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Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
Shakespeare, Hamlet
How essential to the open
exchange of knowledge is the notion that none of the participants are getting
rich off the exchange?
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The main text of this page was recently was converted into an article Software realism vs. software idealism. I consider open source to be a special type of academic research and call this approach Software Realism as opposed to Software Idealism represented by two major schools: Stallmanism and Raymondism. Stallmanism utilizes for the justification of this software development ideology the discourse of ethics and freedom (it goes beyond technical issues of efficiency and raises moral questions of justice, equality and the public good.). Stallman explicitly stated that : "I consider [Free Software] a human right, and thus a moral norm." His introduction of the ideas of good and evil makes his position a kind of secular religion. Raymondism is based on neoliberal ideology (or more correctly on Neoliberal rationality ) and postulated higher technical efficiency of open source software development. As we know neoliberalism is also a special variety of secular religion. Here is the abstract:
In the vision of Software Realists programmers like all humans have weaknesses and guided primarily by self-interest and as such can benefit formal organization and incentives (direct or indirect, via professional norms) to act outside the limits defined by their own self-interest. Software Realists see the evils of the software world as given and derived from the limited and unhappy choices available, given the inherent moral and intellectual limitations of human beings and existing hardware. Some of them try to create better software like programmers involved in creation of all BSD flavors but they consider commercial programmers as equals (actually many of them wear two hats) and do not object to reusing the code that they developed pro bono in proprietary software.
In this slightly tragic worldview the software development is a hard and often underappreciated craft that requires special, pretty rare, talent People with this talent like talented sport stars (for example tennis players or ice ballet dancers) risk their health while they are young creating short living but tremendously complex artifacts (large software systems are probably the most complex system even created by humans) and for this reason should be remunerated accordingly. It is important to understand that like in case of artists creating paintings on the sand beach, programmers creation are short-lived and the new wave of hardware often wipes them clean. For example, who now remembers the creators of PL/1 optimizing and debugging compilers, the compilers that were real breakthrough in many areas of complier writing art and in comparison with which some modern compliers still look like junk despite the fact that they were written 30 years ago.
In other words they see that due to immense complexity of those artifacts all software sucks. It is just that some software sucks less. It can be proprietary software, it can be free software -- all depends of the talent of the creators, not so much on a particular ideology (which, by the way, can be completely wrong: Soviets invented quite a few new technologies and managed to launch the first man into space). Thus, in view of Software Realists school the perfection of software is unachievable and old good Unix with its classic codebase might sometimes be preferable to new Turks be it Windows or Linux. That does not mean that Linux or Windows codebase is all crap. That just means that they are just another OSes in a long historical line of such systems. In some areas they might be better then competition, in some worse, but none has the monopoly on innovation (actually Linux is a pretty conservative kernel despite a radical ideology behind it).
Software Realists are unconvinced by claims of linux superiority and want to see hard facts. Furthermore, history guided them that the proper tradeoffs between different subsystems of OSes can be ironed out only via long, expensive and painful process that requires strong, highly paid managers, programmers and testers who are ready to sacrifices their health for the success of their creation. The real art requires sacrifices and it is better when such sacrifices are properly remunerated, although stories of talented artists who died in poverty are nothing new.
Because real talents are rare, good software is a very expensive thing. Software realism school presuppose that modern software is almost always a compromise between the demands of the talent and demands of the marketplace.
Software realists contribute to open source projects not because they see them superior to commercially developed software, but because they consider them an important part of software ecosystem, the part that requires support and nourishment and helps to keep closed source software developers honest. It is a extremely important countervailing force that has value of its own, independently whether particular open source program is superior to similar closed source program or not, the availability of open source codebase make it more suitable for some purposes, for example in education and often compensates for real or perceived shortcomings. They view open source development as a special type of academic research that has similar set of motivations, similar risks and reward structure
The Software Idealist school (both in its Stallmanism and Raymondism incarnations) holds that mankind in general and programmers in particular has not yet achieved their full moral potential, and that they are (at least in principle) perfectible if guided by wonderful new software development ideology. Foolish and immoral choices inherent in the creation of proprietary software explains the all the evils of the existing software world and revolution was needed and actually already came in the form of either free software movement or its less pure form called open source software movement. Both major Software Idealism schools rely on volunteer labor of programmers connected via Internet to produce immortal gems of software wisdom that will crush proprietary software developers like cockroaches.
In Software Idealism worldview, whether purely moral incentive actually work in a long run or not and what will happen when Linus Torvalds will become yet another retired dot-com multimillionaire with his own yacht is irrelevant to the achievement of true software justice, justice for all. This utopian view holds that volunteer programmer potential is immense and can do everything including improving human nature that should get rid of those outdated economic rewards for software development and be satisfied working part time in McDonalds in order to be able to participate in the movement. So the Software Idealism vision promotes pursuit of the high moral ground of software freedom which somehow guarantee the best software solutions. At the end of the day new liberated men should all storm this evil Bastille of software oppression which is of course Microsoft and dance on its ruins. Sometimes in their enthusiasm they can attack other sinful old fashioned proprietary software vendors instead of Microsoft. Until opening Solaris (and even after that) sometimes their target was Sun.
And if the unwashed masses who corrupt their soils by using Windows are slow in catching on, then it is the role of the intellectual vanguard (the keepers of programming craft who in Eastern Europe might be called "programming intelligentsia") to lead them -- even if in the short run, the masses can be unhappy with the results because they might not be able to use full capabilities of their laptops, cameras or scanners. In general Software Idealists think that higher moral considerations should guide us and that those consideration somehow guarantee creation of a better software, the software that is not only better but which is as perfect as it is free.
Like any ideology Stallmanism and Raymondism rewrite history producing myths. We will note just one aspect of this mythological history: gift economies are much more intricate systems then ideologically blind open source proponents like ESR assume ( David Graeber On the Invention of Money – Notes on Sex, Adventure, Monomaniacal Sociopathy and the True Function of Economics « naked capitalism):
What anthropologists have in fact observed where money is not used is not a system of explicit lending and borrowing (aka gift economies -- NNB), but a very broad system of non-enumerated credits and debts. In most such societies, if a neighbor wants some possession of yours, it usually suffices simply to praise it (“what a magnificent pig!”); the response is to immediately hand it over, accompanied by much insistence that this is a gift and the donor certainly would never want anything in return.
In fact, the recipient now owes him a favor. Now, he might well just sit on the favor, since it’s nice to have others beholden to you, or he might demand something of an explicitly non-material kind (“you know, my son is in love with your daughter…”) He might ask for another pig, or something he considers roughly equivalent in kind.
But it’s almost impossible to see how any of this would lead to a system whereby it’s possible to measure proportional values. After all, even if, as sometimes happens, the party owing one favor heads you off by presenting you with some unwanted present, and one considers it inadequate—a few chickens, for example—one might mock him as a cheapskate, but one is unlikely to feel the need to come up with a mathematical formula to measure just how cheap you consider him to be.
As a result, as Chris Gregory observed, what you ordinarily find in such ‘gift economies’ is a broad ranking of different types of goods—canoes are roughly the same as heirloom necklaces, both are superior to pigs and whale teeth, which are superior to chickens, etc—but no system whereby you can measure how many pigs equal one canoe. [3]
... For instance, Sumerians, though they had the technological means to do so, never produced scales accurate enough to weigh out the tiny amounts of silver that would have been required to buy a single cask of beer, or a woolen tunic, or a hammer—the clearest indication that even once money did exist, it was not used as a medium of exchange for minor transactions, but rather as a means of keeping track of transactions made on credit.
In many times and places, one sees a similar arrangement: two sorts of money, one, a common long-distance trade item, the other, a common subsistence item—cattle, grain—that’s stockpiled, but never traded. Still, Temple bureaucracies and their ilk are something of a rarity. In their absence, how else might a system of pricing, of proportional equivalents between the values of any and all objects, potentially arise? Here again, anthropology and history both provide one compelling answer, one that again, falls off the radar of just about all economists who have ever written on the subject. That is: legal systems.
If someone makes an inadequate return you will merely mock him as a cheapskate. If you do so when he is drunk and he responds by poking your eye out, you are much more likely to demand exact compensation. And that is, again, exactly what we find. Anthropology is full of examples of societies without markets or money, but with elaborate systems of penalties for various forms of injuries or slights. And it is when someone has killed your brother, or severed your finger, that one is most likely to stickle, and say, “The law says 27 heifers of the finest quality and if they’re not of the finest quality, this means war!” It’s also the situation where there is most likely to be a need to establish proportional values: if the culprit does not have heifers, but wishes to substitute silver plates, the victim is very likely to insist that the equivalent be exact. (There is a reason the word ‘pay’ comes from a root that means ‘to pacify’.)
Again, unlike the economists’ version, this is not hypothetical. This is a description of what actually happens—and not only in the ethnographic record, but the historical one as well. The numismatist Phillip Grierson long ago pointed to the existence of such elaborate systems of equivalents in the Barbarian Law Codes of early Medieval Europe. [7]
For example, Welsh and Irish codes contain extremely detailed price schedules where in the Welsh case, the exact value of every object likely to be found in someone’s house were worked out in painstaking detail, from cooking utensils to floorboards—despite the fact that there appear to have been, at the time, no markets where any such items could be bought and sold. The pricing system existed solely for the payment of damages and compensation—partly material, but particularly for insults to people’s honor, since the precise value of each man’s personal dignity could also be precisely quantified in monetary terms. One can’t help but wonder how classical economic theory would account for such a situation. Did the ancient Welsh and Irish invent money through barter at some point in the distant past, and then, having invented it, kept the money, but stopped buying and selling things to one another entirely?
... Even when strangers met and barter did ensue, people often had a lot more on their minds than getting the largest possible number of arrowheads in exchange for the smallest number of shells. Let me end, then, by giving a couple examples from the book, of actual, documented cases of ‘primitive barter’—one of the occasional, one of the more established fixed-equivalent type.
The first example is from the Amazonian Nambikwara, as described in an early essay by the famous French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss. This was a simple society without much in the way of division of labor, organized into small bands that traditionally numbered at best a hundred people each. Occasionally if one band spots the cooking fires of another in their vicinity, they will send emissaries to negotiate a meeting for purposes of trade. If the offer is accepted, they will first hide their women and children in the forest, then invite the men of other band to visit camp. Each band has a chief and once everyone has been assembled, each chief gives a formal speech praising the other party and belittling his own; everyone puts aside their weapons to sing and dance together—though the dance is one that mimics military confrontation. Then, individuals from each side approach each other to trade:
If an individual wants an object he extols it by saying how fine it is. If a man values an object and wants much in exchange for it, instead of saying that it is very valuable he says that it is worthless, thus showing his desire to keep it. ‘This axe is no good, it is very old, it is very dull’, he will say… [8]
In the end, each “snatches the object out of the other’s hand”—and if one side does so too early, fights may ensue.
The whole business concludes with a great feast at which the women reappear, but this too can lead to problems, since amidst the music and good cheer, there is ample opportunity for seductions (remember, these are people who normally live in groups that contain only perhaps a dozen members of the opposite sex of around the same age of themselves. The chance to meet others is pretty thrilling.) This sometimes led to jealous quarrels. Occasionally, men would get killed, and to head off this descending into outright warfare, the usual solution was to have the killer adopt the name of the victim, which would also give him the responsibility for caring for his wife and children.
The second example is the Gunwinngu of West Arnhem land in Australia, famous for entertaining neighbors in rituals of ceremonial barter called the dzamalag. Here the threat of actual violence seems much more distant. The region is also united by both a complex marriage system and local specialization, each group producing their own trade product that they barter with the others.
In the 1940s, an anthropologist, Ronald Berndt, described one dzamalag ritual, where one group in possession of imported cloth swapped their wares with another, noted for the manufacture of serrated spears. Here too it begins as strangers, after initial negotiations, are invited to the hosts’ camp, and the men begin singing and dancing, in this case accompanied by a didjeridu. Women from the hosts’ side then come, pick out one of the men, give him a piece of cloth, and then start punching him and pulling off his clothes, finally dragging him off to the surrounding bush to have sex, while he feigns reluctance, whereon the man gives her a small gift of beads or tobacco. Gradually, all the women select partners, their husbands urging them on, whereupon the women from the other side start the process in reverse, re-obtaining many of the beads and tobacco obtained by their own husbands. The entire ceremony culminates as the visitors’ men-folk perform a coordinated dance, pretending to threaten their hosts with the spears, but finally, instead, handing the spears over to the hosts’ womenfolk, declaring: “We do not need to spear you, since we already have!” [9]
In other words, the Gunwinngu manage to take all the most thrilling elements in the Nambikwara encounters—the threat of violence, the opportunity for sexual intrigue—and turn it into an entertaining game (one that, the ethnographer remarks, is considered enormous fun for everyone involved). In such a situation, one would have to assume obtaining the optimal cloth-for-spears ratio is the last thing on most participants’ minds. (And anyway, they seem to operate on traditional fixed equivalences.)
As it appears, a kind of faith, a revealed Truth embodied in the words of great prophets who must, by definition be correct, and whose theories must be defended whatever empirical reality throws at them—even to the extent of generating imaginary unknown periods of history where something like gift economics ‘must have’ taken place...
All in all, I tried to communicate a more objective message that can mobilize developers by giving them a clear sense of what OSS is about, what are major pitfalls and difficulties and how to avoid them or at least lessen their influence on the project. Choices are difficult and for talented programmer jumping into open source in order to prove themselves is just one possibility. Not always the best. Also level of contribution can vary and some level of contribution is advocated by the authored as pretty affective medicine against dull, bureaucratized and stiffing for innovation atmosphere of IT departments in many large corporations with clueless bosses and complete technological dysfunction :-). Here, not in fairy tales about bazaar models or illusive freedom via GPL, the author see future of open source and free software development. Open source emerged first as a counterculture and now after commercial success can move back from Linux gold rush at least slightly closer to its roots. Again here the example of Free/Open/NetBSD is an really inspirational as those projects survives and had shown impressive results (and in some areas beat Linux kernel developers, like was the case with FreeBSD jails or Linux application developers like was the case with OpenBSD OpenSSH project) without injection of doping from heavyweights like IBM into the community :-). But in general I see the future of open source more in the area connected or adjacent to scripting languages (LAMP is one example; usage of Perl in bioinformatics is another), where it really opened new horizons and beat commercial developers such as IBM and Microsoft. Yes, Microsoft.
I wrote five papers and one ebook analyzing this problem from various angles:
Labyrinth of Software Freedom (BSD vs GPL and social aspects of free licensing debate)
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Jul 10, 2017 | modelviewculture.com
Crowdsourcing, Open Data and Precarious Labour Crowdsourcing and microtransactions are two halves of the same coin: they both mark new stages in the continuing devaluation of labour. by Allana Mayer on February 24th, 2016 The cultural heritage industries (libraries, archives, museums, and galleries, often collectively called GLAMs) like to consider themselves the tech industry's little siblings. We're working to develop things like Linked Open Data, a decentralized network of collaboratively-improved descriptive metadata; we're building our own open-source tech to make our catalogues and collections more useful; we're pushing scholarly publishing out from behind paywalls and into open-access platforms; we're driving innovations in accessible tech.We're only different in a few ways. One, we're a distinctly feminized set of professions , which comes with a large set of internally- and externally-imposed assumptions. Two, we rely very heavily on volunteer labour, and not just in the internship-and-exposure vein : often retirees and non-primary wage-earners are the people we "couldn't do without." Three, the underlying narrative of a "helping" profession ! essentially a social service ! can push us to ignore the first two distinctions, while driving ourselves to perform more and expect less.
I suppose the major way we're different is that tech doesn't acknowledge us, treat us with respect, build things for us, or partner with us, unless they need a philanthropic opportunity. Although, when some ingenue autodidact bootstraps himself up to a billion-dollar IPO, there's a good chance he's been educating himself using our free resources. Regardless, I imagine a few of the issues true in GLAMs are also true in tech culture, especially in regards to labour and how it's compensated.
Here's an example. One of the latest trends is crowdsourcing: admitting we don't have all the answers, and letting users suggest some metadata for our records. (Not to be confused with crowdfunding.) The biggest example of this is Flickr Commons: the Library of Congress partnered with Yahoo! to publish thousands of images that had somehow ended up in the LOC's collection without identifying information. Flickr users were invited to tag pictures with their own keywords or suggest descriptions using comments.
Many orphaned works (content whose copyright status is unclear) found their way conclusively out into the public domain (or back into copyright) this way. Other popular crowdsourcing models include gamification , transcription of handwritten documents (which can't be done with Optical Character Recognition), or proofreading OCR output on digitized texts. The most-discussed side benefits of such projects include the PR campaign that raises general awareness about the organization, and a "lifting of the curtain" on our descriptive mechanisms.
The problem with crowdsourcing is that it's been conclusively proven not to function in the way we imagine it does: a handful of users end up contributing massive amounts of labour, while the majority of those signed up might do a few tasks and then disappear. Seven users in the "Transcribe Bentham" project contributed to 70% of the manuscripts completed; 10 "power-taggers" did the lion's share of the Flickr Commons' image-identification work. The function of the distributed digital model of volunteerism is that those users won't be compensated, even though many came to regard their accomplishments as full-time jobs .
It's not what you're thinking: many of these contributors already had full-time jobs , likely ones that allowed them time to mess around on the Internet during working hours. Many were subject-matter experts, such as the vintage-machinery hobbyist who created entire datasets of machine-specific terminology in the form of image tags. (By the way, we have a cute name for this: "folksonomy," a user-built taxonomy. Nothing like reducing unpaid labour to a deeply colonial ascription of communalism.) In this way, we don't have precisely the free-labour-for-exposure/project-experience problem the tech industry has ; it's not our internships that are the problem. We've moved past that, treating even our volunteer labour as a series of microtransactions. Nobody's getting even the dubious benefit of job-shadowing, first-hand looks at business practices, or networking. We've completely obfuscated our own means of production. People who submit metadata or transcriptions don't even have a means of seeing how the institution reviews and ingests their work, and often, to see how their work ultimately benefits the public.
All this really says to me is: we could've hired subject experts to consult, and given them a living wage to do so, instead of building platforms to dehumanize labour. It also means our systems rely on privilege , and will undoubtedly contain and promote content with a privileged bias, as Wikipedia does. (And hey, even Wikipedia contributions can sometimes result in paid Wikipedian-in-Residence jobs.)
For example, the Library of Congress's classification and subject headings have long collected books about the genocide of First Nations peoples during the colonization of North America under terms such as "first contact," "discovery and exploration," "race relations," and "government relations." No "subjugation," "cultural genocide," "extermination," "abuse," or even "racism" in sight. Also, the term "homosexuality" redirected people to "sexual perversion" up until the 1970s. Our patrons are disrespected and marginalized in the very organization of our knowledge.
If libraries continue on with their veneer of passive and objective authorities that offer free access to all knowledge, this underlying bias will continue to propagate subconsciously. As in Mechanical Turk , being "slightly more diverse than we used to be" doesn't get us any points, nor does it assure anyone that our labour isn't coming from countries with long-exploited workers.
Labor and Compensation
I also want to draw parallels between the free labour of crowdsourcing and the free labour offered in civic hackathons or open-data contests. Specifically, I'd argue that open-data projects are less ( but still definitely ) abusive to their volunteers, because at least those volunteers have a portfolio object or other deliverable to show for their work. They often work in groups and get to network, whereas heritage crowdsourcers work in isolation.
There's also the potential for converting open-data projects to something monetizable: for example, a Toronto-specific bike-route app can easily be reconfigured for other cities and sold; while the Toronto version stays free under the terms of the civic initiative, freemium options can be added. The volunteers who supply thousands of transcriptions or tags can't usually download their own datasets and convert them into something portfolio-worthy, let alone sellable. Those data are useless without their digital objects, and those digital objects still belong to the museum or library.
