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Remember FIFOs? Remember how they can only send data in one direction, just like a Pipes? Wouldn't it be grand if you could send data in both directions. In other works operate with network connection in a manner close to file.
Unix Domain Sockets is a two-way communications pipe. This family of sockets is for local communication only, i.e. you cannot use them across a network. Please see Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets about Internet sockets.
Unix sockets are a special file in the file system (just like FIFOs) but for historical reasons instead of using open() and read() you'll be using socket(), bind(), recv(), etc. The telephone analogy is a very good one and greatly simplify understanding socket behavior.When programming with sockets, you'll usually create server and client programs. The server will sit listening for incoming connections from clients and handle them.
For instance, when describing which Unix socket you want to use (that is, the path to the special file that is the socket), you use
struct sockaddr_un { unsigned short sun_family; /* AF_UNIX */ char sun_path[108]; }
This is the structure you will be passing to the bind() function, which associates a socket descriptor (a file descriptor) with a certain file (the name for which is in the sun_path field).
Without going into too much detail, I'll outline the steps a server program usually has to go through to do it's thing. While I'm at it, I'll be trying to implement an "echo server" which just echos back everything it gets on the socket.Here are the server steps:
unsigned int s, s2; struct sockaddr_un local, remote; int len; s = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
The second argument, SOCK_STREAM, tells socket() to create a stream socket. Yes, datagram sockets (SOCK_DGRAM)
are supported in the Unix domain, but I'm only going to cover stream sockets here. For the curious, see
Beej's Guide to Network Programming for a good description
of unconnected datagram sockets that applies perfectly well to Unix sockets. The only thing that changes is that you're now using
One more note: all these calls return -1 on error and set the global variable errno to reflect whatever went wrong. Be sure to do you error checking.
local.sun_family = AF_UNIX; /* local is declared before socket() ^ */ local.sun_path = "/home/beej/mysocket"; unlink(local.sun_path); len = strlen(local.sun_path) + sizeof(local.sun_family); bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&local, len);
This associates the socket descriptor "s" with the Unix socket address "/home/beej/mysocket". Notice that we
called unlink() before bind() to remove the socket if it already exists. You will get an EINVAL error
if the file is already there.
listen(s, 5);
The second argument, 5, is the number of incoming connections that can be queued before you call accept(), below. If there are this many connections waiting to be accepted, additional clients will generate the error ECONNREFUSED.
len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); s2 = accept(s, &remote, &len);
When accept() returns, the remote variable will be filled with the remote side's
while (len = recv(s2, &buf, 100, 0), len > 0) send(s2, &buf, len, 0); /* loop back to accept() from here */
With all that said, here is some source for an echoing server, echos.c. All it does is wait for a connection on a Unix socket (named, in this case, "echo_socket").
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h> #define SOCK_PATH "echo_socket" int main(void) { int s, s2, t, len; struct sockaddr_un local, remote; char str[100]; if ((s = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } local.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(local.sun_path, SOCK_PATH); unlink(local.sun_path); len = strlen(local.sun_path) + sizeof(local.sun_family); if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&local, len) == -1) { perror("bind"); exit(1); } if (listen(s, 5) == -1) { perror("listen"); exit(1); } for(;;) { int done, n; printf("Waiting for a connection...\n"); t = sizeof(remote); if ((s2 = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *)&remote, &t)) == -1) { perror("accept"); exit(1); } printf("Connected.\n"); done = 0; do { n = recv(s2, str, 100, 0); if (n <= 0) { if (n < 0) perror("recv"); done = 1; } if (!done) if (send(s2, str, n, 0) < 0) { perror("send"); done = 1; } } while (!done); close(s2); } return 0; }
As you can see, all the aforementioned steps are included in this program: call socket(), call bind(), call listen(), call accept(), and do some network send()s and recv()s.
