentanyl overdose they ought to have given him Narcan antidote, not put weight
on his ribcage while he was face down and his hands cuffed behind him; a contributory cause
according to the autopsy, which found wrist bruises.
There's no such thing as a heart attack induced by covid-19.
People who have been hospitalized for heart disease, and subsequently test positive for
covid-19, don't usually die from the virus they die from their underlying heart disease
I saw the video. Looked like just another hoax to me. Weight on his other knee, looking right
at the camera while "killing" someone, yada yada. Officer Chauvin, fer Chrissake. Officer
Racist would be too much even for stupid goyim. 8 minutes my ass. Aces and eights anyone? The
point of this fentenyl dohicky is to pretend it really happened. Just another deep state psyop
I say. But go ahead and argue about it. Makes it easier to steal 10 trillion from the US
This guy is channeling Johnny Cochran. Yes, we know O.J. didn't do it either, because Nicole
Brown was high on lethal amounts of cocaine, and Ron Goldman was mainlining deadly amounts of
horse(heads almost fall off when this happens)
You see, the amount of imaginary fantasy is endless which feeds the inter-civilian war of
people-against-people while the State remains blissfully secure knowing that those who control
the media(narrative) will always win
Otherwise, yea, we get it, the police are always honest, justice is blind, your vote counts,
your money is secure, god loves you, the vaccine is harmless, and your children are doing a
great service by telling the government instructor(school teacher) that you smoke pot, so the
state can seize everything you own.
Your underlying analysis is incorrect. People overdose at much higher levels and live through
it. Maybe the cops should have been more interested in why he was presenting in an altered
state and called an EMT, than carting him off to jail for a possible forged $20 bill.
The mean serum concentrations of fentanyl in their patients was (52.9 ng/mL) with a range of
7.9-162.3 ng/ml.
One of the 18 patients died in hospital. Five patients underwent cardiopulmonary
resuscitation, one required extracorporeal life support, three required intubation, and two
received bag-valve-mask ventilation. One patient had recurrence of toxicity after 8 hours after
naloxone discontinuation. Seventeen of 18 patients required boluses of naloxone, and four
required prolonged naloxone infusions (26–39 hours). All 18 patients tested positive for
fentanyl in the serum. Quantitative assays conducted in 13 of the sera revealed fentanyl
concentrations of 7.9 to 162 ng/mL (mean = 52.9 ng/mL).
The author starts one paragraph with "in conclusion", LOL again LOL
Once again missing the point,intentionally,misdirecting. It's a FALSE FLAG
Street theater duh, set up Fromthestart. Plandemic.Seriously,it creates jobs.
Liars oops I mean lawyers,oops I mean poly ticks,locally,nationally,
all the way to the jewdicial branch and congress and beyond.GET REAL.
It's far worse than that.An elder told me they don't believe in IQ.
The facts and investigations and evidence don't do nuffin after the incurred LOSS
of SO much time,money,energy,community,productivity,confidence,SANITY etc.
THIS is COUP and" it's no where near in conclusion." that's my comment,thanks
peace,love, life
Excellent article which should be on the front page of every major paper in the USA. The part
on the Excited Delirium Syndrome is new to me but it's interesting .It illustrates nicely this
civil disorder has nothing to do with Mr Floyd. I just hope officer Chauvins defence team makes
good use of this information.
As a retired pharmacist I'm surprised by the use of fentanyl as a drug of abuse. The
therapeutic dose banding is very small, its very potent , it is a very short acting drug and
it's a drug that only an anaesthetist should consider using or abusing. Its a very potent
respiratory depressant that has a nasty habit of producing a delayed action hours after the
affect has apparently worn off. Fentanyl also causes heart slowing and any anaesthetist would
give other drugs to counter that effect to keep the patient under control.
Now lets look at the photo of other officers using the correct Israeli defence force pin
Notice that the knee and leg not doing the pinning is not on the ground therefore all the
weight of the body is brought to bear on the victims neck and the major blood vessels under the
knee. Now look at officer Caulvin his right boot toe is on the ground along with his right
knee. Try it yourselves on a pillow, you cannot bring any force to bear , at best you are
holding someone with that pose. He also looks under no stress from Mr Floyd with his hold. At
5′ 8" I would be using the IDF method if I had to restrain Mr Floyd, but lets be honest I
would avoid him full stop. There is also the fun part of trying to hit and subdue someone who
thanks the the Fentanyl in his system would feel little pain.
This whole thing looks very suspicious to me , and the speed with which the thing went global
even more suspicious. The speed that people appeared with expensive t-shirts and hoodies all
"I cannot breath" printed on the front in many locations simultaneously along with the piles of
bricks and attacks on statues has a pre-planned Soros and Antifa agenda all over it.
I'm sure that the author of this article, who I assume isn't a drug addict, will be totally
fine if a racist white thug in uniform with a history of murdering people knelt on his neck for
nine minutes with its hands in its pockets. Yes, it was the drugs all along!
His ability to resist four officers trying to get him into the squad car is typical of EXD
When did this happen, exactly? The security cam video show that two [2] officers succeeded
to get Floyd into the back seat of the cruiser. Then, one officer pulled him out on the other
I've read plenty about ExD, and believe that Chauvin will make a successful defense. Your '4
men failed' spared me reading this long slog.
Gotta protect those israeli occupation troops at all costs and keep their colonial police state
(that's the usa, neanderthals) a colonial police state. Should those dumb goy animals unite and
force our quislings out, who knows what might befall our "sacred homeland".
Did drugs kill George Floyd ? Does it matter ?
This affair is one of public perception.
The perception IS that Chauvin used excessive force. The guy died after that "force" whether
excessive or not. People, rightly or wrongly see cause & effect.
As for your points about overdose ? Fairly weak. Every minute that passes the likelihood of
overdose decreases. Overdoses don't hide in your system for 20 minutes (excluding digestion or
assimilation) & then jump out & shut down your heart.
Floyd may have appeared intoxicated, but he also appeared functional for a "normal" unstressful
He sat down, handcuffed, against a wall for some minutes without "losing it".
Also interesting -- they had him in the police car -- then dragged him out for lack of
compliance. Why ? Let him sit in the locked, secure police back seat, So he screams & makes
a fuss ? Arrestees are known to do that. But no, they drag him out (still handcuffed) &
THREE of them get on top of him: one on legs, one on the torso, & one on his neck. And stay
that way for nearly 9 minutes. And its not like they don't know he's physically problematic --
they call the EMS early on.
Now lets imagine that you have a problem with your heart or breathing (he tells them numerous
times about his breathing, not necessarily entirely from physical airway blockage, but from
panic -- psychology rendering the act of breathing difficult )– would being pinned to the
road by 3 burly men, one of them exerting some pressure on your neck not cause some
degree of panic ? Could some people be near to literally shitting themselves from panic ? Would
such fear & panic not be contraindicated in a man for whom you have already called the EMS
Funny thing, was I a police man I would have asked Floyd to sit in his car (yes, take his keys
& guard him) while I had a look at this so-called counterfeit bill. I mean, that's the
point isn't it ? this whole abortion rests on passing a dodgy $ 20. (Knowingly passing: I
wonder how many shonky US bills there are out there millions ?).
So Floyd is probably a scumbag -- so ? The whole affair looks appalling. And that really
IS the point here.
"Systemic racism" is simply POC and non-European descended Whites saying that they cannot live
in Western (or, indeed, industrial) society,
The POC are correct in this. Who, after all, is qualified to tell them that they are wrong?
George Floyd was destroyed by "systemic racism" in the above sense. Even East Asians and South
Asians with high enough IQ and sufficient emotional control to live in Western (industrial)
society strongly condemn the lack of organization in such societies, and the absence of the
protective social organizations (caste, a directive government/social organization) that are
characteristic of their homelands. Middle Eastern Whites condemn the absence of the tribal /
honor / religious system that characterizes their countries of origin.
POC and non-European descended Whites want Western ( industrial) society changed or destroyed
for their benefit.
This is a serious and irresolvable conflict of interest, for the European descended Whites are
just as unable to live in the home societies of various POC and non-European descended White
groups as these groups are unable to live in Western (industrial) society.
Note that the above irresolvable conflict of interest is not ever discussed directly. This
is characteristic of major irresolvable conflicts of interest. WW II is a good example of this
(see the American Pravda articles, , for
support of this assertion). All of the participants (except possibly Hitler, who apparently
wanted a European Empire allied to the British Empire) thought it was "them or us" (hence the
"unconditional surrender" demands from the Allies), and thus had strong reasons for fighting.
These reasons were not used in propaganda by any side. Propaganda based on self interest of the
"only one Empire will survive" type makes poor propaganda. So does propaganda based on what
amounts to a multi-sided volkwandering (
), which is what we seem to be entering into.
Good propaganda is smoke -- mythic appeals, but to a non-applicable myth, with irrelevant
"proof". George Floyd is an example of how this is supposed to work.
The interesting thing about this situation is that it is the OC and non-European descended
Whites are the ones insisting that they cannot live in the West / industrial civilization.
Granted that the Left wing of the Democratic Party is the proximate cause of the current
offensive, attempted Antifa leadership of the offensive has been largely repudiated or simply
ignored by the various POC. Understanding the basics of this situation requires that the
objections of the POC and non-European descended Whites be taken seriously and understood, as I
have tried to do above.
If it was a Fentanyl overdose they ought to have given him Narcan antidote,
Are you serious?
These cops meant to make an instant medical diagnosis.
Decide the problem and drug involved.
Produce an antidote.
And administer it.
What planet are you on?
And had they administered the wrong drug .?
They would be crucified as well.
Its hard to believe you can really believe that comment yourself.
Its sheer prejudice and blah for BLM.
And a grossly unfair accusation.
*Since the MSM and many of our leaders are in sync with BLM, we should just turn the country
over to them since they've done a great job within their own "neighborhoods."
*It's pretty useless to say the MSM loves BLM. The MSM does what the folks who control/own
it tell it to do.
*Per BLM's demand, cops should stop patrolling black neighborhoods and instead boost
patrolling non-black neighborhoods to reduce crime there.
Police were not arresting him for the counterfeit bill. If you pass a counterfeit bill you are
interviewed by police so they can attempt to trace its origin.
Where did you get cash?
Where do you cash your checks?
Did you get this as change for a larger bill? Where?
He was detained because when they came up to him in the car he was obviously intoxicated and
behind the wheel. Also rewatch the security tape and see the cop talks to him for 2 minutes and
at one point is so worried by whatever Floyd was doing he unholstered his gun but didn't point
it. Floyd also had no ID on him.
So it's a cascade of events that lead to his arrest. Police can't ID an intoxicated person
behind the wheel of a car. Try to get him out of the car and he immediately starts
" I saw the video. Looked like just another hoax to me"
Here's an excellent analysis of 3 of the alleged live, completely contradictory videos on
this alleged event, which quite clearly show it to be hoax perpetrated via crisis actors, fake
police and EMT's. :
I'm curious about this "racist cop" trope that's become pretty common. Is it common for
"racists" to be married to someone of another race as Chauvin is? I'd think a "racist" would
favor a spouse of their own race, no? Seems to me, to you crazies on the left, Pale skin makes
a person a "racist ". It's become a truth in America that the only definition of "racist" is
White. The word is, therefore, meaningless. Floyd died because of his drug use and criminal
activity. Not a knee on the back of his neck.
I second that. Problem is there is no satisfying the BLM folks. They are suffering from PTSD
because of our history of slavery. This is sort of like vets who have PTSD, but the key
difference being vets actually participated in a war whereas no black living was a part of our
history of slavery.
The solution is for the BLM and lgbtqi folks to join forces and put forth a black tranny
candidate to solve all our problems.
Why should we believe the "report"? why not believe our lying eyes? Who released this "report"?
Where is an independent verification? I'll wait, thanks, for a report that has been released by
an independent source that is confirmed by the family.
I'm sure that the author of this article, who I assume isn't a drug addict, will be
totally fine if a racist white thug in uniform with a history of murdering people knelt on
his neck for nine minutes with its hands in its pockets. Yes, it was the drugs all along!
When I see a comment like this on an article as closely reasoned and supported as this one,
I wonder whether public schools teach the ability to read.
You can check my previous posts and see that these are precisely the points I made from a
very casual glance at the autopsy report and a little knowledge of police motivations. That was
right after the incident occurred. Videos and photos are very poor evidence because they only
raise emotional response.
Thank you, Ron Unz, for being brave enough to publish this article.
I guess the defense is entitled to a defense. I guess that is the benefit of having two
coroner's reports. The skill and advocacy of the police unions to manufacture alternative
theories and creates smoke as defense is light years ahead of antifa, BLM or the KKKK.
Te problem with the the current system is not dug induced males sitting on their cars o
falling asleep in drive thrus or jogging in around empty construction sites or waiting for tow
trucks, or selling cigarettes, or avoiding creepy guys stalking the in apartment complexes, or
sleeping in their beds or or walking with some white women --
It's the loss of credibility. The police unions can have the officers walk out as they ave
routinely done as a means of black mail holding cities hostage, but at the end of the day, what
technology is doing is unavailing a side of Wyatt Earp the public would rather not see even if
they know what's up. It's the system in a manner of exposure unlike it's even been used to.
It's the collapse of the arguments for invading countries that are not a threat. It's the
collapse of the internal dialogues among the agencies in multiple arenas of government force.
It's Ruby Ridge, It's Waco, It's Baltimore, It's Fergusaon. It's Oakland. It's Baton Rouge.
It's New Jersey. It's . . . It's balloting were the 1 per-center is suddenly number one,. Utter
nonsense such as written in the Fergason Report. It's nonsense such as the Ferguson Effect.It's
a news system, that is serious doubt. It's bail out for WS, repeatedly and then throwing the
payees f bail out out of works. It is stagnant wages. It's hiring and executive to make a
serious shift ad the best he could do hire ore part time citizens and embrace more
It's the system saying it's not the system. It;s loosening up credit for businesses and the
rules for consumers tighter. It's watching something on film as it happens and then being told
what you saw is not what happened.
It's the unmasking of tactics used by the system to shield itself from accountability. And
perhaps worst of all, we believing what the system tells us because believing reality is just
to tough a road to to travel. It is the system saying . . . it's not the system.
-- -- --
uhh No. I didn't believe there was a reason to invade Ira or Afghanistan or any of the
subsequent intentions by the former Vietnam protester "we lost Vietnam" crowd as I am that Mr.
Floyd died from a drug overdoese.
And none of the smoke and mirrors: that Pres Hussein was a bad person, that the Taliban were
in on 9/11, that the family occupying Ruby Ridge were Nazis, Mr. Koresh was a demon, there's a
Fergason Effect, that blacks are just bad innately and whites are angelic beings along with
browns and yellows worthy of pass, or that IQ is destined by some unique, unknown and unseen
genetic code, that the Russians sabotaged US elections, . . . or US lost Vietnam (no it did
not). If I start buying onto the nonsense spouted as truth to escape accountability before you
know it, I will start advocating that slaves were just immigrants coming the continent for
better jobs and life.
Apart from Emily's point I note that you state that Chauvin constricted Floyd's breathing
without evidence despite it not being accepted by the author of the article.
This proves, the sainthood of a very simian looking convicted criminal doped up coon, that you
can fool some of the people all of the time. The Jooz are laughing all the way to the
ban total control of the World.
A passer of counterfeit bills is typically given an opportunity by the cheated merchant to make
him whole before the cops are called. Saint George, for whatever reasons, didn't avail himself
of the opportunity extended to him to do just that.
He prolly would have had they just left him alone. Then they'd be in jail for failure to render
first aid. The rioting would have still happened. Heads or tails, you lose with niggers.
Chauvin was probably a screaming liberal until he got involved with the chink. The thing about
chinks is they're known to hate everyone equally who isn't a chink.
It is strange that George Floyd's case is taken as proof of systemic racism, when Tony Timpa
got much worse treatment -- even though Timpa hadn't committed any crime, had no police record,
and even called 911 himself.
That is not strange. The reason BLM choose cases where the policeman only did their job is
because otherwise, they'll risk seeing the policeman go to jail, and then there'd be no
systemic racism to rail against. Only when you are sure the policeman will be exonerated in a
court of law, can you rile the animals without risking the party coming to an end before the
music even starts.
For the time being, an educated comment like yours gets a hearing, in contrast to the
unreasoned moral posturing of so many others here. For so long as they can hide behind "good
intentions," they can run from inconvenient facts. UR recently featured an article and comments
on Dietrich Doerner's Logic of Failure , which says it best about these disgusting
phonies who'd never dream of reexamining their positions based on the horrors they cause.
"In our political environment, it would seem, we are surrounded on all sides with good
intentions. But the nurturing of good intentions is an utterly undemanding mental exercise,
while drafting plans to realize those worthy goals is another matter. Moreover, it is far
from clear whether "good intentions plus stupidity" or "evil intentions plus intelligence"
have wrought more harm in the world. People with good intentions usually have few qualms
about pursuing their goals. As a result, incompetence that would otherwise have remained
harmless often becomes dangerous, especially as incompetent people with good intentions
rarely suffer the qualms of conscience that sometimes inhibit the doings of competent people
with bad intentions. The conviction that our intentions are unquestionably good may sanctify
the most questionable means.
Excerpt From
The Logic Of Failure: Recognizing And Avoiding Error In Complex Situations
Dietrich Dorner
This material may be protected by copyright.
Friend What exactly did happen to the white substance that clearly fell out of his left
pocket while against the wall? Odd nobody mentions that.
George killed himself. He took a lethal overdose of Fentanyl. The meth and the fentanyl
combined cause delirium and heart problems. These two drugs caused what is called "Excited
Delirium Syndrome" which is usually fatal.
When the officers pulled him out of the Mercedes–he was already foaming at the mouth.
These four officers need to be released and given their jobs back. Their arrests are just a
lynch mob by the liberal establishment. George killed George. He gambled with his life, put
himself in that position with allegedly passing counterfeit money. Furthermore, George was DWI;
he was sitting in the drivers seat. Even though you are not driving, sitting in the driver's
seat is DWI, Driving while impaired. Who needs to be arrested is the Drug Dealer that sold him
the Fentanyl.
Moreover, Excited Delirium syndrome causes "Wooden Chest". That is what George was
experiencing, His drug cocktail killed him.
1 million to 1.25 million Europeans were enslaved in North Africa, from the beginning of
the 16th century to the middle of the 18th, by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli
alone (these numbers do not include the European people who were enslaved by Morocco and by
other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast)
"From bases on the Barbary coast, North Africa, the Barbary pirates raided ships traveling
through the Mediterranean and along the northern and western coasts of Africa, plundering
their cargo and enslaving the people they captured."
From at least 1500, the pirates also conducted raids along seaside towns of Italy, Spain,
France, England, the Netherlands and as far away as Iceland, capturing men, women and
On some occasions, settlements such as Baltimore, Ireland were abandoned following the
raid, only being resettled many years later. Between 1609 and 1616, England alone had 466
merchant ships lost to Barbary pirates.
Are you sure that you are not a racist or a progeny of racists?
As Confederate statues are torn down in the USA, one wonders: Are we going to ask Egypt to
change its name, tear down its pyramids which were built by slaves too? And destroy mummies
of pharaohs that had slaves?
Are the black tribes of Africa, the ones who sold the slaves they took from other tribes
when at war and sold to the Arab slave traders, are we going to change the names of those
African tribes too? And tear down the names of their leaders?
No comments? Here is more:
Regarding white slaves in Africa and black slaves in the New World, it is often overlooked
that slaves were enslaved before they were bought and sold by Jews, Arabs, and Gentiles. The
unasked question is: Who enslaved them?
Things that used to be true before political correctness set in: More whites were brought
as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States.
All this obsessing over what pretty boy George died of is irrelevant. Cops putting their knee
on the neck, the most vulnerable part of the human body is wrong period! No sympathy for the
thug, he was a menace to society. What should be obsessed over is police culture has not been
to "protect and serve" since at least the 70's. They see themselves as "at war" with the whole
of society, from the suburban soccer mom to the ghetto thug.
It's widely known cops will take a routine traffic stop, and poke and prod at the driver to try
to rile them up and get the person to react and give the cop an attitude to escalate the
interaction into an altercation. In the suburbs, quiet rural areas it matters not. Race matters
not. They'll pull this shit in the most docile neighborhoods, with the most docile of people,
regardless of color.
I'm neither pro cop or anti cop, I see them as a necessary evil. They'd be a hell of alot less
evil if reforms were made in their attitude toward the public at large, and if they were held
accountable for all their various abuses of power. They also need their privileged status as
some sort of exalted special class "above the public" obliterated! Cops on the whole are some
of the most corrupt, anti social, sadistic people in society. I know many of them personally,
both city and suburban.
As much as I dislike the rioting, looting, arson and chaos, I'm enjoying the karmic retribution
the boys in blue in receiving.
It could also be that a certain race is a bit more prone to get into drugs, crime,
and so on. And truth to be told hard work is not in their DNA. As long as you keep
denying FACTS this will never end.
Canada has to bring thousands of Mexicans and Guatemalans to work on the farm fields,
while half of this people are on welfare, and when they do work they only want easy jobs,
bus drivers, taxi drivers, or for the governments where most of the time they just don't
as well. In the mean time people like me are being taxed close to 60% to pay for all these
social programs which only benefits the laziest
Since when gross injustice against a once subdued person legitimate anti-humanity? That is how,
to a naive person consumes daily propaganda by the usa government and their presstitute which
reflect an appearance of "good america" while genuinely reflecting a clandestine disdain for
what is right or such unjustified violence cloaked under the line of duty against the general
population would not be so common in the touted "land of the free." The magnet (of the peaceful
protesters from australia, to europe and latin america) is not to a "good free land of
jewmerica" but to the missing and lack of legitimate Justice parroted along with the moral
compass touted by the usa government and their law enforcement while the true reality of
irrectitude makes itself apparent in videos such as the one of George floyd's unjustified
assassination/murder, where unjustified violence is evident. Thus, with these uncensored videos
by the peaceful population or general public of the usa, the truth did not remain hidden by
manipulated narratives of the jew-owned presstitute and media in favor of the cia/usa
government flavor of their wicked ideology preference while cloaked in sheep's clothing.
In conclusion, When an individual poses a serious threat to an officer or another
individual, according to the National Institute of Justice, the "peace-officer" (as they are
glorifyingly touted) is generally authorized by law to use lethal weapons (i.e., firearms) to
protect himself or herself or others by stopping the individual's actions. You don't want to
realize that there is IRREFUTABLY no serious threat nor danger to life once a person (of any
color in handcuffs as the estate of George Floyd was and many others) is subdued. And, those
marching (or rather peacefully protesting to show solidarity) in many other foreign nation
states display how morally magnetic is the actual legitimate axiom of the interest of justice
because that no democracy can exist unless each of its citizens is as capable of outrage at
injustice to another as he is of outrage at unjustice to himself.
I don't care so much for the cops since they would put you in a cage with these animals for
thought crimes like posing the JQ and denying the Holycaust without any hesitation at all. They
are paid mercs and sometimes they get burned. Similarly the light property damage incurred by
corporate storefronts and reduction in quality of life for liberal urban dwellers is not at all
a concern for me, and I honestly hope this goes on in perpetuity until the statistical reality
of black crime is literally beaten into their skulls. As for George Floyd he will no longer be
producing any more of his ilk. He was set to marry a lower class white woman and open an
establishment eponymously named the Konvict Kitchen, all in defiance of the principles of
nuptiality and common decency. The former enhances black criminality by combining pathological
white genes from the classes which in Europe would have their breeding restricted by cultural
and economic constraints but are allowed to flourish here generating trailer parks and white
trash that with miscegenation and negrification are as much of a danger to society as the the
African type they complement.
In any case having seen the footage from these events it strikes me that these cops are
themselves very unintelligent. In the case of the Atlanta negro aptly named Rayshard they were
inclined to play junior detective and gameshow host for upwards of 30 minutes when it was
obvious that they should have immediately incapacitated the feral groid and dragged him away
from a motor vehicle capable of causing far more damage than the plastic dart guns they ended
up wrestling over. Instead they allowed the monkey to shuck and jive for what seemed like an
hour repeating the same inane phrases over and over again. I would have been inclined to dump a
mag in the baboon at the 2 minute mark. These two men were themselves products of negrification
and no doubt they likened the ill-fated negro to their favorite afleets and sports stars they
worship on TV, giving him chance after chance to behave like a human being with around a
standard deviation more aptitude than they should have given him credit for. If they had a
choice between the ineffective Taser device and a firearm they ended up using it would have
gone better.
I think this country is screwed in the long run and I just hope it ends in fireworks. The
long and inexorable drag into stupidity is maddening.
I doubt anyone cares what he died from, they can just go "change" their signs to some guy in
Georgia. They all look like hoaxes but they needed something for "change" to happen. Back to
online petitions and countless fake hoaxes and more toppling anything whuhhh, and more
historical revision to erase whuhhhh, can't even spell it anymore.
Who called the police on the martyrs? Why would a black person call the police on a black man
asleep in the line at Wendy's in Georgia, when they could have just drove around him. Why have
the white police bother him? It all just looks like more lefty "change" helped out by the good
folks at Netflix or something.
He also had sickle cell anemia. The coronary report mention a lot of "sickled" cells, but only
postmortem. It is knows that sufferers of SCD show that kind of pattern: Death induces it.
However, George Floyd was also COVID19 positive, and there are signs that COVID19 decreases
Hemoglobin levels:
Primate models of Covid-19 (Munster 2020) and human Covid-19 patients have subnormal
haemoglobin levels (Chen 2020). Clinical evaluationof almost 100 Wuhan patients reveals
haemoglobin levels below the normal range in most patients as well as increased total
bilirubin and elevated serum ferritin (Chen 2020). Hyperbilirubinemia is observed in acute
porphyria (Sassa 2006) and would be consistent with ineffective erythropoiesis (Sulovska
2016) and rapid haemoglobin turnover.
They did call the EMTs. That's what they were waiting for. Maybe you shouldn't try to analyze
the situation until after you learn what the situation involved?
He was dying before he even left the car. He collapsed when they pulled him out of it. He
collapsed after they helped him walk to the wall. He was complaining that he couldn't breathe
before he had a knee on his neck. My sense was that when he saw the cops were coming for him,
he swallowed his drugs. Pretty common.
And criminals who break into pregnant women's houses and jam guns into their pregnant guts
really do get their just deserts when they hastily swallow all the drugs they were dealing to
avoid going back to the joint.
"It is strange that George Floyd's case is taken as proof of systemic racism, when Tony Timpa
got much worse treatment -- even though Timpa hadn't committed any crime, had no police record,
and even called 911 himself."
It would b strange if what you said was accurate.
enforcement, It is not singular artifact.
I is not any singular death, not even a group of deaths that are rare at the hands of
police. It's the ten million plus arrests misdemeanors primarily that end with violence against
unarmed citizens that are disproportionately used with respect to african americans it's the
related history. It is the sentencing. It is the pea bargain system . . .
It's the crack vs regular cacaine narratives nonsense, it is the rhetorical dialogue -- it
is not one single thing, but a compendium of constructs across the country over time.
It seems more likely that the heart attack came because the heart was overworked due to low
blood-oxygen levels due to the sedated breathing from the opioid.
Such analysis is diversion from the main discussion. It does not matter if Floyd was on drugs
or a criminal. Why was he treated brutally by the police. Too much power given to the law
enforcement. And the bad apples always take advantage of it. Observe the way they walk. No sign
of humility or being a servant of society or a protector.
Race riots yes. but so many whites and no African Americans are rioting, too. It is economic
disparity and hopelessness, stupid, and that is what the pundits are avoiding purposely.
Brilliant presentation.
I was arrested one time and was put into car. Interestingly enough I had difficulty breathing
and I did not have any drugs in me.
I did ask officer to open window in the car but he did not. He did not care.
Exactly. They would not even spend the time to read this excellent example of actual
Their hatred blinds them to all facts.
Talking time is over. Balkanize the failed multi-cultural experiment. Ethnostate is NEEDED.
Separate from Hate.
Anyone else getting rather peed off by the huge donations to BLM, apparently about to flow in
– as reparations for the proceeds from slavery by Briitish firms.
Seems to me these companies should be starting at home.
What about the proceeds from mills and factories here in England where the labour was little
more than slavery.
Forced on the poor for pathetic and utterly meagre wages – amounting to slavery –
as the option to the 'poor house'.
Children of seven working 12 hours a day for pennies.
Many dying and crippled by the machinery under which they had to scrabble.
I am sure there are millions – not least up north – who would very much like some
recognition for the quite awful exploitation of their forebears.
Oops – sorry – they all have white faces and are not prepared to commit mayhem,
arson and criminal damage to support any claim.
Time, maybe to start, it works.
Maybe we less than aristocratic English people should start a few demands in payment for the
terrible conditions of the industrial 'revolution', for the Victorian slums, more appalling
than black Americans ever endured.
You don't see the black Americans sporting rickets, TB, suffering starvation, diptheria and
smallpox to mention a few.
Or kids forced up chimneys.
I wonder how Dickens would be feeling today – at Lloyds etc.
Disgusted and sick, I imagine.
Don't get me started on those 'pressed' into the navy .
Why was he treated brutally by the police.
Was he?
The autopsy doesn't appear to record 'brutal physical injury' of the kind you appear to claim
Could you detail the evidence that demonstrates such 'brutality'
Restraint surely does not come into that category and there is no or very little indication on
his neck or throat.
Clarify the facts, Chucky, so we can all see the cuts, bruises, abrasions
Perhaps you will also give us some information as to how you would have handled a very large
such individual full of fentanyl and other substances .
of Oz The author of the article talks about the knee on Floyd's neck only. But while he may
be correct, that knee was not the only thing going on. I am talking about the other
things including Chauvin's other knee. Officer Lane seems to have diagnosed Floyd's medical
status as one unlikely to stand up to the tender mercies being administered by Chauvin. Lane,
the first cop to talk to Floyd, had immediately observed he had been foaming at the mouth.
Later, once Chauvin got on top of Floyd, Lane suggested turning him face up, and said he was
worried about EXD. Lane's partner complained and said 'don't do that' to Chauvin in relation to
him kneeling on Floyd.
If a 300lb wrestler was to apply a tight bodylock (bear hug) and keep it on tight, breathing
would halt and the one being bear hugged would quite likely die within 10 minutes. Floyd's
breathing was constricted by his bulk and being put face down with cuffs pulling his arms
against the side of his ribcage. The weight and duration of Chauvin's knee on Floyd's back
surely is what tipped the balance and killed him. There is an ex cop and prison guard who
admits he used to deliberately break the fingers of resisting convicts who points to the sun
glasses perched on Chauvin's head and the casual placement of his hands while kneeling on Flyod
as clear indications there was no meaningful resistance from him, see here .
It is not mere opinion that Floyd was not actively resisting arrest during the several
minutes he had Chauvin on top of him, because officer Chauvin was recorded explaining the
reason Floyd was being pinned down was he had not cooperated earlier , when they had
tried to put him in the police car. Hence Chavin virtually admitted it was a was a physical
punishment for previous non-cooperation, but in law Chavin is not permitted to use the
restraint technique as a punitive measure, which he knew very well. Hence Chauvin was commiting
a felony, wham, in the course of which someone died, bam. Wham bam: felony murder.
Actually, this article touches on what you consider the "main discussion" when it assesses
whether or not the cop was following procedure. Is the man being vilified as the worst person
on earth just a guy who was doing the job he was taught to do? If you think the rules are
wrong, you're free to work to change them. This cop will face an American court, not some
post-revolutionary tribunal. The question is whether or not his trial will look more like the
latter than the former.
Hispanic cop in Georgia shoots and kills white guy who grabs Hispanic cop's taser = NO coverage
by national media. Hell, I live in Georgia and I didn't even hear about this one.
White cop in Georgia shoots and kills black guy who grabs White cop's taser = NONSTOP 24/7
coverage by national media.
Blacks can only achieve because they have White admixture or because they reside in White
societies. Too few of them are smart enough to even build sufficient infrastructure in Africa
to allow the Black intellectual elite to achieve.
Sub-Saharan Africans have never made a contribution to the world. If allowed to become too
numerous they destroy previously-thriving and safe White cities.
This is why Blacks seethe with jealousy and hatred of Whites yet can't seem to stay away
because they want what we create and maintain, no matter if they deserve it or not. They want
our peaceful and clean neighborhoods, our law and order, our technology and science, our school
systems, our inventions, the jobs we create, the food we grow, the transportation we invent,
the entertainment we provide Blacks hate us but can't live without us. That's why they demand
that we take care of them and give them special rights and privileges that we don't grant
ourselves, just to compensate for their inability at living in a modern and
technologically-advanced civilization.
Some groups succeed all the time, everywhere. Some have never succeeded anywhere.
Blacks are the oldest race, so they should be the most advanced race; but they never
developed at all and had to be domesticated by Whites.
National IQs calculated and validated for 108 nations:
Just week we had a White sub-Saharan African (Elon Musk) launch a spacecraft while Black
sub-Saharan Africans destroyed several cities.
Name a civilization (or even a written language) ever created by Blacks.
Name a single contribution from sub-Saharan Africans to the world.
The simple fact is, everything Blacks have was given to them by Whites.
Blacks are the only race never to have civilized. They were removed from the jungle just 250
years ago.
Blacks can only achieve because they have White admixture or because they reside in White
societies. Too few of them are smart enough to even build sufficient infrastructure in Africa
to allow the Black intellectual elite to achieve.
Slavery was the best thing to happen to Blacks, it was essentially a rescue mission by a
free cruise. Being a slave was actually a good career move for a Black African -- as it still
would be today. An enslaved Black in any non-Black country has a higher standard of living than
a free Black living among his own kind.
After defeating George Foreman for the heavyweight boxing title in Zaire (now Congo),
Muhammad Ali returned to the United States where he was asked by a reporter, "Champ, what did
you think of Africa?" Ali replied, "Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat."
Blacks are incapable of creating a civilization of their own. Blacks can only achieve
because they have White admixture or because they reside in White societies. Everything Blacks
have was given to them by Whites.
Criminally insane Floyd killed himself. His chosen lifestyle could only lead to a bad end
sooner or later. He shouldn't even have been out on the street after his armed home invasion
conviction. It was the misfortune of the police to have had to deal with this drugged-up thug
at the point he was going to expire due to drugs and eroded health due to years long drug use.
He was a large, tough looking criminal that one had to be careful in dealing with. This is the
'hero' of the moment, one of the scummiest people one could ever meet.
The Jewish MSM always ignores non-black victims of police misconduct. They made a collective
decision to do that following the mild uproar over Ruby Ridge and the Waco massacre of the
Branch Davidians. Today the Narrative is all about white oppressors and black victims.
It is economic disparity and hopelessness, stupid, and that is what the pundits are
avoiding purposely.
We can't read minds, so you could possibly be right. But in the visible world toppling
statues of white men and various displays of guilt-mongering seem to be taking precedence over
any racially neutral economic demands.
Muddy the water. Now we know why they hate us. Now we know why posters at this site and Zero
Hedge are considered white trash. Science is unacceptable when lefties use it to promote global
warming or the Nazis use it to lock down our society, but when it can be manipulated to try and
prove dirty cops innocent then it's okay. What's to conclude? Giant Echo Chamber! The Left has
it to keep their ignorant followers in line. The Right has it as well. Everyone preaching to
their audience and no one really worried too much about truth.
This is an excellent site. It's a shame that it feels a need to blame EVERYTHING on Jews or
Socialists or whatever the rednecks have been brainwashed to fear. The site simply hurts its
credibility doing this. Not much better than Left wing groups and that's one serious Freak
They riot because they are sick and tired of the ways cops treat them–
no, they're rioting because blacks and browns don't have academic and economic parity with
whites, and the ((universities)) have instructed their charges that there's no such thing as
racial differences, and so that means all the academic and economic discrepancies between white
and black, and the over-representation of blacks in the criminal justice system, are all a
direct consequence of lingering, "systemic" white racism in America.
That's why they're rioting. The Floyd death was simply the perfect metaphor for
America's 'racism', crystalized down to nine minutes of video.
The video was simply the catalyst, for a mindset that's been foisted by the ((universities))
and ((media)) for many decades now.
We're seeing what they've wanted all along. White people transformed into Palestinians,
treated as second class citizens. Affirmative action, and now free health care ONLY for blacks
in Kentucky.
White people will pay the taxes, but not get the benefits, because they're racists and
anti-Semites, and like the Palestinians (terrorists) they don't deserve any rights.
That's what this is all about. The 21st century is to be like the 20th, a Jewish
supremacist orgy of racial hatred unleashed.
I don't understand why they held him down so long. It seems as if they wanted to wait until
the criminal stopped tensing himself, which could be an indicator of continued resistance.
Maybe they felt if they eased up, he'd jump up and fight them as the guy in Atlanta did.
The Atlanta cops are going to get lynched. That's not justice.