Crowdsourcing and microtransactions are two halves of the same coin: they both mark new stages in the continuing devaluation of labour, and they both enable misuse and abuse of people who increasingly find themselves with few alternatives. If we're not offering these people jobs, reference letters, training, performance reviews, a "foot in the door" (cronyist as that is), or even acknowledgement by name, what impetus do they have to contribute? As with Wikipedia, I think the intrinsic motivation for many people to supply us with free labour is one of two things: either they love being right, or they've been convinced by the feel-good rhetoric that they're adding to the net good of the world. Of course, trained librarians, archivists, and museum workers have fallen sway to the conflation of labour and identity , too, but we expect to be paid for it.
As in tech, stereotypes and PR obfuscate labour in cultural heritage. For tech, an entrepreneurial spirit and a tendency to buck traditional thinking; for GLAMs, a passion for public service and opening up access to treasures ancient and modern. Of course, tech celebrates the autodidactic dropout; in GLAMs, you need a masters. Period. Maybe two. And entry-level jobs in GLAMs require one or more years of experience, across the board.
When library and archives students go into massive student debt, they're rarely apprised of the constant shortfall of funding for government-agency positions, nor do they get told how much work is done by volunteers (and, consequently, how much of the job is monitoring and babysitting said volunteers). And they're not trained with enough technological competency to sysadmin anything , let alone build a platform that pulls crowdsourced data into an authoritative record. The costs of commissioning these platforms aren't yet being made public, but I bet paying subject experts for their hourly labour would be cheaper.
SolutionsI've tried my hand at many of the crowdsourcing and gamifying interfaces I'm here to critique. I've never been caught up in the "passion" ascribed to those super-volunteers who deliver huge amounts of work. But I can tally up other ways I contribute to this problem: I volunteer for scholarly tasks such as peer-reviewing, committee work, and travelling on my own dime to present. I did an unpaid internship without receiving class credit. I've put my research behind a paywall. I'm complicit in the established practices of the industry, which sits uneasily between academic and social work: neither of those spheres have ever been profit-generators, and have always used their codified altruism as ways to finagle more labour for less money.
It's easy to suggest that we outlaw crowdsourced volunteer work, and outlaw microtransactions on Fiverr and MTurk, just as the easy answer would be to outlaw Uber and Lyft for divorcing administration from labour standards. Ideally, we'd make it illegal for technology to wade between workers and fair compensation.
But that's not going to happen, so we need alternatives. Just as unpaid internships are being eliminated ad-hoc through corporate pledges, rather than being prohibited region-by-region, we need pledges from cultural-heritage institutions that they will pay for labour where possible, and offer concrete incentives to volunteer or intern otherwise. Budgets may be shrinking, but that's no reason not to compensate people at least through resume and portfolio entries. The best template we've got so far is the Society of American Archivists' volunteer best practices , which includes "adequate training and supervision" provisions, which I interpret to mean outlawing microtransactions entirely. The Citizen Science Alliance , similarly, insists on "concrete outcomes" for its crowdsourcing projects, to " never waste the time of volunteers ." It's vague, but it's something.
We can boycott and publicly shame those organizations that promote these projects as fun ways to volunteer, and lobby them to instead seek out subject experts for more significant collaboration. We've seen a few efforts to shame job-posters for unicorn requirements and pathetic salaries, but they've flagged without productive alternatives to blind rage.
There are plenty more band-aid solutions. Groups like Shatter The Ceiling offer cash to women of colour who take unpaid internships. GLAM-specific internship awards are relatively common , but could: be bigger, focus on diverse applicants who need extra support, and have eligibility requirements that don't exclude people who most need them (such as part-time students, who are often working full-time to put themselves through school). Better yet, we can build a tech platform that enables paid work, or at least meaningful volunteer projects. We need nationalized or non-profit recruiting systems (a digital "volunteer bureau") that matches subject experts with the institutions that need their help. One that doesn't take a cut from every transaction, or reinforce power imbalances, the way Uber does. GLAMs might even find ways to combine projects, so that one person's work can benefit multiple institutions.
GLAMs could use plenty of other help, too: feedback from UX designers on our catalogue interfaces, helpful tools , customization of our vendor platforms, even turning libraries into Tor relays or exits . The open-source community seems to be looking for ways to contribute meaningful volunteer labour to grateful non-profits; this would be a good start.
What's most important is that cultural heritage preserves the ostensible benefits of crowdsourcing – opening our collections and processes up for scrutiny, and admitting the limits of our knowledge – without the exploitative labour practices. Just like in tech, a few more glimpses behind the curtain wouldn't go astray. But it would require deeper cultural shifts, not least in the self-perceptions of GLAM workers: away from overprotective stewards of information, constantly threatened by dwindling budgets and unfamiliar technologies, and towards facilitators, participants in the communities whose histories we hold.
Tech Workers Please Stop Defending Tech Companies by Shanley Kane Model View Culture
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Aug 15, 2001 |Sourceware.com
... And now for some not so nice things.
Stallman recently tried what I would call a hostile takeover of the glibc development. He tried to conspire behind my back and persuade the other main developers to take control so that in the end he is in control and can dictate whatever pleases him. This attempt failed but he kept on pressuring people everywhere and it got really ugly. In the end I agreed to the creation of a so-called "steering committee" (SC). The SC is different from the SC in projects like gcc in that it does not make decisions. On this front nothing changed. The only difference is that Stallman now has no right to complain anymore since the SC he wanted acknowledged the status quo. I hope he will now shut up forever.
The morale of this is that people will hopefully realize what a control freak and raging manic Stallman is. Don't trust him. As soon as something isn't in line with his view he'll stab you in the back. *NEVER* voluntarily put a project you work on under the GNU umbrella since this means in Stallman's opinion that he has the right to make decisions for the project.
The glibc situation is even more frightening if one realizes the story behind it. When I started porting glibc 1.09 to Linux (which eventually became glibc 2.0) Stallman threatened me and tried to force me to contribute rather to the work on the Hurd. Work on Linux would be counter-productive to the Free Software course. Then came, what would be called embrace-and-extend if performed by the Evil of the North-West, and his claim for everything which lead to Linux's success.
Which brings us to the second point. One change the SC forced to happen against my will was to use LGPL 2.1 instead of LGPL 2. The argument was that the poor lawyers cannot see that LGPL 2 is sufficient. Guess who were the driving forces behind this. The most remarkable thing is that Stallman was all for this despite the clear motivation of commercialization. The reason: he finally got the provocative changes he made to the license through. In case you forgot or haven't heard, here's an excerpt: [...] For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system. This $&%$& demands everything to be labeled in a way which credits him and he does not stop before making completely wrong statements like "its variant". I find this completely unacceptable and can assure everybody that I consider none of the code I contributed to glibc (which is quite a lot) to be as part of the GNU project and so a major part of what Stallman claims credit for is simply going away.
This part has a morale, too, and it is almost the same: don't trust this person. Read the licenses carefully and rip out parts which give Stallman any possibility to influence your future. Phrases like
[...] GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
just invites him to screw you when it pleases him. Rip out the "any later version" part and make your own decisions when to use a different license since otherwise he can potentially do you or your work harm.
In case you are interested why the SC could make this decision I'll give a bit more background. When this SC idea came up I wanted to fork glibc (out of Stallman's control) or resign from any work. The former was not welcome this it was feared to cause fragmentation. I didn't agree but if nobody would use a fork it's of no use. There also wasn't much interest in me resigning so we ended up with the SC arrangement where the SC does nothing except the things I am not doing myself at all: handling political issues. All technical discussions happens as before on the mailing list of the core developers and I reserve the right of the final decision.
The LGPL 2.1 issue was declared political and therefore in scope of the SC. I didn't feel this was reason enough to leave the project for good so I tolerated the changes. Especially since I didn't realize the mistake with the wording of the copyright statements which allow applying later license versions before.
I cannot see this repeating, though. Despite what Stallman believes, maintaining a GNU project is *NOT* a privilege. It's a burden, and the bigger the project the bigger the burden. I have no interest to allow somebody else to tell me what to do and not to do if this is part of my free time. There are plenty of others interesting things to do and I'll immediately walk away from glibc if I see a situation like this coming up again. I will always be able to fix my own system (and if the company I work for wants it, their systems).
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September 08, 2011 | Open Enterprise
I've never written an obituary before in these pages. Happily, that's because the people who are driving the new wave of openness are relatively young, and still very much alive. Sadly, one of the earliest pioneers, Michael Hart, was somewhat older, and died on Tuesday at the age of just 64.
What makes his death particularly tragic is that his name is probably only vaguely known, even to people familiar with the areas he devoted his life to: free etexts and the public domain. In part, that was because he modest, content with only the barest recognition of his huge achievements. It was also because he was so far ahead of his times that there was an unfortunate disconnect between him and the later generation that built on his trailblazing early work.
To give an idea of how visionary Hart was, it's worth bearing in mind that he began what turned into the free etext library Project Gutenberg in 1971 - fully 12 years before Richard Stallman began to formulate his equivalent ideas for free software. Here's how I described the rather extraordinary beginnings of Hart's work in a feature I wrote in 2006:
In 1971, the year Richard Stallman joined the MIT AI Lab, Michael Hart was given an operator's account on a Xerox Sigma V mainframe at the University of Illinois. Since he estimated this computer time had a nominal worth of $100 million, he felt he had an obligation to repay this generosity by using it to create something of comparable and lasting value.
His solution was to type in the US Declaration of Independence, roughly 5K of ASCII, and to attempt to send it to everyone on ARPANET (fortunately, this trailblazing attempt at spam failed). His insight was that once turned from analogue to digital form, a book could be reproduced endlessly for almost zero additional cost - what Hart termed "Replicator Technology". By converting printed texts into etexts, he was able to create something whose potential aggregate value far exceeded even the heady figure he put on the computing time he used to generate it.
Hart chose the name "Project Gutenberg" for this body of etexts, making a bold claim that they represented the start of something as epoch-making as the original Gutenberg revolution.
Naturally, in preparing to write that feature for LWN.net, I wanted to interview Hart to find out more about him and his project, but he was very reluctant to answer my questions directly - I think because he was uncomfortable with being placed in the spotlight in this way. Instead, he put me on his mailing list, which turned out to be an incredible cornucopia of major essays, quick thoughts, jokes and links that he found interesting.
In one of those messages, he gave a good explanation of what he believed his Project Gutenberg would ultimately make possible:
Today we have terabyte drives for under $100 that are just about the same size as the average book.
10 years ago, in 1999, most people were using gigabytes in their systems rather than terabytes.
10 years before that, in 1989, most people used megabytes.
10 years before that, in 1979, most people used kilobytes.
My predictions run up to about 2021, which would be around the 50th anniversary of that first eBook from 1971.
I predict there will be affordable petabytes in 2021.
If there are a billion eBooks by 2021, they should fit the new petabytes just fine, as follows:
Premise #1:
The average eBook in the plainest format takes a megabyte.
Premise #2
There will be a billion eBooks in 2021 or shortly after.
A billion eBooks at a megabyte each takes one petabyte.
You will be able to carry all billion eBooks in one hand.
As this makes clear, Hart was the original prophet of digital abundance, a theme that I and others are now starting to explore. But his interest in that abundance was not merely theoretical - he was absolutely clear about its technological, economic and social implications:
I am hoping that with a library this size that the average middle class person can afford, that the result will be an even greater overthrow of the previous literacy, education and other power structures than happened as direct results of The Gutenberg Press around 500 years ago.
Here are just a few of the highlights that may repeat:
1. Book prices plummet.
2. Literacy rates soar.
3. Education rates soar.
4. Old power structures crumbles, as did The Church.
5. Scientific Revolution.
6. Industrial Revolution.
7. Humanitarian Revolution.
Part of those revolutions was what Hart called the "Post-Industrial Revolution", where the digital abundance he had created with Project Gutenberg would be translated into the analogue world thanks to more "replicators" - 3D printers such as the open source RepRap:
If we ... presume the world at large sees its first replicator around 2010, which is probably too early, given how long it took most other inventions to become visible to the world at large [usually 30 years according to thesis by Madelle Becker], we can presume that there will be replicators capable of using all the common materials some 34.5 years into the future from whatever time that may actually be.
Hence the date of 2050 for the possibility of some replicators to actually follow somebody home: if that hasn't already been made illegal by the fears of the more conservative.
Somewhere along the line there will also be demarcations of an assortment of boundaries between replicators who can only make certain products and those who can make new replicators, and a replicator that could actually walk around and follow someone, perhaps all the way home to ask if it could help.
The fact that it was ~30 years from the introduction of eBooks to those early Internet pioneers to the time Google made their big splashy billion dollar media blitz to announce their eBook project without any mention of the fact that eBooks existed in any previous incarnation, simply is additional evidence for an educated thesis mentioned above, that had previously predicted about a 30 year gap between the first public introductions and awareness by the public in general.
So, when you first start to see replicators out there set your alarm clocks for ~30 years, to remind you when you should see, if they haven't been made illegal already, replicators out for a walk in at least some neighborhoods.
Notice the comment "if that hasn't already been made illegal". This was another major theme in Hart's thinking and writings - that copyright laws have always been passed to stop successive waves of new technologies creating abundance:
We keep hearing about how we are in "The Information Age," but rarely is any reference made to any of four previously created Information Ages created by technology change that was as powerful in the day as the Internet is today.
The First Information Age, 1450-1710, The Gutenberg Press, reduced the price of the average books four hundred times. Stifled by the first copyright laws that reduced the books in print in Great Britain from 6,000 to 600, overnight.
The Second Information Age, 1830-1831, Shortest By Far The High Speed Steam Powered Printing Press Patented in 1830, Stifled By Copyright Extension in 1831.
The Third Information Age, ~1900, Electric Printing Press Exemplified by The Sears Catalog, the first book owned by millions of Americans. Reprint houses using such presses were stifled by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1909.
The Fourth Information Age, ~1970, The Xerox Machine made it possible for anyone to reprint anything. Responded to by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.
The Fifth Information Age, Today, The Internet and Web. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps even a million, books from A to Z are available either free of charge or at pricing, "Too Cheap To Meter" for download or via CD and DVD. Responded to by the "Mickey Mouse Copyright Act of 1998," The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, The Patriot Act and any number of other attempted restrictions/restructures.
Hart didn't just write about the baleful effect of copyright extensions, he also fought against them. The famous "Eldred v Ashcroft" case in the US that sought to have such unlimited copyright extensions declared unconstitutional originally involved Hart. As he later wrote:
Eldred v Ashcroft was previously labeled as in "Hart v Reno" before I saw that Larry Lessig, Esquire, had no intention of doing what I thought necessary to win. At that point I fired him and he picked up Eric Eldred as his current scapegoat du jour.
As this indicates, Hart was as uncompromising in his defense of the public domain as Stallman is of free software.
Most of his best writings are to be found in the emails that were sent out to his mailing list from time to time, although there is a Web page with links to a couple of dozen essays that are all well-worth reading to get a feeling for the man and his mind. There are also more of his writings on the Project Gutenberg site, as well as a useful history of the project.
However, it's hugely regrettable that Hart never published his many and wide-ranging insights as a coherent set of essays, since this has led to a general under-appreciation of the depth of his thinking and the crucial importance of his achievements. Arguably he did more for literature (and literacy) than any Nobel Prize laureate for that subject every will.
Fortunately, Project Gutenberg, which continues to grow and broaden its collection of freely-available texts in many languages, stands as a fitting and imperishable monument to a remarkable human being who not only gave the world great literature in abundance, but opened our eyes to the transformative power of abundance itself.
Follow me @glynmoody on Twitter or identi.ca, and on Google+
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A tale about the bazaarThis paper presents a cautionary tale about prevailing bazaar metaphor when applied to the analysis of F/LOS activities, and also when implemented in it55.
We have focussed on a community where the conjugation of openness and growth has taken its toll in output delivery schedules and social stability. As we have shown, these problems have been tackled through institutional strategies that alter the balance between openness and stability, but that also lead to unintended consequences, such as development stagnation or decreases in participation. These observations suggest caution in employing an idealised model of the bazaar as an analytical metaphor: norms, values, membership processes and structures for governance appear to be essential in order to understand the productive and social dynamics of a project. To the extent that open source ways of working constitute an organisational innovation, it is an innovation with structural implications and contents.56
Having established the relevance of focussing on F/LOS institutions, we have illustrated how the epistemic community and legitimate peripheral concepts, and their extension to include the emergence of hierarchies and processes governing authority distribution constitute useful tools for analysis of the evolution of the Debian community. In the case of Debian, this latter process, the delegation of power based on trust, is constrained by the decentralisation of the structures through which development takes place. This explains the difficulties faced by the Debian project leader when trying to exercise any sort of meaningful authority
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Specifically, we suggest that people's primary motivation to contribute to open source initiatives of one kind (e.g., software), may be different than their motivation to contribute to another (e.g., content). Second, we argue that, based on their personal value system, some people are more likely than others to express certain contribution motivations. Intrinsic motivations, on the other hand, tend to be terminal in that they emphasize inherent satisfactions rather than their separable consequence (Ryan & Deci, 2000). They include motivations such as altruism (Zeityln, 2003), fun (Torvalds & Diamond, 2001), reciprocity (McLure- Wasko & Faraj, 2005), intellectual stimulations, and a sense of obligation to contribute(
Bryant et al., 2005; Lakhani & Wolf, 2005).
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Sept 11, 2010 | University of Salford, Greater Manchester
Scholars of media ecology, and what Fuller has called 'media ecologies' (2005) are interested in how real social change is possible, and in fact necessary, in the era of neoliberal digital media. By questioning hierarchical formations in arrangements of lives and production and the lines of force for interactivity, which have historically been uni-directional and fundamentally restricting, the peer to peer production movement is an example of the type of media ecology that promises 'deep' social, as well as mental, and environmental (in the sense of places of work and production), change. Do the networked commons emerging from peer to peer production founded in the free software and hardware arena, and the ecologies of productive and artistic cooperation therein, pose a resilient threat to capitalism, from within capitalism?
Free Software may be viewed as a social movement while Open Source is perhaps a development methodology, but it is not always necessary to isolate analysis to one or the other firstly due to the extensive overlap in software communities, and also because their rhizomatic roots emerge from a shared intellectual and moral response to exploitation of markets by powerful firms (see Elliot and Scacchi 2004). This piece queries whether the behaviours of collaborative software producers as well as the activities in the hardware production communities which are found in FabLabs that release playbots and other blueprints for machine replications as well as agricultural and construction initiatives, can indeed be perceived as revolutionary
A growing population of over-qualified, highly skilled individuals now work in the 'internal margins', or the internal ghettos that line the sidestreets of the market for knowledge workers resulting from a growing lack of stable employment. As a result of the emerging impermanence of work and as knowledge becomes increasingly commodified, several contradictions have emerged. This structural violence is accompanied by a still-hegemonic idea that that full time, permanent work is desirable, which prolongs despite the rhetoric otherwise,
particularly within the 'employability' discourse in policy. Assumptions extend into the realm of people's abilities and skill, despite the difficulties that knowledge work poses for traditional distinctions between the objective or technical skill needed for task related work and the subjective, social capabilities, that are now increasingly measured by employers in a 'war for talent' (Brown and Hesketh 2004, 65 - 88).