There needs to be a program to talk to the above server, right? Except with the client, it's a lot easier because you don't have to do any pesky listen()ing or accept()ing. Here are the steps:
How about code to talk to the echo server, above? No sweat, friends, here is echoc.c:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h> #define SOCK_PATH "echo_socket" int main(void) { int s, t, len; struct sockaddr_un remote; char str[100]; if ((s = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } printf("Trying to connect...\n"); remote.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(remote.sun_path, SOCK_PATH); len = strlen(remote.sun_path) + sizeof(remote.sun_family); if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&remote, len) == -1) { perror("connect"); exit(1); } printf("Connected.\n"); while(printf("> "), fgets(str, 100, stdin), !feof(stdin)) { if (send(s, str, strlen(str), 0) == -1) { perror("send"); exit(1); } if ((t=recv(s, str, 100, 0)) > 0) { str[t] = '\0'; printf("echo> %s", str); } else { if (t < 0) perror("recv"); else printf("Server closed connection\n"); exit(1); } } close(s); return 0; }
In the client code, of course you'll notice that there are only a few system calls used to set things up: socket() and connect(). Since the client isn't going to be accept()ing any incoming connections, there's no need for it to listen(). Of course, the client still uses send() and recv() for transferring data. That about sums it up.
What if you wanted a pipe(), but you wanted to use a single pipe to send and recieve data from both sides? Since pipes are unidirectional (with exceptions in SYSV), you can't do it! There is a solution, though: use a Unix domain socket, since they can handle bi-directional data.
What a pain, though! Setting up all that code with listen() and connect() and all that just to pass data both ways! But guess what! You don't have to!
That's right, there's a beauty of a system call known as socketpair() this is nice enough to return to you a pair of already connected sockets! No extra work is needed on your part; you can immediately use these socket descriptors for interprocess communication.
For instance, lets set up two processes. The first sends a char to the second, and the second changes the character to uppercase and returns it. Here is some simple code to do just that, called spair.c (with no error checking for clarity):
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> int main(void) { int sv[2]; /* the pair of socket descriptors */ char buf; /* for data exchange between processes */ socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv); if (!fork()) { /* child */ read(sv[1], &buf, 1); printf("child: read '%c'\n", buf); buf = toupper(buf); /* make it uppercase */ write(sv[1], &buf, 1); printf("child: sent '%c'\n", buf); } else { /* parent */ write(sv[0], "b", 1); printf("parent: sent 'b'\n"); read(sv[0], &buf, 1); printf("parent: read '%c'\n", buf); } return 0; }
Sure, it's an expensive way to change a character to uppercase, but it's the fact that you have simple communication going on here that really matters.
One more thing to notice is that socketpair() takes both a domain (AF_UNIX) and socket type (SOCK_STREAM). These can be any legal values at all, depending on which routines in the kernel you want to handle your code, and whether you want stream or datagram sockets. I chose AF_UNIX sockets because this is a Unix sockets document and they're a bit faster than AF_INET sockets, I hear.
Finally, you might be curious as to why I'm using write() and read() instead of send() and recv(). Well, in short, I was being lazy. See, by using these system calls, I don't have to enter the flags argument that send() and recv() use, and I always set it to zero anyway. Of course, socket descriptors are just file descriptors like any other, so they respond just fine to many file manipulation system calls.
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Apr 17, 2019 | Opensource.com
This is the third and final article in a series about interprocess communication (IPC) in Linux. The first article focused on IPC through shared storage (files and memory segments), and the second article does the same for basic channels: pipes (named and unnamed) and message queues. This article moves from IPC at the high end (sockets) to IPC at the low end (signals). Code examples flesh out the details.
Just as pipes come in two flavors (named and unnamed), so do sockets. IPC sockets (aka Unix domain sockets) enable channel-based communication for processes on the same physical device (host), whereas network sockets enable this kind of IPC for processes that can run on different hosts, thereby bringing networking into play. Network sockets need support from an underlying protocol such as TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or the lower-level UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
By contrast, IPC sockets rely upon the local system kernel to support communication; in particular, IPC sockets communicate using a local file as a socket address. Despite these implementation differences, the IPC socket and network socket APIs are the same in the essentials. The forthcoming example covers network sockets, but the sample server and client programs can run on the same machine because the server uses network address localhost (, the address for the local machine on the local machine.