Ali spoke a lot of truth and the only reason the counterculture adopted him is because of his
stance against "Whitey" or what they thought was his stance against "Whitey." I do not blame
Ali for not wanting to fight for America in the Vietnam War. When Ali grew up, Blacks were
indeed second class citizens, far from it now, they have their asses kissed 24/7. Ali was about
Blacks pulling themselves up by the bootstraps, and was a hardcore SEPARATIST. Ali actually had
more than a touch of Irish blood in him. I wish more Blacks did indeed belong to the NOI like
Ali, I think we would have less crime and they would stay to themselves.
George Floyd was an unhealthy man. He wasn't an angel. He wasn't even a decent citizen. He was
a piece of shit.
But he didn't die of an overdose.
He died from a cop burying his knee on his neck for almost 10 minutes. Already in horrible
shape with breathing problems, his body wasn't able to handle it.
Floyd was pleading for him to get off his neck. He was asking for his mother. C'mon people.
Chauvin was heartless and ignorant. All he had to do was get off Floyd's neck. He wasn't a
Chauvin had a serious lapse in judgement. So did Floyd. He wouldn't have been in that
position in the first place. We can always argue that Floyd was a piece of shit. Maybe he was,
but he didn't have to die like that. Who in this comment section is so perfect to judge?
Chauvin has his own issues. He isn't a murderer either. Ignorant and callous, yes. Deserving
of jail time. I don't think so. Therapy and retirement form the police force? Absolutely.
1 Blacks can newer be civilized.
2 Blacks will never trust white people.
3 Whatever whites will do. Blacks will never be satisfied until they will have all and
permanent administrative power.
It was the liberal Democratic governors who were the worst 'lock-down' "Nazis", but to a
dishonest, agenda-driven liar like you, the truth is only something to bastardize to your own
hatred-consumed agenda.
EVERYTHING on Jews or Socialists or whatever the rednecks have been brainwashed to
Yea, it's not like thousands of those rednecks haven't given their lives in the last two
decades fighting the Eternal Wars for Israel, now is it? But that's a price we should all pay
for what was done on (((9/11))), huh?
The entire debate is moot at this point. Floyd is dead. The puppeteers have their "Crisis". The
mob is still out there. Thought crime is the new passion. Negroes can do nothing wrong. When
they do, it is my fault because I am white. Up is down, down is up, etc. The big question is
what lies ahead.
This was all manufactured to cover the real truth about a collapsing economic system which will
devastate nations and economies all over the world. When it hits(my bet is before 2021),
nothing else will matter. Here in Amerika, the Sheeple, Normies, and Cucks will go bat-s ** t
crazy. It will be Bosnia times Rwanda times Venezuela, times The Stand. Plan accordingly. Bleib
ubrig. Proverbs 27:12.
All this hysteria over one dead black thug and utter silence about far more tragic/innocent
victims(often at the hands of black thugs) suggest that the 'systemic racism' is in favor of
It's like US's favoritism for Zionists over Palestinians, Iranians, and Arabs.
We hear endless yammering about 'antisemitism' and 'white supremacism', but US is
pathologically philosemitic and serving Jewish Supremacism 24/7.
BTW. it will be funny when a black guy wearing a Floyd t-shirt ends up dead at the hands of
another black.
IF this whole incident is REAL, and believe me, nowadays I have a hard time believing anything
we see in the media or read is REAL, I have to say the cop was wrong and does deserve to do
time. Whatever the guy died from, people in the crowd told Chauvin over and over that Floyd
wasn't moving. The other cops should have pulled Chauvin off as well. The case in Atlanta is
COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, however. IMO, Chauvin is guilty of manslaughter and quite possibly second
degree murder, but that one would be hard to prove. BUT the question must be ASKED ONCE AGAIN,
how or why did it come to this, WHY didn't George Floyd COMPLY with officer's orders? Floyd
would still be alive IF he had JUST COMPLIED with the cops. What is it about complying with an
officer's orders do Blacks not understand? A couple months ago a man was killed right up the
street from me because he attacked an officer with a knife. The officer responded to a domestic
dispute and the man STUPIDLY charged an armed cop with a knife and was shot dead. White cop,
and white perp so that was the end of story.
Covid-19 attacks cells with ACE-2 enzyme receptors. They are present in the lungs, heart,
intestine, blood vessels, and kidneys. Many people infected with Covid-19 suffer more damage in
these organs than in the lungs. People think they will recover quickly from this virus like
another cold (two of the cold strains are actually coronoviruses) or flu viruses, but it's
damage to the organs is more severe. It leaves them vulnerable to next year's covid-20, where
they will now have "preexisting health conditions."
May 27, 2020 New video shows Minneapolis police arrest of George Floyd before death
Four white officers involved in the death of George Floyd have been fired from the
Minneapolis Police Department, but Mayor Jacob Frey is saying that one of the officers should
be arrested for pressing his knee on Floyd's neck.
Dr. Vincent Di Maio estimated that Excited Delirium Syndrome kills 800 people every
year in police altercations because the victims "are just overexciting [their] heart from
the drugs and from the struggle.
So that is nearly 2,000 civilians a year that die in interactions with police basically the
Wild West
As a result, incompetence that would otherwise have remained harmless often becomes
dangerous, especially as incompetent people with good intentions rarely suffer the qualms of
conscience that sometimes inhibit the doings of competent people with bad intentions.
Good intentions were cobbling his way to disaster. – Old German saying. –
I like Dietrich Doerner – as a social scientist and as a humble man (a Social Democratic
leftie from the days before the left grew "regressive" (Dave Rubin).
Floyd's condition is irrelevant. If I have the facts straight Floyd was handcuffed and loaded
inside the police car. For reasons that are unclear he ends up face down on the asphalt with 4
dudes sitting on top of him. For me, without an amazing explanation all four should never have
been police officers. His death makes it worse but the inexplicable part is why he was on the
pavement being crushed.
Are you really going to share "a couple thousand" murders by police with us? Ok, I'll bite.
Send them to us in short installments of 3 or 4 hundred, just so we can keep up.
RE: Might help for someone to explain this calculation, since simply summing the fentanyl and
norfentanyl concentrations gives 16.6, not 20.6. Cranberries comment #6.
I read somewhere that another fentanyl moiety was also detected in George Floyd's autopsy
blood. That may explain the discrepancy.
I really hate saying it but you could have a video of St.George shooting up minutes before his
encounter with Minneapolis' finest and it wouldn't make a lick of difference. The Church of the
Perpetually Aggrieved have their martyr and will not let trivial things like truth get in the
When I'm feeling particularly cynical and want to irritate the Missus I will say something
like, "Yeah, that was pretty bad but he probably did something we don't know about. So it all
evens out in the end."
tak Oh "prejudiced " against a particular group, is that the same thing as "racist" now"?
Does "racist " mean anything other than White? The word "prejudice " means to "pre-judge", what
if someone judges a person or group after getting to know them very well? What if I find I love
all people except Tibetans, am I a "racist "? For you kooks, I am if I'm White. So I guess
that's a "dumb question", since I'm pretty Pale
Videos and photos are very poor evidence because they only raise an emotional
This is fact is usually overlooked. I still don't really grasp, why that is. But people seem
to lack – media education, or self-reflective self-distancing concerning the difference
between being an ey-witness and witnessing a video about an event. – Maybe Marshal
McLuhan is one reason that the video-deception is not being noticed for what it is: a major
source of self-deception because he made media-reflection trendy and at the same time
This seems at first sight like a rather dismal academic distinction – until it becomes
crucial to make it, like in this case.
By now I might even be boring some readers of by insisting on the following factual truth: Tom Wolfe showed in
pristine detail, just how this video deception, as you might call it, works in his (sigh, I'll
repeat this esthetic fact too now for the umpteenth time) – Tom Wolfe was able to show
how this video-deception plays out in his excellent novel Back to Blood .
It might be not accidental, that Tom Wolfe did have a close look at Marshal McLuhan's ideas and
did write quite a bit about it, long before he started to work at Back to Blood .
– Fruits take their time until they're ripe, it seems.
What is it about complying with an officer's orders do Blacks not understand?
since I generally agree with you, and agree that this was likely staged, and that the other
cops should have intervened, and that Chauvin was obviously guilty of a callous disregard for
the man's life, (regardless of what he actually died of).. I agree with that all.
But I also understand why some people would try to flee the cops, (and being arrested and
having your life destroyed). It's a risk some people are willing to take. Like the guy who was
murdered by cop, lying in the snow (while being sadistically tortured by tazer). That sadistic
bitch tortured him to death because he ran from her, and defied her 'authority'.
I've known of too many cops in my lifetime who're drunk on their authority (power), and I
don't blame some people for running from them. If our laws say it's ok for cops to shoot such
people, then so be it, but if they're not allowed to shoot suspects running away, then if
that's murder, it's murder. No?
American cops are way too militarized and often murderous and unaccountable.
But the Jews are turning this into a racial issue for their own agenda, whatever that is at
the moment. Perhaps simply as an amusement, to watch whitey squirm. (one of their favorite
pastimes ; )
I've never before seen such stupidity in the comments as is seen here today. Something strange
is going on. Many of you didn't read the article but have strong opinions. This isn't typical
of Unz readers. For some reason the Trolls are out in force on this one. Are you trying to
destroy this website's credibility?
In certain quarters first responders do carry naloxone injectors for that contingency –
it takes half an hour of training.
Opioid LD50s are house numbers, but it´s a possibility.
Clearly no choking, but I wouldn´t rule out vagus shock.
Overall I´d say a measured exposé, but as many others already noted the
question is moot now.
Given your confidence, can you tell us the exact number of "racists" married to people of other
races in America?
Your response should be within 2% of the actual number, and please also provide proof of the
"racism" on the part of the individual "racists" married to non Whites.
It is possible that floyd died of a drug overdose.
Not long after the video of Floyd s death came out a journalist from the Atlantic tried to
reenact it. He was unable to keep his balance for the amount of time.
This is possibly because the knee on the neck was not putting that much pressure on the
neck. It is possible that it was it was an even stance and the knee was applying slight or no
They riot because the press whips them up into a frenzy. There is no shortage of blacks killed
by police or whites killed by police but this incident was spread to the 4 channels blacks are
capable of finding and drove them to riot.
If blacks don't like how cops treat them, then they should improve their savage behavior. Over
half of all homicides, over a third of cop killers, the majority who shoot at police, and far
more likely to resist arrest. When will blacks learn basic civilization, or do whites need to
hold their hand yet again?
Then, one officer pulled him out on the other side.
I assaume because he demanded to be let out due to a medical emergency. "I can't breathe!".
So they did and called an ambulance, which arrived a little later.
1.Officer Derek Chauvin isn't in the video. The person purported to be Officer Chauvin is a
different person and that is quite clear from examining stills from the video and comparing
them to still photos of Officer Derek Chauvin.
2.One of the police vehicles had a licence plate that said 'POLICE'. This is absurd.
These are just two EXTREMELY obvious facts about the 'video' and there are dozens more fun
facts about this incident that really no other conclusion is possible IF a person is observant
AND honest about this video: it is a hoax. See: for an excellent and detailed breakdown.
Somehow, nearly everyone in 'professional media', aka as the presstitutes paid to lie by
their jewish billionaire employers, accepts this obvious HOAX as though it is legit and beyond
Sounds familiar. Kind of like every mass shooting incident of the last 18 years which is to
say, ever since the HOAX of 9/11 the Jew Spew Propaganda arm just can't stop 'reporting' on
clearly faked events anytime they want to push the gun control issue, distract from another
issue or, worse still, to manipulate low IQ ghetto thugs, communists and assorted snow-flakes
into rioting which the Jew spew media then presents as 'peaceful protests'.
Anyone else sick of this never ending effort to manipulate the conversation away from the theft
of Trillions of dollars being presided over by Zion Don, his underlings Mnuchin, Jared Kushner
and the Federal Reserve Bank.
Last time I checked the unemployment number, that was previously 40 million, it seems to
have inched up to nearly 50 million. I expect to see continued efforts, each more desperate
than the last, as the elites fight for power, loot the treasury and race-bait. I don't know
when but I expect that at some point, barring any corruption or treason trials. elites will
start to be executed by vigilante groups. I just can't see these level of social pressure,
outright criminality and outrageous propaganda continuing to grow before average people become
frustrated and disenfranchised enough to act. Somewhere from among the silent majority of
rational Americans I expect to see a response to the last 2 decades of 'Global War of Terror'
insanity,financial looting of the present and future American people with a dash of race war
tossed in as a further insult to reason.
It amazes me that a community of largely dysfunctional blacks -mostl net takers from the
economic system-have the gall to use the term 'white privilege'. They don't pay taxes beyond
basic consumption, cause endless problems, avoid the infantry in every war, and now want
'reparations' after leeching off whites for over 150 years. It never ceases to amaze me how
effective propaganda is and how incredibly stupid the far left of the curve can be.
"People don't riot over the specific police murder that sets it off. They riot because they are
sick and tired of the ways cops treat them–one of the ways being to murder them"
– Then Euro-whites should be the ones rioting.
– The number of Euro-whites killed by police are much, much higher than blacks, which is
remarkable considering that blacks do the vast amount crime.
– It is whites who are targeted by blacks, the stats don't lie. The Color of Crime :
I agree with your post 100%. If Mr. Floyd had been White and the cops were White, this story
wouldn't have been talked about outside of Minneapolis. Speaking of Minneapolis, notice the JEW
MEDIA covered the story about the black thug throwing the white kid off a balcony in the Mall
Of America for about 3 minutes, and no suggestions of race at all. Yep, I don't buy the Pawn
Vanity narrative that 99% of cops are decent either. I can't think of any profession that could
make that claim. I am watching the telly as I type this and now the natives are engaging in a
multi-city "Juneteenth March." LMAO. I guess this will now become a national holiday. How
anyone can be fooled by this anymore is beyond stupid. Take care, my friend and enjoy the
comedy placed before us.
I've been on Derek Chauvin's side from the beginning. I knew it was just a race thing that the
media blew up and distorted, just like that kid wearing the MAGA cap with the native American
in DC, whose name I forgot. I hope that Derek Chauvin will be found not guilty and will sue the
mainstream media like that kid from Kentucky did. My only fear is that America is not an honest
country anymore and even if it is so blatantly obvious that Chauvin is innocent, that they will
have to find him guilty anyway.
I just can't stand it. I can't stand the thought of that happening. I mean, imagine that
ultimatum . serve justice or risk a city burning down. How can the masses be so misinformed?
Unaware and corrupted?
I took some notes today from E. Michael Jones, I watched his video, Sicut Judaeis Non, and
I/we have to really let what he said sink into our beings, in order that we can resist it and
not acquiesce. I can't go along with corruption and let injustice come to Derek Chauvin. The
truth has to be told.
My notes from E. Michael Jones:
"Jewish identity is the rejection of logos- political, moral, economical"
"Modernization is about everyone becoming Jewish."
"We have internalized the commands of our Jewish oppressors."
"We have a Jewish superego."
"Break free from the control of Jews in our minds."
And recently I've been watching Yuri Benzmenov again, we really have to understand the deep
psychological warfare, the hypnotic spell we've been under and break free from it.
What else is new? Repeat offender was a drug addict. Drug addict died of an overdose. People
using lies about his death are not revolutionaries, they are just bandits, burglars and
They'll get a fair trial and be found not guilty . setting off round #2 of rioting and looting
a couple of weeks before the november election
Kurt Hey Dan, I thiiiiink .. norfentanyl is a metabolite of fentanyl, which means it has
been absorbed and processed by the body so the norfentanyl level would be indicative of a
higher/additional level of fentanyl intake, which when calculated backwards implies 20.6 total
@Rurik"no, they're rioting because blacks and browns don't have academic and economic parity with
whites, and the ((universities)) have instructed their charges that there's no such thing as
racial differences, and so that means all the academic and economic discrepancies between white
and black, and the over-representation of blacks in the criminal justice system, are all a
direct consequence of lingering, "systemic" white racism in America."
The persistent so-called "achievement gap" reveals the same racial IQ hierarchy on
standardized academic exams. The SAT is largely a measure of general intelligence. Scores on
the SAT correlate very highly with scores on standardized tests of intelligence, and like IQ
scores, are stable across time and not easily increased through training, coaching, or
practice. SAT preparation courses appear to work, but the gains are small -- on average, no
more than about 20 points per section.
Even after decades of focused attention to the achievement gap, it has remained unchanged.
Vanderbilt University researchers tracked the educational and occupational accomplishments
of more than 2,000 people who as part of a youth talent search and determined that scores on
the SAT correlate so highly with IQ that they are described as a "thinly disguised"
intelligence test.
Year White Black Gap
1985 1038 839 199
1990 1031 849 185
1996 1052 857 195
2000 1060 859 201
2005 1061 863 197
2010 1063 855 208
2015 1047 846 201
The new SAT introduced in 2017 was "designed to inspire and increase access to college" by
creating "a more equitable exam". The new SAT cannot be compared to previous results:
Year White Black Gap
2017 1118 941 177
2018 1123 946 177
The 2017 "college readiness" scores (ability to earn a C or higher in an entry-level course)
showed the stark racial achievement gap; Asians scored 70% college readiness, Whites 59%, and
Blacks only 20%.
SAT scores are highly correlated to intelligence test scores. The SAT correlates with an IQ
test at 0.86, almost the same as an IQ test correlates with itself. For this reason, we can
very reliably take SAT scores and convert them to IQ scores.
Results of psycho-metric IQ and scholastic tests are highly correlated. Rindermann &
Thompson (2013, p. 822)
In the 20 year period from 1994-2014 the Black-White difference increased on both the verbal
and math SATs despite targeted efforts to close the race gap. On the reading test, it rose from
.91 to .96 standard deviations. On the math test, it rose from .95 to 1.03 standard
In fact, the truncated nature of the SAT math score distribution suggests that these race
gaps would be even larger given a harder exam with a bigger score variance. Note, for example,
how the Black score distribution is cut off at the bottom while the Asian score distribution is
cut off at the top. That suggests that a redesigned exam might feature even more pronounced
race gaps.
Percent by Race Reaching the SAT College and Career Readiness Benchmark:
15% = Black
24% = Non-White Hispanic
35% = Native American
53% = White
56% = Asian
Source: The College Board, 2014
PISA scores by race:
White Black Asian
531 433 525
Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2015
NAEP Report Card: Mathematics
"In 2019, there were no significant changes in score disparities compared to 2017 across
most reported student groups in eighth-grade mathematics, with a few exceptions. For example,
among racial/ethnic groups, the average mathematics score at grade 8 for White students was 32
points higher than the average score for their Black peers in 2019 and 24 points higher than
the average mathematics score for eighth-grade Hispanic students. The 32-point
White–Black score difference in 2019 was not significantly different from the 32-point
score difference in 2017, the previous assessment year, nor the 33-point score gap in 1990, the
first assessment year."
Blacks and Whites with Equal Educational Attainment Differ in Cognitive Ability
Black and White Americans with the same formal level of education differ significantly in
their cognitive abilities. Specifically, within any given level of formal education Whites
consistently outperform Blacks. Moreover, this effect is so strong that Blacks often
underperform Whites who have lower levels of formal education than they do.
Consider the following data from the General Social Survey. This public data is frequently
used in social science research and contains a test of verbal intelligence as well as
measurements of participant's self-identified race and highest educational degree obtained.
Verbal intelligence tests correlate at around .75 with full-scale IQ and so this data can also
be taken as a fair measure of intelligence in general (Lynn, 1998). If we set the White mean
score on this test to 100 and the standard deviation to 15, we can come up with an "IQ" style
As can be seen, using this method Blacks with a graduate degree have a level of verbal
intelligence indistinguishable from that of Whites with a junior college degree. Blacks with a
four-year degree are roughly on par with Whites who never went to college at all.
Highest Degree White IQ Black IQ Gap
High School Drop-out: 89 82 7
High School Diploma 98 90 8
Junior College Degree 102 95 7
Bachelor's Degree 108 100 8
Graduate Degree 113 102 11
This data is consistent with evidence from the National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) which
administered tests of cognitive ability to 26,000 US adults in 1992. These tests were designed
to measure how well people could take information and use it in a way which would help them
function in modern society.
Blacks are such poor academic achievers that the National Achievement Scholarship Program
was created with lower standards for Black candidates only, instead of the National Merit
Scholarship Program which is open to everyone else.
THE SMARTEST STUDENTS: The National Merit Scholarship Program was founded to identify and
honor scholastically talented American youth and to encourage them to develop their abilities
to the fullest.
BLACK STUDENTS ONLY: The National Achievement Scholarship Program was initiated specifically
to identify academically promising Black American youth and encourage their pursuit of higher
They are both measured on the PSAT.
Minimum score for National Achievement: 190
Minimum score for National Merit: 220
Roughly, PSAT x 10 = SAT (out of 2400)
The U.S. government's PACE examination, given to 100,000 university graduates who are
prospective professional or administrative civil-service employees each year, is passed with a
score of 70 or above by 58% of the Whites who take it but by only 12% of the Blacks. Among top
scorers the difference between Black and White performance is even more striking; 16% of the
White applicants make scores of 90 or above, while only one-fifth of one percent of a Black
applicants score as high as 90 -- a White-Black success ratio of 80/1. IQ differences become
more pronounced with greater g-loading.
Bill Gates, after pulling philanthropic funding from Common Core, "When disaggregated by
race, we see two Americas. One where White students perform along the lines of the best in the
world with achievement comparable to countries like Finland and Korea. And another America,
where Black and Latino students perform comparably to the students in the lowest performing
OECD countries, such as Chile and Greece."
Blacks score so poorly on academic exams that colleges give them 230 "race bonus" SAT points
to help them qualify for admission:
"Personal scores" are the new subterfuge for artificially assisting Blacks gain admission to
universities. Asian-American applicants receive a 2 or better on the personal score more than
20% of the time only in the top academic index decile. By contrast, white applicants receive a
2 or better on the personal score more than 20% of the time in the top six deciles. Hispanics
receive such personal scores more than 20% of the time in the top seven deciles, and Blacks
receive such scores more than 20% of the time in the top eight deciles.
An otherwise identical applicant bearing an Asian male identity with a 25 percent chance of
admission would have a 32 percent chance of admission if he were White, a 77 percent chance of
admission if he were Hispanic, and a 95 percent chance of admission if he were Black.
"Police extrajudicial executions of civilians are over 1,000 EACH YEAR in the United States far
more than any other country in the world "
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 Blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous,
according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 Black male victims of police
shootings as "unarmed." That classification masks assaults against officers and violent
resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from Black
males than Black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times
more likely to be killed by a Black male than an unarmed Black male was to be killed by a
police officer.
From 1980 to 2013, there were 2,269 officers killed in felonious incidents, and 2,896
offenders. The racial breakdown of offenders over that 33-year period was 52% White, and 41%
Black. So, the 13% total Black population in the U.S. commits 41% of police murders.
Further, Black males have made up 42% of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they
are only 6 percent of the population. That 18.5 ratio undoubtedly worsened in 2016, in light of
the 53 percent increase in gun murders of officers -- committed vastly and disproportionately
by Black males.
Nine unarmed Blacks were killed by police in 2019 (seven of whom physically assaulted the
officers), as opposed to 19 Whites, according to the Washington Post's database, but Blacks are
much more likely to have police encounters than Whites. In an average year, about 49 people are
killed by lightning in the US, according to the National Weather Service.
Every year, American police officers have about 370 million contacts with civilians. Most of
the time nothing happens, but 12 to 13 million times a year, the police make an arrest. How
often does this lead to the death of an unarmed Black person? We know the number thanks to a
detailed Washington Post database of every killing by the police. What is your guess as to the
number of unarmed Blacks killed by the police every year? One hundred? Three hundred? Last
year, the figure was nine.
That number is going down, not up. In 2015, police killed 38 unarmed Blacks. In 2017, 21.
What about White people? Last year, police killed 19 unarmed Whites, in addition to the 9
unarmed Blacks. We know the number of Black and White people arrested every year, so it is
possible to make an interesting calculation. The chances of being unarmed, arrested, and then
killed by the police are higher for Whites than for Blacks. For both races, it's very rare: One
out of 292,000 arrests for Blacks, and out of 283,000 arrests for Whites.
Since 2015, when the Post began tracking these numbers, the police have killed about 1,000
people a year. Every year, about one quarter of them are Black. This is about twice their share
of the population, which is 13 percent. Is this proof of police racism? No. The more likely
explanation is that Blacks are more likely than Whites to act in violent, aggressive ways that
give the police no choice but to shoot them. In 2018, the most recent year for which we have
statistics, Blacks accounted for 37 percent of all arrests for violent crimes, 54 percent of
all arrests for robbery, and 53 percent of arrests for murder. With so many Blacks involved in
this kind of violent crime, that Blacks should account for 25 percent of the people killed by
the police seem like a surprisingly low figure.
There is another perspective on police killings of civilians. Every year, criminals kill
about 120 to 150 police officers. And we know from this FBI table that every year, on average,
about 35 percent of officers are killed by Blacks. So, to repeat, Blacks are 13 percent of the
population and account for 25 percent of the people killed by police. But if police were
killing them in proportion to their threatening, violent, criminal behavior, they would be a
greater percentage of the people killed by the police.
Thank you for a thoughtful article. This reinforces my original thought that we should wait for
the results of the trial. Presumably the cop has a competent lawyer who will be able to review
and present the comprehensive evidence to a jury. Ideally the prosecuting attorney will also be
able to understand and present another side of the story. Ideally there will be a fair jury,
not a howling lynch mob, and not a group of retired cops. This system is certainly imperfect
but better than shoot from the hip opinions based on some seconds of video viewing.
Get short URL No sooner did Jacob Frey, the Mayor of Minneapolis, apologize
to the black community for the killing of George Floyd than everyone felt they had to say sorry for the sins of their fathers, erasing
the meaning of sincere apology. I've stopped counting the number of apologies issued by public figures, business institutions and
celebrities in recent weeks. It's sometimes difficult to avoid the conclusion that a public apology has become a public-relations
exercise. Why else would the Greene King pub chain and Lloyd's of London apologize for the links to the slave trade – a historical
event that occurred centuries ago? Moral cowardice and the easy way out
Moral cowardice is another of the driving forces fueling the proliferation of public apologies. Apology has become weaponized
to the point that very few politicians possess the strength of character to stand by their words. I remember when, last November,
the Mayor of Middlesbrough, Andy Preston, apologized 'unreservedly' to the mental-health charity Mind for calling a Facebook commenter
a ' nutter
'. There's something truly scary about a world in which people wish to censor others for using a word the vast majority of human
beings find unobjectionable. But what is even more chilling is that the mayor felt obliged to grovel and apologize.
The elites' addiction to apology has been evident since the 1990s. During that decade, the then US president, Bill Clinton, publicly
apologized to his nation's black community for slavery. Meanwhile, the former British prime minister Tony Blair turned public apology
into a veritable art form. He took it upon himself to apologize for Britain's role in the slave trade. He also issued an apology
in 1997 for his nation's responsibility for the Irish potato famine of the 19th
. It is evident that Western political elites are far better at apologizing for the 'bad old days' than inspiring the public
about their nation's past – or even present.
Knee-jerk knee-bending
Since the outbreak of the present wave of Black Lives Matter protests, the issuing of a public apology has become almost a routine
response to the mere hint that you should take the knee and grovel.
Typically, whenever an individual is called out and denounced for their language, an apology swiftly follows. But in the current
climate, there can be no 'mistakes', because your words will come back to bite you. Just about any gesture or statement can be branded
as not just insensitive but racist. Poor Karol G, the Colombian reggaeton singer, who, in response to the protest following George
Floyd's death, tweeted a now-deleted picture of her black-and-white coated dog with the caption 'The perfect example that Black and
White TOGETHER look beautiful', along with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. After she was denounced and ridiculed, she issued an immediate
statement of apology. "I want to make clear that my intentions were right in the photo I posted earlier. I meant to say that racism
is terrible and that I cannot begin to understand it," she
pleaded .
As Rachel Yang wrote recently on the arts website Entertainment Weekly, '2020 has turned out to be an unpredictable year, to say
the least, but one thing we can always count on is celebrities needing to issue apologies for their
behavior '.
Never enough
Experience shows that often an apology is not enough, as if those who demand them get ever more high in their addiction to humiliation
and, enjoying it, seek to up the dose. Take the case of LA Galaxy football player Aleksandar Katai. His club forced him to issue
an apology, not for anything that he did, but because his wife Tea posted a statement calling protestors "
disgusting cattle
" ! Poor Katai took the knee and pledged that both he and his family would "take the necessary actions to learn, understand,
listen, and support the black community." However, not even this act of self-abasement helped him. He was dropped from the squad
because of a statement made by his wife.
Western society's addiction to public apology is a reflection of the fact that its political and cultural elite does not believe
in itself – or at least it has no idea what to believe in. The speed with which individuals apologize for a statement they made a
few hours before exposes both their lack of firm conviction and their moral cowardice. When an apology is a response to a very public
ultimatum, it's almost never a genuine act of reflection and contrition. Rather, it has become an empty ritual that denudes their
apology of meaning.
As I write these lines, the UK's Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is facing calls to apologize for stating that taking the knee
is a gesture copied from the TV drama 'Game of Thrones'. He added that he would take the knee for only two people: 'the Queen and
the Mrs, when I asked her to marry me '. After an outburst
of criticism, Raab tried to soothe the mob baying for his blood by indicating that he has "full respect for BLM campaigners,"
but didn't issue the now-mandatory apology.
It took just a few minutes for the all too readily offended Twitterati to pile in to demand an apology. The acting leader of the
Liberal Democrats, Ed Davey, led the way with a post on Twitter demanding that Raab issue a '
fulsome apology '.
Davey knows a thing or two about the meaningless issuing of an apology. Last June, he apologized for writing that his electoral
strategy was to "decapitate that blond head," referring to PM Boris Johnson.
Back in 1976, Elton John released a song titled 'Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word'. A song titled 'The Hardest Word Not to Say
is Sorry' would be altogether more fitting for the 2020s.
Frank Furedi is an author and social commentator. He is an emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent in
Canterbury. Author of How Fear
Works : The Culture of Fear in the 21st Century. Follow him on Twitter
"... It's a commonplace to say the primary job of police is to "protect and serve," but that's not their goal in the way it's commonly understood -- not in the deed, the practice of what they daily do, and not true in the original intention, in why police departments were created in the first place. "Protect and serve" as we understand it is just the cover story. ..."
"... Urban police forces in America were created for one purpose -- to "maintain order" after a waves of immigrants swept into northern U.S. cities, both from abroad and later from the South, immigrants who threatened to disturb that "order." The threat wasn't primarily from crime as we understand it, from violence inflicted by the working poor on the poor or middle class. The threat came from unions, from strikes, and from the suffering, the misery and the anger caused by the rise of rapacious capitalism. ..."
"... What's being protected? The social order that feeds the wealthy at the expense of the working poor. Who's being served? Owners, their property, and the sources of their wealth, the orderly and uninterrupted running of their factories. The goal of police departments, as originally constituted, was to keep the workers in line, in their jobs, and off the streets. ..."
"... In most countries, the police are there solely to protect the Haves from the Have-Nots. In fact, when the average frustrated citizen has trouble, the last people he would consider turning to are the police. ..."
"... Jay Gould, a U.S. robber baron, is supposed to have claimed that he could hire one half of the working class to kill the other half. ..."
"... I spent some time in the Silver Valley of northern Idaho. This area was the hot bed of labor unrest during the 1890's. Federal troops controlled the area 3 separate times,1892, 1894 and 1899. Twice miners hijacked trains loaded them with dynamite and drove them to mining company stamping mills that they then blew up. Dozens of deaths in shoot outs. The entire male population was herded up and placed in concentration camps for weeks. The end result was the assassination of the Governor in 1905. ..."
"... Interestingly this history has been completely expunged. There is a mining museum in the town which doesn't mention a word on these events. Even nationwide there seems to be a complete erasure of what real labor unrest can look like.. ..."
"... Straight-up fact: The police weren't created to preserve and protect. They were created to maintain order, [enforced] over certain subjected classes and races of people, including–for many white people, too–many of our ancestors, too.* ..."
Yves here. Tom mentions in passing the role
of Pinkertons as goons for hire to crush early labor activists. Some employers like Ford went as far as forming private armies for
that purpose. Establishing police forces were a way to socialize this cost.
[In the 1800s] the police increasingly presented themselves as a thin blue line protecting civilization, by which they meant
bourgeois civilization, from the disorder of the working class.
-- Sam Mitrani
It's a commonplace to say the primary job of police is to "protect and serve," but that's not their goal in the way it's commonly
understood -- not in the deed, the practice of what they daily do, and not true in the original intention, in why police departments
were created in the first place. "Protect and serve" as we understand it is just the cover story.
To understand the true purpose of police, we have to ask, "What's being protected?" and "Who's being served?"
Urban police forces in America were created for one purpose -- to "maintain order" after a waves of immigrants swept into northern
U.S. cities, both from abroad and later from the South, immigrants who threatened to disturb that "order." The threat wasn't primarily
from crime as we understand it, from violence inflicted by the working poor on the poor or middle class. The threat came from unions,
from strikes, and from the suffering, the misery and the anger caused by the rise of rapacious capitalism.
What's being protected? The social order that feeds the wealthy at the expense of the working poor. Who's being served? Owners,
their property, and the sources of their wealth, the orderly and uninterrupted running of their factories. The goal of police departments,
as originally constituted, was to keep the workers in line, in their jobs, and off the streets.
Looking Behind Us
The following comes from an
published at the blog of the Labor and Working-Class History Association, an academic group for teachers of labor studies, by
Sam Mitrani, Associate Professor of History at the College of DuPage and author of The Rise of the Chicago Police
Department: Class and Conflict, 1850-1894 .
According to Mitrani, "The police were not created to protect and serve the population. They were not created to stop crime, at
least not as most people understand it. And they were certainly not created to promote justice. They were created to protect the
new form of wage-labor capitalism that emerged in the mid to late nineteenth century from the threat posed by that system's offspring,
the working class."
Keep in mind that there were no police departments anywhere in Europe or the U.S. prior to the 19th century -- in fact, "anywhere
in the world" according to Mitrani. In the U.S., the North had constables, many part-time, and elected sheriffs, while the South
had slave patrols. But nascent capitalism soon created a large working class, and a mass of European immigrants, "yearning to be
free," ended up working in capitalism's northern factories and living in its cities.
"[A]s Northern cities grew and filled with mostly immigrant wage workers who were physically and socially separated from the
ruling class, the wealthy elite who ran the various municipal governments hired hundreds and then thousands of armed men to impose
order on the new working class neighborhoods ." [emphasis added]
America of the early and mid 1800s was still a world without organized police departments. What the
Pinkertons were to strikes , these
"thousands of armed men" were to the unruly working poor in those cities.
Imagine this situation from two angles. First, from the standpoint of the workers, picture the oppression these armed men must
have represented, lawless themselves yet tasked with imposing "order" and violence on the poor and miserable, who were frequently
and understandably both angry and drunk. (Pre-Depression drunkenness, under this interpretation, is not just a social phenomenon,
but a political one as well.)
Second, consider this situation from the standpoint of the wealthy who hired these men. Given the rapid growth of capitalism during
this period, "maintaining order" was a costly undertaking, and likely to become costlier. Pinkertons, for example, were hired at
private expense, as were the "thousands of armed men" Mitrani mentions above.
The solution was to offload this burden onto municipal budgets. Thus, between 1840 and 1880, every major northern city
in America had created a substantial police force, tasked with a single job, the one originally performed by the armed men paid by
the business elites -- to keep the workers in line, to "maintain order" as factory owners and the moneyed class understood it.
"Class conflict roiled late nineteenth century American cities like Chicago, which experienced major strikes and riots in 1867,
1877, 1886, and 1894. In each of these upheavals, the police attacked strikers with extreme violence, even if in 1877 and 1894 the
U.S. Army played a bigger role in ultimately repressing the working class. In the aftermath of these movements, the police increasingly
presented themselves as a thin blue line protecting civilization , by which they meant bourgeois civilization, from the disorder
of the working class. This ideology of order that developed in the late nineteenth century echoes down to today – except that today,
poor black and Latino people are the main threat, rather than immigrant workers."
That "thin blue line protecting civilization" is the same blue line we're witnessing today. Yes, big-city police are culturally
racist as a group; but they're not just racist. They dislike all the "unwashed." A
recent study that reviewed "all the data
available on police shootings for the year 2017, and analyze[d] it based on geography, income, and poverty levels, as well as race"
revealed the following remarkable pattern:
" Police violence is focused overwhelmingly on men lowest on the socio-economic ladder : in rural areas outside the
South, predominately white men; in the Southwest, disproportionately Hispanic men; in mid-size and major cities, disproportionately
black men. Significantly, in the rural South, where the population is racially mixed, white men and black men are killed by police
at nearly identical rates."
As they have always been, the police departments in the U.S. are a violent force for maintaining an order that separates and protects
society's predator class from its victims -- a racist order to be sure, but a class-based order as well.