Bauwens (2009) separates the terms peer production, peer governance, and peer property to give a „beginner‟s guide‟ to the political economy of peer to peer production:
1) peer production: wherever a group of peers decided to engage in the production of a common resource
2) peer governance: the means they choose to govern themselves while they engage in such pursuit
3) peer property: the institutional and legal framework they choose to guard against the private appropriation of this common work; this usually takes the form of non-exclusionary forms of universal common property, as defined through the General Public License, some forms of the Creative Commons licenses, or similar derivatives.
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May, 2009 | Copenhagen Business School
My findings show that knowledge-intensive communities and science have the same nature, but a different cost/benefit trade-off. ... ... .. The finding is that it is extremely difficult for a science-like community to be able to attract enough researchers to survive. Since we observe the exponential growth of the FLOSS community and the birth and success of other knowledge-intensive communities such as user-innovator online communities (Jeppesen and Frederiksen, 2006), the conclusion is that the gap between the reality and the theory can be closed only if we admit that the FLOSS community, as every other knowledge-based community, must be something more than a simple science-like institution.... ... ... It was, in fact, in this literature that the question was asked relative to whether, and to what extent, the community model seemed to just resemble the academic world. Bezroukov (1999a; 1999b) was among the first authors identifying a possible homomorphism between the two institutions in terms of the produced outcome, the involved incentives, the typology of teamwork and organization of collaboration, and the way in which the activity is financially supported. In particular, Bezroukov stresses the similar role of financial institutions, such as research institutes, universities, or private research labs, in providing the individuals with the funds to undertake their activities in the directions they desire; and the similarity between the rules upon which science is based and the practices typical of the FLOSS community, which are also based on a public debate where priority over solutions and peer review are the crucial mechanisms used to regulate and direct individuals' activities (Dasgupta and David, 1987; Lee and Cole, 2003). Kelty (2001) stresses the same similarities.
On the one hand he states that "[…T]he funding that supports many projects (in most cases indirectly) comes from those well-known scientific institutions" (Kelty, 2001, online). On the other hand, he also argues that the structure of incentives and the organization of the collaborative effort of developers and scientists are very close to one another, both based on rules connecting the openness of the results to the individual pursuit of recognition and reputation. Mustonen (2003) shares the same point of view "The essential property of the copyleft licensing scheme [i.e. GPL] is that it creates a particular incentive structure… [that] has properties that are equivalent to the incentive structures of scientific communities" (Mustonen, 2003, p. 104).
Following a similar path, Bonaccorsi and Rossi (2003b) recall the origins of FLOSS inside the university labs to claim that "Emerging as it does from the university and research environment, the movement adopts the motivations of scientific research" (Bonaccorsi and Rossi, 2003b, p. 1245). Dalle and David (2003) also share a similar point of view, stressing the parallelism between the FLOSS institutional setting and the rules of "open science," where "the norm of openness is incentive compatible with a collegiate reputational reward system based upon accepted claims to priority" (Dalle and David, 2003, pp. 3, 4). A similar point is made by Raymond (1998c), who suggests that the correspondence between the two phenomena is just the outcome of the fact that the scientific and the FLOSS enterprises had simply given the same answer to the same problem of collective knowledge production. However, similarities between science and FLOSS do not imply that the two systems simply coincide. The history of the FLOSS community 5 can be useful to understand why diffe es are and Birdzell (1986).
An overview on several aspects of the FLOSS scene and history is presented in Giuri et al. (2002). To have an idea of the cultural environment in which this community developed see Himanen et al. (2001) and Raymond (1998a). The 6 more relevant than the previous picture may seem to suggest.
FLOSS began during the eighties when Richard Stallman founded the Free Software Foundation (FSF). Stallman was a researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Labs at the MIT, but during those years, software development in the scientific environment began to be influenced by the enforcement of IPRs (Williams, 2002). Hardware and software were provided to the Labs, but with temporary un-disclosure clauses. In opposition to this practice, Stallman decided to create a new operating system, GNU, which had to be and remain totally open and free. To do that, he decided to leave the MIT to create an organization outside that scientific institution. The GNU community grew fast, producing software, creating ideas, values and programming principles. Nowadays the instruments created to guarantee software openness and freedom, as the General Public License (GPL), are widely spread also in the sciences environment, but the community is still something different form the academic structure. Had the FLOSS experience being just a new scientific enterprise, there would have been no need for the GPL and for an external organization such as the FSF. In fact, in the FLOSS-EU survey (Ghosh et al., 2002) only a bit more than 30% of the surveyed developers is composed by students or universities employees, and only 6% of the projects undertaken in the frame of SourceForge (www.sourceforge.net, January 2003) is intended for "Science/Research" or "Education" audiences. It is then true that, as Kelty (2001) argues, the FLOSS community was born in the scientific environment and culture; but the perspective offered here suggests that it moved out of it and grew autonomously, relying only partly onto the academic structure.
Given this uncertainty about the nature of FLOSS, and by extension of knowledge-intensive communities, we can ask: Is the nature of the FLOSS community the same as that of science? The same conclusion is reached by David et al. (2001), who state: "This analogy with open science research networks […] calls [for the] understanding [of] the conditions under which voluntary, open source software development can co-exist in productive balance with proprietary software development" (David et al., 2001, online). Also Giuri et al. (2002) apply a similar perspective arguing that we need to understand "whether the [FL]OSS is different from proprietary software because it is closer to open science" (Giuri et al., 2002, p. 82).
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Cowboy coding is a term used to describe software development where programmers have autonomy over the development process. This includes control of the project's schedule, languages, algorithms, tools, frameworks and coding style.
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A common problem faced by experts on a particular subject is hostility for ideological reasons. I've paid a lot of attention to this problem, and I think it's especially severe in economics. Economics, after all, professes to explain the whole of the social sciences using ideas that are basically pure deduction. The only other field of study I can think of that does this is theology. Economics requires a set of basic premises that are assumed to be immutably true, and while these premises are few in number, a vast body of assumptions is derived from them. These include the proposition that for-profit, privately-owned enterprises tend to allocate resources correctly, that consumers tend to make rational and free choices about how many hours they work per year, or how much they will spend on their home, or if they will take public transit to work, or any other consumption decision. Economics, because of the deductive foundation of its judgment, is of all the branches of study the most ideological. Computer science is another field of study that tends to be very ideologically bound, since critiques of its decisions suffer the same problems as in economics: the web of human motives and abilities is so complex that it relies mainly on deduction from basic principles. A common defense is, "In technology, something either works or it doesn't"; because of this, IT is supposed to be liberated from dependence on induction. In my experience, there is almost no non-trivial technical decision that is so bad that it cannot be made to "work" to some decision-maker's satisfaction. Of course I do not want to imply that this proves economics or computer science are bad disciplines, or that their practitioners are lying quacks. I am just pointing out a difficulty that confronts both fields. I think it is important for practitioners to acknowledge this (which is why when I was writing about Unix I was so impressed by Eric Raymond's books and essays.) In fact, ideology is a common tool that allows people to form orderly and structured judgments. It is very frequently used as a substitute for thinking, but it is so useful to public thinking and problem-solving that it is useful nonetheless. Therefore, I cannot bemoan the presence of ideology, either. Even if I thought it was an unmitigated bad, I should still have to concede that it is a part of life and shall remain so. At the same time, however, we often see occasions when an expert discovers facts that challenge the foundational beliefs of an ideology. The expert is a loyal supporter of the ideology, but he cannot deny the evidence. The example that comes to mind is Eric Raymond's essay, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" (CatB; discussed here). I read the essay, then several responses that Mr. Raymond had graciously linked to at his essay page. One response to CatB provoked this aggravated rebuttal from Raymond:Nikolai Bezroukov's article in First Monday [critiquing CatB], unfortunately, adds almost nothing useful to the debate. Instead, Mr. Bezroukov has constructed a straw man he calls vulgar Raymondism which bears so little resemblance to the actual content of my writings and talks that I have to question whether he has actually studied the work he is attacking. If vulgar Raymondism existed, I would be its harshest critic.The first point I want to make here is that I would think long and hard before I made a facial challenge of anything Mr. Raymond said about computer software development. He has qualifications that are hard to match, let alone exceed. His knowledge of computer science is huge, he's devoted a lot of time to pondering the organizational or cultural implications of it, and he has a fair understanding of many other fields besides that one. Also, as it happens, he's right-even a casual reading of his work doesn't allow anyone to imagine that he's a socialist.I wanted to like this paper. I wanted to learn from it. But I began to realize this was unlikely when, three paragraphs in, I tripped over the following: he promoted an overoptimistic and simplistic view of open source, as a variant of socialist (or, to be more exact, vulgar Marxist) interpretation of software development.
There are many sins of which I can reasonably be accused, but the imputation of vulgar Marxism won't stand up to even a casual reading of my papers. In CatB, I analogize open-source development to a free market in Adam Smith's sense and use the terminology of classical (capitalist) economics to describe it. In HtN I advance an argument for the biological groundedness of property rights and cite Ayn Rand approvingly on the dangers of altruism.So I would say he's an expert, and also that he's ideologically compatible with the prevailing economic system and its ideological proclivities. If a capitalist party membership book existed, his would be in good order. And yet, his observations might be carelessly construed to negate the ideal intellectual property regime:
Nikolai Bezroukov: In a really Marxist fashion, Eric Raymond wrote in Homesteading the Noosphere "ultimately, the industrial-capitalist mode of software production was doomed to be out competed from the moment capitalism began to create enough of a wealth surplus for many programmers to live in a post-scarcity gift culture." I used to live in one society that claimed to "outcompete" capitalism long enough to be skeptical.I have familiarity with the practice of Marxist party congress criticisms, having read much of E.H. Carr's history of the Bolshevik Revolution; and I have to say that Bezroukov's article really does sound like he imagines he's criticizing Raymond for taking the "line" of (say) "undisciplined Preobrazhenskyism" or something. The fact that Raymond actually has a huge volume of objective, reliable experience with the matter he's writing about, means nothing to Bezroukov: Raymond's somehow gone pink.Bezroukov is not a dummy, and he has his own considerable credentials. My own suspicion was that he needed to "prove" his own ideological reliability by attacking someone who had been insufficiently guarded in his corporation-unfriendly observations. As a minor functionary in the actual institutional apparatus of the capitalist state-corporation nexus, he had to attack an attacker of Microsoft-and make him menacing. (Raymond never wrote anything like "Microsoft must be destroyed.") That attended to, he could discuss open source software as a sociological phenomenon. But by attacking Raymond as an ideologically unsafe line wobble, he illustrated that absolutely no one is safe. One must toe the official line, regardless of what one has seen, or face the consequences.
This is the Expert's Dilemma.
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Conway's Law is an adage named after computer programmer Melvin Conway, who introduced the idea in 1968:...organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.[a]
Although sometimes construed as humorous, Conway's Law was intended as a valid sociological observation. It is based on the reasoning that in order for two separate software modules to interface correctly, the designers and implementers of each module must communicate with each other. Therefore, the interface structure of a software system will reflect the social structure of the organization(s) that produced it.
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While open source projects rarely have schedules, nonetheless they can reach a state in which they are called "late" by their sponsors, participants, and users. In such a case, Brooks's law ("adding manpower to a late software project makes it later") surely applies, for exactly the reasons that Brooks enumerates: time for the new developers to become productive and increased communication overhead. In addition, unless there are strict controls, newcomers may reduce the productivity of experienced developers by checking in buggy or inappropriate changes, which then have to be backed out.
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May 11, 2008 | JavaRanch
Interesting paper. Its now "old" in that it was published in 1999.
Couple of quick comments:
On communication:
I have taught Software Management using Brook's Mythical Many Month as a text. I believe in it. It may be wrong, but its held up for 25 years, and still rings true to me.
Nothing about the Internet for communications, as claimed by Cathedral and Bazaar (CatB), really changes the essence of Brook's observation. Nine women can not deliver a baby in one month. Some things just don't scale. What we know from thirty or forty years of software engineering is that technology is not the problem that makes large projects "hard", its the human to human communications.
I believe that fewer good people make projects run faster, not more. And I believe that if you are going to have many people, you need large numbers of eyeball to eyeball time. With perhaps two or three percent of that time over beer.
On "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow"
I don't buy this one at all. For many, perhaps even most, bugs, more eyeballs can help. But complex interactions, race conditions, inverted interrupts and other stuff that happens in real world systems as you push for performance and scalability are hard. They are essentially hard. It takes a lot of time for an experienced artisan to get into the zone to start to understand them. The world simply does not have 'enough eyeballs' attached to expert artisans, so some bugs are hard.
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December 16, 2008 | http://www.zdnet.com
One of the things that characterizes humanity is our ability to adapt quickly to external change - it's the key reason, for example, that humans aren't confined to one climatic zone on the planet.
On the other hand, we're individually often really bad at adapting to external change - and I suspect that everyone who's worked in IT for more than few months has been personally guilty of refusing to learn to use a new tool for a job simply because you felt comfortable doing it with the older, and far less efficient or effective, tool.
When IBM needed a basic OS that could run effectively on Intel's 8088 processor the answer Patterson came up with for QDOS was to minimize CP/M's overhead by stripping the kernel/shell layering - effectively eliminating Kildall's commitment to portability and multi-processing to produce something tailored specifically to the limitations of one particular piece of hardware.
Similarly, when Linus Torvalds decided to build a "free Unix for the 386″ he stripped away Tanenbaum's layered micro-kernel and hardwired Intel's approach to interrupt management directly into what has since become the largest monolithic kernel still in use.
Here's part of what Tanenbaum had to say about this in 1992:
…I think I know a bit about where operating are going in the next decade or so. Two aspects stand out:
Most older operating systems are monolithic, that is, the whole operating system is a single a.out file that runs in 'kernel mode.' This binary contains the process management, memory management, file system and the rest. Examples of such systems are UNIX, MS-DOS, VMS, MVS, OS/360, MULTICS, and many more.
The alternative is a microkernel-based system, in which most of the OS runs as separate processes, mostly outside the kernel. They communicate by message passing. The kernel's job is to handle the message passing, interrupt handling, low-level process management, and possibly the I/O. Examples of this design are the RC4000, Amoeba, Chorus, Mach, and the not-yet-released Windows/NT.
While I could go into a long story here about the relative merits of the two designs, suffice it to say that among the people who actually design operating systems, the debate is essentially over. Microkernels have won. The only real argument for monolithic systems was performance, and there is now enough evidence showing that microkernel systems can be just as fast as monolithic systems (e.g., Rick Rashid has published papers comparing Mach 3.0 to monolithic systems) that it is now all over but the shoutin`.
MINIX is a microkernel-based system. The file system and memory management are separate processes, running outside the kernel. The I/O drivers are also separate processes (in the kernel, but only because the brain-dead nature of the Intel CPUs makes that difficult to do otherwise). LINUX is a monolithic style system. This is a giant step back into the 1970s. That is like taking an existing, working C program and rewriting it in BASIC. To me, writing a monolithic system in 1991 is a truly poor idea.
Once upon a time there was the 4004 CPU. When it grew up it became an 8008. Then it underwent plastic surgery and became the 8080. It begat the 8086, which begat the 8088, which begat the 80286, which begat the 80386, which begat the 80486, and so on unto the N-th generation. In the meantime, RISC chips happened, and some of them are running at over 100 MIPS. Speeds of 200 MIPS and more are likely in the coming years. These things are not going to suddenly vanish. What is going to happen is that they will gradually take over from the 80×86 line. They will run old MS-DOS programs by interpreting the 80386 in software. (I even wrote my own IBM PC simulator in C, which you can get by FTP from ftp.cs.vu.nl = in dir minix/simulator.) I think it is a gross error to design an OS for any specific architecture, since that is not going to be around all that long.
MINIX was designed to be reasonably portable, and has been ported from the Intel line to the 680×0 (Atari, Amiga, Macintosh), SPARC, and NS32016. LINUX is tied fairly closely to the 80×86. Not the way to go.
It's hard to believe that Tanenbaum was wrong when he said that tying Linux so closely to x86 was a mistake - and yet, x86 survives as the volume market leader and Linux has grown both with it and because of it.
Today, however, and despite having been ported to lots of other architectures, the kernel is still as closely tied to x86 as ever: try running Linux on the T52XX, for example, and you'd swear the SPARC system was hopelessly obsolete and somewhat slower than frozen molasses - because changing the Linux kernel to make effective use of a coolthreads processor would essentially require a full rewrite.
So how did this come about? Simple, Microsoft's near monopoly created the conditions needed for Torvald's strategy to succeed - because Microsoft's success depended on convincing customers that frequent adaptation to small changes reduces total risk relative to significant but infrequent change and resulted in, among many other things, a trailing cloud of low cost, Linux compatible, hardware and the resentments needed to motivate use of it.
Torvalds gets a lot of credit both for being among the first to exploit open source ideas and for his effective management of the Linux kernel development process - but I think he should also be credited for being among the first to see that a second best kernel design optimized for a third rate processor would offer the right combination for market success.
In Skins vs Believers: Linux always loses
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- Microsoft owes a lot of its success - especially at the server - to Unix. In the 1980's the unix wars had every major hardware vendor create their own proprietary version of Unix in order to stiffle competition and keep prices up. That created a window of opportunity for Microsoft to establish itself in the lower end of the market and build their server business from there. Remember that although Linux is the fastest growing server OS, Windows is *also* growing its market share. Both at the expense of the old-time Unixes, of which only a few remain. Solaris being on the losing end.
(Edited: 12/16/2008 12:59 AM)
Microsoft server growth has been faster than Linux growth in terms of the number of units sold. Linux growth has been higher in percentage terms, but the base has been so small that the unit growth rate is smaller.Whether Linux server can continue to grow at the same rate as the base gets larger is not known.
Anton Philidor
12/16/2008 10:36 AM
RMS was the one with the open source ideas. Not Torvalds..Torvalds found nothing usefull for his brand new 80386. After approaching Tanenbaum and asking whether more features and support could be implemented in Minix. He came to write his own OS. (This is how story goes anyways)
Tanenbaum (a dutch IT professor) attacked Linus his technical design of the OS, since it has been proven that only for 20% overhead in performance you can get a way more stable and structured environment by design by using a Microlithic kernel.
Talking about strategy and about Linus open source idea like he was some visionary is a bit silly. It was mainly coincidence.
80x86 became the dominant architecture, while being the most inferior CPU architecture-by-design because of 1 thing. It was cheap.
That the most ported OS of the world isn't fully optimised to run on the Scalable Processor ARChitecture is by no means an argumentation to say Linux is closely bound to x86.
12/16/2008 02:32 AM
Tanenbaum (a dutch IT professor) attacked Linus his technical design of the OS, since it has been proven that only for 20% overhead in performance you can get a way more stable and structured environment by design by using a Microlithic kernel.Where is this proof?
12/16/2008 09:45 AM
Linux and Tanenbaum
Search Linus and Tanenbaum ( very famous flamewar.. do you know Linux ? ) .... Tanenbaum was an advocate of the Micro Kernel system ( which Mach 3 , Minux and Midori use) . However Linus advocated the 60s style monolithic system which Linux is . Monolithic systems give greater performance but cant deal with major changes ( ever notice how little the Linux kernel changes these days ) . Micro Kernels for the same development work are more reliable , more secure , more testable and easier to change ( eg you can just swap out a memory management system - this is impossible with monolithic systems due to links everywhere)Note Nt started of as the Mach 3 Micro kernel but was hacked into a mixedMicrokernel/monolithic model for performance reasons.
04/22/2009 09:37
microkernel is the future, but today they only exist in macos and in research programs.linux is closely tied to intel architecture, but is the operating system that is ported to the largest architecture base.
Linux emerged from two factors. The prohibitive premium requested by unix vendors which all but two killed their infrastructure, and the OS war they engaged into to preserve their market share of a dwindling market.
