Can anyone suggest a procedure for validating that the install completely properly? How do I learn what the user/pass pair is for the web interface?
‹ Trixbox + Misdn problem in outgoing calls postfix error ›Not being a smart ass, but you really should have asked your question in a civil manner first rather than flaming in your very first post on this site. That's a sure way to have that request and any requests in the future. Remember, you're getting an excellent free product with a bunch of us here ready and willing to help. The primary developers of trixbox as well as FreePBX are regular contributors here. There are litterally hundreds of us out here that have successfully deployed and are using trixbox/FreePBX/Asterisk on a daily basis. Again this represents hundreds if not thousands of personyears of experience.
I have never seen a trixbox iso behave in the manner you describe. The first thing I'd do is do another install, and watch the screen closely to see if there are any errors.
To get to the trixbox GUI log in from a browser from another machine on the network.
Download this first:
--Bill Ford - FtOCC
City of Vicksburg
Civility when asking questions about FOSS projects consistently gets me answers like "RTMF! N00b!" from kids who were born about the time I was first introduced to unix derivatives.
I can see the Trixbox gui just fine, the problem is no login available and no information on how to set one up.
The initial hardware was a brand new Supermicro 1U. FreeBSD installed and ran without complain, so I don't think that has anything to do with what I saw.
I'll try it again in VMware ... thanks for the link.
I think you'll find this is not your usual forum.
To change passwords:
passwd admin
Bill Ford - FtOCC
City of Vicksburg
Did you get this when you logged into trixbox from root?
Welcome to trixbox
For access to the trixbox web GUI use
this URL
For help on trixbox commands you can
use from this
command shell type help-trixbox.
Bill Ford - FtOCC
City of Vicksburg
I'm starting to think this is a bad ISO - sorry for being so grouchy earlier - got an emergency root canal that starts in 39 minutes :-( I'll be pleasantly dopey and ready to resume this process around 13:30 CST ...
no passwd-admin binary but it installed the others? The plot thickens ...
passwd admin not passwd-admin ie: it's changing a system account password for user 'admin'.
FYI - the install should prompt you for a root password. This is used only for the root account in the shell, not the web interface. There are defaults for the web interface that you can use, but it's recommended that you login as root and change those (with the commands in this thread).
Good luck with the root canal.
- Jason
--Jason Reiser
so it seems you dont follow those kids advice - at the top of this page is a link that will tell you everything within 2 clicks.
----my PBX is run on
2 V8's
[root@asterisk1 /]# grep "admin"
[root@asterisk1 /]#
Interesting failure mode for the install. I think I might know what it is ... reinstall beginning shortly Root canal was a breeze - fell asleep during the procedure.
I just watch the box install - I can set the root password but everything else just scrolls right by - I do see an error about a password being too short during the install script, but I'm not sure "where" this is in the process.
It seems a stretch as release 2.2 has been out for a while, but might I have gotten a faulty ISO?
That was definitely strange - one install failure, but now its behaving itself. Thanks for the assist.
Keep us advised of your
progress...Anything else we can
do...YA'll Just holler!!!
(Hey What Can I Say... I'm from
Mississippi...And Proud of it!)
Bill Ford - FtOCC
City of Vicksburg
Just to pipe in, i surely appreciate all that you guys do here. I'm in here almost daily reading posts and learning everything i can. You guys do a great job and are always a great help and very respectful. From a "newbe" standpoint, i've never seen such great service, even if i was paying for it. Keep up the great work guys, you are appreciated.
Hi Bill,
Hope all is good. I am a novice with trixbox/Linux environment. The exciting and interesting features of Trixbox have really compelled me to learn and pursue this development.
I am trying to set up a trixbox server remotely via telnetting. I have the installation done. Upon logging in as root, I've got the following lines,
Welcome to trixbox
For access to the trixbox web GUI use
this URL
For help on trixbox commands you can
use from this
command shell type help-trixbox.
I believe that this is one of the
indications that the installation was
error-free. However, when I typed
'help-trixbox' on the command line, it
gives me an error of
-bash: help-trixbox : command not found
What could be the possible reason for this ?
Secondly, I have the server external
to my network. It is on a different LAN.
I'll be accessing the GUI over the WAN
and not LAN . How do I go about ?
I'll appreciate if you can help me with
Looking forward to you,
Couple ideas:
Did you install from the .iso?