Looking Ahead
We've seen the violence of the police as visited on society's urban poor (and anyone else, poor or not, who happens to be the
same race and color as the poor too often are), and we've witnessed the violent reactions of police to mass protests challenging
the racism of that violence.
But we've also seen the violence of police during the mainly white-led Occupy movement (one instance
here ; note that while the officer involved
was fired, he was also compensated $38,000 for "suffering he experienced after the incident").
So what could we expect from police if there were, say, a national, angry, multiracial rent strike with demonstrations? Or a student
debt s trike? None of these possibilities are off the table, given the
economic damage -- most of it still unrealized -- caused by the current Covid crisis.
Will police "protect and serve" the protesters, victims of the latest massive
transfer of wealth
to the already massively wealthy? Or will they, with violence, "maintain order" by maintaining elite control of the current predatory
If Mitrani is right, the latter is almost certain.
Possible solutions? One, universal public works system for everyone 18-20. [Avoiding armed service because that will never
happen, nor peace corp.] Not allow the rich to buy then or their children an out. Let the billionaires children work along side
those who never had a single family house or car growing up.
Two, eliminate suburban school districts and simply have one per state, broken down into regional areas. No rich [or white]
flight to avoid poor systems. Children of differing means growing up side by side. Of course the upper class would simply send
their children to private schools, much as the elite do now anyway.
Class and privilege is the real underlying issue and has been since capital began to be concentrated and hoarded as the article
points out. It has to begin with the children if the future is to really change in a meaningful way.
I would add items targeted as what is causing inequality. Some of these might be:
1). Abolish the Federal Reserve. It's current action since 2008 are a huge transfer of wealth from us to the wealthy. No more
Quantitative Easing, no Fed buying of stocks or bonds.
2). Make the only retirement and medical program allowed Congress and the President, Social Security and Medicare. That will
cause it to be improved for all of us.
3). No stock ownership allowed for Congress folk while serving terms. Also, rules against joining those leaving Congress acting
as lobbyists.
4). Something that makes it an iron rule that any law passed by Congress and the President, must equally apply to Congress
and the President. For example, no separate retirement or healthcare access, but have this more broadly applied to all aspects
of legislation and all aspects of life.
I think you'd also have to legalize drugs and any other thing that leads creation of "organized ciminal groups." Take away
the sources that lead to the creation of the well-armed gangs that control illegal activities.
Unfortunately, legalising drugs in itself, whatever the abstract merits, wouldn't solve the problem. Organised crime would
still have a major market selling cut-price, tax-free or imitation drugs, as well, of course, as controlled drugs which are not
allowed to be sold to just anybody now. Organised crime doesn't arise as a result of prohibitions, it expands into new areas thanks
to them, and often these areas involve smuggling and evading customs duties. Tobacco products are legal virtually everywhere,
but there's a massive criminal trade in smuggling them from the Balkans into Italy, where taxes are much higher. Any time you
create a border, in effect, you create crime: there is even alcohol smuggling between Sweden and Norway. Even when activities
are completely legal (such as prostitution in many European countries) organised crime is still largely in control through protection
rackets and the provision of "security."
In effect, you'd need to abolish all borders, all import and customs duties and all health and safety and other controls which
create price differentials between states. And OC is not fussy, it moves from one racket to another, as the Mafia did in the 1930s
with the end of prohibition. To really tackle OC you'd need to legalise, oh, child pornography, human trafficking, sex slavery,
the trade in rare wild animals, the trade in stolen gems and conflict diamonds, internet fraud and cyberattacks, and the illicit
trade in rare metals, to name, as they say, but a few. As Monty Python well observed, the only way to reduce the crime rate (and
hence the need for the police) is to reduce the number of criminal offences. Mind you, if you defund the police you effectively
legalise all these things anyway.
I dunno, ending Prohibition sure cut down on the market for bootleg liquor. It's still out there, but the market is nothing
like what it once was.
Most people, even hardcore alcoholics, aren't going to go through the hassle of buying rotgut of dubious origin just to save
a few dimes, when you can go to the corner liquor store and get a known product, no issues with supply 'cause your dealer's supplier
just got arrested.
For that matter, OC is still definitely out there, but it isn't the force that it was during Prohibition, or when gambling
was illegal.
As an aside, years ago, I knew a guy whose father had worked for Meyer Lansky's outfit, until Prohibition put him and others
out of a job. As a token of his loyal service, the outfit gave him a (legal) liquor store to own and run.
Yes, but in Norway, for example, you'd pay perhaps $30 for a six-pack of beer in a supermarket, whereas you'd pay half that
to somebody selling beers out of the back of a car. In general people make too much of the Prohibition case, which was geographically
and politically very special, and a a stage in history when OC was much less sophisticated. The Mob diversified into gambling
and similar industries (higher profits, fewer risks). These days OC as a whole is much more powerful and dangerous, as well as
sophisticated, than it was then, helped by globalisation and the Internet.
I think ending prohibitions on substances, would take quite a bite out of OC's pocketbook. and having someone move trailers
of ciggarettes of bottles of beer big deal. That isn't really paying for the lifestyle.and it doesn't buy political protection.
An old number I saw @ 2000 . the UN figured(guess) that illegal drugs were @ 600 billion dollars/year industry and most of that
was being laundered though banks. Which to the banking industry is 600 billion in cash going into it's house of mirrors. Taking
something like that out of the equation EVERY YEAR is no small thing. And the lobby from the OC who wants drugs kept illegal,
coupled with the bankers who want the cash inputs equals a community of interest against legalization
and if the local police forces and the interstate/internationals were actually looking to use their smaller budgets and non-bill
of rights infringing tactics, on helping the victim side of crimes then they could have a real mission/ Instead of just abusing
otherwise innocent people who victimize no one.
so if we are looking for "low hanging fruit" . ending the war on drugs is a no brainer.
"What's being protected? The social order that feeds the wealthy at the expense of the working poor. " – Neuberger
In the aftermath of these movements, the police increasingly presented themselves as a thin blue line protecting civilization,
by which they meant bourgeois civilization, from the disorder of the working class. – Mitrani
I think this ties in, if only indirectly, with the way so many peaceful recent protests seemed to turn violent after the police
showed up. It's possible I suppose the police want to create disorder to frighten not only the protestors with immediate harm
but also frighten the bourgeois about the threate of a "dangerous mob". Historically violent protests created a political backlash
that usually benefited political conservatives and the wealthy owners. (The current protests may be different in this regard.
The violence seems to have created a political backlash against conservatives and overzealous police departments' violence. )
My 2 cents.
Sorry, but the title sent my mind back to the days of old -- of old Daley, that is, and his immortal quote from 1968: "Gentlemen,
let's get the thing straight, once and for all. The policeman isn't there to create disorder; the policeman is there to preserve
LOL!!! great quote. Talk about saying it the way it is.
It kind of goes along with, "Police violence is focused overwhelmingly on men lowest on the socio-economic ladder: in rural
areas outside the South, predominately white men; in the Southwest, disproportionately Hispanic men; in mid-size and major cities,
disproportionately black men. Significantly, in the rural South, where the population is racially mixed, white men and black men
are killed by police at nearly identical rates."
I bang my head on the table sometimes because poor white men and poor men of color are so often placed at odds when they increasingly
face (mostly) the same problems. God forbid someone tried to unite them, there might really be some pearl clutching then.
yeah, like Martin Luther King's "poor people's campaign". the thought of including the poor ,of all colors .. just too much
for the status quo to stomach.
The "mechanism" that keeps masses in line . is one of those "invisible hands" too.
Great response! I am sure you have more to add to this. A while back, I was researching the issues you state in your last paragraph.
Was about ten pages into it and had to stop as I was drawn out of state and country. From my research.
While not as overt in the 20th century, the distinction of black slave versus poor white man has kept the class system alive
and well in the US in the development of a discriminatory informal caste system. This distraction of a class level lower than
the poorest of the white has kept them from concentrating on the disproportionate, and growing, distribution of wealth and income
in the US. For the lower class, an allowed luxury, a place in the hierarchy and a sure form of self esteem insurance.
Sennett and Cobb (1972) observed that class distinction sets up a contest between upper and lower class with the lower social
class always losing and promulgating a perception amongst themselves the educated and upper classes are in a position to judge
and draw a conclusion of them being less than equal. The hidden injury is in the regard to the person perceiving himself as a
piece of the woodwork or seen as a function such as "George the Porter." It was not the status or material wealth causing the
harsh feelings; but, the feeling of being treated less than equal, having little status, and the resulting shame. The answer for
many was violence.
James Gilligan wrote "Violence; Reflections on A National Epidemic." He worked as a prison psychiatrist and talked with many
of the inmates of the issues of inequality and feeling less than those around them. His finding are in his book which is not a
long read and adds to the discussion.
A little John Adams for you.
" The poor man's conscience is clear . . . he does not feel guilty and has no reason to . . . yet, he is ashamed. Mankind
takes no notice of him. He rambles unheeded.
In the midst of a crowd; at a church; in the market . . . he is in as much obscurity as he would be in a garret or a cellar.
He is not disapproved, censured, or reproached; he is not seen . . . To be wholly overlooked, and to know it, are intolerable
likbez, June 19, 2020 at 3:18 pm
That's a very important observation.
Racism, especially directed toward blacks, along with "identity wedge," is a perfect tool for disarming poor white, and suppressing
their struggle for a better standard of living, which considerably dropped under neoliberalism.
In other words, by providing poor whites with a stratum of the population that has even lower social status, neoliberals manage
to co-opt them to support the policies which economically ate detrimental to their standard of living as well as to suppress the
protest against the redistribution of wealth up and dismantling of the New Deal capitalist social protection network.
This is a pretty sophisticated, pretty evil scheme if you ask me. In a way, "Floydgate" can be viewed as a variation on the same
theme. A very dirty game indeed, when the issue of provision of meaningful jobs for working poor, social equality, and social
protection for low-income workers of any color is replaced with a real but of secondary importance issue of police violence against
This is another way to explain "What's the matter with Kansas" effect.
John Anthony La Pietra, June 19, 2020 at 6:20 pm
I like that one! - and I have to admit it's not familiar to me, though I've been a fan since before I got to play him in a
neighboring community theater. Now I'm having some difficulty finding it. Where is it from, may I ask?
run75441, June 20, 2020 at 7:56 am
Page 239, "The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States."
Read the book "Violence: Reflections of A National Epidemic" . Not a long read and well documented.
MLK Jr. tried, and look what happened to him once he really got some traction. If the Rev. William Barber's Poor People's Campaign
picks up steam, I'm afraid the same thing will happen to him.
I wish it were only pearl-clutching that the money power would resort to, but that's not the way it works.
Yeah – that quote struck me too, never seen it before. At times when they feel so liberated to 'say the quiet part out loud',
then as now, you know the glove is coming off and the vicious mailed fist is free to roam for victims.
Those times are where you know you need to resist or .well, die in many cases.
That's something that really gets me in public response to many of these things. The normal instinct of the populace to wake
from their somnambulant slumber just long enough to ascribe to buffoonery and idiocy ala Keystone Cops the things so much better
understood as fully consciously and purposefully repressive, reactionary, and indicating a desire to take that next step to crush
fully. To obliterate.
Many responses to this –
– are like, 'the police are dumb', 'out of touch', 'a lot of dumb gomer pyles in that room, yuk yuk yuk'. Or, 'cops/FBI are
so dumb to pursue this antifa thing, its just a boogieman' thinking that somehow once the authorities realize 'antifa' is a boogieman,
their attitudes towards other protesters will somehow be different 'now that they realize the silliness of the claims'.
No, not remotely the case – to a terrifyingly large percentage of those in command, and in rank & file they know exactly where
it came from, exactly how the tactics work, and have every intention of classifying all protesters (peaceful or not) into that
worldview. The peaceful protesters *are* antifa in their eyes, to be dealt with in the fully approved manner of violence and repression.
In most countries, the police are there solely to protect the Haves from the Have-Nots. In fact, when the average frustrated
citizen has trouble, the last people he would consider turning to are the police.
This is why in the Third World, the only job of lower social standing than "policeman" is "police informer".
The anti-rascist identity of the recent protests rests on a much larger base of class warfare waged over the past 40 years
against the entire population led by a determined oligarchy and enforced by their political, media and militarized police retainers.
This same oligarchy, with a despicable zeal and revolting media-orchestrated campaign–co-branding the movement with it's usual
corporate perpetrators– distorts escalating carceral and economic violence solely through a lens of racial conflict and their
time-tested toothless reforms. A few unlucky "peace officers" may have to TOFTT until the furor recedes, can't be helped.
Crowding out debt relief, single payer health, living wages, affordable housing and actual justice reform from the debate that
would benefit African Americans more than any other demographic is the goal.
The handful of Emperors far prefer kabuki theater and random ritual Seppuku than facing the rage of millions of staring down
the barrel of zero income, debt, bankruptcy, evictions and dispossession. The Praetorians will follow the money as always.
I suppose we'll get some boulevards re-named and a paid Juneteenth holiday to compensate for the destruction 100+ years of
labor rights struggle, so there's that..
Homestead, Ludlow, Haymarket, Matewan -- the list is long
Working men and women asking for justice gunned down by the cops. There will always be men ready to murder on command as long
as the orders come from the rich and powerful. We are at a moment in history folks were some of us, today mostly people of color,
are willing to put their lives on the line. It's an ongoing struggle.
So how can a tier of society(the police) . be what a society needs ? When as this story and many others show how and why the
police were formed. To break heads. When they have been "the tool" of the elite forever. When so many of them are such dishonest,
immoral, wanna be fascists. And the main direction of the US is towards a police state and fascists running the show . both
republican and democrat. With technology being the boot on the neck of the people and the police are there to take it to the streets.
Can those elusive "good apples" turn the whole rotten barrel into sweet smelling apple pie? That is a big ask.
Or should the structure be liquidated, sell their army toys. fill the ranks with people who are not pathological liars and
abusers and /or racists; of one sort or another. Get rid of the mentality of overcompensation by uber machismo. and make them
watch the andy griffith show. They ought to learn that they can be respected if they are good people, and that they are not respected
because they seek respect through fear and intimidation.
Is that idiot cry of theirs, .. the whole yelling at you; demanding absolute obedience to arbitrary ,assinine orders, really
working to get them respect or is it just something they get off on?
When the police are shown to be bad, they strike by work slowdown, or letting a little chaos loose themselves. So the people
know they need them So any reform of the police will go through the police not doing their jobs . but then something like better
communities may result. less people being busted and harassed , or pulled over for the sake of a quota . may just show we don't
need so much policing anyway. And then if the new social workers brigade starts intervening in peoples with issues when they are
young and in school maybe fewer will be in the system. Couple that with the police not throwing their family in jail for nothing,
and forcing them to pay fines for breaking stupid laws. The system will have less of a load, and the new , better cops without
attitudes will be able to handle their communities in a way that works for everyone. Making them a net positive, as opposed to
now where they are a net negative.
The drug war is over. The cops have only done the bidding of the organized criminal elements who make their bread and butter
because of prohibition.
Our representatives can legally smoke pot , and grow it in their windowboxes in the capital dc., but people in many places
are still living in fear of police using possession of some substance,as a pretext to take all their stuff,throw them in jail.
But besides the cops, there are the prosecutors . they earn their salaries by stealing it from poor people through fines for things
that ought to be legal. This is one way to drain money from poor communities, causing people to go steal from others in society
to pay their court costs.
And who is gonna come and bust down your door when you can't pay a fine and choose to pay rent and buy your kids food instead
. the cops. just doing their jobs. Evil is the banality of business as usual
The late Kevin R C O'Brien noted that in every case where the Police had been ordered to "Round up the usual suspects" they
have done so, and delivered them where ordered. It did not matter who the "Usual suspects" were, or to what fate they were
to be delivered. They are the King's men and they do the King's bidding.
To have a reasonable discussion, I think that it should be recognized that modern police are but one leg of a triad. The first
of course is the police who appear to seem themselves as not part of a community but as enforcers in that community. To swipe
an idea from Mao, the police should move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea. Not be a patrolling shark that attacks
who they want at will knowing that there will be no repercussions against them. When you get to the point that you have police
arresting children in school for infractions of school discipline – giving them a police record – you know that things have gotten
out of hand.
The next leg is the courts which of course includes prosecutors. It is my understanding that prosecutors are elected to office
in the US and so have incentives to appear to be tough on crime"" . They seem to operate more like 'Let's Make a Deal' from what
I have read. When they tell some kid that he has a choice of 1,000 years in prison on trumped up charges or pleads guilty to a
smaller offence, you know that that is not justice at work. Judges too operate in their own world and will always take the word
of a policeman as a witness.
And the third leg is the prisons which operate as sweatshops for corporate America. It is in the interest of the police and
the courts to fill up the prisons to overflowing. Anybody remember the Pennsylvania "kids for cash" scandal where kids lives were
being ruined with criminal records that were bogus so that some people could make a profit? And what sort of prison system is
it where a private contractor can build a prison without a contract at all , knowing that the government (California in
this case) will nonetheless fill it up for a good profit.
In short, in sorting out police doctrine and methods like is happening now, it should be recognized that they are actually
only the face of a set of problems.
How did ancient states police? Perhaps Wiki is a starting point of this journey. Per Its entry, Police, in ancient Greece,
policing was done by public owned slaves. In Rome, the army, initially. In China, prefects leading to a level of government
called prefectures .
I spent some time in the Silver Valley of northern Idaho. This area was the
hot bed of labor unrest during
the 1890's. Federal troops controlled the area 3 separate times,1892, 1894 and 1899. Twice miners hijacked trains loaded them
with dynamite and drove them to mining company stamping mills that they then blew up. Dozens of deaths in shoot outs. The entire
male population was herded up and placed in concentration camps for weeks. The end result was the assassination of the Governor
in 1905.
Interestingly this history has been completely expunged. There is a mining museum in the town which doesn't mention a word
on these events. Even nationwide there seems to be a complete erasure of what real labor unrest can look like..
Yeah, labor unrest does get swept under the rug. Howard zinn had examples in his works "the peoples history of the United States"
The pictched battles in upstate new york with the Van Rennselear's in the 1840's breaking up rennselearwyk . the million acre
estate of theirs . it was a rent strike.
People remembering , we have been here before doesn't help the case of the establishment so they try to not let it happen.
We get experts telling us . well, this is all new we need experts to tell you what to think. It is like watching the
footage from the past 100 years on film of blacks marching for their rights and being told.. reform is coming.. the more things
change, the more things stay the same. Decade after decade. Century after century. Time to start figuring this out people. So,
the enemy is us. Now what?
Doubtless the facts presented above are correct, but shouldn't one point out that the 21st century is quite different from
the 19th and therefore analogizing the current situation to what went on before is quite facile? For example it's no longer necessary
for the police to put down strikes because strike actions barely still exist. In our current US the working class has diminished
greatly while the middle class has expanded. We are a much richer country overall with a lot more people–not just those one percenters–concerned
about crime. Whatever one thinks of the police, politically an attempt to go back to the 18th century isn't going to fly.
" the 21st century is quite different from the 19th "
From the Guardian: "How Starbucks, Target, Google and Microsoft quietly fund police through private donations"
More than 25 large corporations in the past three years have contributed funding to private police foundations, new report
These foundations receive millions of dollars a year from private and corporate donors, according to the report, and are
able to use the funds to purchase equipment and weapons with little public input. The analysis notes, for example, how the
Los Angeles police department in 2007 used foundation funding to purchase surveillance software from controversial technology
firm Palantir. Buying the technology with private foundation funding rather than its public budget allowed the department to
bypass requirements to hold public meetings and gain approval from the city council.
The Houston police foundation has purchased for the local police department a variety of equipment, including Swat equipment,
sound equipment and dogs for the K-9 unit, according to the report. The Philadelphia police foundation purchased for its police
force long guns, drones and ballistic helmets, and the Atlanta police foundation helped fund a major surveillance network of
over 12,000 cameras.
In addition to weaponry, foundation funding can also go toward specialized training and support programs that complement
the department's policing strategies, according to one police foundation.
"Not a lot of people are aware of this public-private partnership where corporations and wealthy donors are able to siphon
money into police forces with little to no oversight," said Gin Armstrong, a senior research analyst at LittleSis.
Maybe it is just me, but things don't seem to be all that different.
While it is true, this is a new century. Knowing how the present came to be, is entirely necessary to be able to attempt any
move forward.
The likelihood of making the same old mistakes is almost certain, if one doesn't try to use the past as a reference.
And considering the effect of propaganda and revisionism in the formation of peoples opinions, we do need " learning against learning"
to borrow a Jesuit strategy against the reformation, but this time it should embrace reality, rather than sow falsehoods.
But I do agree,
We have never been here before, and now is a great time to reset everything. With all due respect to "getting it right" or at
least "better".
and knowing the false fables of righteousness, is what people need to know, before they go about "burning down the house".
You know it's not as though white people aren't also afraid of the police. Alfred Hitchcock said he was deathly afraid of police
and that paranoia informed many of his movies. Woody Allen has a funny scene in Annie Hall where he is pulled over by a cop and
is comically flustered. White people also get shot and killed by the police as the rightwingers are constantly pointing out.
And thousands of people in the streets tell us that police reform is necessary. But the country is not going to get rid of
them and replace police with social workers so why even talk about it? I'd say the above is interesting .not terribly relevant.
Straight-up fact: The police weren't created to preserve and protect. They were created to maintain order, [enforced] over
certain subjected classes and races of people, including–for many white people, too–many of our ancestors, too.*
And the question that arises from this: Are we willing to the subjects in a police state? Are we willing to continue to let
our Black and brown brothers and sisters be subjected BY such a police state, and to half-wittingly be party TO it?
Or do we want to exercise AGENCY over "our" government(s), and decide–anew–how we go out our vast, vast array of social ills.
Obviously, armed police officers with an average of six months training–almost all from the white underclass–are a pretty f*cking
blunt instrument to bring to bear.
On our own heads. On those who we and history have consigned to second-class citizenship.
Warning: this is a revolutionary situation. We should embrace it.
*Acceding to white supremacy, becoming "white" and often joining that police order, if you were poor, was the road out of such
subjectivity. My grandfather's father, for example, was said to have fled a failed revolution in Bohemia to come here. Look back
through history, you will find plenty of reason to feel solidarity, too. Race alone cannot divide us if we are intent on the lessons
of that history.
Race and Crime in America The unspoken statistical reality of urban crime over the last
quarter century. Ron Unz July
20, 2013
The recent wave of riots and looting has been the worst our country has seen in two
generations, but some of the crucial underlying factors have been avoided by nearly our
entire mainstream media, as well as by most conservative outlets. Republishing this article
from a few years ago may help to shed light on these important matters.
The noted science fiction writer Philip K. Dick once declared that "Reality is what
continues to exist whether you believe in it or not." Such an observation should be kept in
mind when we consider some of the touchier aspects of American society.
Recall the notorious case of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, whose 1965 report on the terrible
deterioration in the condition of the black American family aroused such a firestorm of
denunciation and outrage in liberal circles that the topic was rendered totally radioactive for
the better part of a generation. Eventually the continuing deterioration reached such massive
proportions that the subject was taken up again by prominent liberals in the 1980s, who then
declared Moynihan a prophetic voice, unjustly condemned.
This contentious history of racially-charged social analysis was certainly in the back of my
mind when I began my quantitative research into
Hispanic crime rates in late 2009. One traditional difficulty in producing such estimates
had been the problematical nature of the data. Although the FBI Uniform Crime Reports readily
show the annual totals of black and Asian criminal perpetrators, Hispanics are generally
grouped together with whites and no separate figures are provided, thereby allowing all sorts
of extreme speculation by those so inclined.
In order to distinguish reality from vivid imagination, a major section of my analysis
focused on the data from America's larger cities, exploring the correlations between their
FBI-reported crime rates and their Census-reported ethnic proportions. If urban crime rates had
little relation to the relative size of the local Hispanic population, this would indicate that
Hispanics did not have unusually high rates of criminality. Furthermore, densely populated
urban centers have almost always had far more crime than rural areas or suburbs, so restricting
the analysis to cities would reduce the impact of that extraneous variable, which might
otherwise artificially inflate the national crime statistics for a heavily urbanized population
group such as Hispanics.
My expectations proved entirely correct, and the correlations between Hispanic percentages
and local crime rates were usually quite close to the same figures for whites, strongly
supporting my hypothesis that the two groups had fairly similar rates of urban criminality
despite their huge differences in socio-economic status. But that same simple calculation
yielded a remarkably strong correlation between black numbers and crime, fully confirming the
implications of the FBI racial data on perpetrators.
This presented me with an obvious quandary. The topic of my article was "Hispanic crime" and
my research findings were original and potentially an important addition to the public policy
debate. Yet the black crime figures in my charts and graphs were so striking that I realized
they might easily overshadow my other results, becoming the focus of an explosive debate that
would inevitably deflect attention away from my central conclusion. Therefore, I chose to
excise the black results, perhaps improperly elevating political prudence over intellectual
I further justified this decision by noting that black crime in America had been an
important topic of public discussion for at least the last half-century. I reasoned that my
findings must surely have been quietly known for decades to most social scientists in the
relevant fields, and hence would add little to existing knowledge. However, since that time a
few private discussions have led me to seriously question that assumption, as has the
emotion-laden but vacuous media firestorm surrounding the George Zimmerman trial. I have
therefore now decided to publish an expanded and unexpurgated version of my analysis, which I
believe may have important explanatory value as well as some interesting policy
My central methodology is simple. I obtained the crime rates and ethnic percentages of
America's larger cities from official government data sources and calculated the
population-weighted cross-correlations. In order to minimize the impact of statistical
outliers, I applied this same approach to hundreds of different datasets: each of the years
1985 through 2011; homicide rates, robbery rates, and violent crime overall; all large cities
of 250,000 and above and also restricted only to major cities of at least 500,000. I obtained
these urban crime correlations with respect to the percentages of local whites, blacks, and
Hispanics, but excluded Asians since their numbers were quite insignificant until recently
(here and throughout this article, "white" shall refer to non-Hispanic whites).
I also attempted to estimate these same results for the overall immigrant population. The
overwhelming majority of immigrants since 1965 have been Hispanic or Asian while conversely the
overwhelming majority of those two population groups have a relatively recent immigrant family
background. So the combined population of Hispanics and Asians constitutes a good proxy for the
immigrant community, and allows us to determine the immigrant relationship to crime rates.
Presented graphically, these various urban crime correlations are as follows:
These charts demonstrate that over the last twenty-five years the weighted correlations for
each of the crime categories against the percentages of whites, Hispanics, and "immigrants"
(i.e. Hispanics-plus-Asians) have fluctuated in the general range of -0.20 to -0.60.
Interestingly enough, for most of the last decade the presence of Hispanics and immigrants has
become noticeably less associated with crime than the presence of whites, although that latter
category obviously exhibits large regional heterogeneity. Meanwhile, in the case of blacks, the
weighted crime correlations have steadily risen from 0.60 to around 0.80 or above, almost
always now falling within between 0.75 and 0.85.
These particular calculations do rely upon several minor methodological choices. For
example, I have used the 2000 Census population thresholds for selecting the sixty-odd large
cities in my dataset, while I could have chosen some other year instead. The substantial annual
fluctuations in the urban ethnic percentages provided by the Census-ACS estimates led me to
instead use the interpolated Census figures for all years. The annual urban population totals
used by the FBI sometimes differ slightly from the Census numbers, and I used the former for
population-weighting purposes. However, all my results were quite robust with respect to these
particular decisions, and modifying them would produce results largely indistinguishable from
those presented above.
On a more difficult matter, there is always the possibility of local bias in FBI crime
statistics, with the data for some cities possibly being more reliable or comprehensive than
for others. But the reporting rate for homicides is widely accepted as close to 100 percent,
and the close correspondence between the results for this "gold standard" crime category and
those for the robbery and violent crime rates tends to confirm the validity of the latter. In
any event, we would expect the highest-crime areas to be those most likely to suffer from
under-reporting problems, so we would expect our figures to somewhat underestimate the true
size of the correlations.
It is important to recognize that within the world of academic sociology discovering an
important correlation in the range of 0.80 or above is quite remarkable, almost extraordinary.
And even these correlations between black population prevalence and urban crime rates may
actually tend to significantly understate the reality. All these correlations were performed on
a city-wide aggregate basis. The New York City numbers include both the Upper East Side and
Brownsville, Los Angeles both Bel Air and Watts, Chicago the Gold Coast and Englewood, with
each city's totals averaging those of both the wealthiest and the most dangerous districts.
This crude methodology tends to obscure the local pattern of crime, which usually varies
tremendously between different areas, often roughly corresponding to the lines of racial
segregation. It is hardly a secret that impoverished black areas do have far higher crime rates
than affluent white ones.
If instead we relied upon smaller geographical units such as neighborhoods, our results
would be much more precise, but ethnicity data is provided by zip code while crime data is
reported by precinct, so a major research undertaking would be required to match these
dissimilar aggregational units for calculation purposes. However, the apparent geographical
pattern of crime in these cities and most others might lead us to suspect that our national
racial correlations would become substantially greater under such a more accurate approach,
perhaps often reaching or even exceeding the 0.90 level. The inescapable conclusion is that
local urban crime rates in America seem to be almost entirely explained by the local racial
But could such a strikingly simple sociological truth possibly be correct? After all,
academic scholars have long advanced a wide variety of different socio-economic explanations
for crime, and these have often been heavily promoted by pundits and the media. Commonly cited
factors have been urban density, especially in the case of high-rise housing projects, and
local poverty. There is also the relative number of police officers to consider. We should
certainly compare the possible influence of these factors with the ethnic ones examined
Since the geographical borders of a city are generally fixed, average population densities
are easy to calculate and in recent years their apparent impact upon crime rates has been
negligible, whether for homicide, robbery, or violent crime in general. For the last dozen
years, the density/crime correlations have always ranged between 0.20 and -0.20 and were
usually close to zero. Perhaps many of us have an intuitive mental image of densely populated
East Coast cities being natural hotbeds of crime. But this appears incorrect: crime rates and
urban density seem to have little connection.
What about the sizes of the various urban police departments? Although precise comparisons
are sometimes difficult, the Bureau of Justice Statistics periodically publishes official
reports on the subject, and the latest 2007 study lists the numerical totals of America's fifty
largest urban police forces, allowing us to calculate the weighted correlations between these
per capita policing levels and the corresponding crime rates of the years 2007-2011. We
discover that there actually exists a moderately strong positive correlation, generally falling
in the range 0.30-0.60: the more police, the more crime. Although this might seem
counterintuitive, the explanation becomes obvious once we reverse the direction of causation.
Higher crime rates usually persuade local authorities to hire additional police officers.
Finally, although urban crime rates do track local economic conditions, the relationship is
far from tight. For the years 2006-2011, the Census-ACS provides estimates of the Mean Income,
Median Income, and Poverty Rates for each urban center, and we can easily perform the same
calculations we did in the racial case. The correlations between the Mean Income and Median
Income levels and the various crime categories generally fall in the range of -0.40 to -0.60,
being moderately rather than strongly negative. Even the correlation between Poverty Rate and
crime -- supported by the obvious truism that most street criminals are poor -- is hardly
enormous, falling between 0.50 and 0.70, and usually well below our racial figures.
The relative strength of these different correlations may be seen by a chart superimposing
the economic and ethnic results for the last dozen years of robbery rate correlations for our
major cities. Although the hard economic times since 2008 have considerably increased the
influence of the poverty correlate, that factor is still considerably less significant than the
racial one.
Indeed, the race/crime correlation so substantially exceeds the poverty/crime relationship
that much of the latter may simply be a statistical artifact due to most urban blacks being
poor. Consider that both blacks and Hispanics currently have similar national poverty rates in
the one-third range, more than double the white figure, and each constitutes well over 20% of
our urban population. However, major cities with substantial poverty but few blacks usually
tend to have far lower levels of crime. For example, El Paso and Atlanta are comparable in size
and have similar poverty rates, but the latter has eight times the robbery rate and over ten
times the homicide rate. Within California, Oakland approximately matches Santa Ana in size and
poverty, but has several times the rate of crime. Thus, it seems plausible that removing the
black population from our calculation might actually reduce the residual poverty/crime
correlation for non-blacks to a moderate or even a low figure.
To some extent, this surprising possibility is merely a statistical syllogism. Whenever the
correlation to a single factor approaches unity, no other non-equivalent item may have a large,
independent impact. And failing to recognize the existence of such a single, overwhelming
factor might lead us to misidentify numerous other spurious influences, whose apparent causal
importance actually derives from their own correlations with the primary item. For many years,
the black connection to local crime has been so strong as to almost eliminate the possible role
of any other variable.
We must obviously be cautious in interpreting the meaning of these statistical findings
since correlation does not necessarily imply causation. Over the last few years the crime
correlation for Hispanic or Hispanic-plus-Asian numbers has been substantially more negative
than the same figure for whites, but this does not necessarily prove that whites are much more
likely to commit urban crime, though it would tend to rule out the contrary possibility that
Hispanics or immigrants have far higher rates of criminality.
However, if we examine the official FBI arrest statistics, we find that these seem to
support the most straightforward interpretation of our racial crime correlations. For example,
blacks in America were over six times as likely to be arrested for homicide in 2011 as
non-blacks and over eight times as likely to be arrested for robbery; the factors for previous
years were usually in a similar range. The accuracy of this racial pattern of arrests is
generally confirmed by the corresponding racial pattern of victim-identification statements,
also aggregated by the FBI. Indeed, several years ago the liberal Sentencing Project
organization estimated that some one-third of all American black men are already convicted
criminals by their 20s, and the fraction would surely be far higher for those living in urban
A sense of the real world impact of these grim statistics may be found in the stratified
2011 Census-ACS data for major American cities. The three urban centers with the largest black
populations are New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia, and together they contain over
one-third more adult black women than black men. The corresponding national shortfall of black
males runs well into the millions, partly accounting for the notorious "marriage gap" problems
faced by women of their background. Those millions of missing black men are generally dead or
in prison.
Over the last few years, the official publications of the Bureau of Justice Statistics have
made it increasingly difficult to determine the racial totals of inmates in state prisons and
local jails but the figures from the mid-2000s probably still provide a reasonable estimate,
and I had used these in my 2010 article. Since crime is overwhelmingly committed by young
males, for comparative purposes we should normalize all these incarceration totals against the
base population of adult males in their prime-crime years, and the results are summarized in my
previously published chart, reprinted here.
Since the mid-1990s, the issue of street crime has mostly dropped off the front pages of our
national newspapers and disappeared from the public debate. Meanwhile, black Americans have
gained much greater visibility in the upper reaches of our national elites, while Barack Obama
has been elected and reelected as our first black president. This might seem to indicate that
traditional racial cleavages in our society have become less substantial. Furthermore, with
such enormous numbers of young black men now in prison, we might naturally expect that the
racial character of American urban crime rates has sharply declined over the last couple of
decades. However, the quantitative evidence demonstrates the exact opposite situation, as may
be seen by examining the combined twenty-five year trajectories of our various racial crime
correlations, which have steadily grown more extreme. The images shown on our film screens or
television sets may portray one America, but the actual data reveals a very different
Once we accept the reality of these stark racial facts, we must naturally wonder about the
causes, and also why the historical trends seem to have been moving in exactly the wrong
direction over most of the last quarter-century. Certainly many theoretical explanations have
been advanced, both from the Left and the Right, and whole library shelves have been filled
with books on the subject since the urban violence of the 1960s. A short article is no place
for me to summarize such a vast literature on a contentious topic, especially when I can
provide no original insights of my own. But good theoretical analysis requires a solid factual
grounding, and my main purpose here is to establish those facts, which others may then choose
to interpret howsoever they wish. Absent such information, any national dialogue becomes an
exercise in empty ideological posturing.
Racial issues have traditionally been among the most highly charged in American public life,
and the nexus of crime and race has been exceptionally contentious for many decades. Under
these circumstances respectable scholars tend to be cautious in discussing or merely
investigating this topic, and the mainstream media is usually even more gun-shy. The striking
racial findings presented above require only trivial statistical calculations and may be
glimpsed in any casual inspection of the crime rankings of our major cities. But I remain
uncertain to what extent they are already recognized by our experts in social policy.
For example, when I presented my correlation results to one very prominent conservative
social scientist, he found them shocking and remarkable, and said he had never imagined that
the statistical relationship between race and crime was so extremely strong. But when I showed
the same data to an equally prominent liberal academic, he took the information in stride and
said he assumed that almost all experts were already quietly aware of the general facts. The
reactions of other knowledgeable individuals fell all along this spectrum ranging from surprise
to familiarity. Knowledge so explosive that it is usually unspoken and unreported may easily
remain unknown even to many of our foremost intellectuals.
But whether or not most of our ruling elites explicitly recognize the stark racial character
of American crime, the reality still exists, and we should consider exploring whether these
unpublicized facts may have had broader influences in our society, possibly in seemingly
unrelated areas. After all, urban crime has frequently been a leading issue in American public
life, during some periods ranking as one of the most important. Certain matters may not be
easily discussed in polite company these days, but if even just a portion of the citizenry is
intuitively aware of the situation, their attitudes might have broader ripple effects
throughout the entire population. Is there any substantial evidence for this?
