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To define a macro, press Ctrl-R and then type out the key strokes you want to be executed. Press Ctrl-R again when finished. You can then assign the macro to any key you like by pressing that key. The macro is executed when you press Ctrl-A and then the assigned key. The macro is also executed if you press Meta, Ctrl, or Esc and the assigned key, provided that the key is not used for any other function. Once defined, the macro commands go into the file .mc/cedit/cooledit.macros in your home directory. You can delete a macro by deleting the appropriate line in this file.
F1 hypertext help (it's primitive as hell, they do not reuse mc help format for some reason, but important to try)
F2 to save. Shift-F2 to save under a new name
F7 search
F9 user menu (menu is not shown in default mode; important to try)
F10 to quit.
F11 user menu (important to try and to learn how to use)
The editor has top menu which is normally hidden but can be made visible by pressing F9 key. It provides interesting capabilities, including the ability to insert the content of the file under cursor.
CTRL + O -- Shows command line window/Restore editor
Ctrl-U -- undo
The internal file editor is a full-featured full screen editor. It can edit files up to 64 megabytes. It is possible to edit binary files. The internal file editor is invoked using F4 if the use_internal_edit option is set in the initialization file. The features it presently supports are: block copy, move, delete, cut, paste; key for key undo; pull-down menus; file insertion; macro commands; regular expression search and replace (and our own scanf-printf search and replace); shift-arrow text highlighting (if supported by the terminal); insert-overwrite toggle; word wrap; autoindent; tunable tab size; syntax highlighting for various file types; and an option to pipe text blocks through shell commands like indent and ispell. The editor is very easy to use and requires no tutoring. To see what keys do what, just consult the appropriate pull-down menu. Other keys are: Shift movement keys do text highlighting. Ctrl-Ins copies to the file cooledit.clip and Shift-Ins pastes from cooledit.clip. Shift-Del cuts to cooledit.clip, and Ctrl-Del deletes highlighted text. Mouse highlighting also works, and you can override the mouse as usual by holding down the shift key while dragging the mouse to let normal terminal mouse highlighting work. You can use scanf search and replace to search and replace a C format string. First take a look at the sscanf and sprintf man pages to see what a format string is and how it works. Consider following example. Suppose you want to replace all occurrences of an open bracket, three comma separated numbers, and a close bracket, with the word apples, the third number, the word oranges and then the second number. Then fill in the Replace dialog box as follows: Enter search string: (%d,%d,%d) Enter replacement string: apples %d oranges %d Enter replacement argument order: 3,2 The last line specifies that the third and then the second number are to be used in place of the first and sec- ond. It is advisable to use this feature with Prompt on replace on, because a match is thought to be found whenever the number of arguments found matches the number given, which is not always a real match. Scanf also treats whitespace as being elastic. Note that the scanf format %[ is very useful for scanning strings, and whitespace. The editor also displays non-us characters (160+). When editing binary files, you should set display bits to 7 bits in the options menu to keep the spacing clean.
Let the Midnight Commander type for you. Attempt to perform completion on the text before current position. MC attempts completion treating the text as variable (if the text begins with $), username (if the text begins with ~), hostname (if the text begins with @) or command (if you are on the command line in the position where you might type a command, possible completions then include shell reserved words and shell built-in commands as well) in turn. If none of these matches, file- name completion is attempted. Filename, username, variable and hostname completion works on all input lines, command completion is command line specific. If the completion is ambiguous (there are more different possibilities), MC beeps and the following action depends on the setting of the Complete: show all option in the Configuration dialog. If it is enabled, a list of all possibilities pops up next to the current position and you can select with the arrow keys and Enter the correct entry. You can also type the first letters in which the possibilities differ to move to a subset of all possibilities and complete as much as possible. If you press M-Tab again, only the subset will be shown in the listbox, otherwise the first item which matches all the previous characters will be highlighted. As soon as there is no ambiguity, dialog disappears, but you can hide it by canceling keys Esc, F10 and left and right arrow keys. If Complete: show all is disabled, the dialog pops up only if you press M-Tab for the second time, for the first time MC just beeps....
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Keys may be redefined using an easy to use key learner. See the next
section on how to get this to work.The following is a partial list of all default key bindings and their
actions, for reference. You will probably never need to refer to it
because most of the editor actions can be found in the menus. Note
that F14 is analogous to Shift-F4 etc. Also be aware that on some
machines, what X percieves as an Alt/Meta is actually some other
modifier key (our Sun-Sparc uses the diamond key).