12/16/2008 02:36 AM
RE: Why Linux owes (part of) its success to Microsoft
Hold on - the IBM PC was based around the Intel 8088 processor - NOT the 8080 processor. This is very, very important as it should also be borne in mind that, in the late 1970s, Microsoft licensed UNIX under its own "XENIX" banner - and it is still a Microsoft trademark! What happened here is that the Microsoft XENIX offering required a special hardware addition, a daughter board, that implemented dual state memory for the system...missing in the 8086/8088 CPU structures. However, the Intel iAPX286 (the 80286) broke the mould being actually based around MULTICS hardware requirements (GE645, etc.) with memory segmentation, memory capability enforcement, etc. We also have to bear in mind that by 1991/2 Microsoft had decided that Windows/NT had to comply with POSIX and C2 security to meet Federal Government procurement. The analysis here is really VERY incomplete and seems to look at the earlier QDOS scheme versus the Win'NT stuff / XENIX arrangements.
As usual, life is and was far more complex!!w.caelli@...
12/16/2008 02:44 AM
- ZDNet Blogger
oops! my mistake - fixed it - thanks!
I should have said "8088" not "8080" - my mistake, thanks for catching it, and I made the change.
--And yes, of course the story here is incomplete- I'm just taking one aspect of the thing and highlighting that.
12/16/2008 05:52 AM
RE: Why Linux owes (part of) its success to Microsoft
The ironic part for me was the last paragraph of Tanenbaum's quote. Limiting yourself to one architecture.NT started life supporting 4 (x86, ALPHA, MIPS, PPC) and the worst one triumphed due to a large software base. The RISC machines are all but dead in the desktop environment, except for their use in XBOX 360 and PS3.
Linux still supports the widest range of hardware, while Apple and Microsoft have withdrawn into an Intel-Only world. This fact should make it obvious to the corporate world that Linux doesn't limit your options like proprietry lock-ins of the other two do.
Software sells hardware, that's why linux prevailed as it could leverage the back catalog of *nix apps. The only thing that Microsoft did was increase the penetration of PCs into the home after Windows 95 was launched.
Most casual PC owners *still* don't know there is an alternative to Microsoft Windows. Sadly.
(Edited: 12/16/2008 03:28 AM)
Thanks Paul
Always a nice antidote to MR E. Botts blogAlan Smithie
12/16/2008 04:17 AM
Actually, I have used GNU/Linux on a Sparkstation and
thought it worked well. I've also used it on ARM and
PowerPC, and GNU/Linux has essentially swallowed
the embedded market, much to M$'s chagrin.Perhaps Linux is not as optimized as other OS, but
please don't pretend others do things better or that it
matters. When it comes down to choosing kernels,
freedom and price are the performance criteria that
matters most to most people. If speed was the
deciding factor, they would put their effort into Hurd.will hill
12/16/2008 07:27 AM
The modern CPU is RISC pretending to be CISC.
If you're talking the RISC vs CISC battle, you missed what really happened:Tanenbaum was right in one respect: He could simulate the x86 on a RISC machine.
In fact, so could Intel and other chip manufacturers. They could run that simulation in hardware, in fact.
. . . and that's exactly what they did. Today's CPUs have several RISC cores and translation layers translating the CISC instruction set into "micro-operations" for the RISC cores.
The only thing he really missed is that nobody will be able to access the RISC cores directly.
This is more Intel than Microsoft, IMHO. Intel saw that they could hybridize the speed of RISC with the rich instruction set of CISC, and that allowed them to keep the x86 instruction set while competing with the speed of RISC. Keeping backwards compatibility ensured that nobody had to write new compilers or recompile their code.
12/16/2008 08:39 AM
have to check
but from memory the architecture was introduced by AMD, perhaps even cyrix before them. Intel was a late converted of the technology when they discovered they couldn't grow their pipelines based on cisc architecture. that was the end of netbursts_souche
(Edited: 12/16/2008 12:07 PM)
You are likely correct.
Yeah, that was from the days when Intel had a lot more competition, so I would not be surprised at all if somebody else did it first.The idea of having several specialized processing units on one chip began in the early days of the Pentium and some of the late 486s when they merged the math coprocessor with the main CPU. The Pentium Pro is, I think, the first Intel CPU to have microcode.
Pipelines also contributed to CISC being able to perform as well as RISC - by dividing each instruction into stages, they could continue to increase processor speed - but at the expense of trying to keep the pipeline full.
The Pentium IV had pushed the pipeline to the extreme - they even pipelined wires because of the signal delay. It was so extreme that it became very costly to keep it full and very costly when it was not full.
Which is basically where the competition, especially AMD, came in. By focusing a lot more on keeping the pipeline full rather than sheer clock speed, they were able to maintain the performance of the Pentiums without having to push clock speeds to their limits.
. . . and then Intel came out with the Core 2 architecture, which essentially is Intel scaling back on the extreme pipeline approach and doing what AMD and others were doing all along - keeping the pipelines shorter and fuller and focusing on areas of performance other than sheer clock speed.
So yeah, RISC pretty much got buried in all of that. With feature sizes ever shrinking, there's a lot of space on a wafer of silicon for a lot of transistors - it would be a waste to have empty space and not do something useful with the silicon they have.
12/17/2008 09:59 AM
Best Murphy article I have ever seen ...
Paul you are dead on about this. This has to be Microsoft's extraordinary contribution to the world. They took a cheap little box and used unorthodox methods to make it perform. And in doing so, they created a standard so enduring that the basic framework, despite all of its limitations, has stood the test of time. Microsoft invented, in a sense, the concept of commodity hardware. Linux fell in line and contributed a commodity OS custom designed for that commodity hardware. Both Linux and the hardware it runs on have serious limitations due to their cookie cutter designs. But they both deliver a lot more bang for the buck than the Sun approach. Congratulations! Great article. - George
George Mitchell
12/16/2008 09:26 AM
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Nicholas Carr on the Cathedral that governs the Bazaar
"the open source model - when it works effectively - is not as egalitarian or democratic as it is often made out to be. Linux has been successful not just because so many people have been involved, but because the crowd's work has been filtered through a central authority who holds supreme power as a synthesizer and decision maker. As the Linux project has grown, Torvalds has gathered a hierarchy of talented software programmers around him to help manage the crowd and its contributions. It's not a stretch to say that the Linux bureaucracy forms a cathedral that coordinates the work of the bazaar and molds it into a unified product." (http://www.strategy-business.com/press/article/07204?pg=1)
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Interesting paper. Its now "old" in that it was published in 1999. Couple of quick comments:
On communication:
I have taught Software Management using Brook's Mythical Many Month as a text. I believe in it. It may be wrong, but its held up for 25 years, and still rings true to me.
Nothing about the Internet for communications, as claimed by Cathedral and Bazaar (CatB), really changes the essence of Brook's observation. Nine women can not deliver a baby in one month. Some things just don't scale. What we know from thirty or forty years of software engineering is that technology is not the problem that makes large projects "hard", its the human to human communications.
I believe that fewer good people make projects run faster, not more. And I believe that if you are going to have many people, you need large numbers of eyeball to eyeball time. With perhaps two or three percent of that time over beer.
On "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow"
I don't buy this one at all. For many, perhaps even most, bugs, more eyeballs can help. But complex interactions, race conditions, inverted interrupts and other stuff that happens in real world systems as you push for performance and scalability are hard. They are essentially hard. It takes a lot of time for an experienced artisan to get into the zone to start to understand them. The world simply does not have 'enough eyeballs' attached to expert artisans, so some bugs are hard.
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A Spectre is haunting multinational capitalism--the spectre of free information. All the powers of ``globalism'' have entered into an unholy alliance to exorcize this spectre: Microsoft and Disney, the World Trade Organization, the United States Congress and the European Commission.
Where are the advocates of freedom in the new digital society who have not been decried as pirates, anarchists, communists? Have we not seen that many of those hurling the epithets were merely thieves in power, whose talk of ``intellectual property'' was nothing more than an attempt to retain unjustifiable privileges in a society irrevocably changing? But it is acknowledged by all the Powers of Globalism that the movement for freedom is itself a Power, and it is high time that we should publish our views in the face of the whole world, to meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Free Information with a Manifesto of our own.
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Intellectual property has emerged as the central communication-information policy issue of our time. This paper analyzes the legal and political discourse on property rights in information that has followed the success of several related movements: free software, opposition to software patents, copyright resistance, and various other methods of promoting "information commons," including the debate over spectrum rights. By challenging the concept of exclusive property rights over information, this intellectual and social movement proposes to transform some basic economic institutions of the information society. (For a summary, see Kranich, 2004)As the movement has gained momentum, the word "communist" has re-entered political discourse. The rhetorical exchanges around "info-communism" are dogged by metaphors and parallels drawn from industrial-era communism. Both "leftists" and "rightists" in the ICT policy space are getting carried away with the metaphor. Free software advocate Eben Moglen pens a "dotCommunist Manifesto."1
A Forbes columnist accuses Lessig of being a "radical" who advocates "stealing intellectual property."2
Bill Gates accuses free software adherents of being "modern-day communists."
Dan Hunter, a writer who is supportive of the movement, nevertheless argues that "the culture war is a Marxist war" and repeatedly refers to the copyright resistance as "Marxism-Lessigism."3
This is not an inconsequential debate. Labels and frames are important in shaping social movements. A movement that is self-defined, or allows itself to be defined by, labels as redolent as "communist" will follow a different social and political trajectory than one that is defined differently.
A number of powerful symbolic and political factors conspire to fuel this turn in the discourse. Since industrial-era manifestations of communism have been thoroughly discredited, info-communism offers hope and revitalization to those on the left who could never quite bring themselves to accept the economic failure of social systems that attempted to abolish markets based on the exchange of private property.
The concept is also useful to their rightist counterparts, who hope to hang the albatross of old communism around the neck of emerging social movements of information.
Thus, a "new information right," capitalizing on rights-holding businesses willing to put their money where their mouthpieces are, is responding withknee-jerk defenses of intellectual property. (Liebowitz and Margolis, 2004; DeLong, 2004)1Moglen, http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/publications/dcm.html January 2003.2Stephen Manes, "The Trouble with Larry," Forbes Magazine 29 March 2004.3Hunter, 2004. see also Legal Affairs, Nov-Dec.2004. http://www.legalaffairs.org/issues/November-December-2004/feature_hunter_novdec04.html
An obvious danger of this dialectic is a polarization of the debate over property rights in the information economy into a caricature of the 19thcentury debate over communism.
If Marxism is to be invoked, we should recall the opening sentences of Marx's The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1852).
"Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce."
This paper has three goals. The first is to salvage the rationality of the debate over the nature of property institutions in information and communications, by criticallyexamining the metaphors and parallels to old-line communism.
The second goal is identify and call attention to a deep-seated tension within the information left that contributes mightily to this framing. In some cases the movement pushes shared or nonexclusive rights on practical, voluntaristic grounds, and presents it to the public as a choice they can exercise freely, based on their own desires or self-interest.
In other instances non-exclusivity is urged upon people as an ethical or moral imperative, and considerable effort is expended to use various forms of leverage to push people into that alternative. The information left needs to reflect more deeply on the implications of relying on either type of appeal. In making this argument, the paper notes that the need to motivate and sustain collective action plays an important role in shaping responses to this problem. Ethical and spiritual appeals to communal property provide stronger glue forholding together a social movement. But in this case they are also more prone to legitimate charges that the movement is "communist"and hostile to private property in any form.My third goal is to take sides regarding the dichotomy described above.
I will argue that it is impossible for moral/ethical arguments alone to justify either common or private property in all cases and that a free, contractually based economy offers the best hope of finding the right mix. Drawing on property rights theory, I argue that there is an important place for both models (commons and private property) in the present and future economy, and that there is often a dynamic interaction between the two that is superior to any attempt to push the economy into one of the two extremes.
The movement should view information commons as a vital and constructive part of a free and open market economy, not as its enemy. As Merges (2004) has argued, contractual arrangements to build commons and nonexclusive access to informational resources can be seen as a rational market response to the legal and political overreaching of rent-seeking copyright and patent holders.
Red-Baiting the Commonists: Frame or be FramedIt didn't start with Bill Gates. Back in 1998, a Slashdot feature article was already noting that "in the debate about open source software the term 'communism' comes up quite frequently."4
About three and a half years later (in 2001), Eben Moglen was using Marx's language of class struggle and of revolutionary changes in the "means of cultural production" to produce what he called a "dotCommunist Manifesto," which he eventually turned into the turgid piece that sits on the web.
What happened on January 6, 2005 merely raised the media profile of a discussion that had been going on for years. On that date, CNET news published the following exchange, in which Bill Gates was asked about movements to reform intellectual property laws:
REPORTER: In recent years, there's been a lot of people clamoring to reform and restrict intellectual-property rights. It started out with just a few people, but now there are a bunch of advocates saying, "We've got to look at patents, we've got to look at copyrights." What's driving this, and do you think intellectual-property laws need to be reformed?
GATES: No, I'd say that of the world's economies, there's more that believe in intellectual property today than ever. There are fewer communists in the world today than there were. There are some new modern-day sort of communists who want to get rid of the incentive for musicians and moviemakers and software makers under various guises. They don't think that those incentives should exist.
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On Thursday last week I met with a delegation representing Eastern European members of the press (about 40 of them) at our facilities in Redmond. We talked through issues of source licensing and how they are perceived in their respective countries.
One of the questions asked struck me as a particularly simple, and good, question: How does this help end users?
I would like to say that source licensing (open, shared, whatever) has great direct benefit for the end user – but in truth it doesn't. For the person sitting in front of a machine trying to get work done, who has no development experience, there is no direct benefit from source licensing. All value is indirect in nature.
There is a strong argument to be made that transpa y increases trust. However, I do not believe this leads to the idea that transpa y must be absolute to engender real trust. (I'll have to tackle this one in another blog entry.) Trust therefore is as direct a relationship as possible in this discussion.
If the applications running in that environment are better because the developers had deeper knowledge of the system on which there are building, then that is indirectly good for the end user.
If the feedback loops within the technical community are stronger because of the source access vehicles, then that is indirectly good for the end user.
The argument that source availability fundamentally improves the quality of a given piece of software is a specious argument. It can help, but it certainly isn't a compulsory result.
In the same vein of thought is the assumption that the software would be more secure because of source availability. Both arguments have the same flaw.
Just because the code is there does not mean people are looking at it. More importantly, it does not mean that the right people are looking at it. And, as the code base matures and evolves, there is no guaranteed rigor in testing or ongoing compatibility resulting exclusively from source access.
Where does this leave us? The availability for source code does not deliver direct benefit to the end user. Direct benefits are reserved for the development community (individual and organizational) and business strategy.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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This circumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to perceive Stallman's generous, virtuoso effort as the technical foundation of the movement. Throngs of Free Software Foundation enthusiasts do, and thus seem to implicitly accept his radically socialist ideology as the One True Philosophy of source code liberation.
But there's another problem: Stallman wasn't the first.
Years before he or Eric Raymond ever hit on the idea of liberating source code, the UNIX operating system was being developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories. As a government-regulated monopoly, AT&T was barred from competition in the computer industry. Though UNIX source code was not then "free" in either the FSF or OSI sense, it could be licensed at nominal cost.
Universities were among the first to take advantage. As a result, UNIX ended up in the hands of hundreds of collaborating academic programmers. In particular, the UNIX effort at the University of California at Berkeley spawned a West Coast hacker culture to rival Stallman's MIT cohort. Ultimately, the student programmers at Berkeley created their own variation of the operating system so potent that it became a major fork in the UNIX lineage -- the Berkeley Software Distribution, or BSD.
It is difficult to overestimate the role of BSD UNIX in modern computing. Not only did it beget many key features of all future versions of UNIX, but it was also under the BSD flag that UNIX met the Internet (though at the time it went by its more ancient name, Arpanet). Much of the most common system software surrounding the TCP/IP protocol was developed at UC Berkeley, and was introduced to the world as part of BSD.
In the years since, BSD has enjoyed not only a substantial commercial run, but has also found its way into a commerce-free distribution of its own, one to rival Linux. Though not as popular or mediagenic as Linux, FreeBSD can nevertheless be widely found on the machines of hobbyists, ISPs, and major corporations alike.
So the shared source collaboration concept had received significant validation long before Raymond or Stallman showed up on the field. That would make AT&T the unlikely mother of the movement, having quietly accomplished the feat with neither Stallman's righteous rhetoric nor Raymond's theoretical grandstanding.
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One persistent misfeature of open source development is thoughtless mimicry, copying the behaviors of other projects without considering if they work or if there are better options under the current circumstances. At best, these practices are conventional wisdom, things that everybody believes even if nobody really remembers why. At worst, they're lies we tell ourselves.
Perhaps "lies" is too strong a word. "Myths" is better; these ideas may not be true, but we don't intend to deceive ourselves. We may not even be dogmatic about them, either. Ask any experienced open source developer if his users really want to track the latest CVS sources. Chances are, he doesn't really believe that.
In practice, though, what we do is more important than what we say. Here's the problem. Many developers act as if these myths are true. Maybe it's time to reconsider our ideas about open source development. Are they true today? Were they ever true? Can we do better?
Some of these myths also apply to proprietary software development. Both proprietary and open models have much room to improve in reliability, accessibility of the codebase, and maturity of the development process. Other myths are specific to open source development, though most stem from treating code as the primary artifact of development (not binaries), not from any relative immaturity in its participants or practices.
Not every open source developer believes every one of these ideas, either. Many experienced coders already have good discipline and well-reasoned habits. The rest of us should learn from their example, understanding when and why certain practices work and don't work.
Publishing your Code Will Attract Many Skilled and Frequent Contributors
Myth: Publicly releasing open source code will attract flurries of patches and new contributors.
Reality: You'll be lucky to hear from people merely using your code, much less those interested in modifying it.
While user (and developer) feedback is an advantage of open source software, it's not required by most licenses, nor is it guaranteed by any social or technical means. When was the last time you reported a bug? When was the last time you tried to fix a bug? When was the last time you produced a patch? When was the last time you told a developer how her work solved your problem?
Related Reading
Dancing Barefoot
By Wil WheatonSome projects grow large and attract many developers. Many more projects have only a few developers. Most of the code in a given project comes from one or a few developers. That's not bad - most projects don't need to be huge to be successful - but it's worth keeping in mind.
The problem may be the definition of success. If your goal is to become famous, open source development probably isn't for you. If your goal is to become influential, open source development probably isn't for you. Those may both happen, but it's far more important to write and to share good software. Success is also hard to judge by other traditional means. It's difficult to count the number of people using your code, for example.
It's far more important to write and to share good software. Be content to produce a useful program of sufficiently high quality. Be happy to get a couple of patches now and then. Be proud if one or two developers join your project. There's your success.
This isn't a myth because it never happens. It's a myth because it doesn't happen as often as we'd like.
Feature Freezes Help Stability
Myth: Stopping new development for weeks or months to fix bugs is the best way to produce stable, polished software.
Reality: Stopping new development for awhile to find and fix unknown bugs is fine. That's only a part of writing good software.
The best way to write good software is not to write bugs in the first place. Several techniques can help, including test-driven development, code reviews, and working in small steps. All three ideas address the concept of managing technical debt: entropy increases, so take care of small problems before they grow large.
Think of your project as your home. If you put things back when you're done with them, take out the trash every few days, and generally keep things in order, it's easy to tidy up before having friends over. If you rush around in the hours before your party, you'll end up stuffing things in drawers and closets. That may work in the short term, but eventually you'll need something you stashed away. Good luck.