Consider the electoral behavior of American whites, and especially their inclination to
support either Democratic or Republican candidates. Because of gerrymandering, most individual
congressional districts are overwhelmingly aligned with one party or another, and general
elections are a mere formality; this is often also true of statewide races for senator or
governor. However, in presidential elections both parties almost always field viable national
candidates with a reasonable chance of winning, so these provide the best means of gauging
white political alignment. And for these campaigns, the racial lines are clearly established,
with the modern Republicans being the "white party," drawing over 90% of their support from
that demographic group, while over 90% of blacks regularly vote the Democratic ticket, which
also usually attracts the overwhelming majority of other non-white voters.
As I pointed out in a
2011 article , there has been a striking statewide pattern to white voting behavior over
the last couple of decades. Many conservative activists and media pundits have spent years
attacking immigrants, illegal or otherwise, and have regularly denounced the cultural threat
posed by the growing population of non-English-speakers or non-white foreigners. Nevertheless,
the empirical fact is that presence or absence of large numbers of Hispanics or Asians in a
given state seems to have virtually no impact upon white voting patterns. Meanwhile, there
exists a strong relationship between the size of a state's black population and the likelihood
that local whites will favor the Republicans. The weighted-average correlations between the
racial compositions of the fifty states and the degree to which their white voters favor
Republican presidential candidates is summarized in the following chart.
GOP leaders are always fearful of being denounced as "racist" by the major media, and often
seek to camouflage the underlying source of their electoral support by adopting the most
extreme forms of tokenism, promoting black party leaders and spokesmen while heavily recruiting
black candidates and focusing almost entirely upon non-racial issues. Conservative activists
often rhetorically identify themselves as heirs to the "party of Lincoln" and may even accuse
their Democratic opponents of seeking to keep blacks in Welfare State bondage. But the actual
data tells a very different story about the likely sources of Republican support.
The strength of this pattern may be seen at its extremes. Mississippi is the state with the
highest black percentage and across all six elections its white population was the most likely
to vote Republican, with the figures recently running at nearly the 90% level. Louisiana,
Georgia, and South Carolina are generally clustered together as the next blackest in
population, and in most elections their white populations were the next most likely to support
the Republican ticket, although being sometimes exceeded by the whites of Alabama, the fifth or
sixth blackest state during those decades.
By contrast, consider the three states with the largest non-white percentages: Hawaii,
California, and New Mexico. The whites of the first two have actually been far less likely to
vote Republican than whites nationwide, while those in New Mexico fall close to the national
average. This tends to confirm the national statistical results that the widespread presence of
non-whites, even in overwhelming numbers, seems to have little impact upon white voting
While I would not argue that black crime is the sole determining factor behind the racial
polarization in white voting behavior, I do suspect it is one of the largest contributors.
Empirically, the presence of blacks causes whites to vote the "law-and-order" Republican
ticket, while the presence of Hispanics or Asians seems to have negligible political
Nevertheless, we should remain cautious in interpreting these results. For example, although
these national correlations are certainly substantial, they are almost entirely due to the
weighting of the Southern states, in which blacks are almost 20% of the total population and
racial tensions have traditionally been the strongest. In non-Southern states, the correlations
are nil, perhaps partly because blacks are found in far smaller numbers, being less than 9% of
the total.
Consider also the highly contentious issue of immigration. Obviously, much of the underlying
conflict is purely economic in character, with workers aware that restricting the supply of
available labor will protect their bargaining power over wages, while businesses seek to
maximize their profits by expanding the pool of potential employees, whether low-skilled or
But all involved participants quickly discover that despite endless protestations to the
contrary there is also a clear racial subtext, usually accounting for the emotionality of the
debate. For the last half-century, the overwhelming majority of immigrants, especially illegal
ones, have been non-white, and the resulting racial fears have been a central motivating force
driving many of the most zealous restrictionists, who fear being swamped by a tidal wave of
"the Other." However, I believe that racial considerations, whether fully conscious or not,
might also be found on the other side of the issue, helping to explain why our national
leadership today so uniformly endorses very heavy foreign immigration.
America's ruling financial, media, and political elites are largely concentrated in three
major urban centers -- New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. -- and all three have
contained large black populations, including a violent underclass. During the early 1990s, many
observers feared New York City was headed for urban collapse due to its enormously high crime
rates, Los Angeles experienced the massive and deadly Rodney King Riots, and Washington often
vied for the title of American homicide capital. In each city, the violence and crime were
overwhelmingly committed by black males, and although white elites were rarely the victims,
their fears were quite palpable.
One obvious reaction to these concerns was strong political support for a massive national
crackdown on crime, and the prison incarceration of black men increased by almost 500% during
the two decades after 1980. But even after such enormous rates of imprisonment, official FBI
statistics indicate that blacks today are still over 600% as likely to commit homicide than
non-blacks and their robbery rate is over 700% larger; these disparities seem just as high with
respect to Hispanic or Asian immigrants as they are for whites. Thus, replacing a city's blacks
with immigrants would tend to lower local crime rates by as much as 90%, and during the 1990s
American elites may have become increasingly aware of this important fact, together with the
obvious implications for their quality of urban life and housing values.
According to Census data, between 1990 and 2010 the number of Hispanics and Asians increased
by one-third in Los Angeles, by nearly 50% in New York City, and by over 70% in Washington,
D.C. The inevitable result was to squeeze out much of the local black population, which
declined, often substantially, in each location. And all three cities experienced enormous
drops in local crime, with homicide rates falling by 73%, 79%, and 72% respectively, perhaps
partly as a result of these underlying demographic changes. Meanwhile, the white population
increasingly shifted toward the affluent, who were best able to afford the sharp rise in
housing prices. It is an undeniable fact that American elites, conservative and liberal alike,
are today almost universally in favor of very high levels of immigration, and their possible
recognition of the direct demographic impact upon their own urban circumstances may be an
important but unspoken factor in shaping their views.
As an anecdotal example, consider the case of Matthew Yglesias, a prominent young liberal
blogger living in Washington, DC. A couple of years ago
he recounted on his blogsite how he was suddenly attacked from behind and seriously beaten
by two young men while walking home one evening from a dinner party. At first he was quite
cagey about identifying his attackers, but he eventually admitted they were blacks, possibly
engaged in the growing racial practice of urban "polar bear hunting" so widely publicized by
the Drudge Report and other rightwing websites.
Few matters are more likely to trouble the minds of our Harvard-educated intellectual elite
than fear of suffering random violent assaults while they walk the streets of their own city.
Yet no respectable progressive would possibly focus on the racial character of such an attack,
let alone advocate the removal of local blacks as a precautionary measure. Instead Yglesias
suggested that housing-density issues might have been responsible and that better urban
planning would reduce crime.
But consider that support for very high levels of foreign immigration is an impeccably
liberal cause, and such policies inevitably displace and remove huge numbers of urban blacks;
it is easy to imagine that Yglesias quietly redoubled his pro-immigration zeal in the wake of
the incident. Multiply this personal example a thousand-fold, and perhaps an important strand
of the tremendous pro-immigration ideological framework of American elites becomes apparent.
The more conspiratorially-minded racialists, bitterly hostile to immigration, sometimes
speculate that there is a diabolical plot by our ruling power structure to "race-replace"
America's traditional white population. Perhaps a hidden motive along these lines does indeed
help explain some support for heavy immigration, but I suspect that the race being targeted for
replacement is not the white one.
Such factors may also play a role outside the major urban centers discussed above and even
where least suspected. Among all American businessmen, Silicon Valley executives are probably
strongest in their pro-immigration advocacy, as indicated by the major political advertising
campaign recently launched by top technology CEOs, organized together as "" Obviously,
their own cosmopolitan background and desire for an unlimited supply of inexpensive,
high-quality engineers is their primary motive. However, widespread sentiments in favor of
lesser-educated immigrant groups such as undocumented Latin Americans also seem quite strong,
and we find Steve Jobs' wealthy widow Laurene Powell Jobs focusing her efforts almost
exclusively on that particular aspect of the legislation, with her sentiments hardly being
discordant with those of her wealthy peer group. Could hidden racial factors be part of the
explanation? That might seem quite unlikely since Silicon Valley's black population has been
very low for decades, running in the 3 or 4 percent range.
However, a closer examination reveals a very different situation. The small city of Palo
Alto is one of the most desirable local residential areas, home to the late Steve Jobs, as well
as the current CEOs of Apple, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and a host of other companies; by some
estimates, it may contain the world's highest per capita concentration of billionaires. On
three sides, Palo Alto abuts communities of a similar character: Mountain View, containing
Google; the Stanford University campus; and Menlo Park, the center of America's venture capital
industry. But on the fourth side, mostly separated by Highway 101, lies East Palo Alto, which
for decades was a dangerous ghetto, overwhelmingly black.
I moved back to Palo Alto from New York City in 1992, and that year East Palo Alto recorded
America's highest per capita murder rate; although relatively few of the homicides, robberies,
and rapes spilled across the border, enough did to leave many people uneasy. Gated communities
and even street fences are quite uncommon in the region, and for years anyone who wished could
go to the home of Steve Jobs and walk around his yard or even peer into his windows. Meanwhile,
the sort of harsh racial profiling widely practiced in some large cities was completely
abhorrent to the socially liberal citizenry. One may easily imagine a scenario in which
escalating street crime from the ghetto next door might have produced a collapse in high
housing prices and sparked a massive flight of the wealthy.
One reason this did not occur was the vast influx of impoverished immigrants from south of
the border that swept into the less affluent communities of the region during those same years
and rapidly transformed the local demographics. Between 1980 and 2010 the combined Hispanic
population of Santa Clara and San Mateo counties nearly tripled. A city offering cheap housing
such as East Palo Alto saw far greater relative increases, reversing its demographics during
that period from 60% black and 14% Hispanic to 16% black and 65% Hispanic. Over the last twenty
years, the homicide rate in that small city dropped by 85%, with similar huge declines in other
crime categories as well, thereby transforming a miserable ghetto into a pleasant working-class
community, now featuring new office complexes, luxury hotels, and large regional shopping
centers. Multi-billionaire Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife recently purchased a large
$9 million home just a few hundred feet from the East Palo Alto border, a decision that would
have been unthinkable during the early 1990s. Technology executives are highly quantitative
individuals, skilled in pattern recognition, and I find it difficult to believe that they have
all remained completely oblivious to these local racial factors.
However the powerful role of immigration in transforming the crime rates of important urban
centers probably had a much smaller impact on the national totals. The combined black
populations of New York City, Washington, and Los Angeles may have dropped by half a million
over the last two decades, but the individuals pushed out did not disappear from the world;
they merely moved to Atlanta or Baltimore or Riverside. But from the personal perspective of
America's ruling elite, they did indeed disappear.
For over thirty years, local black activists in Washington, D.C. have accused the ruling
white power structure of promoting "The Plan," a deliberate strategy of removing most of the
black population from our national capital and replacing them with whites; and this "conspiracy
theory" has been endlessly ridiculed as absurdly paranoid nonsense by our elite Washington
media. Meanwhile, during this same thirty year period, Washington's black population dropped
from over 70% to less than half and will probably fall below the white total within the next
few years.
Indeed, the strong support of our political elites for Section 8 housing vouchers may be
less connected with any alleged social benefits these provide than with their important role in
moving large numbers of impoverished urban residents away from the near vicinity of wealthy
neighborhoods out into the remote suburbs of the middle class. Several years ago the
Atlantic published a major
article by Hanna Rosin on the rapid changes in the geographical pattern of crime induced by
these demographic shifts, and the piece provoked much discussion even though the author avoided
unduly emphasizing the troubling racial aspects. Elite selfishness is hardly surprising and a
policy of exporting those populations with a strong link to crime into other localities seems a
natural strategy, especially if this can be accomplished under the altruistic guise of
socially-uplifting anti-poverty programs.
Finally, it is important to emphasize that this clear political interplay between heavy
levels of immigration and black urban displacement is a relatively recent development and
certainly was not anticipated by the original promoters of the 1965 Immigration Act. Indeed,
although restrictionists routinely denounce that legislation for having flooded America with
Hispanic immigrants, the facts are precisely the opposite. While the 1924 Immigration Act had
drastically curtailed immigration from Europe (and Asia), the entire Western Hemisphere was
totally exempted, and the U.S. retained its previous "open borders" policy for Mexico and the
rest of Latin America until strict quotas were finally introduced as part of the 1965 law.
Although these 1965 changes were expected to enable renewed European immigration, no one
anticipated the vast inflow of Hispanic and Asian immigrants in the decades that followed, nor
the resulting impact upon the racial composition of our major cities. But today these
continuing urban demographic changes may have now become a significant motive in the minds of
the elites advocating increased immigration under the legislation being considered by
During the 1960s black author James Baldwin coined the widely-quoted phrase "Urban renewal
means Negro removal." I suspect that a somewhat similar semi-intentional national policy is
today transforming America's leading urban centers, although it remains almost entirely
unreported by our mainstream media.
On rare occasions, the mask slips and the underlying mental workings of our national elites
are momentarily revealed. Consider New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, one of our most vocal
pro-immigration voices on the national stage and a man whose vast wealth and influence often
allow him to be far more candid on controversial topics than most other public figures. In May
2011 Bloomberg was
interviewed on Meet the Press , and explained that if he had full authority, he could
easily fix the seemingly insoluble problems of a city like Detroit at no cost to the taxpayer.
He proposed opening wide the floodgates to unlimited foreign immigration on the condition that
all the additional immigrants moved to Detroit and lived there for a decade or so, thereby
transforming the city. I suspect this provides an important insight into how he and his friends
discuss certain racial issues in private.
Powerful quantitative evidence for social determinism may be dispiriting, and when the main
determinant seems to be race, many Americans will choose to throw up their hands and ignore the
statistical facts, simply hoping that these might somehow be proven incorrect. That is
certainly their privilege, but for those individuals who prefer to grit their teeth and mine
the data for contrary indications, there do exist a few interesting nuggets.
Weighted average correlations are a very useful summary statistic, but they neither tell the
whole story nor do they preclude the existence of outlying cases, which might provide some
insights on ameliorating the grim situation we have described. And it so happens that among our
many dozens of major urban centers one of the most extreme race/crime outliers is neither small
nor obscure: New York City. Our largest metropolis often has crime rates that deviate sharply
from the usual urban pattern observed almost everywhere else.
Recall our earlier mention of the surprising absence of any correlation between urban
population density and crime rates. Those summary statistics were correct, but they also hid
some important variations and the null overall result was almost entirely due to the extremely
high density and low crime rates in America's largest city, combined with its huge
population-weighting. If we excluded New York City from our calculations, the remainder of
America's major urban centers would demonstrate some moderately strong and fairly stable
correlations between density and crime over the last dozen years; for example, density has
generally had a positive correlation of around 0.35 with robbery rates.
Similar anomalies appear in the racial crime calculations that have been the central focus
of our analysis. Based on its racial composition, we would expect New York City's homicide rate
to be some 70% higher than it actually is, with robbery and violent crime also being far more
widespread. Cities like San Jose and San Diego may have homicide and violent crime rates only
half that of New York City, but given the stark differences in their underlying demographics,
it is New York City's Finest who deserves praise for their remarkable effectiveness in crime
prevention. Evaluating the apparent success or failure of urban law enforcement policies
without candidly considering a city's demographic challenges may lead to incorrect policy
Little of New York City's success in crime prevention seems due to the relative size of its
police force, which is roughly similar to those of Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Boston
on a per capita basis, and far below that of Washington, D.C., all cities whose crime rates
reflect their demographics. So it appears that New York City's crime-fighting methods rather
than merely the number of its officers has been the crucial factor.
Ideas have consequences, as do attempts to avoid them. For most of the last twenty years,
the policing methods implemented under mayors Rudolph Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg won
enormous national praise as they so dramatically cut New York crime rates: murders dropped by
over three-quarters. But during the last few years, some of these same policies have begun
receiving widespread criticism among those pundits who may have forgotten just how bad things
were two decades ago.
Our simple statistical analysis obviously does not allow us to disentangle the relative
importance of the different factors behind New York City's success. Since the early 1990s, the
city implemented a "community policing" model as well as pioneering the rapid use of local
crime data to pinpoint dangerous hotspots and allocate resources more accurately. But other
elements of the package have included strict, even harsh policing methods, such as the
widespread use of "stop-and-frisk" to reduce gun violence. Denouncing these techniques as
unconstitutional or racially discriminatory may be perfectly justified, but those who do so
must consider the trade-offs involved, including the very real possibility of a 70% rise in
homicides if local policing effectiveness declined to levels found in the rest of the
Let us compare the demographic and crime trends of New York City and Washington, twin abodes
of our East Coast urban elite. Between 1985 and 2011, Washington's homicide rate dropped by
26%, robbery fell 27%, and violent crime in general was cut by 30%; but the city's black
population also dropped by 27% during this same period. Meanwhile, New York City's
corresponding declines in crime were far greater, 67%, 78%, and 67% respectively, but were
accompanied by only a small 7% decline in black numbers. For all these serious crime rates to
decline at nearly ten times the rate of their primary racial determinant is absolutely
remarkable, a combination that left the city an exceptional outlier among America's major urban
Put another way, if America's other cities with large black populations had somehow managed
to achieve the same surprisingly low crime rates as New York City then most of the high racial
crime correlations that have been the central findings of this article would disappear.
Conversely, if New York City were excluded from our current national statistics, many of the
existing racial crime correlations would exceed 0.90. These are objective facts and
well-intentioned analysts who sharply criticize New York City policing methods should recognize
that they may face some unpalatable choices.
Perhaps further research would establish that the widely-lauded elements of local police
practice are the ones primarily responsible for such results, and the more controversial
methods may safely be eliminated without negative consequences. But for whatever combination of
reasons, the overall results achieved by New York City have been quite remarkable and caution
should be exercised before drastic changes are made in such a successful model.
Obviously New York City is not the sole positive outlier on these crime statistics, though
it is by far the most significant, both because of its size and the magnitude of its deviation
from the predicted results. If we examine the 2011 homicide rates for our set of sixty-six
large cities, seventeen of these were at least 30% below the projected trendline, with four
cities -- Charlotte, Raleigh, St. Paul, and Virginia Beach -- achieving even better results
than New York City. But many of these successful cities have numerically small black
populations, and the total for all seventeen combined is not much larger that of New York City
alone. One intriguing fact is that although fewer than one-third of the all our large cities
lie in the South, these Southern cities account for over two-thirds of those particularly
successful examples, and a roughly similar pattern applies both for other crime rates and for
other recent years. The exact mix of cultural, socio-economic, or demographic factors
responsible for such notable Southern success in achieving relatively low urban crime rates is
unclear, but might warrant further investigation.
Over the last decade or two, liberal intellectuals have regularly denounced their
conservative opponents for allowing ideological considerations to trump objective facts,
sometimes styling themselves the "Reality-Based Community" as an ironic riposte to the foolish
criticism of a top Bush Administration official. Many of these liberal accusations have
considerable merit. But individuals who claim to accept reality undercut their credibility if
they pick and choose which portions of reality they acknowledge and which portions they
carefully ignore. Our academic and media elites should not avoid factual evidence that they
Consider that over one-quarter of all the urban black males in America have vanished from
our society, a loss-ratio approaching that experienced by Europeans during the Black Death of
the Middle Ages. Yet these astonishing statistics have largely remained unreported by our major
media and hence unrecognized by the general American public. Should the medieval scribes of the
Fourteenth Century have ignored the annihilating impact of the bubonic plague all around them
and merely confined their writings to more pleasant news?
It is said that very young children sometimes believe they can hide themselves by covering
their eyes, and that seems to be the general approach taken by our major media to the
unpleasantly grim racial crime statistics analyzed in this article. But the reality continues
to exist whether or not we ignore it.
@Ron (RC) Weakley (a.k.a., Darryl for a while at EV) June 16, 2020 4:00 pm
> the Democratic Party depends upon the problems of racial discrimination to win
elections. It is a Catch-22 dilemma.
Yes. Thanks you. This is clearly Catch-22 situation as the global crisis of neoliberalism
and neoliberal globalization is overlaid on the current racial riots and COVID-19 level of
I do not pretend that I see it right. Only time will tell. But here is my view:
IMHO the developments of neoliberalism in the US generated a social system radically
different from the neoliberal utopia of the benign rule of the financial oligarchy over
politically neutered by free-market ideology and brainwashed "homo homini lupus est"
neoliberal rationality population. Which should passively submit to the "depoliticized"
version of the National Security State and act strictly as a consumer and passive voter.
Kind of replay of the political reality of Stalinism (with the neoliberal deification of
"free market" and competition as the replacement of Marxism; in both case playing the role of
state-enforced secular religion questioning of which is a punishable heresy )
Unlike Stalinism, Neoliberalism enforces its secular-religious doctrine on a new "inverted
totalitarianism" level with minimal physical repression of dissidents. MSM brainwashing,
defunding, ostracism and shunning are the main tools.
The use of external enemy as the scapegoat is the same under both Stalinism and late
neoliberalism with the accusation of being a "foreign agent" as a natural part of the dirty
fight of various factions of oligarchy for power.
Despite Hayek's hope about politically neutered population ruled by financial oligarchy
neoliberalism intensified the rancorous resentment already present in modern culture.
Now we see a kind of return of the repressed under neoliberalism violent social protests
that the neoliberals always opposed, and which they deformed with the injection of a heavy
doze of identity politics.
As a result, we now have clear resurgence of the far-right nationalism and simultaneously
the rise of "woke" far left with its radical feminism, anarchism, LGBT, and a one-dimensional
"anti-racism" (strictly white vs black as it if is the only one in existence and black racism
a la South Africa or Rhodesia does not exists ).
In a way, this is a return to the very dangerous and unpredictable social situation that
existed in late 1920th on a new level, but without Marxists as a political player. A very
dangerous level with elements of Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451.": Toppling of statues is not
that different from book burning.
Pelosi wearing an African scarf looks like a failed attempt of neoliberal Dems to get it
under control of a monster that they created via identity politics.
Neoliberal political culture and systemic impoverishment of the lower 80% of the
population create the economic conditions for enduring racism and glaring economic
Add to this identity politics, used as the "divide and conquer" strategy for the political
isolation and partial cooptation (despite clear oppression on the part of neoliberals) of the
white working-class ("What's the matter with Kansas" effect ) and the mixture becomes clearly
The US financial oligarchy is no less evil than either Italian or Kosher-Nostra mafia.
They are completely ruthless. And that means that they still might be able to swipe this
under the rug: one way, or another. Racial protests, or coming to power of radical far-right
does not threaten their power, but possible disintegration of the state in Ukrainian Maidan
fashion clearly does.
So how events will unfold in completely unclear. I just try to provide my 2c within the
adopted framework of analysis.
Recall, it was just days ago that
we pointed out Cornell professor and friend of Zero Hedge Dave Collum was publicly shamed
by Cornell for daring to express the "wrong" opinion about current events on social media. Now,
there's a second Cornell professor coming under fire for his critique of the Black Lives Matter
Cornell Law School professor William A. Jacobson has challenged any student or faculty
member to a public debate about the Black Lives Matter movement after he says liberals on
campus have launched a "coordinated effort" to have him fired from his job. At least 15 emails
from alumni have been sent to the dean, demanding that action be taken, according to Fox News
"There is an effort underway to get me fired at Cornell Law School, where I've worked since
November 2007, or if not fired, at least denounced publicly by the school,"
Jacobson wrote on Thursday . "I condemn in the strongest terms any insinuation that I am
Jacobson founded the website Legal
Insurrection and says he's had an "awkward relationship" with the university for years as a
result. The recent outrage comes as a result of two posts he recently made on his site:
"Those posts accurately detail the history of how the Black Lives Matters Movement started,
and the agenda of the founders which is playing out in the cultural purge and rioting taking
place now," Jacobson said.
He recently wrote on his blog: "Living as a conservative on a liberal campus is like being
the mouse waiting for the cat to pounce. For over 12 years, the Cornell cat did not pounce.
Though there were frequent and aggressive attempts by outsiders to get me fired, including
threats and harassment, it always came from off campus."
"Not until now, to the best of my knowledge, has there been an effort from inside the
Cornell community to get me fired," he says.
"The effort appears coordinated, as some of the emails were in a template form. All of the
emails as of Monday were from graduates within the past 10 years," he continued. Jacobson's
"clinical faculty colleagues, apparently in consultation with the Black Law Students
Association" drafted and published a letter denouncing 'commentators, some of them attached to
Ivy League Institutions, who are leading a smear campaign against Black Lives Matter.'"
responded , backhandedly defending the Professor's right to his own opinion:
"...the Law School's commitment to academic freedom does not constitute endorsement or
approval of individual faculty speech. But to take disciplinary action against him for the
views he has expressed would fatally pit our values against one another in ways that would
corrode our ability to operate as an academic institution."
"This is not just about me. It's about the intellectual freedom and vibrancy of Cornell and
other higher education institutions, and the society at large. Open inquiry and debate are core
features of a vibrant intellectual community," he stated.
"I challenge a representative of those student groups and a faculty member of their choosing
to a public debate at the law school regarding the Black Lives Matter Movement, so that I can
present my argument and confront the false allegations in real-time rather than having to
respond to baseless community email blasts."
"I condemn in the strongest terms any insinuation that I am racist, and I greatly resent any
attempt to leverage meritless accusations in hopes of causing me reputational harm. While such
efforts might succeed in scaring others in a similar position, I will not be intimidated,"
Jacobson concluded.
So let's go back to the basics: corporations are about money, that is a truism. Yes,
sometimes corporations try to present a "human face", but this is nothing more than a marketing
trick destined to create consumer loyalty. Now I don't believe for one second that the
mega-corporations listed above expect to make much money from supporting the riots, at least
not in a direct way. Nor do I believe that these corporations are trying to impersonate a
conscience because they fear a Black consumer boycott (what was true in
Tuskegee in the late 1950s is not true today, if only because of the completely
different scale of the protests).
So if not money – what is at stake here?
Specifically, the US deep state – at a major faction within that deep state – is
clearly desperate to get rid of Trump (and not for the right reasons, of which there are
Another victory of the "coalition of minorities" and another defeat for Trump
There are plenty of signs that illustrate that Trump is even losing control of the
Executive, including Secretary
Esper contradicting Trump on what is a key issue – restoring law and order
– or the
US Ambassador to South Korea voicing support for BLM (I consider that these actions by
top officials against their own Commander in Chief border on treason). Needless to say, the
neo-libs at Slate immediately began dreaming about, and calling for, a military revolt
against Trump.
Last but not least, we now have a "free zone" in Seattle, the notorious Capitol Hill
Autonomous Zone, "CHAZ" aka "CHOP" where, among other "curiosities", Whites are told to give
10 bucks to a Black person . This means that until law and order are restored to what
is now the CHAZ, the United States has lost its sovereignty over a part of one of its cities.
That is a "black eye" for any US President who, after all, is the leader of the Executive
branch of government and the Commander in Chief of a military supposed (in theory only, of
course) to defend the United States against all enemies.
What do all of these developments have in common?
They are designed to show that Trump has lost control of the country and that all good and
decent people now stand united against him.
There are several major problems with this plan.
For one thing, this is all completely illegal. What began as a typical race riot is now
openly turning into sedition.
The second major problem of this plan is that it relies on what I call a "coalition of
minorities" to achieve its goal, it is therefore ignoring the will of the majority of the
people. This can backfire, especially if the chaos and violence continue to spread.
Next, there is the "Golem/Frankenstein" issue: it is much easier to launch a wildfire than
to contain or suppress it. Nancy Pelosi might be dumb enough to think that she and her gang can
control the likes of Raz
Simone , but history shows that when the state abdicates its monopoly on violence,
anarchy ensues.
By the way, it is important to note here that Trump, at least so far, has not taken the bait
and has not used federal forces to reimpose law and order in Seattle, Atlanta or elsewhere.
He must realize that liberating the so-called CHAZ might result in a bloodbath (there appear
to be plenty of weapons inside the CHAZ) and that the Democrats are dreaming about blaming him
for a bloodbath. Trump's strategy, at least so far, appears to let the lawlessness continue and
blame the Democrats for it.
While Trump's strategy makes sense, it also is inherently very dangerous because if the
state cannot reimpose law and order, then all sorts of "volunteers" might decide to give it a
shot (literally). Check out this headline " Bikers
For Trump Organizing to Retake Seattle On July 4th ". Whether these bikers will
actually try to take over the CHAZ or not, even the fact that they are preparing to do so
shows, yet again, that the state has lost its monopoly on violence.
"... These mobs of hating, condemning, moralizing, groupthink hypocrites are modern-day Nazis. They don't wear uniforms or have guns, but their weapon of online psychological abuse is proving frighteningly effective. ..."
"... Psychological abuse is one of their classic methods, as they exploit a person's fear of ending up alone against a crowd. Instead of a prison cell or a concentration camp, they put people in social isolation. They can even prevent the victim from being employed – classic state repression of an individual. ..."
"... Without work, the geniuses will fade into obscurity, and the new PC brigade will make them kneel in solidarity. Individually, members of these combat units of political correctness are often smart and sophisticated people, but when they close ranks in the fight for or against something, they turn into an ignorant and aggressive mob. ..."
"... China has been testing a new system in several provinces via which the citizens and their community are encouraged to assess the social behavior of individuals by assigning scores for respecting the rules and values practiced in this society. If you don't achieve a high score, your ranking is low and your prospects are limited. Isn't this just perfect for the new stormtroopers?! It's a modern reincarnation of the Munich gang, when a mediocre, covetous burgher pretends to be a civilized, progressive thinker. ..."
"... They put labels on everyone who disagrees. They love drama and straightforwardness. But they are incapable of engaging in rational argument. It's only natural that they began with declaring lofty values and ended with riots. They have started fires and justified arson. But you can't rein in the freedom to love or hate using a set of rules established by the new ethics committee. Today, being free means being outside this mob of attacking, hating, condemning, moralizing, angry hypocrites. ..."
These mobs of hating, condemning, moralizing, groupthink hypocrites are modern-day Nazis. They don't wear
uniforms or have guns, but their weapon of online psychological abuse is proving frighteningly effective.
Totalitarianism didn't disappear when the Nazis were defeated. It hid, stealthily, only to come back
later. The US and Europe intuitively built a new elaborate type of dictatorship. The state delegated the
functions of surveillance, persecution, isolation and judgment to society. Initially, it looked very
innocent: fighting against intolerance, defending the mistreated and the oppressed. Noble goals.
with time, these values turned into idols, while intolerance of evil transformed into intolerance of a
different opinion. And social media is making things worse. Public opinion is now a repressive machine
that gangs up on people, booing and destroying anyone who dares to challenge its value system and moral
The staff members of this repressive machine do not wear uniforms, they don't carry batons or tasers,
but they have other weapons, such as herd instinct and groupthink, as well as deep insecurities and a
desire to dominate – at least intellectually.
Psychological abuse is one of their classic methods, as they exploit a person's fear of ending up
alone against a crowd. Instead of a prison cell or a concentration camp, they put people in social
isolation. They can even prevent the victim from being employed – classic state repression of an
In a Nazi state, a creative type such as Lars von Trier could lose his job and life over his
"degenerate art." In the beautiful modern state that people with beautiful faces are building, a Lars von
Trier could lose his job, because he can be a politically incorrect troll who sometimes supports the
wrong value system. And a Robert Lepage won't get funding for his new theatrical production, because all
the parts in the previous one were played by white actors.
You no longer need to take their lives.
Without work, the geniuses will fade into obscurity, and the
new PC brigade will make them kneel in solidarity. Individually, members of these combat units of
political correctness are often smart and sophisticated people, but when they close ranks in the fight
for or against something, they turn into an ignorant and aggressive mob.
And there's no point arguing with them. They have only one criterion: are you with us or not? That's
an ideal tool for the new way of abusing individuals – it's not physical, it's psychological.
China has been testing a new system in several provinces via which the citizens and their community
are encouraged to assess the social behavior of individuals by assigning scores for respecting the rules
and values practiced in this society. If you don't achieve a high score, your ranking is low and your
prospects are limited. Isn't this just perfect for the new stormtroopers?! It's a modern reincarnation of
the Munich gang, when a mediocre, covetous burgher pretends to be a civilized, progressive thinker.
They put labels on everyone who disagrees. They love drama and straightforwardness. But they are
incapable of engaging in rational argument. It's only natural that they began with declaring lofty values
and ended with riots. They have started fires and justified arson. But you can't rein in the freedom to
love or hate using a set of rules established by the new ethics committee. Today, being free means being
outside this mob of attacking, hating, condemning, moralizing, angry hypocrites.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely
those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Konstantin Bogomolov is an award-winning Russian theater director, actor, author and
If this was a Chinese admiral or diplomat, the tone of the comments here would be completely
different: "whistleblower", "Chinese totalitarianism collapsing", "we should support him", "the
Chinese should reform", "Xi Jinping should be removed from power" etc. etc.
...In general, USG is very happy if an ambassador is in blatant insubordination, e.g.
supporting a FAILED coup against his own government. Could it misled some ambassadors that it
is OK?
In short, there are good and bad types of hypocrisy, and USG should have some (online?)
courses, so passing quizzes in Hypocrisy.1, Hypocrisy.2 and Hypocrisy.3 would be a
prerequisite before granting a post (the higher the post, the more quizzes may be
"... Anti-racism as an ideology serves a perfect function for corporations that ultimately take workers for granted. ..."
"... Today, we find Lincoln statues desecrated . Neither has the memorial to the 54th Massachusetts Infantry , one of the first all-black units in the Civil War, survived the recent protests unscathed. To many on the left, history seems like the succession of one cruelty by the next. And so, justice may only be served if we scrap the past and start from a blank slate. As a result, Lincoln's appeal that we stand upright and enjoy our liberty gets lost to time. ..."
"... Ironically, this will only help the cause of Robert E. Lee -- and the modern corporations who rely on cheap, inhumane labor to keep themselves going. ..."
"... Before black slaves did this work, white indentured servants had. (An indentured servant is bound for a number of years to his master, i.e. he can't pack up and leave to find a new opportunity elsewhere.) ..."
"... But in the eyes of the Southern slavocracy, the white laboring poor of the North also weren't truly human. Such unholy antebellum figures as the social theorist George Fitzhugh or South Carolina Senator James Henry Hammond urged that the condition of slavery be expanded to include poor whites, too. Their hunger for a cheap, subservient labor source did not stop at black people, after all. ..."
"... Always remember Barbara Fields's formula: The need for cheap labor comes first; ideologies like white supremacy only give this bleak reality a spiritual gloss. ..."
"... Michael Lind argues in his new book The New Class War that many powerful businesses in America today continue to rely on the work of quasi indentured servants. Hungry for unfree, cheap workers, corporations in Silicon Valley and beyond employ tens of thousands of foreign workers through the H-2B visa program. These workers are bound to the company that provided them with the visa. If they find conditions at their jobs unbearable, they can't switch employers -- they would get deported first. In turn, this source of cheap labor effectively underbids American workers who could do the same job, except that they would ask for higher pay. ..."
"... We're getting turned into rats. Naturally, this is no fertile soil for solidarity. And with so many jobs precarious and subcontracted out on a temporary basis, there is preciously little that most workers can do to fight back this insidious managerial control. Free labor looks different. ..."
"... It's hard to come out of the 2020 primaries without realizing that the corporations that run our mainstream media will do anything to protect their right to abuse cheap labor. ..."
"... At this point in history, to the extent that black people suffer any meaningful oppression at all, its down to disproportionate poverty rates, not their racial background. ..."
"... I agree one hundred percent with your take on Biden. Let me add something else: he is a war hawk who not only voted for the Iraq war but used his position as the chairman of an important committee to promote it. ..."
"... Because of slavery alot of bad political policy was incorporated in the founding documents. If a police officer is about to wrongly arrest you because you are black , you do not care if his hatred stems from 400 years of discrimination against blacks. Rather you care that he won't kill you in this encounter because of his racism. ..."
"... Baszak believes racism has no life of its own, it exists only as a tool of the bosses. This is vulgar Marxism. At least since the decades after Bacon's Rebellion ended in 1677, poor whites have invested in white supremacy as a way of boosting their social status. Most Southern families owned no slaves, yet most joined the Civil War cause. ..."
"... They made a movie that beautifully touches this in the 1970s with Harvey Keitel and Richard Pryor called " Blue Collar ." ..."
"... "That's exactly what the company wants: to keep you on their line," says Smokey, the coolest and most strategically minded of the crew. "They'll do anything to keep you on their line. They pit the lifers against the new boys, the old against the young, the black against the white -- everybody -- to keep us in our place." ..."
"... The core thesis in this piece is the animating foundation of The Hill's political talk show "Rising." Composed of a populist Bernie supporter (Krystal Ball) and populist conservative (Saagar Enjeti) as hosts, they frequently highlight the purpose of woke cultural battles is to distract everyone for their neoliberal economic models ..."
