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HPOM and Agents Health Checks using itochecker

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HPOM/ HPOM Server Processes Checking the HPOM Processes Log Files   Humor Etc

Note: HP renamed the product called now HP operations manager way too many times. Also it is very inconsistent with using abbreviations. Here we will assume that the term "HP Operations manager" and abbreviations HPOM, OMU, and OVO  mean the same thing :-)

HPOM provides several utilities to assist with troubleshooting in the /opt/OV/contrib/OpC directory. One utility, the itochecker, provides an overall check of your OS and HPOM environment. 

While a useful Born shell script with the unique and very educational set of checks (studying the code gives you some additional insights about HPOM), it is badly maintained and have a serious weaknesses some of them stemming from the use of Born shell and others from the lack of maintenance:

The itochecker report is a useful tool to pinpoint existing problems and should be used as the first step in evaluating the HPOM server health.  After invocation it displays the following menu:

Usage: itochecker [1234567lxtshma]
itochecker 09.00.160 - an expert utility from the HP Operations Manager Support

  Select one or multiple check groups:
    1 - System environment check
    2 - HPOM  environment check
    3 - General database che
    4 - Database/node verification
    5 - Nodes check
    6 - JavaGUI/SvcNavigator check
    7 - Performance checks

  Select specific options if requested:
    l - Check licenses, when checking nodes (check 5)
    x - Check via snmp, when checking nodes (check 5)
    t - tar and zip output files to one file, including
        cluster, core, opcinfo/error, ito_op information
    s - check only a specified node
        (only effective, if Nodes check was chosen)
    h - Help
    m - Send messages to the  HPOM  Message Browser
    a - run the checks 1-6 with options t and m
    q - Quit

  Type one or multiple numbers/characters and press 
  to start the checks (any sequence is allowed)


Read the man page for usage details. The primary areas of interest are any categories that show errors.

To run the tool in non-interactive mode you need to supply at least one option.


Checking HPOM agents

 Itochecker is a very useful tool for checking the health of the agents. To check the agents please run:

/opt/OV/contrib/OpC/itochecker -5

Here is an example of the report

  Nodes Overview
  Nodename             Node state   Agent State  Cert. State  Config State    Overall   OK           WARNING      OK           OK              WARNING


Checking HPOM server

To check HPOM environment, you can run: 

/opt/OV/contrib/OpC/itochecker -2

It will generate the report in both text and HTML formats. The HTML is structured as index page and multiple sections (one for each category of checks).

For checking the server combining the first four option ( -1234 ) is the best, for example:

/opt/OV/contrib/OpC/itochecker -1234

Name Resolution
System Info
Checking hardware model ...
Checking memory, swap, software versions ...
Checking free disk space ...
Checking total disk space ...
Number Of Processes / System Load
System file permissions
OS Patches

Finished System environment check

HPOM Version/Package & ECS Designer
Server Processes
Kernel Parameters
HPOM Patches
Installed HPOM filesets
HPOM Binaries: Version and Patches
HPOM Libraries: Version and Patches
Diskspace in DB and HPOM directories
Pending Data in Distribution Directory
Policy and Config Files
Cluster Information
core File Information
config settings and error log files
Checking opcerror

Elements in Server Queues
Elements in Agent Queues
Critical file permissions and ownership
HP Operations Manager Components

Finished HPOM environment check

Database Information
Database Queries

Finished database check

Agent Entries in DB / Agent Entries in Filesystem
Diskspace in Oracle Directory
usage: grep [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-bhinsvwx] -e pattern_list...
        [-f pattern_file...] [file...]
usage: grep [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-bhinsvwx] [-e pattern_list...]
        -f pattern_file... [file...]
usage: grep [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-bhinsvwx] pattern [file...]

Finished HPOM database check

Check /tmp/ito_rpt/ITO.rpt or file:/tmp/ito_rpt/report.html for details

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Old News

[Mar 26, 2012] Perl Script that must run on HPUX11i server

Perl Script to monitor OV Platform: HPUX 11i Perl Version: 5.8.8. This idea of using baseline lit of processes for the server and the agent can be implemented in many different ways but it is definitely worth implementing.

1. Run the following commands.

# ovstatus

Exclude monitoring of "genaanosrvr", "httpd", and "ovctrl" because their status is unknown in normal situation.

Make a list of all daemons (the first column) for which the State column (third column) is not "RUNNING". Then email "OVSTATUS problem - <list of daemons> not running on `hostname`" to the list of recipients.