By avoiding bugs where possible, keeping the project clean and working as well as possible, and fixing things as you go, you'll make it easier for users to test your project. They'll probably find smaller bugs, as the big ones just won't be there. If you're lucky (the kind of luck attracted by clear-thinking and hard work), you'll pick up ideas for avoiding those bugs next time.
Another goal of feature freezes is to solicit feedback from a wider range of users, especially those who use the code in their own projects. This is a good practice. At best, only a portion of the intended users will participate. The only way to get feedback from your entire audience is to release your code so that it reaches as many of them as possible.
Many of the users you most want to test your code before an official release won't. The phrase "stable release" has special magic that "alpha," "beta," and "prelease" lack. The best way to get user feedback is to release your code in a stable form.
Make it easy to keep your software clean, stable, and releasable. Make it a priority to fix bugs as you find them. Seek feedback during development, but don't lose momentum for weeks on end as you try to convince everyone to switch gears from writing new code to finding and closing old bugs.
This isn't a myth because it's bad advice. It's only a myth because there's better advice.
The Best Way to Learn a Project is to Fix its Bugs and Read its Code
Myth: New developers interested in the project will best learn the project by fixing bugs and reading the source code.
Reality: Reading code is difficult. Fixing bugs is difficult and probably something you don't want to do anyway. While giving someone unglamorous work is a good way to test his dedication, it relies on unstructured learning by osmosis.
Learning a new project can be difficult. Given a huge archive of source code, where do you start? Do you just pick a corner and start reading? Do you fire up the debugger and step through? Do you search for strings seen in the user interface?
While there's no substitute for reading the code, using the code as your only guide to the project is like mapping the California coast one pebble at a time. Sure, you'll get a sense of all the details, but how will you tell one pebble from the next? It's possible to understand a project by working your way up from the details, but it's easier to understand how the individual pieces fit together if you've already seen them from ten thousand feet.
Writing any project over a few hundred lines of code means creating a vocabulary. Usually this is expressed through function and variable names. (Think of "interrupts," "pages," and "faults" in a kernel, for example.) Sometimes it takes the form of a larger metaphor. (Python's Twisted framework uses a sandwich metaphor.)
Your project needs an overview. This should describe your goals and offer enough of a roadmap so people know where development is headed. You may not be able to predict volunteer contributions (or even if you'll receive any), but you should have a rough idea of the features you've implemented, the features you want to implement, and the problems you've encountered along the way.
If you're writing automated tests as you go along (and you certainly should be), these tests can help make sense of the code. Customer tests, named appropriately, can provide conceptual links from working code to required features.
Keep your overview and your tests up-to-date, though. Outdated documentation can be better than no documentation, but misleading documentation is, at best, annoying and unpleasant.
This isn't a myth because reading the code and fixing bugs won't help people understand the project. It's a myth because the code is only an artifact of the project.
Packaging Doesn't Matter
Myth: Installation and configuration aren't as important as making the source available.
Reality: If it takes too much work just to get the software working, many people will silently quit.
Potential users become actual users through several steps. They hear about the project. Next, they find and download the software. Then they must brave the installation process. The easier it is to install your software, the sooner people can play with it. Conversely, the more difficult the installation, the more people will give up, often without giving you any feedback.
Granted, you may find people who struggle through the installation, report bugs, and even send in patches, but they're relatively few in number. (I once wrote an installation guide for a piece of open source software and then took a job working on the code several months later. Sometimes it's worth persisting.)
Difficulties often arise in two areas: managing dependencies and creating the initial configuration. For a good example of installation and customization, see Brian Ingerson's Kwiki. The amount of time he put into making installation easier has paid off by saving many users hours of customization. Those savings, in turn, have increased the number of people willing to continue using his code. It's so easy to use, why not set up a Kwiki for every good idea that comes along?
It's OK to expect that mostly programmers will use development tools and libraries. It's also OK to assume that people should skim the details in the
files before trying to build the code. If you can't easily build, test, and install your code on another machine, though, you have no business releasing it to other people.It's not always possible, nor advisable, to avoid dependencies. Complex web applications likely require a database, a web server with special configurations (
, or a Java stack). Meta-distributions can help. Apache Toolbox can take out much of the pain of Apache configuration. Perl bundles can make it easier to install several CPAN modules. OS packages (RPMs, debs, ebuilds, ports, and packages) can help.It takes time to make these bundles and you might not have the hardware, software, or time to write and test them on all possible combinations. That's understandable; source code is the real compatibility layer on the free Unix platforms anyway.
At a minimum, however, you should make your dependencies clear. Your configuration process should detect as many dependencies as possible without user input. It's OK to require more customization for more advanced features. However, users should be able to build and to install your software without having to dig through a manual or suck down the latest and greatest code from CVS for a dozen other projects.
This isn't a myth because people really believe software should be difficult to install. It's a myth because many projects don't make it easier to install.
It's Better to Start from Scratch
Myth: Bad or unappealing code or projects should be thrown away completely.
Reality: Solving the same simple problems again and again wastes time that could be applied to solving new, larger problems.
Writing maintainable code is important. Perhaps it's the most important practice of software development. It's secondary, though, to solving a problem. While you should strive for clean, well-tested, and well-designed code that's reasonably easy to modify as you add features, it's even more important that your code actually works.
Throwing away working code is usually a mistake. This applies to functions and libraries as well as entire programs. Sometimes it seems as if most of the effort in writing open source software goes to creating simple text editors, weblogs, and IRC clients that will never attract more than a handful of users.
Many codebases are hard to read. It's hard to justify throwing away the things the code does well, though. Software isn't physical - it's relatively easy to change, even at the design level. It's not a building, where deciding to build four stories instead of two means digging up the entire foundation and starting over. Chances are, you've already solved several problems that you'd need to rediscover, reconsider, re-code, and re-debug if you threw everything away.
Every new line of code you write has potential bugs. You will spend time debugging them. Though discipline (such as test-driven development, continual code review, and working in small steps) mitigates the effects, they don't compare in effectiveness to working on already-debugged, already-tested, and already-reviewed code.
Too much effort is spent rewriting the simple things and not enough effort is spent reusing existing code. That doesn't mean you have to put up with bad (or simply different) ideas in the existing code. Clean them up as you go along. It's usually faster to refine code into something great than to wait for it to spring fully formed and perfect from your mind.
This isn't a myth because rewriting bad code is wrong. It's a myth because it can be much easier to reuse and to refactor code than to replace it wholesale.
Programs Suck; Frameworks Rule!
Myth: It's better to provide a framework for lots of people to solve lots of problems than to solve only one problem well.
Reality: It's really hard to write a good framework unless you're already using it to solve at least one real problem.
Which is better, writing a library for one specific project or writing a library that lots of projects can use?
Software developers have long pursued abstraction and reuse. These twin goals have driven the adoption of structured programming, object orientation, and modern aspects and traits, though not exactly to roaring successes. Whether proprietary code, patent encumbrances, or not-invented-here stubbornness, there may be more people producing "reusable" code than actually reusing code.
Part of the problem is that it's more glamorous (in the delusive sense of the word) to solve a huge problem. Compare "Wouldn't it be nice if people had a fast, cross-platform engine that could handle any kind of 3D game, from shooter to multiplayer RPG to adventure?" to "Wouldn't it be nice to have a simple but fun open source shooter?"
Big ambitions, while laudable, have at least two drawbacks. First, big goals make for big projects - projects that need more resources than you may have. Can you draw in enough people to spend dozens of man-years on a project, especially as that project only makes it possible to spend more time making the actual game? Can you keep the whole project in your head?
Second, it's exceedingly difficult to know what is useful and good in a framework unless you're actually using it. Is one particular function call awkward? Does it take more setup work than you need? Have you optimized for the wrong ideas?
Curiously, some of the most portable and flexible open source projects today started out deliberately small. The Linux kernel originally ran only on x86 processors. It's now impressively portable, from embedded processors to mainframes and super-computer clusters. The architecture-dependent portions of the code tend to be small. Code reuse in the kernel grew out of refining the design over time.
Solve your real problem first. Generalize after you have working code. Repeat. This kind of reuse is opportunistic.
This isn't a myth because frameworks are bad. This is a myth because it's amazingly difficult to know what every project of a type will need until you have at least one working project of that type.
I'll Do it Right *This* Time
Myth: Even though your previous code was buggy, undocumented, hard to maintain, or slow, your next attempt will be perfect.
Reality: If you weren't disciplined then, why would you be disciplined now?
Widespread Internet connectivity and adoption of Free and Open programming languages and tools make it easy to distribute code. On one hand, this lowers the barriers for people to contribute to open source software. On the other hand, the ease of distribution makes finding errors less crucial. This article has been copyedited, but not to the same degree as a print book; it's very easy to make corrections on the Web.
It's very easy to put out code that works, though it's buggy, undocumented, slow, or hard to maintain. Of course, imperfect code that solves a problem is much better than perfect code that doesn't exist. It's OK (and even commendable) to release code with limitations, as long as you're honest about its limitations - though you should remove the ones that don't make sense.
The problem is putting out bad code knowingly, expecting that you'll fix it later. You probably won't. Don't keep bad code around. Fix it or throw it away.
This may seem to contradict the idea of not rewriting code from scratch. In conjunction, though, both ideas summarize to the rule of "Know what's worth keeping." It's OK to write quick and dirty code to figure out a problem. Just don't distribute it. Clean it up first.
Develop good coding habits. Training yourself to write clean, sensible, and well-tested code takes time. Practice on all code you write. Getting out of the habit is, unfortunately, very easy.
If you find yourself needing to rewrite code before you publish it, take notes on what you improve. If a maintainer rejects a patch over cleanliness issues, ask the project for suggestions to improve your next attempt. (If you're the maintainer, set some guidelines and spend some time coaching people along as an investment. If it doesn't immediately pay off to your project, it may help along other projects.) The opportunity for code review is a prime benefit of participating in open source development. Take advantage of it.
This isn't a myth because it's impossible to improve your coding habits. This is a myth because too few developers actually have concrete, sensible plans to improve.
Warnings Are OK
Myth: Warnings are just warnings. They're not errors and no one really cares about them.
Reality: Warnings can hide real problems, especially if you get used to them.
It's difficult to design a truly generic language, compiler, or library partially because it's impossible to imagine all of its potential uses. The same rule applies to reporting warnings. While you can detect some dangerous or nonsensical conditions, it's possible that users who really know what they are doing should be able to bypass those warnings. In effect, it's sometimes very useful to be able to say, "I realize this is a nasty hack, but I'm willing to put up with the consequences in this one situation."
Other times, what you consider a warnable or exceptional condition may not be worth mentioning in another context. Of course, the developer using the tool could just ignore the warnings, especially if they're nonfatal and are easily shunted off elsewhere (even if it is
). This is a problem.When the "low oil pressure" or "low battery" light comes on in a car, the proper response is to make sure that everything is running well. It's possible that the light or a sensor is malfunctioning, but ignoring the real problem - whether bad light or oil leak - may exacerbate further problems. If you assume that the light has malfunctioned but never replace it, how will you know if you're really out of oil?
Similarly, an error log filled with trivial, fixable warnings may hide serious problems. Any well-designed tool generates warnings for a good reason: you're doing something suspicious.
When possible, purge all warnings from your code. If you expect a warning to occur - and if you have a good reason for it - disable it in the narrowest possible scope. If it's generated by something the user does and if the user is privy to the warning, make it clear how to avoid that condition.
Running a program that spews crazy font configuration questions and null widget access messages to the console is noisy and incredibly useless to anyone who'd rather run your software than fix your mess. Besides that, it's much easier to dig through error logs that only track real bugs and failures. Anything that makes it easier to find and fix bugs is nice.
This isn't a myth because people really ignore warnings. It's a myth because too few people take the effort to clean them up.
End Users Love Tracking CVS
Myth: Users don't mind upgrading to the latest version from CVS for a bugfix or a long-awaited feature.
Reality: If it's difficult for you to provide important bugfixes for previous releases, your CVS tree probably isn't very stable.
It's tricky to stay abreast of a project's latest development sources. Not only do you have to keep track of the latest check-ins, you may have to guess when things are likely to spend more time working than crashing and build binaries right then. You can waste a lot of time watching compiles fail. That's not much fun for a developer. It's even less exciting for someone who just wants to use the software.
Building software from CVS also likely means bypassing your distribution's usual package manager. That can get tangled very quickly. Try to keep required libraries up-to-date for only two applications you compiled on your own for awhile. You'll gain a new appreciation for people who make and test packages.
There are two main solutions to this trouble.
First, keep your main development sources stable and releasable. It should be possible for a dedicated user (or, at least, a package maintainer for a distribution) to check out the current development sources and build a working program with reasonable effort. This is also in your best interests as a developer: the easier the build and the fewer compile, build, and installation errors you allow to persist, the easier it is for existing developers to continue their work and for new developers to start their work.
Second, release your code regularly. Backport fixes if you have to fix really important bugs between releases; that's why tags and branches exist in CVS. This is much easier if you keep your code stable and releasable. Though there's no guarantee users will update every release, working on a couple of features per release tends to be easier anyway.
This isn't a myth because developers believe that development moves too fast for snapshots. It's a myth because developers aren't putting out smaller, more stable, more frequent releases.
Common Sense Conclusions
Again, these aren't myths because they're never true. There are good reasons to have a feature freeze. There are good reasons to invite new developers to get to know a project by looking through small or simple bug reports. Sometimes, it does make sense to write a framework. They're just not always true.
It's always worth examining why you do what you do. What prevents you from releasing a new stable version every month or two? Can you solve that problem? Solve it. Would building up a good test suite help you cut your bug rates? Build it. Can you refactor a scary piece of code into something saner in a series of small steps? Refactor it.
Making your source code available to the world doesn't make all of the problems of software development go away. You still need discipline, intelligence, and sometimes, creative solutions to weird problems. Fortunately, open source developers have more options. Not only can we work with smart people from all over the world, we have the opportunity to watch other projects solve problems well (and, occasionally, poorly).
Learn from their examples, not just their code.
chromatic is the technical editor of the O'Reilly Network and the co-author of Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook.
As one Slashdot author(see #192) put it:
It is a fairly good critique the whole essence
of which, IMHO, can be phrased like so:
...Bezroukov does attack ESR as much as having his name in the article name. Why? Because ESR represents exactly this naive, on the border of blind-folded chauvinism, view of OSS. ESR, propaganda is one thing, reality is whole a lot different. |
I would like to reiterate that ERS's views on the economic superiority of open source are close to vulgar Marxism with it's economic determinism. Contrary to your impression "vulgar Marxism " is a legitimate scientific term. As Professor Robert M. Young stated in his work "Marxism and the history of science" [see R.C. Olby, G.N. Cantor, J.R.R. Christie and M.J.S. Hodge (editors), Companion to the History of Modern Science. (1996), pp. 77-86.]:
"The defining feature of Marxist approaches to the history of science is that the history of scientific ideas, of research priorities, of concepts of nature and of the parameters of discoveries are all rooted in historical forces which are, in the last instance, socio-economic. There are variations in how literally this is taken and various Marxist-inspired and Marxist-related positions define the interrelations among science and other historical forces more or less loosely. There is a continuum of positions. The most orthodox provides one-to-one correlations between the socio-economic base and the intellectual superstructure. This is referred to as economism or vulgar Marxism."
This paper can be considered a continuation of the earlier paper Open Source Software Development as a Special Type of Academic Research. One of the important aspects of the previous paper was a critique of the description of Open Source software (OSS) as a revolutionary phenomenon and argumentation that it is just another form of a scientific community. The publication of Eric Raymond's new book The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary (O'Reilly) makes a fresh and critical review of his most influential paper The Cathedral and The Bazaar (CatB) that is central to this book even more necessary. This his paper provides an overview of the weaknesses of the CatB (the idea of inapplicability of Brooks' Law, the idea that "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow", the view of the source code as the best thing since sliced bread, etc.) as well as the more coherent demonstration of the fact that the bazaar metaphor is internally contradictive and that in some parts Linux can be considered as belonging to the Cathedral model, while Microsoft can be considered as belonging to the Bazaar model. The complex nature and pitfalls of status competition are discussed. Along with a critique of CatB views, a more objective picture of the status competition in the OSS environment is provided.See also:As one of the founders of Cygnus and prominent GNU C compiler developer, Michael Tiemann said in his recent interview:
Now, Eric Raymond wrote a very popular piece called The Cathedral and the Bazaar that contrasts those two development models. Abstractly, he brings up a lot of very interesting points, but I would not say we've discovered the truth yet about GNU versus Linux, in terms of development models. There are cathedral aspects to Linux and bazaar aspects to GNU. Eric Raymond's story makes for interesting reading and raises interesting points, but in my mind, having been part of the cathedral model, those points are much more theoretical.
If Eric Raymond were absolutely correct about the cathedral model, it would have been impossible for a 23-year-old to download the GNU C compiler and two weeks later spin out a brand-new port to a completely new architecture - and, after signing the FSF assignment papers, have it accepted back by Stallman. That's not the cathedral model. The cathedral model is "centralized everything," with somebody dictating: "We're going to put the narthex here, and the nave there, and the chancery over here." I did six ports of the GNU C compiler in a year while writing the GNU C++ front end. Other people used those data points to say, "Well gosh, if this guy can do it, then so can I." And that really caused the whole blossoming of the GNU ports. The GNU compilers from Cygnus support over 150 different host-target combinations, and they can theoretically be configured to support over a thousand.
So I don't think it's fair to characterize the GNU tools from a purely "cathedral" point of view. I really think there are elements of the central control and the haphazard-and-serendipitous development models at work there.