Anti-racism as an ideology serves a perfect function for corporations that ultimately take workers for granted.
Former injured Amazon employees join labor organizers and community activists to demonstrate and hold a press conference
outside of an Amazon Go store to express concerns about what they claim is the company's "alarming injury rate" among warehouse
workers on December 10, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
On April 2, 1865, in the dying days of the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln wandered the streets of burnt out Richmond,
the former Confederate capital. All of a sudden, Lincoln found himself surrounded by scores of emancipated men and women. Here's
how the historian James McPherson describes the moving episode in his magisterial book
Battle Cry of Freedom :
Several freed slaves touched Lincoln to make sure he was real. "I know I am free," shouted an old woman, "for I have seen Father
Abraham and felt him." Overwhelmed by rare emotions, Lincoln said to one black man who fell on his knees in front of him: "Don't
kneel to me. That is not right. You must kneel to God only, and thank Him for the liberty you will enjoy hereafter."
Lincoln's legacy as the Great Emancipator has survived the century and a half since then largely intact. But there have been cracks
in this image, mostly caused by questioning academics who decried him as an overt white supremacist. This view eventually entered
the mainstream when Nikole Hannah-Jones wrote misleadingly in her
lead essay
to the "1619 Project" that Lincoln "opposed black equality."
Today, we find Lincoln statues
desecrated . Neither has the memorial
to the 54th Massachusetts Infantry , one of the first all-black units in the Civil War, survived the recent protests unscathed.
To many on the left, history seems like the succession of one cruelty by the next. And so, justice may only be served if we scrap
the past and start from a blank slate. As a result, Lincoln's appeal that we stand upright and enjoy our liberty gets lost to time.
Ironically, this will only help the cause of Robert E. Lee -- and the modern corporations who rely on cheap, inhumane labor
to keep themselves going.
The main idea driving the "1619 Project" and so much of recent scholarship is that the United States of America originated in
slavery and white supremacy. These were its true founding ideals. Racism, Hannah-Jones writes, is in our DNA.
Such arguments don't make any sense, as the historian Barbara Fields clairvoyantly argued in a
groundbreaking essay from 1990. Why would Virginia planters in the 17th century import black people purely out of hate? No, Fields
countered, the planters were driven by a real need for dependable workers who would toil on their cotton, rice, and tobacco fields
for little to no pay. Before black slaves did this work, white indentured servants had. (An indentured servant is bound for a number
of years to his master, i.e. he can't pack up and leave to find a new opportunity elsewhere.)
After 1776 everything changed. Suddenly the new republic claimed that "all men are created equal" -- and yet there were millions
of slaves who still couldn't enjoy this equality. Racism helped to square our founding ideals with the brute reality of continued
chattel slavery: Black people simply weren't men.
But in the eyes of the Southern slavocracy, the white laboring poor of the North also weren't truly human. Such unholy antebellum
figures as the social theorist George Fitzhugh or South Carolina Senator James Henry Hammond
urged that the condition of slavery be expanded to include poor whites, too. Their hunger for a cheap, subservient labor source
did not stop at black people, after all.
Always remember Barbara Fields's formula: The need for cheap labor comes first; ideologies like white supremacy only give
this bleak reality a spiritual gloss.
The true cause of the Civil War -- and it bears constant
repeating for all the doubters -- was whether slavery would expand its reach or whether
"free labor" would reign supreme. The latter was the dominant
ideology of the North: Free laborers are independent, self-reliant, and eventually achieve economic security and independence by
the sweat of their brow. It's the American Dream. But if that is so, then the Civil War ended in a tie -- and its underlying conflict was never really settled.
Michael Lind argues in his new book The New Class War
that many powerful businesses in America today continue to rely on the work of quasi indentured servants. Hungry for unfree, cheap
workers, corporations in Silicon Valley and beyond employ tens of thousands of foreign workers through the H-2B visa program. These
workers are bound to the company that provided them with the visa. If they find conditions at their jobs unbearable, they can't switch
employers -- they would get deported first. In turn, this source of cheap labor effectively underbids American workers who could
do the same job, except that they would ask for higher pay.
America's wealth rests on this mutual competition between workers -- some nominally "free," others basically indentured -- whether
it be through unjust visa schemes or other unfair managerial practices.
Remember that the next time you read a public announcement by the Amazons of this world that they remain committed to "black lives
matter" and similar identitarian causes.
Fortunately, very few Americans hold the same racial resentments in their hearts as their ancestors did even just half a century
ago. Rarely did we agree as much than when the nation near unanimously condemned the death of George Floyd at the hands of a few
Minneapolis police officers. This is in keeping with another fortunate trend: Over the last 40 years, the rate of police killings
of young black men declined by 79% percent .
But anti-racism as an ideology serves a perfect function for our corporations, even despite the evidence that people in this country
have grown much less bigotted than they once were: As a management tool, anti-racism sows constant suspicion among workers who are
encouraged to detect white supremacist sentiments in everything that their fellow workers say or do.
We're getting turned into rats. Naturally, this is no fertile soil for solidarity. And with so many jobs precarious and subcontracted
out on a temporary basis, there is preciously little that most workers can do to fight back this insidious managerial control. Free
labor looks different.
And so, through a surprising back door, the true cause for which Robert E. Lee chose to betray his country might still be coming
out on top, whether we remove his statues or not -- namely, the steady supply to our ruling corporations of unfree workers willing
to hustle for scraps.
It's time to follow Abraham Lincoln's urging and get off our knees again. We should assert our rights as American citizens to
live free from economic insecurity and mutual resentment. The vast majority of us harbor no white supremacist views, period. Instead,
we have so many more things in common, and we know it.
Another anecdote from the last days of the Civil War, also taken from Battle Cry of Freedom, might prove instructive here: The
surrender of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865 essentially ended the
Civil War. The ceremony was held with solemn respect for Lee, though one of Grant's adjutants couldn't help himself but have a subtle
dig at Lee's expense:
After signing the papers, Grant introduced Lee to his staff. As he shook hands with Grant's military secretary Ely Parker,
a Seneca Indian, Lee stared a moment at Parker's dark features and said, "I am glad to see one real American here." Parker responded,
"We are all Americans."
Gregor Baszak is a PhD Candidate in English at the University of Illinois at Chicago and a writer. His articles have appeared
in Los Angeles Review of Books, Public Books, Spectator USA, Spiked, and elsewhere. Follow Gregor on Twitter at @gregorbas1.
It's a bit off-topic but this is a big reason I supported Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primary this year, he was the only
candidate talking about how businesses demand that cheap labor, illegal labor, replace American labor. For this, the corporate
media called him a racist, an anti-semite, a dangerous radical. None of his opponents aside from Elizabeth Warren had anything
to run on aside from pseudo-woke touchy-feely bs. And somehow, with the media insisting that Joe Biden was the only one who could
beat Trump, we ended up with the one candidate who was neither good on economics, good for American workers, or offering platitudes
about wokeness.
It's hard to come out of the 2020 primaries without realizing that the corporations that run our mainstream media will do anything
to protect their right to abuse cheap labor.
Racism is very real. If it weren't it couldn't be used to "divide and conquer" the working calss. we can walk and chew gum
and the same time: oppose racism, and also oppose exploitive labor practices.
What kind of polemic, unsupported statement is "black fast food workers are the ones who gave us the fight for $15"? How about
it was a broad coalition of progressives (of all colors)? Moreover, $15 minimum wage is a poor, one-size-fits-all band-aid that
I doubt even fits ONE scenario. Tackling the broader shareholder capitalism model of labor arbitrage (free trade/mass immigration),
deunionization, and monopolistic hurdles drafted by corporations is where it actually matters. And on that, we are seeing the
inklings of a populist left-right coalition -- if corporate-funded race hustlers could only get out of the way.
That's the problem. We CAN'T chew gum and walk at the same time. Every minute focusing on racial friction is a minute NOT talking
about neoliberal economics. What's the ratio of air time, social media discussion, or newspaper inches are devoted to race vis-a-vis
the economic system that has starved the working class -- which is disproportionately black and brown? 10 to 1? 100 to 1? 1000
to 1? If there are no decent working class jobs for young black and brown men, then it makes it nearly impossible to raise families.
Let's be clear: Systemic racism is real, but it is far less impactful than economic injustices and family dissolution.
Class really isn't the primary issue for black people.
That's a frankly ridiculous statement. At this point in history, to the extent that black people suffer any meaningful oppression
at all, its down to disproportionate poverty rates, not their racial background. No one--except a few neurotic, high-strung corporate
HR PMC types--cares about "microaggressions". Even unjust police shootings of blacks are likely down to class and not race--despite
the politically correct narrative saying otherwise.
Putting racial identity politics as an equal (or even greater) priority than class-based solidarity creates an absurd system
where an upper-middle class black woman attending Yale can act as if a working class white man is oppressing her by not acknowledging
his "white privilege", and not bowing to her every demand. It's utterly delusional to think that sort of culture is going to create
a more just or equal world.
Biden is a Rorschach test, people see whatever they want in a party apparatchik. Trump has been Shiva, the destroyer of the
traditional Republican party. How else do you explain the support among Multi-Billionaires for the Democratic party. Truly ironic.
I agree one hundred percent with your take on Biden. Let me add something else: he is a war hawk who not only voted for the
Iraq war but used his position as the chairman of an important committee to promote it. I understand that he still wants to divide
Iraq into three separate countries--a decision for Iraqis to make and not us. If we try to implement that policy, it would doubtless
lead to more American deaths--to say nothing of Iraqi deaths.
So not only is he not good for American workers, he is not good for the American soldier who is disproportionately likely not
to be from the elite classes but rather from the working and lower-middle class.
The only other Democratic candidate who opposed war-mongering besides Sanders was Tulsi Gabbard. I watched CNN commentary after
a debate in which she participated. While the other participants received lots of commentary from CNN talking heads. she got almost
nothing. She was featured in a video montage of candidates saying "Trump"; other than that, she was invisible in the post-debate
I don't know how far it travelled outside of Democratic primary voters, but I recall Biden's campaign saying that they were
planning to be sort of a placeholder that would pass the torch to the next generation. He's insinuated that he only wants to serve
one term and saw jumping into the race as the only way to beat Trump. Not the most exciting platform for the Democrats to run
As depressing as this primary was, it's good to see that the rising generation of Democrats was resistant to platitudes and demanded
actual policy proposals.
Shame the party elders fell for the same old tricks yet again. I just hope that once there are more of
us, we can have a serious policy debate in both major parties about free trade, immigration, inequality. The parties' voters aren't
all that far apart on economics, yet neither of us is being given what we want. Whichever party sincerely takes a stand for the
American working class stands to dominate American politics for a generation.
The problem with Biden's "placeholder" comments is that he specifically mentioned it for Pete Buttigeig, the McKinsey-trained
career opportunist who believes in his bones the same neoliberal economics and interventionist foreign policies as the last generation.
Same bad ideas, new woke packaging.
Kamala Harris and Susan Rice, both tops on the VP list, will do just fine in place of Buttigieg - he's slated to revive TPP
as the new USTR cabinet lead.
Because of slavery alot of bad political policy was incorporated in the founding documents. If a police officer is about to
wrongly arrest you because you are black , you do not care if his hatred stems from 400 years of discrimination against blacks.
Rather you care that he won't kill you in this encounter because of his racism.
To me, I have always thought that America's original sin was slavery. Its stain can not be completely wiped out.
And I further believe that if Native Americans would have enslaved the newly arrived Europeans, and remained the ruling majority,
white people would be discriminated against today.
So the problem is not that white people are inherently evil, or other races are inherently good. It is that because of slavery
black people are bad, white people are good.
As a nation we have never been able to wash out the stain completely. Never will. Getting closer to the promised land is the
best we are going to do. Probably take another 400 years.
In everyday encounters no one cares how discrimination began, just treat me like you want to be treated. Pretty simple.
"As a management tool, anti-racism sows constant suspicion among workers who are encouraged to detect white supremacist sentiments
in everything that their fellow workers say or do."
The author does not offer one smidgen of proof that any company uses antiracism to divide workers. It might be plausible that
it's happened, but Baszak has no data at all.
Over the last 40 years, the rate of police killings of young black men declined by 79% percent.
You think this is an accident? It came about through intense pressure on the police to stop killing Black people -- exactly
the sort of racial emphasis the author seems to be decrying. Important to note that the non-fatal mistreatment has remained high.
The need for cheap labor comes first; ideologies like white supremacy only give this bleak reality a spiritual gloss
Baszak believes racism has no life of its own, it exists only as a tool of the bosses. This is vulgar Marxism. At least since
the decades after Bacon's Rebellion ended in 1677, poor whites have invested in white supremacy as a way of boosting their social
status. Most Southern families owned no slaves, yet most joined the Civil War cause. The psychological draw of racism, its cultural
strength, are obviated by Barszak. And I bet Barbara Fields does not consider racism an epiphenomenon of economics.
They made a movie that beautifully touches this in the 1970s with Harvey Keitel and Richard Pryor called "Blue
"That's exactly what the company wants: to keep you on their line," says Smokey, the coolest and most strategically minded
of the crew. "They'll do anything to keep you on their line. They pit the lifers against the new boys, the old against the young,
the black against the white -- everybody -- to keep us in our place."
The core thesis in this piece is the animating foundation of The Hill's political talk show "Rising." Composed of a populist
Bernie supporter (Krystal Ball) and populist conservative (Saagar Enjeti) as hosts, they frequently highlight the purpose of woke
cultural battles is to distract everyone for their neoliberal economic models -- a system that actually has greater deleterious
impact on black communities.
This video is one recent example of what you'll rarely see in mainstream media:
Just like Cornell West suggested, black faces in high places hasn't solved the problem. Obama is a vivid example.
Notable quotes:
"... It is Class Warfare. There are no "Democrats" or "Republicans" .. There are the "Rich and Powerful" and then the "Rest of Us" And when we stand up, they take aim... ..."
"... Dr. Cornel West, "We have tried Black Faces in high places ..." ..."
Krystal Ball calls out D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Dem establishment for surface level support of the Black Lives Matter
Crush Inverted Totalitarianism, 12 hours ago
Speaking of black faces in high places, the entire black caucus endorsed ELIOT ENGEL over a black educater (Jamaal
Bowman)...this is aclass war, not a race war
Robert Quin, 12 hours ago (edited)
THERE IS NO DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF AMERICA! There is only Repugnican and Repugnican Lite. There is only hard right and soft right
in American politics. There is no left in power.
Electoralism is a scam. You're playing with an unplugged controller. Organise, unionize, protest, riot. If you want to vote,
you should vote third party. The Democratic party isn't part of the solution. They are playing good cop, bad cop with
republicans with both sides working for capital to impoverish the working class.
Krystal forgot one "innovation" Biden has suggested.
When talking to black community leaders in Wilmington, Joe Biden
said, "Instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there's an unarmed person coming at 'em with a knife or
something, shoot 'em in the leg instead of in the heart."
is Class Warfare. There are no "Democrats" or "Republicans" .. There are the "Rich and Powerful" and then the "Rest of Us" And
when we stand up, they take aim...
"... On Friday, for example, the principal of a public school in Windsor, Vermont. was dismissed from her job for posting the following words on her personal Facebook page: "While I understand the urgency to feel compelled to advocate for black lives, what about our fellow law enforcement? Just because I don't walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I'm a racist.". ..."
"... Black Lives Matter believes in force. They flood the streets with angry young people who break things, and they hurt anyone who gets in the way. When they want something, they take it. Make them mad and they will set your business on fire. Annoy them and they will occupy your downtown and declare a brand new country. You're not going to do anything about it, they know that for certain. ..."
A survey this week by Rasmussen, a right-leaning pollster, found that 62 percent of likely
voters now have a favorable opinion of Black Lives Matter. At the same time, Rasmussen found
that Donald
Trump 's approval rating was 43 percent. That's almost 20 points lower.
And by the way, Trump was not alone. Black Lives Matter is far more popular than
Joe Biden , too. It's
more popular than America's religious institutions -- all of them. It's more popular than the
media, the Congress
and big business.
Black Lives Matter is more popular by double digits than both the
and the Republican parties. It's
almost as popular as the U.S. military. It's much more popular than the
pope .
The numbers are astounding, but the polls are not the only measure of it. One picture from a
Black Lives Matter rally over the weekend in New York shows an ocean of people. Ask yourself
the last time you saw a candidate for office who was able to draw a crowd like that?
The media, in their relentlessly fawning coverage, usually described Black Lives Matter as
an activist group or a protest movement. But that's deception by understatement. Black Lives
Matter is not a collection of marchers with signs. It's not a conventional political lobby like
Planned Parenthood or the NRA. It's not pressuring Congress to pass some narrow new set of
Black Lives Matter is far more ambitious than that. It is working to remake the country and
then to control it. It's a political party.
As of now, Black Lives Matter may be the single most powerful political party in the United
States. Nobody says that out loud, but politicians understand it perfectly well. If nothing
else, they understand power; they can smell it at great distances. And that's why they're
lining up to bow before Black Lives Matter.
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.: You can't really reform a department that that is rotten to the
Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md.: We've heard our people cry out, "I can't breathe!" We've heard
our people speak out, "Black Lives Matter."
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y.: This is a systemic problem that requires a comprehensive
Stacy Abrams, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate: What I would say is that there is
-- there is a legitimacy to this anger. There's a legitimacy to this outrage.
None of what you just saw is a stretch for Democrats. They believe their long-term goals
align with those of Black Lives Matter. And in fact, at times, the group functions as an arm of
the Democratic Party.
More telling, though -- and more ominous -- is the response from many Republicans. They've
been happy to go along as well, or in Mitt Romney 's case, even mouth the
same slogans.
Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah: We need to end violence and brutality and to make sure that
people understand that Black Lives Matter.
If the leaders of Black Lives Matter are political actors -- and they are -- then by
definition, you are allowed to have any opinion you want to have about them. Black Lives
Matter wants to run the country; therefore, you can freely criticize Black Lives Matter.
Those are the rules of our system -- but not anymore.
That was the former Republican nominee for president. Let that sink in. If there was ever an
indicator of how powerful Black Lives Matter has become, you just saw it.
Republican leaders brag about their strong conservative convictions, but mostly they just
want to be on the winning team, whatever that is. That's why they pause before offending
. It's why when Black Lives Matter tells them to take a knee, they do.
It's all pretty strange when you think about it. If the leaders of Black Lives Matter are
political actors -- and they are -- then by definition, you are allowed to have any opinion you
want to have about them. Black Lives Matter wants to run the country; therefore, you can freely
criticize Black Lives Matter.
Those are the rules of our system -- but not anymore.
Imagine a world where you are punished for questioning the behavior of the president or for
insulting your local mayor. You probably can't imagine that. It's too bizarre. It's
un-American. But that's where we are right now. Black Lives Matter has changed the rules. And
here is their first new rule: No criticizing Black Lives Matter. You can be fired from your job
if you disobey. Many Americans have been.
On Friday, for example, the principal of a public school in Windsor, Vermont. was dismissed
from her job for posting the following words on her personal Facebook page: "While I understand
the urgency to feel compelled to advocate for black lives, what about our fellow law
enforcement? Just because I don't walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I'm a
Unfortunately, the principal's boss disagreed. The superintendent of Windsor Schools
described the quote you just heard as "outright racist." Windsor, Vermont, by the way, is more
than 97 percent white.
Also on Friday, an economist called
Harald Uhlig lost his job at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for daring to offer even
milder criticism than that. On Twitter, Uhlig noted that Black Lives Matter had"just torpedoed
itself with its full-fledged support of #defund the police. Now is the time for sensible adults
to enter back into the room and have serious, earnest, respectful conversations about it
That was a racist statement, the Federal Reserve concluded. So, they fired Harald Uhlig.
We could give you many other examples of the same thing happening. There are a lot of them.
Black Lives Matter now enjoys almost complete immunity from criticism. This is unprecedented
for an American political movement.
But Black Lives Matter is even more powerful than that. It has singlehandedly revised our
moral framework. Yes, black lives do matter. That is a statement of fact, and no decent person
doubts that it is true because it is. And it is true precisely because every life matters. We
are all human beings, every one of us. We have souls. Skin color is irrelevant to moral
Until recently, this was considered obvious; saying it was regarded as a virtue. All lives
matter equally. All of us were created by God. In the end, all of us will die. Nothing can
change that -- not wealth, not fame, not race. Every life is precisely as valuable as every
other life.
By the way, that idea forms the basis of the Christian faith. It's the entire premise behind
our founding documents. And yet, suddenly, thanks to Black Lives Matter, you can no longer say
it out loud.
Affirming the fundamental equality of all people is now considered hate speech. You can be
fired for saying it. Again, many people have been.
This is a dangerous moment. How did we get here? In a word, quickly. It happened fast.
As recently as December, before the riots, most Americans did not approve of Black Lives
Matter. The group was defined in the public mind by moments like this.
Crowd (chanting): Pigs in a blanket. Fry them like bacon. Pigs in a blanket. Fry them
like bacon. Pigs in a blanket. Fry them like bacon. Pigs in a blanket. Fry them like
"Pigs in a blanket." "Fry like bacon." "Kill the police." They yelled that at a rally. The
usual liars immediately swooped in to pretend that it never happened. The president of the
Southern Poverty Law Center wrote an entire op-ed ordering the public not to consider Black
Lives Matter a hate group.
But people could see the truth for themselves. That video was online. A lot of facts about
Black Lives Matter still reside on the internet. They have not yet been scrubbed.
This is a dangerous moment. How did we get here? In a word, quickly. It happened fast.
The group's signature demand is to eliminate law enforcement. When you first heard
protesters scream, "Defund the police," it may have shocked you. That's just crazy, you may
have thought.
A few weeks later, support for eliminating law enforcement is rising quickly in the polls.
Minneapolis is already doing it. Other cities will follow. Are you surprised? Almost no one in
public life has pushed back meaningfully against the idea of defunding the police.
The Black Lives Matter position is the only position most people hear. After a while, they
believe it. Unchallenged claims must be true. That's what most people assume, and why wouldn't
they assume that? If you strongly disagree with something, say so, otherwise, it's much more
likely to happen.
So, with that in mind, consider some of the other positions Black Lives Matter has endorsed.
The repeal of all immigration restrictions, for starters. They're for that. The legalization of
sex work -- prostitution -- they're for that, too. The destruction of the nuclear family, your
family. The forced relocation of farmland. Race-based reparations, specifically "in the form of
a guaranteed minimum livable income for all black people."
Hear that? All black people, not just the descendants of American slaves. This would
include the millions of African and Caribbean immigrants who on average now earn more than
native-born Americans. Every one of these new Americans would receive a guaranteed annual
income from American taxpayers in order to atone for the sin of -- for the sin of what
actually? Allowing them to immigrate here?
Black Lives Matter does not explain that part. No one asked them. You could be fired for
asking. What you cannot be punished for, however, is looting and burning, at least not if
you're Black Lives Matter.
Huge parts of urban landscape have been destroyed in the past month. Almost no one has been
held to account for it,. Just the opposite. You're encouraged to pretend it never happened.
In St. Louis, every rioter arrested has been released without charges. In New York, hundreds
were released without bail. Same in Washington, D.C. It's happening almost everywhere, and not
just in places controlled by elected Democrats which tells you a lot.
Fort Worth, Texas, for example, is one of the few major American cities that is led by a
Republican, Mayor Betsy Price. On May 31, a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators blocked a
bridge in downtown Fort Worth, when police arrived to disperse them, they threw rocks and
bottles of bleach. Three police officers were injured.
The mob then went on to loot and vandalize businesses. Dozens of rioters were arrested for
this. Ten days later, the city's police chief, Ed Kraus, announced that he was dropping all
charges against them.
Kraus issued a statement suggesting that the real criminals in the riot were not the
rioters, but his own police officers, whom he suggested would be reined in and perhaps
punished. "This is just one step on a long journey," Kraus wrote, sounding more like a
therapist than a cop.
The chief promised that his department was "committed to walking the path of reform with our
community." Kraus never bothered to explain exactly what his cops had done wrong. They were
cops. That was enough.
That same day, the Fort Worth School Board issued a statement declaring, "Police practices
are deeply rooted in white supremacy." Once again, no one specified which police practices
reflected white supremacy, or what that accusation even meant. It was a blanket condemnation,
but it was left to hang in the air. As usual, no one in authority pushed back against it in a
Republican-led city.
Black Lives Matter believes in force. They flood the streets with angry young people who
break things, and they hurt anyone who gets in the way. When they want something, they take
it. Make them mad and they will set your business on fire. Annoy them and they will occupy
your downtown and declare a brand new country. You're not going to do anything about it, they
know that for certain.
It'll be interesting to know what happens to the murder rate in Fort Worth over the next
year. We can guess. We're seeing it all over the country. We've seen it many times through the
years. When the people in charge undermine the law, violence surges.
But there is a solution to this vortex and it's called leadership. Sixty-five years ago,
politicians throughout the American South refused to submit to the Supreme Court's Brown vs.
Board decision. Authorities in many states simply ignored the law like it didn't exist. Armed
extremist groups filled the vacuum. They used violence to make their own laws.
Ultimately, the federal government stepped in and restored order. In 1957, President Dwight
Eisenhower federalized the National Guard of Arkansas. He sent troops to Little Rock to force
Governor Orville Faubus to obey the law.
So the question is, where is our Justice Department? Right now? Is there a reason the DOJ
hasn't filed federal conspiracy charges against the people who organized and led these riots?
It's not as if we don't know who they are. Their crimes are on YouTube.
You know the reason. Black Lives Matter was involved. It is politically sensitive. No
prosecutor wants to be called a racist, as if it's racist to punish people for crimes they
You know what the victims of those crimes think? The old people who were beaten to the
ground for trying to defend their property. The shop owners whose life savings were stolen or
burned. The families of the people who were murdered during the riots, and there were quite a
few of them.
No one is defending these people. No one is punishing their attackers. Nobody cares.
Imagine how they feel about that. What recourse do they have? Do they have to torch a
Wendy's or loot a Walmart to get our attention? Let's hope not. It might be enough to have a
single national leader -- just one -- who understands what is actually going on in this country
and is brave enough to say so. That might make all the difference, and it would certainly make
the political career of the person who does it.
In the fall of 1968, a teaching assistant at San Francisco State University called George
Murray gave a speech endorsing racial violence. Murray urged black students to bring guns to
campus and "kill all the slave masters." Murray, by the way, was the "minister of education" in
the local Black Panther Party, which was the Antifa of its time.
Black Lives Matter becomes more powerful and more popular with the public. Why is that
happening exactly? Here's why: Because Black Lives Matter is getting exactly what they want
and that is the most basic sign of strength. Strength is the most appealing quality to voters
and to people and to animals.
When administrators learned about Murray's speech, they equivocated, but ultimately they
suspended him under pressure. In response to this, a group called the Third World Liberation
Front shut down the campus. Sound familiar?
They demanded the university drop all admission standards for black applicants and admit
students purely on the basis of race. The administrators were paralyzed in the face of this.
More than anything, they didn't want to be called racist. The university's president was so
terrorized by it that he quit and left.
Ultimately, the leadership of San Francisco State fell to an unlikely president, a
Japanese-Canadian academic called S.I. Hayakawa. Hayakawa was short, eccentric, wore thick
glasses, but he was completely fearless.
On December 2, 1968, Hayakawa marched into the middle of a student protest. Rioters
immediately assaulted him, but Hayakawa kept going. He climbed onto the roof of a sound truck
and ripped the wires out of the loudspeaker. San Francisco State University reopened that
So here's the lesson for today's officeholders. S.I. Hayakawa became a folk hero for
standing up to the mob. He was elected to the United States Senate from California. Republicans
supported him. Voters did, too. They didn't always understand him. Hayakawa wore a Scottish tam
o' shanter cap in public and never really explained why he did.
But it didn't matter. He was brave and honest, and voters appreciated that above all. They
always do. We don't have our Hayakawa yet. Instead, we have cowards.
Our leaders are happy to talk about everything but the collapse of the centuries' old
civilization tumbling down around them. They have no idea how little credibility they have.
They have no sense of how irrelevant they have become. If you can't tell the truth when the
truth actually matters, then nothing you say matters.
Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter becomes more powerful and more popular with the public. Why is
that happening exactly? Here's why: Because Black Lives Matter is getting exactly what they
want and that is the most basic sign of strength. Strength is the most appealing quality to
voters and to people and to animals.
Three weeks ago, Black Lives Matter demanded that cities defund their police. On Monday, the
mighty NYPD, the biggest police department in our nation -- the most sophisticated police
department in the world -- bowed and announced it is
its entire plainclothes division , 600 people. Gone for good because Black Lives Matter
wanted it done. And now it is done.
That's not bluffing. It's not posturing. It's not tweeting. That is real power. You'll
notice it did not require the usual maneuvering for Black Lives Matter to get that power. They
didn't need a team of lawyers to get it. Black Lives Matter doesn't make legal arguments.
They're not trying to convince you of anything.
Black Lives Matter believes in force. They flood the streets with angry young people who
break things, and they hurt anyone who gets in the way. When they want something, they take it.
Make them mad and they will set your business on fire. Annoy them and they will occupy your
downtown and declare a brand new country. You're not going to do anything about it, they know
that for certain.
This is the most destructive kind of politics. We've seen a lot of it in recent years.
Organized groups did it to Brett Kavanaugh. The main point of slandering Kavanaugh was never to
block his confirmation. We misread that. They knew they probably couldn't achieve it.
The real point was to send Kavanaugh and John Roberts and the other Republican justices a
very clear message, step out of line and we will hurt your families. And judging from recent
court decisions, it worked. At times, it's very clear that supposedly conservative justices are
afraid to defy the mob.
So what message do the rest of us take from what's happened over the past three weeks? It's
very simple. The message is force is more effective than voting. Elections changed nothing.
Rioting, by contrast, makes you rich and powerful. When you riot, prosecutors will ignore
the law on your behalf. Corporations will send you millions. Politicians will kneel down before
you. It works. Violence works. That's the message.
Everyone hears that message. Until violence stops working, violence will continue.
Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue from "
Tucker Carlson Tonight " on June 15,
"... Old saying: A Recession is when your neighbor loses their Job. A Depression is when you lose your Job. ..."
"... A lot of mega wealthy people are cheats. They get insider info, they don't pay people and do all they can to provide the least amount of value possible while tricking suckers into buying their crap. Don't even get me started on trust fund brats who come out of the womb thinking they are Warren buffet level genius in business. ..."
"... There's a documentary about Wal-Mart that has the best title ever: The High Cost of Low Cost ..."
"... Globalism killed the American dream. We can buy cheap goods made somewhere else if we have a job here that pays us enough money. ..."
You can't just move to American cities to pursue opportunity; even the high wages paid in
New York are rendered unhelpful because the cost of housing is so high.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was vilified and ultimately murdered when he was helping organize
a Poor People's Campaign. Racial justice means economic justice.
A lot of mega wealthy people are cheats. They get insider info, they don't pay people and
do all they can to provide the least amount of value possible while tricking suckers into
buying their crap. Don't even get me started on trust fund brats who come out of the womb
thinking they are Warren buffet level genius in business.
Nailed it. As a millennial, I'm sick of being told to just "deal with it" when the cards
have always been stacked against me. Am I surviving? Yes. Am I thriving? No.
When the reserve status of the American dollar goes away, then it will become apparent how
poor the US really is. You cannot maintain a country without retention of the ability to
manufacture the articles you use on a daily basis. The military budget and all the jobs it
brings will have to shrink catastrophically.
...and sometimes you CAN'T afford to move. You can't find a decent job. You certainly
can't build a meaningful savings. You can't find an apartment. And if you have kids? That
makes it even harder. I've been trying to move for years, but the conditions have to be
perfect to do it responsibly. The American Dream died for me once I realized that no matter
the choices I made, my four years of college, my years of saving and working hard....I do NOT
have upward mobility. For me, the American Dream is dead. I've been finding a new dream. The
human dream.
This is a very truncated view. You need to expand your thinking. WHY has the system been
so overtly corrupted? It's globalism that has pushed all this economic pressure on the
millennials and the middle class. It was the elites, working with corrupt politicians, that
rigged the game so the law benefited them.
This is all reversible. History shows that capitalism can be properly regulated in a way
that benefits all. The answer to the problem is to bring back those rules, not implement
Trump has:
- Ended the free trade deals
- Imposed Protective tarriffs to defend American jobs and workers
- Lowered corporate taxes to incentivize business to locate within us borders.
- Limited immigration to reduce the supply of low skilled labor within US borders.
The result? before COVID hit the average American worker saw the first inflation adjusted
wage increase in over 30 years!
This is why the fake news and hollywood continue to propagandize the masses into hating
Trump is implementing economic policies good for the people and bad for the elites
Krystal Ball exposes the delusion of the American dream.
About Rising: Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisan hosts that breaks the mold of
morning TV by taking viewers inside the halls of Washington power like never before. The show
leans into the day's political cycle with cutting edge analysis from DC insiders who can
predict what is going to happen.
It also sets the day's political agenda by breaking exclusive
news with a team of scoop-driven reporters and demanding answers during interviews with the
country's most important political newsmakers.
Got my degree just as the great recession hit. Couldn't find real work for 3 years, not
using my degree... But it was work. now after 8 years, im laid off. I did everything "right".
do good in school, go to college, get a job...
I've never been fired in my life. its always,
"Your contract is up" "Sorry we cant afford to keep you", "You can make more money collecting!
but we'll give a recommendation if you find anything."
Now I'm back where i started... only
now I have new house and a family to support... no pressure.
"... "The extraordinary destruction of white and Asian businesses in many instances wiping out a family's lifetime work, the looting of national businesses whose dumbshit CEOs support the looters, the merciless gang beatings of whites and Asians who attempted to defend their persons and their property, the egging on of the violence by politicians in both parties and by the entirely of the media including many alternative media websites, shows a country undergoing collapse. ..."
"... This is why it is not shown in national media . Some local media show an indication of the violent destruction in their community, but it is not accumulated and presented to a national audience. Consequently, Americans think the looting and destruction is only a local occurrence I just checked CNN and the BBC and there is nothing about the extraordinary economic destruction and massive thefts." ..."
"... Why has the media failed to show the vast destruction of businesses and private property? Why have they minimized the effects of vandalism, looting and arson? Why have they fanned the flames of social unrest from the very beginning, shrugging off the ruin and devastation while cheerleading the demonstrations as a heroic struggle for racial justice? Is this is the same media that supported every bloody war, every foreign intervention, and every color-revolution for the last 5 decades? Are we really expected to believe that they've changed their stripes and become an energized proponent of social justice? ..."
"... The scale and coordination alone suggests that elements in the deep state are probably involved. We know from evidence uncovered during the Russiagate probe, that the media works hand-in-glove with the Intel agencies and FBI while–at the same time– serving as a mouthpiece for elites. ..."
"... That hasn't changed, in fact, it's gotten even worse. The uniformity of the coverage suggests that that same perception management strategy is being employed here as well. Even at this late date, the determination to remove Trump from office is as strong as ever even though, in the present case, it has been combined with the broader political strategy of inciting fratricidal violence, obliterating urban areas, and spreading anarchy across the count ..."
"... This isn't about racial justice or police brutality, it's about regime change, internal destabilization, and martial law. ..."
"... What the Black Lives Matter movement does not understand is that they are being used by the billionaire white capitalists who are fighting to push the working class even lower ..."
"... The rightful grievance over racism against blacks is now used to get Trump since Russia Gate, Impeachment, the corona scandal ..."
"... The protests are merely a fig leaf for a "color revolution" that bears a striking resemblance to the more than 50 CIA-backed coups launched on foreign governments in the last 70 years ..."
"... "Use a grievance that the local population has against the system, identify and support those who oppose the current government, infiltrate and strengthen opposition movements, fund them with millions of dollars, organize protests that seem legitimate and have paid political instigators dress up in regular clothes to blend in." ..."
"... "The logistical capabilities of antifa+ are also impressive. They can move people around the country with ease, position pallet loads of new brick, 55 gallon new trash cans of frozen water bottles and other debris suitable for throwing on gridded patterns around cities in a well thought out distribution pattern. Who pays for this? Who plans this? Who coordinates these plans and gives "execute orders?" ..."
"... Antifa+ can create massive propaganda campaigns that fit their agenda. These campaigns are fully supported by the MSM and by many in the Congressional Democratic Party. The present meme of "Defund the Police" is an example. This appeared miraculously, and simultaneously across the country. I am impressed. Yesterday the frat boy type who is mayor of Minneapolis was booed out of a mass meeting of radicals in that fair city because he refused to endorse abolishing the police force. ..."
"... Colonel Lang is not the only one to marvel at Antifa's "logistical capabilities". The United States has never experienced two weeks of sustained protests in hundreds of its cities at the same time. ..."
"... it points to extensive coordination with groups across the country, a comprehensive media strategy (that probably preceded the killing of George Floyd), a sizable presence on social media (to put people on the street), and agents provocateur whose task is to incite violence, loot and create mayhem. ..."
