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(slightly skeptical) Educational society promoting "Back to basics" movement against IT overcomplexity and bastardization of classic Unix |
WSH | VBA Developer's Handbook | Office XP Development with VBA | Windows Registry | |
Excel VBA | MS Word VBA | PowerPoint | Etc |
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is the embedded programming language in the Microsoft Office suite of applications. VBA provides a complete integrated development environment (IDE) that allows for document automation, the process of using an automated template for creating documents. Word VBA Document Automation is for those advanced users who are looking to automate the task of preparing documents and programmers who are unfamiliar with document automation and the Word object model. Among the areas that need to be learned are:
There are few books on the subject of writing Word macros, and none of the available books on the market has complete coverage. Guy Hart-Davis's Word 2000 Developer's Handbook seems to be the best. Steven Roman's Writing Word Macros is not bad despite Amazon reviews (lemming effect ;-)
**** Microsoft Windows 2000 Scripting Guide
by The Microsoft Windows Resource Kit
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 3,031
Not for the faint of heart!, January 31, 2003
This book is massive!
Reviewer: A reader from TX United States I will hand it to the reader from Indy that there are some typos, but every book I have seen that contains code has typos. Usually, this is attributed to the fact that the person(s) who edit the book, don't understand the material. Most coders are not good editors, and most editors are not good coders.
Putting that aside, I found this book to be an extremely valuable REFERENCE. I put that in caps because if you try to read it from cover to cover, you will wind up in a mental facility making little wicker baskets. That's probably what happened to the editors ;)
In addition to typos, these books frequently suffer from very bad indexes. The accompanying CD compensates for this shortcoming by providing a fully searchable electronic version of the book.
This book is a must-have, but it is not the scripting book to start with. If you are just starting, get Stanek's Windows 2000 Scripting Bible.
Managing Enterprise Systems with the Windows Script Host
Windows Shell Scripting and WSH Administrator's Guide
VBA Developer's Handbook, 2nd Edition
by Ken Getz, Mike Gilbert
On ocassions the author explains VBA for an specific application, say Word, but then he changes to give general explanations for all applications at once, disorderly mentioning exceptions for Excel, Word, Project or PowerPoint, what makes the reading difficult. No, this book is not for me. I need principles and theory handsomely applied in concrete cases. |
After reading the book, the reader can answer
the question the author has: "why I wrote this book?". To glorify him obviously, since they're virtually everywhere
I-do-this, I-do-that, I-show-you-this-and-that. The reader knows perferctly that this book has been written by the
author (like any book!), so there's no need for this perpetual I-do-this things. Besides, the only element that
matters is not the author bur the book itself. If you can stand this self-promotion, then the worst is yet to come.
This book has no real structure, making its use and finding information a true headache. The summary is a clear proof: part 1) some essential background, 2)excel application development, 3) VBA, 4) userforms, 5) advanced techniques, 6) developing applications, 7) others. Since part 2 is devoted to devlopping, why this subject should again comes in part 6? Besides, isn't the whole book dedicated to developing? Finding what you want, even in the detailed contents, is harsh and shows that there's no plan, but rather disseaminated pieces of information, just like the VBA help. Instead of clearly dividing by general topic (variables, objects, methods...), the author has a special order where everything seems mixed and spread in the book. Here something about methods, then some chapters later, another thing about methods etc. And the author, instead of devolping and insiting on crucial themes, like accessing and working with external data (e.g. Access), contents itself with a short paragraph saying: please refer to other books! However, this book devotes around 100 pages to worthless history (starting with VisiCalc in 1978!!!) and the like. Incredible! That some historical material exist, why not. But that this comes while the essential is not here, that's inadmissible. That's why what this product is supposed to give begins only at page 120. Besides, the layout (font, colors...) makes this book very unpleasant to read, so you want to close it ASAP, which is not exactly a good point. The 3-star ranking reflects the amount of data provided, and some good points. If you want a true and efficient book on Excel VBA, go for Definitve guide to Excel VBA which is really worthwhile. |
I have finished up to chapter 10. The contents are very light. It talks about very basic syntax that are almost the same in any language (e.g. C, Java, Perl C++...) It puts hundreds of pages that can be done in a half of the volumn. It does not tell you much about the object details. It seems to tell you to explore the objects and methods by recording macro and learning by trial and error. If so, I don't need this book. First of all, time is money. I spent money, time to read hundreds of pages. The author suggests you to trial and error. I really don't think it is a very good book. But I still give 3 stars (I am quite geneous!) Maybe most audiences of this book are never program in his/her life. This may be good for them. For someone who has experiences in programming. It is not very useful. |
Anyone even a little familiar with using the VB language inside Word or Excel macros knows that the real study is how the internal application commands can be issued through the VB coding structure. While Cummings knows a good deal about VB, he ultimately recommends that the reader use the Word and Excel help screens to learn how VB uses the application commands. Unfortunately, a book about VBA needs to be about how to invoke these application commands from within the VB structure. Not going into these is like promising to teach how to cook a spaghetti dinner, and only explaining how to boil water. If you don't already know VB, then pick up Wallace Wang's "Visual Basic 6 for Windows for Dummies". It gets half the VBA job done. I'm still waiting for someone to write the other half. |
Office XP Development with VBA
by Peter G. Aitken (Author)
Peter Aitken is the author of several interesting book on programming including:
Excel Programming Weekend Crash Course
Microsoft Outlook Programming, Jumpstart for Administrators, Developers, and Power Users
by Sue Mosher (Author)
person recommended
Building Applications with Microsoft Outlook Version 2002 (With CD-ROM) in addition to Microsoft Outlook Programming,
Jumpstart for Administrators, Developers, and Power Users
Reviewer: Kim Gorman from Cranford, NJ USA |
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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
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Last modified: March 12, 2019