Sockets configured as streams (discussed below) are bidirectional, and control follows a client/server pattern: the client initiates the conversation by trying to connect to a server, which tries to accept the connection. If everything works, requests from the client and responses from the server then can flow through the channel until this is closed on either end, thereby breaking the connection.
An iterative server, which is suited for development only, handles connected clients one at a time to completion: the first client is handled from start to finish, then the second, and so on. The downside is that the handling of a particular client may hang, which then starves all the clients waiting behind. A production-grade server would be concurrent, typically using some mix of multi-processing and multi-threading. For example, the Nginx web server on my desktop machine has a pool of four worker processes that can handle client requests concurrently. The following code example keeps the clutter to a minimum by using an iterative server; the focus thus remains on the basic API, not on concurrency.
Finally, the socket API has evolved significantly over time as various POSIX refinements have emerged. The current sample code for server and client is deliberately simple but underscores the bidirectional aspect of a stream-based socket connection. Here's a summary of the flow of control, with the server started in a terminal then the client started in a separate terminal:
- The server awaits client connections and, given a successful connection, reads the bytes from the client.
- To underscore the two-way conversation, the server echoes back to the client the bytes received from the client. These bytes are ASCII character codes, which make up book titles.
- The client writes book titles to the server process and then reads the same titles echoed from the server. Both the server and the client print the titles to the screen. Here is the server's output, essentially the same as the client's:
Listening on port 9876 for clients...
War and Peace
Pride and Prejudice
The Sound and the FuryExample 1. The socket server
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "sock.h"void report(const char* msg, int terminate) {
if (terminate) exit(-1); /* failure */
}int main() {
int fd = socket(AF_INET, /* network versus AF_LOCAL */
SOCK_STREAM, /* reliable, bidirectional, arbitrary payload size */
0); /* system picks underlying protocol (TCP) */
if (fd < 0) report("socket", 1); /* terminate *//* bind the server's local address in memory */
struct sockaddr_in saddr;
memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr)); /* clear the bytes */
saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* versus AF_LOCAL */
saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); /* host-to-network endian */
saddr.sin_port = htons(PortNumber); /* for listening */if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, sizeof(saddr)) < 0)
report("bind", 1); /* terminate *//* listen to the socket */
if (listen(fd, MaxConnects) < 0) /* listen for clients, up to MaxConnects */
report("listen", 1); /* terminate */fprintf(stderr, "Listening on port %i for clients...\n", PortNumber);
/* a server traditionally listens indefinitely */
while (1) {
struct sockaddr_in caddr; /* client address */
int len = sizeof(caddr); /* address length could change */int client_fd = accept(fd, (struct sockaddr*) &caddr, &len); /* accept blocks */
if (client_fd < 0) {
report("accept", 0); /* don't terminate, though there's a problem */
}/* read from client */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ConversationLen; i++) {
char buffer[BuffSize + 1];
memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer));
int count = read(client_fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (count > 0) {
write(client_fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); /* echo as confirmation */
close(client_fd); /* break connection */
} /* while(1) */
return 0;
}The server program above performs the classic four-step to ready itself for client requests and then to accept individual requests. Each step is named after a system function that the server calls:
- socket(…): get a file descriptor for the socket connection
- bind(…): bind the socket to an address on the server's host
- listen(…): listen for client requests
- accept(…): accept a particular client request
The socket call in full is:
int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, /* versus AF_LOCAL */
SOCK_STREAM, /* reliable, bidirectional */
0); /* system picks protocol (TCP) */The first argument specifies a network socket as opposed to an IPC socket. There are several options for the second argument, but SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_DGRAM (datagram) are likely the most used. A stream-based socket supports a reliable channel in which lost or altered messages are reported; the channel is bidirectional, and the payloads from one side to the other can be arbitrary in size. By contrast, a datagram-based socket is unreliable (best try), unidirectional, and requires fixed-sized payloads. The third argument to socket specifies the protocol. For the stream-based socket in play here, there is a single choice, which the zero represents: TCP. Because a successful call to socket returns the familiar file descriptor, a socket is written and read with the same syntax as, for example, a local file.