Movement keys:
Left left one char
Right right one char
Up up one line
Down down one line
Home beginning of line
End end of line
PgUp up one screen full
PgDn down one screen full
Ctrl-PgUp beginning of file
Ctrl-PgDn end file
Ctrl-Home beginning of page
Ctrl-End end of page
Ctrl-Left left one word
Ctrl-Right right one word
Ctrl-Up up one paragraph
Ctrl-Down down one paragraph
Meta/Alt-Up scroll up one line
Meta/Alt-Down scroll down one lineHighlight keys:
Shift with any of the above keys will highlight at the same time.Column highlighting:
Holding down the Control key while using the mouse to highlight text,
will cause the highlighted text to be displayed in inverse colour. You
will be able to select columns (arbitrary rectangles) of text and
drag and drop them as usual.Input History:
When editing an input line, Shift-Up or Shift-Down
will bring up a history of previous inputs.Editing keys:
Delete delete char to the right
Backspace delete char to the left
Meta/Alt-Del delete to line end
Meta/Alt-Backspace delete to line begin
Meta/Alt-Right delete word to the right
Meta/Alt-Left delete word to the left
F5 copy highlighted text to cursor
F6 move highlighted text to cursor
F8 delete highlighted text
Ctrl-y delete line
Shift-Enter insert a newline
Enter insert a newline with auto indent (default)
Tab insert a tab (see options menu)
Insert toggle insert/overwrite
Ctrl-q quote - the next key pressed will be interpreted as a literal
Ctrl-F1 man page
F2 save
F12 or
Shift-F2 save as
Ctrl-o loadCtrl-j jump to file under cursor
Ctrl-n new
Ctrl-f save highlighted text as
Shift-F5 or
F15 insert file at cursorMark:
F3 toggle highlight
Ctrl-b toggle highlight columnsSearch and replace:
F7 search
F17 or
Shift-F7 search again
F4 replace
F14 or
Shift-F4 replace againX Clipboard:
Ctrl-Ins copy to clipboard
Shift-Ins paste to clipboard
Shift-Delete cut to clipboard
Ctrl-Delete delete highlighted text
Meta/Alt-Ins insert from selection historyGeneral:
F10 exit (current editor)
Ctrl-F3 new edit window
Shift-F3 new main window
Alt-F6 maximise the window
Ctrl-F6 window cycle
Ctrl-F10 exit application
Meta/Alt-x save all and exit
Ctrl-F2 save state of desktop
Ctrl-d insert date and time
Meta/Alt-l goto line number
Meta/Alt-F7 run make
Meta/Alt-t sort
Ctrl-r start/end record macro
Ctrl-a execute macro
Ctrl-p spell check highlighted text
Shift-F9 C formatter
Ctrl-Tab complete word
Meta/Alt-i insert unicode character
Shift/F1 rxvt terminalDebug:
Alt-F2 toggle breakpoint
Alt-F3 continue until cursor
Alt-F4 continue
Alt-F5 run from beginning
Alt-F8 single step, dive into functions
Alt-F9 single step, skip over functions
Ctrl-c interrupt programNew shell scripts will be added from time to time. Consult the Scripts menu for the hotkeys that envoke these.
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Command default hotkey No-Command Empty action Ignore-Key Empty action BackSpace Deleting the character to the left of the cursor Delete Deleting the character to the right of the cursor Enter New line Page-Up move up by one page d> move down by one page Left move left by one character Right move right by one character Word-Left move left by one word Word-Right move right by one word Up move up by one line Down move down by one line Home move to begin of line End move to end of line Tab tabulation Undo Undo operation Beginning-Of-Text move to begin of text End-Of-Text move to end of text Scroll-Up scroll up Scroll-Down scroll down Return ???Return??? Begin-Page move to begin of screen End-Page move to end of screen Delete-Word-Left Deleting the word to the left of the cursor Delete-Word-Right Deleting the word to the right of the cursor Paragraph-Up move up by one paragraph Paragraph-Down move down by one paragraph Save save current file Load open file New create new file Save-as save current file with another name Mark mark of text Copy copying of marked text Move moving of marked text Remove deleting of marked text Unmark unmark of text Save-Block save marked text into file Column-Mark vertical mark of text Find call of 'search' dialog window Find-Again continue search Replace call of 'replace' dialog window Replace-Again continue replace Complete-Word autocompletions of words Insert-File insert text from file Exit Exit from editor Toggle-Insert toggle insert/override edit mode Help call of help window Date insert current date Refresh refresh screen Goto Go to line Delete-Line delete current line Delete-To-Line-End delete from cursor position to end of line Delete-To-Line-Begin delete from cursor position to begin of line Man-Page
Sort Sorting of marked text
Cancel cancel action Complete
Paragraph-Format formatting of paragraphs Util Type-Load-Python
Find-File call 'file search' dialog windos Ctags
Match-Bracket search paired brackets Terminal Terminal-App ExtCmd
User-Menu call of user-defined menu Save-Desktop New-Window Cycle Menu Save-And-Quit Run-Another Check-Save-And-Quit Maximize Begin-Record-Macro End-Record-Macro Delete-Macro
Toggle-Bookmark create/remove bookmark Flush-Bookmarks delete all bookmarks Next-Bookmark go to next bookmark Prev-Bookmark go to previous bookmark Page-Up-Highlight Page-Down-Highlight Left-Highlight Right-Highlight Word-Left-Highlight Word-Right-Highlight Up-Highlight Down-Highlight Home-Highlight End-Highlight Beginning-Of-Text-Highlight End-Of-Text_Highlight Begin-Page-Highlight End-Page-Highlight Scroll-Up-Highlight Scroll-Down-Highlight Paragraph-Up-Highlight Paragraph-Down-Highlight
