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[Dec 27, 2014] Farewell, Dr. Dobb's

Dewayne-Net Archives

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mes from friend Judi Clark. DLH]

Farewell, Dr. Dobb's
By Andrew Binstock
Dec 16 2014

After 38 years of glory, the long run of Dr. Dobb's has come to an end.

This year, our website will deliver almost 10.3 million page views, which is an unprecedented number for Dr. Dobb's. It's up from 9 million last year and 8 million three years ago.

That kind of growth is somewhat unusual for a site that has not changed its look or its mission, nor indulged in tawdry tricks like click-bait headlines or slideshows promising 9 quick tips for choosing a coding style. The numbers confirm that there is a deep thirst in the programmer community for long-form technical content featuring algorithms and code, as well as strong demand for explanations of new developer technologies and reliable reviews of books and tools.

If I were so inclined, this might be the right time for me to move on, and so leave, as they say in sports, "at the top of my game." And indeed I will be leaving Dr. Dobb's at the end of the year.

But it would be more accurate to say that it is Dr. Dobb's that is leaving: Our parent company, United Business Media (UBM), has decided to sunset Dr. Dobb's. "Sunset" sounds like a marketing euphemism to avoid saying "closing down," but in this context, it has a specific meaning that "closing" does not convey.

That is, that there will be no new content after year end; however, all current content will be accessible and links to existing Dr. Dobb's articles will continue to work correctly. It is the equivalent of a product coming to end of life. It still runs, but no new features will be added.

Over the years, my editorials have frequently analyzed market forces operating on different segments of the developer universe, so it would be wrong for me not to do the same for an event as personal and close to home as this.

The entire run of Omni Magazine – online. Free.

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[Note: This item comes from reader Randall Head. DLH]

From: [email protected]
Date: December 21, 2014 at 13:21:20 EST
To: [email protected]
Subject: The entire run of Omni Magazine – online. Free.

Welcome to OMNI Magazine Collection
From Wikipedia:

OMNI was a science and science fiction magazine published in the US and the UK. It contained articles on science fact and short works of science fiction. The first issue was published in October 1978, the last in Winter 1995, with an internet version lasting until 1998.

OMNI was launched by Kathy Keeton, long-time companion and later wife of Penthouse magazine publisher Bob Guccione, who described the magazine in its first issue as "an original if not controversial mixture of science fact, fiction, fantasy and the paranormal". Before launch it was referred to as Nova, but the name was changed before the first issue to avoid a conflict with the PBS science show of the same name, NOVA.

The magazine was initially edited by Frank Kendig, who left several months after the magazine's launch. Ben Bova, who was hired as Fiction Editor, was promoted to Editor, leaving the magazine in 1981. After Kendig and Bova, Editors of OMNI included Richard Teresi, Gurney Williams III, Patrice Adcroft, Keith Ferrell, and Pamela Weintraub (editor of OMNI as one of the first major standalone webzines from 1996-1998). Kathleen Stein managed the magazine's prestigious Q&A interviews with the top scientists of the 20th century through 1998. Ellen Datlow was Associate fiction editor of OMNI under Robert Sheckley for one and a half years, and took over as Fiction Editor in 1981 until the magazine folded in 1998. The very first edition had an exclusive interview with renowned physicist, Freeman Dyson, the second edition with American writer and futurist, Alvin Toffler.

In its early run, OMNI published a number of stories that have become genre classics, such as Orson Scott Card's "Unaccompanied Sonata", William Gibson's "Burning Chrome" and "Johnny Mnemonic", Harlan Ellison's novella "Mefisto in Onyx", and George R. R. Martin's "Sandkings". The magazine also published original sf/f by William S. Burroughs, Joyce Carol Oates, Jonathan Carroll, T. Coraghessan Boyle, and other mainstream writers. The magazine excerpted Stephen King's novel Firestarter, and featured a short story, "The End of the Whole Mess". OMNI also brought the works of numerous painters to the attention of a large audience, such as H. R. Giger, De Es Schwertberger and Rallé. In the early 1980s, popular fiction stories from OMNI were reprinted in "The Best of OMNI Science Fiction" series and featured art by space artists like Robert McCall.