"... This a destabilization campaign similar to the CIA's color revolutions designed to topple the regime (Trump), install a puppet government (Biden), impose "shock therapy" on the economy ..."
"... "The BLM represents the forefront of an effort to divide Americans along racial and political lines, thus keeping race and identity-based barbarians safely away from more critical issues of importance to the elite, most crucially a free hand to plunder and ransack natural resources, minerals, crude oil, and impoverish billions of people whom the ruling elite consider unproductive useless eaters and a hindrance to the drive to dominate, steal, and murder . ..."
"... The protest movement is the mask that conceals the maneuvering of elites. The real target of this operation is the Constitutional Republic itself ..."
"... that explains why anti-fa attack Yellow Vests in Germany. The Yellow Vests are the true people's movement and as shown in the video below it is not about the left and the right for the yellow vest but common people fed up with the system ..."
"... Watch every frame of this. It shows the government-media complex and their little thugs, ANTIFA, in perfect collusion to interfere with the regular Germans trying to stop the Satanic communist-Globo homo project. ..."
"... My bro is one of the few people flying, for work. He says the only people on the airlines are antifa thugs moving all around the country. ..."
"... Won't these riots create a wave of revulsion among the silent majority and consolidate Trump's support base? ..."
"... Is Antifa a group of deep state agitators? That's the question. In the Sunday edition of the New York Times– the official propaganda organ of US elites– an article is entirely devoted to creating "plausible deniability" that Antifa is behind the violence in the protests that have swept the country. ..."
"Revolutions are often seen as spontaneous. It looks like people just went into the
street. But it's the result of months or years of preparation. It is very boring until you
reach a certain point, where you can organize mass demonstrations or strikes. If it is
carefully planned, by the time they start, everything is over in a matter of weeks."
Foreign Policy
Does anyone believe the nationwide riots and looting are a spontaneous reaction to the
killing of George Floyd?
It's all too coordinated, too widespread, and too much in-sync with the media narrative that
applauds the "mainly peaceful protests" while ignoring the vast destruction to cities across
the country. What's that all about? Do the instigators of these demonstrations want to see our
cities reduced to urban wastelands where street gangs and Antifa thugs impose their own harsh
justice? That's where this is headed, isn't it?
Of course there are millions of protesters who honestly believe they're fighting racial
injustice and police brutality. And more power to them. But that certainly doesn't mean there
aren't hidden agendas driving these outbursts. Quite the contrary. It seems to me that the
protest movement is actually the perfect vehicle for affecting dramatic social changes that
only serve the interests of elites. For example, who benefits from defunding the police? Not
African Americans, that's for sure. Black neighborhoods need more security not less. And yet,
the New York Times lead editorial on Saturday proudly announces, " Yes, We Mean Literally
Abolish the Police–Because reform won't happen." Check it out:
"We can't reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact
between the public and the police .There is not a single era in United States history in
which the police were not a force of violence against black people. Policing in the South
emerged from the slave patrols in the 1700 and 1800s that caught and returned runaway slaves.
In the North, the first municipal police departments in the mid-1800s helped quash labor
strikes and riots against the rich. Everywhere, they have suppressed marginalized populations
to protect the status quo.
So when you see a police officer pressing his knee into a black man's neck until he dies,
that's the logical result of policing in America. When a police officer brutalizes a black
person, he is doing what he sees as his job " (" Yes, We
Mean Literally Abolish the Police–Because reform won't happen" , New York
So, according to the Times, the problem isn't single parent families, or underfunded
education or limited job opportunities or fractured neighborhoods, it's the cops who have
nothing to do with any of these problems. Are we supposed to take this seriously, because the
editors of the Times certainly do. They'd like us to believe that there is groundswell support
for this loony idea, but there isn't. In a recent poll, more than 60% of those surveyed, oppose
the idea of defunding the police. So why would such an unpopular, wacko idea wind up as the
headline op-ed in the Saturday edition? Well, because the Times is doing what it always does,
advancing the political agenda of the elites who hold the purse-strings and dictate which ideas
are promoted and which end up on the cutting room floor. That's how the system works. Check out
this excerpt from an article by Paul Craig Roberts:
"The extraordinary destruction of white and Asian businesses in many instances wiping out
a family's lifetime work, the looting of national businesses whose dumbshit CEOs support the
looters, the merciless gang beatings of whites and Asians who attempted to defend their
persons and their property, the egging on of the violence by politicians in both parties and
by the entirely of the media including many alternative media websites, shows a country
undergoing collapse.
This is why it is not shown in national media . Some local media show an
indication of the violent destruction in their community, but it is not accumulated and
presented to a national audience. Consequently, Americans think the looting and destruction
is only a local occurrence I just checked CNN and the BBC and there is nothing about the
extraordinary economic destruction and massive thefts." (" The Real Racists", Paul Craig Roberts,
Unz Review)
Roberts makes a good point, and one that's worth mulling over. Why has the media failed to
show the vast destruction of businesses and private property? Why have they minimized the
effects of vandalism, looting and arson? Why have they fanned the flames of social unrest from
the very beginning, shrugging off the ruin and devastation while cheerleading the
demonstrations as a heroic struggle for racial justice? Is this is the same media that
supported every bloody war, every foreign intervention, and every color-revolution for the last
5 decades? Are we really expected to believe that they've changed their stripes and become an
energized proponent of social justice?
Nonsense. The media's role in concealing the damage should only convince skeptics that the
protests are just one part of a much larger operation. What we're seeing play out in over 400
cities across the US, has more to do with toppling Trump and sowing racial division than it
does with the killing of George Floyd. The scale and coordination alone suggests that elements
in the deep state are probably involved. We know from evidence uncovered during the Russiagate
probe, that the media works hand-in-glove with the Intel agencies and FBI while–at the
same time– serving as a mouthpiece for elites.
That hasn't changed, in fact, it's gotten
even worse. The uniformity of the coverage suggests that that same perception management
strategy is being employed here as well. Even at this late date, the determination to remove
Trump from office is as strong as ever even though, in the present case, it has been combined
with the broader political strategy of inciting fratricidal violence, obliterating urban areas,
and spreading anarchy across the country.
This isn't about racial justice or police brutality,
it's about regime change, internal destabilization, and martial law. Take a look at this
article at The Herland Report:
"What the Black Lives Matter movement does not understand is that they are being used by
the billionaire white capitalists who are fighting to push the working class even lower and
end the national sovereignty principles that president Trump stands for in America .
The rightful grievance over racism against blacks is now used to get Trump since Russia
Gate, Impeachment, the corona scandal and nothing else has worked. The aim is to end
democracy in the United States, control Congress and politics and assemble the power into the
hands of the very few
That sounds about right to me. The protests are merely a fig leaf for a "color revolution"
that bears a striking resemblance to the more than 50 CIA-backed coups launched on foreign
governments in the last 70 years. Have the chickens have come home to roost? It certainly looks
like it. Here's more from the same article:
"Use a grievance that the local population has against the system, identify and support
those who oppose the current government, infiltrate and strengthen opposition movements, fund
them with millions of dollars, organize protests that seem legitimate and have paid political
instigators dress up in regular clothes to blend in."
So, yes, the grievances are real, but that doesn't mean that someone else is not steering
the action. And just as the media is shaping the narrative for its own purposes, so too, there
are agents within the movement that are inciting the violence. All of this suggests the
existence of some form of command-control that provides logistical support and assists in
communications. Check out this excerpt from a post at Colonel Pat Lang's website Sic Semper
"The logistical capabilities of antifa+ are also impressive. They can move people around
the country with ease, position pallet loads of new brick, 55 gallon new trash cans of frozen
water bottles and other debris suitable for throwing on gridded patterns around cities in a
well thought out distribution pattern. Who pays for this? Who plans this? Who coordinates
these plans and gives "execute orders?"
Antifa+ can create massive propaganda campaigns that fit their agenda. These campaigns are
fully supported by the MSM and by many in the Congressional Democratic Party. The present
meme of "Defund the Police" is an example. This appeared miraculously, and simultaneously
across the country. I am impressed. Yesterday the frat boy type who is mayor of Minneapolis
was booed out of a mass meeting of radicals in that fair city because he refused to endorse
abolishing the police force.
Gutting the civil police forces has long been a major goal of
the far left, but now, they have the ability to create mass hysteria over it when they have
an excuse ."
("My take on the present situation", Sic Semper Tyrannis)
Colonel Lang is not the only one to marvel at Antifa's "logistical capabilities". The United
States has never experienced two weeks of sustained protests in hundreds of its cities at the
same time. It's beyond suspicious, it points to extensive coordination with groups across the
country, a comprehensive media strategy (that probably preceded the killing of George Floyd), a
sizable presence on social media (to put people on the street), and agents provocateur whose
task is to incite violence, loot and create mayhem.
None of this has anything to do with racial justice or police brutality. America is being
destabilized and sacked for other purposes altogether. This a destabilization campaign similar
to the CIA's color revolutions designed to topple the regime (Trump), install a puppet
government (Biden), impose "shock therapy" on the economy pushing tens of millions of Americans
into homelessness and destitution, and leave behind a broken, smoldering shell of a country
easily controlled by Federal shock troops and wealthy globalist mandarins. Here's a short
excerpt from an article by Kurt Nimmo at his excellent blog "Another Day in the Empire":
"The BLM represents the forefront of an effort to divide Americans along racial and
political lines, thus keeping race and identity-based barbarians safely away from more
critical issues of importance to the elite, most crucially a free hand to plunder and ransack
natural resources, minerals, crude oil, and impoverish billions of people whom the ruling
elite consider unproductive useless eaters and a hindrance to the drive to dominate, steal,
and murder .
It is sad to say BLM serves the elite by ignoring or remaining ignorant of the main
problem -- boundless predation by a neoliberal criminal project that considers all -- black,
white, yellow, brown -- as expliotable and dispensable serfs. " (" 2 Million Arab Lives
Don't Matter ", Kurt Nimmo, Another Day in the Empire)
The protest movement is the mask that conceals the maneuvering of elites. The real target of
this operation is the Constitutional Republic itself. Having succeeded in using the Lockdown to
push the economy into severe recession, the globalists are now inciting a fratricidal war that
will weaken the opposition and prepare the country for a new authoritarian order.
the media narrative that applauds the "mainly peaceful protests" while ignoring the vast
destruction to Hong Kong where there was neither police violence nor racial discrimination.
Look like the same organizing principles were used in both places.
Of course that explains why anti-fa attack Yellow Vests in Germany.
The Yellow Vests are the true people's movement and as shown in the video below it is not
about the left and the right for the yellow vest but common people fed up with the system, a
true grass roots movement of the people.
And Anti-fa, the Whores of the Satanic elites attack them. Why would anti-fascists attack the
common man?
Watch every frame of this. It shows the government-media complex and their little thugs,
ANTIFA, in perfect collusion to interfere with the regular Germans trying to stop the Satanic
communist-Globo homo project.
Few arguments in contra of the article. Can any-one conceive of there being a competition between BLM rioting organizing and
covertly supporting, and Corona-19, where the elites were very cohesive internationally in the face.
The target, Trump, the man with no policies, the implement nothing, is it such a worthy target to a fraction of the power
elites? That would speak for shallowness on their behalf. Creating back-ground noise to fade out the re-organizing of society,
regardless of actors as Trump could be an acceptable explanation. "Keep the surplus population busy. Keep the attention on the
There is a trade-off. The international elites see the exposure of the US internal policies, the expenditure of energy, do
they regard the situation as something to copy-paste, an interesting experiment, or as weakness to be taken advantage of?
Probably the first, then BLM covert support chains perfectly with Corona-19, and scales things up.
"Black neighborhoods need more security not less."
Police are not security, they're repression. Anybody of any color who thinks they're safer
with heavily armed bureaucrats blundering around is a moron.
And since when does reductions in guard labor equal austerity? There are several economic
rights that should not be derogated, but assholes with guns impounding cars is not one of
them. If the residents of a community are asking for more cops, that's one thing. They are
not. Law enforcement budgets are stuffed up the ass of residents and often municipalities.
Look into e.g. the MA "strong chief" enabling acts. States have massive unfunded pension
liabilities in large part because of police featherbedding. That's what's being pushed by the
"deep state" (you mean CIA.) The evident CIA use of provocateurs is aimed at justifying
further increases in repressive capacity.
OK bye! Don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out! Stupid and delusional though pigs are, it's dimly dawning on them that America considers
them crooked loudmouthed violent assholes. Here's a typical one exercising what Gore Vidal
called the core competence of police, whining.
Boo hoo hoo, asshole, go home and beat your wife or eat a gun or whatever it is you dream
of doing in retirement, cause the states can't afford your crooked unions' pensions in this
induced depression. Cut these white man's welfare jobs.
Is Antifa a group of deep state agitators? That's the question.
In the Sunday edition of the New York Times– the official propaganda organ of US
elites– an article is entirely devoted to creating "plausible deniability" that Antifa
is behind the violence in the protests that have swept the country.
Why is the Times so concerned that its readers might have a different opinion on this
matter? Why do they want to convince people that the protests-riots are merely spontaneous
outbursts of anti-racist sentiment? Could it be because the Times job is to create a version
of events that suits the interests of the elites it serves? Here's a few excerpts from
today's piece titled "Federal Arrests Show No Sign That Antifa Plotted Protests":
While anarchists and anti-fascists openly acknowledged being part of the immense
crowds, they call the scale, intensity and durability of the protests far beyond anything
they might dream of organizing. Some tactics used at the protests, like the wearing of
all black and the shattering of store windows, are reminiscent of those used by anarchist
groups, say those who study such movements. (plausible deniability)
Anarchists and others accuse officials of trying to assign blame to extremists rather
than accept the idea that millions of Americans from a variety of political backgrounds have
been on the streets demanding change. Numerous experts also called the participation of
extremist organizations overstated. (plausible deniability)
"A significant number of people in positions of authority are pushing a false narrative
about antifa being behind a lot of this activity," said J.M. Berger, the author of the
book "Extremism" and an authority on militant movements. "These are just unbelievably large
protests at a time of great turmoil in this country, and there is surprisingly little
violence given the size of this movement.".. (plausible deniability)
In New York, the police briefed reporters on May 31, claiming that radical anarchists
from outside the state had plotted ahead of protests by setting up encrypted communications
systems, arranging for street medics and collecting bail funds.
Within five days, however, Dermot F. Shea, the city's police commissioner, acknowledged
that most of the hundreds of people arrested at the protests in New York were actually New
Yorkers who took advantage of the chaos to commit crimes and were not motivated by political
ideology . John Miller, the police official who had briefed reporters, told CNN that most
looting in New York had been committed by "regular criminal groups." (plausible
Kit O'Connell, a longtime radical leftist activist and community organizer in Austin, said
that shortly after Mr. Trump's election, the group took part in anti-fascist protests in the
city against a local white supremacist group and scuffled separately with Act for America, an
anti-Muslim organization.
Why is the Times acting like Antifa's attorney? Why are the trying to minimize the role of
professional agitators? Why is the Times so determined to shape the public's thinking on this
Doesn't this suggest that Antifa and other groups operating within the protest movement
are actually linked to agencies in the deep state that are conducting another operation
against the American people?
@anonymous anonymous, I have been encouraging cops to quit for a long time. They are
protecting the wrong people, being used to protect people in the ruling class that hate and
despise cops just a little less than they hate and despise the rest of us civilians.
To the issue at hand, black people should only be policed, arrested, charged, prosecuted,
defended, judged, and (if found guilty) punished by other blacks. No white person should have
anything to do with it. Any white person policing negros in America is making a huge mistake,
and should immediately quit.
The pensions are not going to be paid, and the crazy, Soros paid for black people are
going to make it impossible for a white cop pretty soon anyway. Might as well walk before
they make you run.
Don't worry about BLM, which is corporate phoney bullshit protest, easter parades and
internet posturing. The blacks in the street don't fall for that shit. Look what happens when
coopted oreos try to herd everybody back to tame marching:
The provocateurs are not influencing them. The sellout house negroes are not influencing
them. They know what they want. The regime is shitting its pants. If they scapegoat Trump and
purge him, Biden will inherit the same problem only worse.
Won't these riots create a wave of revulsion among the silent majority and consolidate
Trump's support base?
That's what I am wondering too. It makes more sense to me that the elites driving these
BLM riots are those who support Trump. Terrify people and threaten the existence of police is
a good way to get elderly white voters out of their covid lockdowns on election day.
Doesn't this suggest that Antifa and other groups operating within the protest movement
are actually linked to agencies in the deep state that are conducting another operation
against the American people?
Do we really want to suggest the CIA is committing treason against the American people?
Isn't it more likely that the Times is agitating against the CIA for other reasons? Reasons
Carlos Slim could explain?
For those who haven't read Pepe Escobar's latsest on BLM, here's a couple clips:
Black Lives Matter, founded in 2013 by a trio of middle class, queer black women very
vocal against "hetero-patriarchy", is a product of what University of British Columbia's
Peter Dauvergne defines as "corporatization of activism".
Over the years, Black Lives Matter evolved as a marketing brand, like Nike (which
fully supports it). The widespread George Floyd protests elevated it to the status of a new
religion. Yet Black Lives Matter carries arguably zero, true revolutionary appeal. This is
not James Brown's "Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud". And it does not get even close to
Black Power and the Black Panthers' "Power to the People".
Black Lives Matter profited in 2016 from a humongous $100 million grant from the Ford
Foundation and other philanthropic capitalism stalwarts such as JPMorgan Chase and the
Kellogg Foundation.
The Ford Foundation is very close to the U.S. Deep State. The board of directors is
crammed with corporate CEOs and Wall Street honchos. In a nutshell; Black Lives Matter, the
organization, today is fully sanitized; largely integrated into the Democratic Party machine;
adored by mainstream media; and certainly does not represent a threat to the 0.001%.
an evident ham-handed attempt to make this all about race. The real threat to this police
state is racial and international solidarity against state predation – the stuff that
got Fred Hampton killed,
"when I talk about the masses, I'm talking about the white masses, I'm talking about the
black masses, and the brown masses, and the yellow masses, too We say you don't fight racism
with racism. We're gonna fight racism with solidarity. We say you don't fight capitalism with
no black capitalism; you fight capitalism with socialism."
or Angela Davis and the Che-Lumumba club. BAP is right back on this and the resonating
international demonstrations show that that's the right track. The whole world sees what this
is about, except for a few fucked-over US whites.
botazefa, of course the CIA is committing treason against the American people. Where were you
when they whacked JFK, then RFK? Where were you when they blew up OKC? Where were you when
they released anthrax on the Senate, infiltrated and protected 9/11 terrorists, assigned more
terrorists to MITRE to blind NORAD, blew up the WTC for the second time, and exfiltrated the
Saudi logisticians?
Anybody unaware that CIA has been pure treason from inception is (1) retarded XOR (2) a
CIA traitor.
Sorry. The assholes on this asshole site will not let you say that what is important is how
the super-billionaires control us. They are going to insist that it's niggerniggernigger all
the way home and that's all there is to it. You would think they were paid. Or really, really
When Gina, she-wolf of Udon Thani, got busted for trying to overthrow the United States
government with Russiagate, she hung onto her job by rigging the succession with all the
Brennan traitors who ran the Russiagate coup.
So we should expect that Gina will now stage a couple massacres like Kent State and
Jackson State, because that's how CIA ratfucked Nixon when he didn't knuckle under.
Gina's extra motivated to stay on top because she's criminally culpable for systematic and
widespread torture:
@Mike Whitney Excellent article and I believe excellent analysis of the situation.
Where we may differ is with Trump's complicity in Deep State efforts. I believe Trump is a
minion of the Deep State. His actions and inactions can not be explained any other way.
Let's assume for a minute, that Pepe Escobar is correct when he says this:
"Black Lives Matter profited in 2016 from a humongous $100 million grant from the Ford
Foundation and other philanthropic capitalism stalwarts such as JPMorgan Chase and the
Kellogg Foundation .
The Ford Foundation is very close to the U.S. Deep State. The board of directors is
crammed with corporate CEOs and Wall Street honchos. In a nutshell; Black Lives Matter,
the organization, today is fully sanitized; largely integrated into the Democratic Party
machine; adored by mainstream media; and certainly does not represent a threat to the
If this is true–and I believe it is– then Black Lives Matter is no different
than USAID or any of the other NGOs that are used to incite revolution around the world. If
this is true, then there is likely a CIA link to these protests, the main purpose of which is
to remove Trump from office.
So Black Lives Matter= activist NGO linked to US Intel agencies= Regime Change
But there is something else going on here too, (that many readers might have noticed) that
is, the way social media has been manipulated to put millions of young people on the street
in order to promote the agenda of elites.
How did they manage that?
How did they get millions of young people to come out day after day (14 days so far) in
over 400 cities to protest an issue about which they know very little aside from the media's
irritating reiteration of "systemic racism", (a claim that is not supported by the data.)
IMO, we are seeing the first successful social media saturation campaign launched probably
by the Pentagon's Office Strategic Communications or a similar outfit within the CIA. Having
already taken control over the entire mainstream media complex, the intel agencies and their
friends at the Pentagon are now wrapping their tentacles around internet communications in
order to achieve their goal of complete tyrannical social control.
As always, the target of these massive covert operations is the American people who had
better pull their heads out of the sand pronto and come up with a plan for countering this
@anonymous The elephant in the room, that seems to be ignored by all is the simple fact
that Hispanics are working class heroes. And they outnumber the blacks, and hate their guts
for the most part. Not the scrawny punks withe Che t-shirts, but the actual working types
that are less than thrilled to deal with the weak. Notice how no Hispanic barrios have EVER
been f ** ked with, no matter when the race riot? There is an open fatwa from La Eme
regarding blacks that has never been rescinded. Has a lot to do with the kneegro exodus from
the LA area, which correlates with the lack of looting in the formerly black areas. Which the
MSM prefers to ignore. The happy idiots are mugging for the cameras on a daily basis in
Hollywood, but the Hispanic run Sheriff's office has no problem with popping gas and
defending businesses. Also note that the MSM only reports on areas when a local government
craters to the mob. LA County was under curfew for 7 days due to a mob of looters that
numbered perhaps 2000. If that Jew mayor (with the Italian surname) had not allowed the
looting, then we would have seen the kind of 36 hour turnaround like we had with Rodney King.
The ethnic group that ignores the MSM and stands up for its own people will win in the end.
Right now we are looking more toward the kind of Celtic/Meso-American alliance that is well
known in the penal system. These groups can exist side by side, with each ignoring the other.
Blacks, on the other paw seem to be unable to keep to themselves, at least on the ghetto
level, and will always be an issue for civilization. It's time we stop calling for a generic
and all-inclusive White establishment. The race traitors and weaklings forfeit that right.
When Celts, Italians, Germans, etc. were proud and independent, there was strength. It's time
to return to that ideal. Only the negroid actually lumps all whites together, which the Jews
use as a divisive tool. Strength should be idolized, rather than weakness exploited.
I'm saying that the NYT is not necessarily mouthpiece *only* for the Deep State. As for
your JFK assassination – Senate Anthrax – 9/11 etc, those are considered
conspiracy theories and I've never been persuaded otherwise. I've read up on the theories and
they are not strong.
I don't know what a retarded XOR is except as it relates to logic diagrams and I don't
work for the CIA.
Do Deep State Elements Operate Within the Protest Movement?
It's called Jewish lawfare for Antifa, Jewish control of media, and Jewish cult of Magic
Even though Jews led the Gentric Cleansing campaigns against blacks by using mass
immigration, globo-homo celebration, and white middle class return to cities, the Jews are
now pretending be with the blacks and throwing the immigrants, white middle class, and homos
to the black mobs.
simple fact that Hispanics are working class heroes
Some are. Most aren't. And the 'not'% grows with selective Americanization (not
assimilation). Still, I'll take them over the blacks, even with their generally inferior (to
White) culture.
Whites are better with separation from them along with blacks. Whatever the prime driver,
both groups have poisoned America, likely beyond repair. Conquistador gonnna
M. Whitney in comment 21 clarifies his view of BLM as the impetus for this rebellion. That
does not square with the reports of people on the street.
BLM is exactly analogous to BDS: a controlled opposition of feckless halfassed gestures
designed to distract from the real movement. You hear BLM apparatchiks whining about getting
their movement hijacked because people in the streets show solidarity with oppressed groups
worldwide – and youe hear BLM getting booed by the people they're trying to corral.
BLM's mission is putting words in the protestors' mouths. You hear Democrat BLM spokesmodels
trying to distort calls for police abolition and no more impunity. And real protestors call
BLM works on dumb white guys: hating on BLM makes them feel very edgy and defiant. Black
Lives Matter! Blue Lives Matter! Black! Blue! Black! Blue! Catnip for dumbshits, courtesy of
CIA. Keeps them away from the really subversive stuff, which makes perfect sense for whites
@ICD Look into whether the training of cops has been outsourced and privatized. Or simply
shortened to save money.
And ask why the police are even armed when in Communist China they are not, and
traditionally in the non-American West they were not, now are in imitation of America.
Ann Nonny Mouse, truer words were never spoken. Chinese cops have these cute little
nightsticks, and sometimes they will bop a guy and the guy just stands there and says Ow and
the cops continue to reason with him, no restraint, incapacitation, any of that shit. British
cops used to be that way, they used to reason with you. Now they're all American style
Assholes, if not Israeli concentration camp guards. Just nuke FOP HQ in Memphis.
Koch sees privatization as a future profit center and a chance to control the cops
himself. They're not trainable, they're too fucking stupid. We all did fine without pigs up
through most of the 19th century. Hue and cry works fine. Fire all the cops and replace them
with unarmed women social workers. That's all they are, prodigiously incompetent social
Too, those many businesses with all that unsold inventory sitting around gathering dust due
to Covid isolation will benefit from insurance payments covering their losses due to looting.
The cherry on top.
Are you just clueless or what? Did you notice the names of the Antifa leaders that have
been exposed? They are Amish Right? They are Jews and they will always be Jews! Soros and
other Jews have been running this game for a long time. Where have you been? SDS in Chicago
no Jews there right!
The CIA and the FBI overwhelmed with Jews can you count? All the professors who have been
destroying whites with their fake studies blaming everything wrong in the world on Whites and
Western Civilization. The entire Media owned by who?
Either you were dropped out of a spaceship a few days ago or you are a total idiot and
can't see the forest before trees.
Try this: The Percentage of all Ivy League Presidents, top adminstrators, deans etc take a
guess then go count them and see which group they belong to.
Does anyone believe the nationwide riots and looting are a spontaneous reaction to the
killing of George Floyd?
It's all too coordinated, too widespread, and too much in-sync with the media narrative
* * *
This a destabilization campaign similar to the CIA's color revolutions designed to
topple the regime (Trump), install a puppet government (Biden), impose "shock therapy" on
the economy pushing tens of millions of Americans into homelessness and destitution, and
leave behind a broken, smoldering shell of a country easily controlled by Federal shock
troops and wealthy globalist mandarins.
One must wonder: How could the CIA and the U.S. Democrat establishment foment and
coordinate all of the Black Lives Matter protests occurring in Canada, several nations of
South and Central America, the U.K., Ireland, throughout the European Union, and in
Switzerland, the Middle East (Turkey, Iran ), and in Asia (Korea, Japan .) and New Zealand,
Australia, and Africa?
Mr. Whitney: Neither magic nor bigotry-induced hallucinations can forge a tenable
conspiracy theory.
I think the primary reason the mainstream media doesn't want the general public, especially
those living outside the major cities, to understand the extent of the destruction and
violence that spread in a highly-coordinated fashion across America, is that this would be
cause for alarm among a majority of Americans who would demand more Law & Order, which
would redound to Trump's benefit.
Notice Trump is countering by tweeting "LAW & ORDER!"
Here is Trump tweeting "Does anyone notice how little the Radical Left takeover of Seattle
is being discussed in the Fake News Media[?] That is very much on purpose "
Does anyone notice how little the Radical Left takeover of Seattle is being discussed in
the Fake News Media. That is very much on purpose because they know how badly this weakness
& ineptitude play politically. The Mayor & Governor should be ashamed of
themselves. Easily fixed!
The outcome of the election in November could hinge on the urgency the public places on
the issue of Law & Order. Hence the media's all out effort to minimize the extent of the
Anarchy and Violence and the financial sponsorship, planning, and coordination behind it.
Please see my comment of June 15, 2020 at 1:38 am GMT (comment # 34). I must apologize for
that comment's insufficiency (owed to my posting that comment before I happened upon your
comment to which this comment replies). Had I encountered your comment earlier, my
June 15, 2020 at 1:38 am GMT comment (comment # 34) would have observed that you are
triumphantly illogical as you are a world class crackpot.
@ICD You said it. Police Departments country-wide are stuffed up the wazoo with more cash
than they can spend. But what do they cry? Poor us. Poor us. We ain't got no money.
This is what they, and by they, I mean all our owners and their overseers, always do. They
cry poverty when they are rolling in loot.
Do Deep State Elements Operate Within the Protest Movement?
Yes, and the left(unwittingly) will help them with their cause, and the right will
cowardly hide right behind the deep state as protection from the violent left.
@Priss Factor You are extremely unlikely to receive any of those things from a "Negro".
90% of Americans are unlikely to even see more than ten black people in their entire lives.
I wish you psychotic fucking female idiots on this website who are constantly blathering
about black people could realize how annoying you are to the 90% of white people who are not
living in or next to black ghettos. Please STFU and allow discourse to trend in more
pertinent directions, and move away from black people if you're so paranoid about them.
@Mike Whitney The (((media))) have an uphill battle in convincing us to deny the evidence
of our eyes -- black-hooded white punks throwing bricks through storefronts then inviting
joggers to loot.
That is why so many platforms, even "free speech" GAB, are wildly censoring
@Brian Reilly Stephen Molyneux said that police forces were originally geared to operate
under white Christian societies where there was a high level of trust and people were
law-abiding. I remember when I was a kid, we didn't even lock our doors. Our bikes were left
out on the front lawn, sometimes for days, weeks, and nobody took them. Nobody locked their
car doors. People just didn't steal other people's stuff. When a cop tried to pull you over,
you didn't hit the gas pedal and take off. You didn't run from the cops; you were polite to
them and they were polite to you.
Tucker Carlson said that Blacks are now asking for their own hospitals (I forget what city
this was) and their own doctors and nurses. Blacks schools, Black police forces.
Tribes don't mix. Their culture is different than our culture. Why should they change for
us, and why should we change for them?
It is a marriage that does not work. Either send them back to Africa (best solution) or
give them Mississippi and put up a big wall. Then let them pay for their own upkeep –
all of it. Good luck with that.
Yesterday the frat boy type who is mayor of Minneapolis was booed out of a mass
meeting of radicals in that fair city because he refused to endorse abolishing the police
Mayor Jacob Frey got elected at his extremely young age by flanking on the Left with anti
police rhetoric, He is the the originator of this crisis; as soon as the video of Floyd's
death was public Frey publicly and literally called the four cops murderers and said
he was powerless to have them arrested. That was a false accusation of police impunity,
because the supposedly powerless Frey was able to order the police to vacate their own
station thus letting the demonstrators take over and burn it. Yet to draw back a bit the Deep
State if worried about other states.
That event Frey largely created was the key moment of this whole thing. Trump could have
nipped it in the bud by had sending in troops immediately the Minneapolis 3rd Precinct was
burnt down. Crushing the riots in that city and preventing the example infecting the
demonstrations in other cities. and turning them into cover for riots. Trump did not want to
be seen as Draconian although it would not have been at all violent, because no one is going
to challenge the army's awesome presence once it arrived on the streets,as worked in the
Rodney King riots.
The real target of this operation is the Constitutional Republic itself. Having
succeeded in using the Lockdown to push the economy into severe recession, the globalists
are now inciting a fratricidal war that will weaken the opposition and prepare the country
for a new authoritarian order.
George Floyd had foam visible at the corners of his mouth when the police arrived. Autopsy
tests revealed Fentanyl and COVID-19: both from Wuhan. I Can't Breath is America gearing up
to confront and settle accounts with Xi's totalitarian state.
Current events might seem to be a setback for the US, but provide the opportunity for a
re-set with the black community, with a potential outcome of resolving race tensions that
have been a cause of dissension and internal weakness, just as during the Cold War racial
integration was thought essential by anti communists like Nixon. America is gearing up to
settle accounts with China, which is a Deep State new Cold War. While it is a possibility
that whites could lose control of their society, and see it fall into the hands of an
explicitly anti -acist elite/ minorities alliance, the Deep State is not the same as the
hyper capitalist elite whose growing wealth depends on China.
Do Deep State Elements Operate Within the Protest Movement?
@Mike Whitney The Duran did an excellent video titled "Social Media 'Unchecked Power'"
where they talk about Trump and Barr going after the tech companies and their virtual
monopolies with an executive order.
At 33:45 they state that Microsoft (Bill Gates) invested $1 billion and the CIA invested
$16 million into Facebook when it was still operating as a university network. The CIA were
one of the first investors in Facebook.
Why the hell was the CIA investing $16 million to get Facebook off the ground? Hmmm. Could
it be because Facebook would be instrumental in controlling the narrative?
The young people, who have no experience and no real knowledge of history, are being taken
in by these social media companies who are playing on their emotions. Any dissenting opinions
are blocked or banned. Very dangerous.
@Loup-Bouc Well, the "deep state" is just an euphemism for the jewish power structure,
and all those places you named are run be jews. That jews cooperate in extended conspiracies
without regard of borders should be common knowledge for every observer of history and
current politics. I see nothing far-fetched. Honestly, my mind would boggle if I should
explain, how the Antifa gets away with those things it always gets away with, if it wasn't
controlled by the "deep state". And I couldn't explain the international cooperation either.
As Pepe' Escobar said – Americans looting is a natural thing – just look at how
the US Military has stolen the gaz and oil from Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc. and is trying like
hell for the Venezuelan oil fields. Not to mention where all their gold, silver and billions
of dollars have gone. The list of the USG looting criminal record is unprecedented . It's a
Family Tradition. Enjoyed the article !
@MrFoSquare The Capitol Hill area of Seattle that has been taken over as an "autonomous
zone" by the protesters is really rather laughable.
One of the first things they did was put up what they called "light fencing". Oh, so when
THEY put up walls, that's perfectly fine. When Trump tries to do it, that's evil and racist.
Borders are A-okay when they're doing it.
They've colonized an area for themselves. I thought the Progressive Left was against
colonialism, taking someone else's property. Isn't that what they've done? They've taken over
whole neighborhoods.
And they've got armed patrol guards checking people as they enter. If you're not in
agreement with their ideology, you're not allowed to enter. So apparently it's okay to have
border controls when they're running the world.
They're doing everything they profess to be against. Hilarious.
@Brian Reilly "anonymous, I have been encouraging cops to quit for a long time."
Dude, why? I don't want to get jacked by some thug or some immigrant policeman from
Honduras. And I can't defend myself because it would be a hate crime.
There are underlying motives, or "hidden agendas", beneath the authentic struggle for
justice. The greatest motive is for power: either to retain it or gain it. The need or desire
for power can be identified in every conflict in history.
@Realist So you think that everything they've done to Trump has been one big show and
he's been in on it? The pussy tape, Stormy Daniels, spying on his campaign, the leaking, the
Steele Dossier, Russiagate, Ukrainegate, his impeachment, lying to the FISA Courts by the
FBI, CIA's involvement, Mueller Report, DNC server, Clinton and Loretta Lynch on the tarmac,
fake news media, sanctuary cities, courts disobeying his executive orders, Covid-19, protests
– all of it has been a ruse to fool us into thinking that Trump is a legitimate
What, it's better to have the citizens split politically 50/50? That way there's never a
majority who start throwing their weight around and making trouble for the elite looters?
Keep the people fighting among each other and divided?
Trump has gone through all of this, but he's just faking it? Are we Truman from the Truman
I guess you could be right, but what if you're not? What if Trump is actually an outsider?
He's never really ever been part of the elite, not really. If he is truly an outsider, then
these people have been a party to an attempted coup against a duly-elected President.
And if so, then that's sedition and they should hang.
@PetrOldSack Trump is just a puppet, well maybe a bit more, of the part of the MIC and
Deep State that apparently has a different agenda. This is not to say that they are "good
people" but they seem to want to keep the US as a functioning republic and a major power.
Maybe they have some plans re the other group(s) in the elites that are extremely dangerous
for those groups. Which would explain why those groups ("globalists") want to remove those
elements of influence people behind Trump get from the fact that he is the president. This
explains why fake Covid-19 was so pumped by the media and when that apparently did not work
they moved on to BLM "color revolution". It is interesting how all of this plays out, as it
will decide the fate of the world. Ironically, Xi, Putin and other leaders that represent
groups wanting to maintain (some) sovereignty of their states have a common enemy, even as
their states are in competition, namely "globalist" elements within their own power
One of the goals of the British security service, MI5, is to control the leader or deputy
leader of any subversive organisation larger than a football team. The same is likely true in
every country.