Sample (Good) output of ovstatus

root@ds0demt2# ovstatus -c

Name PID State Last Message(s)


ovsessionmgr 3202 RUNNING Initialization complete.

ovwdb 3203 RUNNING Initialization complete.

ovuispmd 3295 RUNNING Initialized. 0 ovw clients registered.

ovtrapd 3288 RUNNING Initialization complete.

ovactiond 3289 RUNNING Initialization complete.

ovalarmsrv 3290 RUNNING Initialization complete.

pmd 3204 RUNNING Initialization complete.

genannosrvr - unknown (Does not communicate with ovspmd.)

httpd - unknown (Does not communicate with ovspmd.)

ovtopmd 3287 RUNNING Connected to native database "openview".

netmon 3296 RUNNING Initialization complete.

ovrequestd 3208 RUNNING Initialization complete.

ovctrl - unknown (Does not communicate with ovspmd.)

ovoacomm 3369 RUNNING Open Agent Service Server Initialization Complete.

opc 3390 RUNNING OVO Server Initialization Complete.

ovas 3370 RUNNING Initialization complete.

ovdbcheck 3292 RUNNING Connected to embedded database.

2. Run the following command.

# ovc

Make a list of daemons name (the first column) for which the status is not "Running" (the last column). Then email one message that "OVC Problem - <list of daemons> not running on `hostname`" to the list of recipients.

Sample "Good" output of ovc

[0]root@ss2: # ovc
agtrep      OV Discovery Agent                  AGENT,AgtRep (5770)   Running
coda        OV Performance Core                 COREXT       (5767)   Running
opcacta     OVO Action Agent                    AGENT,EA     (5759)   Running
opcmona     OVO Monitor Agent                   AGENT,EA     (5773)   Running
opcmsga     OVO Message Agent                   AGENT,EA     (5700)   Running
opcmsgi     OVO Message Interceptor             AGENT,EA     (5762)   Running
ovbbccb     OV Communication Broker             CORE         (3989)   Running
ovcd        OV Control                          CORE         (3979)   Running
ovconfd     OV Config and Deploy                COREXT       (4014)   Running

3. Run the following command.

# opcagt

Make a list of daemons name (the first column) for which the status is not "Running" (the last column). Then email one message that "OPCAGT Problem - <list of daemons> not running on `hostname`" to the list of recipients.

Sample "Good" output of opcagt

[127] root@ss2: # opcagt
agtrep      OV Discovery Agent                  AGENT,AgtRep (5770)   Running
coda        OV Performance Core                 COREXT       (5767)   Running
opcacta     OVO Action Agent                    AGENT,EA     (5759)   Running
opcmona     OVO Monitor Agent                   AGENT,EA     (5773)   Running
opcmsga     OVO Message Agent                   AGENT,EA     (5700)   Running
opcmsgi     OVO Message Interceptor             AGENT,EA     (5762)   Running
Message Agent is not buffering.

4. Run the following command.

# opcsv

Make a list of daemons name (the second column) for which the status is not "running" (the last column). Then email one message that "OPCSV Problem - <list of daemons> not running on `hostname`" to the list of recipients.

Sample "Good" output of opcsv

root@ds0demt2# opcsv

OVO Management Server status:


Control Manager opcctlm (3390) is running

Event Corr. Mgr opcecm (3411) is running

Action Manager opcactm (3413) is running

Message Manager opcmsgm (3414) is running

TT & Notify Mgr opcttnsm (3415) is running

Forward Manager opcforwm (3416) is running

Service Engine opcsvcm (3421) is running

ECS Anno. Mgr opcecmas (3412) is running

Cert. Srv Adapter opccsad (3419) is running

BBC config adapter opcbbcdist (3420) is running

Display Manager opcdispm (3417) is running

Distrib. Manager opcdistm (3418) is running

Open Agent Management status:


Request Sender ovoareqsdr (3369) is running

Request Handler ovoareqhdlr (3387) is running

Message Receiver (HTTPS) opcmsgrb (3388) is running

Message Receiver (DCE) opcmsgrd (3389) is running

OV Control Core components status:


OV Control ovcd (2593) is running

OV Communication Broker ovbbccb (2599) is running

OV Certificate Server ovcs (3217) is running


COUNT=`ps -ef | grep telalert | grep -v grep | wc -l`

if [[ $COUNT -lt 2 ]]


TA_MESSAGE="Telalert Processes are not running on `hostname`"

Send TA_MESSAGE to the List of Recipients



# Check if Telalert Queue is backed up and issue ITO alert if so


if [ `/opt/telalert/bin/telalert -show|wc -l` -ge 200 ]


TA_MESSAGE="FYI - Telalert Queue is Full. Automatic action will clear th

e queue."

/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcmsg a=NSM msg_grp=OS o=Telalert s=critical msg_text="


SEND $TA_MESSAGE to the list of recipients



# Copy Telalert trail file to /var/DCG /LOGS


DATE_TIME=`date '+%Y%m'`





exit 0



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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D

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Last modified: March 12, 2019