OMNI entered the market at the start of a wave of new science magazines aimed at educated but otherwise "non-professional" readers. Science Digest and Science News already served the high-school market, and Scientific American and New Scientist the professional, while OMNI was arguably the first aimed at "armchair scientists" who were nevertheless well informed about technical issues. The next year, however, Time introduced Discover while the AAAS introduced Science '80.

Advertising dollars were spread among the different magazines, and those without deep pockets soon folded in the early 1980s, notably Science Digest, while Science '80 merged with Discover. OMNI appeared to weather this storm better than most, likely due to its wider selection of contents.

International editions of OMNI magazine were published in at least five markets. The content in the British editions closely followed the North American editions, but with a different numbering sequence and British advertising. At least one British edition was entirely unique and was shipped under the banner of "Omni UK". The Italian edition was edited by Albert Peruzzo and ran for 20 issues from 1981 to 1983. The Japanese edition ran from at least 1982 to 1989. German and Spanish editions were also published.


[Dec. 12, 2001] Several URLs of magazines published by Fawcette were added. the publisher has a pretty nice Web-site.

UnixWorld is now part of Network Computing

SunWorld RIP :-(.

  • Remnant are at - Welcome to's collection of Unix news & information.

  • [Mar 30, 2001] Perl Journal became suplement to Sys Admin: TPJ Magazine. Sys Admin subscription also includes The Perl Journal, as a quarterly supplement to Sys Admin.

    [May 15, 2000] About OutRider

    OutRider is basically a site that free form writes on topics dealing with UNIXlike Operating Systems. Since it is free form (and not limited to say Perl programming or something) it can be very interesting for both the reader and writers, not too mention fun.

    The general style is microcontent focused, we have found through experience this is the best style for OutRider.

    Nature expands access to papers in its family of journals

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    Nature expands access to papers in its family of journals
    Read-only access will be available- but not universally.
    By Scott K. Johnson
    Dec 3 2014

    Paywalls are the familiar enemy of the curious science seeker, frustrating most attempts to access papers published in peer-reviewed journals if you're not at a university or library with a subscription. Talk of pushing for open access has been lively lately, with journals starting to expand dedicated open access journals and the US government ensuring that most papers resulting from federally funded research will be made open within a year of publication.

    Monday saw an interesting announcement from heavyweight Nature, which is creating a new avenue of limited but greater access to papers in the Nature Publishing Group family (which includes Nature Geoscience, Nature Genetics, and many others). Actually, it's a pair of new avenues. Both take advantage of ReadCube, an alternative reader to traditional PDFs that Nature has long hosted (and in which Macmillan Science and Education, Nature Publishing Group's parent company, has "a majority investment").

    First, those with subscriptions to Nature's journals will be able to share unique links to papers that will allow the user to view them in ReadCube-but not download or print them. Researchers are generally allowed to post PDFs of their manuscripts (sans print formatting) six months after a paper is published. This way, they should be able to provide links to their papers immediately. (The six-month manuscript rule will remain in effect.) That access will look like this.

    Second, links from approved media outlets and blogs will open in a similar way, giving readers read-only access to the papers covered or referenced in an article. That might be the bigger story here. Ars is not among the hundred sites on the initial list, but it should hopefully be added soon.

    While the read-only access is pretty restrictive, users who register for a ReadCube account will at least be able to save any papers they've viewed to an online library and return to them in the future.

    Obviously, this isn't open access. It's going to take some work to google up a specific paper, assuming it has been made available somewhere. Google Scholar currently includes PDFs posted by researchers in its search results, but these links probably won't be so easy to find. And that's kind of the point.

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