Linux Kernel Mailing List, Archive by Week Closed-door develop
From: Angerthas.Daeron ([email protected])
Subject: Max Burke spreads Microsoft fud
View: Complete Thread (4 articles) Original Format Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date: 2002-11-27 08:28:39 PST
In a previous post Max Burke (mlvburke@%$%#@.nz) wrote the following :<snip> ".. # Before I get flamed for this, please understand that a holy war, "Linux uber alles" of sorts, is a self-defeating strategy. I hope that there is a healthy "silent majority" of the open source community (that why I actually am writing this FAQ) who are just writing code as best they can, and/or submitting patches bug reports. But that does not mean that we can just ignore the ranting and raving of the zealots. But the public tend to define the open source community in terms of its most outspoken members which in this particular case means zealots... http://www.softpanorama.org/OSS/Bla_faq/raymondism.shtml .."He accuses us on COLA of promoting a holy war and of being zealots. He points to a web page to back up his arguments. It's written by one "Nikolai Bezroukov" of Kiev University of commerce and economics, Ukraine which makes him eminently qualified to comment on the issue. I make this point as Mr Bezroukov himself doesn't think Linus Torvalds is qualified to give opinions. He purports to be an unbiased commentator but from the tone and content I for one suspect his motives. I had not been aware of it's existence so here is a belated response. Firstly I am not a zealot. I am just a user of the technology. I come here to disguise Linux with like minded individuals. The same cannot be said for Mr Burke and others with the same hidden agenda as himself. I suspect that they are in fact disguised proponents for the Microsoft Corporation. I guess you knew that already. I don't use the Microsoft product and can go for ages without mentioning it. I have no axe to grind either way. What I do object to is these WinTrolls coming over here pretending to engage in dialogue. But secretly trying to undermine the Open Source Community in general. It cannot be a co-incidence that the language, deceptions and mis-information they use is strikingly similar to the product coming out of Redmond. You might suspect that it has been written by the same people. It's also strange how most of the fud mentioned here at one time or another bears a striking resemblance to that web page. It's remarkable how they are all so ON MESSAGE. There has been a change of tack recently. Rather that the direct assault they are going for a more suttle approach. In the web page referred to above the author one "Nikolai Bezroukov" resorted to the personal attack. Referring to something called "Raymondism". This I assume is a gratuitous personal insult aimed at "Eric S. Raymond" author of "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" amongst other things. "Raymondism" can also be refered to as "childish diseases" and "bad advocacy" he informs us. He defines the affliction as "naive .. blind fold Linux chauvinism ("Linux uber alles")". The quotes are himself quoting himself. Linux advocates he don't agree with are just like Nazis - (it's the German quotation - get it !). What he does like is "a credible OSS advocacy" - what this is he doesn't say. O.S.S ".. can play a positive role in developing countries .." he says, get that people ? Some colonials might have a use for it. Don't even think of going head to head against W2K. He attacks ERS for ".. primitive anti Microsoft rhetoric ..". http://www.zdnet.com/sr/stories/issue/0,4537,384326,00.html ".. Since Jan. 1998 Eric Raymond successfully promoted "open source" as a distinct and slightly anti-Stallman movement. See for example his interview with Smart Reseller Straight From The Source where Eric was called a Godfather of Linux ;-) .." There was no refe e to a "Godfather of Linux" in the quoted article. Is this a case of someone making up their own quotes again ? I've tried to find the quote on google but to no avail. He also quotes ESR and attacks him because some of the same arguments could be applied to Microsoft. Here he betrays his true position, not as an "objective" reviewer of OSS but as an apologist for the Microsoft corporation. This me-too-ism runs through the article(s). I'm curious as to his motives for this hatchet job on OSS. He even quotes Pope Boniface VII at one point to bolster his arguments. OSS you see - it's the devils work ! ".. At the same time the movement is still in its early stages (and not last days, as some predict) .." Who ever said OSS was on its last days ? Nobody. You print a falsehood only to retract it in the same sentence. This bares similarities to an "Ericism". Are they by any chance related ? ".. What ESR and Co failed to realize is that people who are developing and using Solaris, Novell and Microsoft products are also professionals and many of them are of a caliber far superior to the author of low to middle-range open source products like EMACS editor macros, a mail utility, and like ;-). For any intelligent professional an open demonstration of arrogance naturally creates a strong negative reaction, a backlash that is damaging to the movement credibility and future .." Why is such a superior company desperately trying to gather cudos by comparing themselves to a bunch of sandle wearing OSS advocates. The words Inferiority Complex comes to mind. See how he has to rope in Solaris and Novell to bolster his arguament. I suspect neither of them would be quick to defend the beast. Again he tacks a negative signifier on to the end of the sentence possible in the hope that no one would notice. This again reminds me of a typical fud posting here. See how he gets 'author' 'low' and 'open source products' together in the same sentence. For such an expert on OSS the only apps he can think of are "EMACS" "editor macros" and "a mail utility". A Microsoft defender accuses the OSS movement of "arrogance". Has he ever heard the expression Pot Kettle Black ? The only war is the one being prosecuted from One Microsoft Way. OSS people have neither the time or the inclination to mount "WARS". He uses the word on more than one occasion. Bill Gates may be at war with the rest of the world but that's his own paranoia. ".. The same problems exist with primitive anti Microsoft rhetoric .." er the TRUTH ! This arrogant bastard then goes on to abuse Linus Torvalds ".. technical judgments are very suspect .. things about which he actually has very little real knowledge due to the specifics of his career .." Could Mr Bezroukov please enlighten us as to his own qualifications. As he is not impressed with Richard Stallman, Eric Raymond" or Linus Torvalds. There is an old football expression around here - if you can't go for the ball then go for the man. We can be sure which philosophy fires up Bezroukov - go for the man. ".. We should suspect any OSS advocacy that includes the following features .." Is that the royal we or do you have an invisible friend sitting on your sholder as you type ? ".. open source software .. is called economism or Vulgar Marxism .." Get that folks OSS is communist. YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF NO GOOD COMMIES ! Sorry I lost it there for a minute - to continue. We can take it that Nikolai has embraced the one true Church of the All Mighty Dollar and as such is displaying all the zeal of the convert. The Good Lord loves a believer. ".. See Is "Vulgar Marxism" a legitimate scientific term .." - Answer NO it's just more of the same abuse from a vulgar troll! ".. concealment of the facts about the true economic origin of .. (OSS) .. products .. 'taxpayer-funded' (university-funded) .." Do Microsoft see the Universities as a threat now. 'my god there are people actually thinking there - without a licence' Didn't his BillNess use an unauthorized terminal to bash out code in his early years - all paid for by his college ? ".. Linus Torvalds was financed .. remunerated him quite nicely .. most highly paid developers in the Unix word .." What is the point - are we supposed to feel jealous. Yes he makes money. He probably lives in a house eats food and sleeps in his own bed. Bezroukov cannot support his position on it's merits so he trashes the personal reputation of OSS advocates instead. Do these people have no integrity ? ".. disrespect of other developers .. especially Microsoft .." - Finally we come to the kernal of the matter. We've hurt their feelings. Sitting hunched out there in Redmond hacking out "Dog Food" all day is bad enough but getting maligned by your peers - that really hurts. " Instigation of hatred of the members of the commercial community is unproductive and unethical .." OH The irony ! Blackmailing and intimidating your own commercial partners is also unethical. Getting lectures on ethics from you people is ludicrous as well as insulting !
CatB in a new light. This fall Raymond has been touring Europe promoting his book. He most kindly made his way by Trondheim where he gave an unforgettable series of speeches. In one of these speeches he poses the question why nobody had articulated the bazaar mode of development prior. He says there are a handful of intelligent, articulated hackers that had already observed the phenomena, but none had spelled it out. Why is that? Raymond asks. His suggestion is that hackers like to think that their success in developing software is due to their own brilliance. All hackers liked to think so, and that is why nobody had tried to look into the matter more closely before Raymond did.
Let's permutate Raymonds question a bit, and ask: why is it that the hacker community is not questioning the apparent flaws in the 'Cathedral and the Bazaar'. Paul Feyerabend writes:
There comes then a moment when the theory is no longer an esoteric discussion topic for advanced seminars and confe es, but enters the public domain. There are introductory texts, popularizations; examinations questions start dealing with problems solved in its terms. Scientists from distant fields and philosophers, trying to show off, drop a hint here and there, and this often quite uninformed desire to be on the right side is taken as a further sign of the importance of the theory.
Unfortunately, this increase in importance is not accompanied by better understanding; the very opposite is the case. Problematic aspects which were originally introduced with the help of carefully constructed arguments now become basic principles; doubtful points turn into slogans; debates with opponents become standardised and also quite unrealistic, for the opponents, having to express themselves in terms which presupposes what they contest, seem to raise quibbles, or to misuse words. Alternatives are still employed but they no longer contain realistic counter-proposals; they only serve as a background for the splendour of the new theory. Thus we do have success; but it is the success of a manoeuvre carried out in a void, overcoming difficulties that were set up in advance for easy solution. (1993, p. 30)
Answering almost with Raymond's own words: can it be that we hackers like to think that the success of our software is due to a genial, new way of development that we have come up with ourselves? Is it truly so? CatB is not a software engineering essay. It is an anthropological study. However, it contains material about the bazaar, the hackers' way of doing software engineering. Central traits to the bazaar is the open process, the freedom to do with the code what each individual developer wants, and a high degree of
cooperation. Raymond mentions Linux as an archetypal bazaar, yet in a letter to the author David Miller, a central Linux developer, writes:Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 18:40:06 +0200 (CEST)
From: David S. Miller
> is it so that you core Linux kernel developers are doing much of the discussing and
> planning outside of the Linux kernel mailinglist?
It is true to a large extent, and in my opinion it's the gem that keeps us at such high productivity rates.
It's a surefire method by which us core developers can obtain the best signal to noise ratio. Discussions happen
more efficiently and productively when you know you're talking to someone with a clue and you don't get barraged with responses from folks who are perhaps not so clueful and not so weathered on the topic as the core developers.
I.e. there is a mismatch between the map and the terrain, the map here being Raymond's bazaar and the terrain being how things work in the real world. While there is an open forum, areas for community building, the development in itself is being done in a closed
fashion. The results, i.e. the source code, is up for public review, so the product itself is still open. The process, however, is a closed one, and it is the process more than the product that Raymond emphasize as the bazaar model.
Open source has many benefits which can be pretty inviting. However, it does have its limitations or downfalls as well. One idea here is the principal value of simplicity. The availability of source code is useful but the ability to look and modify the tool diminish rapidly with the growth of the code base. Very large and complex open source projects are probably as closed as proprietary commercial projects of the same size. [1] Another criticism is that open source does not automatically provide quality feedback. More emphasis is put into development; information and instructions on how to use a particular piece of software are hard to understand or non-existent. One of the major criticisms is that the pool of talented developers that can spend their time on open source projects is very limited and as such open source software projects usually suffer from lack of development resources and luck of feedback. While everyone pays tribute to Linux's original author, Torvalds, as "a benevolent dictator" guiding Linux kernel development, no one has a very clear idea of what would happen if he were to retire or otherwise disappear from the scene. Most open source projects (probably 90%) have just one main developer. [2] Even highly popular projects like Linux have problems with attracting volunteer developers for particular tasks and now essentially switch to paid developers model. Quality feedback for open source software projects is difficult to get and is usually insufficient for guiding project development.
While Raymond tells us that "the more the merrier is the rule in an open source project" and Stallman bemoans the scarcity of programmers, Jamie Zawinski, formerly of Netscape and of the Mozilla project disagrees. "The dynamic of development inside a company is definitely different from development in an open source way. However, I don't think that saying 'adding programmers makes it later' isn't true for open source projects because of their (alleged) lack of deadlines: I think that it's true (in any sense that it is true) only because the definition of 'programmer' is slippery in that case. If you have a project that has five people who write 80% of the code, and a hundred people who have contributed bug fixes or a few hundred lines of code here and there, is that a '105-programmer project?'"
What Zawinski and others have seen is that in such undertakings as the Apache project, Linux Kernel, and other large software projects, the bulk of the work is done by a few dedicated members or a core team -- what Brooks calls a "surgical team."
"In most open source projects," says Zawinski, "there is a small group who do the majority of the work, and the other contributors are definitely at a secondary level, meaning that they don't behave as bottlenecks."
Zawinski goes on: "Most of the larger open source projects are also fairly modular, meaning that they are really dozens of different, smaller projects. So when you claim that there are ten zillion people working on the Gnome project, you're lumping together a lot of people who never need to talk to each other, and thus, aren't getting in each others' way."
Brian Behlendorf of Apache and of Collab.net agrees. "We don't consciously think about it, but I think that the philosophy of keeping things simple and pushing out almost anything extraneous or nonessential to external modules has been followed fairly carefully in Apache. We've also been fairly successful (I think) in 'federalizing' the Apache process to sister projects."
Bezroukov agrees that modularity is essential, but there are limits: "For example if a project logically consists of three parts and we have two developers, than adding third developer can be highly beneficial -- the structure of the project will now correspond to the structure of the team. If the project is decomposable into three major parts and we add fourth developer, the effect will be much less."
"What truths do the majority flock about? It is the truths that are becoming obsolete. For when a truth is so old, it is on good way of becoming a lie. A normal truth is viable for no more than 20 years, and yet that is when the majority takes it to them and recommends them to the society as wholesome spiritual fuel."
- Dr. Stockman in Henrik Ibsen's drama 'An enemy of the people'
A great deal of sociological and anthropological studies has been performed
on the hacker community, but there is scarcely any research on the community's
software engineering practices. CatB was the first essay to specifically address
the community's practices. However, it is still very much an anthropological
study dealing with some aspects of software engineering, but with emphasis on
the anthropology. Another strain has been to focus on the social dynamics of
the bazaar (<
Books such as Levy's Hackers and Raymond's The New Hacker Dictionary show that the hacker community loves to tell and hear cool and neat stories and epics of great deeds of hacking. There is almost something tribal about how these stories are told. I believe anyone who has ever been part of a community of hackers can remember how the oldtimers late at night with everybody sitting around them, told epic stories of great hacking achievements. Not only their own, but those of the hacker lore like the Story of Mel and the Magic Button. How these legends are being recounted, almost ritualistic, to the listeners undivided delight. (Incidentally, I don't think it is a coincident that so many of us hackers are into fantasy and sci-fi literature, but that's only my personal little anecdote).
Where am I going with this?
I am of the opinion, that CatB isn't free of recounting great deeds of hacking. Wouldn't it be great if a loosely knit group of hackers, with no Dilbert managers at the top telling them what to do and how, could create an industry strength operating system? It's the total liberty trip, that which most software engineers dream of. Nobody is told what to do. Everybody's code is equal. And at the top the maintainer is simply coordinating this mob by giving credits where credits are due. That is basically how Raymond portrays the bazaar. Reality seems in fact to be somewhat different, more like herding cats (as Bruce Perens once observed).
Linux, to take an example, has a small, devoted core developers team very much like Brook's surgical team (Brooks, 1995). Looking at other highly successful open-source projects, the same pattern seems to be true. Look at the PHP-project, for instance. A small core of developers, previously known as the PHP core developers team. (interview with Stig S. Bakken) Apache likewise, although not as articulated. If this is so, in what way is the bazaar different from the cathedral?
The real diffe e between Brook's surgical team and the Linux community is that the job of debugging and testing is moved out into the open. The community becomes a massive debugger team. Not only are they performing white-box tests of the code, they're in fact willing to do the most crucial of all testing: that of real-life use. This makes the community an invaluable asset in finding bugs. The advantage of an open-source system is that it attracts skilled engineers who like to delve into the code and fix things when something is wrong. This way, not only does the community report bugs, but to a certain extent the users themselves fix the bugs as well.
I do not doubt Raymond's sincerity when he calls Linux a bazaar, but......
This fall Raymond has been touring Europe promoting his book. He most kindly made his way by Trondheim where he gave an unforgettable series of speeches. In one of these speeches he poses the question why nobody had articulated the bazaar mode of development prior. He says there are a handful of intelligent, articulated hackers that had already observed the phenomena, but none had spelled it out. Why is that? Raymond asks. His suggestion is that hackers like to think that their success in developing software is due to their own brilliance. All hackers liked to think so, and that is why nobody had tried to look into the matter more closely before Raymond did.
Let's permutate Raymonds question a bit, and ask: why is it that the hacker community is not questioning the apparent flaws in the 'Cathedral and the Bazaar'. Paul Feyerabend writes:
There comes then a moment when the theory is no longer an esoteric discussion topic for advanced seminars and confe es, but enters the public domain. There are introductory texts, popularizations; examinations questions start dealing with problems solved in its terms. Scientists from distant fields and philosophers, trying to show off, drop a hint here and there, and this often quite uninformed desire to be on the right side is taken as a further sign of the importance of the theory.
Unfortunately, this increase in importance is not accompanied by better understanding; the very opposite is the case. Problematic aspects which were originally introduced with the help of carefully constructed arguments now become basic principles; doubtful points turn into slogans; debates with opponents become standardised and also quite unrealistic, for the opponents, having to express themselves in terms which presupposes what they contest, seem to raise quibbles, or to misuse words. Alternatives are still employed but they no longer contain realistic counter-proposals; they only serve as a background for the splendour of the new theory. Thus we do have success; but it is the success of a manoeuvre carried out in a void, overcoming difficulties that were set up in advance for easy solution. (1993, p. 30)
Answering almost with Raymond's own words: can it be that we hackers like to think that the success of our software is due to a genial, new way of development that we have come up with ourselves? Is it truly so? CatB is not a software engineering essay. It is an anthropological study. However, it contains material about the bazaar, the hackers' way of doing software engineering. Central traits to the bazaar is the open process, the freedom to do with the code what each individual developer wants, and a high degree of cooperation. Raymond mentions Linux as an archetypal bazaar, yet in a letter to the author David Miller, a central Linux developer, writes:
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 18:40:06 +0200 (CEST)
From: David S. Miller
\> is it so that you
\> core Linux kernel developers are doing much of the discussing and
\> planning outside of the Linux kernel mailinglist?
It is true to a large extent, and in my opinion it's the gem that
keeps us at such high productivity rates.
It's a surefire method by which us core developers can obtain
the best signal to noise ratio. Discussions happen more efficiently
and productively when you know you're talking to someone with a clue
and you don't get barraged with responses from folks who are perhaps
not so clueful and not so weathered on the topic as the core
I.e. there is a mismatch between the map and the terrain, the map here being Raymond's bazaar and the terrain being how things work in the real world. While there is an open forum, areas for community building, the development in itself is being done in a closed fashion. The results, i.e. the source code, is up for public review, so the product itself is still open. The process, however, is a closed one, and it is the process more than the product that Raymond emphasize as the bazaar model.
Admitting our knowledge of the facts are limited, is a giant step towards gaining greater knowledge."
- Benjamin Disraeli
Very little serious research has been devoted to the bazaar model. The first effort at criticizing the bazaar model, not on the model's own terms but in a larger context, was Nikolai Bezroukov's two articles in First Monday (www.firstmonday.org). The first article Bezroukov claims that there is nothing new to the bazaar model. Rather it is merely a special case of academic research. The essence of the second article was to refute Raymond's proof that Brooks' law did not apply to the bazaar model, and to answer Raymond's flaming response to his first article (also printed in First Monday). As the subtitle to his first article indicates, 'Critique of Vulgar Raymondism' (emphasis by the author), Bezroukov is trying to address the growing orthodoxy within the open source movement.
The problem with both of Bezroukov's articles is that they both lack empirical data on which his theories are founded. While CatB is based on Raymond's own experience with Fetchmail and some insight from the Linux development, Bezroukov's two articles have no such foundation. His criticism is at times to the point, but have no underpinning in facts and therefore hard to consider as more than an educated guess. At other times Bezroukov shows a lack of understanding central terms such as the diffe e between the cathedral and the MIT style of programming as described in Richard Gabriel's essay ???. Bezroukov seems to mix together the MIT style programming with that of Raymond's cathedral building. Gabriel proposes the idea that there are two widely different coding styles within the hacker community: that which relies on correct looking code and that of the 'worse is better' approach. The MIT style relies on simple data structures and complex code, while the 'worse is better' approach says its more important to understand the (...)
The greatest weakness of Bezroukov's two articles is his efforts at trying to fit reality into a model. He poses the question: is Linux really a bazaar? A closer look into Linux reveals that it does not fit into Raymond's description of a bazaar. But if Linux does not fit does that mean that Linux is no bazaar? Instead of revising and updating Raymond's two year old bazaar model, Bezroukov disqualifies Linux as a bazaar. It is not the theoretical model that should form the blueprint of reality, but reality that is to be represented by the model. When Raymond says Linux is a bazaar, then Linux is a bazaar even though it does not fit into Raymond's model. The bazaar theory has to be changed instead. Linux is the yardstick here, not the model that was written to explain Linux. That this happens is probably because both of Bezroukov's two articles lack the proper empirical foundation. This is the very core of any critique of Bezroukov, that they form no more than educated guesswork. As Feyerabend points out (1993, p.26) "Discussion of incompatible facts will therefore lead to progress. Discussion of incompatible hypothesis will not." This is the pitfall that Bezroukov steps right into.
What Bezroukov is doing, however, is to point out where Raymond's theory
simply does not add up. Apart from random comments refuting the bazaar model
totally, Bezroukov is the first to take the model seriously and criticize it
in a serious manner, not on the model's own terms but in a larger context. As
such, what he is doing is important in order to better understand the strengths
and weaknesses of the model. Whether he hits the mark or not, it forces us to
rethink what has too long been taken for granted. In that light, Raymond's flaming
rebuttal (Raymond, 1999b) is therefore a good sign of the open source movement's
growing orthodoxy.