The bind call is the most complicated, as it reflects various refinements in the socket API. The point of interest is that this call binds the socket to a memory address on the server machine. However, the listen call is straightforward:
if (listen(fd, MaxConnects) < 0)
The first argument is the socket's file descriptor and the second specifies how many client connections can be accommodated before the server issues a connection refused error on an attempted connection. (MaxConnects is set to 8 in the header file sock.h.)
The accept call defaults to a blocking wait: the server does nothing until a client attempts to connect and then proceeds. The accept function returns -1 to indicate an error. If the call succeeds, it returns another file descriptor-for a read/write socket in contrast to the accepting socket referenced by the first argument in the accept call. The server uses the read/write socket to read requests from the client and to write responses back. The accepting socket is used only to accept client connections.
By design, a server runs indefinitely. Accordingly, the server can be terminated with a Ctrl+C from the command line.
Example 2. The socket client
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include "sock.h"const char* books[] = {"War and Peace",
"Pride and Prejudice",
"The Sound and the Fury"};void report(const char* msg, int terminate) {
if (terminate) exit(-1); /* failure */
}int main() {
/* fd for the socket */
int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, /* versus AF_LOCAL */
SOCK_STREAM, /* reliable, bidirectional */
0); /* system picks protocol (TCP) */
if (sockfd < 0) report("socket", 1); /* terminate *//* get the address of the host */
struct hostent* hptr = gethostbyname(Host); /* localhost: */
if (!hptr) report("gethostbyname", 1); /* is hptr NULL? */
if (hptr->h_addrtype != AF_INET) /* versus AF_LOCAL */
report("bad address family", 1);/* connect to the server: configure server's address 1st */
struct sockaddr_in saddr;
memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr));
saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
saddr.sin_addr.s_addr =
((struct in_addr*) hptr->h_addr_list[0])->s_addr;
saddr.sin_port = htons(PortNumber); /* port number in big-endian */if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*) &saddr, sizeof(saddr)) < 0)
report("connect", 1);/* Write some stuff and read the echoes. */
puts("Connect to server, about to write some stuff...");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ConversationLen; i++) {
if (write(sockfd, books[i], strlen(books[i])) > 0) {
/* get confirmation echoed from server and print */
char buffer[BuffSize + 1];
memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer));
if (read(sockfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) > 0)
puts("Client done, about to exit...");
close(sockfd); /* close the connection */
return 0;
}The client program's setup code is similar to the server's. The principal difference between the two is that the client neither listens nor accepts, but instead connects:
if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*) &saddr, sizeof(saddr)) < 0)
The connect call might fail for several reasons; for example, the client has the wrong server address or too many clients are already connected to the server. If the connect operation succeeds, the client writes requests and then reads the echoed responses in a for loop. After the conversation, both the server and the client close the read/write socket, although a close operation on either side is sufficient to close the connection. The client exits thereafter but, as noted earlier, the server remains open for business.
The socket example, with request messages echoed back to the client, hints at the possibilities of arbitrarily rich conversations between the server and the client. Perhaps this is the chief appeal of sockets. It is common on modern systems for client applications (e.g., a database client) to communicate with a server through a socket. As noted earlier, local IPC sockets and network sockets differ only in a few implementation details; in general, IPC sockets have lower overhead and better performance. The communication API is essentially the same for both.
A signal interrupts an executing program and, in this sense, communicates with it. Most signals can be either ignored (blocked) or handled (through designated code), with SIGSTOP (pause) and SIGKILL (terminate immediately) as the two notable exceptions. Symbolic constants such as SIGKILL have integer values, in this case, 9.
Signals can arise in user interaction. For example, a user hits Ctrl+C from the command line to terminate a program started from the command-line; Ctrl+C generates a SIGTERM signal. SIGTERM for terminate, unlike SIGKILL, can be either blocked or handled. One process also can signal another, thereby making signals an IPC mechanism.