XStore save marked text into ~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.clip file XCut cut marked text and save into ~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.clip file XPaste insert text from ~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.clip file Selection-History Shell Select-Codepage Insert-Literal Execute-Macro Begin-or-End-Macro Ext-mode Focus-Next Focus-Prev Height-Inc Height-Dec Make Error-Next Error-Prev
Debug-Start Debug-Stop Debug-Toggle-Break Debug-Clear Debug-Next Debug-Step Debug-Back-Trace Debug-Continue Debug-Enter-Command Debug-Until-Curser
Groupthink : Two Party System as Polyarchy : Corruption of Regulators : Bureaucracies : Understanding Micromanagers and Control Freaks : Toxic Managers : Harvard Mafia : Diplomatic Communication : Surviving a Bad Performance Review : Insufficient Retirement Funds as Immanent Problem of Neoliberal Regime : PseudoScience : Who Rules America : Neoliberalism : The Iron Law of Oligarchy : Libertarian Philosophy
War and Peace : Skeptical Finance : John Kenneth Galbraith :Talleyrand : Oscar Wilde : Otto Von Bismarck : Keynes : George Carlin : Skeptics : Propaganda : SE quotes : Language Design and Programming Quotes : Random IT-related quotes : Somerset Maugham : Marcus Aurelius : Kurt Vonnegut : Eric Hoffer : Winston Churchill : Napoleon Bonaparte : Ambrose Bierce : Bernard Shaw : Mark Twain Quotes
Vol 25, No.12 (December, 2013) Rational Fools vs. Efficient Crooks The efficient markets hypothesis : Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2013 : Unemployment Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 23, No.10 (October, 2011) An observation about corporate security departments : Slightly Skeptical Euromaydan Chronicles, June 2014 : Greenspan legacy bulletin, 2008 : Vol 25, No.10 (October, 2013) Cryptolocker Trojan (Win32/Crilock.A) : Vol 25, No.08 (August, 2013) Cloud providers as intelligence collection hubs : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 : Inequality Bulletin, 2009 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 : Copyleft Problems Bulletin, 2004 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 : Energy Bulletin, 2010 : Malware Protection Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 26, No.1 (January, 2013) Object-Oriented Cult : Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2011 : Vol 23, No.11 (November, 2011) Softpanorama classification of sysadmin horror stories : Vol 25, No.05 (May, 2013) Corporate bullshit as a communication method : Vol 25, No.06 (June, 2013) A Note on the Relationship of Brooks Law and Conway Law
Fifty glorious years (1950-2000): the triumph of the US computer engineering : Donald Knuth : TAoCP and its Influence of Computer Science : Richard Stallman : Linus Torvalds : Larry Wall : John K. Ousterhout : CTSS : Multix OS Unix History : Unix shell history : VI editor : History of pipes concept : Solaris : MS DOS : Programming Languages History : PL/1 : Simula 67 : C : History of GCC development : Scripting Languages : Perl history : OS History : Mail : DNS : SSH : CPU Instruction Sets : SPARC systems 1987-2006 : Norton Commander : Norton Utilities : Norton Ghost : Frontpage history : Malware Defense History : GNU Screen : OSS early history
Classic books:
The Peter Principle : Parkinson Law : 1984 : The Mythical Man-Month : How to Solve It by George Polya : The Art of Computer Programming : The Elements of Programming Style : The Unix Hater’s Handbook : The Jargon file : The True Believer : Programming Pearls : The Good Soldier Svejk : The Power Elite
Most popular humor pages:
Manifest of the Softpanorama IT Slacker Society : Ten Commandments of the IT Slackers Society : Computer Humor Collection : BSD Logo Story : The Cuckoo's Egg : IT Slang : C++ Humor : ARE YOU A BBS ADDICT? : The Perl Purity Test : Object oriented programmers of all nations : Financial Humor : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 : The Most Comprehensive Collection of Editor-related Humor : Programming Language Humor : Goldman Sachs related humor : Greenspan humor : C Humor : Scripting Humor : Real Programmers Humor : Web Humor : GPL-related Humor : OFM Humor : Politically Incorrect Humor : IDS Humor : "Linux Sucks" Humor : Russian Musical Humor : Best Russian Programmer Humor : Microsoft plans to buy Catholic Church : Richard Stallman Related Humor : Admin Humor : Perl-related Humor : Linus Torvalds Related humor : PseudoScience Related Humor : Networking Humor : Shell Humor : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2012 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2013 : Java Humor : Software Engineering Humor : Sun Solaris Related Humor : Education Humor : IBM Humor : Assembler-related Humor : VIM Humor : Computer Viruses Humor : Bright tomorrow is rescheduled to a day after tomorrow : Classic Computer Humor
The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
Copyright © 1996-2021 by Softpanorama Society. www.softpanorama.org was initially created as a service to the (now defunct) UN Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) without any remuneration. This document is an industrial compilation designed and created exclusively for educational use and is distributed under the Softpanorama Content License. Original materials copyright belong to respective owners. Quotes are made for educational purposes only in compliance with the fair use doctrine.
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Last modified: July, 28, 2019