Are you logging into the remote Trixbox using SSH? (not telnet). We use PUTTY for SSH access.
As for remote management of the GUI, you'll have to have access to the remote machine, of course, either through a VPN, or via some port or other. In a crunch, you could punt and run Logmein to a Windows machine that is located on the same network segment inside the firewall.
--- Larry Keyes FtOCC
Microdesign Consulting Inc.
--- Larry Keyes FtOCC
Microdesign Consulting Inc.
Thank you Larry for your prompt response !
Yes, I had a friend who burned the ISO image to a CD and then booted the computer with it.
I am logging in via telnet as I do get a welcome message from Trixbox. I guess whether SSH or telnet would not make much difference. SSH being more secure runs similarly to telnet with only encrypting session data.
I wonder why I get messages such as 'bash: help-trixbox : command not found' whenever I try to execute trixbox commands such as netconfig etc, trixbox-help etc
What do you think could be the possible reason for this?
I cannot be on to other computers on same network segment as this is a hosted computer and I have limited access. Plausibly, the hosting company would not provide me access to other computers on the LAN. I want the GUI to be accessible to my computer directly.
If there is a port that needs to be specified, what would be it ? What would you've done if you were asked to manage the GUI from your computer knowing that the server is behind a firewall on a different network segment ?
Hello. I appreciate any assistance. I am new to both Trickbox and Linux. I recently downloaded VMWARE server and put the Trickbox Virtual Machine on it. It asks me for an Asterisk login and password. I tried several combinations, but to no avail. At this point, I am definitley on a CLI and not a GUI. Thank you very much for any suggestions.
I figured this out; it had to do with passwords for older versus newer version of Trixbox. Thanks.
I´m new to Trixbox and I´m having
problem to login.. I installed Trixbox
CE from ISO downloaded from I was prompted to login
in the server but none of the USER I
tried worked... I tried reinstalling and
paying attemption to all texts and could
not find any mention to the USER name,
justa the fields to inputo root
passord.... I tried root, admin, trixbox
and many other, none of them worked...
Can anyone help me and send me the login
USER name???
Thanks in advance...
Did you look at one page of the documentation, there has to be at least 3 getting started guides in the wiki.
From the console run 'passwd-maint' and set your pwd. The username is 'maint' and the password is what you set. I would highly suggest you read the 'trixbox without tears' guide in the wiki before you ask anymore questions.
aka "Skyking"
I don't think ottoverg is even at the console yet... i think he is entering USER into the root password field during setup.
1) When installing Trixbox, the
installer asks for an administrative
password. Pick something simple so you
won't forget it... like "I-D-TEN-T"
2) After the installer is done and Trix
tells you to remove the disk so the
machine can reboot, carefully eject the
CD and put it off to the side so you
won't get confused and try to put it
back in the machine.
3) Eventually, after lots of stuff
scrolls past, you will see a screen that
just says 'login as:' Here you need to
enter "root" followed by the enter key.
When it asks for a password, enter the
password you picked in step 1.
4) You'll see some lines like this:
Last login: Mon Dec 1 09:31:39 2008 from
Welcome to trixbox CE
For access to the trixbox web GUI use
this URL
For help on trixbox commands you can
use from this
command shell type help-trixbox.
5) While still at the console, type
"passwd-maint" and provide a simple
password you can remember... I suggest
"PEBCAK" Make sure you type it the same
the second time.
6) NOW you can enter that IP address for
eth0 into a web browser, see the Trixbox
screen, and click the 'admin' link in
the top right. When prompted, enter
"maint" for the user and the password
you picked in step 5.
7) Enjoy the glory and power of the
Trixbox Administrative Interface.
If you deviate from the above, you are on your own.
* If you are still logged into the console, try typing 'help-trixbox' to see all kinds of fun commands you can give the system.
Finally, if you hijack threads that are 16 months old to ask questions that are answered in the very thread you hijacked or are easily found on google/voip-info/any other of a million web sites, then prepare to get no answers at all (best case) or to get severely flamed (as would be appropriate).
Thank you, drive through please.
Hello everyone.
I install my Trixbox copy from my DVD.iso file and I have the same issue with the loggin at the GUI interface. Before I got the bravery to write you guys I install 4 times and I watch very carefully what the user name was without a luck. Can some one please help me out with this.
Thanks for everything in advance and happy holidays.
This is a trixbox CE (Stable) free edition
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