Consider how a multi-processing application such as the Nginx web server might be shut down gracefully from another process. The kill function:
int kill(pid_t pid, int signum); /* declaration */
can be used by one process to terminate another process or group of processes. If the first argument to function kill is greater than zero, this argument is treated as the pid (process ID) of the targeted process; if the argument is zero, the argument identifies the group of processes to which the signal sender belongs.
The second argument to kill is either a standard signal number (e.g., SIGTERM or SIGKILL) or 0, which makes the call to signal a query about whether the pid in the first argument is indeed valid. The graceful shutdown of a multi-processing application thus could be accomplished by sending a terminate signal-a call to the kill function with SIGTERM as the second argument-to the group of processes that make up the application. (The Nginx master process could terminate the worker processes with a call to kill and then exit itself.) The kill function, like so many library functions, houses power and flexibility in a simple invocation syntax.
Example 3. The graceful shutdown of a multi-processing system
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>void graceful(int signum) {
printf("\tChild confirming received signal: %i\n", signum);
puts("\tChild about to terminate gracefully...");
puts("\tChild terminating now...");
_exit(0); /* fast-track notification of parent */
}void set_handler() {
struct sigaction current;
sigemptyset(¤t.sa_mask); /* clear the signal set */
current.sa_flags = 0; /* enables setting sa_handler, not sa_action */
current.sa_handler = graceful; /* specify a handler */
sigaction(SIGTERM, ¤t, NULL); /* register the handler */
}void child_code() {
set_handler();while (1) { /** loop until interrupted **/
puts("\tChild just woke up, but going back to sleep.");
}void parent_code(pid_t cpid) {
puts("Parent sleeping for a time...");
sleep(5);/* Try to terminate child. */
if (-1 == kill(cpid, SIGTERM)) {
wait(NULL); /** wait for child to terminate **/
puts("My child terminated, about to exit myself...");
}int main() {
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) {
return -1; /* error */
if (0 == pid)
return 0; /* normal */
}The shutdown program above simulates the graceful shutdown of a multi-processing system, in this case, a simple one consisting of a parent process and a single child process. The simulation works as follows:
- The parent process tries to fork a child. If the fork succeeds, each process executes its own code: the child executes the function child_code, and the parent executes the function parent_code.
- The child process goes into a potentially infinite loop in which the child sleeps for a second, prints a message, goes back to sleep, and so on. It is precisely a SIGTERM signal from the parent that causes the child to execute the signal-handling callback function graceful. The signal thus breaks the child process out of its loop and sets up the graceful termination of both the child and the parent. The child prints a message before terminating.
- The parent process, after forking the child, sleeps for five seconds so that the child can execute for a while; of course, the child mostly sleeps in this simulation. The parent then calls the kill function with SIGTERM as the second argument, waits for the child to terminate, and then exits.
Here is the output from a sample run:
% ./shutdown
Parent sleeping for a time...
Child just woke up, but going back to sleep.
Child just woke up, but going back to sleep.
Child just woke up, but going back to sleep.
Child just woke up, but going back to sleep.
Child confirming received signal: 15 ## SIGTERM is 15
Child about to terminate gracefully...
Child terminating now...
My child terminated, about to exit myself...For the signal handling, the example uses the sigaction library function (POSIX recommended) rather than the legacy signal function, which has portability issues. Here are the code segments of chief interest:
- If the call to fork succeeds, the parent executes the parent_code function and the child executes the child_code function. The parent waits for five seconds before signaling the child:
puts("Parent sleeping for a time...");
if (-1 == kill(cpid, SIGTERM)) {
...If the kill call succeeds, the parent does a wait on the child's termination to prevent the child from becoming a permanent zombie; after the wait, the parent exits.- The child_code function first calls set_handler and then goes into its potentially infinite sleeping loop. Here is the set_handler function for review:
void set_handler() {
struct sigaction current; /* current setup */
sigemptyset(¤t.sa_mask); /* clear the signal set */
current.sa_flags = 0; /* for setting sa_handler, not sa_action */
current.sa_handler = graceful; /* specify a handler */
sigaction(SIGTERM, ¤t, NULL); /* register the handler */
}The first three lines are preparation. The fourth statement sets the handler to the function graceful, which prints some messages before calling _exit to terminate. The fifth and last statement then registers the handler with the system through the call to sigaction. The first argument to sigaction is SIGTERM for terminate, the second is the current sigaction setup, and the last argument (NULL in this case) can be used to save a previous sigaction setup, perhaps for later use.Using signals for IPC is indeed a minimalist approach, but a tried-and-true one at that. IPC through signals clearly belongs in the IPC toolbox.