1.10.2. Bezroukov
Little research has been devoted to the bazaar model. The first effort at criticizing the bazaar model, not on the model's own terms but in a larger context, was Nikolai Bezroukov's two articles in First Monday (www.firstmonday.org). The first article Bezroukov claims that there is nothing new to the bazaar model. Rather it is merely a special case of academic research. The essence of the second article was to refute Raymond's proof that Brooks' law did not apply to the bazaar model, and to answer Raymond's flaming response to his first article (also printed in First Monday). As the subtitle to his first article indicates, 'Critique of Vulgar Raymondism' (emphasis by the author), Bezroukov is trying to address the growing orthodoxy within the open source movement. The problem with both of Bezroukov's articles is that they lack empirical data on which his theories are founded. While CatB is based on Raymond's own experience with Fetchmail and some insight from the Linux development, Bezroukov's two articles have no such foundation. His criticism is at times to the point, but have no underpinning in facts and therefore hard to consider as more than an educated guess. At other times Bezroukov shows a lack of understanding central terms such as the diffe e between the cathedral and the MIT style of programming as described in Richard Gabriel's essay. The greatest weakness of Bezroukov's two articles is his efforts at trying to fit reality into a model. He poses the question: is Linux really a bazaar? A closer look into Linux reveals that it does not fit into Raymond's description of a bazaar. But if Linux does not fit does that mean that Linux is no bazaar? Instead of revising and updating Raymond's two year old bazaar model, Bezroukov disqualifies Linux as a bazaar. It is not the theoretical model that should form the blueprint of reality, but reality that is to be represented by the model. When Raymond says Linux is a bazaar, then Linux is a bazaar even though it does not fit into Raymond's model. The bazaar theory has to be changed instead. Linux is the yardstick here, not the model that was written to explain Linux. That this happens is probably because both of Bezroukov's two articles lack the proper empirical foundation. This is the very core of any critique of Bezroukov, that they form no more than educated guesswork. As Feyerabend points out (1993, p.26) "Discussion of incompatible facts will therefore lead to progress. Discussion of incompatible hypothesis will not." This is the pitfall that Bezroukov steps right into. What Bezroukov is doing, however, is to point out where Raymond's theory simply does not add up. Apart from random comments refuting the bazaar model totally, Bezroukov is the first to take the model seriously and criticize it in a serious manner, not on the model's own terms but in a larger context. As such, what he is doing is important in order to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the model. Whether he hits the mark or not, it forces us to rethink what has too long been taken for granted. In that light, Raymond's flaming rebuttal (Raymond, 1999b) is therefore a good sign of the open source movement's growing orthodoxy
"This paper provides an overview of the weaknesses of Eric Raymond's (ESR) paper The Cathedral and the Bazaar (CatB) as well as the more coherent demonstration of the fact that the bazaar metaphor is internally contradictive. It is also to a certain extent a reaction to the publication of Eric Raymond's new book The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary (Sebastopol, Calif.: O'Reilly & Associates, 1999). In this paper a more objective picture of the status competition in the OSS environment is provided." FreeBSD is mentioned as "refe e implementation" for Linux, as a quality OS ("For Linux, I see no breakthrough in quality in comparison with Solaris or FreeBSD") The other relevant quote: "Without this level of political support [Slashdot, LinuxToday, etc.]it is possible that FreeBSD (traditionally the OS of choice for ISPs) would have been more popular.... I would just like to stress that the Linux press serves as important leverage against competitors like FreeBSD and its role is completely overlooked in CatB." Jordan Hubbard is positively sited in the paper.
MORE: http://daily.daemonnews.org/view_story.php3?story_id=351 LINK: http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue4_12/bezroukov/index.html
"Open source is a very interesting and influential phenomenon. It is especially intriguing to me because I believe that it can play a positive role in developing countries. In order to ensure its long-term sustainability we need to see it "as is" and clearly identify possible pitfalls as well as open source's strong and weak points. Fundamentally, we need a reliable map of the open source environment."
"The publication of Eric Raymond's (ESR) new book The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary...makes a fresh and critical review of his most influential paper even more necessary. Besides The Cathedral and the Bazaar (CatB), several papers by ESR are included in this book. None of the papers are so well written, influential and important as CatB. It is no wonder that The Cathedral and the Bazaar is sometimes considered as a Manifesto of the Open Source Movement. This paper will try to analyze just CatB."
"In my earlier paper I argued that the bazaar metaphor is internally contradictive. In this paper we would like to concentrate on the entire CatB paper and try to dissect the main ideas of CatB."
Open Source Software as a Special Type of Academic Research (Critique of Vulgar Raymondism) by Nikolai Bezroukov offers a point by point critique of the "revolutionary" claims made by some OSS leaders and supporters. The article is from a peer-reviewed journal (might be a source for your Final Group Project) called First Monday. Here's the abstract:
"Eric Raymond's bazaar model provides a too simplistic view of the open source software (OSS) development process. This paper tries to explore links between open source software development and academic research as a better paradigm for OSS development. Open source software development should better be viewed as a special case of academic research. Viewing OSS this way probably can lead to a better understanding of open source phenomena."
Nikolai Bezroukov, "Open-source software Development as a Special Type of Academic Research (Critique of Vulgar Raymondism)"
In this online document, Nikolai Bezroukov provides a critical review of the arguments used by Eric S. Raymond in "The Cathedral and the Bazaar." Bezroukov discusses a variety of practical problems associated with implementing open-source software development.
The Cathedral model represents the traditional commercial software development style, using small teams, tight management control, and long release intervals. The Bazaar model represents the style of releasing early often involving a large number of pool of developers working on the product. It challenges the traditional software engineering models of using a large team of developers and testers. It challenges established norms like "Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later" (Fred Brooks, 1975, p.91). This paper deals with these interesting theories and examines the pro and cons of both models.
That's really funny. It looks like ERS does not understand what the scientific term Vulgar Marxism means; moreover extremes meet and his anarchic capitalism (Libertarianism) is really close to anarchism |
Poor "friend of the free market". Now he really reminds me the heroes of a similar story where BSD logo was found "deeply and personally offensive" ;-). |
I do not think that EST overlooked something. He wanted to sell OSS to commercial companies and pretty much succeeded by becoming a member of the board of VA Linux and making good money on IPO. It does not look like he overlooked "the practices of scientific community". He just looked in the completely opposite direction ;-) |
The question "To what extend Weinberg "egoless programming" make sense in OSS environment ?" is subject for discussion. See my second paper for more info. |
A really harsh conclusion, but a very nice quote indeed. The problem with any such quote is that it is like a rubber stamp: you can stamp it on anything. There are a lot of such nice quotes and although it looks like ESR managed to defy it I would like to remind one by Voltaire that I used (in a slightly different context) in my paper: "To succeed in the world, it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered." ;-). I would agree that this is a rubber stamp quote too :-) |
The problem with pedants, is that when you whittle away the big words, you end up with very little substance. That, I think, is what probably pissed the guy off the most; the title of the other article mentions that ESR's view is "too simplistic".
Nothing pisses a pedant off more than being called simplistic; the whole point of written pedantry is to posture to a point of seeming more educated or intelligent than the reader. Strip away the big words, and you end up, often times, with very little.
Bob Rogers - Subject: Thanks, Mr. Raymond for pointing to Bezroukov's paper (Oct 9, 1999, 05:54:00 ) |
[from <http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/writings/response-to-bezroukov.html>.
this is the right reverend eric s. raymond's response to an essay by nikolai bezroukov, 'open source software as a special type of academic research (critique of vulgar raymondism),' published by first monday at <http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue4_10/bezroukov/index.html>. whether bezroukov's summation of ESR's theses is accurate, i'll leave to others to decide: afaict, ESR is an insufferable blowhard devoted to puffing up trivial observations into the eighth, ninth, and tenth wonders of the world, and reading his stuff is just painful. but it does look like bezroukov called his bluff on his neo-marxistical babble about how the "industrial-capitalist mode of software production was doomed to be out competed from the moment capitalism began to create enough of a wealth surplus for many programmers to live in a post scarcity gift culture" &c., &c. ESR's response? "I am...implacably hostile to all forms of Marxism and socialism (which I regard as co equal in evil with Naziism)" [sic '1999/10/08 17:25:42' version]. i'm very curious to hear from our presumptively more sophisticated european contingents how we should reconcile the Contradictions that are erupting in the open source world, what with gift-givers kvetching about being left out of the red hat IPO (ooh--and now VA Linux is doing one!), the so-called gift economy being revealed to be a LIBERTARIAN practice, and the peer-consultation practices of open source being traced into ur-ur-history--all the way back to the early day of the MIT AI lab!
cheers, t]Craig Brozefsky ([email protected])
09 Oct 1999 08:30:37 -0700I can offer this selection from an old email:
So, I made myself listen to the Eric Raymond interview.
-- about 8:20 into the interview --
Dave: Let's see, Free Software versus Open Source?
Eric: Well, I think I said most of what needs to be said about that in my recent posting, 'Shut up and show them the code'
Dave: Right. There is quite a bit of controversy; alot of people are concerned that perhaps you are not really showing alot of code yourself anymore, since your doing alot of marketing.
Eric: [his voice rises, and he leans into the mic] Ah, well the diffe e is that my methods work, and Richard Stallman's methods don't
Dave: uh, oookaaay
Eric is unaware how close to the mic he is. And then I hear it, a chilling sound. His accelerated breathing thru his nostrils.
** I stop the mpg **
Forward it to about 8:20 into the interview.
And for those who can't sample the sound live, a description from an old alt.cyberpunk post:You must hear that sound. It will hurt. You will be afraid. After he says this he does not realize how close to the mic his little bottom-feeder mouth is, and the sound of his breath gives him away. I cannot describe the sound, except to say that it is horrifying: a nostril-flaring, face flushing, heart racing, palm sweating breath. Truly the demonic version of the pear-shaped mouth-breathers revolting rasp. I fear for his children. It's always the surplus, like the breath, that gives away the game.
Put that in your high-speed data pipe and smoke it ya Kontent wankers.
Craig Brozefsky <[email protected]>
Free Scheme/Lisp Software http://www.red-bean.com/~craig
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A Critique of the Bazaar, with a Postscript by GodwinLast year, Eric Raymond wrote the influential "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" which expounded on the philosophical underpinnings of the Open Source movement. He paralleled the old corporate method of software development with building a cathedral and open source development with a collaborative bazaar. This week, Nikolai Bezroukov wrote a scathing critique of that paper entitled "Open Source Software Development as a Special Type of Academic Research (Critique of Vulgar Raymondism)", complete with allusions to "vulgar Marxism". While Nikolai clearly needs a course in remedial paper titling, his criticism has set off an amusing tempest in an academic teapot, with Eric Raymond taking Nikolai to task for adding "almost nothing useful to the debate". Consider it the entertaining philosophical equivalent of a World Wrestling Federation cage match. We should note that the Nazis have been invoked, which means that the debate is officially over, at lest according to the commonly mis-quoted dictates of Godwin's Law.
Raymond: http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue3_3/raymond/index.html
Bezroukov: http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue4_10/bezroukov/index.html
Response: http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/writings/response-to-bezroukov.html
Godwin's Law: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/usenet/legends/godwin/
The Online Journal First Monday has posted a criticism of Eric S. Raymond's famous open-source manifesto, The Cathedral and the Bazaar. The criticism piece, written by Russian professor Nikolai Bezroukov, is supposedly one of the first "academic" criticisms of CATB to appear on the 'net. The posts on /. in response to the article were generally positive, and it seems that most of the Linux community welcomes any serious academic critique of Raymond's work. Raymond, however, posted a short and largely dismissive response to the piece. He cites and responds to various one-line excerpts from the piece, in order to show that it's mostly "tendentious nonsense." Regarding Raymond's response, one slashdot poster commented, "w00p!!! I g0tz the f1rst p0st!!!" (Just kidding, though what's really there is even more annoying :)
My take: Having read CATB and The Magic Cauldron, I can see where Bezroukov completely misconstrued some of Raymond's points. For instance, according to Bezroukov, Raymond thinks that "open source is a completely new progressive phenomenon (bright future of mankind) with no analogs in history." This is completely backwards, in fact. What Raymond loves to do is to make (bogus) analogies between the OSS movement and some other social and/or historical phenomenon, in order to show off his wide-ranging erudition. (See his comparison of OSS to the pre-industrial system of aristocratic patronage of the arts. He completely misunderstands the Hellenistic practice of rich families commissioning monuments in the public square.) The problem with the First Monday piece is that Bezroukov is neither a sociologist, nor a historian (he's a CS professor), and it's sociology and history that Raymond most egregiously mangles. -Hannibal
This is a learning opportunity
(Score:0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 09, @12:40PM EDT (#286) |
Aspects of this are dead on, some are off base, but ESR and the rest of us should learn from this document, as it contains the first sensible criticism of the OSS community EVER |
...In an ill-tempered article Nikolai Bezroukov has mounted a personal attack on Eric Raymond, author of The cathedral and the bazaar and well-known Linux luminary. Raymond is accused of promoting "an over-optimistic and simplistic view of open source, as a variant of socialist (or to be more exact, vulgar Marxist) interpretation of software development".
...Raymond, who is an OSS evangelist, has only begun an examination of the open source phenomenon, and he can be prone to make generalisations that are too specific. He assumes that "a wealth surplus" makes it possible for many programmers to live in "a post-scarcity gift culture". To a fair extent this is true in the US, but the fuller facts are that many players live on the bread-line with absolutely minimal income. Raymond's analogy that the cathedral is analogous to the place where traditional, proprietary programming takes place, while the bazaar is where open source software (OSS) development occurs, is very helpful but it was not intended to be a formal, rigorous approach to defining open development processes.
...There are better methodologies to refine models like the cathedral and the bazaar, but Bezroukov is not the man for the job. The disciplines that perhaps offer most value are psychology, for the individual motivation aspects, and sociology for providing a framework for describing the organisational issues. A glance at sociology texts such as Henry Mintzberg's The structuring of organisations points out that in an Adhocracy (for that is probably the best pre-existing structural description of the open source movement), Hedberg et al described the "palace" and the "tent" instead of the cathedral and the bazaar - and this was in 1976 in Administrative Science Quarterly. Perhaps the diffe e between Bezroukov and Raymond could best be summarised in a speculation: that Bezroukov would argue against such a "palace and tent" model delineated by professionals in organisational structure, whereas Raymond would be delighted to know that he had independently discovered something that had in general terms been previously described.
Last year the magazine First Monday published a research paper by Eric Raymond, one of the most active participants of the Open Source Project and a Linux guru, devoted to the principle of the development of the open source software. Raymond analyzed the process using the development of Fetchmail as an example and came to a very optimistic conclusions about the feasibility of software development using this particular method.
Last week (after more than a year after initial publication of Raymond's paper) Nikolai Bezroukov, who also is a participant of the Open Source Movement, published a paper Open Source Software Development as a Special Type of Academic Research where he wrote that "…I have become painfully aware of the overly optimistic and unrealistic views on open source held by students and partially even by participants like Eric Raymond."
The greatest advantage of open source, Bezroukov wrote, can be realized in its use for education. If the task is to create a high quality product quickly, than Linux development model is not suitable for the task. The Linux community reacts slower than it is necessary to the market changes; there is no clear organization of the project, absence of hierarchy in the community attracts people who do not understand much programming, but who want mainly to talk about how tasks should be done, and so on.
We can continue the list of disadvantages of such a community, but there in no necessity in that. In reality this is another example of an old conflict between commerce and utopia in their extreme manifestations. On one side stands the strictly structured commerce structure that is profit oriented and which might consider employees to be one-task mechanisms. On the other side stands a large community of people who have all the disadvantages of the crowd in performing a certain function, but who permit a person to work on what he/she wants and have the right of being something more than a one-task mechanism. The experience of software development for Linux during the last several years demonstrates the feasibility of such an approach. What do you think?
firstMonday: Open Source Software Development as a Special Type of Academic Research (Critique of Vulgar Raymondism)- |
I have some comments on the article by Nikolai Bezroukov, "Open Source Development as a Special Case of Applied Science".
I have to say that the article by Nicolai Bezroukov falls short of my expectations both in style and content. I do not appreciate refe es to Marxism and forced interpretation of Eric Raymond's work. The first two sections recall political slogans, aimed at inducement rather than understanding. It does not help to grasp the open source phenomenon. The style is so in contrast with the rest of the paper that the reader should discard those passages to pursue his/her reading.
On the main contents of the paper, I was able to appreciate several interesting points in Bezroukov's work. But I am particularly disappointed by the author's insistence on the similarities (that are evident) between open source and scientific methods. Open source projects are often developed by programmers in their spare time, with personal financial support, gathering interest from the outside, so that people or firms can use the final product. If a way could be devised to transfer this feature to the traditional scientific world, a complete upsetting of the relation between science and people surely would follow.
Finally, let me note that, at the end of Bezroukov's article, I can't find any sound justifications of those prejudices stated at the beginning.
Paolo Pumilia
Magenta (Milano), Italy
...Your article is powerful. Of course it will help many developers to build up more objective view on the issue. It is a perfect critics and everything is 90% true. BUT it looks at the Open Source only the negative way.
I think if this article will be seen by a developer with weak independence, one will never participate in OSS projects.
The author of this letter began to participate himself in one of such projects not long ago and this article was like a bomb, exploded in the core of his heart. He will continue to go, but he was shaken in his confidence. This may be compared with telling to a small child that Santa Claus doesn't exist.
Breaking the Internet Dream and annihilating the idea of Open System and Open Software IS AN INTELLECTUAL SIN.
[????] open source by dfulton
...Cost is an important factor to the educational world in many aspects. Cost per hour of instruction, cost of infrastructure, cost of educational products, etc.; they are all there. However, in the sense of open source, schools may indeed have been to the cathedral. So much so, that they cannot separate themselves from the "church". The reason is simple. Those who run our schools, i.e., school boards, administrators, parents, and others, are afraid or inept of the use of technology. Therefore, they pay someone else to do their job and substantiate their responsibilities. The teachers in the t hes do not have that prerogative. We have to become technologically expert.
Before Microsoft (MS) established itself as the operating system of choice, software and the code behind it came in this manner, hand to hand, computer to computer. It was IBM's intent to retain open source distribution, but people began buying computers and marketers saw great opportunity. Thanks to you, Mr. Gates. The hallmark of the MS success has been that their operating systems are almost everything to everybody. However, that is the main reason not to have the MS operating systems. They are authored to fit everyone's purpose without sufficient specificity. Therefore, open source software could, in theory, overcome that issue. It will be modified to fit specific purposes. The MS operating systems cannot because their source codes are proprietary, therefore, unattainable...
The implications of open source software for the future provide interest, to say the least. No longer will school administrations be subject to unscrupulous vendors who take advantage of the situation and rob our students of all of the value of their education. Yes, administrators will have to dedicate people to provide open source materials instead of relying on the business to keep our students best interests in mind. Of course, this will require a radical change in our systems and the way they run. As we all know, education is one of the last institutions to affect change due to bureaucratic attitudes.
I had just begun to understand what Open Source was, and had begun to think of the educational possibilities when I read Bezroukov's critique of "Open Source Software Development as a Special Type of Academic Research", recommended by Chip on 10/8/99. I also realize that Open Source cannot be modified to fit everyone's needs because not everyone is capable of doing the modifications. Now I am becoming aware of the multitude of problems that Open Source may "open up."
