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Sony SmartWatch 2 -- was one of the most promising models in 2013. Now it is discontinued but remains compartative with smartwatches in $100 price range. The main competition now is LG G Watch
Three days battery life (which can be extended to a week, if you switch watches off for the night), good form facor, good combination of features (and first of all no camera of mike which is a huge plus ;-).
It is a MENS sized watch. Women may find it a bit large. The Sony watch does not run Android native. It utilizes the android ADK concept (accessory development kit) so the Sony watch is more like a remote display to your phone.
It has a passive transflective screen which displays 100% of the time, even without backlight. The Sony sw2 screen when it is "dark" (no backlight) can be read with normal indoor lighting. Battery life is ~3-4 days
The watch vibrates when it loses connection with the phone and vibrates again when in range. If you can't find the phone once it is connected a find phone free app can be used on the watch to make the phone play a tune.
It is not without problems:
Some useful quotes from Amazon reviews:
...Considering the smart watches available at this time and in the forseeable near future (Pebble, Kreyos, Galaxy Gear, Vachen, Qualcomm Toq, and others), I believe the Sony Smartwatch 2 is absolutely the best purchase. It really has the best combination of specs, looks, (and even value, as if that is a concern for you, considering you are looking at purchasing a smartwatch to begin with). I have no doubt the software will rapidly improve due to the popularity of this product.
... the bluetooth range is limited to about 25-30 feet So if you live in a bigger home then expect your watch to drop in and out of connection frequently.
When they wouldn't connect at all I found that they would often reconnect if I turned off the watch, rebooted the phone, and then turned the watch on again. This is a nuisance, but not as bad as re-pairing and reinstalling everything to the watch. The last time this happened, instead of rebooting the phone, I turned Bluetooth off and then on again. It worked that time and I will have to see if this works consistently.
I've found the watch to also be of greater value now with programs which send notifications for multiple programs. This both reduces the number of programs you need running and provides notifications for every program you want shown on the watch regardless of whether there is a smartwatch app. For example, if your phone has notifications for Facebook and Twitter you can have these relayed to the smartwatch without having to run separate programs to monitor Facebook and Twitter. I like WatchIt! the best of programs of this type which I have tried, and it is free. Augmented Smartwatch Pro is an interesting paid app. I don't like it for replacing most notification apps as it is intended, but it does so much that even though I don't use it for notifications it still replaces several other apps such as missed call notification, battery meter, weather (but only gives weather for the current day), rain alerts, phone signal strength, and control of music apps (for pausing and starting, but without volume control).
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3.0 out of 5 stars Blu Tooth Issues resolved - Updated,October 3, 2013 By
V. K. Balasubramanian "Nikon D700 Rocks!" (Virginia) - See all my reviews
(REAL NAME)Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Sony Smart Watch SW2 for Android Phones (Wireless Phone Accessory)Bought this device as second Android screen for my Samsung Galaxy S4 smart phone. Got with the black strap. So far it is working ok. There were some initial troubles in pairing this device with my phone via NFC. After several attempts, gave up on NFC pairing and went with blu tooth pairing. Blu tooth pairing is holding good till now. I have moved this watch away from the phone by significant distance and did not face any re-pairing type annoyances yet.
The watch face is wider than the length by few mm. I went with this watch instead of Samsung gear because I have small hands and I thought this will fit better than Samsung gear. The Gear is longer and narrower than Sony SW2. This watch sits perfect on my hand with no constant sliding in any direction. I have to use the last hole on the strap though.
I did not go with Samsung Gear because, as of now it will not work with my S4. I was also not keen on camera, extra cost and non-replaceable straps.
The resolution on SW2 is decent, but Samsung Gear resolution is much better. I did not compare them side by side, but I am fine with Sony SW2 resolution. I purchased one app so far to enable me to dial numbers from the phone (just for coolness factor).
The SW2 has one button on the side (like a regular watch) and it has 3 soft buttons (back, home and apps type button - still trying to figure this one out). You cannot press the soft buttons directly without pressing side button first. One the other side, there is a micro usb port to charge the watch.
Sony SW2 Smart Connect Liveware is the software that need to be installed on the phone first. It happens when the watch is paired with phone. One can also download the s/w from google play store directly as well. Once the Liveware s/w is installed the watch comes to life. The liveware s/w gives options to installs apps on the watch directly. There are few to select from.
The screen response is decent. It is not blazing fast, but generally responsive. I have installed Gmail, Messages, phone app, dial pad so far. They all work fine. The gmail app shows the gmail on your watch, messages shows texts on watch on so on. The dialpad allowed me to dial a number from the watch.
My biggest complaint about this watch is its standby brightness. It is very low and it is difficult to read the time without pushing the side button. The black watch face (shown in some pictures) is absolutely not readable. I have switched to white background, which made it marginally better. Pushing the side button, brightens up the screen and makes the time very readable. I think this is a big miss for Sony SW2. The watch should always tell time clearly without the need to push additional buttons. Hopefully this will get fixed via s/w update in near future.
My second issue is that there are no apps to allow multiple timezones to be displayed on the watch. As a watch linked to smartphone, I think this should have been made available out of the box. It should have allowed the travelers to switch timezones with a simple swipe action. This would have made it really useful for people traveling in multiple time zones regularly. I hope an app gets released by Sony or some third party to address this gap. There is a timezone app in the market, which allows to set a single timezone.
I will keep testing and post any updates.
- fits on my small hand
- looks good
- wide and flexible strap
- Decent resolution
- Some useful appsCons:
- Standby display brightness is very low making it very difficult to tell time without pushing the side button
- Cannot pair via NFC (may be it is a galaxy s4 issue)
- Very few free apps. Most of the apps are at least 0.99
- No hotmail app
- Mail app listed by liveware is not compatible with the watch
- No world clock app yet
- Watch froze once so far, Had to reset (by pushing and holding power button for 15 second)Update : 10/4/2013
The device is always paired over blu tooth. As some else pointed out, NFC is just for easier pairing. I think the issue was, when I tried pair it by NFC tapping, it did not download the liveware software. However when I paired it using blu tooth manually, it started downloading liveware software. I stand corrected on the NFC pairing. Thanks for pointing it out. However, theI am downgrading it 1 star because this device impacts the call quality on my blu tooth paired car phone system (honda odyssey). When this device is paired, the phone calls have become scratchy, barely audible over the other blu tooth paired headset.
Update : 10/11/2013
The blue tooth issue has been resolved after taking to an android expert. Basically on the phone I have to turn off sending Media Audio over BT, but only send Call Audio over BT. This resolved the call quality issues I had with Odyssey Handsfree Link BT.
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