Marty Kalin - I'm an academic in computer science (College of Computing and Digital Media, DePaul University) with wide experience in software development, mostly in production planning and scheduling (steel industry) and product configuration (truck and bus manufacturing). Details on books and other publications are available at Marty Kalin's hompage
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Here's another technique that helps you split an application into a privileged and a non-privileged part. In the fork example, we used a pipe for communication between the front-end and the backend. One drawback with this is that pipes are one-way only, so you'd need two of them if the back end is to talk to the front-end as well. Another problem with the fork approach in general is that the two processes cannot exchange resources such as open file descriptors easily. Imagine an application where the user selects one out of several serial ports, and wants to open it. You can design the application so that the front-end asks the back-end to open the serial device, but how do you transfer the open file to the front-end process?
This is where Unix domain sockets come in. This family of sockets is for local communication only, i.e. you cannot use them across a network. They do have some properties that make them unique; one of them is what's commonly called file descriptor passing. One process can attach a set of file descriptors to a message it sends through the socket, and if the peer is willing to receive them, these open files are attached to the recipient's file set.
Here's an outline of using a back end for opening serial ports:
int backend_fd; void init_backend(void) { char buffer[1024]; int pair[2], fd, n; pid_t pid; if (socketpair(PF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, pair) < 0) fatal("socketpair failed"); if ((pid = fork()) < 0) fatal("fork failed"); if (pid != 0) { if (setuid(getuid()) < 0) fatal("unable to drop privs"); backend_fd = pair[0]; close(pair[1]); return; } /* We're the backend */ close(pair[0]); fd = pair[1]; while ((n = recv(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, 0)) > 0) { char control[sizeof(struct cmsg)+10]; struct msghdr msg; struct cmsghdr *cmsg; struct iovec iov; int tty; buffer[n] = '\0'; if (strchr(buffer, '/') != NULL || strncmp(buffer, "ttyS", 4)) reply(fd, "bad tty path"); else if ((tty = lock_and_open_port(buffer)) < 0) reply(fd, "tty already locked"); else { /* Response data */ iov.iov_base = "OK"; iov.iov_len = 2; /* compose the message */ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.msg_iov = &iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; msg.msg_control = control; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(control); /* attach open tty fd */ cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET; cmsg->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS; cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(tty)); *(int *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg) = tty; msg.msg_controllen = cmsg->cmsg_len; if (sendmsg(fd, &msg, 0) < 0) fatal("sendmsg failed"); } } exit(0); } int open_tty(const char *name) { char data[1024], control[1024]; struct msghdr msg; struct cmsghdr *cmsg; struct iovec iov; if (write(backend_fd, name, strlen(name)) < 0) fatal("write failed"); memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); iov.iov_base = data; iov.iov_len = sizeof(data)-1; msg.msg_iov = &iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; msg.msg_control = control; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(control); if (recvmsg(backend_fd, &msg, 0) < 0) fatal("recvmsg failed"); data[iov.iov_len] = '\0'; if (strcmp(data, "OK")) { printf("failed to open %s: %s\n", name, data); return -1; } /* Loop over all control messages */ cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); while (cmsg != NULL) { if (cmsg->cmsg_level == SOL_SOCKET && cmsg->cmsg_type == SCM_RIGHTS) return *(int *) CMSG_DATA(cmsg); cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg); } printf("failed to open %s: bug!\n"); return -1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { init_backend(); /* parse arguments, set up GUI etc */ /* now open tty */ fd = open_tty("ttyS0"); }The init_backend function, which is called as the very first thing in main(), creates a Unix socket pair and forks a worker process that continues with root privilege, while the main parent process that does all the GUI stuff drops all privilege before returning to main().