Seminar Digitale Gesellschaft -- Open Source (German)
L'Etat d'Internet 1999 Logiciel libre, " open source " et Linux (F h)
Re:Irking (Score:0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 31, @11:44AM EST (#43) |
It is most likely that CMU has been pretty carefull
about patents and stuff. I would think/hope that universities learned their
lesson when AT&T tried fucking with Berkely about BSD. It would be pretty
stupid of CMU to release something with out letting their lawyers give the
go-ahead. As for /. encouraging people to download the stuff one can argue in true Raymondism that they are a mother station to a gift culture that tries to protect people from patent bullies and encourages intellectual advance. |
The background for this paper is our work with evolutionary economic models and their implementation in a new, effective system for programming and simulating such models. The major purpose of the project is to decrease the barriers to entry to computer simulation without decreasing the quality of the work. This purpose has suggested a study of the different styles of simulation work as well as reflections on the major types of barriers to entry.
I just did some reading of papers published on first Monday (http://www.firsmonday.org), a peer reviewed online journal.
I got some important aspects for our study; I would be glad if the psychologists on the mailing list would comment on how the ideas I found here do fit into the theoretical models like the VIET model.
I will focus on topics related to motivation, since this is the main aspect of our study. (So these are _not_ summaries of the papers.)
Be warned, this is a rather loose collection of the notes I took when reading the papers; neither I did bother nor I had the time to put them in a specific order ...
OK, here we go:
From: Open Source Software Development as Special
Type of Academic Research (Critique of Vulgar
Raymondism), N. Bezroukov,
Bezroukov claims that Open Source development can be compared to a special for of research in applied sciences. He writes that "most of the OS developers are doing it to chase a dream, not to build up their balances." He thinks that the main motivation is in fact the dream and not the competition.
I wonder how this is covered in the models we discussed recently; would it be possible to tell the diffe e between a motivation based on competition (possible on an individual basis among the developers as well as on a larger scale, such as Linux vs. Microsoft)?
He further mentions some problems in Open Source projects:
* overload and burnout of the project leaders
* email based communications favors misunderstanding and
invites flame wars.Furthermore, he claims that Open Source model cannot compete with commercial development techniques where development speed is concerned. He says that the speedup necessary for a competition with e. g. Microsoft would result in a pressure on the developers. I will come back to this point later; in another paper, B. describe how this pressure may be put on the developers.
In B.s paper, he writes that the actual organizational structure of Linux development is not the bazaar described by ESR, but a rather hierarchical structure. (I do agree with this point; besides Linus Torvalds as the maintainer of Linux there are a lot of maintainers of kernel modules and parts.) Furthermore, he claims that the Linux development process is not democratic (I feel this can be seen in connection with the statements of the previous paragraph). If the submission a patch (a correction or extension of existing code) is dropped by Linux Torvalds (or the module maintainer), there is no chance to argue against this.
In an (anonymous) quotation, the statement is found that (at least in a certain phase), a bunch of half-skilled developers joined the project and started to discuss non-issues, thus polluting the mailing list. I think that this might be seen in relation to the concept of social loafing, although it is not clear why these people did join the mailing list. It could be either due to the wish to help Linux developers (and the ignorance of their own incompetence...) or they where driven by the wish to participate in the success story of Linux -- just to share the honor.
B. also mentions the conflict between the KDE and the GNOME project; both are aimed at the creation of an easy-to-use graphical user interface for Linux. KDE (the first project) was build on the basis of a Software which, at the time, did not satisfy the criteria of Free Software in the Stallman sense of free. This was the reason to put up a competing project based entirely on Free Software. Since we are interested in group identification, I consider it interesting to verify, in how far the purists views are related to the motivation of the developers. (To complete the story about KDE and GNOME: The KDE is, in my opinion, by far more successful and has achieved a much more mature state. Furthermore, the toolkit in question has adopted an Open Source-compatible license. Just for your information.)
From: A Second Look at the Cathedral and the Bazaar
N. Bezroukov,
http://firsmonday.org/issues/issue4_11/bezroukovIn this paper, besides a lot of other things, B. also talks about his view of communities. He writes that communities often involve status competition, and that this is not necessarily good for the group performance. He gives several reasons for this:
* Hierarchical structures and distribution of political power;
* unfair status hierarchies (favoritism) This can have really negative influence on the motivation of individuals: "Consider the pain of participating in a project where you think the leader doesn't like you."
* poisoning of the peer review process. B. relates this effect to the concept of egoless programming. It is even defined in an IEEE document: "A software development technique based on the concept of team, rather than individual, responsibility for program development. It's purpose is to prevent individual programmers from identifying so closely with their work that objective evaluation is impaired." (After B.)
I think this concept in fact is in contradiction with the possibility to identify individual contributions in the source code. Indeed, I have the impression that the concept of egoless programming is not applied in Open Source development. What do the psychologists say, is this concept sensible at all from a motivational point of view?
* danger of overload and burnout
B. mentions several reasons for this, here a few of them:
- Long term stress and high workload
- Conflict between idealistic expectations and reality
(OK, I think we cover this one with the IE-Part of VIET)
- Poor time management.
- Engaging in a rat race against commercial developers.
(See notes on development speed above.)
- Role conflicts: Private live vs. regular job vs. OS
- Lack of support for developers working on the same
project.* fear of exclusion as a motivational factor
This list is not complete, but does, in my opinion, include the most important points with respect to our study.
So far Bezroukov; again, I want to stress that this is not a summary of his papers which are by far more comprehensive. It is just a enumeration of the aspects I consider relevant to our study.
On first Monday, too, I found an older (1998) interview with Linus Torvalds. There, too I found some interesting thoughts:
One of his claims is that to Linux development, the user base is more important than the developer base. He has some good reasons for this, and I think this gives us the justification to include Linux users in our statistics.
An other point he makes is that working on Linux helped him to establish a network of people "that trust [him] and know [him]", and that that sort of network is very handy.
His motivation for his initial decision to make Linux public (in a very, very early state when it was barely
useable) was that "it was a natural decision within the community that [he] felt part of".In Kiel, we recently had a discussion on the pure joy of doing something; this motive can be found in this interview as well; "look at what I've done -- isn't that neat?". Pride plays a role here too, in my opinion.
Later in the interview, he gets back to the user base; he talks about defenses between the users. Some of them are very productive and give a lot of feedback and help hunting bug, other "just use" Linux. In the interview, it does not become clear what his attitude is towards this second type of user. In connection with the statement that the user base is at least as important as the developer base, I can imagine that from his point of view, this might be some kind of social loafing again; but I am not sure how far this viewpoint is shared among developers.
Linus makes the point that Open Source development works best in areas where developers are users, too. (Maybe this is the reason why the development of graphical user interfaces for Linux started that late; earlier generations of programmers lived in environments where GUIs in the Windows and Mac sense of the world where not common.)
OK, so far from the interview. I am sure a lot of this points are already covered in our models. Nevertheless, my intention of this posting is to make sure that the results of our study not only make sense in the context of the psychological theories. It would be great if we where able to verify some of the assumptions of ESR or B.
This should be enough for today, it's quite late and I will go to bed now ;-).
-- Sven Niedner, http://www.theo-physik.uni-kiel.de/~niedner
First Monday October 1999
Open Source Software Development as a Special Type of Academic Research
by Nikolai Bezroukov
This paper tries to explore links between open source software development and academic research as a better paradigm for OSS development.
Reading through the comments is mostly a thankless task, but what
keeps me going is the chance to find the rare, well-stated insight that
nourishes my curiosity and understanding.
Tonight, buried under yet another spasm of narcissism from ESR, and the rush to weigh in for or against him, rcade here has posed a penetrating question: "How essential to the open exchange of knowledge is the notion that none of the participants are getting rich off the exchange?" This deserves thinking about. Contributing to free software projects under the GPL is altruistic, yet it simultaneously serves one's pragmatic self-interest (not reinventing the wheel, etc.). So we find self-respecting Libertarians opposing it because they smell the altruism, and other self-respecting Libertarians praising it because they are free to just take whatever they need. Resentment arises when we ignore contrary aspects of the situation, and instead try to defend an oversimplified, one-dimensional conception. Thus the ironies. Free-marketeer Raymond writes "C & B" to explain our all-for-one, one-for-all operating system project to the capitalists (who don't get it), then gets testy when the socialistic aspect is pointed out. I think his essays have been valuable contributions, but I doubt that he would admit that they are classic propaganda and are intended to function as such. This is why Bezroukov's use of the terms "vulgar Raymondism" and "vulgar Marxism" were guaranteed to get ESR's goat. Raymond and his groupies reacted predictably to the "Marxism" part, because their point-and-click political simplemindedness fails to understand that the term "vulgar Marxism" refers not to Marxism itself, but to ignorant charicatures of it. It is just such ignorant charicatures of free software that Raymond has worked to correct. ESR's counterblast, and most of the comments, seek to divert us from the core of Bezroukov's essay, which is the analogy between free software development and academic scientific research. Notice the different strategies: "C & B" sets up oversimplified, polarized extremes and advocates one against the other. Bezroukov takes several aspects of the two phenomena and condsiders how they are alike and how they differ. Propaganda vs. inquiry. |
Very well put. Popular vs
scientific writing (Score:2) by Morgaine on Saturday October 09, @02:59AM (#1627907) (User #4316 Info) |
That is a very clear and precise description of the main problem
in ESR's writings --- well said, Jon.
ESR's role probably serves a useful function for those that believe that horses will die unless led to water, but it is a million miles away from the antiseptic dissection of a complex subject that one would and should expect in a rational scientific study. From what we've seen so far over the years, that won't change, so I suppose we'll just have to lower our expectations or look to more dispassionate commentators whose analyses are less dogmatically coloured by personal prefe es in other areas. None of this should really surprise us though. There has never been much in common between the popular press and the scientific press in other walks of life. We have our own popular press and our own self-styled popular writers, and we should acknowledge them as such and no more. |
FreeBSD Mail Archives "As to fetchmail: it is an abomination before God. If someone in the press ever paid for an audit of the source code, the result would refute the paper "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" to such an extent that it could damage the Open Source movement, which has pinned so much on the paper, in ill-considered haste."
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 23:49:58 +0000 (GMT) From: Terry Lambert <[email protected]> To: [email protected] (Peter Pentchev) Cc: [email protected] Subject: UUCP must stay; fetchmail sucks (was list 'o things) Message-ID: <[email protected]> In-Reply-To: <[email protected]> from "Peter Pentchev" at Feb 17, 2001 05:30:19 PM
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> Just a minor comment-with-a-question. What is UUCP used for - mainly mail? > If so, then here's a datapoint - about two years ago I took part in > converting an existing UUCP mail transfer config to one using fetchmail. > Quite simple - invoke fetchmail -d from the PPP link-up script, kill it > in the link-down script in such a way that it sends a QUIT to avoid > message duplicates. There were a couple of other issues too, but in > the end, it all started working, and it's been working flawlessly for > the past two years. UCP belongs in the base system; you can skip the rest of this, if you are not interested in the gory details of UUCP vs. fetchmail. UUCP is the UNIX-UNIX Copy Program. It is used for copying files around. I formerly used it to copy TCP/IP and other packages to SVR4 boxes, since it was faster to do it over a null-modem cable than to use floppies. Primarily, it is used for email and usenet in areas of poor connectivity. The UUCP 'g' protocol is much more forgiving of noise than PPP or SL/IP over the same noisy connection. -- A tangential diatribe on the unsuitability of fetchmail ------- As to fetchmail: it is an abomination before God. If someone in the press ever paid for an audit of the source code, the result would refute the paper "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" to such an extent that it could damage the Open Source movement, which has pinned so much on the paper, in ill-considered haste. ESR has constantly maintained that fetchmail is "not an MTA", and he is right: it could be, but it's not. When mail is delivered to a POP3 maildrop, envelope information is destroyed. To combat this, you would need to tunnel the enveleope information in headers. Generally, sendmail does not support "X-Envelope-To:" because it exposes "Bcc:" recipients, since fetchmail-like programs generally _stupidly_ do not strip such headers before local re-injection of the email. Without this information, it can not recover the intended recipient of the email. The fetchmail program delivers this mail to "root". The program has another bug, even if you elect single message delivery (in order to ensure a "for <user@domain>" in the "Received:" timestamp line. The bug is that it assumes the machine from which the download is occurring is a valid MX for your domain. Many ISPs use one machine to do the virtual domain expansion, and another to do final deliver into ISP hosts POP3 maildrops. The net effect of this is that it attempts to use the "for <domain-account@isphost>" stamp, since it does not reverse-priority order "Received:" timestamp lines. Similarly, fetchmail fails to order headers in "confidence" order. This means that, given an email with a "valid" (MX matches in the "by <MX>" and a "for <user@domain>" exists) "Received:" timestamp line, a "To:", "Cc:", or "Bcc:" line, or an "X-Envelope-To:" line (which must be configured, and which is terrifically screwed up by qmail, requiring un-munging), fetchmail -- takes the first one it sees, not the most correct one. Using the "To:", "Cc:", or "Bcc:" lines ("data") to do the delivery buys a spammer the ability to relay mail, though the route it must take is rather circuitous. It also means that if the "Bcc:" was properly stripped before handing the RFC 822 message to an MTA, or if you are a list recipient, that data is useless for recovering envelope information. This means that root gets all mailing list mail from lists which do not do recipient rewriting (like the SVBUG list does), and root also gets all mail addressed to non-existant local users that was intended for particular local users (all SPAM and all mail that was requested but not sent specifically targetted to a particular user, via email header data). Unfortunately, ESR would not accept patches for the mistaken MX problem, nor for the prefe e order problem, nor for the tunneled envelope information stripping problem. He seemed to be too busy with speaking engagements, and has since declared fetchmail to be in "maintenance mode", in order to demonstrate a recognizable commercial software lifecycle for an Open Source project, to give business the warm fuzzies. -- End diatribe ------------------------------------------------ UUCP, comparatively, avoids this whole mess, by not destroying the envelope information, which normally exists only on on a mail transport (in SMTP, this is the "MAIL FROM:<addrspec>" and "RCPT TO:<addrspec>"; in UUCP, it's the control file contents). Terry Lambert [email protected] --- Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present or previous employers. To Unsubscribe: send mail to [email protected] with "unsubscribe freebsd-arch" in the body of the message
"Today I am one of the senior technical cadre that makes the Internet work, and a core Linux and open-source developer."
---Eric S.
Shut Up And Show Them The Code
Several years ago ESR's advice to RMS , no less, was to "shut up and show them the code". Let us apply the method of the master to the master himself, by examining the code that backs up the grand declaration that heads this page.
Core Linux Developer?
Hmm, easy to check. Let's see, shall we?
$ sed -n '/Eric S. Raymond/,/^$/p' /usr/src/linux/CREDITS
N: Eric S. Raymond
E: [email protected]
W: http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/
D: terminfo master file maintainer
D: Editor: Installation HOWTO, Distributions HOWTO, XFree86 HOWTO
D: Author: fetchmail, Emacs VC mode, Emacs GUD mode
S: 6 Karen Drive
S: Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355
So: terminfo database, maintainer of; three howtos, writer of; fetchmail, coder of; A bunch of emacs macros, coder of. Core Linux developer, did he say? Core Linux developer, even?
"one of the senior technical cadre that makes the Internet work". That had me puzzled. Then the penny dropped: translated out of ESR-speak, this means "I wrote fetchmail"! In reality he didn't, he took over an existing program called "popclient", and added some bells and whistle, but let's leave that aside. The work doesn't really match the self-description, does it?
... ... ...
"Hacking Social Systems"; or, how to lose friends and alienate people
ESR's announcement of his CML2 project on linux-kernel sparked the first of several flame wars on the subject. These were notable for our hero's complete lack of ability to work with other people. Matters came to a head when ESR adopted some rather "cathedral-like" tactics . Eventually, kernel hackers simply gave up trying to reason with him .
"Note that kbuild 2.5 and CML2 are independent, each can function without the other, complaints about CML2 have nothing to do with kbuild 2.5."
---Keith Owens, kbuild maintainer
(http://www.kerneltrap.org/node.php?id=127)So CML2 would seem to be finally dead and buried .
Always scribble, scribble, scribble, eh, Mr Raymond?
The Jargon File
The original jargon file was maintained on MIT-AI for many years before being published by Guy Steele and others as the Hackers's Dictionary. Many years after the original book went out of print ESR picked it up, updated it and republished it as the New Hacker's Dictionary.
Picked up, updated... and destroyed, in one hacker's judgement. Another goes so far as to say that "the "author" stole the Jargon File fair and square.".
Although the "author" is a noted advocate of "Open Source" (that's Free Software to you and me), the production of successive versions of the jargon file is not open. That's bogus.
Cathedrals, Cauldrons, and... Charlatans
ESR, notwithstanding his limited experience (see above), has written copiously on the right way and the wrong way to do software development. But his three long essays are summed up nicely in one phrase: "Vulgar Raymondism" .
An entry you'll never see in the "jargon file":
Raymondism: The deluded belief that free software defies Brooks' law, has fewer security exploits than non-free software and that just because thousands of people have access to the source code those same thousands of people will actually examine it."
And Then He Finally Lost It
"Now, you have an unprecedented opportunity to witness one man's descent into insanity online. Apparently having begun his "journey" by dressing up as James Bond and pretending his CD is a gun, computer nerd Eric S. Raymond has been on a slide into insanity ever since.
"His descent into insanity is exemplified by a series of posts, so self-evident in their detachment from reality, that they really require no commentary. Over at his site, Raymond has been going through the motions of putting together an Idiotarian Manifesto or some such. He's been trying to get the words right, trying to work out whether the terrorists, who he defines rather broadly, are "feral beasts" or "rabid dogs". This manifesto is the latest in a long line of ridiculous offerings from Raymond, beginning with his series of factually-challenged screeds ranting and raving about the evils of Islam and the hitherto unknown spectre of "Islamofacism"."
Read more at Warblogger Watch .
ESR Watch
Sun Jun 8 2003
From NTK comes this blast:
Good to see the increasingly eccentric ERIC S RAYMOND keeping himself occupied these days. His latest tweaks: a version bump or two to the JARGON FILE, the ancient hacker bible of which he is current custodian. But how steady is his hand on the sacred tome? Worrying is esr's recent inclusion of unfamiliar terms like "Aunt Tillie" and "GandhiCon", which on closer search-engine examination, appear to have been used almost exclusively by Raymond himself. And esr's current expansions of hacker dialect is curious too. New terms include "fisking" - a term pretty much restricted to the warblogosphere, and defined by your impartial host as "Named after a Robert Fisk, a British journalist who was a frequent (and deserving) early target of such treatment". Also included is "anti-idiotarianism", as in Eric's Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto, a fascinating call to arms that implies "Anti-Idiotarian" means "To be against listening to anyone who would tell you you're sounding like an idiot these days". Finally (and not included in the changelogs), Eric has tweaked the Hacker Politics page, from its previous description as "vaguely liberal-moderate" to "moderate-to-neoconservative (hackers too were affected by the collapse of socialism)". Go tell that to the Kuro5hinners, Eric. Recalling Raymond's familiar defence of previous changes, "rather than complaining that I am 'rewriting history', help me write it!", let it be noted that if someone did want to fork the Jargon File, now would be the time to do it. Raymond's previous googlejuice at tuxedo.org has been cast to the winds. A new, reformatted and popularly linked-to upstart could quickly seize the top Google slot. Ha, ha, as we apparently all say, only serious.
Mon Jun 23 2003
Even though Eric Raymond makes the hypertext freely available, he does not make the tools and masters that generate the hypertext freely available. It's bogus, and there's no apology. That's not very open-source.
Open source is designed to advance the intellectual property of the corporation at the expense of effort by individuals outside the corporation. As such, it falls under corporatism, as defined in John Ralston Saul's dictionary The Doubter's Companion.
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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
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