The typical criticism of MI5 is that it is too passive, and does not use its knowledge to
close down hostile groups. In Algeria, the opposite happened: the Algerian security service
infiltrated the most extreme Islamist group in the 1990s and aggravated the country's civil
war by committing massacres, with the goal of creating public revulsion for the
This range of possibilities makes it hard to figure out what the Deep State and other
manipulators are doing.
@Sean Frey is a weak Leftist. The equally weak Governor (another Leftie) needed to handle
the situation. He didn't. Trump told him that the feds would help if he asked; he didn't.
This is all on the state and local governments. They did nothing except to tell the cops
to stand down while the city got looted and burned.
If Trump had sent in the military, they would have screamed blue murder. They probably
would have called for his impeachment. Of course, that's what they wanted Trump to do. Thank
goodness Trump didn't fall for their trap.
So the NYT has joined the vanguard af the American People's Revolution?! People change sides
and not all organisations are uniform, even the CIA. There has to be some organisation to
these protests and whoever is providing it, I doubt the protesters are complaining, but want
even more of it, and for it to be more effective, widespread and to grow. And finding
protesters is no problem now or in the future considering the state of the economy, business
closures, rising unemployment, expensive education. What are all these young people supposed
to do? Sit at home playing video games, surfing porn, watching TV? Or go on a holiday? Now in
these circumstances? I guess they're bored with all that so they may as well hit the streets
and stay on the streets as they'll be on the streets anyway when they get evicted because
they can't pay the rent. And as they're being impoverished they may as well steal what they
can. And obviously they don't fear arrest and are happy to get a criminal record since even a
clean sheet won't get them a job in the failing economy, and they know that. I'm sure many
want a solution that will provide for their future. But who is providing it? So it's on them
to create it. Of course politicians will want to use them and manipulate them for their own
ends. And the elites, and the deep state too. And sure there are Jews in it as in anything.
And sure they're fat, ugly, and degenerate – they're Americans reflecting their own
society. But where it goes nobody knows
@Mike Whitney "Is Antifa a group of deep state agitators? That's the question."
99% of them wouldn't have a clue as to any larger strategic direction. Sorry,
but to repeat myself: "useful idiots".
"Do Deep State Elements Operate Within the Protest Movement?"
Well, duh! It seems likely that the entire George Floyd murder on camera was a staged
event, its even possible that he/it was never really killed. See:
PSYOP? George Floyd "death" was faked by crisis actors to engineer revolutionary riots,
video authors say
" Numerous videos are now surfacing that directly question the authenticity of the claimed
"death" of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. Several trending videos appear to reveal
striking inconsistencies in the official explanations behind the reported death of Floyd.
These videos appear to reinforce the idea that the George Floyd incident was, if not entirely
falsified, most definitely planned and rigged in advance. It is already confirmed that the
Obama Foundation was tweeting about George Floyd more than a week before he is claimed to
have died. "
"Obviously, since Barack Obama doesn't own a time machine, the only way the Obama
Foundation could have tweeted about George Floyd a week before his death is it the entire
event was planned in advanced.
Note: We do not endorse every claim in each of the videos shown below, but we believe the
public has the right to hear dissenting views that challenge the official narratives, and we
believe public debate that incorporates views from all sides of a particular issue offers
inherent merit for public discourse.
Numerous video authors are now spotting stunning inconsistencies in the viral videos that
claim to show white cops murdering George Floyd in broad daylight. Without exception, these
video authors, many of whom are black, believe:
at least one of the "police officers" was actually a hired crisis actor who has appeared
in other staged events in recent years.
that the black man depicted in the viral videos is not, in fact, an individual named
George Floyd.
that the responding medical personnel were not EMTs but were in fact mere crisis actors
wearing police costumes.
Each of the video authors shown below reveals still images and video clips that they say
support their claims. Here's an overview of some of the most intriguing videos and the
summary of what those videos are saying: .":
@Mike Whitney I think you are correct Mike. IF blm got $100 million from anyone it
follows that they are beholden -- & the only entities capable of such "generosity" are
"establishment" it therefore follows that BLM are beholden (controlled) by the establishment
( .the deep state .)
Now the New York Times thinks that the black, brown, white and yellow lives are dispensable
does it mean their own GRAY lives matter more to the rest of us? No, it does not!
The scale and coordination alone suggests that elements in the deep state are probably
It seems right and logical.
But what I don't understand, is why the deep state elite don't understand that in the end the
collapse of the "traditional society" will touch them too in their private life. In the long
run the ruining of the US will ruin everybody in the US including them. Don't they get it ?
Maybe they are intoxicated by their own lies are are begining to lose their lucidity. Like Al
Pacino intoxicated by his own coke in scarface.
@MrFoSquare What we need are some solid numbers:
How many arrested? (& who are they?)
How many properties destroyed?
Dollars worth of damage?
Which cities had the worst damage?
A social media "history" of protest/riot posting ?
Where/who are responsible for brick/frozen water bottle stashes?
Travel histories of notable offenders?
Links between "protesters" & the media ?
Money? Who/what/when/how was all this funded on a day-to-day basis.
And so on.
Mike Whitney doesn't know the first thing. It takes a lot of organizing time and personnel to
properly prepare and lead in the field any large public protest. There are people experienced
in this. Getting them together and deploying their capability is required.
These protests are classic unplanned, spontaneous actions. At least the first major wave
of them. Only after some time will parties try to lead, organize. Or manipulate.
First thing, it's like trying to herd cats. So, you need marshals. Lots of them. Ably led,
and clearly seen. Just to try and steer a protest down one street or to some point. You need
first aid available, provision for seniors and children. Water. Knowledgeable people to deal
with the media.
People who know what they're doing to deal with senior police. With city transit, buses,
taxis. Hospitals, road construction, fire departments. A good protest cleans itself up too so
provide the means for that. Loudspeakers, music – all this an more has to be organized.
By some people.
And 100% of this or even a hint of organizing is not evident at these protests. And the
evidence is easy to see. Organizers advertise too for volunteers. Everything in plain sight
for those with eyes to see.
If you are stupid enough to think that some handful of fruitcakes from some official
agency could even find their way to a protest, actually have a clue how to conduct themselves
and not get laughed at or just ignored – there's no hope for you. You know nothing
about protests and are pedalling fantasy.
@obwandiyag As usual, you're completely delusional. Most police departments are in the
exact same boat as the municipalities that fund them: one downturn (like, say, a public
lockdown followed by public disorder and looting) from going right to the wall.
There won't be any need to "defund" police; most of America's cities and towns are soon to
be on the bread line, looking for those Ctrl-P federal dollars. Quarterly deficits of twenty
trillion, here we come!
@Thomasina The power elite have different factions and they fight each other to a point,
but they do not try to expose each other. This is why none of Trump enemies are going to be
put in prison.
This is why Trump supports don't know what Genie Engery is, not that they would care.
The scum Trump appointed should tell you what side he's on.
I don't know if Antifa is run directly by the three-letter FedGov agencies. But I do know
that the university is the breeding ground for these vermin, and all universities, even
"private" ones, are largely funded by the governmnent, and are tax exempt.
@schnellandine The Hispanics in America are similar to waves of Italians in the late 19th
and early 20th Centuries, except the numbers are far larger and never ending, which impacts
assimilation. The Hispanics are the ones doing the hard physical labor for low pay, and they
are the ones in American society to invest in learning the skill to perform some of those
backbreaking, low paying jobs well. They are the Super Marios of today. Many of them ply
their trades as small businessmen. They are thankful for their jobs and the people they
Many are loving, salt-of-the-earth type people who genuinely love their blanco friends.
Howard Stern thinks their music sucks but at least they sing songs about el corazon, music of
the heart and of love. (No one is comparable to the Italians in that department, but what do
you suppose happened to the beautiful love music produced by black male vocalists as late as
a generation ago?) Except for the fact that Hispanics come from countries with long
traditions of corrupt, El Patron governments which unfortunately they want to enact here as a
social safety net, they are often traditional in their attitudes about religion and family.
Of course, they get in drunken brawls, abuse their women, and the graft and incompetence in
their institutions can be outrageous. The reason they flee here is because the world they've
created themselves in the shithole places they've leaving isn't as good as the West created
by Caucasian cultures. The law abiding, decent family people I'm speaking of prosper
alongside of whites and many come to recognize that whites and Hispanics can build a common
destiny that's far preferable to the direction black agitators are taking blacks in America.
So you think that everything they've done to Trump has been one big show and he's been
in on it? The pussy tape, Stormy Daniels, spying on his campaign, the leaking, the Steele
Dossier, Russiagate, Ukrainegate, his impeachment, lying to the FISA Courts by the FBI,
CIA's involvement, Mueller Report, DNC server, Clinton and Loretta Lynch on the tarmac,
fake news media, sanctuary cities, courts disobeying his executive orders, Covid-19,
protests – all of it has been a ruse to fool us into thinking that Trump is a
legitimate opposition?
Keep the people fighting among each other and divided?
Yes, but the elite do not fear the majority they are in complete control through
insouciance and stupidity on the majority.
I guess you could be right, but what if you're not? What if Trump is actually an
He's not his actions and inactions are impossible to logically explain away he is a minion
of the Deep State.
The protest movement is directed and controlled by the same zionists who control the
government and their goal is the destruction of America and they are being allowed to do the
wrecking and destruction that they are doing, as this helps full fill the zionist communist
takeover of America.
To see where this is leading read up on the bolshevik-communist revolution in Russia and
the communist revolution in China and Cuba and Cambodia, and there is the future of
@Christophe GJ They enjoy human suffering. Who knows maybe their compensation is linked
to dead bodies. The deep state types will dwell in gate communities that will never be
breached. The perks of owning both segments of the "opposition." As for the CIA's owners, a
sharp depopulation has been their goal for some time. Why it has to be so ghoulish and
prolong is anyone's guess.
@Brian Reilly "To the issue at hand, black people should only be policed, arrested,
charged, prosecuted, defended, judged, and (if found guilty) punished by other blacks."
Yeah, some city tried that. To try to satisfy the "Get White police out of our
neighborhoods" they did -- they re-orged and sent only black cops into black neighborhoods,
and let the White cops police the White neighborhoods. And the BLACK POLICE SUED to end that!
They were, they claimed (and legitimately, too!) being treated unfairly by making THEM police
the most violent, the most dangerous, the most deadly neighborhoods, and "protecting" the
White cops from that duty by letting only the White cops work the nice neighborhoods. They
WON too!
(note: "IKAGO" = "I know a good one." the all-too-often excuse from the unawakened!)
I don't mourn the loss of Baltimore. Or Detroit, Chicago, Gary, Atlanta, etc etc etc.
It is ultimately a huge benefit to have Negroes concentrated in these huge teeming Petri
As always I advocate the complete White withdrawal from these horrible urban sh_tholes,
and as always I advocate that since Negroes do not want to be policed, to immediately stop
policing them.
And to anyone who might be naive enough to say "hey, there are good people in those
neighborhoods, who try to work and raise their kids, who obey the law and who abhor the
lawlessness and rioting as much as anyone" . my response is that these same IKAGO's voted for
a Negro president, for Negro mayors, Negro city council members, Negro police chiefs and
Negro school superintendents, and now they are getting exactly what they deserve, good and
effing hard.
I have ZERO sympathy for blacks.
And the new rule:
Remember when seconds count, the police are not even obligated to respond.
Of course "deep state elements" operate in protests! What A STUPID question, Whitney. All
kinds of political tricksters, manipulators, provocateurs, idiots, fools, people suffering
from ennui, you name it Mike, they're involved. And yes, the murder of the black man in
Minneapolis was the trigger.
That's not the only cause of social unrest. There are lots of reasons that drive the
displeasure of the mass of people and it's not the silly "deep state". Before you use that
term, if you want any sort of salute from intelligent people, you need to define your terms.
Or are just just waving a red flag so you can attract a bunch of stupid Trumpsters?
There's a whole lot of deep state out there, good buddy. Just examine the federal budget
and whatever money you cannot assign to a particular institution or specific purpose, that is
funding your your "deep state". It's billions and billions. But there is no Wizard of Oz
behind the curtain to spend it all on nefarious purposes. Sure, the deep state destroyed the
WTC and killed a few thousand people. These hidden operators can do things civilians can only
imagine, but they cannot create movements, Whitney. You just can't fool all of the people all
of the time.
Are you having a touch of brain degeneration, Mike, like dear autocrat in the White
A great article. While Trump may have some ties to the Deep State, I doubt very much that he
is their puppet. He won the nomination because he was against some of the Deep States key
policies. He even tried to implement his policies but mostly failed due to traitors in his
administration and all the coordinated coup attempts.
One recent development that causes me to think that this article is spot on is the blatant
attacks by retired generals and even currently serving generals against a sitting president.
Even Defense Sec. Esper (the Raytheon lobbyist) criticized Trump's comments on the
Insurrection Act, which was totally unnecessary since Trump only said that he had the
authority to use it.
The coordinated criticism of the generals just reminds me of how similar it is to the
coordinated effort by the CIA, FBI, State Department and NSA to use the Russiagate hoax and
impeachment hoax to remove Trump. The riots, the money funneled from BLM to Biden 2020,
support of Antifa by the MSM and the generals treasonous actions are not coincidences.
I'm surprised by the generally low level of the responses.
Mr. Whitney:
There haven't been 'millions' of protestors, maybe some thousands.
Please list the "valid grievances" that negros hold concerning the cops; are the cops
supposed to raise black IQ? These riots need to be suppressed pronto; don't waste your time
waiting for the fat orange buffoon to do anything.
Negros have no 'communities', and never will.
I'm wondering why Mr. Unz thinks he is required to let leftists like Whitney post
(1)-There is a 'deep state'
(2)-(1) does NOT imply that negros are a noble race.
The opening statement is quite true. They've apparently been organizing under the radar for
some years now. Diversity is our greatest weakness and these fissures that run through the
country can be exploited. Blacks have been weaponized and used as the spearpoint along with
the more purposeful real Antifa (lots of wannabes walking around clad in black). Everything
has really been well coordinated and the Gene Sharp playbook followed. These 'color
revolution' employees are actually all over the globe, funded by various front groups and
NGOs. The money trail often leads to various billionaires like the ubiquitous Soros but
people like that may just be acting as fronts themselves. Supposed leftists working against
the interests of the value producing working class?
The George Floyd murder was a obviously a wholly staged Deep State event, complete with
the usual crisis actors, as this video summary clearly illustrates :
@Brian Reilly"To the issue at hand, black people should only be policed, arrested,
charged, prosecuted, defended, judged, and (if found guilty) punished by other blacks. No
white person should have anything to do with it. "
And when these same blacks attack or steal from a White person, which they often do, do
you think they'll get a just punishment from their fellow blacks or a high five?
The solution to the black problem is complete separation, there is no other way.
@Mike Whitney But why do you assume the CIA wants to get rid of Trump? Isn't that
tantamount to judging a book by its cover? Americans have been on to the evil shenanigans of
the intelligence community for decades. Trump is nothing more than controlled opposition and
a false sense of security for "patriots". One needs look no further than the prognostications
of Q to see that Trump is the beneficiary of deep state propaganda. The CIA's modus operandi,
together with the rest of the IC, is to deceive. So if they appear to be doing one thing
(fighting Trump) you can be sure they intend the opposite.
Americans are nose deep in false dichotomies, and Trump is a pole par excellence. Despite
his flagrant history as an NYC liberal, putative fat cat, swindler, and network television
superstar, he is now depicted as either a populist outsider, or a literal Nazi. The simple
fact is that he is an actor and confidence artist. He is playing a role, and he is playing to
both sides of the aisle, and his work is to deceive the entirety of the American public,
together with the mockingbird media, which is merely the yin to his pathetic yang.
Too many Americans think they have a choice, or a chance, by simply minding their own
business, consuming their media of choice, and voting. In fact, Americans are face to face
with the end of their history, as the country has been systematically looted for decades, and
will soon be demolished as it is no longer profitable to the oligarchs who manage the globe.
Obama-Trump is a 1-2 knockout punch.
@Uomiem That's a good point, and it's of the main problems I do have with Trump: his
cabinet picks and financial backers (Adelsen, Singer, et al.). But in fairness, what happens
when he tries to pick someone who's not approved by the system? Well, if they're cabinet
officers, they'll never get approved by the senate. And even if they're not, they will be
driven out of the White House somehow–just like Gen. Flynn and Steve Bannon. In short,
when it comes to staffing, Trump's choices are limited by the same swamp he's fighting. Sad
but true
@Thomasina Interesting comments by the Duran but I cannot find any evidence of a direct
investment by the CIA in Facebook. The CIA's investment arm, In-Q-Tel, did invest in early
Facebook investor Peter Theil's company Palantir and other companies. Also, Graylock Partners
were also early investors in Facebook along with Peter Theil and the head of Graylock is
Howard Cox who served on In-Q-Tel's board of directors. But these are indirect inferences.
Unlike the clear and direct investment of the CIA in the company that was eventually
purchased by Google and is now called Google Earth, I can't find any evidence of a direct
investment by the CIA in Facebook. I have no doubt it's true since it's a perfect tool for
data gathering. Do you have any direct evidence of such an investment?
Is the Deep State stage-managing the "BLM" protests to further an agenda? Absolutely.
The main influence of the Deep State is felt in its complete dominance of the controlled
Like mantras handed down by the commissars, the mainstream media keep repeating key
phrases to narrowly define what's happening: "mostly peaceful protests", "anti-black
The media is an organ of the Deep State. The Deep State will decide when the protests will
end, and when that day arrives, the media will suddenly pivot on cue like a school of fish or
a flock of birds.
Perhaps some non believers in the Deep State would like to explain why the multi trillion
dollar corporations in America are supporting BLM, Antifa and other anarchy groups since on
the face of it anarchy would be antithetical to these corporations?
Hint: The wealthy and powerful (aka Deep State) know that anarchy divides a populous
thereby removing their ability to resist their true enemy and even more draconian laws. The
die is being cast at this moment and the complete subjugation of the American people will,
probably, be effectuate by the end of this year. A full court press is under way and life is
about to change for 99% of the American people.
If you disagree with my hint correct it.
Too many Americans think they have a choice, or a chance, by simply minding their own
business, consuming their media of choice, and voting. In fact, Americans are face to face
with the end of their history, as the country has been systematically looted for decades,
and will soon be demolished as it is no longer profitable to the oligarchs who manage the
globe. Obama-Trump is a 1-2 knockout punch.
Your points are excellent. All tragic, devastating events in the last, at least, 20
years have been staged or played to facilitate the total control by the Deep State.
The problem is power – and the nature of those who lust for it. The police are very
powerful, by necessity and the nature of police work is the exercise of power – on the
Not to mention the fact that police forces, like every other institution, are managed from
the top. Sgt. Bernstein back at the station calls the shots, gets to decide who is hired /
fired and generally runs the department like a CEO runs a company. Not all cops are rotten,
but if Sgt. Bernstein is a scumbag, the whole department tends to behave as a scumbag.
I'll give you two guesses, the second one doesn't count, as to which tribe of psychopaths
– who call themselves "chosen" – have mastered the art of playing both sides
against the middle, using the police as a very powerful tool to accomplish an ancient agenda
of world-domination, straight out of The Torah.
The police are just another sad story of the destruction of America, by Shlomo.
@Mike Whitney Any explanation that ignores that the catalyst for what is happening is the
Federal Reserve Notes free fall is not a good explanation.
This is a failed Communist Putsch. The people pushing it have enough control of major
cities to keep it alive but not enough to push it into the heartland. 400 million guns and a
few billion bullets are protecting freedom in the USA just like they were intended to.
All failed communist revolutions end in fascism taking power. The Yahoo news comments
sections are way to big to censor properly and they are already taking on a Fascist tone with
almost half the posters. This is only just beginning and most people are beginning to
understand that these lies non whites tell about the fake systemic racism are too dangerous
to go unchallenged. The idea that the protests ,the protests not the riots, have no
foundation in truth is starting to work its way to the forefront of white peoples minds.
Non whites are coddled by the establishment in the USA and no real racists have any power
in the USA so this whole thing is and has been for 50 years based on lies.
The jew mob is going to lose all their economic power over the next year or so as the Fed
Note hyper-inflates. The mob knows this and made a grab for ideological power using low IQ
ungrateful non whites they have been inculcating with anti white ideals for decades as their
foot soldiers.
They are screwed because the places they control are parasitic just like they are. Cities
are full of people making nothing and pretty much just doing service jobs for each other. All
the things needed to keep cities going come from outside the cities and the jew mob is not in
charge in the places that actually produce things. Not like they are in the cities
Ignoring the currency rises makes you dishonest Mike.
I think the leadership and tactics of the police are deplorable. I can only surmise that the
local political leadership in many cities is on the inside of this latest scam.
The police should be able to launch attacks on the crowd to single out those who are
Antifa activists. That is what the riot police in France would do. They should try to ignore
the rabble behind which these activists are sheltering.
By remaining on the defensive and without using the element of surprise to capture these
activists, the police are sitting ducks.
My dad told me what it was like in Cairo when the centre of the city was destroyed in
1952. I was tiny at that time and remember my mother carrying me. We watched Cairo burning in
the distance. We were on the roof of the huge house of my Egyptian grandfather in
The looters and arsonists were well-equipped. It was not by any means spontaneous. They
smashed the locks on the draw-down shutters of the shops with sledge hammers. Next, they
looted the shop. Lastly, they tossed in Molotov cocktails. The commercial heart of Cairo was
largely destroyed in a few hours. Cinemas and the Casino were burnt. Cairo was a very
pleasant metropolis in those days. It became prosperous during WW2 by supplying the
My family's small factory was in the very centre of Cairo – in Abbassia. My father
rounded up his workers to defend the factory. Many lived on the premises. They were all tough
Sa'idi from Upper
Egypt. Many were Coptic Christians. They all had large staffs that they knew how to use. The
arsonists and looters kept well clear.
JUNE 9, 2020 CityLab University: A Timeline of U.S. Police Protests
The latest protests against police violence toward African Americans didn't appear out of
nowhere. They're rooted in generations of injustice and systemic racism.
@Sean said:
"While it is a possibility that whites could lose control of their society, and see it fall
into the hands of an explicitly anti -[r]acist elite/ minorities alliance,"
The entire matter is "explicit" racism directed against Euro-whites.
@gay troll "But why do you assume the CIA wants to get rid of Trump?"
John Brennan collaborated with James Comey on the Russian collusion narrative. Brennan is
indicative of the upper-echelon CIA and its orientation towards the globalist billionaire
@Loup-Bouc Maybe you also noticed that the opening pages of the article suggested that
the author was unhinged when he made so much of an alleged editorial in the NYT which wasn't
an editorial but an opinion piece by an activist. And what about the spontaneous eruptions of
protest all round the world? Masterminded by the US "Deep State"? Absurd.
Mr. Whitney may have got to an age when he can no longer understand the young and their
latest fashionable fatuities and follies.
@obwandiyag " The assholes on this asshole site will not let you say that what is
important is how the super-billionaires control us. "
Nonsense, I rant against the largely Jewish super-billionaires all the time.
Truth is that blacks and working class whites are in relatively similar positions compared
to the 1%. We should be seeking alliances with people like Rev. Farrakhan, but instead, for
some curious reason, big Jewish money is pouring into keeping racial grievances alive and
kicking. It looks very much like a divide and conquer strategy.
Where did the antiwar and Occupy Wall Street movements go after Obama's election? My guess
is that the financial elite saw the danger of having OWS ask questions about the bailouts, so
they devoted a ton of time and energy into pushing racial grievance politics, gender neutral
bathrooms and the like. Their co-ethnics in the media collaborated with them in making sure
only one perspective made the news.
PS: if you don't like the website, simply avoid visiting it. Trust me, no one will miss
your inane posts.
"90% of Americans are unlikely to even see more than ten black people in their entire
I sure hope you're talking about IRL, because I see more than ten black people in any
commercial break on any TV show on any cable or network TV station every hour of every day.
In fact, it's at least 50/50 B/W and it feels more like 60/40 B/W. And it's always the blacks
who are in charge, the whites spill chips all over the kitchen floor
@SunBakedSuburb 15 seasons of The Apprentice on NBC is indicative of Trump's
orientation towards the globalist billionaire class. It sure was nice of NBC to thus
rehabilitate Trump's image after it became clear he was a cheat who could not even hold down
a casino. From fake wrestler to fake boardroom CEO, Trump has ALWAYS been made for TV.
As for Russiagate, it was a transparent crock of shit from the moment Clapper sent his
uncorrobated assertions under the aegis of "17 intelligence agencies". You assume the point
of the charade was to "get Trump", but really Russiagate was designed to deceive "liberals"
just as Q was designed to deceive "conservatives". It is the appearance of conflict that
serves to divide Americans into two camps who both believe the other is at fault for all of
society's ills. In fact, it is the Zionists and bankers who are to blame for society's ills,
and like the distraction of black vs. white, Democrat vs. Republican keeps everybody's
attention away from the real chauvinists and criminals.
@Sean Well, I can't deny that yours is an extremely original interpretation. It sure made
me think. I can't say I'm convinced, though it doesn't seem to have any conspicuous a priori
inconsistency with facts. I guess time will tell.
@Realist Agree. Someone posted he had a friend at Minneapolis airport. Incoming planes
were full of antifa types the day after Floyd died.
They are very well organized. They are notorious around universities. Well, not
universities in dangerous black neighborhoods. They live like students in crowded apartments
and organize all their movements. Plenty of dumb kids to recruit. Plenty of downwardly mobile
White grads who can't get jobs or into grad s hook because they're White. Those Whites go
into liberal rabble rousing instead of rabble rousing against affirmative action, so
brainwashed are they. Portland is a college town. That's why antifa is so well organized
there. Seattle's a college town too as is Chicago.
Why ANTIFA doesn't loot banks, doesn't stand in front od Soros home, JPMorgan headquarters,
big corporations, Bezos business .etc? Because rich are paying for riots ..the same way they
payed to support Hitler during WWII.
@Anon Thanks for highlighting the complex racial politics -- in this case between
Hispanics and Africans. That was something Ron Unz got right as well -- independently of the
numerology -- in the other article; basically saying that there have been a lot of various
social-engineering projects going on.
Naturally I'm liable for everything else you said ;/ no comment, no contest,
I think it will be alright if we can get back to basics, natural rights, republican
representative organization, pluralism, etc The corporate nightmare has everyone crammed into
a vat of human resources. Undo that, see how it goes, then take it from there.
@Mike Whitney The reason most of the rioters arrested were native New Yorkers is that
they were the useful idiots designated fall guys.
The organizers are adept at changing clothes hats and sunglasses. Their job is to get
things started by smashing windows of a Nike's store and running away letting a few looters
be arrested.
I remember something written by an Indian communist, not Indian nationalist How To Start a
Riot in the 1920s.
1 Start rumors about abuse of Indians by British.
2. Decide where to start the riots.
3 Best place is in the open air markets around noon. The merchants will have collected
substantial money. The local lay abouts will be up and about.
4 Instigators start fights with the merchants raid cash boxes overturn tables and the riot is
The ancient Roman politicians started riots that way. It's standard procedure in every
country in every era. All this fuss and discussion by the idiot intelligentsia is ridiculous
as is everything the idiot intelligentsia thinks, writes and does.
We Americans experience a black riot every few years, just as we experience floods,
droughts, blizzards , earthquakes, forest fires, tornadoes floods and hurricanes.
As long as we have blacks and liberal alleged intellectuals we'll have riots.
@Ashino Wolf Sushanti As far as I know BLM is also dead silent on the black slave markets
care of Obama and the EU in Libya.
There are also stories that money contributed to BLM will end up going to the DNC.
This is looking like another 1960's type insurrection that will end up the same way: it
will be used by the rich and powerful elites (notice how the corporate controlled media has
gone on one knee for BLM and has gone outright anti-white?), there will be a back lash that
will crush it (right after the election), and its leaders will be either absorbed into the
establishment or offed.
America looks like a hybrid of Stephen King, Brave New World, and 1984, and the rich and
powerful US elites and intel agencies stroke it and love it. Notice that the US super rich
have been raking it in since January 2020? While at the same time Trump is busy making the US
a vassal state of Israel and accelerating the roll-out of Cold War v2 which is just fine with
US elites that will not change with the election of moron Biden (if the people elect Biden
they are electing his VP as Biden will not last long; he is a lot like Yeltsin that was
pumped up on mental stimulants and nutriments to perform for short periods until the next
treatment). What a country, what a ship of fools.
The former New York senator published her
thoughts on her on Medium blog , where she appeared to endorse the Black
Lives Matter movement, something she has previously stayed well clear of doing. "George Floyd's
life mattered. Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor's lives mattered. Black lives matter," she
began by stating.
"I promise to keep fighting alongside all of you to make the United States a place where all
men and all women are treated as equals, just as we are and just as we deserve to be," she
added, positioning herself on the same side as the protestors, many of whom are demanding the
abolition of the police. Clinton commended the amazing "power of solidarity" she had seen and
promised to "speak out against white supremacy in all its forms," declaring that America is
long overdue for "an honest reckoning" with its racism problem.
However, an honest reckoning with Clinton's past unearths a myriad of troubling incidents
and positions that are difficult to square with her newfound radical antiracist stance. She
supported her husband and Joe Biden's
1994 Crime Bill that led to an explosion in mass incarceration across the country.
"... From this point of view the current situation is a mixed bag for Neoliberal Dems: protest are partially genuine protests against the level of inequality caused by neoliberalism, partially are an attempt to exploit legitimate grievances in order to topple Trump (CHAZ in Seattle looks like a kind of a new Maidan and clearly were at least partially city council and the governor supported.) ..."
"... The USA version of Hongweibings toppling statues definitely play into Trump hand: radicalization of protests gives Trump an advantage to present himself now as the only "law and order" candidate, the "Silent majority" candidate, a la Nixon. ..."
"... The key weakness of Neoliberal Democrats is the level of hypocrisy in their support of protests: Pelosi (and Schumer) looks like a wolf in sheep clothing donning African scarves. Along with Bill Clinton they did a lot to deprive Afro Americans of the social security benefits they enjoyed under the New Deal Capitalism, and putting them in jails for minor infractions with the law (Biden was the key player here) ..."
"... I would assume that the 2020 election will be a choice between two platforms, not between two candidates. And Trump now represents "law and order" platform. While Biden is forced to represent "change we can believe in" platform. And Democrats already burned all the bridges. ..."
Trump is staggering. He's plunging in the polls, and his behavior has become erratic
and unhinged. I don't mean he's being crude, infantile and wrapped in a world of fantasy
-- he's always like that. Rather, I see him as suddenly incoherent, fumbling with threats
and catchphrases as if he were locked out of his house at night, frantically trying one
key after another to see if any will work.
I think the personalities of Trump and Biden no longer matter: the level of polarization
of the USA electorate is a more important factor now.
In other words, the reaction to the protests of independents will determine the results
on 2020 elections.
From this point of view the current situation is a mixed bag for Neoliberal Dems:
protest are partially genuine protests against the level of inequality caused by
neoliberalism, partially are an attempt to exploit legitimate grievances in order to topple
Trump (CHAZ in Seattle looks like a kind of a new Maidan and clearly were at least
partially city council and the governor supported.)
The USA version of Hongweibings toppling statues definitely play into Trump hand:
radicalization of protests gives Trump an advantage to present himself now as the only "law
and order" candidate, the "Silent majority" candidate, a la Nixon.
The key weakness of Neoliberal Democrats is the level of hypocrisy in their support of
protests: Pelosi (and Schumer) looks like a wolf in sheep clothing donning African scarves.
Along with Bill Clinton they did a lot to deprive Afro Americans of the social security
benefits they enjoyed under the New Deal Capitalism, and putting them in jails for minor
infractions with the law (Biden was the key player here)
One minor point: exaggerated threats is the way Trump operate. He like poker players use
bluffing as a part of the political strategy. It's like he is trying to determine some
limits for each situation and sense how far he can go, as well as putting the opponents off
balance provoking them to overreact,. Then he retreats to a more reasonable position.
I would assume that the 2020 election will be a choice between two platforms, not
between two candidates. And Trump now represents "law and order" platform. While Biden is
forced to represent "change we can believe in" platform. And Democrats already burned all
the bridges.
Please note that Biden political history is the history of a staunch neoliberal,
completely hostile to the interests of the majority of the USA population and, especially,
Afro Americans and white working class (aka deplorable). As such he will now look as
hypocrite no matter what he say.
A strange mixture of Black nationalism with Black Bolshevism is a very interesting and pretty alarming phenomenon. It proved to
be a pretty toxic mix. But it is far from being new. We saw how the Eugène Pottier famous song
International lines "We have been naught we
shall be all." and "Servile masses arise, arise." unfolded before under Stalinism in Soviet Russia.
We also saw Lysenkoism in Academia before, and it was not a pretty picture. Some Russian/Soviet scientists such as Academician Vavilov
paid with their life for the sin of not being politically correct. From this letter it is clear that the some departments
already reached the stage tragically close to that situation.
Lysenkoism was "politically correct" (a term invented by Lenin) because it was consistent with the broader Marxist doctrine.
Marxists wanted to believe that heredity had a limited role even among humans, and that human characteristics changed by living
under socialism would be inherited by subsequent generations of humans. Thus would be created the selfless new Soviet man
"Lysenko was consequently embraced and lionized by the Soviet media propaganda machine. Scientists who promoted Lysenkoism with
faked data and destroyed counterevidence were favored with government funding and official recognition and award. Lysenko and his
followers and media acolytes responded to critics by impugning their motives, and denouncing them as bourgeois fascists resisting
the advance of the new modern Marxism."
The Disgraceful Episode Of Lysenkoism Brings Us Global Warming Theory
Notable quotes:
"... In the extended links and resources you provided, I could not find a single instance of substantial counter-argument or alternative narrative to explain the under-representation of black individuals in academia or their over-representation in the criminal justice system. ..."
"... any cogent objections to this thesis have been raised by sober voices, including from within the black community itself, such as Thomas Sowell and Wilfred Reilly. These people are not racists or 'Uncle Toms'. They are intelligent scholars who reject a narrative that strips black people of agency and systematically externalizes the problems of the black community onto outsiders . Their view is entirely absent from the departmental and UCB-wide communiques. ..."
"... The claim that the difficulties that the black community faces are entirely causally explained by exogenous factors in the form of white systemic racism, white supremacy, and other forms of white discrimination remains a problematic hypothesis that should be vigorously challenged by historians ..."
"... Would we characterize criminal justice as a systemically misandrist conspiracy against innocent American men? I hope you see that this type of reasoning is flawed, and requires a significant suspension of our rational faculties. Black people are not incarcerated at higher rates than their involvement in violent crime would predict . This fact has been demonstrated multiple times across multiple jurisdictions in multiple countries. ..."
"... If we claim that the criminal justice system is white-supremacist, why is it that Asian Americans, Indian Americans, and Nigerian Americans are incarcerated at vastly lower rates than white Americans? ..."
"... Increasingly, we are being called upon to comply and subscribe to BLM's problematic view of history , and the department is being presented as unified on the matter. In particular, ethnic minorities are being aggressively marshaled into a single position. Any apparent unity is surely a function of the fact that dissent could almost certainly lead to expulsion or cancellation for those of us in a precarious position , which is no small number. ..."
"... The vast majority of violence visited on the black community is committed by black people . There are virtually no marches for these invisible victims, no public silences, no heartfelt letters from the UC regents, deans, and departmental heads. The message is clear: Black lives only matter when whites take them. Black violence is expected and insoluble, while white violence requires explanation and demands solution. Please look into your hearts and see how monstrously bigoted this formulation truly is. ..."
"... The claim that black intraracial violence is the product of redlining, slavery, and other injustices is a largely historical claim. It is for historians, therefore, to explain why Japanese internment or the massacre of European Jewry hasn't led to equivalent rates of dysfunction and low SES performance among Japanese and Jewish Americans respectively. ..."
"... Arab Americans have been viciously demonized since 9/11, as have Chinese Americans more recently. However, both groups outperform white Americans on nearly all SES indices - as do Nigerian Americans , who incidentally have black skin. It is for historians to point out and discuss these anomalies. However, no real discussion is possible in the current climate at our department . The explanation is provided to us, disagreement with it is racist, and the job of historians is to further explore additional ways in which the explanation is additionally correct. This is a mockery of the historical profession. ..."
"... Donating to BLM today is to indirectly donate to Joe Biden's 2020 campaign. This is grotesque given the fact that the American cities with the worst rates of black-on-black violence and police-on-black violence are overwhelmingly Democrat-run. Minneapolis itself has been entirely in the hands of Democrats for over five decades ; the 'systemic racism' there was built by successive Democrat administrations. ..."