When the frontend comes around to opening a serial port, it sends the name of the device to the backend via the Unix socket. The backend performs some sanity checks on the name to make sure this is indeed a serial port and not /etc/shadow it's about to open, and tries to create a lock file. If any of this fails, it simply returns an error message to the front-end. If all this succeeds however, it sends the string
as response, and sends the file descriptor of the open tty along.This code, as well as the code that receives the open tty descriptor in open_tty looks quite complicated, and it really is. The reason for this is that the only way to do file descriptor passing is by using sendmsg and recvmsg, and a control message (struct cmsghdr) attached to it. I will not go into greater details here concerning these details; if this is all greek to you (as it was to me when I first tried to understand it), refer to the manual pages for sendmsg and recvmsg, as well as cmsg(3).
There's a second control message Unix sockets offer which is quite interesting in a security context. On Linux and BSD, Unix sockets allow you to obtain the Unix credentials of the process that sent you a particular message. These credentials come along as a control message at level SOL_SOCKET, type SCM_CREDENTIALS. They're passed as a struct containing uid, gid, and pid of the sender process.
This is quite useful for applications that are supposed to serve local users only, and need to know the identity of the user connecting to them.
The most convenient way to use this feature is for the server to set the SO_PASSCRED socket option. It can then retrieve the user credentials every time the client sends a message:
int svc_make(const char *pathname) { struct sockaddr_un sun; int on = 1; /* create server socket */ fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); /* bind it */ memset(&sun, 0, sizeof(sun)); sun.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(sun.sun_path, pathname); bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sun, sizeof(sun)); listen(fd, 10); /* turn on credentials passing */ setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PASSCRED, &on, sizeof(on)); return fd; } int svc_recv(int fd, char *buffer, size_t size, struct ucred *cred) { char control[1024]; struct msghdr msg; struct cmsghdr *cmsg; struct iovec iov; int result; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); iov.iov_base = buffer; iov.iov_len = size; msg.msg_iov = &iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; msg.msg_control = control; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(control); if (recvmsg(fd, &msg, 0) < 0) return -1; result = -1; cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); while (cmsg != NULL) { if (cmsg->cmsg_level == SOL_SOCKET && cmsg->cmsg_type == SCM_CREDENTIALS) { memcpy(cred, CMSG_DATA(cmsg), sizeof(*cred)); result = iov.iov_len; } else if (cmsg->cmsg_level == SOL_SOCKET && cmsg->cmsg_type == SCM_RIGHTS) { dispose_fds((int *) CMSG_DATA(cmsg), (cmsg->cmsg_len - CMSG_LEN(0))/sizeof(int)); } cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg); } return result; }The svc_make routine creates a Unix stream socket, and sets its SO_PASSCRED option. The svc_recv function receives data from the client, and in addition extracts the sender's credentials. This gives the server the uid and gid of the process that sent the message. This information is reliable (well, it's as trustworthy as the integrity of your kernel).
There are two things to watch out for, however. The first is that the identity of the sender may change from message to message. If you don't want to deal with this kind of multiple personality disorder, you should at least verify that the uid/gid of the client remains the same, and balk if not.
The second issue is that a process receiving any control messages via Unix sockets can also be sent socket descriptors by a client. If you're not prepared to handle file descriptors passed by the client, an attacker can flood your server with open file descriptors until it reaches its resource limit; after that, it will be unable to accept new connections. This is why the sample code above calls the dispose_fds function when receiving file descriptors from the client.11.7
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UNIX Socket FAQ - Powered by vBulletin
UNIX Socket Programming in C -- Programming UNIX Sockets in C - Frequently Asked Questions Created by Vic Metcalfe, Andrew Gierth and other contributers May 21, 1998
Beej's Guide to Network Programming -- Using Internet Sockets Version 1.5.4 (17-May-1998) [http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~beej/guide/net]
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6 Linux Interprocess Communications
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