"... The total alliance of major corporations involved in human exploitation with BLM should be a warning flag to us, and yet this damning evidence goes unnoticed, purposefully ignored, or perversely celebrated. We are the useful idiots of the wealthiest classes , carrying water for Jeff Bezos and other actual, real, modern-day slavers. Starbucks, an organisation using literal black slaves in its coffee plantation suppliers, is in favor of BLM. Sony, an organisation using cobalt mined by yet more literal black slaves, many of whom are children, is in favor of BLM. And so, apparently, are we. The absence of counter-narrative enables this obscenity. Fiat lux, indeed. ..."
"... MLK would likely be called an Uncle Tom if he spoke on our campus today . We are training leaders who intend, explicitly, to destroy one of the only truly successful ethnically diverse societies in modern history. As the PRC, an ethnonationalist and aggressively racially chauvinist national polity with null immigration and no concept of jus solis increasingly presents itself as the global political alternative to the US, I ask you: Is this wise? Are we really doing the right thing? ..."
I am one of your colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley. I have met you both personally but do not know you closely,
and am contacting you anonymously, with apologies. I am worried that writing this email publicly might lead to me losing my job,
and likely all future jobs in my field.
In your recent departmental emails you mentioned our pledge to diversity, but I am increasingly alarmed by the absence of diversity
of opinion on the topic of the recent protests and our community response to them.
In the extended links and resources you provided, I could not find a single instance of substantial counter-argument or alternative
narrative to explain the under-representation of black individuals in academia or their over-representation in the criminal justice
system. The explanation provided in your documentation, to the near exclusion of all others, is univariate: the problems of
the black community are caused by whites, or, when whites are not physically present, by the infiltration of white supremacy and
white systemic racism into American brains, souls, and institutions.
Many cogent objections to this thesis have been raised by sober voices, including from within the black community itself,
such as Thomas Sowell and Wilfred Reilly. These people are not racists or 'Uncle Toms'. They are intelligent scholars who reject
a narrative that strips black people of agency and systematically externalizes the problems of the black community onto outsiders
. Their view is entirely absent from the departmental and UCB-wide communiques.
The claim that the difficulties that the black community faces are entirely causally explained by exogenous factors in the
form of white systemic racism, white supremacy, and other forms of white discrimination remains a problematic hypothesis that should
be vigorously challenged by historians . Instead, it is being treated as an axiomatic and actionable truth without serious consideration
of its profound flaws, or its worrying implication of total black impotence. This hypothesis is transforming our institution and
our culture, without any space for dissent outside of a tightly policed, narrow discourse.
A counternarrative exists. If you have time, please consider examining some of the documents I attach at the end of this email.
Overwhelmingly, the reasoning provided by BLM and allies is either primarily anecdotal (as in the case with the bulk of Ta-Nehisi
Coates' undeniably moving article) or it is transparently motivated. As an example of the latter problem, consider the proportion
of black incarcerated Americans. This proportion is often used to characterize the criminal justice system as anti-black. However,
if we use the precise same methodology, we would have to conclude that the criminal justice system is even more anti-male than it
is anti-black .
Would we characterize criminal justice as a systemically misandrist conspiracy against innocent American men? I hope you see
that this type of reasoning is flawed, and requires a significant suspension of our rational faculties. Black people are not incarcerated
at higher rates than their involvement in violent crime would predict . This fact has been demonstrated multiple times across multiple
jurisdictions in multiple countries.
And yet, I see my department uncritically reproducing a narrative that diminishes black agency in favor of a white-centric explanation
that appeals to the department's apparent desire to shoulder the 'white man's burden' and to promote a narrative of white guilt .
If we claim that the criminal justice system is white-supremacist, why is it that Asian Americans, Indian Americans, and Nigerian
Americans are incarcerated at vastly lower rates than white Americans? This is a funny sort of white supremacy. Even Jewish
Americans are incarcerated less than gentile whites. I think it's fair to say that your average white supremacist disapproves of
Jews. And yet, these alleged white supremacists incarcerate gentiles at vastly higher rates than Jews. None of this is addressed
in your literature. None of this is explained, beyond hand-waving and ad hominems. "Those are racist dogwhistles". "The model minority
myth is white supremacist". "Only fascists talk about black-on-black crime", ad nauseam.
These types of statements do not amount to counterarguments: they are simply arbitrary offensive classifications, intended to
silence and oppress discourse . Any serious historian will recognize these for the silencing orthodoxy tactics they are , common
to suppressive regimes, doctrines, and religions throughout time and space. They are intended to crush real diversity and permanently
exile the culture of robust criticism from our department.
Increasingly, we are being called upon to comply and subscribe to BLM's problematic view of history , and the department is
being presented as unified on the matter. In particular, ethnic minorities are being aggressively marshaled into a single position.
Any apparent unity is surely a function of the fact that dissent could almost certainly lead to expulsion or cancellation for those
of us in a precarious position , which is no small number.
I personally don't dare speak out against the BLM narrative , and with this barrage of alleged unity being mass-produced by the
administration, tenured professoriat, the UC administration, corporate America, and the media, the punishment for dissent is a clear
danger at a time of widespread economic vulnerability. I am certain that if my name were attached to this email, I would lose my
job and all future jobs, even though I believe in and can justify every word I type.
The vast majority of violence visited on the black community is committed by black people . There are virtually no marches
for these invisible victims, no public silences, no heartfelt letters from the UC regents, deans, and departmental heads. The message
is clear: Black lives only matter when whites take them. Black violence is expected and insoluble, while white violence requires
explanation and demands solution. Please look into your hearts and see how monstrously bigoted this formulation truly is.
No discussion is permitted for nonblack victims of black violence, who proportionally outnumber black victims of nonblack violence.
This is especially bitter in the Bay Area, where Asian victimization by black assailants has reached epidemic proportions, to the
point that the SF police chief has advised Asians to stop hanging good-luck charms on their doors, as this attracts the attention
of (overwhelmingly black) home invaders . Home invaders like George Floyd . For this actual, lived, physically experienced reality
of violence in the USA, there are no marches, no tearful emails from departmental heads, no support from McDonald's and Wal-Mart.
For the History department, our silence is not a mere abrogation of our duty to shed light on the truth: it is a rejection of it.
The claim that black intraracial violence is the product of redlining, slavery, and other injustices is a largely historical
claim. It is for historians, therefore, to explain why Japanese internment or the massacre of European Jewry hasn't led to equivalent
rates of dysfunction and low SES performance among Japanese and Jewish Americans respectively.
Arab Americans have been viciously demonized since 9/11, as have Chinese Americans more recently. However, both groups outperform
white Americans on nearly all SES indices - as do Nigerian Americans , who incidentally have black skin. It is for historians to
point out and discuss these anomalies. However, no real discussion is possible in the current climate at our department . The explanation
is provided to us, disagreement with it is racist, and the job of historians is to further explore additional ways in which the explanation
is additionally correct. This is a mockery of the historical profession.
Most troublingly, our department appears to have been entirely captured by the interests of the Democratic National Convention,
and the Democratic Party more broadly. To explain what I mean, consider what happens if you choose to donate to Black Lives Matter,
an organization UCB History has explicitly promoted in its recent mailers. All donations to the official BLM website are immediately
redirected to ActBlue Charities , an organization primarily concerned with bankrolling election campaigns for Democrat candidates.
Donating to BLM today is to indirectly donate to Joe Biden's 2020 campaign. This is grotesque given the fact that the American
cities with the worst rates of black-on-black violence and police-on-black violence are overwhelmingly Democrat-run. Minneapolis
itself has been entirely in the hands of Democrats for over five decades ; the 'systemic racism' there was built by successive Democrat
The patronizing and condescending attitudes of Democrat leaders towards the black community, exemplified by nearly every Biden
statement on the black race, all but guarantee a perpetual state of misery, resentment, poverty, and the attendant grievance politics
which are simultaneously annihilating American political discourse and black lives. And yet, donating to BLM is bankrolling the election
campaigns of men like Mayor Frey, who saw their cities devolve into violence . This is a grotesque capture of a good-faith movement
for necessary police reform, and of our department, by a political party. Even worse, there are virtually no avenues for dissent
in academic circles . I refuse to serve the Party, and so should you.
The total alliance of major corporations involved in human exploitation with BLM should be a warning flag to us, and yet this
damning evidence goes unnoticed, purposefully ignored, or perversely celebrated. We are the useful idiots of the wealthiest classes
, carrying water for Jeff Bezos and other actual, real, modern-day slavers. Starbucks, an organisation using literal black slaves
in its coffee plantation suppliers, is in favor of BLM. Sony, an organisation using cobalt mined by yet more literal black slaves,
many of whom are children, is in favor of BLM. And so, apparently, are we. The absence of counter-narrative enables this obscenity.
Fiat lux, indeed.
There also exists a large constituency of what can only be called 'race hustlers': hucksters of all colors who benefit from stoking
the fires of racial conflict to secure administrative jobs, charity management positions, academic jobs and advancement, or personal
political entrepreneurship.
Given the direction our history department appears to be taking far from any commitment to truth , we can regard ourselves as
a formative training institution for this brand of snake-oil salespeople. Their activities are corrosive, demolishing any hope at
harmonious racial coexistence in our nation and colonizing our political and institutional life. Many of their voices are unironically
MLK would likely be called an Uncle Tom if he spoke on our campus today . We are training leaders who intend, explicitly,
to destroy one of the only truly successful ethnically diverse societies in modern history. As the PRC, an ethnonationalist and aggressively
racially chauvinist national polity with null immigration and no concept of jus solis increasingly presents itself as the global
political alternative to the US, I ask you: Is this wise? Are we really doing the right thing?
As a final point, our university and department has made multiple statements celebrating and eulogizing George Floyd. Floyd was
a multiple felon who once held a pregnant black woman at gunpoint. He broke into her home with a gang of men and pointed a gun at
her pregnant stomach. He terrorized the women in his community. He sired and abandoned multiple children , playing no part in their
support or upbringing, failing one of the most basic tests of decency for a human being. He was a drug-addict and sometime drug-dealer,
a swindler who preyed upon his honest and hard-working neighbors .
And yet, the regents of UC and the historians of the UCB History department are celebrating this violent criminal, elevating his
name to virtual sainthood . A man who hurt women. A man who hurt black women. With the full collaboration of the UCB history department,
corporate America, most mainstream media outlets, and some of the wealthiest and most privileged opinion-shaping elites of the USA,
he has become a culture hero, buried in a golden casket, his (recognized) family showered with gifts and praise . Americans are being
socially pressured into kneeling for this violent, abusive misogynist . A generation of black men are being coerced into identifying
with George Floyd, the absolute worst specimen of our race and species.
I'm ashamed of my department. I would say that I'm ashamed of both of you, but perhaps you agree with me, and are simply afraid,
as I am, of the backlash of speaking the truth. It's hard to know what kneeling means, when you have to kneel to keep your job.
It shouldn't affect the strength of my argument above, but for the record, I write as a person of color . My family have been
personally victimized by men like Floyd. We are aware of the condescending depredations of the Democrat party against our race. The
humiliating assumption that we are too stupid to do STEM , that we need special help and lower requirements to get ahead in life,
is richly familiar to us. I sometimes wonder if it wouldn't be easier to deal with open fascists, who at least would be straightforward
in calling me a subhuman, and who are unlikely to share my race.
The ever-present soft bigotry of low expectations and the permanent claim that the solutions to the plight of my people rest exclusively
on the goodwill of whites rather than on our own hard work is psychologically devastating . No other group in America is systematically
demoralized in this way by its alleged allies. A whole generation of black children are being taught that only by begging and weeping
and screaming will they get handouts from guilt-ridden whites.
No message will more surely devastate their futures, especially if whites run out of guilt, or indeed if America runs out of whites.
If this had been done to Japanese Americans, or Jewish Americans, or Chinese Americans, then Chinatown and Japantown would surely
be no different to the roughest parts of Baltimore and East St. Louis today. The History department of UCB is now an integral institutional
promulgator of a destructive and denigrating fallacy about the black race.
I hope you appreciate the frustration behind this message. I do not support BLM. I do not support the Democrat grievance agenda
and the Party's uncontested capture of our department. I do not support the Party co-opting my race, as Biden recently did in his
disturbing interview, claiming that voting Democrat and being black are isomorphic. I condemn the manner of George Floyd's death
and join you in calling for greater police accountability and police reform. However, I will not pretend that George Floyd was anything
other than a violent misogynist, a brutal man who met a predictably brutal end .
I also want to protect the practice of history. Cleo is no grovelling handmaiden to politicians and corporations. Like us, she
is free. play_arrow
Blacks will always be poor and fucked in life when 75% of black infants are born to single most likely welfare dependent mothers...
And the more amount of welfare monies spent to combat poverty the worse this problem will grow...
taketheredpill , 37 minutes ago
1) Is he really a Professor at Berkeley?
2) Is he really a Professor anywhere?
3) Is he really Black?
4) Is he really a He?
LEEPERMAX , 44 minutes ago
BLM is an international organization. They solicit tax free charitable donations via ActBlue. ActBlue then funnels billions
of dollars to DNC campaigns. This is a violation of campaign finance law and allows foreign influence in American elections.
CRM114 , 44 minutes ago
I've pointed this out before:
In 2015, after the Freddie Gray death Officers were hung out to dry by the Mayor of Baltimore (yes, her, the Chair of the DNC
in 2016), active policing in Baltimore basically stopped. They just count the bodies now. The clearance rate for homicides has
dropped to, well, we don't know because the Police refuse to say, but it appears to be under 15%. The homicide rate jumped 50%
almost immediately and has stayed there. 95% of homicides are black on black.
The Baltimore Sun keeps excellent records, so you can check this all for yourself.
Looking at killings by cops; if we take the worst case and exclude all the ones where the victim was armed and independent
witnesses state fired first, and assume all the others were cop murders, then there's about 1 cop murder every 3 years, which
means that since has now stopped and the homicide rate's gone up...
For every black man now not murdered by a cop, 400 more black men are murdered by other black men.
taketheredpill , 46 minutes ago
"As an example of the latter problem, consider the proportion of black incarcerated Americans. This proportion is often used
to characterize the criminal justice system as anti-black. However, if we use the precise same methodology, we would have to conclude
that the criminal justice system is even more anti-male than it is anti-black ."
Is there a trend of MORE Black people being killed by police?
No. But there is an underlying difference in the numbers that is bad.
>>>>> As of 2018, Unarmed Blacks made up 36% of all people UNARMED killed by police. But black people make up 13% of the (unarmed)
There's a massive Silent Majority of Americans , including black Americans, that are fed up with this absurd nonsense.
While there's a Vocal Minority of Americans : including Democrats, the media, corporations and race hustlers, that wish to
continue to promulgate a FALSE NARRATIVE into perpetuity...because it's a lucrative industry.
Gaius Konstantine , 57 minutes ago
A short while ago I had an ex friend get into it with me about how Europeans (whites), were the most destructive race on the
planet, responsible for all the world's evil. I pointed out to him that Genghis Khan, an Asian, slaughtered millions at a time
when technology made this a remarkable feat. I reminded him the Japanese gleefully killed millions in China and that the American
Indian Empires ran 24/7 human sacrifices with some also practicing cannibalism. His poor libtard brain couldn't handle the fact
that evil is a human trait, not restricted to a particular race and we parted (good riddance)
But along with evil, there is accomplishment. Europeans created Empires and pursued science, The Asians also participated in
these pursuits and even the Aztec and Inca built marvelous cities and massive states spanning vast stretches of territory. The
only race that accomplished little save entering the stone age is the Africans. Are we supposed to give them a participation trophy
to make them feel better? Is this feeling of inferiority what is truly behind their constant rage?
Police in the US have been militarized for a long time now and kill many more unarmed whites than they do blacks, where is
the outrage? I'm getting the feeling that this isn't really about George, just an excuse to do what savages do.
lwilland1012 , 1 hour ago
"Truth is treason in an empire of lies."
George Orwell
You know that the reason he is anonymous is that Berkley would strip him of his teaching credentials and there would be multiple
attempts on his life...
Ignatius , 1 hour ago
" The vast majority of violence visited on the black community is committed by black people . There are virtually no marches
for these invisible victims, no public silences, no heartfelt letters from the UC regents, deans, and departmental heads. The
message is clear: Black lives only matter when whites take them. Black violence is expected and insoluble, while white violence
requires explanation and demands solution. Please look into your hearts and see how monstrously bigoted this formulation truly
A former fed who trained the police in Buffalo believes the elderly protester who was hospitalized after a cop pushed him
to the ground "got away lightly" and "took a dive," according to a report.
The retired FBI agent, Gary DiLaura,
told The Sun
he thinks there's no chance Buffalo officers will be convicted of assault over the
now-viral video showing the
peace activist Martin Gugino fall and left bleeding on the ground.
" I can't believe that they didn't deck him. If that would have been a 40-year-old guy going up there, I guarantee you they'd
have been all over him, " DiLaura said.
" He absolutely got away lightly. He got a light push and in my humble opinion, he took a dive and the dive backfired because
he hit his head. Maybe it'll knock a little bit of sense into him, " added the former fed, who trained Buffalo police on firearms
and defensive tactics, according to the report...
It's a great brainwashing process, which goes very slow[ly] and is divided [into] four basic stages. The first one [is]
demoralization ; it takes from 15-20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number
of years which [is required] to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy, exposed to the ideology of
the enemy. In other words, Marxist-Leninist ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American
students, without being challenged, or counter-balanced by the basic values of Americanism (American patriotism).
The result? The result you can see. Most of the people who graduated in the sixties (drop-outs or half-baked intellectuals)
are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, [and the] educational system.
You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them. T hey are contaminated; they are programmed to think and react to certain
stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind[s], even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you
prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of behavior. In other
words, these people... the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible. To [rid] society of these people, you need
another twenty or fifteen years to educate a new generation of patriotically-minded and common sense people, who would be acting
in favor and in the interests of United States society.
Yuri Bezmenov
American Psycho , 16 minutes ago
This article was one of the most articulate and succinct rebuttals to the BLM political power grab. I too have been calling
these "allies" useful idiots and I am happy to hear this professor doing the same. Bravo professor!
Today's false flag operations are generally carried out by intelligence agencies and
non-government actors including terrorist groups, but [unlike in the past] they are only
considered successful if the true attribution of an action remains secret. There is nothing
honorable about them as their intention is to blame an innocent party for something that it
did not do.
This video has 6,333,414 views and as such is probably the most watched commentary on the incident. She did not touch attempt to
exploit the death of Floyd but Clinton wing of Democratic Party
Personal accountability of blacks is important topic (and that includes rather low level of academic achievement among them; horrifies
number of singles mother and other ills that facilitate sliding into criminal behaviour) , but the we also need to distinguish between
a part that is due to blacks idiosyncrasies, and the part that is due to the fact that most blacks are poor. Although the standard of
living of most blacks in the USA is much higher then while people in Ukraine.
George Floyd is no hero. He was a troubled man with many problems. The issue should only be about his death. Regardless if you liked
or disliked him, no police has the legal authority to play judge, jury and executioner. According to witnesses, there was little if
any resistance on George's part. No self defense on the police's part was necessary. The only issue is that George was denied "due process".
THAT, is the problem. You cannot kill bad people that are not resisting arrest without due process. The clause in the Fifth Amendment
reads: No person shall ... be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. While the clause in the Fourteenth
Amendment says: ...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.
As a young conservative I have noticed that our generation is being taught to be victims. Instead of combating the issues, we complain
and look for people to manipulate, and being driven by emotions rather than to take time and think. Not all but it's just my pov
I love Candace Owens because she does not use her race as a means for lack of responsibility and works for a Americans
or all Americans are played by the media and our obsession with actors, actresses and multimillionaires....wake up...
I listened to Sirius XM and the
DJ said "I couldn't wait to hear from jay z because he is one of the most intelligent men on earth." Really!!!!
The truth is being exposed much more brightly after many lies and brainwashing. If this brave woman would have spoken early at beginning
of riots, she would have been disregarded. But now the lies are being blown up when people understand they were fed up with lies and
half-truths and only partial picture by general media. We wish you Americans to make peace within you and heal the wounds. Cheers from
Your insight towards this BLM chaos actually has convinced people there are still some "upstanding" black Americans out there. Thank
you and stay safe!!
This is getting out of hand. An American criminal was killed due to police brutality, has now led to a statue of winston Churchill being
vandalised in London. These protesters arre brainless
He should have been arrested and not killed BUT, he was a crook the the media failed to tell but they have to hide the truth so they
can keep it going....They are criminals too.
She nailed it. Theft, drugs, counterfeit currency, woman assault, threaten people at gun point. He would have died of drugs anyway,
though he did not deserve the dastardly act. He is NOT.a HERO. The cops involved were also not heros. Both deserve to be condemned.
But the movement is to change the police brutality, it was murder captured on video. It was the first time my daughter watched a murder
on video repeated again and again as it was normal!. No it should NEVER be a normal.
" .a white president and a black president both signed off on drone attacks "
Who was this "black president"? I'm only aware of Nobel Peace Prize "winner", destroyer of
Libya, sponsor of jihadis in Syria and Nazis in Ukraine, genocidaire of Yemenis, and mass
murderer extraordinaire Barack Hussein Obama, who, if being the child of a black father makes
him "half-black", is, from being the child of a white mother, equally "half-white".
Problem here that the George Floyd protestors/rioters are a happy counter-cultural mix
of SJW, young blacks and young whites – impossible to portray them as the white power
Same way that the Polish communist government couldn't effectively attack the Solidarity
worker's uprising. Government propaganda was designed to attack capitalists, exploiters of
the working class etc. which didn't make any sense against shipyard workers.
The contemporary geographical West bears almost nothing of classical Western culture.
Another good example is that classical Greco-Roman beauty standards opposes almost all kinds
of body modification and mutilations, like tattoos, piercings, scarification, circumcision,
etc. Many of these, especially the first two, became predominant in the last 3 decades.
Very true. Tattoos, piercings and scarification were deemed the sign of a criminal or a
barbarian in the Greco-Roman world. They valued the athletic body as it was and saw no need
to disfigure it. That is why they had such a hard time accepting circumcision.
BLM does not matter one bit. What you're witnessing here is a classic by-the-book Color
Revolution. Look at the analogies with Ukrainian EuroMaydan: is used Western Ukrainians as a ram;
here Afro Americans and assorted groups of anarchists/Maoists like antifa are used.
What is interesting is young whites are probably the majority is many protests. Are they all
unemployed or what? Or are they social media addicts and view this as the latest viral event that
they want to participate in
The latest "saint" in this religion was a highly flawed human
being , to put it charitably. Career criminal, drug dealer, someone who threatened a
pregnant woman with a gun during a robbery and then testified against his "colleagues" in
exchange for a lighter sentence
"... How much of this is virtue signalling by Mitt Romney and others of the elite? Is he willing to disgorge himself of the the hundreds of millions he took from Americans through his company Bain? ..."
These far right social conservatives lost yesterday and they don't even realize it. Mitt
Romney marched with BLM. Mitt is no radical on social issues (he certainly is on. Taxes on
the rich) you won't convince a single one of these hard right wing people that systemic
racism is real, even when you give examples like the North Carolina Republican Party
disenfranchising blacks "with surgical precision" or the direct evidence of the commenter
Dukeboy who states he is a retired police officer and is obviously a white supremacists. But
you don't need to convince them of anything. This is the same group who would have been
against the civil rights protests in the '60's. They aren't needed to create a massive
The hubris to think that your feelings of guilt would be meaningful to black people is off
the charts.
"My local school has been underfunded for generations due to the property tax funding system
and redlining but Karen feels bad about it so all is right with the world!"-Said no black
person ever.
How much of this is virtue signalling by Mitt Romney and others of the elite? Is he
willing to disgorge himself of the the hundreds of millions he took from Americans through
his company Bain?
How much? 100% of it. Romney is a vicious corporate raider who has destroyed countless
jobs and by extension, lives. How many suicides have followed in the wake of Bain's corporate
takeovers? When Romney lived in Belmont, MA, he and his wife petitioned the town to not allow
ambulances to go down their street with sirens on. Seriously.
"... So if you want a recipe for disaster, this is it: Take police cadets, train them in the ways of war, dress and equip them for battle, teach them to see the people they serve not as human beings but as suspects and enemies, and then indoctrinate them into believing that their main priority is to make it home alive at any cost. ..."
"... Republished with permission from the Rutherford Institute . ..."
Police officers are more
likely to be struck by lightning than be held financially accountable for their actions.
-- Law professor Joanna C. Schwartz (paraphrased)
Unfortunately, if you can be kicked, punched, tasered, shot, intimidated, harassed,
stripped, searched, brutalized, terrorized, wrongfully arrested, and even killed by a police
officer, and that officer is never held accountable for violating your rights and his oath of
office to serve and protect, never forced to make amends, never told that what he did was
wrong, and never made to change his modus operandi, then you don't live in a constitutional
You live in a police state.
It doesn't even matter that "
crime is at historic lows and most cities are safer than they have been in generations, for
residents and officers alike," as the New York Times reports.
What matters is whether you're going to make it through a police confrontation alive and
with your health and freedoms intact. For a growing number of Americans, those confrontations
do not end well.
As David O. Brown, the Dallas chief of police, noted: "Sometimes it seems like our young
officers want to get into an athletic event with people they want to arrest. They have a 'don't
retreat' mentality.
They feel like they're warriors and they can't back down when someone is running from them,
no matter how minor the underlying crime is."
Making matters worse, in the cop culture that is America today, the Bill of Rights doesn't
amount to much. Unless, that is, it's the Law
Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights (LEOBoR), which protects police officers from being
subjected to the kinds of debilitating indignities heaped upon the average citizen.
Most Americans, oblivious about their own rights, aren't even aware that police officers
have their own Bill of Rights. Yet at the same time that our own protections against government
abuses have been reduced to little more than historic window dressing, 14 states have already
adopted LEOBoRs -- written by police unions and being considered by many more states and
Congress -- which provides police officers accused of a crime with special due process rights
and privileges not afforded to the average citizen.
Not only are officers given a 10-day
"cooling-off period" during which they cannot be forced to make any statements about the
incident, but when they are questioned, it must be "for a reasonable length of time, at a
reasonable hour, by only one or two investigators (who must be fellow policemen), and with
plenty of breaks for food and water."
If a department decides to pursue a complaint against an officer, the department must notify
the officer and his union.
The officer must be informed of the complainants, and their
testimony against him, before he is questioned.
During questioning, investigators may not harass, threaten, or promise rewards to the
officer, as interrogators not infrequently do to civilian suspects.
Bathroom breaks are
assured during questioning.
In Maryland, the officer may appeal his case to a "hearing board," whose decision is
binding, before a final decision has been made by his superiors about his discipline. The
hearing board consists of three of the suspected offender's fellow officers.
In some
jurisdictions, the officer may not be disciplined if more than a certain number of days (often
100) have passed since his alleged misconduct, which limits the time for investigation.
Even if the officer is suspended, the department must continue to pay salary and benefits,
as well as the cost of the officer's attorney.
It's a pretty sweet deal if you can get it, I suppose: protection from the courts, immunity
from wrongdoing, paid leave while you're under investigation, and the assurance that you won't
have to spend a dime of your own money in your defense. And yet these LEOBoR epitomize
everything that is wrong with America today.
Once in a while, the system appears to work on the
side of justice , and police officers engaged in wrongdoing are actually charged for
abusing their authority and using excessive force against American citizens.
Yet even in these instances, it's still the American taxpayer who foots the bill.
For example, Baltimore taxpayers have paid roughly
$5.7 million since 2011 over lawsuits stemming from police abuses, with an additional $5.8
million going towards legal fees. If the six Baltimore police officers charged with the
of Freddie Gray are convicted, you can rest assured it will be the Baltimore taxpayers who
feel the pinch.
New York taxpayers have shelled out almost $1,130 per year per police officer (there are
34,500 officers in the NYPD) to address charges of misconduct. That translates to
$38 million every year just to clean up after these so-called public servants.
Over a 10-year-period, Oakland, Calif., taxpayers
were made to cough up more than $57 million (curiously enough, the same amount as the
city's deficit back in 2011) in order to settle accounts with alleged victims of police
Over 78% of the funds paid out by Denver taxpayers over the course of a decade arose as a
result of alleged abuse or
excessive use of force by the Denver police and sheriff departments. Meanwhile, taxpayers
in Ferguson, Missouri, are being asked to pay
$40 million in compensation -- more than the city's entire budget -- for police officers
treating them "'as if they were war combatants,' using tactics like beating, rubber bullets,
pepper spray, and stun grenades, while the plaintiffs were peacefully protesting, sitting in a
McDonalds, and in one case walking down the street to visit relatives."
That's just a small sampling of the most egregious payouts, but just about every community
-- large and small -- feels the pinch when it comes to compensating victims who have been
subjected to deadly or excessive force by police.
The ones who
rarely ever feel the pinch are the officers accused or convicted of wrongdoing, "even if
they are disciplined or terminated by their department, criminally prosecuted, or even
imprisoned." Indeed, a study published in the NYU Law Review reveals that 99.8% of the monies
paid in settlements and judgments in police misconduct cases never come
out of the officers' own pockets , even when state laws require them to be held liable.
Moreover, these officers rarely ever have to pay for their own legal defense.
For instance, law professor Joanna C. Schwartz references a case in which three Denver
police officers chased and then beat a 16-year-old boy, stomping "on the boy's back while using
a fence for leverage, breaking his ribs and causing him to suffer kidney damage and a lacerated
liver." The cost to Denver taxpayers to settle the lawsuit: $885,000. The amount the
officers contributed: 0 .
Kathryn Johnston, 92 years old, was shot and killed during a SWAT team raid that went awry.
Attempting to cover their backs, the officers falsely claimed Johnston's home was the site of a
cocaine sale and went so far as to plant marijuana in the house to support their claim. The
cost to Atlanta taxpayers to settle the lawsuit: $4.9 million. The amount the
officers contributed: 0 .
Meanwhile, in Albuquerque, a police officer was convicted of raping a woman in his police
car, in addition to sexually assaulting four other women and girls, physically abusing two
additional women, and kidnapping or falsely imprisoning five men and boys. The cost to the
Albuquerque taxpayers to settle the lawsuit: $1,000,000. The amount the
officer contributed: 0 .
Human Rights Watch notes that taxpayers actually pay three times for
officers who repeatedly commit abuses : "once to cover their salaries while they commit
abuses; next to pay settlements or civil jury awards against officers; and a third time through
payments into police 'defense' funds provided by the cities."
Still, the number of times a police officer is actually held accountable for wrongdoing
while on the job is miniscule compared to the number of times cops are allowed to walk away
with little more than a slap on the wrist.
A large part of the problem can be chalked up to influential police unions and laws
providing for qualified immunity , not to mention these Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of
Rights laws, which allow officers to walk away without paying a dime for their wrongdoing.
Another part of the problem is rampant cronyism among government bureaucrats: those deciding
whether a police officer should be immune from having to personally pay for misbehavior on the
job all belong
to the same system , all with a vested interest in protecting the police and their infamous
code of silence: city and county attorneys, police commissioners, city councils and judges.
Most of all, what we're dealing with is systemic corruption that protects wrongdoing and
recasts it in a noble light. However, there is nothing noble about government agents who kick,
punch, shoot and kill defenseless individuals. There is nothing just about police officers
rendered largely immune from prosecution for wrongdoing. There is nothing democratic about the
word of a government agent being given greater weight in court than that of the average
citizen. And no good can come about when the average citizen has no real means of defense
against a system that is weighted in favor of government bureaucrats.
So if you want a recipe for disaster, this is it: Take police cadets, train them in the
ways of war, dress and equip them for battle, teach them to see the people they serve not as
human beings but as suspects and enemies, and then indoctrinate them into believing that their
main priority is to make it home alive at any cost. While you're at it,
spend more time drilling them on how to use a gun (58 hours) and employ defensive tactics
(49 hours) than on how to calm a situation before resorting to force (8 hours).
Then, once they're hyped up on their own authority and the power of the badge and their gun,
throw in a few court rulings suggesting that security takes precedence over individual rights,
set it against a backdrop of endless wars and militarized law enforcement, and then add to the
mix a populace distracted by entertainment, out of touch with the workings of their government,
and more inclined to let a few sorry souls suffer injustice than challenge the status quo or
appear unpatriotic.
That's not to discount the many honorable police officers working thankless jobs across the
country in order to serve and protect their fellow citizens, but there can be no denying that,
as journalist Michael Daly acknowledges, there is a troublesome "
cop culture that tends to dehumanize or at least objectify suspected lawbreakers of
whatever race. The instant you are deemed a candidate for arrest, you become not so much a
person as a 'perp.'"
Older cops are equally troubled by this shift in how police are being trained to view
Americans -- as things, not people. Daly had a veteran police officer join him to review the
video footage of 43-year-old Eric Garner crying out and struggling to breathe as cops held him
in a chokehold. (In yet another example of how the legal system and the police protect their
own, no police officers were charged for Garner's death.) Daly describes the veteran officer's
reaction to the footage, which as Daly points out, "
constitutes a moral indictment not so much of what the police did but of what the police
did not do":
"I don't see anyone in that video saying, 'Look, we got to ease up,'" says the veteran
officer. "Where's the human side of you in that you've got a guy saying, 'I can't breathe?'"
The veteran officer goes on, "Somebody needs to say, 'Stop it!' That's what's missing here
was a voice of reason. The only voice we're hearing is of Eric Garner." The veteran officer
believes Garner might have survived had anybody heeded his pleas. "He could have had a
chance," says the officer, who is black. "But
you got to believe he's a human being first . A human being saying, 'I can't breathe.'"
As I point out in my new book Battlefield
America: The War on the American People , when all is said and done, the various problems
we're facing today -- militarized police, police shootings of unarmed people, the electronic
concentration camp being erected around us, SWAT team raids, etc. -- can be attributed to the
fact that our government and its agents have ceased to see us as humans first.
Then again, perhaps we are just as much to blame for this sorry state of affairs. After all,
if we want to be treated like human beings -- with dignity and worth -- then we need to start
treating those around us in the same manner. As Martin Luther King Jr. warned in a speech given
exactly one year to the day before he was killed: "We must rapidly begin the shift from a
society to a 'person-oriented' society. When machines and computers, profit motives and
property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism,
materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered."
@Pft Even all this arson may be of benefit the business community. Weren't we reading
endless comments how the lockdown has badly affected small businesses, many of which would go
bankrupt due to lack of customers? Perhaps the best thing for them is to get burnt down so
they can claim the insurance as many of them would probably have had to close shop anyway.
I think this relevant to how fractured the discourse is. it's a repost from my litter
watering hole.
I know it's going to be difficult to accept what I'm about to say because people get very
invested in their chosen narratives, but it's important that you at least be exposed to the
notion that it's all true.
It's true that people engaged in peaceful protests.
It's true that people engaged in lawless looting.
It's true that provocateurs have committed acts of vandalism and sometimes carry
It's true that Antifa exists and that they don't advocate gently placing flowers in the
gaping hole of a long gun.
It's true that some very messed up militia minded people call themselves Boogaloo Bois, wear
Hawaiian shirts, and are showing up to add their brand of crazy to the mix.
It's true looters come in all shades and sizes.
It's true some desperate people are taking things they need.
It's true some opportunistic people are taking things they want.
It's true opportunistic government thugs suddenly shifted the Covid-19 rationale for using
contract tracing to a catch-them-rioters rationale for using contract tracing.
It's true the policy infrastructure for enacting martial law has been a long-term,
bi-partisan project.
It's true that now is the time to realize what's at stake, but instead of acting
collectively for our mutual benefit, the cognitive challenge of accepting that all these things
can be true at the same time will keep us tied to one of these things to the exclusion of all
the others.
It's hard work, I know. But I have faith in you.
Posted by b on June 1, 2020 at 16:08 UTC | Permalink
The Social Gospel movement is a Protestant Christian
intellectual movement that was most prominent in the early 20th century United States and Canada. The movement applied
Christian ethics to
social problems, especially issues of
social justice such as wealth perceived as excessive, poverty,
alcoholism, crime, racial tensions, slums, bad hygiene, child labor, inadequate labor unions, poor schools, and the danger of war.
Theologically, the Social Gospellers sought to operationalize the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:10): "Thy kingdom come, Thy
will be done on earth as it is in heaven."[1]
They typically were post-millennialist; that is, they
believed the Second Coming could not happen until humankind
rid itself of social evils by human effort.[2]
The Social Gospel affected much of Protestant America. The Presbyterians described its goals in 1910 by proclaiming:[8]
The great ends of the church are the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind; the shelter, nurture, and spiritual
fellowship of the children of God; the maintenance of divine worship; the preservation of truth; the promotion of social righteousness;
and the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.
In the late 19th century, many Protestants were disgusted by the poverty level and the low quality of living in the slums. The
social gospel movement provided a religious rationale for action to address those concerns.
Activists in the Social Gospel movement hoped that by public health measures as well as
enforced schooling the poor could develop talents
and skills, the quality of their moral lives would begin to improve. Important concerns of the Social Gospel movement were labor
reforms, such as abolishing child labor and regulating the hours of work by mothers.
By 1920 they were crusading against the 12-hour day for workers at U.S. Steel.
The Last but not LeastTechnology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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